The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, March 06, 1868, Image 3

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<thc (Quitman gaunev. LOC AL COLUMN QUITMAN, MAlim ti, Is<>*. lload the new adv» rtisonu-nts in t«>- <layV» paper. Tl.ry are all important. fcjT See important notice from Dr. M. L. Batttf., the popular and capable Den tist of Quitman. He proposes, as an accommodation to the people to receive as payment for work country produce, &c. The Coxkf.oeiutf. Flag ox tub Ocean.— We have received from the publishers, Messrs. Van Kviuk, Horton & Co M 162 N.assan street New York, a copy of “The Confederate Flag on the Ocean,” a tale of the Sum Ur and Atalxnna, by Prof. \V. H. Peek It is a very interesting South ern narrative, and will be eagerly sangLt after by the reading public. Many of the incidents are thrilling in the highest degree. Price 25 cents. T*if. SomiKRX Cn.nvAToi:.*— The March edition of this popular and useful agri cultural journal has been received. Ah usual, it is overflowing with instruction and wise suggestions in reference to the science of agriculture. It should be in the bouse of every Southern planter. Published at Athens, (ieo., by Win. &. W. Ij. Jones, at the extreme low price of two dollars per annum. One number is well worth the money. Polytechnic College.-—At the request ! us the General Agent, we publish to-day an address to the* people, from the Ti ns ' ■ tees of this college, proposed to be es tablisbed at Haiti bridges It will repay n perusal, and the enterprise commends itself to the lavorabJe consideration of all Southern men, P»t K\Et« to Death —Wo learn that a ' negro child, about seven years of age, living at Mr. Perdue's place, one mile from town, caught fire bti Saturday last, and was so severely burned, that it died the following night. Important to Tax Payers. Mr. Alderman, Tax Collector for this j county, has received orders from the i Military Comptroller of the Ftatc to col lect immediately one tenth of one per j cent on the taxable property of the coun ty as returned upon the tax digest for 1867. This additional tax is levied for j the purpose of defraying the expenses of the mongrel Oonvehtion in session at At lanta. Mr. Alderman has imparativo* orders t> collect the tax forthwith : and i if the people are dilatory to issue execu tions and realize the sum required. It will boa very unpleasant duty imposed upon Mr A. to sell the property of citizens j but be bus no othc* alternative if they fail to respond to the demands of an in exorable law. We would therefore ad vise all partita Lobe prompt in making payment, THE PRE3EE POWDER or TIIK WORLD. The attention of Sportsmen and Dealers is called to the following facts : At the trial of Arms before tin* Examining IV»ar«l in Washington, August, ishu, cartridge* mad** from this powder, gave fur greater penetration, range, anil cleanliness, and in competition with the principal American powders, proved in ev-ry respect superior to all others. At the Wimbledon Hide Meeting in England. Juty, 1806, competing with the best of foreign powders, the same results were obtained with the l§r*t prize. The Board convened bv order of the (’omman der-in-Chicf of the State of New York for the ex amination of military small arms, whose sessions were attended by officers specially detached by ; the Russian, Prussian and banish Governments. •ay. in their print»*d report of the numerous guns on trial, that after firing 100 rounds all but one became so foul as not to admit the cartridge. Thht led to a test of the pointer, and they deem th«* subject of «o much importance that they say in their report : “The jennjer »we/ in fhex? tridyrs lUsfrrf ffjtrrjirf mention a« being very su perior. It b the Orange Rifle Powder ’’ Another meeting of the Board, called by Spe cial Order No. 12<» of the Adjutant-General, un der date of May 18. iniij. is subject, among oth er conditions, to the following, in article 3rd : **fn order to conform to the t inted States standard eharge. as now adopted, the charge, of powder will be 70 grains. The power to be tin* Orange Rifle Powder. F(», manufac- i lured by SMITH A H AND POWDER t 'O." One of tile best sportsmen in the State writes. ■With the Orange Powder 1 made the largest srore T ever nude In the shooting matches where the powder lifts ! been us«* Iras been nniveinally successful. Wm. Taylor. Esqtlx* celebrated pigeon shoot er of Jersey (Tty. says : “it is the best powder I have ever lined.“ Another celebrated idiot, from Central New York writes : “Your powder is in high repute here and the country round about, and will su persede all others.” RANDELL A OO Agents. 201 k 20 J, HAY ST RE BY, SAVANNAH GEORGIA, Febmary 14, 18<;7. 5-lm. Sheriff’s Sale. WILE be sold before the Court lloit.*e door in Quitman on the Ist Tuesday in April. betw«»en the usual hours of sale, the following property to wit : Three bales of t'pland Cotton, levied on as the property of William Barrs, to satisfy sundry ft. las. in my hands : Green Perry nn<l others vs. William Bars. Also, at the same time arid place, about three thousand pounds of Seed Cotton, and one Two- Horse Wagon. !evt«*d on by virtue rtf a distress warrant James Johns vs. Nancy Johnson.— Property pointed out by J. Johns. J). C. McNeil. .Sheriff. Feb. 28, 18<*8. 5-tds ('I EOUGIA, Brooks CorxTT.—Whereas. J- B. JC Peacock, Administrator with will annexed oh the Estate of William A. Henson, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from his Administration of said Estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the parties at interest, to file their objections vyittiin the time prescribed by law. otberwue said letters will be granted. j. g. McCall, o. b. c. Februjiry\2g ( 18<18. 5 Cm• it.y A Tally, ••K hmuS* AX»» ORXAMKVTAf. PLASTERERS, BR) H STKIAT. vll IVIIH, 4.1, K also mi fling and Repairing Neatly execute*!, lam*, La-h, Hair. Cement and Building L s??13-ly M APES’ NITROGENIZED SUPER-PHOSPHATE 0 F LIME, A VALUABLE AND POWERFUL Fertilizer, For Cotton , Corn, Wheat, Peas, Garden Vegetables, 1 Ac., Ac. I T 18 COMPOSED of ingredients each in and . of itself a vigorous Fertilizing A«e»n I They are used in their I»CUK STATE, and com billed in the Sliper-Pbosphate free from adulteration and perfectly soluble. The pracll eal experience given below of planters during the past season, fully eM.iblbh all the advanta ges claimed for this well-known Fertilizer. | Received the “Highest Premium" awarded to Fertilizers bv ilie American Institute of New York, held October. IMI7. j For lull report, with analysis made by the ' <'ouimiltee of the Institute, composed of Dr. L thick, Plot*. J. G. Ruble, and other prominent Chemists, see Pamphlets.. The distinguishing feature of this 811 per-Phos phate from other simJ ir Fertilizers is that all of ns ingredients are of animal origin, ami are either soluble in water, or in a condition to quickly bo* < onu? soluble in the soil, and be taken up by tin* j crop. j Contains no Inert or mineral material?. The proper relative proportion of the Ingre- J dients in Mapes* Super-Phosphate, to meet the 1 cijnireincnts of the Cotton crop in Georgia and South Carolina soils, is fully proved by tile expe rience of Planter*, who testify that whenever tin y applied the same to land noted for rusting cotton, tin* disease was entirely corrected and a healthy, vigorous grow th produced, on the same land. Peruvian Guana and other Fertilizers have failed to secure a healthy growth. TESTIMONIALS. THOMAS S. SALTER, Washington county, Ga.. reports that seventy-five pound* per acre, oil old land, increased both the Colton and Corn three-Ibid. Consider* it far more economical than Peruvian Guano. DR. K, PARSONS, ; andersville, Washington co.. Gasay* : -My observation is that Mapes' Super-I’hosplmte is a preventative against rind in cotton Ha* about d-nd,l,d the cotton uinl trvbUd the corn, lias ddin* better than Peruvian pound for poind. J. W, SCOTT, of the same section, reports that his crop manured with Peruvian Guano was far more affected by drouth and excessive rains than "here Mapes' >u|K*r-PboKjibuto was used. .Shall use Mapes' in preference to any Fertilizer he has seen used by his neighbors. W. If. SPARKS, Katoutou. Ga., reports: On land about half covered with sedge, and which had not been cultivated in two years, where the manure wax put in badly, immured crop would yield two pounds where the unmanured would yield one. ! B. B, HAMILTON. A morions, Ga.. reports : : Obtained the most satisfactory result from Mupes* Super-Phosphate, applying it as a top-dressing. It is cousiderod by ail. I have had the beat gar ! den this year in Southwestern Georgia, •V. J. ANDERSON. Fort Valley, Ga.. report*:—' j Mapes' Siiper-Pliosphate Intjj doubled ihe crop of cotton in every ca»e reported, and seiiii* report It has more than doubled their* rap. On wheat and oata the result was rciy Satisfactory. D. A, WARNOCK. Beach Branch, S C. re* I (torts : In laud which always runted cotton in ereaseil the crop two fold, as flue cotton as he has seen this year. Prevented rust. Four raws u tuna nil red rusted in August. Everything the Mapes' 811 per Phosphate was tried on did well. Cotton stood the cold weather in Spring, kept perfectly green and grew finely. Has beat IV ' ruvian Guano in his neighborhood. Believes it to be the best manure now in use.* E. R. LILES. Lilesville. Anderson Dittrict. S. C., reports : As compared with Peruvian Guano and Mapes* Super-Phosphate, the result was de cidedly iii favor of Mapes' SujHw-Phosphate, nt ! tribiitalde beyond doubt to the fact that the rav ages of the rust w ere not. by o market l difference, to be wen when* it was applied, as where tin* ; other manures were. JAMES M< MEEK IN. Alston, .8. C., reports ! 1 sed a ton of Peruvian and found the result but oin*-half a* compared with Mapes' Super-Phos phate. Soil mostly sandy, with clay sub-soil. Marked difference in si/a* of the balls in favor of Mapes’ Super-Phosphate. On cabbage plants the increased growth was about I<)0 per cent. JOHN R. HAIR, Mims. S. C.. report* : Cot ton w as made vigorous and healthy, and matured at /'-of/ hro trf't-l s rr/rlier where Mapes’ Super- Pho-phate was used, as compared with other Fertilizer** Mapes’ Supcr-Pltosphate produced 1 HM» pounds pgr acre more cotion than i Super-Phosphate, ami ’>o (emnds per acre more than Soluble Pacific Guano. Same quantity of i each (JO pounds) used to the acre ; cultivated in I t he same manner. 'Japes’ Super-Phosphate more than dom'd ft,-, yd Id „f mint). R. J. YENNING, Clrt-i-t Church Parish. S. C . | report* : < )nc application of 200 pounds Mapes' 1 Super-Phosphate per acreJ made tin* cotton grow to the height of six f*ct, where it. grew' only two | feet the year before. Considers Mapes' Super phosphate the b«*«t Fertilizer for Sea Island Cot | ton, and would J?af«?ly recommend it to all plant ; er*. S MEAN’S. Spartenf.*Mrg, S. G., writes Fsed 24<» pounds per acre, applied May 48th. j Gan safely say never saw a more vigorous growth 1 imparted to cotton from tin* use of any manure. I Soti*lied the tue of Mapes' Supei-Phosphate pays \ i hundreds. ; W. A. MERBfWKTITRB. Vatti- I'nnh. near! Columbia, S. C., rhp.»rts that Map«*s' 1 1 phaie has given perfect satisfaction, and that it J permanently improves the soil, lias no besita- . tion in saying it is the special manu’c for turnips ] and Irish Potatoes. « P. C. I’ENDLETON. vaide*fa. Georgia, writes i Mapes' .Snper-Phosptmie has exceeded my most ! sanguine •■xpcchitionna Tin* efleets of jt* use j upon c«>rn, peas and gard<*n vegetaf»U*B. was I ! most marked. 1 cmnot give careful «*sti mates as neither land or Phosphate wsa i ; measured. If it can always be kept up to* the standard, it must take the preference of ail | i Fertilizers now in use. M. B. IIINTER. Quitman. Ga., reports : Ap plied at tin* rate of b>o pounds per acre, upon [ every alternate four lows. Jh*■ rejnJf >ros truly \ ; oxtonixhii>if. Tlx* manured rows yielded fully . double the neighboring alternate rows. [setters from the abort* named Planters. : giving their experience hi detail, will be found in our descriptive pamphlet*. These pamphlets contain a treatise on manures and general infor mation of interest to the Planter. Price, per ton of 2.000 pounds, cash, sjs <*o. Or. cash, >;:»2 .>0 ; payable November Ist. IMS, $32 50 —$65 00. PURSE & THOMAS, CKNIUiXL AGENTS, r?o. IXI Bay Street, SAVANNAH, OEOKOIA. t).-rrniir r ■»). U. 7. i.j i m iNofcssiouiu ts avtb, iVr. WM. A. LAN E, : Httornni at Tain anb Solicitor I /.V CHASCKHY, Ql ITMAN, HR''OKS Cl if N TV, tJKOIiCI.V. Office at the Court House. January 10. 18U8. lv William L. Evans, i Jttornni anb (Tounsclor at Tab, | WAUKSnORO - , CKORCIA. IT r ll.r. jiv, l fintinhl nttnitinn In nit Ituslnn*. T , outiiistnd tn lii. taro in tin* Hnmswiirk Circuit. tnl»t7 ly S. I'. KINOSHi.U A . I Monica a 11b Counselor at 3Cafo, QITTMAN. CKORRIA, Office, in the Building next tt> J. S. Cummings.) M ill practice in tin* Southern Circuit, in the counties ttf Decatur in the South-western. Clinch in the Brunswick, and Hamilton, Madison and Jefferson in the Middle Circuit of Florida. January 18. 1867. ly r. VAN ( IKS EX, DEMTIST, .STOCKTON, NO. la, A. A It. R. | (Formerly Drs. McDonald A (Jlosoii. Mncon ) KKSI'KCTI'TT.I.V In’s services (oSic citizens of t.'lineh and surrounding conn lies, in all brunettes of tin* profession. Uu Mill visit Quitman or any other point requested. KKi Em.xn-s : J. D. Smith. M. I), Macon. Georgia. Capt. B. F. Moseley. Vald*»s*.». Georgia. J. G. Moore, Valdosta, Georgia. Dr. H. Briggs and Mr. J. D. Charlton. Vablosla L’ev. O. L. Smith, I). I).. Echols comity, (ieo. <’a|U J. Wells, Valdosta, Georgiii, ( apt. C. (’. M illiums, Low ndes eounfy, Geo. " J Mabry, \ aldosta. Georgia. March 1. lMi7. 5-ts SAVE VOI lt TEETHi 7b the Cilistnx of Quitman ami Vicitiily r*F ASK f»e informed that I have pernmnently located in \ our rmSSajsSEk beautiful town, lor the practice <d ' viJ u[TXXX-J mv profession. All work warranted except ad vanced decays. Teeth with small decays, w arranted from five to fifteen years, except from negligence, tin* teeth have been permitted to de cay in other parts, or injured from blows. Surgical op.-ration* performed with but little pain. Irregular teeth put in proper position.-* Tooth ache cured, as well as all diseases that the teeth and mouth are subject to. Particular at tention called to 111 y skill in extracting teeth and slumps. PRICE FOR I)i:\TAL WORK. Artificial Teeth, on rubber, full set . . .SIOO On “ gold, full set. Fluctuating. “ “ “ pivot, p«*r tooth. $2 to $5.0(1 Fillings -gold 1 to 20.00 •diver 2.00 Cleaning Teeth $:*..00 to 10 00 I may be found at my office nt all hours dur ng work days. Office room : In the building formerly used as a postoffice, opposite Mrs. Mclntosh's hotel. »p*> ly * M. L. BATTLE, D. l> s BARGAINS, Tlie GrtMivcnillo: Store! B. F. LINTON & CO. Uhvlok nwiml l.licir Fall and Winter Stock of Dry Go«klh. are now* prepan*d to offer extraordinary inducement* to Hu* public : in fact they will sell goods, for (’ash. at New Y r ork Prices. Our stock of Dry Goods i* complete in every por tion la 1 . \\«* also offer an elegant assortment of CLOTHfNG, JKH/TS ASJ> SHOES ; CHOCKKH }', ULASSWAHK; HA Hi I WAHK, 7VAILJ///*; ; A GUI CL l. 77 UAL IMPLEMENTS; <' UTLEII V, of appro red mu hr a ; UU/ELES, SADDLES, dr W e will likewise endeavor to always keen on hand a complete stock of Groceries, and our convivial friends can be supplied w ith LIQUORS, SEGARS & TOBACCO. F«»r the afflicted we are likewise prepared to supply their demands with JIB TEX B and those w ho are building cun be supplied with Faints, Oils, Brushes, &c . We will also endeavor to keep supplied with a number of the renowned Concord Buggies, and will fill all orders for IrtlftiS Latest Patent HORSE HOE, as we are agents for the sale of the same, and which can be seen ut work in the neighborhood. We cordially invite tin* attention of the public to our stock, satisfied tlmt we can suit them in any character of article need : for w e make it a rule to keep everything that can he found in any store in the State, and pledge ourselv es to sell at as low price* as any house in this section. Grooverville, Oct. 25, Ist,7. J.» ly REMOVAL! 9. B. tIMBOLL Ik m. HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW BRICK STORE East of A. J. ROUNTREE'S, on .Screven street. 1 | where they w ill continue to k«*ep h General Stock of MERCHANDISE! ! And will sell the same VERY LOW FOR GASH! j As tin* Price of Goods decline our customer* I 1 .-hall invariably have the Ifenefit thereof, i Give us a call, and and remember Our Terms are Cash, j D. B. CARROLL A CO. I ) Quitman. January 17, lHfiK, j| NOTICE. INTERM!/ REl'KM'li TAX. i MA NFF ACTERKRS arid others required M make Mon;hiv Returns, are infornie 1 tha '■ jI am ready to receive tlie same. Prompt com di ance with the requisitions of the I.avr is expect ed Os all. j I will commence to Assess Income Tax on tb i Ist of March next for 18<;7. Arroi.VTMKNTS KOt: 1T..-OOKS*. i Quitman March l')th and 20th 1 Sharp’s . 3 tnre March 2lst i (Jroover Station March 23rd j [ Wade's Store, March 25th i 11. 0. WADDELL. Ass’t A*-‘*ssor Int. Revenue. 12th Division. Lit List., Ga. ; February If, X 7. o-fit. HOTELS. un* WV w wji to* w mim HOUSE, Savannah, Georgia. rill IIS first ( lass Hotel having been renovated 0 and newly Furnished throughout, is now second to none in the South. GEO. McGINLY, PROPRIETOR November 2. IB<i7. 12-if MARSHALL HOUSE, nitounirroN stkijet, SAVaNX \\\ GEORGIA. r Jill IS first class Hotel has been remodeled JL and newly refurnished and (Hit in perfect onler throughout. The traveling public may rest assured they w ill find comfortable uccotmuo ihilioiis ut this lloust*. A. 11. U CM, rruprtetor. February 22. Is<i7. ly OUR HOUSE mm 1 m& looms, Hu VII li 1121 ll . Cit‘«l*igll». fR'lHIi undersigned having leased the above u fiitorite lisiatilislunent. and having refitted and refurni>lied it throughout ir» the most eb*gant uinnner, would inl'orui the public that it is now open for the Rt*eeptiott of Guests. The present Proprietor will spare 110 pains to maintain the elinraCler it has always enjoyed os bein'/ one of the best of the FirsM’lass Bating lions vn of the country, and those who favor him with I h».M i''patronage may he assured that nothing will he left undone to secure the comfort and satisfac linn of his guests. BOARDERS will he taken by the week or day at a moderate charge, novHI Cm !•:. 11. KIRLIN. PAVILION HOTEL D C NOE, Proprietor- Corner <-f Hull uml South Hroml Streets, Sit v itiiiuili, Georjflu. HAVING taken the ahovi* Hotel, which has recently been refitted and refurnished throughout, the Proprietor can insure the public that he is a* w ell prepared to cater to their wants as any Hotel in the Slate. Ills table will always be supplied with the best the market affords, and ii'Ppaiiis will be spared to giv e entire satislae tion. Tnutrient Board $3,00 per day. Permanent Board $15.00 per week. A share of public patronage is solicited. February 22. I.s<;7. t-ts Western Hotel, Nos. 9, 11, 13 & 15 Cortlandt St., NKW YORK. M’c an* in the Center of Business, and IIKADQIAK'IKHS FOIL BORGIA NS. sept 13 32-ly WM. WHITE. GEO. G. MIXER CHARLESTON HOTEL,, (iharlcNtow, S. C. WHITE Ci MIXER, nori.lim I’liOI’lilKTOKS. j llic €|iiifiiß;in Hotel. wrs„ mcintosh N'OTI FI ES tin* public that she continues the Hotel business, at her old house, on tlir Public Square ; where she will endeavor to moke guests feel at home. Ib*r table i- supplied with tin* best the market affords, and charges moderate. June I L 1807. 20 If LOOK' LOOK!! LOOK!! $500.00 for 25 CENTS By subscribing for a beautifully illustrated book, something new and interesting, entitled DPS AND DOWNS I N (TIT LIFK. .Something for everybody to read. It describes every charae'er in a city of high or low standing in society, and is sure to please every'body that reads it. 1 1 contains 250 pages of line print and 30 beautiful life like ell's. 812,000.00 hove Bern Apiojiiiati*(l to he given away to the Subscribers as follows: First Prize $500.00 in Greenbacks. .Second “ 400.00 Third “ 300.00 Fourth •• 200.00 Filth “ J 00.00 And 210 Prizes of $50.00 each, all in Green back*. To every number of Books a Prize i* enclosed hi Mn* Book, and all Books arc put up in strong wrappers, so they go sate through to tin* owti- Prick or Books Otle Bonk. 25 ct- : Five Books. $1.00; Fifteen Book- -.2.50. mailed to any ad dress free, on receipt of price. Address MONROE, ATKINS & GO., JTBI.ISIIER.S AND BOOKS KM. BBS, j JII A 113 Broaduav, New York, j Feb. 21. I 'DS. For sole nt the BAWKIi GIiOGEUV. EUREKA! ’ Wb‘iv (Groceries cheap. i< at the B U.LGX'E ' GROCERY. tfo§ MBBSS Under the “Quitman Banner” Office. IT'OH TIIE IU:i:rOSE nf making morov, and for l lie coiivciiioi;C>‘ of tSie people, wo liavo nponod a Cmnpk'tu Stock of (tHhE-M FAMILY GROCERIES In tlu* Store-House under our Printing establishment. where will always Im* found any and i vory- , tidily pood lo oat. front a barrel of Flour to a stick of Candy. These poods have boon brought hero for the purpose of making smite money out of them, but ' wo will soil at a.i Extmuely Moderate Profit. And arc determined that no house in this section of country shall under-sell us. We would be | j pleased also to be accommodating, but are too poor to be unjust now, and therefore dos'ro it dis- I linetlv understood that NO CAN GET CREDIT! t'nder any circumstances. The money must.accompany all orders, or the poods will not be do-I livoted to friend or stranger. MR. JAMES Ij. BEATY 11ns clmrpi* nf Ihis nstulilislimnul. mu) will He plnusn.l to .re un.l wait tipnn Ilia ti ii'irh. \\V liuve now iti.-torr all article* uriiaity kepi in a I’aiailv (iruenrv, .-ueli an : lliicmi, Sutla Il'scuit, r.inwcr, Nuts, [.ard, Siij-nr Crackers, Cider Vinegar, C indy, Eliiur, Candles,- Salt, Cueoiiliiits, Snyar, Matches, I’ieldes, Siij-ar Fop Corn, CufTee, S a|>, reaches, rota-sh, Itiee, Starch, Oyslns, Pnviler, Hatter, S.aln, Snrdincs, Spot, Choose, Miistind, t'endensed Milk, Caps. Irish Potatoes, Popper, l'ijrs, &c,&c,&c. Apples, Spice, Kaisins, letf-COl XTIIY PUODI (13 taken in exchange for goo<!rt. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited, and bargains are guaranteed at the 23 anner Gro eery. SiHOME INSTITUTIOiXS. PIEDMONT an • es , , ■ A' * ‘ ' «<»«! It iJm GHWJwiuU Ho.Vtt. tj*.ylU«ll.J I li?"M»1i FOR LIFE INSURANCE ONLY. Authorized Capital, - - $1,000,000 ! Capital Paid in, : SIOOOOO ! 87 1-2 percent, of Protits paid to Policy Holders. E3- r Gl " a-' SBEJ H *2 TI. r E '«* the I’IKDMONT HEAI. ESTATE INSITIANCK COMPANY OF VIRGINIA. UI'XKJUtKU 'J7'l’ll, I«tl7. Capital Stork paiil in. - -- -- -- -- SI 00,000 00 Premiums since Organization. :{>,o!) I Si* 5135,!)0t SI W. G. CAli RING!TON, /Ve.-Wen/, .!. IIORKINN, S-nr/ar;/. Sluli’ nf I ii ‘/i iua, A fi'lsim Cnitiihi , hi wit : This (lay. W. 11. Carrington, tiiul .1. .1. llnpkins. ( fiesi.lent mid Secretary) ol tin- Piedmont Ileal Kstnle Insurance Company, persaaally appeared helare me, a justice id’ tlm peace, in and tor said enmity, mill made omli that the above cat Is correct. ..... I toVlher certify. Unit I have an Interest in nllalrs of said ( anipany and that I made prrmniil rxmnluiilU. a at ils alfair. ami nets of tjr ami/mti.m at its I ami tllal Irma that laspcCtoa, I had ■ibovi* statement correct the rompsmy having ene hundred thoiisund dollars of paid up c. pi al, ,fflv secured or invested, and its premiums earned, have been thirty-live thousand nine hundred ami nine! v-four doll ars and eight v-foiir cents. Its officers are well known to me. and are men ol character and business qualification. in whose administration the public can rely for faithful disciutrife of duty. '">• , ™" 1 ri " < ""‘ ,, " r - W “- JOHN' S. KWICItS. ... P. •January !. IteccipU now over, - - - # Pi,am) no Would you leave a support to your helpless family? Would you at your death release an encumbered estate? Would you secure your endorsers from loss? Would you be sure to educate your children ? Would you nuke a profitable and safe investment? ... . If so. apply to the ageut of the Company and secure a policy, lor this is the best Life Insu rance Company iu existence. MZDLOCK & SPARKS, AGENTS. DR. J. H. SVTCALL, MED, EX. Clias. Whitehead, General A "cut, Atlanta, Georgia. »«-Tsclialilc energetic cun Vinners wanteil. Fly TO TIIE PUHUC. T. F. LAWSON, Oilers h s sorvicesto the public as a Manufacturer of Plain Tinware, \nil Dealer in Japanned. Planished and Stamp < and Tinware. House Furnishing Roods. Ac. ; and in connexion with the above, he has on hand a fine lot of Cooking Stoves, Ranges, 1 OFFICE STOVES, &C-, which lie oilers low to the public lie also flutters himself that he can furiu.-n to merchants a better mid ii'-at *r article of Tin ware, and as low or lower than they can pur chase elsewhere, north or smith. All I ask is a chance, before buying elsewhere, I will also manufacture, nt short notice, any thing you may want, out of tui, sheet-iron, cop * Brands for marking cotton or boxes cut at short notice, from half-inch to six inch letters. Kerosine Lamps, old Tin and Copper \ c.-sel-. (Inns. Pi-lols. Stock Locks. Padlocks and l in- I I,re!las repaired neatly and expeditiously. lie ha established himself in the one. story brick building in rear of Culpeper, Cn euli j A Cos. . „ | Quifuv ', - T ■ 11 y Pi. L c, «7. l-> -tf VAM'AHI.B P L A N T A Tloi\ a-'d »a at jrcS 12. a *H.Cm :>,-)(){) Acres of fLHIIIS valuable Plantation. Ivi r i outlie Wiiklacooehee Ru-'- twelve miles from No. I H. Atlantic uid Lull' Ifailroiol. near Rocky riv - ir. containing IL.VfuA acres is comprised in Lots No’s lift. P. 7. It; "if, Hit. i»2, 2UI, 2(f>. 1 all in one body, except No. IPk '1 here are 7im or SOU acres of this land under fence, of which none, except about «uie hundred j acres, ha- been under cm I that ion more than till'd 1 j sears. There are 1. oiisos enough for 20!) negroes, I ample bams, a small Dwelling House, ami ont- ami a fsrge dwellin': house not yet BoliipleU'd. 'file titlei-are undoubted. property is offered on exceedingly easy For particulars apply to Col. W.M. A ■ Qußnyin <•, ( ffWOSBWHHWEMI. VLL parties iudebb*d to me are hereby invit ed and urgently reipi.vl.d to con,e for waid ami pay up. I must hive my money, i i will fake Lotion. Corn, or anything < l-e in the I wav nt •mill i v Produce, in p.ivuieui of debts, i I'lrv.):; to-if A. r. ratllAM. IST o Credits To be ha ! at the LANM7U GROCERY. GEORGIA GOODS! At Factory Prices. rpilF attention of Merchants and Planter* i | called to a beautiful assortment of Georgia floods just received from tile “Cuthbcrt Manufacturing Company, (’<insisting of Plain and Twilled Geo. Plains, Linseyp, JcafiH, Reavers, V weeds, StrijK'S, Wool Diaper, &«., Ac,. 'I ltese Hoods are fresh, made with great car** and of the best wool. Also. Plain and Polo red Ostia- j burgs ; all of which are offered strictly at Fac , .Merchant end Planters are reipiested to call j and examine before buying elsewhere. Lotion. ; Wool or Hides taken in exchange at full price*. ; .-'pun Yarns ami Brown .Shil lings to armc in i a lew days. sam’lj \v. iuiuoks. t k iii 1 man. Nov. I, lst»7—.'‘m Agent. (jiillcry! CS £> f2‘Zm®L J. W. STALNAKER & CO*S Store. <>l PPM A N. 11l AVF ju-l reopened, and am ii<mv pre|*ared j to f irr.ish any cbnracler of I’icfure called ! for. in ltie form of I'IIOTOGUAI’HS. AMia.’OTYI’F.S, AM) FKIMJOTYI’KS, At the lowest pnce.lrdr good work. I fill br«a-t --pin-. |oek**ls. *‘tc., in she best style. I also e«*p\ fr* in any pietnre -tyle reiprlr'eil. My sue cess ia this b|i.-inc.-.-» for tyn years, has given ealire satisfaction. A. N. IL WRIGHT. . lsi',7 :m R. W. REID, ti ic rs hi m, »v < -o. MO NT fOEI,I. O. rI.o I) 1 I) A, ofii'f & mmss. Dry Goods Dealers, SAVANNAH, CA., * W( )Ll< I T*'' 111 L PAT LO >Af»L of his friends December l». L<i‘.7. 3ni PAY UP! A LI. PKI.’SO.NS im!ebt«*d t » the undersigned j: JL for good-S pnadia>ed during Is'hi ami 1 s<i*T are earuest y solieit«*d l«* c«*iue forward and Ket tle immediately. We are in need of money, an m ist have it. Delay will prove darg-r- us to liu'iueuts. .1 word to lli<- wise i- -u‘.i -i R. F. LINT* . • «). Groovcrville. Dec. 20. is't. tc • • Itotiffs. ICIOGIvS COFN’TV. g i ')| 11r<)7'.Ij)i KVT’7u vrv.' Wliij'iMi W.ll" 'H.IT Devam* administrator wltli will annexed t\e* • bonis notion the estate of fliomusj*' IJogef*. m* l : .'eased, applie- to im* for letters us ilfcilfhwioil I from *aid administration. Tliese are tlierefure to cite and admonish all ; jl irties at interest to file their objection!* withirl the time preseribed by law ot her wise sai*l letter# w.ll be granted to the applicant. .1.0. m.k;al,i,. <*. rt. c. | February 7tli. lHfifi. 2-fittt. / 1 RuliGlA. Rhook* (hn vrv.-—\Vher«*iw II.G# VIT Turner, of .fames Kainbo/ ipplies to me for Letter* of Dismissioil from said 1 administration. These arc therpfofo to notify all parties at interest to 111** their objection*/ within the time* prescribed by law. otbtM'wlae a»Uf ; lei ters will be granted and issued to the applt' cant. I < Jiven und«*r my hand arid offic'ljil itignatardf this February 7»li, *t»H. J. (». M.a’ALL, O. IL Gi | February 7th. NIK 1-hm. (1 KORGIA. llitooKs ( ’ot vi'Y. WbercttH. 11. W l . If Sharp**. Ailm’r with Will annexed* on thtf I ••*iat*' of Jacob b'i/.er decea-ml, Hpplbw to nic tor letter* of Dismission from Ids administration of i < »iil e.-tat** These are therefore to cite and *d imi>oivb :il» ami singular the parties at interestt* id** tli«»ir *»l»iiM'tions within the time prescribed hr l law *>tlo'i'wise said letters will be granted t• ihd •npllcant .1 (i OrdloW/. 7. 1 S<t:. tim (M)FFKK POINTY X 1 i:< >RGI A. GOFFKF COI N I V.-Two month* W alter <«' application will tie made to th# t’oiirt of Ordinary ol ta»ffi*e County, at the first r*'gular t**riu after expiration of two months fr**t< this notice, for leave to sell the lands belonglii* t«» the estate of Benjamin Merritt, late of s*ia county deeeas«*d. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said f|eraa*e*L Thi* December irfj Isii7. IHhNIAMLN PHILUPS. A*lmT. jail It)-2in C 1 RORGI A. Cokki i: < * h nmv. Two month* Ji after date application will be in ole to <h»* t’ourt of Ordinary. Coffee county. Georgia, at the first regular term alter the expira'ion of two mouths from this notice for leave to sell land, belonging t" the estate of John Peckeron. lath of said county, deceased, for the benefit of tint heirs and creditors of said deceased. J. J. PICKKMOXj Jnnuiry 01. N: • I-2m Aft hiV. C 1 ROi.'GI A. <’ f t:k t'lii'vrv. -Two months nf* JRT tei *lat** application will be mad* to th# Court nf Ordinary, of Coffee county. Georgia, at Hi*' first regular term after expiration of two* mouths from iliis notice, lor leave to sell tbs' lands belonging to the estate of Meeagah Paulk, late of said eouutv. deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Yorxi; V. ViokKlt*. January. :U. T.B l-2m. Adtn r. AITMNG POP NT Y. C 1 K HJGIA. ArtM.ix*! C*n \ rv. Whereas* Sei- Ts Kirs Lee and James M. Lc \ AdmlnfafrO tors of Henry D«»*iglus. applh's to ine for Petter# *»f Dismission from said administration. These are therefore to no'ily all parties at Id terest t •» fil** their olijeclions. within th* tin* pia-.-cribe*! by law. otherwis** said letter* will In* granted and issued to the applicant. Given underlay hand and official slgniiftfr#, this November 22d. I8<;7. J UGIITSFV, O. A.C/. N«»v. :w. is*i7. IMiin g C 1 I’.ORGIA. Aiti.ixu Cet xrv. Wh**reas. Wtf- Ts lis F. Taylor, A*lniinistrat«>r on th** Estate I *>l Michael W. Nelson, applies to me ftif letters es Dismission from his said Administration of said R-tate. These are therefore to nolifv nil persons at intiT | «*st to file tiedr objectiona williin the time pro j scribe*! by law, otherwise said letters will b#’ granted and issued to said applicant. Given under my hand ami official signature? I this January |K(I8. Jan. 17-tfm. J. Lumitskv, Ordinary A. (>/ I’IKISCK POI NTY. / 1 LOIDHA. Pikhi'K Coi vrv. Whereas. Will \ )T iam (Joi*tt*‘<*. Ailmlnlslrator. applies to m« for Letters *»f Di-miHsioit fl-om the Ilstates of William and John T. WiD«m. both I.Ue of this county, deceased, he having fully ndiniuii* lered sai*l Estates. . These are therefore to admonish all partiW concerned to be and appear at my office, witldu 1 the time preseribed by law. t«i sh*»w <a*ise. If any tbev have, why said Letters should not b# granted. Wiiue--. my official signature, this Decrtnhwr 2nd. isti7. Dec. It On] 11. W. (Juanr. Ordinary, P; U REMOVAL.' rjll!!; 81 ■ p,S( TH If ER IiAS R EMOVEI) his .0 of Goods from Bat Vs (ti.nSixM*, where he lias b«*eii bobliiig forth, to one of the NEW BRICK STORES, Soi Ih of the Public Square: where he will ltd pleased to see his old friends and customers, and the public generally : and where he hope.-# Us b'e* able to SELL Til EM GOODS, as they can b** had at any store in the country/ llis Terms hereafter will be CASH m BARTER! And will t;»k** in exchange lor good*, or for ac counts due COTTON, CORN. ."PG Air, BYIM P. J;A* ON, LARf^* ! And almost ever) hind <•! Produce. Having pnrch;ise*l theouLir*' interest in nil the' Good -and assets of the 1,. I e firm of PAINKA ISA PM, all perrons indebted to said firm will ; makepuyineuts f«* nn* *»nty : *a«l any persmi bav-' | ing dem 111*1- agaiu t the sam** will present th**m ; lo m«* for settlement. Inmicdiale setllemeut of all oul.-t.Hiding <l«bttf is urgent I y requested. J. PAINE. 1 Quitman !’»•!». 7. fx’:s. .-ts. AGENTS WANTED To sell Dr Wm. Smith’s DICTIONARY ()i ; TUB BIBLE, i T C( )NT AI NS over !<• it i !o-)|y printed. «h»ob!a’ | column, octavo pages, from new eh'C'.rotvp* idiifes. on g*#»d paper, and is appropriately il_ lustrati'd with more than 2ot) nigravings on st*’*" ami wood and a series ol fin ■, authentic map*-' : Ac. It comprise' the Aiiflqiiiti-'S. Biography. G«*og-' rnphy. Niiturnl History. Topi'graphy, and i* a j ( omjdete <.*yclop.-di i «*f ill • .'rriplures. If is neC*'.-sarv to every Bibb* i*ader indispenf 'sable to every Mini-Ur and Sumlay iSchool Teacln»r. and ought t<» !>«* in «*v*'rv family. It is highly coimueiided by all Irani***! an*f ; eminent, men. mtd l*v the Pre.-s generally in alf ; parts of tL#* eiYuntrv. a- the beat l>ook *>f the kind in tile English language. I)i* aiof be Dcceiicif! Owing Ut-the rni» rr(‘'lrutf,t populai ity of tliiif W*»*k, a sm'il! Kill's a f/.V'*/*//m/i/, iu duo*ieeiin<»’ , form *»f about tito page-, has been reprinted hi ; this country, and sj>nul over N)fi octavo pirges. evid*mt!y- by unking a larger b*»«*k than thr original to give the impression easier that it i / <»ur edition. Il Inin h-ss Hum htilf Ih' ter of ours. sm*{ is sold considerably Uglier than? the English mi lion of>am< loiok in tlri.> country.- >om«* agents are endeavoring- to palm **>il thi a juvenile t ithm for mirs. Teach-rs. Stmlenls. Retirnl ("b*igvm**n. Farm-* ers. an l «-m rg,*nc Women find ih.- agency J«»r this *ork both pleasant ..anil lucrative employ ment Send for circaairs, giving full partieu ! lars, *ern:s. Ac., to o. S SCRANTON A CO f Po**k Publishers. I'i'i A- Inin St . Hart ford. ♦ ‘nine- NUTS AMD RAISINS* ,