The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, February 14, 1868, Image 4

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Quitman Advertisements.. NEW STOREf QUITMAM, G^EO. Wedlock & Sparks Having Krcidvml tlH)lr New ami wi*ll wlreteU Block of FALL k WIKTEI GOODS, Respectfully invite lho nubile to cull and examine thorn hoforo mit'chwdpg ebuwhcie. From our lon# experience in the Wercitutile buxine**, ©or thorough uf.*f|mnlfif- v»t• with bn'-ino-■ ntid tlt*«t cla*# bouMcM, wo Antler our#*h*M that-wo can make it very materially to your in ter oat to give iih & call. Wo know that our Stork Umt boon bought LOW, ami therebire can In; Hold CIILAP.. We have all New Goods ami all Low Prices ! NO OLD GOODS AND NO HIGH THICKS !! 4*4 k*»lug #4*c»iro<| the norvicew of an experienced Unyor In NVw York city, w« export at nil time % fcoep oar stock perfect and complete ; ami as ‘an ty-llre penny la worth worn thun an idle nkil •■Mb" ear motto In, Quick Hole* and Snmll Profile. — G*K STOCK COSHIBTB OF— GROWS, STAPLE & SONESTIC GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, Hardware, Crockery, Class ami Queens-warc. Alho, a Fine A&wrtmonL of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Trimmings, Bcc. All of which w<* propose to sell on the most liberal 00* ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE will be taken in exchange for good*, and for which the hlgheat market price veil! be paid. Pleuae call and examine oui hloi k. Quitman, January ll,t‘i, 18158. (3a tl) WEDLOCK & FPARKS. PEKIIAJVI^B VARIETY STORE IS CROWDED WITH AN IMMENSE STOCK' OK Fall and Winter Goods Km bracing a Magnificent Stock of JLadies’ Dress Goods, Calicoes, Sllirling, Sheeting, Domestic* of every description, ( lonVs, SentftgH, Nubian, Shawls 'J I rimming*. Hoop Skirts, Lmbruidorie*, White Good* of Every description, etc. Ready Made Clotliing:. Os every description and quality for Men and Boyd, and Gentlemen s Furnishing Goods In great Variety, Stylo and Pat torn, and embracing everything needed or Umdred. lie also keeps BATS, CAPS. BOOTS AMD SHOES, In addition to hi* Immense stock of dry-gooda, he him on hand a choice lot of Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Glassware, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, GROCERIES, And an endless variety of TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS, &C. He Is prepared to offer I ho moHt tempting inducements to purchasers nnd respect tally solicit* the most rigid examination of the qualliy, sly lu mid prices of hi < entire stork. November2o, 18(57. A. F PLKIIAM. J.W. STALNAKER& CO. Scmmissisn l£srchants and Retail Deals::, CALL the attention or the |>nblia.|o Iholr l«p uni4 Well Bidoeled Stock ol Dry Goods, Groceries, IXJ±.X*.TNWj&.3ELttI, dbo m Just n*cHred from New York. Special attention In also called t«> their stock of JIK which they will Nell at wholesale or retail, at greatly reduced prices. • They also have on bond a large supply of Bagging and Iron Cotton Ties, Which they ofTer to Hunter* and Merchant* at price* below those at which they can lav down the • sumo quality from Savannah. Liberal Advances »d* on Cotton shipped lo their friend* in Savannah, New York or l.lrorpool. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID tor WOOL. HIDES and oilier Produce. IMrKcfling confident ’int they car. give satisfaction in every line, they solicit n .hare of lias pub lie patronage October is, igtii. NEW FALL STOCK!" A. J. ROUNTREE, IS NOW UECKIYING A LAUGH STOCK OF OMB am OTusai ©OOOO. Fhlch have been bought for C.wli, and will he sold lorn small prolll. j .Judge William Hudson till remains at this Store, anil will take pirns,, re in wuitine ,« his ivi i. i " Wr "’ ***"» ’ * solicited. LOO'T'. 1887. DEWITT & MORGAN, A\ holesale and Retail Dealers in 9 xiG2?:3 ait: fs?.i3it 137 Congress Street, Bavannaii, G-eorgia, Have Just <)pnaed (heir f&hb Mu mimtm STOCK. CNT fw 004 Is bij *// iV/ffnilff* ♦dies’ Dress Coeds in all the Newest Styles : Sheet imr< Shlrtinmi I ... 1 ... in Housekeeping• White UoJ, “ Goods for gentlemen and Boys’ Wear. ALL OUR STOCK IS NEW A."|i JI’ST pofG LIT \T XI If' rtEJiD'CTCGEtm TP IPS, x 033 S. DEWITT & MORCAN. Savannah Houses. WILKIMSttK & WILSON, COTTO.Y FACTORS A N It ft Commission Merelunits. Agents* for the Sea Fowl till ill Him Bill Bl TIL \ <x Liberal Advance* nutde on corwlginiMinfs forfait or jihipmeirt to New York or Liverpool OFFICE, No 90 Bay Street, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. October 4, 18(57. din I* J. orir,M\KTl,W. JOli* FI.ANNKUV. J&. W. |>Ri WMO.VP L. J. Guiimartin Si Cos., COTTON FACTOHS AND Urnrral Coiiiinissioii MEEOHANTfe. Smftniwh, - - - (» rovf/ia. I IdiLernl advanccw rr»nd(;on Conßignmcntn. Order* promptly filled at lowest market rates, j Hayjuaj, Ih/jic urul Iron Ties, constanUy on hand. I August 15th. 18R7. Oin I KOOKS, .ifWS, Ford & Thompson, NEWS DEALERS, Bryan St., Savannah, (Ja. ITT 1-5 have always on hand the Lnteat New j YV York and other Daily and Weekly News papers, MngazineH, Fanhlon Books, Novels, Ac. Stationery of Every Description nlwuy. (in in mi. We rncelvc the latent piililicatlonn liy every mail mill eteniner for thin city. Country denlerH fnrnlehednlaliberal dUcount. ..j.,.Sciid lor Price i.iat of Newspapers, Ac. W. furnish nny Paper or Magmtino publinhed in Lite United ciiutusW order. FOiiU A THOMPSON, nugiiO-ly Ifux IMP. T. SKELTON JONES, Bookseller and! Stationer, SAVANNAH, GF.OUGIA. Thenlugicni. Claasicnl, School and Mlecellaneotis Publicailtms kept on hand, if Vt-Orders recuivod for any Work, Foreign or AmurUan, nug2:i-ly HESS, GUTMAN & CO WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GKOC3EK3ISS A N D LIQUORS, 130 Bryan street, SAVAXNAH, GEORGIA, j j September 27,1867. 6m Edward C. Wade. Seaborn H. Wade. E. C. WADE & CO., COTTON FACTORS, 6tnmtl Coiitinissioi! ylli'fdjimls, And Agents lor Fortilizors. SAVANNAH GEO. atig‘i:i 6in .. II.A. r.U.MEK. J. 11. PKJMTSH PALMER & DEPPISH, M'HOI.F.SAI.E AND RF.TAII, DEALERS IN HARD WARE, CUTLKKY, FILES, EDGE TOOLS, Powder, Lead, Shot, Caps, Agricultural Implements, 148 Congress mid G 1 St. Julian Stroots, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. August 23, 18(57 . 20 Cm ii K O W N ’ 8 OLD ESTABI.ISITKD PHOTOGRAPH AND AIIjjROTYFE GALLERY, 72 St. Julian Street MARKET SQI'AHE, Savannah, Georgia. mills eaUblLlmuMit, the largest and finest In A. the city, is open at all times for the recep tion pf visitors. Our facilities for ibe production of first class Caffs lie Visile. Amb retypes and Porcelain Pic tures, is unrivalled. AH Pictures known to the art. are made it this Gallery, Irjra the siuullest miuature to life size. ..i Kvery kind of picture copied with <‘us» ami dispatch. K II lIIIOWN. March 15. 18(57. (7-tl) l’hotegirt]*h Artist. T. BROWN, WHOUKSAI.K VXD UKTAII. PKAI.MR IN (ipiirtemeii’s anil Hoyts’ Furnishing Goods, I fats, Gaps, Bools, Shoes, rmbrellas, tfr TNo. Hryan Bt., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Aug. 23, 1867. foil T il £ DECKER & CO. IVORY agkafke par I? X Amo FORTE'S VKK celebrated throughout the country, ami are distinguished for their Singing Quality; 1 Votmm* and purity of tone ; Sympathetic Klnsttc | even touch. Durability of construction, ai*l Wau i ty of finish! First Premium** awarded at the New York j State Fair iu 18,)8. and whenever and wherever | exhibited. The I Wker A Company I’ianos have always I received the First Premium Wo never ami ichere i r • • they have competed with the uhm4 celebra -1 ted makers in this country. The Ivory Agraffe Har is an Invention beauti- , i tul in its wnipllcity. aud wonderful in its praeti- | cal tdTect. ll the most compact .Igraffe ever j invented, a»<l Its influence upon the tone Is* to I ‘ render it nwdVwer, rounder, and more clearly ! : brilliant, while it utterly overcomes that sharp, j metnlic quality which disfigures the instrument of all other maker#. ( Tho uoantn'.ou> cqdnion c.f Ihc best artist? and! ‘ the most reuablecrtiios. is U .?♦ the Decker ,V ■ ■ Company Ivory Agraffe Bar P ; ano F->rt,\ bieh j in voluminously sonority, and positive soli»lit\ of | tone, can stand comparison with the best grand i 1 Piano FVfftts made. IVo. Union Square, Cor. < f 14th St and*lth ave:n.\ NKW YORK Sacannah Houses. Lovell & Lattimoro. MANUFACTITiIiKH Os PLAIN TIN WARE, AND DEAT.KRS IN Japanned, Planished and Stamped Tin Wares. LOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, . Hlove», Slicet Iron, Tin Platen. Lead, Brooms, Wooden Ware, Pocket and Tabic Cutlery. HOLLOW WARE, &.C., &U. Crockery and Glassware Also, ?Valor Cooler* o.nd Filler*, 108 PITCTimW AND REFRIGERATORS. And in connection with the above, we have In Store every variety of CfiOUNC STO¥£S AND RANGES, With all the fixture* ready for immediate '(»<•■ - Tlie.e Stove* arc neat and (dmide in appearance with !ar«e line* nf extra thickne** and weight. Will lie wold at reasonable prices. Order* loi Stove* promptly attended to. No. 155 and 157 St.. SAVANNAH, GEO. May 4th, 1867. ly BALTIMORE AMI MUWAII STEAMSHIP PINE. Tint New and Fast Steamships, ■ mu pout. gei. cnsTU & iuiie. Will ply regularly between Baltimore nndSavan null, leaving each port every Thursday, and con necting with tlur interior of Georgia and Went Florida by Central ami A A G Railroad, and with Fast Florida by regular Packets. Through Bills of Lading will bo issued to all points on the Central and Atlantic and Gulf R Roads and connecting lines, and to Brunswick, St Marys and landings outlie St Johns river. Goods con r ign«*d to the agents at either end of the line, will be forwarded promptly and free of all commissions. Passengers are furnished w ith superior accom modations and save tw’o hundred miles of sea travel by taking this route. For further information and particulars apply to WEST <fc DANIFI S. Agents. Savannah au23-Sm J. B. ANDREWS, Agent Baltimore. REMOVAIr & iLAiIIT. S. B. HARRINGTON, Dealer in every variety of Household and Office Ftmwmmss, f'hairs, Mattresses, etc | Has removed to tlie new block of stores just j completed by Wylly and Melnhard, where, with largely increased facilities, and a Fine assortment of Goods, [ He challenges competition in quality or j price, 115 Broughton Street, Between Bull ami Whitaker, Sftteannahf (»«, .'t'pt. 2n. 1867 M fim S. S. MILLER, DKAI.KK IJ4 HIAIIOCAXY, WALUT riHE iTKamawaaip FRENCH AND COTTAGE CSiIBEI SETSAIIIMim. MattraMii* made to Order No. 157 llroiiKliloii SllTCt, SAVANNAH GEO. February l, 1867. ly A. J. MILLER & CO., EUISIITtJUI WABf HOUSE, J3B BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH .....GKO New Work made to Order. Repairing, Bell Hanging. Mattress making and Upholstering at short notice. February 1. 1867. ly BRYAN, nARTRIDGE& r 0.7 \**i**i**i»i* Y f 2*»*n*w*« VviiiiiiiMUiki* WllWiifiiMiiMi —A K D | SAVANNAH GEORGIA I /CONSIGNMENTS of CotU>n and other Pi luce 1 v_V solicited : which we will seii in Savannah. < New York or I.ivei |vo»d, as desired, making lib j oral advance* l . I Special attention given to Purchasings Planters' Supplies. Wes tern Itaeon for sale on consignment.'^^ r.and fob SALF. m St'pt. 13. 16(17. fun j Win. J. Wciiiiiiglilin, WKOLKSALK AND RKTAIL IN fiFU 91IGDISS Ml VmiV SIHES. Corner Broughton and Bull Sts (Over UiPsman's Drug Store.) > SAVANANH GEORGIA. j February 22,1*61 4-tr PURSE & SON. STATTONKRB. Printers. Lithographers, En gravers and Book Binder?. of Carmine and Black Ink? \e, t’» '.lhitnkcr 'rrc!, Savannah. Georgia. Savonnah Advevtisements . E. D. Smythe Si Cos., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in CROCKERY, CHINA,] GLASSWARE, j 109 Broughton, 140 Congress and 57 St, Julian stsj <s oa 'IJtT’lLL ItITUCATK t)i« JOliliiNCi i’KIGKK ami 1511.1-K of nny Market in the United Staten,! VV lor the name quality and quantity of Wart at lltt sunn.' period of time. Printed Lists of Assorted Crates, WITH PRICKS OK EACH ARTICLE. WILL BE Fl itMSHED ON APPLICATION. Many of Ibttw Uata have been carried In Sew York and other Markets, by Merchants from ! Georgia anil Florida, who have come back to Savannah and Bought their Goods of Us. September 13, 1*67. 32-ts BOLSHAW & SILVA, Importers and Dealers in ElQElllf, EHIHA, GLASSWARE, CUTLERY, KEROSENE LAMPS , KEROSENE , . m m mm BOISE EIRMSHIXi GOODS VEVEIIALLV. CROCKERY, Assorted in Ciales, or lie-parted, to Suit Purchasier t. •Vo. OH >St . >/h /1 an and 10l ttryan St verts , N.VA 11 Tll K il A 11 KE TANARUS, ©avannali, Geo. October 25, 1807. I y I8bX”fall 1868. WINTER "TRADE. john c. mm & co., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY COODS, Notions, Millinery, STRAW GOODS, Corner of Broughton and Whitaker Streets, SAVANNAH, CA. ./GOTiV t'Oit fcROVER & BAKER’S Klaslfo Slileli Sewing Machines. Anynat 2, 3ISS7. ] T ~ x ’ ' N ‘ a. wxsTKiN. it. EesMay. a. vnrsm an iiiLw ‘;‘ K ' IA> ’ EINSTEIN, ECKMAN & CO. Importer, andll .hi. in Wholesale and Retail Dealers in »hV coons, ■®ST«'.2SSIF®- Ift! Omiyrcss Street, I ms Congress St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. SAVANNAH GEORGIA 18U7. TALL TRA DEi~ 1867. I . —e- \\c invite your attention to our Large and Carefully selected Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY 2) -XI ©®B3 9 &OTHIHS. ipsT BOOTS MB SHOES, Purchased expressly for this Market, and which are offered at the I,otreat Priees. Merchant, and l'Untera v Uiting onr city, or ordering supplies, will find it to their interest to in-1 spec* our stock, or send us their orders. An established business ot Twenty One years in this city, is a guarantee that we give fcatiefhetion to our patrons. Hoping that you will pay us a visit and inspect our stock, we are respectfully Ac. j EINSTEIN 8c ECKMAN, 151 and 163 Congress street, SAVANNAH, GEO. August 23. 1867. ' r m E. G. HILTON. Savannah. F. M. RANDELL. New York Hilton & Randell, WHOLESALE &ROCERS, 10:i Bay Street, Savannah, (wco. Invite the attention of Dealers to their Large and Complete assortment of ' RROIERIES, PROVISIONS, WINES, LIOMRS, ETC., ETC.,I TVhieh they offer at the Lowest Market rates. , *e~Orders accompanied with remittance, .til receive special attention. (srpt2o-3m ELY OTl'O, Gen'ml Newspaper Agent. nr.YAX ST HE FT, At Ford A Thompson’s News Depot, SAVANNAH, CEO A. S. HARTRIDCE, Commis- ion an and Forwarding M e 11 o 11 a tv r . No. 92.8AY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA February Id. 5.<.'7. ly MISCELLANEOUS. FALL AMD WINTER GrCODS. JAMES B. FINCH HAP inat returned from New York and in no* receiving and opening a complete awort meut of Fall and Whiter floods, F.MHRAH-VO I>RY GOODS of every description, andinclnding Ladies’ Dress Goods, Os various styles and patterns; READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND, SHOES. Gents and Ladies Hats Ac. Hardware, Crockery, Otdssmre, Tinware, Domestics, Yarns, Saddles, llridlei, rfv; t AUo, & general stock of Family Groceries* j g nc h il. Flour, Coffer. Tuba. 'O, Pried Fruit, Oysters. Sardines, Candles, Crackers, Kttuff, I’ovrder, Shot and Caps, i Old customers and purchasers generally arS respectfully invited to rail and examine for theta ' i selves, before purchasing elsewhere. I Kept, nth IWI7. (marM-iy) NEW STORE! NANKIN, BROOKS (0., GEO, rpHK undersigned respect fully inform* the pub- J lie that he has e-iablished bimaelf at the above place, with a large and well selected stock a S..U ff a*. J'W •»<*** ■ p-wara-, Embraemg Cents' and hoys' Suits. Overcoats, A* Boots and Shoes, For Gents, Ladies, and Children, and *f almost erery style and ipiallty. Hats, Caps, Straw Goods Gents' Furnfrliing Good*. I-adie*’ Cloth and Canhi!)•■«• Cloaks, Shawl*. .Sontag*, floods. Nubias, Comfort*, Hoop Skirt*. Blanket*. My stock of NOTIO JSTS, Will be found complete. I will vise keep constantly on hand a complete stock of mmmuma Hardware, Wood. Willow and (Jueesware In fact eveiything found in a to 1 els*. I'ry C.ods and Giocery store. I alrt j repared to sell as FOll TIIE MONEY, A* can ho liad in Quitman or elsewhere _ \p ftr , requ as! to cali and ex amino f#v theutselve... No trotthle to show goods. WHISKEY OUT, And no more to be kept for sate. W. A. LIVING STOW. 1 November 2!>lh, 11X17. Cl-ts NOTICE, nnHßoomMrUHThhipberetofore existing bet 1 I»AINF «V. BAI'M. in the Mercantile r>M*i i* Lbir* day dift*o!v«>d by mutual consent. JOS lAH I*AINK. JACOB BAUM. All induhlcdru'.-T by tin* late firm will be liqui dated by the !tn<Vi-icTKNI ; and all debt* dua »ai4 firm must be p.-id to ihe undc*rsi*rrt«il. Jt >,SI Ail I’AINK. Quitman, Ga.. October 16. 18G7. 37-if SI GO < >nly a f* w more subscribers are required U insure the speedy issue ot the Great Illustrated Taper— Til E VV EE KLY PR ESS, which in size and appearance wi resemble IIA BP FITS W EKK f. V, but in value will iur traneccnd that publicaliaa. The TKRnS will be an embodiment of the .pi** of the age. Kach department will sparkle with Bm geala* of the most eminent w riters of the day. An original serial STORY of the most brilliant character will be comme*i«e4 in tliU first number. THE ILLUSTRATIONS will be entirely original und of the most attrac tive style and nature. Tljegreat expense and labor involved ia Hik» euterpi rse render it accessary that we skaald start with an ENORMOUS CIRCULATION. In ord**r t do this, we shall do as follows : $10,006 iu suiij.i «and will be distrili»tt4 through the first edition. To every girun nuabw ol papers will be allotted. Every copy the I'UI>S will be enclosed in a stout wrappar. so that the paper containing the greenback* will* not be known by their external appearance, aad all purchasers will have an equal chance for tttt j m )ney and gifts. Besides the SIOO BH.L>. orders will be e«- clot-ed in certain copies of the edition for the feb lowing GIFTS: KaeE 5 Grand Pianos (Steinway’s). Value . . . $5P# 5 Grand l“ian »s .-t’bickering’s). Value. !©♦ 1 Carriage, from C. Witty's Repository. lof‘ 10 Gold Watches lit* 5 Melodeons . 17$ p lO Ladies'Gold Watches 10^ ■ 10 American .Silver Watches. 7$ ! 5 Music Boxes 4s - UHptfc T.nCk stitch Sewing Machine* £• 3 Wheeler awl Wilson's Sewing Machine*. 7$ i Wilcox and Gibb s Sewing Machine*.. . 4$ Photograph Album* 1® The baleme to consist of Accordeoft*, Tew ! .Sj i ts. Silverware Ac. No Dollar Jewelry. Me' j Gift, worth less than Ten Dollar*. TUB DRESS will be mailed to any address rtpoa the receipt •< ! price. Ten Cents, or eleven copies few tl, three for $2, and sixty for SA. Address ST ( A R'T & CO., • NEW YORK PRESS” No. 61 Broadway. New York City. November 15, 1867. !ra Fruit Notice- I WILL GIVE, to those who d»-sir« it, all th*' necessary information in Pomology—for the small sum fT Twj Dollar?. Embraemg erery mt-ihod of GraUmg. Inoculating. Ac. Also. tW most approved m uiner of Culture, Pruning, aa4 Vines, etc. Apply to or address. M. L. Battuc,! ; Quitman, Ga. November 17*. —if Notice. THE inten ?t of GEO. G. SMITH in the firm of irmhh A Walker, expired on the Ist ms i October : Mr O. G. Smith retiring from said irm. October 18. 1867. 37-“ f i. u. addisox w. u. n.uorr j r. a van wre* ADDISON. ELLIOTT & C§, Wholesale Groeers, —AND Commission .Merchants 95 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. All Orders entrusted to ns will be promptly executed. Our best attention will be given to all consignments. REFERENCES: I. B Ki..n.Avr'j Htll ( T-.t m.uioe A Cos.. S9 Tine Yr. N. V.; C II Uenkiect A Cos., Broad 5t.. s*. T. J. Si.AruiiTLF, of Noiftin, Slaughter A Br ad ?t.. N. Y.: IL ntT’tio?.. A Cos.. Charlestoa,- S. C.: ECV* ‘ r i Cos.. 'Tvarnah. Ga.; Gad*’ mo yA \ - ■ aouab. Ga.: B Ei.ijott £Bos r ltd Pearl St.. N. Y. November .2 > 7 12 -3m.