The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, December 20, 1867, Image 4

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(hs'fhn an A(I vei 7 hem mix.. Fall and winter trade. J. R. EDMONDSON wo’i:' uFi'Ei'Tm.i.v inform tiik fuhlic that hk ha: pHvitflkd H k-I ii hir■'/<* «njip!y «and Gimml*, ii‘hiptf‘l t<» tin- IV.U liiul Winter Ti'iulr . ii <w jtU'jiimul t > exhibit one of the m*• t r.sfemdvc ami varied Stocks «*T • HEAVY AND FANCY LltY G-OODS. Hoof* nail Hut* ami Cap*, Ilanluarc and (,'nllfry, . laon rli x mill Prov-Sdi*, Haskins and Hope. Notion*, etc, etc., Er*r lir .ii 'lit tu Q.iilmari, which M ill In; iiflcrc«l lit tin; LOWEST CASH DIMOKS, or nu . vd* to piompt pnrtie.M, payable tin. 2.*>tli day of Decern I *er next Hit- j lib’Pi 'Markets in the United States, AND A'Kfv Alii: OK THE Vi.ltV BEST AMI MOST ItKU.MILK QIALITY Hiaatffcitti .n \4 given to the WHOLESALE an well as Retail Tntde, which enables hjj|iJcLtyper superior jftiliieemetiLs to those cngytged in the Retail busines alone. A rail a* full >ecf hilly solicited when you visit town. *sjr Onb ; . s(>lieited ainl promptly iRJed. . iv J AMICS I!. LiAiOXDSOX. 'NEWSTORET Under the Simmer Office, cD'XTi r F , nvxYv.r<r ? Grso. H ill Declared ARUVST IWilll Y\\\m \ Calico at 12 1-2 Cents per Yard, And Everything Fisc in Proportion! WEDLOCK & SPARKS llavliufl itol 111. ir Nmv HM.I (Vt'll M'lwl.-.l ,*IO. Unr fill & WINTER uOODS, Respectfully lie. In* • t*«* piddle to e.»H uid » unlne tlmm before pnrvh.edng rWwherc. I* rein on long experience in ! 'i • M•*»•< wdile bu.-im -.• •n i borough neifuauitiim'r with Diisin - men and Hr* class bouse**, He liiittiM- o il -. l\ c* licit «i- r.iii make It verv hii.»M> le \ ear nilcroi io gl\e its ft call. Wo know dial mil’ SOn kln Imvii bought LO.V, ami therefore can b • *old CHEAP. We have ail New (Sootlx and all Loir Prices ! NO 01.1) 0001 IS ANI> NO 11 Kill I’HICKS ! ! And having secured tin- •nice ,n an experienced Buyer in New \ork • i! y. w«M»\nect, at all timer to keep oar stock perfout ami complete . and .. n active pen..y L worth mere than ail idle sliil ling,” our motto U, Quick Sales and Small Profit - oil; STOCK CONSISTS < I* HMMSI, STIPLK & lIOllliSTIf HOODS. BOOTS I SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, Hardware, Crockery, (Ilass and Queens-ware. .. . AL«* n line Assort meat of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Trimmings, Bcc. All of wh hwe propose to Ml on the mo l liberal ienn j . 3MP* \l. K \!>- OK C<H \rm PIBIIM oi; will !»•■ taken in ex hum/e for goods, and for wUlcI the hiffhest >: o price will Do paid. Please call and examine our slock, Q„ii,„, ) 1,7 <:i., It) .MKHLOCK .V MWUKS. ■ zm&wxmr AHR JCST RECEIVING TllKlft tM*L MM Wllfil ( elV' ISTlNi*’ of KhII and Winter st\b*a Krints, Pleached and Itjowu l>omestics. till pricea, 1>« »: ',i,'h. \IV wool Pclaiues, Idinkeis. Kentucky .Ic.ui'i Kerseys. Cit-■•imeres, Ac. Also a goo • tlit • .a• :• 1 stock id IP m : • : lDGt©» QM8 o 00Otf8»8Q®1Q 0 ' Motions, A 500 1 line of Woolen nml Knit flood*, smell as Sonta"s, nreakfust Shawls. Children'nCloaks Xul»lj -. Hoods, etc. Hose and Inlf ll'.mv (rents' Merino Shirt* and UrawerH. l.uUie*’ rtuvi (kriiv 1 tamlUerehiets, Hoop Skirts. Toilet Soap, Slutionerv,and many other art let i > »»■••.•te,.l t»y all. hut too ItuuieioHs to mention. y A .13 31V C«©CS3S*a»S. s; i'nown Mint Cnislit'.l, COFl’Klv i I*tiiv. n :ui.t III.K-W, SODA CHACKERS, Al A *■: Kl' l a. ICANDY, j liAISINS, miKI.ES, CHEESE, SOAP, NEW VI.OVII. MA.AC. T 1... Httrniiiin ~f «ir fii.'ivl* ,md 111.'' j.-nerully I* purttculavly invltwl. We are .l.'lormin igr’oll Low for Cash, And 1.. pi.... - :• in vi. w ..r Hi.- ~ f Hi,- limov at l.mvsl li\ ing |iridll. Hive ns a ca’. The highest price paid for Hides and al KIN-lVi.l- «•'•! NTiJV !• : I|>l ■ K. SZDXSXS A WALKER IJiil««WHl. Oi'l.dwr l». I*rt. 3T-lf j7w. stalkaker&m. <6; • • mo 1 1 » , 11 1 'it **.«»<* ra 5* 2‘ 22 2**^ LHBrf. ■» K^afwa'rfiVi 1) . -!■> 'ii: I.A ('.'.ii ,r.(. ;, «'!' : !.>• i'u> ■!■ I-ai-■ i>‘l " *’■' .!.■■ <’'i Sl.H't of Ii Dry ioeisp ircceries, JEI.JLJEI.ID> \7%jrJkJEL?Ln, t&c. 4. V...V 1'..,!., ..,1 'ni-'.n i. .1 .1 ... •■ r '-N ' ■'« * It ,rsk.e -CI !•« ii a: wh <•«*> Os r.-l r'-uil. rvdnred |.nc-«. Eagging and Iron Cotton Ties, VI i..|, it. V nfi ! . - aii.l M. ri11.... ... t .rlc.-. :..!..» •' . it whYI. iK-yma fey down »be Liberal Advances a»lj OU t'-'t • t«» i’«’ir frlemls *n anim!'. X« w oh V {CHEST CASH PRICES PA D 1 .... v«. «... i' 1 Or,*raii-f... ■‘ ere; <IA «•! »- .fil > p..h t 4. * Sara n nail Ho uses . ( OTTO\ F.Ui'ITH'S AX 1> Commission Merchants. Agents for llm .sen Fowl fiilt HD Illffl'S im 111 i.j s&©..Uheral Advances made on consignment? j for sale or xhlpineni to New York or Liverpool ' OmCU, Wo 90 Bay Street, SAVANNAH (JEOKUIA October I, 1 m.*7. Mu ... J. uril.MAltn . .toll\ M.ISM UV. K. W. liliniMUM. j L. J. Cruilniartin & Cos., COTTON FACTORS AN 1 > hfiicral loiiiiiiissiois MERCHANTS. Sarinnut ft, - - -(*rortjia. Libera! itdvam*f*H made on ConHigtitnfiitH. Order? promptly lllled at lowest market rates. Ihiyyinj, and Iron Tifri, vondant/tj tm ha 1 of. AugUrtt lath. lKi.7. fm •. IH'TK.MiOKKK, ill. ■». M. W. KIM., H.\. A. DUTENHGFER & CO., COTro.Y FACTORS AND Boit .-mm* JfHcwhauts, , C.u 7 No. 74 Hny Street, SAVANNAH, CEORCIA. ! June 7th. !Xt;7. Mu BOOKS, NKWAPISKS, &L Ford & Thompson, NEWS DEALERS,, lir)an SI., Siivamiali, (•’». UTV. have ulwiivm on hand lh«* l.ate.-t New York and or her I hilly mid Weekly News- J impel s, Maga/.ines. Ftuddnii IJimks. Novel*. Ae. : Stationery of Every Description I vlway? on hand. | Wo receive tne latest puhli< lions bv every I mail and steamer lor I hi* ei; s | (’ouritry deal. 1 - riirnisle data liGeral discount. Vtb- Sl *"d for I ’rice List, of Newspapers, Ac.- We furnish any Paper or Magazine published in 1 he Culled States to order. FORD «V THOMPSON. augSO l.y Box lxn. T. SUIU.TOA .JOKES, BookseHer ci n and Stationer, SAVANNAH, OEOROtA. I'litHilogli'dE (T.issind, S 1id..1 nml MDcclluncous Publications kept on hand. rii -Orders received for any Work. Foreign 1 ir Amoriean. aug2.*s-ly HKS, GUTMAN & CO WHOLESALE DEALERS IN QMO€BMIB§ A X I) XT OB .S, IHO Hrynn street, SA VAXXAir, GEORGIA. September 27. IfMil. Mil I Edward 0. \V,„1,.. S.-u’ 11. £. C. WADE & CO., (OTTOA FACTORS, j General Commission yllcrtljanfs, And Agents for Fertilizers. j U\ VANN All CKO. PALMFR & DKITiSII, WHOLES A I.K AXtiRKTAU. DKAI.KHS IN HARD WA RE, CPTI.KUV, KII.ES, KtMiE TOOLS, Powder, Lead, Shot, Caps, Agrii'iiU urn I Impleinentsi, 148 Congress ami Cm St. Julian Streets. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. ! August ill, 1807. IJ H 4> W N ' fS PHOTOGRAPH -AND IMBROTII’II CILLERY, 72 St. Julian Street M.UIKKT Syi'AHK, Savannah, Georgia. IT II18 istabliNhnient. the largest and IsAwt in the city, is open at all times for the reeep -1 wit of vLiters. Oiii facilUtes for the production of first class 'arts de Visile. Ambrotypes and Porcelain Piv ai es. is unrivalled. ; r-*BAII Pictures known t«» the art. are made ! t this Gallery, Irjiu the suialie>i mluatnre to life 1 ;v<4„F.very kind <>f picture .-opied with ea>e ! tnd dispatch. H. II mtmVN f March L». ISf.7. h >!> l. a,*u .u list. RU N X MKVER, j V v 4 NH«uh»*wai-, _ OMV c Sa\ ANN Alt, 1 i K« l:«.I A. nAVE ahv • - hand an extensive stock 0! llacon. Pc Lard. Putter. Soap. I'aiulle .'otatoes. Onions, and other articles, which r. e j ell at lilu’nd prtees, on lilterai terms. «n|f2JHxt»7. mm T. BROWN, (li'iitlfiurii's anil H«) *’ CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods. I/idii, Cap*, S/ > < .<, hnbi\ : u t d <» Urynii , SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. Aug 20, U-7, Ami Savannah Houses. Lovell k Lattimore, mancp.m’i i kkh* ok I PLAIN TII WARE, ANP I»KAI.FUR IN’ Iflpanued. Plnni-lmd and Stamped Tin Wares. ' jji.OUSE F.UKXJSIIIXO GOODS, Stovc», Sheet Iron, Tin Plate*. Ireful, Bfoom«, Wooden Ware, Pocket and Table Cutlery. HOLLOW WARE, &L , &0. Crockery and Glassware Al»>, Water Coolers and Ciller x, | JOE PITCHERS AND UEFItfCEUATOUS. Vml in connection willi tin* above, we bar# if* Store every variety of CSBE3WG ST© l iM AND HA'S OVA With all the fixtures ready for immediate use. - These Stoves are neat and simple iff appearance with large Hues of extra thi'-kness and weight Will be sold at reasonable prices. Orders toi Stoves promptly attended to. No. 5.j.5 nml 1.57 Fonsrrt’ss St., SAVANNAH. CEO. May Hh. lxt»7. Iy BILTIIIORB AM) SA! HUH STEAM sine USE. The New unci Flint Mciin-hlp*, s-'jjeu. , ’ . T 1 3. - ■^T'- ii*? , v,7 / ~ BDHTH MIT, 61 EIST81 & FAVIIE. Will ply regularly between Diildmore and Savan nah, leaving eacil port every Tlmrsthty, and con necting with the interior of Georgia and West Horidaby Central and A <V G Kail road, and with East Florida bv r«*gular Puekeis. Throu.'h UilL of Lading will lm issued to all points on the Central and Atlantic and (Julflt. Loads and conneedng linos, and to Brunswick, •sj Murvs and landings on the 8t .Johns river. Goods con igned to the agents ' either end ot Ihe line, will be forwarded promptly and freeol all commissions. Passengers are furnished ailli superior neemn iimdations and save two humlred miles of sea travel by taking this route. ]-’„r further information and particulars apply to WEST & D.VXIEI S. Agents. Savannah an: i :n J. B. ANDKEWS, Agent Baltimore. Romni. & i:\!,ißtoii:\T. S. B. HAIEIIGTON, Dealer i» every variety of lloiiKcliuld sun! Cificc swnssTeJits, 1 flairs, Mattresses, etc llitM'cmnvcil to the new block of slnrcs jn*t 1 I'Oiniili-tci by Wvllv anil Mi'iiilmr,!, where, with j largely incroaswl I'acilltics, an.l a Fine assortmento( Goods, I 11° rluillengcii cumpclltlim in quality or price, I L> llfougliton Street, Between Bull anil Whitaker, iSarannali, i*a, j .Sept. 20. IK(i7 :«-«■>* S. S. SVI3LLER, DRAI.KR IN’ MVHOCiW, \\ \ L\i T A\D PDF FRENCH AND COTTAGE HMII SETSiI LQIIIB GLASSES. Mat trasses matle to Order No. 157 Ih'oukiiiou StiTet-, SAVANNAH GKO. j February 1, 1X67. ly A. J. MILLER & CO., FUIUSHTUZVE warehouse. 13S BUOCGHTON STB EFT, i SAVANNAH GKO ! New Work made to ‘ P. oalring. Bell | Hanging. Mattress making and l pholstcrlng at short notice. Kchruary 1. ISi'iT. ly BRIAN, HARTRIDCE&fO., Ws Wiimri JWi BB aSBL€9ZI4k B-T SS«L SAYAXXAII GEORGIA /"V '•‘nSTGXMENTTS of Gotten and other Produe* l diet ted : which we will sell in Savannah N< ik or Liverpool, yis desired, making lib eral advances. Special aacutioii eriven to I’lirchasins' l’lautirs’ Supplies, "..■sWestcrn Raettn for mlc »n INLAND EOlt SA “ts* Sept. L>. IStiT. < u« Woe. .1. Mefasiighlia, FiiEiOKiiisiiim Corner Broughton and L USts (Over ISUlsmun's Drug S.oivA SA VAX ANT! GEORGIA. February 22, IHiT 4-C PURSE vk SON- iXERS. 1 met ', L.u.ogr .pher?, Ku i O gra'i ' t*d lb-'k 'Le , v . ' V Vw;.iaeturei- o‘ tnm can: Blm k Inks. | \o« 6 Vile.; ter -tree!. Ct9 rgla. Savannah Advertisemenls . E. D. Smythe & Cos., Imjwrtens mid Wholesale Dealers in CROCKERY, CHINA, JWk. m 5* ill ASS-WARE, 109 Broughton, 140 Congress and 57 St. Julian sts.J Or A.. , TTjTILL DUPLICATE lb* JOBBING PRICES ami BILLS <d any .V ol t in the United States YY lor tin 'Aim* «i ;.i. and quantity of War l - at the >atue period of time. Printed Lists of Assorted Crates, WITH PRICES OF EACH AP.TICLE. WILL HE IIKUSIIED 0\ APPLICATION. Many ot Jn »• Lists have been carried to New York and other Markets, by Merchants from Georgia and 1 ' '.da. wlk have comeback to Savannah and Bought their Goods of Us. September I , 1867. 32-sf BOLSHAW & SILVA, Importers and Dealers in L‘ftUtf»G£ftir, llmnA, GLASSWARE, CUTLERY, KEROSENE LAMPS, KEROSENE, u u cs n HOUSE E 1II\!SIIL\0 0000S GENERALLY. CROCKERY, Assorted in C.uten, or Repacked, to. Suit Purchaser:. •Vo. (IN St. .Julian and 101 /{ r»/ an Street*, X E.(lt TI(E MARKET, Savannah, G4co. 181?, FALL 1868, winter'trade, JOHN C. MAKER & CO.. IMPORTERS AM) .JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, Noti ons, Millinery, •m, m m» & T J7’lFs.Alinr GOODS, Corner ol‘ Bkoughton and Wiiitakek Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. ./uij.Y'is i'on GROVER & BAKER*® Ehislic Stitch Sewing tiachiucs. August 2, :;i j v Bl> ‘ V ?<**£? Ac CO. taporU-re -i !>-,!„ <in 2?S?±£? to »»y seem, °°,TS S V,? ES ’ n>l <■■ s/n'd, 1(53 Congrow St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. SAVANNAH GEORGIA 18()7.'~*FA LL TEA I )E7* 1807. Ve invU.' your atU-mion to our I-argvand I'arofMlly sok-ctot! Stock of » t aplp and FANCY *i# »*A J 41 AJ a# v SL&mw. MTS, BfiOTS MB MOBS, Purchased c\jm—: ,!, r - Market, and « hi. ! s . .1 at the -• p,: ■ ... Merchant. ..a ! , n ■ . rs > i-iting our city, or orikting •‘uppity, will dud itluthoir iotenst to in sped our stock, or nd u. their ordure. All estnldislK Ii ■ . t Tw.-nly < In.- c are ill lids citv. is .1 gitai ani.-c tint «.■ ;i, r sati-fa,- to our patrons. 11.-i.-m that you a ill pay ns a visit and inspect\,ur -l-ak. «.• arc rrepcctluiiv, Ac BIHSTHIN & BCKMAH, 151 and 1.63 Congress street, SAVANNAH, GEO. August lid. IMi7. fin E. G. lUI,TON. &ivantwh. P. M. KAXDKIJ.. New V„ r W. Hilton <& Randell, WHOLESALE GBOCHBS, 19S Hat) Street, Savannah, O'ca. Invito tin- nttoh:' m of Dealers to their Large ami Conijilete assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, M INES, LIQVORS, ETC., ETC., Which they offer at the Lr.wcut Market rates. fe!H)nlvrs :u*e- mreud and with remittances will receive spre ; R much i -n. <septSO-.ffin ElaY OTTO, Getfral Nev.'s} aper Agent EH n.V street, At F- r* a Tlrcc ps n*' News Depot, 'AYANN Ml • ;:«* A. £, KAR7RIDCE, a tt ;1 For ward! it; Nt I : !J < II V TV T . V. <*-_> l!.\Y STUFFT, SAVANNAH.G. ! ... !• ij- ftgal pioths. _ Brooks. Administrator’s Sale. G1 I'.OKGIA, BROOKS COUNTY.— Bjr ore C tier of the Honorable Ordinary of said county, will be sold on the first Tuesday In Jan uary next, before the Court Houm in Quitman, Two Lota of Land, lying on the Okapilco Creek, two mllea north of Quitman, on the Morvin road: on which are one hundred acres of open land r a good Iramed dwelling, out-houses and good gin house,—known as the place on w hich Thoinaa P- Rogers resided at the time of his death. ALSO One Brick Store In Quitman, occupied at preaent by J. R. Edmundeon. Sold as the property of Thomas F. Rogers, de ceased. Terms : One-half cash ; the balance on twelve months' time, with good notes and approved se curity. Wm. H. Dkvake, Adm'r with will annexed. November 18, 1867. 42—tda. Administrator’s Sale. G 1 EORGIA, Brooks Cornty.—By order of r the Honorable Ordinary of said county, will be sold on the First Tuesday in January next, before .be Court House in Quitman, One Lot of Land in the upper portion of said county, belonging to the estate of E.G. Folsom, deceased, and sold as the property ot said deceased. Tkkms : Twelve months' time with notes and good security P. J. Folsom, Adm x November 18, ’67. «2--tds. Administrator’s Sale. ft EORGIA. Brooks Cni-vrr.—By an order of V I the Honorable Ordinary of said comity, ; « : be sold on the first Tuesday in January neKt, b n the Court House in Quitman, Three liun il.v 1 and Twenty-seven Acres, the remaining por ti„„ „f ib<- l.ot of Land No. 442, in the 12th I»is ti ’, t of .-aid county, and on w hich Mrs. Albrittonr resides, r -hi as the property of O. W, Aibrittoa deceased. One-lutlf ra-di; balance on twelve months' time, with nous and approved sectrity. S. J. ILrrku., Adm'r. November 1". '67. 42-tds. Administrator’s Sale. (-4 EORGIA. BROOKS COUNTY.—By or- X ,1,., of the Honorable Ordinary of said coun ty. will lie sold on the First Tuesday in January ii >. b. fore the Court House in (Juitman. One II mdred Acres of Land, lying near Dr. Femra. .-..1 .. i u u>e 15th District of Brooks county, ho le ting to the estate or Ashley Boyet. deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and credit ,i: of said deceased. Tkrms : One-third cash ; balance on twelve months' time, with notes and approved security. W. B. Hoi.wei.i.. Adm’r. November 18, ’67. 42 —ids Administrator’s Sale. A GREEABLE to a decree of the Hon Superior AjL Court of the county of Brooks, will be sold before the Court House door in imid county, on the First Tuesday in January next, the North* east half of Lot No One Hundred and Ninety | live, (19:),) in the 12th District of said county ; ' *old as the property of the estate of Jacob Rixer, I deceased, for the benefit of the creditors of said estate. The above Half Lot of Land Is nearly all j Hummock land, and in a stale of cultivation, j Tkkms: One half cash; balance in twelve J months, with good security. H. W. Siurte, Adm’r. Nor 18. ’67-42-tds. With the will annexed. C 1 EORGIA, Bkooks County. Whereas, Willi* IT Hall, Adm’r de bonis non estate John Caok, i. i <l. applies t<» me tor letters of Dismission hi.w administration of said estate These . . refon* to cite and admonish all and sings! l.<i a parties at interest to file their objections isin the tint'* pn*scribe*i bv law. otherwise w.ii t U tters will be granted to the applicant. .1 (; yuCALL, Ordinary. 1 .Tune ?8 18fUS ini j Gmagtii, Urouktt e*;UIHY. \Vh**r«Ms. Joseph Y«U*h. administrator of Jo uil. Y.iU*<. d.M .M-ed. applies to me for Letter* ! of DLmi«ii»u from the n ol **aUi e«- Tlies,- are therefore to rite and mini* nb*h all partieft interested to fllo their objections wiih ' in iiie lime prescribed by law. otbeiaim' said let t - NviU be granted the appliewnt. Jll.le.S, ltOiC- III! J. G- O. ». C NIISOEIAANEors. ! |ioo KuKTK>iCi^ Only a few more sub-* ribers are required to | insure the speedy issue ot the Great Illustrated Caper Tin: WEEKLY PRESS, j which iu size and appearance will resemble IIA REEK'S W EEKLY. but in value aid far transcend that publication. The PRESS will be an embodiment of the spirit | of the age. ivu li department w sparkle with, tbc genius of the most eminent w riters of the day. An original SERIAL STORY of the most brilliant character w ill be commenced iu the first number THE ILLUSTRATIONS wi 1 be entirely original and of tbe most attrae • :in »•* *»nUj and nature. Th<*Vreut expense and labor involved in this • • render it necessary that we should ' .-itait wish un KNOR MO V S CIR C UI. A'TIO N. In or«b*r to do this, we shall do as follows : in flUßi* of SiUO. will be diatributed - first iwlition. To every given number of papers Stow will be allotted. Every copy of the PRESS will be enclosed in a stout wrapper. no that the paper containing the greenbacks will i not be known by their external appearance, and ill purchasers will have an equal chance for tbe iu >nev and gift*- Besides the SIOO IlfLI>S. orders w iii be en j i U sed in cerUiu copies ol the cxlition for the fol i lowing GIFTS: Each. 5 Grand I’ianos (Steinwav’s). Value. .SSOO i 5 Grand PiaiuMi (Cbickering’s). Value »ioo 1 t ,irn tL'e, from C. Witty s Repository . HW» 1 lit Gold Watches ... 150 ’ 5 Melodeow 175 1«) I.adies' Gobi Watches. lhh 1 Aiaetican Silver Watches.. 75 5 Boxes . . **s ti Elliptic Lock-stitch Sewing Mat bines. 50 3V, heeler and Wilson’s SeNving Machines. 75 I Wltcox and Gibb’a Sewing Machiucs.. 45 5o Photograph Albums 10 The balance to consist of Accordeons* Tea • <•>. Si’.verwar**. Ac. No Dollar Jewelry. No ! < ;ii! w orth less than Ten Dollars. THE PRESS r’’ w.Jm- mu Red to any address up* n f I*<* r<*e**ipt of •blue for sf, am* w.ebven copies for SI, twenty- A','ires.- ST( AIM X. v v , “NEW YORK PRESS,*’ No. 61 Broadwnv. New York City. Vo .roller 15, 18ft7. * 1 m Fruit Notice. I WILE GIVE, to those who d*->ire it, all the ■:, («-ssary information in Pomology—for tbe of Two IHdlars. ETubracing every i* ..J *d Grafting. Inoculating. xVc. Also, the ii - rove*! ui inner of Culture, Pruning, and Tr.iisui _ f Trees, Vines, etc. Apply to or address. .M. L. Bat; ls. % Quitman, Gtt. Voveuib4>r 15. iM.T—tf Notice. interest of GKO. G. SMITH in the firm 8 •• - ntth A Walker, expired on tbe -t of < Kitober ; Mr G. G. Smith retiring i* oui said firm. October 18, 1867. 37*' an. At Diaox | w. ii. Kixiorr , u. a van writ ICDISON, ELLIOTT & 10., Wholesale Groeers, AND Commission d/ot/i ants 05 iJd'i StreJ, Sarahttah. Go. All Older* eatm-ied to ns w ill b> promptly -cuttsl. tbir best attention will be given to ; »ll cvHisigi.mcnt'. REEEKKN tS: LB. Kh.ti. '.t», llii.i.. T-ulmaihje a ' -7! Pin# tN.Y: (ll Bened-. tA(V . >«; P- and •>- i. J. SiAU UTEK. Ol Nortou. S'aug!«teK & f r.. 1 St.. Y.: Hi \T B 0.-.. A ‘ ’*•.■ Uhark-st. a C : KU W v e .V C«., Ssnannah. Ga.-: Gak \i .‘ Ai* 's Savaiit ah Ga.: J» 1 r * 't 4T» -! ; \ov. o. i- . & *-• -