The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, November 29, 1867, Image 4

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Quitman Advertwmenth.. FALL AND WINTER TRADE. J. R. EDMONDSONj would m-NrKCTm.LV inform tiik public that hk ha: received a!i.l <|> n■<i ■! largo supply of O«o<l><, adapted t<> 1 lie Fitll and VViulcr Trndr ; mu] i* w prepared tu ( one of tl»e most exletwive mid varied Stock* of HEAVY AND FANCY DRY GOODS Hoots uiid Slioes, lints nail t'ii|i», Iliirdirm-e mu! Cutlery, Cruel lies mid i*rov inns, linffgfng mill Hope, Pfotlons, ete., ete., Ever hr.iiiglit to Qnilmati, w idi will lie tillered ut tin: LOWEST CASH I’KICES, or on II.'JK, to prompt parties, pnyaliie the detll day of December next. J 1 is ut* o* Is of <i • •' Inis lice II piuclumoil direct from the Best Markets in the United States, AND ALL AUK OF THE VERY BEST AM) MOST RELIABLE QUALITY lit* attention it* given to tin: tVIIOLE.-iALB ns well n* Retail Trade, which enable* him to ufl’er superior induecniciit* to those engaged in tlic Hutnil business alone. A cull is respectfully solicited whi n you viuit town. tt£r Orderi solicited and promptly Hllcd. JAMIES It KDMONDiSON. QVItKAX, OKI), Kept 27, I*fi7. ::<» ( NEW STORE! Under the Banner Office, QXJITMANT, G-EO. WAR Declared A4MLW IIMMI PUCKS! Calico at 12 1-2 Cents per Yard, And Everything Else in Proportion! MEDLOCK & SPARKS Having Received their New and well .selected Stock of mi if ia mm, limpet! tfully 111 will' till, public to coll atiit cxamlno I loon before purelnwinK elscwtierc. Fn.m nur |nßj( <".v|.i<-i-ioiieo in tlm Mt'i'.iitiitlh' ImnlnrsK, our 1100-./o/rli in-i|tminli'ncti nitli business man anil lii-t class houses, ivt- (latter on; -i'llthat cun n-iike it vci v in it. -i.illy In your interest to give us a mill, ttv knnw Unit our Hluek Inv Inn-n linoglu !.(.)« , im,| Ukotlw. hi In. Holil OIIBAI*. We hare all New Goods and all Low Prices ! NO OLD (100DS AND NO 11101 l PRICES ! ! An-1 having (unjnreil tin- n-i-vircs of on i-.'.pi'rk'ti 1 Buyer ill New York city, «n expect at all times In keep mu- stmik |inrfn«t amt fcomptoie ; anil as an active penny Is wnrtb uioro than an idle shil ling,'' nur Ift0tl« Is, Quick Sides and Small Profits. liROfIiRIES, STAPLE & DOMESTIC MODS, HOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, Hardware, Crockery, Glass and Queens-ware. Alan, a Fine Assortment of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Trimmings, Bcc. All of h « e propow- In sell no Iho mol lilieral terms. jr.-AI i KIN’I IS OF COIN I'll V PRODUCE will he ink. n in ev-liamro for goods, and for which the high i market ; h-e will he paid. Pli-nsocall and examine our stock. Qulti lilt, I*l7. (:;,>-U) MEDLOGK & SPARKS. SMITH & WALKER ARK JUST RECEIVING THEIR FALL MB WIWM STOCK.! /'TONRtSTIXO of Fall and Winter stylos Prints, Jllenched and Brown Domestic*, all prices, De- V > laities. All wool Delaines, lil.mkeis. Kentucky .leans, kerseys, Cashiiuerea, Ac. Also a good and well selected ituok ut ©ayLiiiiiffio eaoiSo "'STci/nJsLeo A good line of Woolen nud Knit floods, sueh ns Sonia"*, Breakfast Shawl*. Children’*(Teak* Nubias. Roods, idc. Hose and half Huso, (louts’ Merino Shirts and Drawers, Uulics' and Cleats’ Handkerchiefs. Iloop Skirls, Toilet Soap, Stationery, and many other articles needed by all, but too numerous to mention. TAMMsY €M©€BHIBS. SUGAR, Hrowu ami Crushed, COFFEE, TKA, Green ami Tlla.dc, SODA CRACKERS, MACKEREL, CANDY, RAISINS, TICKLES, Cheese, soap, new FLOUR, &0., &e. The attention of our friends and the piddle generally Is particularly invited. We are determin «roll Ij-ow for Casli, And to place good la view or the string,-nev of the times, at lowest living profit. Give ns a call The highest price paid for Hides and all kinds of country piiomva bmeth & WAMBU Quitman, (la-., Ocloher IN tst.T. :iV ts jTW.STfILMKEBaCO. «*•**•*« If **«*£*’’* £• 2’ .£2 2T" y fiYS*. U.«W«*iiM B*»)<l<AM C-ALL the attenti, nos tlw public to their Large and well selected Stock of Dry H©®dSp fe®cseries P HAl=BJC>'\7«7‘jaJFß.3S3, «&?o B J .st received tram New \.. ; k. * .. 1 att-ntlen i« also , .fed to their stork of M'«3* JB* .t0.,«.2« 2*xs, w’.lielt ti.e..- M-;;t sell at w’.olvi'- m retail, at greatly reducel prices. They also have on hand a large snjyH of Bagging; and Iron Cotton Ties, Which U»«\v oftcr to lMfuttn-s uud MorcliauU at price* l clow tho*c ; t w . ch ; cy can lay down the Binic qualify from Savannah. Advances ad » on Cotlou sbipfH'd to their !YitT.d> in Savav.mdt, New York or Liverpool. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID i F *s* ' u' 1 '" 1 oonlideut -'hit' \l\ can give in every l ix. they *••«* asiat ees the pub JjikatßHiag' . October 18,100. Savannah Homes. ROBERTS & imiM, | Cos in mission fierdiantsJ North Side Bay Street, J One door Went City Exchang*;, Savannah, Georgia. llikam Ron Kim, Savannah, I Jon uni Tri.i.M.ix. I). }.. lioHKirrx. “ | Jbidteuit, Fl* Angn.t :m, l*(i«. :;.n \.. J. JOHN FI.ANNKHV, K, W. OKI HMONO L. J. (xuilmartin & Cos., COTTON FACTORS ANT) General Commission MERCHANTS. SavfimMhf- - mfJ-eoryia* Liberal ti.lvnm-.-H mndem.OonsijfnmrnU. Orders promptly Slleil at lo»e«t market rate*. Magging, Bopr ami Iran Tin*, vontlantly August 15th. I*o7. 1 Cm a. in IKMIUKKH, u.t. J. M. w. im.c, n.a. j A. COTTON FACTORH AND «r— isx mj ie -a, a > Commio.siott |lerdumt^, No. 74 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. June 7th. IBC7. Cm hooks, imPERSy&r” Ford & Thompson, NEWS DEALERS, lirynn Fit., Siivnuiifih, <»a. Wli have always on liand the Latest New V<>rk and other Dally ami Weekly News papers, Magazines, Fashion Kooks, Novels, Ac. Stationery of Every Description always on hand. We receive f> latest publications by every mail and steam,-r fur this . itv. Country dealers famished at a liberal discount. N-u-Seml for Frloo List of Newspapers. Ac.— We furnish any Taper or Magazine published in the United States to order. FORI) A TJIOMi’SON, _aug:iO-l,y Box 18!). T. SIvKI/I’ON JOIS’ES,” Bookselisr and! Stationer SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Theological. Classical, School and Miscellaneous Publications kept on hand. received for any Work, Foreign or'American. ang23-ly HESS, GUTMAN & GO WHOLESALE DEALERS IN &MQQBM3SBS A X D OH.S, 1C 50 Bryjin street, SA VANN AH, GEORGIA. September 27,1807. tin Edward C Wade. Soahoni 11. Wade. E. C. WADE & CO., COTTON FACTORS, General Commission And Agents for Fertilizers. SAVANNAH, GEO. nuff23 Am II.A. I*AI.MKIt. .1. H. DKPIMSH PAIAIFB lA DEPPISJI, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX HARD WA RE, CUTLERY. FILES, EDGE TOOLS, Powder, Lead, Shot, Agricultural Implements, US Congress ami (S', tit-. Julian Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. • August 2:t, istij. k’tt r.m u it o \v N ’ y 01.11 KSTAIIUSIIKt) PHOTOGRAPH AND IMBROTYPK CILLERY, 72 St. Julian Street MARKET SQUARE, Savannah, Georgia. mill.* establishment, tlm large.: and finest in i JL the oily, is open at all times for the recep tion of visitors. Our facilities for the production of first class I Carls de Yisito. Ambrotypes and Porcelain Pic tures. is unrivalled. .rCr All Pictures known :•> the a; are made j it This (iallery. tram the smallest mhuiiuro to life ; .Every kind of picture copied with ease j and dispatch. K 11. BROWN. March 15. is- 7. (7-tI i- • i aph Artist. "lii. i A A2 EVER, c\V<\Axaw\f... uvvT Savannah, Gkokuia. RAVE ,dv. on hand an extensive stock of Ikaeeri. iT-rk. L«.r<l, Butter. Soap. Oaadles Potatoes. t>nion.\ and other articles, which we sell at liberal prices, on libera’ ms. TANARUS, Oi’iitUTurn’s «is«l Hoy*' Famisliiny (.-■ ods, fldfct, Ci’iw, /.'fU--*, {'»!<.' rt-’/c?--, dc i No.SLN l?i»ynu . SAVANXAII, GEOKCIIA. Aug. 23, lct>7. 6 a Savannah / louses. Lovell & Lattimorc, MAXIFACrntEIW OP PLAIN TIN WARE, AND iIK.U.Kns IS’ Japanned, TlanlaUnd and Stamped Tin Ware., i.OUSK Kl 11N1S111NG GOODS, •ilOAt-M, KilC’jt Iron, Till Flatus. Lend, P,rooms, Wooden Ware, Pocket and Table < -utlery. HOLLOW >VA.KE, AC., .NG. ! Crockery and Glassware Aim, Water Cm Hen and Fillrnt, lOE I’JTCHIvBS AND REFRIGERATOR,S’. And in connection with the above, we have in Store every variety of cosiiits nmu AND RANGES, With ail the fixture* ready for immediate nse- These Stnvev are next and Ample in appearance with large fines of «*t -. thiekiof* and weight Will be sold at renmmnble prices. Order* fin Stoves promptly attended to. No. l.Vj and 1.57 Conprrss St.. SAVANNAH, GEO. BALTIMORE AMI SAiANAAII STEAMSHIP LINE. The Few nml Fast Steamships, ' ' -' V. ' isTsiiut fill Will ply regularly between Bnltlroore and >avan null. Icuving cncli port every Thursday, and con necting with tin* interior of Georgia and West Florida by Centmland A G Hailroad. and with East Florida bv regular Packets. Through Bills of Lading - ill bn issued to all point* on the Central ami Atlantic and Gulf it. I toad a and connect’ • lines, and to Brunswick, St Mar>s and landings on the St dohn< river. Goods coirigned to the aguiiYs at ckn.-r end ot the line, will be forwarded pr« mptty and freeoi all commis. ionso Pausengcrs anYfprnwhed with Kuperior aecom modution* and save two hundred milt*' of sea ti*.t. by taking this route. Kiii’ further information and particulars apply to WFwST tt DANTE! S. Jgent«. S vvanoab au-’d -hn J. li. ANDitEWS, Agent Baltimore. REJIOIAL & ENLARCEIJEAT. S. B. HAMKim Dealer in every variety of Household ass! #lYlcc Chairs, Mattresses, etc Has removed to tho new block ot stores just completed byWylly ami M-inhard. v. li/n*, witi largoly increased facilities, and a Fine assortment ol ioods. He challenges competition in quality 01 price. Jls Broughton Street, Between Bull and Whitaker, (*n, Sc pt, 20, lkfi7 JUWitn S, S. FILLER, PKAUit IN’ MAH4H3.UY, lI.UHT Pl.fE 'miwa 'jiwmmz FRENCH AND 7DTTAGE CHAMBER SETS MB HI MIS. Mattrassi's made to Order No. 1.57 Street, SAVANNAH ..GEO. February 1, ly A. J* KHLLEE'-Z & CG,, WAREHOUSE, VSS BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH GKO. j New Work made to Order. IF’.miring, Bell Hanging. Mattress making and Upholstering at short notice. y 1.1367, ciiUt, iniii: ro., ■ * -A ;,*•**. :)«W« A &«*a<»tf«OW*Vi* LitJkr, tftiMtavOi : EssaasE-si. e :e-tlfj 9 SAVANNAH GEORGIA j f i, ■ VSiGNMKNTS of t’ntt.ui auiTother I’. ixinoo j ! v dicitod : which we will sell in Savannah. I New « ork or Liverpool, as desired, making lib- 1 Special attention given to Pnrchasht" l’lruttors’ Supplies. ' V.W-I.VO FOB ' I St'pt. IX is-. 7. f-u> Win. .1. Aiel*:?-2ss'A]i23, Corner SronpNtoa and Still Sts (Over ilUi«uaa's Drug 5.. w.) | SAVA NANI! GEORGIA. j February 22. 1.-«7 t-V : PURSE a SON. STATIONERS, Fr , Liihogr.,phers, En graveisanU E. - k Fimlers. j rf?-Maanfacturvr* ~ Carmluean I Black Ink?, j Vo. S Whitaker .trees, Savanna'?. Georgia. ’ Savannah AdvertinemenU. linimrlcrs and Wholesale Dealers in CROCKERY,, CHIPjA,] J9k. :«l mi> 109 Broughton, 1-10 Congress and 57 St. .Julian sl.s., C3 rJ^m TTTILL DITPLICATK the JOBBING 'BRICES and BILLS of any Market in the United States. I V\ for the .-auw quality nd *piauwty of Ware at tjie same period of time. Printed Lists of Assorted Crates, with pricks of each article. WILL HE PIiRXiSHED OX APPLI€ATIOV. Matty <(f tln-KC l.Ms bare been eavHe.l to Sew York nn<l other Market*, by Jlerckinta from Georgia and 1-1 with, wht have come back to Savannah anil Bought their G-o&ds of Us. . September l‘> 1F67. 32-ts Importers and Dealers in GLASSWARE, CUTLERY, I KEROSENE LAMPS, KEROSENE , jXK nel a© CROCK FRY, Assorted in (Nates, or Repacked, to Suit Purchaser *. •Vo. (IN St. *Sttfinti (tin! 108 liryan Street*, xl:a n' r n /: maitK kt, Savannali, 01-gq* October 25, 18;;, . ly 1807.' fall Imb. —-m. as* — WllffH fiMS *« £. wt, ;A, \&k*a,£l.NA && afisflj} prajiM p " r A" 7^ r s r i PIS V**/* Li Li nd %-J rJ kJ VL'LtA ui Vi k.J L. &1 H 9 IMPORTERS ANI) JOBBERS OF— ,a 'sa, bs GOOI3S, Corner of Bkolgiitox and Whitaker Streets, SAVANNAH, CA. •3 U EJVTB l O£i m.omm &• nm Elastic Stitch SnviHg; ladling. August 2, 31.W/7. 1V "" ~-~‘T "■ - -■’ we,-^,„T,naa.wwn.r.^,r—— j j A. ' : A* iK 1 \ 8. If. K< 'KMAV, A. KiXMEi.V. K, If. KCKMAN. A. TKTWM'IUJ 1 emSTrrv & IMKAI AN, EINSTEIN, ECKMAN & CO. i,.- u,li? n?d 1:15. Wholesale and Retail Dealer* in BOOTS,SHOES, aIAA .*9 vfo>'wX>«o'3 Clotlilnjr ami Hnt», 151 (bugn-..* Sinrt, ’ 103 Congress St., SAYANXAII, GEORGIA. S VANN All GEORGIA , ISGTCTaLL TRADR 1867. | We invite your attention to our Large and Carefully selected Stock of STAPLE AN© FANCY 'D2IT aoosa, .tk ■ -..-P-aSS a - sm mm mb mm Pur;-sirsj'd expressly for tub Market, and which arc otr<*red at the Lowest Brices:. | Merchants and Planters visiting onr < itv. or ordering supplier will find it to their interest to in j sped our stock, or tend us their orders. I An estobks-lad business ot Twenty One years in this city, is a guarantee that we give satisfaction , j (v) oar patrons. Doping that you w ill pav us a visit and inspect our stock, we are respectfully, Ac. ( LOTSTEXN & ECKMAjY, 151 and IG3 Congress street. SAVANNAH. GEO. August 23. 6m i E. <;. HILTON. Savannah. F. M. RAN DELL. New York. Hilton •<& Randell, NN 1 f ll' fjCfS. ftp'll W J u:P. -J ikS \jA 1 ■ it: A ILI iaiß wW Bb» , 80IS Hay Sivcet, Samsitsah, (mco. Invite the attention of Dealers to their Lasgge and Complete assortment of IZIMM, PROSIIOSS, M IXES, LIQIORS, ETf., ETC., Which they offer at the Lowest Market rates. accompanied with remittances will receive special attention. (sopt2o-3ni i OTTO, Gcu’ral Newspaper Agent, ISItrAX STIiSET, At Font A Thompson's Sows Tcpot, SAVAKXAH GEO. i A. S. HARTRIDCE, Conuui.--skMi an and Fortvai’dlng MERCIIAS TANARUS, Xo. 92.8 AT STREET, SAVANNAH, GA February 22, ISG7. ly* . frpl UrooliM. Adininistrator’s Sale. £ AKORUIA, I.UOOK.S COI’STY. -By or- WJM tor ot'tlio Uonnrub o tirfiinary of sool . oiipty, will bo f0',.1 on too llrst Tnomlay in Jan nary next, before the Court in Quitman, two Lots of land, lyD <r on the Okapilco Creek, two miV« isortli or (psi nun.on the Morvin road: on which aiT one hundred acres of open land, ,i good Irumed dwellitig. out-hou*c« and gwnl gin hoitst kn«;\vn as the place on whfeb Thomas F. Rogers resided at thy, time of hi* death. One lbN V; >lore in Quitman, occupied at present by J. K. Ednmivdson. Fold as the property of Thomas F. Rogers, de cea-«‘.|. Tj :;\is : One-half cash : the balance on twelve nioHihid time, with good notes and approved se ciuitv. IYm. !I. D.gvank, Ad.a‘r . vith •.rill a«-rv-l. N..v.-vst*,- lA i' *4. his: • • Ad minis tratoy’s Sale. Rr ->r.s “(’(bmy.—]’v order of ~}f the Honorable Or din uy ot raid county, I will be sold on the First Tuesday in January next, before the Court Hon-' In Quitman, One ; Lot of I.4tnd In the upper potion of said county, belonging 4»> the estate ofiUt. fcokkuu, and soiil as the property »>t said deceased, jb Tkuxjs One-half c.ujb :kb;*l,u eo on t.velve ■ ' r. t J. Foi.siVw. Adui’x Noverobei IF, 07. , be ids. Sale. (A Kfmc, fA. Buoo.s Cot.vrr. By an order of T tho Tlouorabb* Onlumry of said county, v ,;Ld. i1 on the first Air January Bex», > b -iSP •.••Court House in C?o man Thr*; ±±+Mi dredandTwettty%4‘vea •> l|§f lion of the Lot of Lan t No. 4 <’.fo in . ■ i tried oCsaid comity, and o a which Mm. Aibrlfclcm now r«Ww. Fold as the prapertv of G. W. Albritton Turks : One-half caslrx balance • oi> twelve mouths* time, with notes and approved security, F. J. Haicuku.. Adui't. No vend -r 18,’67. 4J -uu. Ad in in ist rat o r’s Sale. ’4 1 FOR t * lA. BROOK >Ct R NTY.—By or ; t’W der of the Honorable Ordinary of euid cmui ! ty. will be sold on the First Tuesday in January | next, before the Court House in Quitman. One I Hun j: i Acre-' oi Land, lvl: g n- r l>*. Fearn gidt's. in the 15th District of ißooks county, be longing to the estate of Ashley Boy* t. deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and credit ors of said deceased. Tkkms : One half cash : balance on twelve months’ time, with notes and approved seenritv. W.iL Iloi.wKi.i,. Adnvr. November 1 ..-T. Admi mstr<i i ;or’s Sale. \GKEEABf J 2 foa decree of the Hon Fuperior Court ot the county of Brooks, will hesold j Keforc* tin? Court House door in said county, on I the First- Tie*, lay in January next, the N'orth ea»t hglf of Lot No Urn* iiunshed and Ninety* , live, (R)5.) in the l.iu I'i-u-ii of said county; : old as Ihe property of the e.t ato of Jacob j deceased, I'm the benefit ut the creditor* of said | estate. T!i • above H f Lot of Laiei is nearly nil* ILiimnork laud, »j.d in it state of cultivation. Tii'* : One half <• ysh ; balance in twelve months, with good security. li. \V. Sii \ui' f, Aslrn’r. No- . !•■*. *»;7 12-td . With the will annexed. Administrator's Sale. I iriu BE SOI.II on the first Tnosday in IK— Vs c i .be:; next, before the Court House in Quitjuan, TEN SHARED of Atlsntic and Gulf Railroad Stock, belonging to the Estate of Robert Peacock, \ foe of Broe a* conn ly, deceased. John Pklk, Ailm’r with will annexed. November 22, -67. 42—2fc / 1 EUIKHA. BROOKS COCNTI ah p. \J -mis hohlu:: claims against the estate ot J. A. Moore, decoised, are hereby notified to render them in under the statutes nude and pro v itled in sii. h ca-es ; am! ail persmis indebted to said estate an- nspu-sted to e t!l and make paj j menl at onco. \V. C. McCai.i., Adiu’r j October 28. 1-67. C 1 I \i • <>K»Cui xTV. V, nen ,i*. Willi* M Hall, Adm'r do bonis non es-at • John Cook, deceased, applies to me tor let! is of Disrni- ion irofii his aduiinis{ru!ion of mid estate Then* are then !-u e to cite and a ImmA-d* al* and sing»| lar the parties ut interest to file their objecii' D* within the time pn . so and hv lav-, oilmrwisa i said i -iters will be granted so th** applieun*. J G DeOALL. Ordinary. j June 28JMJC _ tim | Georgut, Brooks county. | Whereas. Joseph Yates, administrator of Jo nah Yates, dee. a ed. applies to me for Letters , of Dismissfon from lh" Auimdration ot said ••*- ! cate. These are thenn.-re to cite and admonish ill parties interested to file their objections with ! in the time preseribod by law. other wise said let i tors will be granted the applicant. June 2-8, 1866. Dm J. (». Mc€aix. n r n. r. Mi < ELL AX EOI >. slo0 i -08- , ~a.fos. - i Only a few more .subscribers are required to | insure the speedy isgite ol the Great Illustrated Ruper— TilK WEEKLY PRESS, J which in siz<* and appearance will resemble II ARBER S 3VKHKLY, but in value will far traii-e. ud t'.iut publication, The PREFF will be an embodiment of the spirit J of the age. | Each department will sparkle with the genius ‘ of the most eminent writers Os tbo day. An original FERIATi STORY : of the most brilliant character will bo commenced ! in tlto first number THE ILLCFTRATIONF | will be entirely original and of the most attrac tive style ami nature. i The great expense and labor involved in this ; enterpri.-o lender it necssary that we should start w ith an ENORMOUS CIRCULATION. Tn order to do this, we shall do as follow* : SIO,OOO in sums of sle»u. will be distributed through the first edition. To every given number of papers SIOO will be allotted. Every copy of the PKEFS w ill lx? enclosed in a stout wrapper, so that the paper containing the greenbacks will not be known by their external appearance, and all purchasers w ill have an equal chance for the m may and gifts, B* 'ides the BII.LF. orders will be en closed iu certain copies of the edition for the fol lowing GIFTS: Each. 5 Grand Bian s (Sfoinwny V,>. Value... .SSOO 5 Grand Rhinos (Clite-I eriug's). Value. 600 1*. Lein t.‘. Witty’.-* Repository... I*> Gold v. * * 150 5 Mel..-1.■•••:'.. . 175 1 • Ladie*' * »< ai V. aia i.v* 100 e . la.-, - 45 6 f!: ip tic J.’>ek--t;‘A !i Sewing Machines. . . 50 ;; Whe- b r and Wilson's wing Machines. 75 4 M'i!e-.\ and Gibb’- '•euiug Lines.. . 45 50 I'hotogr.iph Alum- lo The b:«l i:i*v to con-st • f Accord eons, Tea Nets, Filverwar**. Ac. No Dollar Jewelry. No Gift worth less than Ten Dollars. THE PRESS will be mailed to any address upon the receipt of price. Ten Cents, or eleven copies for Si. twenty three for $2, and sixty for $5. Add)-* STUART &CO., ■ new York: blessa No. 61 Broadway. New York City. November 15. 1*67, Ln Fruit Notice. IWILL GIVE, to those who desire ii. all the neee-sury information in Pomology—for the simdl sum of Two ! ' vs. Embracing every metliud of Grafting. Incn.ulatfoig, Ac. Also, the m -sr approved manner f Culture. Pruning, and Training Trees. Vines, etc. App y to or a lores?, M. L. Battle, „ Quitman, Ga. Norend *'r Iri. ]>67—tf. Notice. THE interest of GEO. G. SMITH in the firm ot "niiih & Walker, expired on the l>t of October Mr. G. G. Smith retiring fro .a said fi; m. October IS, 1567. 37-'*