The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, December 20, 1867, Image 3

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she (Quitman gauncr. LOCAL COLUMN QUITMAN, DECEMBER 20, ISG7. Xo fcfc ßaniic*r M next Week. The Christinas Indiidoys commence next week: ami in consequence our printers say they won’t work. Therefore we have to announce that there will be no paper issued on next Friday. We wish all our patrons,Jfar and near, a Mkrry Christmas, and may Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-eight be hailed by one and all a Happy New Year ! PUBLIC MKKTIXU. A COTTON FACTORY IN QUITMAN. Wc are requested, by several citizens, to notify the citizens of Brooks county, thet there will be meeting of the citi zens, in the Court House, at Quit man, on Saturday, the 28th inst., tor the purpose of taking into consideration, the project of establishing a Cotton and Wool Fac* tory in the town of Quitman. All arc invited and earnestly solicited to attend. Two or three capitalists, in New York, are considering the j nil icy < f establishing a Cotton and Wool Factory at this place, and the above call for a roee ing of eiti zens, is for the purpose of extending to them encouragement, and all the aid pos sible, in the truly laudible enterprise.— j Many of our citizens, doubtless, would be pleased to take stock, and in other! ways express their appreciation of a«ien. terprise which will prove so advanta geous to every interest of the country j One of the gentlemen interested in the movement recently visited our town, and was highly pleased with the location and flattering prospects for success present- ; cd. All that is now required is an ex pressed disposition upon the part of our citizens, to extend to the enterprise en couragement. It is what we need. Build j a Factory in Quitman, and in the course of twelve months its present extensive j business will be doubled, the value of property materially advanced', and thrilt j and enterprise be more plaiuly visible. In this connection we will state, that our enterprising fellow-townsman, Judge ! J. U. Edmondson, being fully alive to the | importance and advantages tube derived from the erectiou of the proposed Facto j ry, has generously tendered the pmje< - tors a donation of five acres of land, upon which 10 erect the necessary buildings. We therefore invite and urge upon at, | citizens of Brooks, who desire the future j prosperity cf their county and State, to lie present at the meeting on Saturday week, and let us give unmistakeablc ovi j d«*nce of our appreciation of the invest ment of Northern capital in out midst. Local items are as scarce; as “green-1 backs.” The “blues” have taken a fast grip upon our people, and their faces aie an index <>f the condition of their pockets —blank. Under these circumstances there is no excitement—nothing of inter est transpiring. The end of the year is at hand, and we have ivapr usihilifics to meet This; naiutot be done, unless our patrons come to the rescue. Wc therefore insist upon all who are indebted for advertising and subscription that tliey settle immediately. Sausage. It is a good thing, sometimes, to beau j editor : and also very satisfactory t«» ! know that all clever men are nut dead They sometimes make tin mselvos known at th *se “Headquarters,” by sundry acts of kindness. Among them we riumbe,. o .r friend Mr. Willis A- King, who, pie stinting an editor sorneliiru s loves to in dulgo in the “ uxurks of life,” on last Saturday presented ns with a sample of Sausage, prepared by his good lady—for which he.will accept our thanks, with the sincere houe that he “may live until bodies.” always have a plenty and some te spare a “starving editor.” To Ihe j donor’s neighbors and friends, we would j say : ,l (io thou and do Ulvu'we.” Super pliosphate of Lime. Farmers and others needing an excel lent fertilizer, are directed to the column advertisement of Messrs Purse Sc Thomas of Savannah, in reference to Mapa s* Sit -IM'r j>ho*]/hate of Lime, It is the univer sal opinion of those who have given it a trial, that it is fully equal, if not supe rior to any fertilizer on the market. The certificates presented are from gentlemen of veracity—they are experienced plan ters and have given it a fair trial We therefore take pleasure in it to jd »**' l Blacksliear Academy. The people of Blackshcar and neigh borhood are fortunate, ('apt. James L Moseley (the indefatigable general agent of the Banner) informs us that he is about to move to that flourishing little town, and establish a first class Institute of Learning. Capt. M. has had many years experience in the management and in it ruction ot youths, and will not only g ve complete satisfaction, but we pre dict will build up one of the best losti. totes in the State. AH that Is necessary ? * stimulate him to action—to develope his energy and resources of mind—is cou rert of action among the citizens, and a determination that the prosperity of the school shall not be retarded by any act of theirs. W e regret very much the departure of Capt Moseley from our midst, but wish him every happiness and great prosperity in his future home and field of labor. See the advertisement of Messrs. B. F. Unton Sl Cos. They are desirous of col lecting all amounts due them immediate iy. scu* JUmtisrmrntflL PAY UP! VLL PERSONS indebted to the undersigned lor goods purchased during I nil* unit 18(57, j nr»* earnestly solicited to come forward and sot- | tie immediatcly. Wo are in need or money, and j must haw it. Delay will prove dat:g rous to do linq Rents. J word to the wise is sufficient. 15. F. I.IXTOX A TO. Grooverrille, Pec. 20.18(i7. -1 t»-tf DRUG STORE, QUITMA N, GEO. fWIIIE undersigned has just re- JL ceiveil a Large Lot of wellßra.^ Famll) Medieln? •, Patent 11c -Iflnrs, t Paint . Oils, lur pen tine, Dvr Sniffs, KEROSINE OIL, ROCK POTASH, AND FANCY SOAPS. Reasons hie. .1. II >IcCALL. March 8. 1 SGi. «• 1 1 JOHN OLIVER, House i\ Sin 3i SYinter. GILDER AND GLAZIER, No. II Wliitaker Sr. Savannah (ia. UKALKU IN m DOORS. BUS, MIDIS, r.iIKTS, OILS, CLASS, PI TTY, | Ami all Painters’ and Glaziers* Material. Mixed Paints of all Colors and Shades. March 1, ist»7. Iy CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, JgIiMWWK Gk.x’l Sit’t Om< A. A <i. H. 11. Cos., I | Savannah, (la., Nov. IS, 1857 \ ON AND AFT Kit WEDNESDAY the :50th inst.. | Passenger Trains oil this llo«*l will Leave Savannah SHHI P M Quitman 0:15 A M Arrive at Whighnm (No. 21). !»:L> A M Leave Whigham 5:15 P M *• Quitman. . .. S:ls I* M Arrive at Savannah A M 11. S. Haines. Gen l Sup’ . November 22, ’i»7. 12 It. TO THOSE WHO OWE ME. VLL parties indebted to me are hereby invit ed and urgently requested to come for ward and pay tip. I must have my money. I will take Cotton. Corn, or anything else in the way of Country Produce, in payment ol debts. Dec. 13 15-ts A. P. I’KltllAM. R. W. REID, I.ATE OK 1111 l I>, TANARUS! ItNBl 1,1, ,V (’(N MONTI CELLO.- F LORI DA. with Bmt & mmm. Dry Goods Dealers, SAVANNAH, CA., | SOLICITS THE PATRONAGE of his friends. | Dec umber (5, IBi>7. JJin (iiilltT)! » M-. mCSB CL J. W. STALNAKER & CO’S Store. (QUITMAN. 1 HAVE just reopened, and am now prepared | to furnish any c huracter t»f Picture called ; I for, in ti e form of 1 |*11()'I O.IBAFIIS, AMBBOTX Pl'o, AND F EURO TYPES, : At the lowest prices for good work. 1 fill breast- ! pins, |<»<-ke! a, in tin; best style. 1 also eop\ j from any picture in any style required. My sue- ; cess in this business, for ten years, has given { entire satisfaction. A. N. R. WRIGHT, j Dee. <5, 1867. :5m AUK YOU HEADY I 0U A BARGAIN!! I’ WILL SELL TWENTY LOTS in the Town o Quitman, at private sab*. If not sold by j December 25ih. I w ill rent There are sonu- II I buildings. Corm* and see. During my ah nonce | aj ply to Bonnet &> Lane. 44-3 t W. F. RUSSELL. 1 fill) ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. -.11l j | _JL parties are hereby notified not to trade j I fora certain promissory n »te for fifty dollars and ■ twenty-three cents, payable to G 15. Willianis or j j bearer, dated March itilth, 18<;7. and due Deeetn : her 25tic 1807. sigued by one McDuffie Miller as I | principal, and the undersigned as security, us ! j the consideration of,-aid note has failed. Jimcm yA.Hivn it j December 2, 18(»7. II 4t* RANDELL &. CO., WHOLESAI.K GROCERS, 201 and 203 Bay Street, SAVANNAH GKOIICJIA, HAVE NOW IS STORE ii large anil cum . plete assortment of (irocerieti, which \ they offer to the trade at prices less than they 1 i can be laid down from the Northern markets, ! | consisting in part of i Bacon—Shoulders, I Sides, Harms, Pork, Sugars—(all graJesJ Uuflbo—Kio, Java, aim Ceylon. ; Teas—Green and Black, different qualities. t’lie- kc, Butter and Hard, Mackerel, Codfish, Herring, Candles, Soap and Starch, Tobacco, of various grades, &c. j Special attention given to orders with rc j mittance or .Short City Acceptance. Ibices fur* j nisbed w hen desired, i October 22, *'. : 7. 42 :>m. M:ii‘fin Itc.vfa^li, DETAIL MBm* Corner of York and Houston sts., Savannah, - - - Geo. WILL KCHNISII : As Low as can be bought in this City. Cali end see tor November 22, 'O7. 3m WANTED, ,)P OAO H- :> PANE, for ***7J viiitij the highest market price w ill be paid. CTLPEPPER. CREECH & CO. November 20. 1807. 4:>-tf Job Work of every description neatly an.l fxjMwlitii II -lv at lliirs ottico. itmh, &c.i .Tames li. Moseley OFFERS his service* to the public gencrulh us Collecting Attorney and Agent for the Sale of Real Estate. Room, at the Publishing establishment ot the ‘'Quitman llauner." over Culpepper, Creech A Co’s store. Quitman. Feb. 1. 18(*»7. 1-ts joiix u. mYvi.i.. jam. ii. iii'xtki:. HUNTER vV McC YLL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, QUITMAN. GEO. January 20. 18(17. 1-ly \VM. A. LANK. WW. 11. IIK.VNKT. RENNET & LANE, llttomens atYaiu anb Solicitors IN ( II VXCKHY. QUITMAN*, Lir'OKS COUNTY, UKOIIUIA. •'*' Office at the Court House. February I. 18157. lv Williaut L. Uvaus, Yttornrn anb Counselor at I’atn, WAIIRSDORO’. GEORGIA. \ I’'ILL give prompt attention to all business Y t entrusted to his care in tin* Brunswick Cfrcult. tebl7-1y s. i. KINCJSBER Y, Nttornrn anti (Touitsrlor at Vatu, QUITMAN. GEORGIA. Office, in the Building m \ t to J. S. Cummings.) Will practice In the Southern Circuit, in the counties of Decatur in the South-western. Clinch in the Brunswick, and Hamilton, Madison and Jefferson in the Middle Circuit of Florida. January 18, 18117. Iy MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. J. M. MADDEN, UK KI.OKIDA. n'EREBY notifies the citizens of Brooks coun ty. Georgia, that he has located at OKA PILCO. for the practice of his profession. Medi cine and Surgery, and will be pleased to wait upon all requiring medical assistance. The best of references furnished on application. ■v. •»..Office: At Mr. J. Morrow’s store. May ’ll. 18(57. IS-ts !>*-. 13. .V. JtSLK^, QUITM W, GKO., TANARUS) EBPKGTFUELY asks the patronage of the 1 \ citizens of Quitman and surrounding conn rv. Liair.Mi-tf " U. YAN CIESEN, DEISTTIST, STOCKTON, NO. lit, A. A* G. R. R. (Formerly Drs. McDonald A Van (Jieson, Macon,) Respectfully oners his services to tin > citizens of Clinch and surrounding conn lies, in all branches of the profession. V#.. " ill visit Quitman or any other poln; requested. urmiKNCKs: J. D. Smith, M. I). Mncoa. (Jeorgia ( apt. 15. K. Moseley. Valdosta,Georgia. J. G. Moore, Valdosta. Georgia. Dr. H. Briggs and Mr. .i. D. Charlton. Yaldoala Rev. <). 1.. Smith, D. D., Echols county, Geo. (’apt. J. Wells. Valdosta. Georgia. Capt. (’. C. Williams, Lowndes county, Geo. W. .1. Mabry. Valdosta. Georgia. March 1, 18(17. 5-ts SAVE YOUR. TEETH: V’.W/,- Cttkensof (pH ntan aml Vicinity 1> LEASE be informed that I have & permanent I y located in your beautiful town, for the practice el my profession. All work warranted except ml vtineed decays. Teeth with small decays warranied from live to fifteen years, except from negligence, the teeth have been permitted to de cay in other parts, or injured from blows. Surgical operations performed with but little pain. Irregular teeth put in proper position. Tooth uehe cured, as well as all diseases that tin tooth and mouth are subject to. Particular at fontion called to my skill in extracting tooth ami stumps. nun; for ruvni. work. Artificial Tooth, on rubber, full set SIOO 00 “ “ “ gold, full sot. . Fluctuating. “ ‘* “ pivot, per tooth, S2 to 55.00 Fillings gold 1 to 20.00 *• silver 2.00 Cleaning Teeth ... *:t.oo to in On I may be found at my office at all bonis dur ng work days. uflioc room : In the building formerly used a a postoffice, opposite Mrs. Mclntosh’s hotel. aps-Jy* M. L. BATTLE, D. D. S. W. E. BARNES, Watch Maker and Jeweler, (JITTMAN. GICOHGIA. ('1 LOOKS. Watches and every descrip lion of Jewelry repaired promptly, jfc, neatly and satisfactorily. - He may be found at Mr. Finch’s s'.ore. February 22, 1*0(5. Iy Savannah Kcws cV; ]l(imlfl * DAILY AND Tltl-WKEKLY, Is the best advertising medium in its section, having the Largest Circulation. It is the ( Mlicial Paper of the city. Its General News, Commercial. Murine and Lo cal Departments are carefully edited, and no pains are spared ill procuring the L TEST INTEL L IdEXCE From all quarters, but always from reliable source- The News and Herald Staff includes Col. W. T. Thompson, (well known as tin* author of••. Major Jones’ Courtship) long Editor of Hie Morning News, and Dr. J. S. Jones, former Editor of the Tallahassee Floridian and Journal ; with an able corps of Reporters and correspondents at all important points. Terms: Daily, 810: Tri-weekly, 8(5 per year. Postmasters are authorized to act as agents. MASON ,t E-TILL. SSp27-tf I Jlitor- a;.d i'rooi <<-»« *r-. NEW STORE! y;nni\, BROOKS (0, CEO, fill IE undersigned respf el fully informs the pub -1 lie that he lias established himself at the above place, w ith a large and well selected stock of ■ ff uiJW. vdm /'w MMMW; « .(C'E'es mam er«, m, Embracing (Rents’ and Boys’ Suits. Overcoats. Ac Boots and Shoes, For Gents, Ladies, Misses and Children, and of ulmost every style and quality. Hats, Caps, Straw Goods Gent-' Furnishing Goods. Ladie-’ Cloth and 'Cashmere Cloaks, Hhawb, Montagu, lioods. Nubias. Comforts, Hoop •Skirts, Blankets. My stock of NTOTIOINTS, Will be found complete. I will also keep constantly on band a complete ! stock of ©ra©oaEma©o Hardware, Wood, Willow and Queeswurc in fact everything found in a first cla-s Dry Goods and Grocery store. J am prepared to sell as i Good Bargains, FOR THE MONEY, As can be had in Quitman or elsewhere. WSt-All are requested to call and examine for themselves. No trouble to show goods. WHISKEY OUT, And no more to be kept for ■»*!<*. W. A. LIVINGSTON. November 29th, I*o7. 4:j-tf IT la JL* - AND wmtm STOCK. Cn'ipquT, Crcurli & Cos., r) ESPEI’TFULTiY notify their friends and the l public generally, that they have received | l heir W'S.YTEBS a sms z B(k « Os Merehandize of every description, embracing • 1 paterus, styles and qualities of i.imiis - urns coons, IlSTlSntlilKltTlUtj Ladies' and Gents’ Hats ami Caps, Boots ami Shoos, and everything generally kept in a Dry Goods Store. Also a very complete stock of FAMILY GROCERIES HARD WARE, ETC'. ;:« N “ They tender their sincere thanks to their r. »..t„u r,,.- i| H . Ditironage s'' libomUy extended, and solicit a conlimiuiie<* of the same. We are prepared to sell at Till 1 Very Lowest eriecs. Quitman. April I'd. is<;7. 12-ts BARGAINS, AT—- The (Iroovervillc Store! ; b. f. usrrow &co. Having received their Pall and Winter Stock of Dry Goods, are now prepared to oiler extraordinary inducements to the public : in fact iliey will sell goods. Idr (’ash. at New York Prices. Our stock of Dry Goods i.x complete in every par ticului. We also offer an elegant assortment of CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES; r HOCK Ell Y , GLASS WALK ; lIAHnWMIE, TIN IIVI BE : . I Gil 1C CL 77 IL l L JXICLEMEN TS; Cl 'TL EH F, of appeared natives; BE IDLES, SADDLES, tie We will likewise endeavor to always keep o:i hand a complete stock ol Grrocoriosy and our convivial friends can be supplied widi i LIQUORS, SEGAfTS & TOBACCO. I-or the alllieted we are likewise prepared to supply their demands with TOE IB <2 B3I& H « SSS IX E3 and those who are loiikling can be supplied with I’aintw, Oils, Rriislics, &.<•. TVc* will also endeavor to keep supplied with a number of the renowned Uoncord Buggies, and will (ill all orders for AnlriPs Latest Patent HORSE HOE, as we are agents for the sale of the same, and I w hich can be seen at work in the neighborhood. We cordially invite the attention of the public to our stock, satisfied (but we ran suit them in any elmracter of article need : for we in; ke it a rule to keep everything dial ran be found in any store in tin* .Stale, and pledge ourselves to sell at as low prices as any house in this section. Groovervill**, Oct. 25. JB(i7. 15 lv JOHN I. RAYSOR, DEALER IN ** L.L Ml 81l ,a W (xro'Ot ri’t iflc, (*«., n AS now received a very neat and complete ; assortment of Fiilliind Winter Dry (Joods, I which will be sold on very reasonable terms. His j slock, clubiaces Dress Goods, Domestics, notions Hats, Caps, Doots, Shoes Ready Made Clothing, Crockery, Hnrdware,, &c,, A general assortment qJ i; i m/iV v* lt(fi .'Ell 1 IvS, a iel almost everything required by the people ol this section. lie most respectfully invites his friends and j the public to give him a call, and examine and price his gout is before purchasing elsewhere, as lie is determined to sell as low an anybody, j Grooverville, Oct. 25, IBii7. :»8-tf GEORGIA GOODS! At Factory Prices. j TITHE attention of Merchants and Planters i -1 called to a beautiful assortment ol Georgia Good* just received from tilts j “Cuthbcrt IVlnnufacluring Company, Consisting of Plain and Twilled Geo. Plains, Lin soy?, Jeans, Beavers, Tweeds, Stripes, Wool Diaper, See., &c. j These* Goods ar<* fresh, made w ith great care and jof the best wool. Also. Plain and Colored Osna i burgs ; all of which are offered strictly ut Fac tory prices. Merchant® and Planters are requested to call j and examine before buying elsewhere. Cotton. Wool or Hides taken in exchange at full price-. Spun Yarns and Brown .Shirtings to arrive in al ‘* ' SAM’L W. BROOKS. Quitman. Nov. 1, J 8(»7 —Cm Agent. P. H. B EHN , COTTON FACTOR GKNKUAL COMMISSION' MERCHANT, Has removed to First door West of Exchange. Bay • vntEKT, Salaxnaii, Geo. HUff ; :5-’«57 2!)-!>'* . : BARGAINS! I" HAVE for sale several valuable Farms In Brooks county. G< 0.. and in Madison coun j tv. Florida. At no, s •vera’ houses and lots in the I town of Qnitnuin. Call on me and obtain a bar ! J. E Moss.i kv, ! ' Oct. 25, 18f,7. J-ti Rc-.a L iao* Agimt. Hofl'lLS. iWSifii HOUSE, *^sll • ■".; ■■ - Savannah, Georgia. rinm* First (* I;iss Hotel having been renovated H ami newlv F'lirnlslmml throughout, is no" second to none in the South. GEO. McGINLY, FROPPJETOR Xuvi'iulit'i' 2. IMiT. 12-ts MARSHALL HOUSE, IMlOl'ollTON STREET, SAVANNAH GKOIJCIA. ■ '* • ."A rill IIS first Class Hotel has been remodeled |. ,imi n< .* i v n-ruroisnett amt put In perfect order throughout. The traveling public mn\ rest assured they will (imlcomfortable accommo dations at this House. A. 15. HF(T\, Proprietor. February 22, IMI7. ly OUR HOUSE »;rrciM rooms, Snvnniinli , (Jeore in. rHIIIF undersigned haying leased the above ■ favorite establishment, and havingrelltled and refurnished it throughout in the most elegant manner, would inform the public that it is now open for the Ueceplion of (Jiiests. The present Proprietor will spare no pains to maintain the eharaeler it has always enjoyed as being one ol the best of the I'iisM lass I'nfiiig Hous es ol the country, and those who Invor Idm with their patronage may be assured that nothing will be left undone to secure the eomfort and satisfac tion of his guests. itOAKHKKS will be taken bv the week or day at a moderate charge. 'ma lti (an K. 11. KI KMX. PAVILION HOTEL D C NOE, Proprietor. Oorner of Hull mid Soulli Broad Slrools, S:i vmmitli, (Gmcg in. n A VINT; taken the above Hotel, which lias recently been relitted and .refurnished throughout, the I'mprietor can assure the public tliai lie is us well preparecl I.> cater to their wants as any Hotel in the Stale. 11 is table will -always be supplied with the best the market afford', and no*paius will be spared to give entire satislac t ion. Transient Hoard *3.00 per day. rermaiienl Hoard, » I A.tiO per Week. A share of public patronage is solicited. February ; ti . lsii7. llf W'mstkiix Hotel, Nos. 9, 11, 13 & 1J Cortlandt St., Vi.A K wlGnA'n i,| M W YOU K We im; in I In- (Vill.T nl' llnsim-s. (mil IIKADqr.WITKUS l-UK (JEOIIGIAXS. Hi*[ 11 i'> :i2-ly STFVi.NS HOUSE, 21, 28. 25 & 27 Broadway, KT. 'l. (Ippodlc Howling Green. ON TIIF, F.FROPHAX PHAN. fJTMFSTFVFNS lIOUSK is well and widely U known to the* traveling public. The loca tion is especially suitable to merchants and busi ness men : it is in close proximity to the* busi ness part of I lie* city is on tin* highway of South ern and Western travel and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The Stevens House haslibc ral accommodation for over 300 guests it is well furnished, and pos sesses every modern improvement for the con. fort and cniertainnicnt of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated, provided with gii' and water : the attendance is prompt and re spectful ; and the* table is generously provided with every delicacy of the season, at moderate* I rates. Tin* rooms having been refurnished and ! remodeled, we are enabled te> offer extra facili ties for the comfort and pleasure of our guests. (IHO. K. OIIASF & CO. | June* I I IH(i7, Umi rroprictors. i W.M. WHITK. bKO. 0. MIX El: CHARLESTON HOTEL, <’lesss*li*slo«, S. WHITE & IVIIXER, nov7-(»m l’ROl’UlhlOUs- Thv tyHinuais Hold. MRS. Mel NTOSH NOT I FIR flu* public that she continues t Im* Jlolwl business, at.her obi house, on the I’nblic Square ; where she will endeavor to make guests feed at home. Her fable* is supplied with the best the market affords, and charges moderate*. June* I t. Ist,7 70-1 f VAMABIiK PLANTATION E3-< -«SZIS F3B* H E <:• :},.)()(> Acres of Land ! fJAIII.S valuable Plantation.^ lyi ' twelve miles from No. 1A A. Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, near Rocky riv or, containing 3..>10J acres, is comprised in Hots No's 11!L I<;7, Hio, HM, 702, 203, 201, 203. ! all in one boely. except No. JIM. There are .00 or sot) acres of this land under j fence, of which none, except about one hundred acre l ?, has been iiik'or cultivation more than three j years. There arc houses enough for 200 negroes, ample barns, a small Dwelling lion -'-, and out-j buildings, and a large dwelling house not yet ! completed. The titles are undoubted. This property is offered on exceedinglv easy i terms. For particulars apply to Col. W.M. A j I \XK, Quitman (Hi Oct/12-3!f-tf | VALUABLE B W » I HI ■ ■■*■ HHII9 H E-'ciatae s=*s n rwiif!" im'l'Teitrneil for .die ' \ 1 111.- lJtrjf iwo Story Iran." few ~\£ lions**. located South-west of Hie * i*‘i& > . h ,«>.• i» i^uitmiin. F. W. HOOK HU. October j. l.St»7. -Vtf J CARRIAGE, BUGGY, ’A BZ> - W'agon Manufactory- Depot for iiee llcpair of iM Vehicles, \bs' V \ f vL'« 7wi INri M a W n M fiMfi A A 5 QUIT.MAM, Gr-te.., ■iRF.I'Y notifies the public that he has leased the J Public Squaii* to the Depot, a« il-o the Hlack-milli I ' ioiiHTfirissiiimiiin xjy V r l'Kl{ IA L nceossar\ for the thorough and correct conduction of if first ciafur Carriage, Buggy, and Wagon Manufactory* and also supplied liiiu-e!f with Fa thliil and Competent Workmen. he is now prepared to receive orders for work, and do the same in a m inner that cannot be excelled. North or Souih. on rcasoua bio terms, and as expediiiou-ly as possible. He is likewise prepared to Hepuir and have Painted and Trimmed (did (Virriorjes liujtjieSj and turn them out almost as good as new. ' u Having b-ascd the upper slur) of my Carriage M.-niifactory, I" Mr. W.S. he Is prepar ed, w ith Material and Faint as will be seen by hi- card below, to trim mid paint old OK new work repaired or m.mutactnrcd at llii- establishment, w ith neatness mid dismitch. . llis IIH.M KSNimi SHOP is well stocked with Tools ami Material, and is ill charge of an experienced workman and competent assistants prepared to do every character of WAtrOX work, and to makv or repair AflUICt HTI'ILXL I.MI'UMKXTS. Having had many years experience in the business, he halters liinis**lf he can do work as well, ons as good terms, ami give as complete satistacliou, us uiiv man A share of public patrouagd is solicited. All work warranted. 1*». W. HHN Hltl-.’TT. Quitman, (la., Oetobei is. 1S(»7. *i*-ff W. S. WATTLES, Bmm&m DQDEIOBB s E>aiffisio n .W’IX(» leased the upper story of the buFdiu**; occupied by 15. \V. HiiVKltKi’T us a Carriage Mamifuctory, is prepared, with a complete STOCK OF* PAINTS, TRIMMINGS, &.C. To llnish off vehicles in a workmunlike manner, and on liberal terms. Work warranted and put rent age solicited. OCt26-tl j 1867. 1887. OEWIIT k MORGAN, \\ holcsale and Retail Dealers in a wstilii** a Ws s/niii vVWatkr 137 Congress Street, Greorgia, Have J list Opened their FlIiL MB -Wllfll & li :i? O O 3E£L . .Ytir iaoods fry Every Sleet’,ner. Hudies' Dr* - Goods in all the Newest Styles : Sheetings. Shirtings, Linens and everything wanted! in House-keeping ; White Goods, Hosiery, and Small Wares in endless variety. Goods for Gentlemen and Boys’ Wear. ALL oi l, 1 STOCK IS XHW AND JFST RtH'G lIT AT TllF REDUCED FKICES. DEWITT 6l MORGAN. j November 2!>. Iw;7. 3m jZZ Jk. VARIETY STORE IS CKOWDKI) WITH AX IMMKXSE STOCK OF Fall and Winter Goods Embracing a Magnificent Stock of Ladies’ Dress Goods, < 'alicocs. Shirtiicj. Sheeting. Domestics of every de-eription, G 1 >aVs, Soiling-. Nubia , Shawl I Trimmings. Hoop Skirts. Kmbroiderii a, White Goods of IS very de-crip I ion, etc. ißeady IMade Olothingiy Os every desi-riplion ami quality for Men and Hoys, and Gentlemen s Furnishing Goods In great Variety, Style and Pattern, and embracing everything needed or desired. He also keep* H&TS s CAM, BOOTS AM D SHOES* In addition to his immense stock of dn-goods, he has on hand a choice lot Os Ilardu are, Cutlery, Crockery, Glassware* WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, GROCERIES, And mi endless variety ol TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS, &C. ! 11,. is nivixirnl til I'll' in .Ml t"ii|.iin;r liiiliKTiniiiits 111 pure! u, rs unit v n.llcitr j I ni.,l l ii.lll •:r.iti'"> lit tli« ij lnliij. Ktyli‘ iillU pl iri-B nf llis I’llliit'Mori;. ' -.1. |.'lii, A. I* CKHin.W _ FALL STOCK! A. J. ROUNTKEE, IS NOW UKCKIVING A I.AIIOK STOCK OK t?aaa £IOO WOODSO ©0003., j Which have been bought for Cash, and will be sold for a small pr« fit. Judge WilJhtm Hudson i ■'•till remains at this Store, and will take pleasure id wailing on hi- friends. Tmr Thankful tor the liberal patronage received, a continuance of tin* -aim* i- holiei ed. .September 27, IW7. ly TO THE PURI. \ T. F. LAWSON, Offers h s services to the public :is a Manufacturer of Plain Tinware, And Dealer in Japanned. Planished and Stamp t*d Tinware, House Furnishing Goods. Ac. : and in connexion with the above, lit* has on hand a fine lot of Cooking Stoves, Ranges, OFFICE STOVES, iStC., which lit; offers lew to the public ID* also flatters himself that he can furnish to mercLantrt a better and neater article ol Tin ware, and a« low or lower than they can pur j chase elsewhere, north or south. Alt l ask i- a j chance, before buying elsewhere. : I will also manufacture, nr short notice, fiuy j thing ytm may want, out of tin, sheet-iron, cop i * Brands for marking cotton or boxes cut at short notice, from bah inch to six inch letters. Kerosine Humps, old Tin and Hopper Vessel-. ; Guns, Pistols, Stock Hocks. Padlocks and trn j brelliO* repaired neatly and expeditiously. I He lias .established himself in ibe twn -1 flioiy budding south of 'i.s. Mclnlo.>L'a Hotel. J Quitinlan, July 12, ISO 7. 23-ts M U.II l\ & nuUOTTE, PKAI.K (is I V Shad, and at! kinds of Fi§hj lit tlre*ir Fcas'iii, Oysters, Game, etc f JXo. 1 l(j Buy Luue,;/, gko motto is : Justice to all. from the e,,fmtrv will Ks prompt j ly and carefully filled. ’ not22-tf LOST! f PHF. undersigned lost, on the everting of fho‘ 1 lltn .list., a J/o.vo/»»r Mark, with the follow" * mg engraved on the same: flu oio* side. H»cf •voids: ••,/. .v >0 Harris, Thom- sciUe Chapter: Vo. H. and On the oilier salt- the usual Mason ; i<* mark. Ii wns K>t so mewl ere between ; man and Rerfdcn Denmarks. Tin finder w ill be suitably rewarded by leaf ing it at the ii-.t.iiici office oi it to ift# and r-igned. J r, ii Man.-5,* r>,i.„ j-.. 7, i5 *l