The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, April 24, 1868, Image 3

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£ltr (Quitman fSamter. A (lii)tin>fuislic-il f'Jitor was in his stu.h A lone thin, jrhootly visagi', caduveruus gentleman was annonucoii. With an asihinetio voice, but in a tone bf studied civility fur otherwise the editor would have assuredly transfixed him with a fiery paragraph, the next morning, the stranger said—“ Your Journal ol vester- | day contained false information.” "Im possible, sir ; blit toll me what you al lude to ?” “You said that Mr. M. had been tried ” “True”'‘Condemned.” “Very true.” “Hung.’' “Most true.” “Now, sir, I am the gentleman himself.” ‘Ttnpossi -1 le 1” “I assure you it is a fact and now 1 hope you will contradict what you have alleged." “By no means, sir.” “How 1 what do you mean ? You are deranged.” “I may be so, sir, but I will not do it.’ | “1 will cotnplaiu to u magistrate." “As you please, but I never retract. The most that I can do for you is to announce that the rope broke, and that you are now in perfect health. 1 have my principles sir : 1 never deceive.” A Lt’civ Stockholder—An exchange relates this incident of the dark days ut the Atlantic telegraph enterprise. In the darkest days of Atlantic tele-j g aph enterprise, a friend of Cyrus W. Field bought ten thousand dollars ui stock for a ten dollar hill. The investor ! came to Mr. Field to ask him whether j his purchase was worth anything. Mr. | Kiel I offered to take the slock at a coi - j •iderable advauce. “Well what do you j advise me to do, Mr. Field?" “Take stuck home,” was the reply, “lock it up ! in your safe, and never look at it, ml you come to me for your dividends on it. j That man is now receiving, on h s ii- j vestment of ten dollars, eight hundred . dollars, per annum in gold. Quitman Retail Prices Current, CORRECTED WEEKLY * It should be borne iu mind that our quotations represent retail price* only. Large bills to plant er* » and others may be purchased at a shade lower. Macon,. ■■■■■■ls h I IM4 & i Butter—Goshen j* &> j 60 (<t Country j th . | 35 40 Candles . . f* !t. . 35 (<£ 50 Cheese ip> It» | 25 (ai Cttjfipr U*o I 2!t(rf> :;:t Corn If* bush j J oo<.i; 1 j Crackers f*. fb . 20 (a Kgg* if* do* j le OH 20 Floor Nuperflne G* I>l>l |IS 00 ue 16 00 j Family I f* hbl .17 00 (et, 22 (HI j Ginger |ft lb . (4 60 : Lard jp* lt> j 23 («ri 26 j <lysters can I (f 40 | Teaches Jf* ran | (<c .'»o j I'lckli*' !f* jar. 1 50;.« 76 Potatoes— Irish if* bush] 2 60 is J 00 j Sweet f* bUHhj (a 50 I Powder I f*, lb . { 60 <*■ 76; Potash : f*. ft. (tt 2o | Hlce fj* ft-. 15 <»i 10 ; Kaßin* jo ft. u> 6o Salt ... ‘ f*. sack. 350 (et, 450 j Soap J j:* th 15 !„ 20 j Sugar j p !h 10 25 j Syrup .: jf* gal .. 50 (it 75 j Soda i’jr* Ih. . (f»i 25 Shot If*, 1t», .. <" 20 1 .Starch |f* 1b... 20 2.5 j Tobacco good article .. if* flu 1 50 (it. 2 00; Vinegar (f* gal 00 75 J\ctr JUwttecmmtsi. WANTED. 1 N active, intelligent, and trustworthy agent jfjL in each of the following countie* : Thomas lliooka. Lowndes and Colquit, to travel through ; paid eeuntie* on business w hich, while it will af tonl a fair compensation to the agent, will be likely greatly to advance the interests of all whom he may indue* to embark with him in it. Apply, by letter, with P. O. stamp end tsed, i or in person, to JOSEPHS. BAKER, ap24-13-3t Quitman. Ga. I M. J. DOYLE 6l CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers iu FAEBILI SMillMlliS,! Soots, Shoes, Clothing Stationery, Cutlery, Hardware, Tinware, i W.iitN, Vegetnliles, AND NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, No. Ill) BRYAN Street Near the Market, Savannah, Geo. Orders Ir an the country promptly at tended to, npl7-;tni BitvAx, mmirn If Wv ■IIW. WntMiidW) JDK 3K and. B*. me ■« SAVANNAH, OLORGIA. CONSIGNMENTS of Cotton amt other ['rodnci- ' / solicited : which we will sell in Savannah. New York or Liverpool, as desired, making lib era! advances. Special attention given to purchasing of Planters’ Supplies. Western Bacon for sale on consignment. "G ’S LAND FOR SALK. apl7 3m A. C. LOMELINO, DEALER IN' Groceries, West India Fruit, WINES, LIQUORS, PROVISIONS, &c COBBTER BPKL AND CONORFSS BTS. f Under Masonic llall, SAVANANII, GEORGIA. March 13. lfc.B. 7-ts RAM DELL & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, 201 and 203 Bay Street, Savannah, - - - Geo. HAVE NO tv in STORE a an*] com- j plete a.-im>rtmefit of Groceries, which they offer to the trade at prices tees than they k can be laid down from the Northern markets in part of —Shoulders, Sides. Hams, Pork, Sugars—(alt grades,) W Refilled and Raw, SB* Coffee—Rio, Java, and Ceylon. Hilt qualities. H«e, Butter and Lard, <" jdl'.-l: I let W iWr vt riou > grades, Ac. ’*’ n ?'*.♦• > *f, op.] -• -a I ,: -. ”<■ * ' • ••p‘<* r f *ii rfe L 1868. 1860. DEWITT fc MORGAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in • ofyllcnk ■ ikl daft! & a WaisasWilil a m *<w 137 Congress Street, Savannah., Georgia, Have Just Opened their SrlMB & MMMM STOCK. .Yiir (foods by 11 very Mlettmcr. Ladies’ Dro*s C<<<pUin all the Newest styles; Sheeting. Shirtings, Linens, anil everything wanted in housekeeping; White Goods, Hosiery, and snfttll wares in endle-s variety. Goods for Gentlemen and Boys’ Wear. U.LOI’R WTCPK IS N’FW AND JUST ROUUHT AT REDUCED U 2 3FI. JL OHI . DEWITT \. MOIIUAN. April 17, 18'8. tin DR.M. L. BATTLE, opf,cb ’ NEXT DOOR TO THE BANNER OFFICE, QUITMAN, GA. All Branches of DENTISTRY, EXECUTED IN THE REST MANNER AND WARRANTED TO DIVE SATISFACTION. c T erms will be lurniehed on apj I All kinds of Produce taken for Work. ■ April 10. !-£tiß. ly Crockery! For sale at the BANNKR GROG FRY. THE FIiACE TO GET GROCERIES CHEAP, IS AT TIIE BANNER GROCERY. Opposite the Hotel. FAMILY SUPPLIES OF EVERY KIND Always on Hand. Quitman, I'eb. 21, I8f»8. i)/A§9o 8101 On His Feet Again. AM now receiving an entirely New Stock i SPRING l\D SPIER GOOD), , lIAkDW.VRE. GJiOCERIMSAx. direct from New ] York. M \ bhl fri<*ndM and cuatouier.H will find mo j i at th«* OLIM'OBNEIE where l will be ready at all titu* to wait on theufwiih pleasure; Give me Ia cull and if Ido not suit yon then try some j where eke. JACOB BA EM. QuitinuirGa . March 30, 180# 10- ts. Town property lor Sale. 1 TXT ILL be sold before the Court House door ! > V in the Town of Quitman,’ on tie First Tuesday in May next, between the legal hour of sale, Lot No. in the town of Quitman, (up .on Wlitib Mr. J. L). Carpenter now lives,) tosat i isfy the remainder of the 4 pnrehase money now due one-half having been paid already. Sold I as the property of W. R, Htansell. i Terms : Cash, to the amount of the purchase j money due. $1000; the remainder, if any, six ; months tiin.?, secured by mortgage, upon the premises. S. T. KLVGSBKRY, AH'v tor VV. R. Stansell. TV. A. LANE. AtEy for J. A. Edmondson. March 27, ISO*. $-<H HAYU OOl), m & to., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN' ICE! ICE!! Office : North side of Market square, Savannah Georgia. i Upl7 Cm S. S. MILLER, DEALER IN M\IIO<• 1\ Y, WiL 11 I tV 1) PJY i; FURNITURE, FRENCH AND COTTAGE CHAMBER SETS All LOllIfG &LA3SAS. Mattranses made to order. No. 157 Broughton Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. apl4 ly PAY UP! VLL PERSONS indebted to the under gned for goods purchased during IBU6 and 1867, are earnestly solicited to come forward and set , tie immediately. We are in need of money, and m utt have it. DeTiy will prove dungeFOus to de 1 linqueDts. A word to the wise is suffieient. B. I*. LINTON A f’O. Grooverville, Ike. JO, BARGAINS, A'r* I The Grooverville Store ! B. F. LINTON & GO. Having received their Pall and Winter Stock of Dry Goods, are now prepared to oflVr ! extraordinary inducement* to the public : iu fact they will sell*goods, for Cash, at New York Prices. Our stock ot l)r\ Goods is cuinj.l iu cvrrv ; ;u-- tlotllui. Wo ulso offer tut clrsftn 1 sssortmont of (‘i.oTiiixa, nuors,\m>shoes; CHOCK EH r, OLASSWA HE; HARO WA HE, TIN iI ’A H E ; AORICCETI HA I, nil’l, EM ENTS; CUTLERY, of oppvornl makers; HR IDLES, SADDLES, dr Wr will lifi'-u isc rmli’UV or to altraya ki-rp on hund aoomplote stock of Grroceries, and our convivial friends can bo supplied with j LIQUORS, SEGARS & TOBACCO. For the affiicted we are likewise prepared to supply their demands with NiSH HCBttBC 7 B and those who are building can be supplied with Paints, Oils, Brushes, &,<•. We will also endeavor to keep supplied with a number of die renowned Concord Buggies, and will till all orders for Arden’s Latest Patent HOHSE HOB, as we are agents for the sale of the same, and which can be seen at work iu the neighborhood. We cordially invito the attention of the public to our stock, satisfied that we can suit them in j any character of article need; for we make it a ruie to keep everything that can be Found in any | store in the .State, and pledge ourselves to sell at ; as low prices as any house in this section. Grooverville, (h-t. 25, 1867. 15 ly JOHN I. RAYSOR, DEALER IN b£**£*2 If * f ks? Stenya and * u i£aa«kani^i (wrooverville, (wit., H AS now received a very neat and complete . assortment of Full iiiid Winter Dry Goods, which will be sold on very reasonable terms. Ilia stock embiaces Dress Ooods, Domestics, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes. Ready Made Clothing, Crockery, Hardware, A general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, and almost everything required by the people of this section. lie most respectfully invites his friends ami the public to give him a cull, and examine and price Ids goods before purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to sell as low as anybody. Grooverville, Oct. 25, I.SF7. 3£-tf LOOK! LOOK!! LOOK!! $500.00 for 25 CENTS By ing for a beautifully illustrated J book, something new and interesting, entitled j CPS AND DOWNES IN CITY LIFE. I Something for everybody to read. U describe? ! every character in a city of high or low standing j in society, and is sure to please everybody that | read it It contains 250 pages of fine print and 30 beautiful life-like cuts. • $12,000.00 have been Aproprialed to We given away to the subscribers as follows: First Prize $500.00 in Greenbacks. Second •• 400.00 third <• 300.00 Fourth " 300.00 “ Fifth 100.00 •• And 210 Pri/.es of >. o -1 ali in G• • . backs. To every number of Books a Prize is enclosed : :in ‘lie Book, and all Books are put up in strong I wrappers, so they go safe through to the own i Frick ok Books One Book. 25 ets : Five Books, j $1.00; Fifteen Books. $2.50. mailed to any ad dress free, on receipt of price. -Address ' ..MONROE, ATKINS & CO., FI’BLIHJf HRS AND BOOKSELLERS, j 111 it 113 Broadway, New York. I Feb. 21, IWJB. 4-2 m. no humbug: • m SALE AT COST. ; ■i•l ‘■ u •"gi 5 i :t ' bong’'. Ac : took of ! 1 Goods owned by J. U. ii t . merly of , the firm of J. W. ST ALN AKER A CO.. NOW OFPKK SAID STOCK for SALE, AT COST,'! For Casli! A S'!) SO HUMBUG. W. G. BENTLEY & CO. Quitman. March 27. 1808. 3m EUREKA f riflHK niece to bur Groceries * nieap. is at the | JL L.INNER GROCERY. RAPES’ NITRO3ENIZED SUPER-PHOSPHATE o F LIME, A VALUABLE AND POWERFUL Fertilizer, For Cotton , Corn, Wheat, Peas, Garden Vegetables, &c., &c. I‘T IS COMPO.SKI) each in snil of itself a vigorous Fertilizin'* Agency! I They are used in their IT RE STATE, ami com | billed in the Shipcr-iPbosphate live from I adulteration, and perfectly soluble. The practi cal experience gi\en below of planters during ! the past, season, fully establish all the advuutu | ges claimed for this well-known Fertilizer. Received the ‘‘Highest Premium” awarded to Fertilizers by the American Institute of N«rw York, held October, IBt>7. For lull report, with analysis made by the Coih:u m,'.’ 1 mstitute. composed of Dr. C. I. I’ief. .i.G I'olde. ami otljer prominent The distinguishing feature of this Super-l'hos pliute from other similar I’ertili/.ers is that nil of Its ingredients art* of animal origin, and are filler soluble in water, or in a condition to quickly be come soluble iu the soil, and be taken up by the crop. Contains tid inert or mineral material?. The proper relative proportion ot the Ingre dients in Mu pcs’ .Super-Phosphate, to meet the requirements of the Cotton crop in Georgia and South Carolina soils, is fully proved by the expe rience of Planters, who testify that whenever they applied the same to laud noted for rusting cot ton, the disease was entirely corrected and a healthy, vigorous growth produced, on the same land. Pitmvian Guana and other Fertilizers have failed to secure a healthy growth. TESTIMONIALS. THOMAS S. SALTER, Washington comity. Ga., reports that seventy-tivv pounds per acre, on old laud, increased both the Cotton and Corn threefold. Considers it far more economical than Peruvian Guano. DR. K. PARSONS, undei -villo, Washington co., Ga.. says : My observation Alapes' Supei-Pho.-phute E a preventative .-.gainst rust ineottoq. Has about doubled the cotton and trebled the corn. Hus done better than Peruvian pound for poind. J. AY. SCOTT, of the same section, reports that his crop manured with Peruvian Guano was lar more alfected by drouth and excessive rains than where Mnpes’ Super Phosphate was used. Shall use Mnpes’ in preference to any Fertilizer ho has seen used by his neighbors. W. 11. SPARKS, Eatonton, Ga., reports: On land about half covered with sedge, and which had not been cultivated in two years, where the manure was put iu badly, manured crop would yield two pounds where the unuiunurcd would yield one. B. B. HAMILTON. Amorims, Ga.. reports Obtained the most satisfactory result from Mu pen’ Super Phosphate, applying it as a top-dressing. Ith considered by ail. I have had the best gul den this year in Southwestern Georgia. »V. J. ANDERSON, Fort Valley, Ga., reports:- Mnpes’ Super Phosphate has doubled ihe crop of cottou in every case reported, and some report it has more than doubled their i rop. On wheat and oats the result was very satisfactory. 1). A, W A KNOCK, Beach Branch, S C. re ports: Inland which always runted cotton in creased the crop two fold, as fine cotton us he tins seen this year. Prevented rust. Four rows umnanured rusted in August. Everything the Mopes’ tSuper-Phosphate was tried on did well. Cotton stood the cold weather in Spring, kept perfectly green and grew finely. Has beat Pc ruviaii Guano in his neighborhood. Believes it I to be the best manure now iu use. K. R. LILES, Lilesville, Anderson Dittrict, S. C., reports : As compared with Peruvian Gmino | and Mnpes’ .Super-Phosphate, the result was de | cidedly in favor of Mupes’ Super-Phosphate, at- | tributable beyond doubt to the fact that the rav ages of the rust were not, by a marked difference. to be seen where it was applied, us where th / other manures were. JAMES M< MEEK IN, Alston, S. C., reports : | Cued a ton of.Peruvian and found the result Um i one-half as compared with Mopes’ Super-Phos | pliute. Soil mostly sandy, wit It clay .sub-soil, j Marked difference in size of the bulls in favor of Mapes’ .Super-Pboaplmte. On cabbage plants the I increased growth was about 100 per cent. j JOHN It. HAIR, Mims. S. C.. reports: Col ; ton was made vigorous and healthy, and matured I at leant two weeks earlier where Mapes' Super phosphate was used, as compared with other Fertilizers. Mapes’ Super Pi'ospEito produced 100 pounds per acre more cotiou than Rhodes' Super-Phosphate, and 50 pound* jkm- acre more than Soluble Pacific Guano. Same quantity of each (50 pounds) used to the acre ; cultivated in the same manner. Mapes’ Super-Phosphate more than doubled the yield of cotton. R. J. VENNING, Christ Church Parish, R. C.. reports : -One application of 200 pounds Mapes' -6, :<'i- Phosphate jkm- acre, made the cotton grow ; <>(six feet, where it grew only rw •'. V. r.'i.n i'ltTS Miiji. Piiospiiaie the best lor .Sea lslaml L *. ton, and would safely recommend it to all plant era. S. C. MEANR, Rparteiiburg, R. C., writes Esed 240 pounds per acre, applied May iß;h. [ Can safely say never saw a more vigorous growth imparted to cotton from the use of any manure. Rot’wfied the use of Mapes’ Super-l’bospbate payh | hundreds. W. A. MERRfWETIIEIt, Valle Ciireis. near | Columbia, R. C., rhports that MajHis’ Ruper-Phos ! phale has given perfect satisfaction, and that it ! permanently improves the soil. Has nt> liesita- I tion in saying it is the special manii'e for turnips | and Irish Pidatoes. P.G. PENDF.ETON. Valdosta, Georgia, writes I Mapes’ Super-Phosphate has exceeded my must , sanguine expectations The ejects of its use upon corn, peas and garden vegetables, w.: | most marked. I cannot giv carelul 0.-o- j ! mates as neither land or Phosphate trsa j measured. If it can always be kepi tip to J •lu* standard U must take the p eference of all | Ft rti! .zera iiow*m use. M. B. lIUNTF7R. Quitmui, Ga., reports: Ap j i plied at the rate of JSO jxjnnds per acre, upon ; i very alternate four rows. Jlw result was h uh/ nstonishhuj. Tl»e maHuvcd rows yielded fully j double the neighboring alternate rows. KiH" Letters from the above named Planters. \ giving their trxnerlence jn detail, will be found 1 in our descriptive pamphlet*. These pamphlets j | contain a treatise on manures and general infor mation of interest to the Planter. Price, per to rr of 2.01 m) pounds, cash. SSB <lO. Or. cash, $32 50 ; payable November Ist. lc!08, $32 50—505 00. PURSE & THOMAS, GENERAL AGENTS, No. 11l Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Di'cember ’JOyit4S-4ai HOTELS. Imsfii HOUSES, »••• 4t ■; . •• , .vc t i Savannah, Georgia. nriHIR First Class Hotel hosing been renovated B and newly Furnished throughout, is now second to none in the South. GEO. MeGINLY, 'PROPRIETOR November 2. IM7. 42-ts MARSHALL HOUSE, lmor g i rni x street, SAVANNAH GEORGIA films first cla.'.s Hotel lms bt'on Vt'inodcled I uml newly l-elurnished and put in perfect order throughout. The traveling public may rest assured they will find comfortable accommo dations ut this House. A. B. LFCE, Proprietor. February 22. 18(17. ly OUE HOUSE ®S : 3f|'« KOOflKffy H«tvtinn:ili. (» eol’^in. fITHT undersigned having lea od the above S lax "Re ‘ i .iblisliment. and having relit tr 4 and refurnished ii throughout in the iiio-a, elcgai.’t manner, would inibi-m the public that it R now open for the Reception of Guests. The present P m Teior will spare no pains to maintain the charnel or it lms always enjoyed as bein* one of the best of the FiimM 'lass IRltjllg [lotis <*h ot the country, and those who favor him with their patronage may be assured that nothing will be left undone to secure tin* comfort- and satßl’m.- iu es hi; guests. R()ARI)EILS will be taken by the week or dav at a moderate charge, novlii Cm E. 11. KIR LIN. PAVILION HOTEL D C NOE, Proprietor. Corner « f Hull and Sontli Broad Streets, Hn x :i min Ti, H AVING taken the above Hotel, which has recently been refitted find refurnished throughout, the Proprietor can assure the public that, lie is as well prepared to cater to their wants as any Hotel in the State. 11 is table will alwn) s be supplied with Ihe bc.d, the market afibiaD, and nidpuinH will be spared to give entil’d with*!ac tion. Transient Board s3.nn per day. Permanent Board $15.00 per week. A share of public patronage is solicited. February 22, 1807. -Ml* Western Hotel, Nos. 9, 11, 13 & 15 Cortlandt St., I>. I). Winchester, j \r\V VOfili Thus. E. Winchester. \ * UKK We are in the Center of Business, and HEADQUARTERS.FOU GEORGIANS. sept 13 32-ly W.M. WHITE. (JEO. a. MIXER CHARLESTON HOTEL, Clisu-lcstoii, S. C. WHITE & IVIIXER, nov7-f>m I'ROPUIETOKS. The Qniliiiau Hotel. MBS. McINTOSH! vrOTII'IKS till- |>nl)lic ilint, »lm fonUuuns the IN Hold bimini'ss, at Inn- i>l<l hou*i', on (lie I'ubllc Sipun'; wlrerii she w ill i-iuloavorto make gnosti fool : li.mif. Him- table i ni|i|ilii'il n illi tile; best Ihe market nlPinle, amt charges iiioileruU-. JunoM, 18U7. 20-tt' F. CONSTANT, Bull St., near Bay Street,. ,Sav:auiiiili, DKALKR IN • ■Kinporttb nnb Uomcstit Cigars, j TOBACCO, PIPES, &G. V ' ! a bev' estn!»lb:hed reputation as an lin- J | •.■ i I(‘ ivii::. to keep as good a Stock. I (|: , ui a roi iim-ut, us can be tound in “ The Srecess.” (10NNHCTBU with the Cigar and Tobacco Ks- J tablLlnnent, is a SAL O O N f,»r the accomniodafion of regular patrons and the public generally, w'UeTe the Best of Imported Liquors are served, nHth a LUNCH each day. Strangers will find it a quiet report, with no W ines or Li cpiofs that ate not choice. ang23-29-ly GEORGIA GOODS! At Factory Prices. rpllF. nUirrrtion of Merchant* and Planter* i. J cu11,.,| to n beautiful a. sortment ot Oeorgin : Hood, jolt received from the “CutUbcrt r/lanufrc faring Company, Consisting of Plain and Twilled Gc». l’laiim, liinseys, Joans, Beavers, TwooJs, Stripes, Wool Diaper, &e., <!cc. ; Thi'.'c (lood.l arc fresh, made with great can- anil j ! ~(■ tin* best wool. Also. Plain and Calami Ostia ; burgs : all of which are offered strictly at Fac torv prices. Merchants and Planters are requested to call and examine before buying elsewhere. Lot ton, . Wool or Hides ruken in **xch«nge at full prices, i Rpun Varna and Brown .Shirtings to arrive in i a few days. SAM’U w. r,ROOKS. j Quitman. Nov. 1. 180/ —3m Agent. NUTS'AN» RAISINS L or K.ilt* at ilk; BANNER GROCERY REMOVAL. has removed his stock Sos Good i from B.u .*i‘s ()i.osi \.\o, w here he has been holding forth, to onu of the NEWJJRIOK STORES, Soi tll of the Public Square: where he will be nh'iised so see his old Irii'tids and customers, and the public generally ; and w here he hopes to be able to SELL Til BI GOODS, as they can be had at any store In the country. Ilia Terms hereafter will he mn OR BARTER! And w ill take in exchange for Joods. or for ac counts due COTTON, CORN. *m;i\ [ BACON, ' LARD, ! Ami almost every kind of Produce. Having purchased the entire interest in all the j Good* tuid assets of the late firm of PA INK A BALM, all persons indebted to said firm will j make payments to mo only ; and rut person hav- ( ing demands against the same w ill present them to me for settlement. Immediate settlement of all outstanding debts I is urgoutlv requested. J. PAS^E. Quitman, l-eb. 7, 18(18. 2-U. AGENTS WANTED To sell Dr. Win, Smith’s ! !)I(TIOMRY 0F THE BIBLE. ■ T CONTAINS over 1000 closely printed, double ; I column, octavo tmges. from new elec .rot rpe |dates, ou good paper, and is appropriately ii lustrated w ith more than 20.) engravings on stew and wood and a series ol tine, authentic maps Ac. 1 It comprises the AuUe nßes, Biography. Geog raphy x i'iiiml lli-tory, '! op' - . ;n -j)hy, and iu a complete GycWqie*! l.i ot I tie Scripi UUfS. It is neti'ssiiry m every Bible leader Indlkpeu sable to every Minister and Sunday School ! Teacher, and ought to be in every family. It is highly commended by fill lmYiYAtf and eminent men, and by the Press generally in all the country, as the beat book of the kind in the English language. i)i» not l>4* Deceived! Ow ing to the unnreccdeided popularity of this Wo'k, a small JCtufish abrhl'/inent, in duodecimo form, of about (»()() pages, has been reprinted in this country, and spread over SlJft octavo pages, evidently by making a larger book than the original - to give the impression easier that it. i our edition. It las less than half Ihe rvudcitj iuat~ . ihe Engii •; e-lili.iii I!' .'.me book i;j. 11,• uni!. ,V. Koine iigi-u: ; aim end.-avoiing to p;,im oil lI.E juvenile edition for ours. Teachers. Students. Retired (’lergynieu. Farm ets. mid' energetic Women find the agency for this work both pleasant and lucrative employ ment. Send for circulars, gi\ing l'ulT purlieu-l lurs, terms, Ac., to S. S SCRANTON A GO.. Bortk Puotisfiers. 12(5 Asylum St., Hartford. Conn. TO THE PUBLIC. T. F. LAWSON, Offers h s services to t he public as a Manufacturer of Plain Tinware, And Dealer in An pan tied. Planished and Stamp oil Tinware, llmtse Funi’shing Goods. Ac. : and in connexion with the above, he lias on hand a line lot of Cooking Stoves, Ranges, OFFICE STOVES, &.C., which he' <ilfers lew to the public il<* also flatters him !!* that he run furnish to mereluuifs a better and rnmter article of Tin wan*, and as low or lower than they ra.i pur chitso elsewhere, north or south. All i ask is a j chance, before buying elsewhere. I will also manufacture, :»r short notice, any thing you may want, out of tin, sheet-iron, cop- j per or zinc. Brands for marking cotton or boxes cut at | short notice, from half inch to six inch lefters. . Krrosinc Lumps, old Tin and Copper Vessels. Guns, Pistols, Stock Locks, Padlocks and I'm-I b re) lus repain*d neatly and expeditiously. He has estaldisheil himself in the one | story brick building in rear of Culpeper, Creech ! A Cos. Quitman, Jnly 12, 1867. 23-ts VALUABLE PLANTATION BJ. » B & !*■& . ’Bk cs H iZm 3,500 Acres of Laud ! 7 JJTIIPs valuable Pla>tation, lyi ig 1 on the Withlaeoochee River j twelve miles from No. 15A, Atlanti* and Gulf Railroad, near Rocky riv > er, containing 3.5401 acr«*s. is comprised in Lots No's lit). 107, Km. 161, 202, 203, i:O4, 205. I all in one body, except No. 110. There are 700 or 800 acres of this land under | fence, of wh’ch none, except about one hundred ! acre ~ lias been under cultivation more than three j yearn, 't here ere huuses enough for 200 mrgroes; i ample barns, a small Dwelling House, ana out-! buildings, and a large dwelling house not yet completed. The titles are undoubted. This properly R offered on exceedingly easy ■ terms. If or particulars apply to Col. W'M. A f VNE, Quituu.u C;-.l <4ctl2-30-tl j AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ll&AW&f j Aik! how they Lived, Fought and Died for Dixie, WITH incidents and ketches of life in the: Confederacy, coinpritdhg murntß <*.4 of! Per: otial Adventure. Army Life, Naval Adven- j lure, Hem** Life, Partisan Daring. L.fe in tie-l (yiirup, Fie!- :nd Ilijfcpiia!., Together with the ! .'s. Bai,. •• An-cdoios and Ilumoroiw luci i ,f. ,i° ~f ti-e Win Ia- Southern Independence. , j i„.|v j ; , ;i. cei-taui pm ti'iijnf the w-:u* that will! I>(n lut I A ; ■ ■- ii >•' p in cli is I'ciil part of it, and will, il preatot ved, convey to succeeding generations u better idea of tlie spir it. of the couHiet than many diy reports or eure t'ul narratives of events, and this part iriivy be called the gossip, the fun, the pathos of ihe w ar. This illustrates the character of the leader*, the humor itT the soldier ihe devotion of women, the bravery of men. the pluck of our heroes, the ro mance and haWl-hips of the service, 'l'iie Valiant and Drove Ihrai ted, the Pictar- j esqm* anff*Dramatic, the Wits y ams Marvelous. | the Tender and pathetic, and lie* whole Pamu i in i of-the War arc here thrilling!}' portrayed in i a niiisterly manni’i’ at’(*ac«v historical uivi roman tic- rendering it the ulbst. ample, unique. bri ! liant and readable book that the war has .ued j turtle in e\‘erv page, as mapiue detail. britliaiP. v. i:. and uutheniic hifttm y. av« akilliuUy interw-ov n ; in this work of literary art. Send for Circulars and sew our terms, and a lull description of the work. Jildros. JONES BROTHEL'S A CO.. Atlanta. Ga No Credit S To be had at the I’ANXKR GROCIIHY. TO THOSE MHO OttF.MIL VI,i. punier imlf.btftl lame art* hcvvl.y iiTvit- \ ed and urgonlly ri'qin-sti'U n» come lor-, J wunl and pay up. 1 must have my money. I .yill Ink" I’niton. Corn, or anylliing else In tbo wdYOl founlry l’rodaee, iu payment ol del.ia. ; sec.lJA.Vll .f. , l-KRIIAM. THE I’IUZE POWD IE! FL Os THE WORLD ! For sale at the *• ,K BANKER GROCERY. "ifipl RotirrA liiamiis county. TATE OF (• Ktllllil A Hr inks county ,-|I lierF, O as. K. l. Harrell applies to me |..r and Di-niissimt Irom the adminiatnuiiui of toe e.t $ I late o| (r. W. Albritton, deleted. ! These are therefore t«» cite ids parties at Intel* 1 -*st to tile their objections within thu time pre-* | scribed by law, otlierwis** «aid be i granted to said a p plica lit. ‘ . 1 Given under my hand and o T ieial sffehuUnv, this March 16th, IKo>k ! . •Lo J. G’. McCALL, Ordinary March 20th. 1 6lli (1 EORGIA. UnooKit Cocntv.-,Whereas, it.G W lien)ley applies to me for letter* of di* •’ mission from the Administration of the INtaieof J. I>. Reddiug. deceased. These are iherdlbre U) tfltd rill persdns concern id to tile their oNff'CtioftH. il any theAdmve wftWA I in the time proscribed by law, otlf»?rwise auiu letters will he granted. • t Witness iu|i hand and ofib int signature this March i/th. 1867. I 14 , j. c. McCall, o. ft/ a March 20 fin Cl EORGIi. IbiooKs Coi-my. - W Devane nlmiuisirator with will annexed and« * ! bonis non on ibee.itAto df Thbftfn-Cl s ' L'ogcrs. de» I ceased, applies to inn for letters of. dismission i li om said adnilnist rrftitm. 1 These are therefore to cite and admonish nU parties hi interest to file their objections withiiw ; the time preseribed by law otherwise .-aid letters will be granted to the applicant. J. G. MeCALL.xO. Il C. | February 7th. 1 •'<•B. . tm. I * EORGIA. llttooKS County.—-Whereas IL G. \ I Turner, .Idmjni.-trator of James Rambo r : *f ftp lies t(j rne fdt 1/htvvn of Dismission from said 1 auiairlisffatfoii. These arc therefore to notify. ! ill parties at inten*st t » tile the r objections.! j within flu* time prescribed by law . otherwise said j letters will be granted and issued to the appljf * Given under my hand and official aiguaturu/ :Ilia February 7th, '6B. j. c. McCall, o. b. <;. Febrmtry 7tlT. ’CM*. 1 -fin. A 1 EORGIA. LY.m.ks County. Whereas. H.H.- jj Hilarpe. Adm'r with Will annexed, on the % estate of Jacitfi Ri/.< 4 r decen-ed. applies tome lot ' LMters of Dismission fi ol'u his admlui-tralion o! said estate These are therefore to cite uml ud m f »nisli at 1 nttd singular the parties nt interest io tile their objection?! within the tiiju* prescribed bv« law. otherwise aaid letters will begianted to th applicant J G. MeCALLy Ordinary. Jan. 7. 1868. M ts 1 EORGIA. Bi •'! »• < mnlV. , Two rrfoullw alter date ajqilicafi’on will b« made to tile Ordinary ol said eouu:y, for leave to sell the real estato of James 11. Groover, lulu of said eouniy, deceased. a. I*. Df uuK.rt'. \dktv. 1 MarclV 2. 17*68. 6>*ni.* EORGIA. Dkook* CofN-rv. -Wl’qiea*. J. IU VJv Pc «coek. Administrator with will annexed (at the K<t.-rte of William .4. Denson, deceased, applies to mo for Li tter. ! R smlsbiAlioin his Admini • , uof said V. ... ■ These ■ kvWoYt* to ci and adtnonLh all and !u parti'e.- at interest, to filctbeir. •ii- a •’ r.- ••vdribed by law, ..* i) -.•• 1 Aid., ti 1-. * I Kl ‘ l,,,Mr^l .. hiicriiis Htile. ‘ YXTI EL be sold bulb re the Court HoiWe fn iik» Vs town of Quitman, on the Firat 1 uesdwy In Mar, between the legal hours of saw*. Three Bale* of Short Cotton : sold as tin* property iff* Daniel Stripbng. to satisfy a ti. fa. issued troiu Brooks Superior Com-*-. Deeiunber TcVrm. l«ti7 in favor of Win. A. Lane Property pointed out by plaintiff. It. U. McXKIL. Sli. rilV. March 27th. 1368. ids coffki-: COUNTY /1 Et »KGtA. t ’oj-nu*: t.'or.vrv -By virtue of nr* } \ 5 order from the Court of Ordinary of suit! County, will be sold on the first- Tuesday 1 in May 186.8, at the Court* door in said coni) y In*-. i ween tin* legal hours of sale Lot of Land No. 7 in the Fifth I'islrpq of originaWy Irwfli. now I'uth-e County, containing ttft> acre* nmrA ftv lesff Sold for the b'*ni*tir of the Iflrir* of Rcnjarriiu .Mo-. retl, late ol said county drCea-cd. Ter m : cash Bkvuuiin R. Ptmi.n**, Adm'r. Mrircli Iff. 18ffk in t i -i JT bard Robards. Administrator of Gray S. ■ I Robardn repn*seni* to il.e Court, in bis peliticrn ! duly tiled uml entered on ; ie.*ord. 'h it be has irtl j ly tidministered Gray S. IL.balds' estate Th's ! i< therefore to cite all persons concerned Kind'M . and creditors to show c uisd if ally t lp*y ran why t -•aid Atlminlstrator .'hoiihl not be discharged, fn m I his adniinistra ion and receive letters of dismis sion iii the first Mondav in September 186 If. DANTEE Lott. Ordinary | Mardfr 7, IB’6B. io 6m ts 1 EORG7V. Cwkkf, Gou\rr. \Mu*resi«. Will 4. JT hurt Jo*«*ph Kirkl-'itd, Administrator* of D. ll Kirkland, represent to ihe Court, in their jjctilion, thily filed 1 ami entered an record tha. they have fully a<hriiuistere<l 1). 11. Kirk-- land's estate. This is iT.en'fore to cite all per- . SOUK eoiic**rned - kitltlretFund ; creditor*.. to show , ; efttiNe. if any they Pffn wh;' sai<L administratora should not be disehargi* i from their adinini*tra-*-t, tion, and n;ceivc letters of dismission on thu first Monday in .September, 1868. l>A\rn Lott, fJfdllwrry'. March 2, 1868. 10 iirfi A I*l*l.!NU COUNTS'. C 1 EORGIA. Am.i.\o Goum y. Wheieas. .Set- . H lar* Leo and James M. Le**, Adminis'ia- . [‘tore of Henry Douglas, applies to me for Loiter* | ol Dismisaion from-said admini^tiation. i..#e. | These are therefore to notify all p;yrt!*f a* r »- * ! terest to tile their objections, within tile liaio j | prescribed by law. otherwise said letters will j be granted and issued to the applicant*. Given under mV hand and official signature, i this November 22(1, J 867. J EIGIIThEY. O. A.C. No/. 30. pi 7. :mu». (1 EORGIA. AiM’t.tNO County. Wliereas. Wit- . JT lis !•'. TicVfor. Administrator ou the Estate •' of Michael \Y. Nelson, applies to me for letters of t Distnission frofii ills s.lid Ad mi ills Im4 ion of said Estate. r, The-e arc therefore to notify alPfterson* at inter est to lil<* their objections wit tin flia time pro- • : scribed by law . olhenvise said letter* W>!J* bo , granted and issued to said applicant. • t (iiven under ms hand ami official this -hmuary 8, 1868. : Janl H-fun. J. I.tuiii'.-i r, Ordiim*.J A. C. riKItCK COUNTY. A dniinisfrnfor’s Sale.' 'M.U'IM.U. i, ! d b'*!ore ihe (’burt I?eu-e door V h io lie* loan i>i''Pdauk-m-ar, Ga. on ‘ihe t i ll - . ..♦ ; -•■: w"co • i; ii hours of sale, two -mo; L->.:-. ol 1. with at Iran '* house upon it. belonging to the estate of * A. C. Strickland. . ’• Sold lbr the benefit o' Ihu heirs wild er*»d*4ori. : Tei uw: Hull- cash, u»rttl tk'e balance' o/l nix moiiths ci-' Thus. Swkat; Admr. .March 13. 1868. tils /“» IvOIMHA. I’lKiu-r Cm vrY.-Wb.’r.iw. Wrt» • 1 J iatn Goe'tue. Administrator, appliwata w* • r Fetters of 1 mission Irom the- Estates off . i"iam Ivuly and John T. IVilteon. late at •unly. deceased, flo having fully admlni»- and- Ud EstuLi S.- > •ue therefore so admonish alf . ,i. and to ';«• aj*|>ear at toy efTrec. tv‘u r a, t . liute p> c-'*'i!'<-«t b*. * !i;-v, *.*!-•. if .nij . 4,avc. why -a.d l.eti**T> nlKiWld not b*- Witness, my official sigmV.iu?e, this i 2nd:, 1867. . s ' Dee.. I t ni] IL W-. Gitai*v. f)ril:ffary‘ P. BUTTER! 1- nr sale at tiie , DANNER GROCERY. Oid'roan March IH. J lift received ami for sale at the DAN NEK GROCERY. Quitman. March 13, ’6B. - FINE AND COMMON > TOBACCO,’ ‘''liAX.NEKbEOCli^' P