The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, January 17, 1868, Image 1

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THE QUITMAN BANNER, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. YEjttf3 07 SU33CaiPIION. IN ADVANCE. For one year . $3 Ol) For «i.v months 2 00 For three months I 00 For single copy 10 CLTJB BATES FOR SUBSCBIFTION. For a club of five .$12.50 For ft club of ten . S'-LSn For a club of twenty $40.00 JJB 3?xa73. We have «umclu*»l to "ue newspaper estuhliah m *nt a complete .lob Office. H i:nl bills of all klnls. rrojfr.urfhi *s. Cards. Blinks. I'amphletH. &*.. executed in the JiVsf m inner. s m i. m. frank. ousimve jiUKsnEiN. SAM’S. M. LEDERER k CO., Importers of and Dealers in F'OH.EUG-KT, DOMBiBTIC, MMM & fMO SIY fiiuai 3 113 Broughton street, Sava mail, Ga. Is:iVs of Brown Sheeting, (’arcs of American Prints, Cases of Bleached Goods, Bin s ‘ " i»vn Sliirtinw, Cases of Kentucky Jeans, Bales of Blankets, Bales of O/ ialmi as, Cases . f Kerseys, Bale* of Flannels Having removed (■> our very large and »p ici eis toiildileg, we are enahlod to keep the Largest Stock Ever Offered in Savannah, and Merchants Visiting (hir city .i.u e.jic - Oli im Uu Itop iy a visit to our Extensive .Separate Wholesale Department, b 'l'ore purchasing. November 2?. ’67. ' - \VAN VA! I CARDS. ms @ Ki.ij e Knylull’s Oleum Vitie. rpilW Great (1 1 * r i Lim..:•• cis an almost X wifaliible curt* fin Wu-mt ••*,* Vou u.W u.i-m'r Pmn.i in !/.« ttack. Sllr* ' I ./ AertieK* Ur.ul’idtt. Tm,tluu .. . Vo„,. Jur.j> o'- Bj .ins. ■ “ ■ . - ‘ l*. It,da. £»ea Hums, itc. Ttits (Treat remedy -io> il.l lie in every house.— For Hun>w this rnnc ly has no A-sk (V.r Kay ton’s Ol -am Vita-. Take no other, rieut by express for rl.'i-i Kayton’s Magic Cure. An Egyptian Remedy, For the cure of and ten Cowjlis and folds. Asth ma. Acid Stoinaoh 11 .ar.liitvn. R'O Tteoal. Rea Siektws.. Cholera IHarrlwi. Crani|.s and I’aina in the atom veil. Sent by express for SI. Kayton’s Dyspeptic Pills, Arc a sure and pleasant cure for DY SPEP.SI A. DHHKDi’fUL (’ >NS TIPATfi >N. nml all disorders of the Uver. atom ich and bmvids. and when taken regularly " ill eleause Uiebioml. T’tie-e art* tin* grei'ost An’i Billions PUD tv a* jd iced b ff-iiat llk* public. Sent by mail for SO CvMtiw 1 >ei t* 3x. The dim e Ue Pcines are prepared and sold by PROS* 1 . n. 11. It.IITOS, SAVANNAH, ... * GEORGIA. To whom n’t orders should he ;• hfinwed : or to hiCWIi de. 'ile Agents, A A. SOLOMON'S &CO . . t 'it. g&Sr \ liberal discount to parties selling air ;; o. For i.l tinianvn. at Dr*. v’.fiitKS & -Irtk drug aiore. Febeuarv 22. IRI'7. ’ ly D. FALVEY, EVERY VARIETY OF ID > > • KEt • c a ’xM» a H*•c,y* ■* ■> >*3 B 2i* i.saiyi U W . .iltA •W , St. Andrews Halt Building, Bnniydd'di St., 2>l doer from .ft ll’trson, Mavamiali. < «•<>. HAS IN STORK a large and varied assort, n[ Mahogany, Walnut, CIMTM AMO BEVELED Sstts, Tables 8c Bureaus/ <»r Every Style mi !’a"efn. 1 C J£ A 3 il 3 , OF EVERY DESCHIPTIO.V, <tC.. ttC Mt»vemh»*r 21 hi". 3m "CLASIMH & CONiWIAM.' w.ioi.KKAta: aNt> inh’iii. (i ro (* vr s sum! iii;> liaudler^, Cor. Bay *ad Drayton sts., 3a va Tilth, -it. Keep ceoVvi it Ivon hinand i of Family PUntatioii ; also a choice select ion of L qayrs »V i ies und ftt-jjurs.— Order promptly attended t«. and quality ;«ar antoed. A s-'jitUkum w ratty vV Tatty, pi-iix anh oa,\Aft-srXr. W£ASTE n S a s J Hmi STIIELt, lAVAWHJ, L 4. K iDamiHlng and Repairing NVady executed. Lim 3 , Lath, Piaster, Hair, and Building ssuxS-ly Material or sale. F. CONST NT, Bull St., near Bar Street. Havuuiudi, Geo., ~D£AL£R IN Imports anh Domestic Cig;irs, TOBACCO, PIPES, &0. With a long ejtabK-bed sla an Im porter, he eadyAyOia to keep -'asi g*»o<l a siock. in q.i.uitiiy aud assortment, as c ±n be louiul in the State. “ The Hec33s.” CONNECTED with the Cigar and Tobacco Es / lablishment, is a SAL O O X for accomniodariou of regular patrons and • thepubiic generally, where the Best of Imported Liquors are -»erved. with a LLNGH each dav. Strangers will find it a quiet resort, with no Wines or Lt q iors that are not choice. angl3-29-ly Jo 6 work of every and -tfcripli iii neatly and expeditiously'd me at this odi-.-e. Site ((Jwilman laini^. F. R. FILDES, Editor. yol. ir. NEW YORK. 1 All’A KTI AI, St ITIM N». - o ther iVealth. Ilefinemeut. *»r Condition, are exempt. The I‘nu.oroKKN. or Females’ Friend is ; ex'jVressly fur the benefit of fun.lies who in iy be j suttering from Nervous t ri abdltv. Distressing | AppreheU'ious. and all troublesome com- | plamts that invite premature old age. and render ! life miserable The Pbilotoken acts l.kea charm ! in relieving pain ; and by < o moiling the ner- | voiis system, restored those feelings ul confidence j auil ► ilialae ion that insure happiness. It is a ; radical cure for Dysmcnorrluea, and a trenxnre th it should be possessed bv every female who de- ir* & to resto; e, improve, or preserve her! health, beauty and oomlort. Descrip , five pamphlets, containing valuable information for !hvalUD and heads of families, w ill be sent on receipt of postage stamp. Price *1 per bottle ; the usual discount to the trade. HARR Vfx. If!>LF.Y CO.. Wholesale Druggists. 11l Chambers h*., N. Y. I > XSX.SVS nzniiov bu thu. IV 1 lie mns’ efficient Diuretic and ionic for the treatment of alt complaint.' resulting from weakness and darnngetnent o r the Kidneys and Urinary Organs such as pains and w eakness in the back mid loins, gravel. dn“sy, slranguary. incontinence, inftnrti&tion of the mucus surf acts. Ac■'.*= Hi tin can be used in all cases, for children as well as adults, with perfect safety. Physicians are finding that Risi.KV>ij» the most uniform and reliable preparation, besi le being of greater strength and in larger bottle* than anv o hers. Sold by the Druggists and Meroliants IIAKRaL. RioLEV & CO.. , Proprietors. N’. B. All officinal preparations of medicines bearing our label are nude according to the U. S. Pirn m.icopo ia. and'u!) goods sold by us are warranted to be as repr»useuu*U, or may be re timed at our expense. Determined to maintain the reputation wliich j our hoiiFiv have always enjoyed for dealing in ilKi.ivnut: .Mt-ou-iNj-.s, and to merit the continued confidence of our ctimumers. we assure them thai the ' line attontion will be |>»id to order* by j mail a* when personally presen - IIARRAL, RISLEY & CO., ? V#»i U'sule Eimi/tjisls, Ml C’lMtimtt-* and 1 11 sn.v Sts.. NEW YOltK. I Successor.H to llaviland. Keese A Cos.. IfiiiO:! Haviland, Hartal rf* llisley : ilarral, Rtsley «i J Kitchen : Ilarral. Itisley *!t Tompkins August 2. Ksfi7. tbn 11. M. DAVI-NPOIItT WXXH E.S.JAMAY &CO, BUY GO OSS, :>SO Broadway, New York Flan n’t l.i, OS..V.K, Collnt’K Sc Tien, Skirt Braid*, DrCKrt Onod*. \Vliitcr (»o uU, Liiu*n Uo mlm, ChmkM. Eit»br«iiderit*«, Foolish (’rapes, Hosiery, * I Dreaa Shir t*, R iltLonn, Lace Arfielea Blia win, Silk*, Yankee Motion*, &c. ; August t), 1807. tim CARHSRT& BROTHER, Late of G-corgia. |mprt:rs d' ddtbolcs.dc Dealtrs in! Staple stmt I’ji iitj miow&m&s, IT Barclay St. and 22 Park Place, .IVir- I *o)’k. September 13. 1807. hrn f.jk'3 jA italic Burial Cases. VLL •n'Mtt kept constantly cm hand at the atore of J. T. tiudJ. Monticello. and C. 11. Smith | ore, Madison, Florida. A two, an assort men ! - cpnsta itly kept at the store of M. >*. MclN T(/Slf. Quitman. Ga. Jash on delivery. T. & W. A. VV. SIMMONS, Agon i December 14, 18»jt» tan J3HN D. DELAM.NOY, COMMISSION MERCHANT, QUIT-MAX, GA., HAYTXO locate! himself permanently in Quitman, for the purpose of transacting a General Commission Business, Solicit* a renewal of favors, from hia friends and i th** public. ! dence, one mile from the town, on the road to TUomasrille. eep27-6ra SHALL TII3 PBESS THE PEOPLE’S HIOHTS MAINTAIN, UNAWfID BY TEAR AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN. QUITMAN, GEO., JANUARY 17, 1868. • . . . _ . BALTIMORE lIOLsES. WW. ( ANRY. lIKHNAItU GU.PIN'. Canby, Gilpin *!k Cos., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF NoBTHWEiT C'lK. I.lctir ANIt 1, tMUARUY ST«., BALTIMORE, MO. JOHN W. BRUFF & CO., WHOt.KMAI.K OKAl.lil'S IN fiheigi in ms my mi. No Q 1 •*> .IS;i 11 inioro ?St., Between Charles and Randolph sts. John W. lb 11 If. \ •«ohl. W Balter, f BALTUVI ORE. Jo*. E BniflF. f A. B. Faulkner. ’ nug .'M v* DARBY & CO., IMPOKTEim AND DK.VI.KItH IN iUv G'mJv.tomv', No. 293 vVost Baltimore St. and No. 1 N. liberty St. Baltimore. Maryland. L, Fassano 8c Sons, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN iJOTIOWSp Fancy Goods, Hosiery W auumiiy ■ ’ ‘ Trimmings and Small Wares, 268 IV. Bit.rtii be Sr . .. . li.U.TIMOI’K »»*23 '>»•««♦ Passano, M.tgruder & (Jo., Wlr drsulo lb* . lurs in Boo(8,Slioes Ac St ns 258 Bl'timoi*© St., HAJjUMORE, I/ UIYLA.VD ftHg’3 n ft ■ ,, m* l> IJ ft dpi •v. 11. ts Roane Geo Vi 1i o trd Shipley, Roane & (’o., M l\l I ACII DKHf» \M> JomiERS OF Clotliin §£> 30J IVvsl li. I> II..I•- Strccl, »ng.’3-sm* BALTIMORE, MD. GRaFFSM, 6Pi3TiIER&C3. (fommiosion 103 LOBISAuD 3TUBET, Uultiiuure, Maryland. vVHMI.KHiLE KE.U.EIIB !.V BACON, CORN, FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, LIQUORS, And Oiou'-ru-H of Every Description. i A|tril 12. H 1.7. 11-ly Fountain Hotsl, [ StHKKT, HALI IM-iUE, Mahveanu , . W. SI. C !.*i!» Pro. Omnibus ft nr) Btspiuft Wagon in ain-nßince up i on all Ur.sit- hmi! iioat L,suidinf[<. WiESENFELD & CO., (VHOKES.ILE Clothiers, 242 Baltimure St. I BAKTIMOUK MARYLAND. snpilil 6m* j i.rcirs j. i.AMKIi. John vv sei.iit. 1857. FALL TSLABS. 1357. Lucius L. Lamer & Cos. Importers and Jobbers o ii'ii'Y No. 244 Baltimore Street, BAfiTIMOKE MARYLAND paid to orders. Stock complete, (/real iflducemeuts ofTere 1 to Cash uyers. «eptl3-tm M. FITZGERALD, MANUFACTURER, ! ANDWHoEEHAbK kBBTAIL DEALER IS CMBES, iaiIBIALS Syrups, FJM (OiffiCTIOMiRI, &(i., A’l LOW PRICKS. WHITAKER STREET, One Door iron* Coaigrf's, Savannah, Ca. Orders SuliCfMd.^C March 1, 1867. ly AAT AD )Xl3 jM T > T Ul3 P-'opla of 0-3 »rgit cad Uu Stitoj Fel’ow Citizen* of G orgia and of tV; U>i t ted States: By a ’ mvontioM lu?M at Nf tr«>n on tli«* sth an 1 (itli of Docember, 1807, n‘)»n' Boutin# lno ConstM'v »five peojilo of (ioor g’iii, llu* u I'lo.rsio iH'd Wi*iu np|W»Mite>l a Oopumtl i? to j' pare an Adilrum* lo you, setting I rill i! it *. »* s<ntimt*ut.s, tlioir ufui dition, lli ir lb n fnl appr 'uMision oflui u:v | ruin, and tu* final .iverihr*\v of Cuu itn !iuiiitl tf-wni nui ! In and this imp n t ut duty, wo firing: l<» Hn* luak tin I'arupst nii.l pninotio and .sire, not only t«» proujote Hit* w.-d'uv of our own Stuto bill also that of our whoU cmrfti y. Wlion tin* Into un inppy war tonni n ted and tin* Confederate urms woi*t? *'ir rendered, a sin<rlo cottdirion only was ie ijliiit'd, w iie‘i was that we slionld return to tlu* pursuits of peace ami ofiey the 1 Constitution ‘ and laws of the United States, under t"e, so loujr ;»s we continued to and » so, we shonld be protected in 11 »»• unmolested enjoyment in the rights and priciloo-.M wiiich that Constitution arid those laws guarantee to each State and to every Citizen. We have k -pt oiu* proudsi* in letter and sp rit; and, from that, day to this, tin resistance has been offered l > the Federal authorities The laws of tne Unit' and Slates are (jnietlv .obey *d with ont the necessity of military power l<» enforce them. Their Courts are open and their processes respected. Crime 4 in fi punished by the regular and established modes of judicial procedure. With mig iiuiii iy and hopefulness, our people me ted in an honest effort to build up then ruined fortunes and reestablish tnen lost prosperity. 'Flu* war lej, our h ones saddened \'ili bereavement, and, in thousands of iiistauees. in ashes li brought Universal sorrow and poverty Our li'dds were desolated, our labor dis organiz'd, our industry paralyz'd, afi our enterprises destroyed or crippled, and our capital sunk. Towns and cities were plundered and burned, and i ten in habitants driven, in destitution, from their homes. But these were the fruits of war—not legitimate, to be sure such, however, as usually attends its mutch of Ire; and, theivf »re, we submit* ted t" them with patience and lortiln le, cheered fiv the hope, that the (juarrel and carnage having ended, the return "I peac and prosperity Would begin and tnat, at least, potifiral fraternity would l*o restored. Under thi inspiration we endeavored to I‘ugel the fiille ness w oo \ the struggle bad engendered, tocullivafi a spirit of conciliation and harmony, nml to evince, ill every possible Way, our d«- sire fi» have Georgia restored lo her c hi si national relation p. i.e Union. Tern file has been our dis.ippoiaim ml II ' been lin ill <1 in the attempt at secession, upon tli • idea that suen attenijil was ro (jottion, we supposed that it** suppression left Georgia a State in the Uni n, Hidl po.Sst s.-ieg t.he inherent l ight ol sell g >v eminent und tie* c »i.s itulioaal rigiil "I lepreseutalioh n Congress. lii'Oad ol tins, otveVcr, the (.'resident ol t ie I'uiled Stales required that we sli ml I tirg.iTZ n new Slate'government, ratify the C m atitutioual Am ndmeut, afiolmhiug slave ry nml incorporating Hie same |*r»vib mi into our fund.i neuLit law; dial we slnul i .epmliale our Stale dent • I atom gale I lie Onlinance *d Secession a id al Hi - laws m furtli.'i aiice of t i** Coufede rate cause■ Ani nate Iby a d-u.*r uin.i ti m io make any sacrdice l»Ut ti i;tL «»1 honor, suppressing even 1h • spiril ol conipini-nt, for the sake of peace, w did nil mat be required—even Kiim uderiwg our most valuable pr qnuiy, of »ur slaves and c- nsellled lo h l .Coll|e U.lllio-t paupers Snppos ng such depart ment might caal'eiige the m iguanmi.ty of the vn;t«*rs towards a fallen loe. we then thought, surely .the dawn of pence was in Hignl, aun mat our ng'ut t * the ptoteciioii and benefits of a co.union Constitution would be re.cogn zd. We elected our S'-nators and Bepres • 11 • tiv.-s, th is de nonsl rating, not only "Ur . X}" (a ion, fiat ills * our errnest desire, again to participate ill the councils an l promised »• •ssiugsof the Union restored But, as before, disappointment was our Lite. Our members wee spurned from fee Halls of Congress and unr peopled - no?,need as traitoi’H find rebelWe have been persistently charged with l»**-4 1 11 ty to the Coimlitulion and Uii on, and treat ed a-; out'! ws lion both. Wii >1 w• and • not thus ailul ■ lo the dep uMm ml ail temper of < tir people in a spirit.*f b »ist irig, yet we clinllenge contradiction ol our statements, and fearlessly array them fi fore a candid world, as evid uce of the injustice., unkiu luess and false hood of the charge* against us, urged as a pretext foi our oppression. | iboscriptioii I’rorn toe we con'd ' i endure; tin* Charge of hostility to it were : 'tolerable; .from our prostration w • migiu | I nse; om pove.ty we might surmount if i Iwe c iild he left undisturbed and perm t | i. and to enj *y our inherent right of sell- | ! government. Our noble St ite abounds ' with the elements and res mrces of nia | terial wealth; her people are eiiterprisoig I and lull of tbe conscioii iiiess of unsullied ponor and unsubdued mmb »*d. Give I play to their capacities, unfetter their j elastic imm-gies, re n »v.* uuuecessnry amt j unjust burd ms from their lab >r, and they will achieve prosperity for theuM dves mid tile blessings of exalted civiliz irion for their posterity. But *>ur oppre. v*rs are- not willing to do this. Toey claim j to m ike us the victims of their p ilitieal J policy—worse than that—th<*y n quire j us to be insti umeutal in executing that 1 policy, upon the peril of their vengeance; that a proud au l gallant people, up »n whose honor none but the tongue of*slaii lei* ever breathed aught of shame—(heir ■ own brethren by race, by an- f-stuy and by political tics*—shall v .to* fin their own degradation or forfeit he right* of five American citizens. Remand af er de >aud j having been made and submit Led to, ! with as much complacency as a g**ner , in & people child bring t » te pi*rlorma ace I of humiliating duty, the si:li«m > prop i* led by the military Acts for Rccomstruc- ti *» ijj Luo hitter c i.ilice offered to our I ps, as the maximum of the victor’s ..Magnanimity, winch we are to drink to the dregs, on pain of p d.tic.d death for refusal. But, in mu' anxiety lor friend *lnp and good governme it, we did Hot dash it hastily hour us. Uu its lace it prose Sid to respect our wisiies; it pro posed that we should vote freely, for or against it - -accept ‘>r reject it -and thus, fiv implication at least, invited us to ex am.lie and c > sider it. o ilai so, in the tight of t **e C mstuuli ui, and we louu l ii .1 one w.*.d in tnat iust uniont t » war ant the p issage of the ltec-uiKtrucii-*u Acts T u*y rest up ni the assun.’ptnm mat Oongiess Ims tm* power to coxsiiu'cr a ,vkknm. xrs for tiie Stales. they abro gate tlu? Uoveinm ut -»f (Jeorgia, Wiiich ! ! l“ organiz.kl m defer*;ucc to the Lies d -Hi's wishes, and. in its stead, place us under a Military Governor clothed With tin* p »wer •>! despoii.Nm, un der which the sovereignty of the people is ign ucd and the principles of Migna Cliarta, me *rp u ated into Hie Uonstitu mu lor the .security ol properly, life and fiti eriy, are trodden under foot. They dis franchise a large p ntm of the most in telligent a id virtu mis cit semis, as a pun ishment for alleged crime of winch they nave imt been legally convicted, and coa ler universal hullYage up m llie emanci pated in groes. Ifi nce, the Uougressioii a. scheme is not only violunVe fit the ; Constitution, but grossly cruel and mi | just, amid v *id of ui it far seemg and j i'i*mpivo 'iiuivi stalesmausmp woieu ! seeks good government, m con l rad is line li. |> iriM.t.i iw.x-t..|.!iicy. K.ii- win can fail t" see (/it: to -s ? Acts must lead, and were miended to lead to negro supre macy P vvny such distiitiichisomeiii of till. Win leas to throw p WCI* of the ballot box into H»c control of the e'd’ruu cliiscd black facer Sjicli is olivi liislv their design, de In eed from their Idler and .-pint, not deim and by ill' ll an dim sand In. y illustrated by tne m inner of i.iioir eufo.eemmit. Having p. iced us under military law, and Lolera Hug our orgaiiiz'd g o ernqi lit us nieiely provismnai, its e vil officers were com pedod to snpp u t them, on pain of dis missal Judg saud other were deposed for refusing to Violate the Con stitution and laws which they had sworn to obey and execute; all evil and nidi lary offieers were onleie I t-* pulrfisii then legal advei tiseuieuis in such papers only as sUSta i lied the Jo.igi essional *sC<ieiue. rims the pu.'iiy and m lepeud*.*nco ol our jinl caaiy liave been polluied and stricken and iwn and tin* sunnily of the jury box deseeru ed by eonq* • img jusy lists to tie mad-' up of .m lies and indisci'im in.ilely; and Hum tne liberty of the press is fei tei ed an t loin aled aL Hn* will ol llu; U nuoiauder ami Mililary itoveriioi* of the Slate. so these We oiignt add nuuieroii.-. instances «*l the vi olation ol person * I ina-r.y, by ui rests without l< g and icons 11uni r warrant, au*l • mpriHonaieuL Withoiii an iHjnii ial aun public tr al by jury. In cou«,deratioi , liiereldre, that tne estab isliill'*nt "I il-gro sujircm inj was their intention, and that, ii.i.n id.- motle of their ‘enforcement, it would evidently fie con-mui iled, vve linn i\ and deliber.uely opphsud the Rccon s t met ton Acts, as m *st cumpalible witu .nr sell respect und, our duty to tne dead .iu<l I lie 11v ug —to Hie present and future Bit povv r li»s, thus fir. liiilniplied ..ver' I'ea.-xm, justice and right; and the (JoUVeill IO.) pi oV idl'd lol*. representing He ; i oos only, wita tne exci;pu«m of .« few thousand Waites, u»w sits, to cryit.ifize ml., c uisliinilon il forms llu; p dicy «■! i*ri"gmg tne riiatc ol Georgia under the 'ioniiinoii o [ negro supre in icy. It i* with out. parallel in tne annal- o| the World.— For ait oiign mstoiy f'li uisucs iiistauees of abolition yet it affords no example "I an a.tempi ny military force to cievato tne eiuaiicip i ed slave idiove Ins re'Oeni master, to subordniae tlig CnpCi ior to t he. ml- rior race, and cloum the* latter with me p »iiiicai power of Urn e>iu|c. Jt is the most outrageous p *liey ever udvo oan*d by a Curmli in people. It. should arrest tne alarmed attention of every lYieml of c M.smuiiunal governm t ihr oigliout the Union, as it must uwa en the astou.sme ill ol tne civilised World. Tne p'lpiniA mu of such monstrous wrong IMS IHJCII I e.sei ved for the doiiii mmi poiv»*r now c- mi rolling the destiut of tins co'Uilry —f*r imm a Morn it mu.i put ami obey the Cousin ui , MI ,>f « g..v ernnienl pi o.’esi by and ivilig, as a fun daniental prmcqde, “its pist powers i i*. *iii tne c ms. ut ol tne governed." Follow-Citizens : rmali negro supremi rtj fie perm uicnny entu oiied m me DUir -a Georgia? Snail ten ft.ales of tins Union tie surrendered, at the point •.! {! •- bayonet, to toe and million ..f tin; African race i ftnull eight in loons o! wuiles be sutijected io the run? "i fimr millions of t)lii.:Ks t ft.i Hi Lucy bee »me our M igis trates, oiir Legislators, our Judg s, our (roveniors, and itepr« sclitatives in G-*n ' less ‘i Si ill seven hundred thousand : i **n.n nnl egroij-*, who «:aii nmtucr lemi nor writ vno ku> w mitiiii'g »il the pi in | ciph*s ol t *e UonsUtuiion <*r of legi.-.lai io «, 1 u rrari ius by mstiuct, and laugut tiy p • . iuioai dr.ll masliM's tiiat tfi‘*J, have inj i | lies lo avenge against tile While race, be ad lulled to the nallo'.-no.x ? The'se ar ■ the ,n • neat "is q lesLn.ns v/uich de nan 1 solution a id and siurh iln; peace cud lint ,ii,»ny ol .uir country, if tsey are to In* • tecid,.'d affirm tuv.;,y, v/unl pen o. Lingue ea.* p ntrny.the diref'l c .la inties wr.i'ui we snail leap it no and scant day? Tne and jrau ; mi mi of Gnverii nput Will j c nitmue to grow worse, our materia. I prosperity, already urre ted, will i*e <i«' i siroyed forever; s »cn*ty, already sli >cked !by sU'l leil ana forced cm.uge-, Will !»*■ thrown into Uie hi *si ileplorablucoiidithM* of insecurity, and property, lilt? and Lb erty will fie exposed to irromediabic I F l -' 1 *!• j If our silence, in the past, has been I constru : i Into apathy and inddf Teuo ■, j then wo h ive been greatly mis ippreiieii ;! and *d. We have unharitte 1, almost with j out c niipiaihi, l* cause * wry win. per ol 1 pr *iest h is b« en construed intjdisloy alty I oy our oppre -s *r.s. j We have offered the feeble opposition of scarcely uttered remonstrance, only j because outnumbered at the babul*box, [53.00 per Annum NO. 49. mid ilu-ivt .lv impotent lor successful re sistance. The (Jonsorvati ve p<‘*»j»lo of Georgia feel tluit tame submission Ims ceased to la.* a virtue, ami has become a crime against tlieii country, tneir ia«v am! future gbuemtion. Tne ruthless arm of milmllowo 1 p »\v er mty enslave and degrade them, lon they will never, by word or deed active >r passive, consent to tue.outrage offered to i.»eir manhood, hut they will struggle ig.tinsf, U »*y every legitimate means wmcli they (mu command. They appeal to tue friend* of Count it govern 11*111 i noug.i mil the land to t u.. rescue from the grasp of relentless ecu tralism. li is the province of enlightened Mutes in mslnp to f.cuicli lor tiie cau-so oi poll! ical maladies, with a view lo their re moval. it :s easy lor any candid obsei ver to detect the origin of loose existing evils windi threaten such calumny t«« our country. VVc have previously re* .narked that the Keconstrucliou Acl« assume that Congress lias the power t-. c iustrucl governments b r me proser b. it ■'lutes. Tins assumption M tne Iruiilnt of ail p nlllcal irounk*. It ts not pretended to il me author.ty is to he ‘on doi mo Coii.sltinuou; tin lot! eon «i\uy, uis asserted to ho outside « *i t-e* Const nut lou. i ins is an admission oi | the iniiity of Clio w.i no sea -me. Mow e.ui Congress act of tin Coiisinull m ( Outside oi ttie CmihlUu t.on mere is no Executive, n » Ju.ilC.ury, .10 Congress—no Government ot me Called Juntos. V.) oi likj Constiln non, Cougre>s —or ratlier the men who comp iso it—have no more authority any other body ol nid.v.duais voluiitai'ox isseaiolovi. Outside ol the CoiisLllulioi. pi-y3 have no commission to l« gts.aie Upo.i any subject for any purpose in any mauuei w.iul.socver livery act nut iuo C'mhUtui.on is usurpation and dter y v.mi A uat vitality, men, can dime oe in a State Oovorumeul, c«m •».lucloti in pursuance I la.vspus ed b\ aiitlim ny, claimed to lie *»t in. Oo.istimi.ou/ Liovv long Cm u stand attei tllif bayonets tlnu prop it up snail iiavu iieeii rein ved / It is a fabric vvitu out i 'lladall Mi must tail. lh si* are a >t-|l end in piop isitious too axiomatic to (tlmil oi argument; amt tuey necessarily present, lm* lao c maiderutem ol Lae poo pie of the United 6 tales—cspecia IV in. neon It* ol lm>sc Stales design ued hi tue p' ‘ - w '* .o" par.aucc ol me day as loyal—:.ns grave md m ». n mi.mis queollou. If the State I \vriniieiiis, now tie.iug c-msiructed by 0 Migiivs are mils invalid and can be uainiaiued -mly uy force, are Hi *v | r. pared t-» luCUI tile expense and liaz trd to .oeny oi a standing army, lor stica pur p .se ( Are taey prepared tor a h-spoii-on over ten great Stales of Inis 1 1 .11 o.i ho me mere pm pose ol oppress oi me wn.le race and ciuMam.i.g negro mi piemaey '/ A ill it bo seriousiy mam .aiij.ul mat the government can I‘elaiu .is |. del'a I Caai ac.t-r u,.d Vei sort, a ill sucti i policy ( Aid any caudal mto asset t 111.11 it is consistent vfilii me c mlessediy d riguts '<l tue Stales '( - s\'||o tides liol p. rceiVe tIIUL It Wdl be .ne miLire nm and me conversion oi' mu constitution <1 K •public mto a*'.elevated oligarchy, wd. uslead of toe Coiisiiuiiioo vr.n tic in suprem • law ot me laud !’ And at. i ms 1 .1- IV/ at '/ For the suae ol negro supremacy over me S nutlet u States; t o mi; sake* ol degrading eight mill.mis oj vva le people, loal lour millions oi ne gives may l»e lorcud into a slams to. waicli they are utterly uuiilted. An up peai to the people of me .Norm vvlio navv me p r.vei , to preserve • lie Coiisi iUilion. Are y.»u prepared to pul in jeopuidy om lain .c oi governmoul and me i.b.-i --iy ol mor«* man luiriy unlji uis of om •wn rare, lor ti.e sake oj eub auciba lig enir lUiliioiiS ol illiterate and scmictVo ,z and Ainu ins? s\ e spea v as men, judje ye what we say.' yV'o oeg to dfer auoi.ier vi. w for the cauh l 'ii *'l mo .Sormeru peo ple. i’uey almost v intend mm secession was a numy. Tue w.t, iiav.ilg so and. cuied it as a question o. it is not neccss.tiy now o Con test it as a question of ngot l'm.-n ic. me assumption be rallied. It ioliow . hen, mat not only the Ordinance of ac c-* -si 'll was void but all l ie Hilii c jileul proCeetlings w as—the lab ric eivo.e i upon .1 —won: aiso v ml. i'.om labile was tue nlale govern.uems wn c.. were in I'XlHleuce and in -p rail mi Wo .. i iie «lonfederate arms were surrendered and me war was terminated. 100 g .Velum mis were illegal because imy were hudt oil a breacu of me UUe Cos., s. tiuti.» tui relation between tue .’s'm..’'. .m l rhe Federal G •v.-rumeiit. sue pro p Hilixux are true upon me ussiimp.nMi tuat secession was a nUdiy, as npoa by tin: N'*rUic**n people. !• l«»in;*Vs it. mi the. ii I hat the 6iates w>iv ncvi.-i •at ol me Union, and mat m y r.-iam | me.i right i » continue as siicm, .mwev i j tiled’ visible org<tu.£**ll mi .m l couf*lim n Mini renilams may have been d.smroed ny secession. So lar, ail is pl.nU ..mi easy. file next step is tile beginning oi lm ddiieuby. It luese .-jiiHe gnVci’n oieiits w ie v oid, and theieiore led w.t., in.; Conledef.iLe C.lUse, HoW Ca i 111 -o p.uc •* ne c mslititd mi iliy suppi/ed ' - dan iL be dme by lecoiistriicimn t iiy ,ew 6iate governments cmsliticuu «*y mu Fresideut, C nigress or any om r ~0,v.:r l oUreiy ua. A > depot n *.u of the Government of tin* United States, nn' all o the n C untnm and, is invested with power lo c instruct govern n mi> for the AiaiCH J i.>.ead ol uo ug c.mler r.:d by tiie U.nistituuoii. iL iS paipruly *v * - .* • * .iicoiisistenL wmi it lie duty, oi lme .vnolc du.y of tiie United ..tales w,m icspccL t » the 6late G .vernments, is olea. iy d-tiued in me U m.-dimi i m. Intt j ,la v* k to guarantee to eveiy .Stale a ib puolicau form of govirnuiieut ; to j guarantee it, not to c.eate it—to pr. * serve not to destroy and lin n ivoou.sti net it. Uan you guarantee waat does ii u eX sL? Tue very idea of guaranteeing a government implies, necessarily, the pro existence of the government. Ami mi> is precisely the duly the United States owe to ouch State—lo Mipoort and uphold the government with winch each State started iu the Uuiou, whether terms m mmmm. IW.MUaKI.V in advaxck. One square. (10 linen or less) Hist ihserli: and s2.o'>; o.ioli following insertion, 190 When advertisement!! uro eontinued moil th or lougei. Mui eliarge will be as folio vs ; j 7 ! 5 Months. j-l j 1 Month. .Vuujber of Squares, 1 20 oi) 2 ! 800 I 15 oo t:> oi) J :r» do 3 1 12 00 I 18 00 35 00 I -la in I , 10 00 24 00 1 40 00 53 00. 5 I 2o oo | :r» oo I 45 oo no .uo A Cos! null 35 00 I *5 00 I 80 00 l‘>o *OO i : <i“ tin j Sii ou ! i:; im i <m 0-J noti;*es. nb'desnf lb -ii.rf .•> -1 ;' articles o a personal character, charged advertiscmeuis. L-'or tumounoinj; candidates for o;. r, SIO.OO yt t!i it start Was ui idea, lir- tieguiu ur of i late period i»f mir hist<ny Wfh»iM»vef th** start was made, each started in |hu ■ l uioii with a Republican form of gov* j enuueut. Tii sis certainly true of Q«4,p gin H"d all tiie original thirteen j and me admission of other States at subse •i'leut. p'u uuls, was a confession by the g'VerumiMt, •: lierel’ »re. with wlii-h a Stale started in the Union is (In* govern* winch Itn* Luited Stales is obliged o» tlphold. It may be modified in the legitimate way-—that. is. by the pe gr!c • and the Slate, but always under f! e liipi tamon tliut it uiu->t reman lb-pnhl cm in iMiii. Ami sine* l the failure of secession ‘Hid the (I- ois ion by the 8w..,d secession was a nulity, us ques tion of pi act ice it vv mid sewn t'*at each .ta e is bound to pre sei ve its relation to the. Union, as well as to have a Republican form of government. When there is a breach >f either ofthese l.miiut ins, i lie l 1 ie.ul of legality or couM.ilutionabty is drop ped. Ail that may come tdierwards is “ l ‘ ll » illegal bams and void. Such is ihe inevitable conclusion, viewing ihu siieject ii'om the Northern stiiiidpuiuM A uat, then, is the remedy ? Is it lor (Jo to step in and construct anew g"**vct'iuiieiil '{ We have alr<-ttily slciwn j iliaL tin y have no such p /Wer. I>m tne ; remedy m lo go'b.mU a a| pick up the Uncap o| legal.ty right where it was Propped; or in oilier words, restore the govei'ument which was wrongfully dis*’ muced. It was not destroyed l,y seces sion a>siimuig recession *o lie v ul ; ita Itinciion.s were sniided only its t Uices were v 111, blit liot «XI ingu isli d.— .Janice, ii lollows 11',Jit as soun as ilie dis (wibc)l w is s, cession and i, results) vva; rein ved, the legitimate** GonAitu.i ins of the Slates which were in loi’cc at the ll.lie of secession, i.htud iu l uc.r origin 1 1 vigor, aid the . dices of me r govmu uent> hljoi.U liuvn* be u im-“ me J i.u e.y lined by me proper em-y. i‘ni.s doctrine ol maiul.lining the ■ ucc hsiou o| legality in the Stain, gov eriimeiii.s is prec.seiy vvhal was 4 c and -d by ilie Supr -me Court of the Un ted ''(ub- . iu m■ c i • .1 i) iit's r. be li ui, in , is) 4ii.l. Th • iuiy belongs not ip’ Cos. igr>o.rt alone t.m lo me i’resnh.-ut alone nor lo til Federal Judicia y alone, but to a.I of ihem each acting in its appropriate speie —it I‘eloiigs to tiie United S-atcs. ad ol t ,e p »wms of the Un’teii Slates -land pledged lo jt,« perf,>rm;im e the duly of maintaiiiing the Stale Gov ru • neut win which e icl» State entered the Union w.ili Much m i lllicntious as ii may iave received t»y in.: free and \' duuiary iction of iis consistently wiiii ilkj Uouslimtioii ol the United Stales. \\’lieii ever there is a breach of tile,t >u nip i e,| by tin* C iistit 1 1i *n of the Uni ied States, ever . tiling thereafier 100 be c• n s i> e ,al and vo and The remedy t lei’.-lore is a remission b ick to tin; in lerrupted legil sla ÜB. Now the lath vv 4 has lecnle I, as a <pi ■ ti *li al fact, that seres'ion lu •!(«» tin- thread ofconsti iulio relation b< i ween lm: seceding’ States and the Unit' and States, and that me govern nents founded on secession were illegal and Void, and fell Willi the Confe ler iie cause. T u 'sc fabrics having ihn.s fallen, the peopu: ul the States, its a igical necessny, are n-nnUed back to . • h»ir (J nst tuimns am* Governments winch ox. sic I t the tune o| Secession. All mat was n-cess.try—til that llio United States mi br la- I’eleral G »nsti -11111 mi, had tne right to do—(and th it im-y were l*mml to do) was to restoic tiiosfe- g »ver iin 'its and const thtimis ii. to the pc iph*. This was their ho!-' ihm c Mislitiitioiia! obligation If it had oei-n rompilv rec »guiz and and performed me Com i would have been immediately no mi on/.cl ami ad political disturbance Tne remedy '.heivjore ui ibs and the on y preventative of utter Intmi* ruin is lm- each department in its appropriate sphere, and all the depart ments combined— -constituting tin* G iv ermneut ot tue United Statcs-to return in good ait.ii to the Const ii ut im. instrument guarantees the <*q lalitv of me States in riguts an J and gnit.y, and rco ogu z s the fun tainjulal pAncpK* that acu for itself shall confer and definn .''Late citizenship, and proscribe* the <pial i.icalion t >r ex rcisiug the elective fran enlse and hoUluig oifioe. In making Cos earnest protest against •eing ,dac and by lorce, mi ter negro d»- ,nii ».i, we 1 1 1 .-%a vo vv all feeling ot resent iiimil towards ib it uutoriuuatc race. As .vi- are and stiued to live togetner, we de •s re i.irin *ny and irn nds lip between them tu I onrseives ; as tuey ale made the dupes of unscrupulous partisans mid (le s going a lveiiUi. era we pity tiieai ; as mey are ignorant, depemh-nt anl help m-ss it is ■•urpurpis * m pr »i«ct hem iu lue eiij lyrneut of all the rights nf person md pr-'periy lo which their freedom en ures tllelll. CowwruatiMmen nf Georgia : Awake to i p.op r.s n-. <>( y -or danger ! Org .n --z • lor sell protect.oil ami c-aKelotfs »p* to tne direful rule of negro su premacy, is sought to be e.ifo.v and pou us and om- coil Iren m defiance of i h- C Mi-ii.uti m, and in contempt of the civilization -it the age and the opinions ii blank ud I'e.ilow ah reus of ike North: Within Iho l.i-t lew mou.lis me quesUon ol negro sulj’rage Ii is lieeiqbeiore you at I ho baoot o.i\ . iu a voice not to be miemnderstoo(l you Uiivedeci id against it. You deci ded v-duutaniy U lias been and *cided for us, against our wdl and against our con victions of what is eompatab.e wimg md governiueiit and the C institution ol the Cm ted Stall** : and decided by those who 1 do not exp el lo under the Stale gov eruuiems mey pr pose to establish hy lorce. You decided against it, u.thoiigdi' | un: numi'rr ol negroes <miolig y jii was ; ini small to constitute u counide: able, ; .tiucn less controlling element in politick' it iu mdaiiied by our oppressors that we -.hall have it notwithstanding mat it will lead to iu gro supremacy «#ver us. We .ti .; p.ivv. i.'ess ; you are potent to lorbidf Lie outrage. vV ill you stand aloof utuf eaimly see us subject to this da lining wi uig ; and that when it wdl iuq er il the bepubiic and spread baleful disSM* 1 ler over every interest.