The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, March 13, 1868, Image 4

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Quitman Adverthemmts. . N S . 3E ! 02230. Medlock & Sparks Having Received tkelr New anil well nelecUSl Stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS, Mcipoetrully Invite Hie public »„ call and.esanilne tlmn before pnrclnriiw eloewben-. t wiM»Mir ! rviteritetr,* In Hi,' Mercantile bn*lne«. our iboroiigb »e>|iiiun!:inc« with bu«liw»« mm »t"l ■»» cUn 1„„ »e Hauer on, m-Iv. tbV we van »-4k« H very ... tlerlally to your I nb-real to g,v« »■ a call. We kuuw that our Stock In. been bought LOW, and tberefore can be wtd i-Ut-Al . We have all New Gouda and all Low Prices! NO OLD GOODS AND NO HIGH PRICES! ! And having **e»»red fh*« service* of an experienced Buyer in New York city, we expert at all time it. keep our stock fM-rlcwt and compieie; and am -an active penuy it worth more than an idle ahil* ling/’ our motto is, Bah** and Hmall Fronts. OVH BTOCK -?- ■ • GROCERIES, STAPLE & DOMESTIC COOBS, HOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, Hardware, ('rockery, Glass and Queens-ware. Also, a Hue Assortment of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Trimmings, Bcc. All of which wf pfiYpoho to noil on the most liberal terms. /r.*r Al.l. KIND* OK Goi'NTHY FRODLCE will bo taken in exchange for good*, and for which tiiu highest market price will lie paid. Ftcaac call and examine our stock. Quitman, January 10th, J8i;8. (J.Vtl) MFDLOCK »t SPARKS. seis BaGiiSi GROCERY HOUSE! Under the 11 Quitman Banner ” Office. 171011 THE I’URI’OSK of imikitifr mnrey, ami for the convenience of t!ie |ieo|il.', wc have applied n Complete Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES In the Store Hon we under mir Printing eMublUhment.. whore will ulways he found tiny and every thing good to i-ut, from a Immd of' Flour to u .-‘lick of Dundy. These goods have bum brought here for the purpose of making soma .money out of them, but wo will soli at an Extremely Moderate Profit And nre determined that no hou-e in this section o'' efumiry *‘halHindcr-«cH ns. We would be pleaded also to be iiecomuiodutinjj, but Are too poor to be so just unwound therefore deaire it dis tinctly understood that m MAN CAN GET CREDIT! ruder nny cirrmn-tunrrv. Toe in< ney must accompany all orders, or the goods will not be de livered to friend or stranger. MR. JAMES L. BEATY Has charge of (hi* eslahliriunont. and will be pleased to see and wait upon his friends. We have now in store all articles usually kept in a Family Grocery, uueb as ; Bacon, Soilti Biscuit, Ginger, Nuts, Jmril, Crackers, Cider Vinegar, Candy, Flour, Candles, Suit., Cocoanuts, Sugar, M itches, Pickles, Sugar Pup-Corn, CofVee, S up, Poacher*, Potash, Rice, Slat eh, Oysleis, Powder, Butter, Soda, Sardines, Shot, Cheese, Mustard,. Condensed Milk, • Caps, Ji ish Potatoes, Pepper, Figs, &C., Set*, &C. Apples, Sjice, Kaisins, E&r (’OI'iVTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited,"and bargains are guaranteed at the 13 anner Crrocery. IP 153 3FS. 3E3C Jk. JNX ’ JS VARIETY STORE IS CROWDED WITH AN IMMENSE STOCK OF Fall and Winter Goods Embracing a Magnificent Stock of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Calicoes, Shirting Sheeting, IVunestles of every description, Gl-uiVs, Fan tag?. Nubias, Shawls Trimmings. Hoop Skirts. Embroideries, White Good* of Every description, etc. Ready Clothing* Os every description and quality for Men and Boys, and Gentlemen s Furnishing Goods In grea* Variety, Style.and Pattern, and emit. »o ■ vthing needed or desired. He also keeps CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, In addition to his immense stock of dry goods, he has on hand u choice lot of Hardware, Cutlery, Croekery, Glassware, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, GROCERIES, And an endless variety ot TOYS l’on CHRISTMAS, &c. lie b prepared to oiler the most tempting inducements to purchasers and respectfully solicits the im>'t rigid examituUiou of the q.mliiv, style and prices of his entile stock. Nui ember is-V. A. P PERU AM If, ST ALNAKER & CO. « • > is 3 i , « ** , ■• «* » 'an*«*<**>•■• g i mmm e: a»«i ;* daitn.uVMtvu tfa.iu.v’W vii.w E3# *»•»««*. V; ■JAESI’KI' i iVLI.Y CALI. the uiu-nli. n~f ll«* jnil • 1.. tli.'ti- I nr;>■ and ».-U voL-cicd ■ »t Dry i©tds P Groceries, JEKJh c&jo* .lu«t rr-cr V..S \.« York. .'! - A <•. tb. if Mock ot K9S a 23> '.vhu h hev wi. .-eii n\\ !u \a t>r re;.id, at gfealiy miuetKl prices. 1 hey also have on baud a huge supply of Bagging’ and Iron Cotton Ties, Which they offer to Planters and Metvhnn at prices below those at which they can lay down the name quality fret® f avaaaft .. T rilrergil Advances ade on Ci ttoa obippe . to t ielr friend- ai >.< v aauaju New* X vr..j r Uu fpwl. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID .ar W TOL. HH i■> end t’-er ITodm*e , ... . “V,,-,-..,. 1 :.t • ,« •In ,-vvr} I- .Vv- _ ' P« b fie ]>atr m ge Sarannah Homea. WILKINSON & WILSON, COTTON PACTOItH ! ' J ''' **" — - A TtK —*— Commission Merchants. Agenbt for the Hea Fowl miumunmnnt 'Ss.Lib.Tal A.lvancS ra;tde on consignment* for Hale or shipment to New York or Liverpool omCB, No 90 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. October i, 1567. * ; m BilllhS. MAISIMTKHS, Al . Ford & Thompson, NEWS DEALERS, Bryan St., Savannah, <»a. • try-].’ have always on hand the Latoftt New W Yi>rk and other Uaily and Weekly Mown papers, Magazines, Fashion Books, Novels, Ac. Stationery of Every Description always on hand. Jt ' We receive the latest publications by every a liberal diocmint. for l*ric« List of Newspaper* Ac. We ftiraioh uny I'apcr or Magazine pablisßea m the f tilled Stake, to THOMPSON, aug3o-ly _ Ho)tl89. T. SK ELTON JO A EM, Bookseller and Stationer* SAVAN NA H, OEO HO IA. Theological. Classical, School and Miscellaneous Publications kept on hand. Orders received for any Work. Foreign or American. aug^Vly HESS, GUTMAN & CO WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GHOC3SH33SS AND LIQUORS, KIO Bryan street, S.-i VANN AH, GEORGIA. September 27. 1807. t.ui ’I.A. PAt.MKR. J. H. DKPPIBM PALMER & DEPPISII, 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY; FILES, EDGE TOOLS, Powder, Tiead, Shot, Caps, Asrricnltural Implements, 14 S Cong Toss and GT St. Julian Streets, HA VAN N All, GEORGIA. August 23, 1807. 29-« m BUOwA’M OLD ESTABLISHED PHOTOGRAPH AND—— DIOR OUT’I! I. ALUiIIV, 72 St. Julian Street MARKET SQUAItE, Ravannah, Georgia. THIS esteblielunent. the largest anti finest in tlm oltv.Ys open at all times for the recap lion of visitors. Our facilities for the production of first class Carts do Vislte, .ViabrotypeA and Porcelain Pic tures, is unrivalled. 7r?T*.\ll FicftirCs knotrn to the art, ftro made it this Gallery, Iroin the smallest minature to life size. teSs-Every kind of picture copied with ease ami dispatch. R II BROWN, March 15, 1887. (7-tl) Photograph Artist. ffifSlf if sinH3 iSTEA MSHIP LI EE. Tlie New and Fast Steamships, 18TI FIT, 611. tISTEBiFSBIE, Will ply regularly between Baltimore and Savan nah. leaving t*uch port every Thursday, and con necting with Up* interior of Georgia and West Florida by and AA G Bailron and with Fast Florida by regular Packets. Through Pills of Lading will he issued to all points on the Gent nil and Atlantic ami Golf K Hoads ami connecting lines, and to Brunswick, Si Mans an«l landings on the St Johns river.— Good* con-Igm-d to the agents at either end of j the Hue...will be forwarded promptly and free of { all eoimnissioup. 1 Passengers are fmnbhed with superior accozn | modations ami sav * two hundred miles of sea [ travel by taking tils route. For further lntbitnatlon and particulars apply i to U IvS l A UAMI.I s. . igeuis, Savonnih J. it. ANPIfFWS. Agent lt»Um ore D. FALVEY, UKAUH IX EVERY VARIETYOE ■ B « ' « BB tit *Hi|aa* « H"3 «■ • B £ 3»ttvsu»iM B htiliOwUj .Nf, Andrew's Jlail Jivtiding, \ Hratiglitmi St., 2d dnor from Jefferson, Savnimah, H.Vf 1 IN STORE a large and raried assort meat of Mahogany, Walnut. riIEST-MT AX D ENAMELED Tables Be Bureaus, '■’o' f(»f Every Style ami Puttern, *•* ■*«» m -si J? 4 *r4, 3 3\ 3 9 | of evehs vrseeirnox, <tc., <f c. | NoVjl1 ■x ■: 1 . | '7 / | ■ ( "CLASHORH& CUNNINGHAM. WHOT.Y.SAT.K AND RETAIL (iroofr. »i«fi ship Chandlers, C;-r. Say an3 T*r Ga. Ke *n o 'a-\.ntP. or h • . a e a.<>sorimoct 1 of Lam Iv. IT* it ith'n ami Shio Ssjoplit's ; also. a choh'ei'Tn L os •!•<. Vi-os7: tl Segats.- ,1, nr/ m are- ,1 1 to. and guar | seg’lS < m PJffsE & SON. c.tatiun; ;:-',..J'i' a fo O pTavert an flk I: B aders.- 1 v* uroi-s of Carmine and Black Inks \«. b V.tßakn firct. taThnnab. <«cor?ia Savannah Houses. Lovell & Latiiiiiorc. MAALFACTLHERH OF PLAIN TIN WARE, AVTt DEALERS IN Japunued, riaDfabed and Stamped Tin Wares HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Stoves, Sheet Iron, Till Plates. Lead, Brooms, Wooden Ware, Pocket and Table Cutlery. HOLLOW WARE, &C., EG. Crockery and Glassware Al.v>, Water Coolers and Fillers, ICE DITCHERS AND IIKEIUGKUATOR.S. Au.l in connection with the above, we have in Store every variety of &GGUHS ZIWM AND RANGES, With all the fixtur«f) ready for. immediate uw,- The-ie .Stoves are neat and simple in appearance with large flue* of extra thickne»» and weight Will bo wold at reasonable price* Order* foi .Stoves promptly attended to. No. 155 and 157 Congress St.. SAVANNAH, GEO. May Ob, 1867. ly REMOVAL & EI'LIISEMENT. S. B. HARRINGTON, Dealer iu every variety of Household and Office nonoTVSE, Chairs, Mattresses, etc Has removed to the new block of stores jnst ! completed by Wylly and Meinhard, where, with ! largely increased facilities, and a Fine assortment of Goods, fie challenges competition in quality or price, 115 Broughton Street, Between Bull and Whitaker, Sarannah, (*a, A»pt. 20. 1807 H.’Ffifn BRYAN,' HARTRIDGE & CO., vvti*■ a aiWWiW*■ ¥n«n**4Wi A X I) JHB mS. BB4L K iZ M « .«•> SAVANNAH GEORGIA (“CONSIGNMENTS of Ooth o and other Produce J solicited ; which we will sell in Savannah, New York or Liverpool, as desired, making lib eral advances. Special attention given to Purchasing Planters’ Supplies. Bacon for sale on consignment.'#l tysirLAND FOB SALF. mi &fL Sept. 13. 18«7. fim Savamuili News & Fitulil, DAILY AND TRI-WEEKLY, Is the M'ost adveriising medium in its section, having the Largest Circulation. It is the Official Paper of the city. Its General News, femmei'chil. Marine and Lo cal Departments are carefully edited, and no pains are spared in procuring the L J TEST INTELLIGENCE From all quarters, but always from reliable sources. The News and Herald Staff includes Col. W. T Thompson, (well known as the author of “Major Jones’ Courtship) long Editor of the Morning News, and Hr. J. S. Joshs, former Editor of the Tallahassee Floridian and Journal ; with an able corps of Reportei4 and correspondent* at all important points. Terms: Daily. $10; Tri weekly. $6 per year VStrTostniasteift are authorised to act as agents MASON & I STILT , *ep27 tt Editors ami i'mt . >etors Sav. Daily Advertiser. S. Y.VTES LEV X Eiutor. E. O. AMTHINGTON. Associate. milE V I) V EUTIM’R is devoted to the A interests of Savannah, of G(*orgia, and of the South. In favor «*t Reconstruction on a sound lusts, and opposed to Radicalism in •■very shape. A paper acceptable to the family and man of business. For the present it will be published inly svs a Ihiilv, but at an early day a Tri-weekty edition will also be issued. Postmasters acting as Agents will be allowed a liberal per eeutage on all cash subscriptions.'*’ Published at $8 per year : for six months : $2.50 tor three months, and 81 for one month. E. O. WETIUNGTON .V CO.. Fublishew. M. M. SULLIVAN, URALSK IX Shgcf, uncf a r f (cincfs of Fish, In their Season, Oysters, Game, etc., No. 110 Bay Lane. NA YASXAII, GEO. -, v Mv motto is : Justice to all. ' S'Ordcf* from tho country will be prompt ly and carefully filled. «0v22-u P. H. BEHN, COTTON FACTOR ■■ —A, x b - GKNERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Has removed to First door West of F.xchange. Bay .Savannah, Geo. aug23- ? 67 29-1 y* ELY OTTO,” Gen’ral Newspaper Agent, BRVAN STREET, At Ford A Thompson’s News Depot, SAVANNAH - CEO. A. S, c’iARTTKSDOEj Commission an and Forwarding 31 e n r II .v IV T. X ’ 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. GA Savannah Advertisements. ISSB. spring 1868. SU&iHSR TRADE. JOHN C. MAKER & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY COODS, Notions, Millinery, — mm — STRAW GOODS, Corner of Broughton and Whitaker Streets, SAVANNAH, CA. ,I GF.YTS FO it d HOVER & BAKER’S Elastic Stitch Sewing Machines. August 2, 31867. ly E b D. Smythe & Cos., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in CROCKERY, CHINA, .a*, imr mm —— GLASS-WARE, 100 Broughton, 140 Congress and 57 St. Julian sts., SAVAN3NTAH, GA. tttiu, DUPLICATE the JOBBING PRIORS and BIERS of any Market in the United States, VV for the same quality and quantity of Ware at the - vine period of time. Printed Lists of Assorted ('rates, WITH FRIGES OP EACH ARTICLE. WILL BE El It MSB ED 0\ AIM'LIEATIO Y Many or thweLLts liwve bf-«n c*rr!i <l to S'gw York wid oilier Marko-ta. by .Mirchimts from Georgia anil Florida. wlk have comeback to Savamiab uuU Bought their Goods of Us. September 13, 1807. 32-ts BOLSHAW & SILVA, Importers and Dealers in CIBOEMT, EHIIIA, GLASSWARE, CUTLERY, KEROSENE LA MPS, KEROSENE, m m. mm BOISE El BMSBIMi BOMBS SEVERALLY. ‘ CROCKERY', A aborted iu (Bates, or Repacked, to Suit PurchaacM. .Y'o. 08 St. Julian and 101 Mi rtf an Streets , NEAR THE MARKET, Savannah., Geo. October 25, 18<>7. ly PATJiONIXK IIOM INSIJTUTIONS. PIEDMONT ■ |sm* aiw 1* 15 ■ i.v**. Wa.iiaMnj »» f *«ra.M»»t FOR LIFE INSURANCE ONLY. Authorized Capital, - - $1,000,000 ! Capital Paid in. : : : : : SIOOOOO ! 87 1-2 percent, of Profits paid to Policy Holders. W «*’ *si»«t '■> THE PIEDMONT REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY OF VIRGINIA, DI'XT'.M I Uilt VJ7TH, ir«*OT. Capital Stork paid in, - - * ‘LY <)«> i°N4° Piriniums since <>> mention, S4, -r/ $135,994 S4 AV. C. CAIiKI.M. I ON, IVcii lent, J J. HOPKINS, Secretary. g.J Hopkins. iPriwiilent ami Secretary) ot the Piedmont p ...J p (Vi . j'.er, appeared before me, a justice of tie peace, ia and for said **“?!)>*'■''±l, in aitics of said Company, and that 1 made personal , -,, 1 ?, 7 . amtii and nduai r 4of its books, and that from that inspection. I find abote statement correct- the Companv haring one hundred thousand dollars of paid up capital, rmv J, a id its fremratn*-W I. have been thirty-five thousand tync hundred safely >«ur. dor In • 1. ,;.-m.ers are we'l known to me. and are men of I “ and busiseU the pubUc can rely lor faithful ; discharge or duty. * , .... Given ter my hand this 2,th day of Pec moer, lh«.. g p •Jaauarv 1. Receipts now over. - $42,000 00 tTonid you leave a support to vonr helpless family ? Would Vou ... vonr death release an .-nrumbered estate: Would you secure vonr endorsers from loss . Would sen be sure to rd-t it' r>n r chil Iren ry, 1j .. ... j- .» nrpfitSbU* UH(I 1 TDPOt . m If «•* ipn’tv totb«*a«*put of the Company und secure a policy, for this is ibe best Life Insu rance Company in cxi>;t oce. WEDLOCK & SPARKS, AGENTS. DR. J. H. M'CALL, MED. EX. Citas. YV hitelieail, General Agent, Atlanta, r<C'i;..Me energetic eanTactecs wanted. MISCELLANEOUS,. FALL AND WIHTft goods. JAMES B. FINCH HAS just returned from New York and is now receiving and opening a complete aai*ort raent of Fall and Winter Goods, EMBRACING DRY GOODS of every description, and including Ladies’ OrcssGoods, Os varions styles and patterns; READY MADE CLOTHINB, BOOTS AND SHOES, Gents and Ladies Hats &c. Hardware, Crocfcry, Gtamivare, Tinware, Rum edict, Yams, Saddles, Bridies, Ac. [Also, a general stock of Family Groceries, Such aa Flour, Coffee, Tot,;; /-o, Dried Fruit, Oysters, Sardin-s CsM'f.-jkCntelters, ” SnufT, Powder. > rt toi nnd Caps. Old customers and V'.- rs generally are respectfully invited t.. J 1 ui and examine for them selves, before purchasing > Isewhere. Kept. 6th 18*7. (mnrtfrlt) ___ NEW STORE! NANKIN, BROOKS CO., CEO. ffXllE undersigned reap.«!fully informs the pub- X lie that he baa established himself at the above place, with a large and well selected stoclv of m *■ * ' , TJ Wf. ***** ■ »,.U ff M.dS. W. J eg k »' ■' bu m m:^ Embracing Gents' and Buys' Os ercoaU, Ac Boots and Shoes, For Genta. Ladles. Misses and Children, and ol almost every style and quality. Ifats, Caps, Strain Goods Genbo* Furnlfcbinjr Goo«l>. I.:>d?«*s' f'lotb and Cashmere Qaaka, BhawD, Sontagi, Nubias, Comforts, Skirt*. Blankets. My stock of JXTO e 3? , j; O JNT S, Will be lound complete. [ will ,i,o k -p constantly on hand a complete ! stock of ©ao0BBna8« . i ii.,. ■..., .. v, ,1,1 W v, and Queesware -in i : ~,>i cu- n r >- Goods md Grocery store. I am j repared lo aril aa ! Good Bargains, FOR TIIK MONEY, v« can be h.el in Quitman or elsewhere. 1 S.XS--U 1 are requested 1" call !in ' l examine fer ; themselves. No tumble to show gm>d,. WHISKJ-V OUT, .Vndnomoretul-k'i^^'-y^Tos. | November 291 h. 1d,7. _ G*-tf JOHN D. DELANNOY, (OH HISS KIN lEKIASf, QUITMA-V, GA., I 1 Mi-elf permanently i* I I m. ;h- purpo.-e of traumaciinf a General Commiasion Business, Solicits a renewal of favors, from his friends and ! th* public. _ . North of tin Court llous« ; nnm ! dence. one* m'.b- !n>m the town, on the road ta TbnnifMville. sep27-6« Fisk's Metalic Burial Cases. i LL'sixes kept constantly on hand at the stare of J. T. Bu.lil, Mm.iioello, audC. H. Smith’ Hire, Madison. Florida. Also, an assortme. ,s consiantlv kept at the store of M. S. McIN TOSU, Quitman. Ga. B*r l 'ash ou delivery. T. A W. A. W.SI.MMQNS, Agea December M, 1866 6m 0 Fruit Notice. I WILL GIVE, to Uio.««» who de*ir* it. all th« nec-aiy informatiou in Pomology—for the Btoall sum <.f Two Dollars. Ijnbracing tvory method of Grafting. Inoculating, Ac. Also, Iho most approved manner of Culture, Pruning, aa4 Training Trees, Vines, et?. Apply to or addreaa, M. L. Battljk.' Quitmaa, €k. November 15, IW»7—tf 1868. THE SOUTHERN FAVORITE. nm main m ib au Pronounced by the Southern Press to be the most elegant and talented vouog people’s paper punted in this conntry. We are now pubb-hing Marvoner * Island, % Sequel to the Voung Marooners, and Jack Dobell, or a Boy s Advenkcrp* in r I cx<is, by one of I sa ilin'* men - pronounced “equal to tbo best af Mavnt ReidN fitorii-s. v W- shall begin, in the first number of 1868. a thrilling story y a lady of Virginia, entitled “ Hi ktkp.: t tale af the B ur. which will run for several months. Among the regular contributors to BURKE'S WEEKLY' are Rev. F. R. (ioclwxo, author af s The Yoting Marooner’s:’ Mrs. Jrxf T. H. Caoss; Mrs. Fokd. ol Rome 6a.: Miss Mary J. Upshur, af Norfolk. Va., and many others. •ffiiji.s 82 a year in advance; Three copies Five copies for $8 ; Ten copies for sls, and Twenty-one copies for S2B. JpMergymeu ami Teachcra/urniabod at $1.50 p«r annum. The volume bogins with tbe July number. Buck numbers can be supplied from the first, and ail yearly subscribers may receive tbe nnsaj hers for tbe first six mouths, stitched in an ele gant illuminated cover. Address, J W. BURKE & CO., Publisher’s Macon Ga. r-T* Bn vis's Weekly" and Quitman Banner will be furnished for one year for cash. male and female mm 3£)£lo§! 9 it- ii.!. I- osvuoU by the undersigned «t the \Y - ::i I ’.‘i k-’ ur,'on Monday, the ut.i.i ...ay, a-,-. ' i,. y The diff. rent «f Kxquledge. whieh we rr lo'Sww t'.af %ld|HaoOT». •»» *• folIlMv? ■ = wW gfAiHkISMT, - ’ it, -, Treai , jsvfi-1 K; i Na’tiral tfUlophr, vie, Compoji lion. Speller and Definer,* Geometry, Uic vv of U ... . Mt rar>kifßce. History of Engr land. i'Lv-; .. i.kry.Meteorology,]^ lectuai Philosophy, Geology, Elcatfits of 1 rti ci-m. Astrpß®t>v« History of Literature. Lriaer:- ces of Christianity. Analogy, Logic, Latin, Gr«ek» French and Music on the i’iauo Forte. Rates of tui'b.n will be aceordmg to advance meat—six. risbt. ten and twelve dollars per quarter. Music on Pianu will be $5 per month, and Sa for use of Instnanent, wliich is ftr below any other sch«x»Uof like eharaeter. For the present, i can accommodate only six or eight boarders, bur. veral families in town propose to board any number. Provision*! of any kind, at >hs highest mirket price, will be taken hi pay monk for hoard nod tuition. . 1 have secured the services of Miss w ilson as as>is!Ant in the I .it.-r ary iVrartment. and Mrs. Moselev as team r(v -*ius : e. Compel eat a- istan $ will be procured a? cir cumstances may req tire. For citcular ot jmrttfrtilarsi address, J \v.>- -i L. Moseley'. A. M. Blackshe r Pierce Ooonty. Ga. January 0. 18‘ j". 47»-tt.