The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, May 22, 1868, Image 3

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Tlie Constitutional Amendment. The following is tlie Constitutional Amendment, or "fourteenth article,” which the excluded States are req aired to adopt, before they will be proclaimed "reconstructed,” and admitted to full fel lowship in the Union, It is for the ad option of this amendment the Georgia Legislature will first be convened, and we presume there is m doubt that a ma jority of said body will give it air en dorsement. It is believed that Ibe adoption of this amendment by five of the Slates now j undergoing reconstruction through Con gressioual Military authority, 's needed to make it a part of the Constitution : Resolveo by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o! America in Congress assembled, two thirds ot both houses concurring, That the following articles bo proposed to the Legislatures of the several States as an amendment to the Constitution of the ] United States, which when ratified by three fourths of said Legislatures, shall be valid as a part of the Constitution, namely: Article—Sec. 1. All persons born or . naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens ol the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any laws which shall abridge the privileges or immuni ties of citizens of the United States nor shall any State deprive any person of life liberty or property without due pro cess of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protec - tion of the laws. Sec. 2. Representatives shall be ap portioned among the several States ac cording to their respective numbers counting the whole number of persons in each State excluding Indians not tax «d. Rut whenever the right to vote at any election for electors of President and Vice President, or for United States Representatives in Congress exocnUv.*! or judicial olficers ol a Slate, or mem bers <>rthe Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants if such States, being twenty one years of age and citizens of the United States, or in j any way abridged except for participa- 1 tion in rebellion or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduc-i ed in the proportion with the number af male citizens twenty one years of age in such State. Sec, 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress or electorj of President or Vice President, or hold any office civil Or military under the Uni ted States who having previously taken an oath as a member of any State Legis latnre, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State to support tlieCousti i tution if tl c United States, shall have on | gaged in i isurrection or rebellion against. the same, or given aid or com ort to! the enemies thereof ; but Congress may by a vote of two thirds of each House j remove such disability. !-~ec. 4. The validity of the public d< bt of the United States authorized by law, including debt inclined for the payment of pensions and bounties tor service in suppressing insurrections or rebellions shall not lie questioned ; but neither the! Uaius 1 Status it »r any > tie .-nil as j siime to pay any debt or obligation in curred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for tlie loss or emancipation ot any slave ; but all such*debts obligation and i claims shall he held illegal and void. Sec. 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce by appropriate legislation the provisions of this at tide. Passed June 18, 18fi8. Savannah .Market. .Savannah, May lit. 186 ft. Cotton.—-The market was quiet, l>nt stoutly amt closing accounts ill theilay were favorable to an advance. I.ow Middling quoted at .tOc. Gold.—Bought at 189, sold at HOW 111. liACON. —Sales continue to be made at lower rates than the aclnnl cost of the article in the j Northern markets Stocks are very low and de- | creasing, there having been no arrivals since our last. Demand is light and prices firm at former.' quotations: ft boulder- l.Vd Hi, 1 : ribbed shies. 17 j Qi 171 c ; clear ribbed sides, 18tc: clear sides. ! 1 ft,pal9c: hams, plain, 1902<tc: canvassed 210 22c. Ki-ortL—Remains unchanged, though quota tions in the Northern and Western markets coil-, timic firm. The demand is fair and stock is fuller, some lots having been ordered for the reg alar trade. We renew our quotations: Northern super. $lO 50011 50: extra sll 500, .i: family, $ 150 16. Some lots of Georgia flout- which have been a he'd, are now coming iu and some choice family is now in market, at sl<> per bar rel; sacks $« 50; other grades .are very scarce j and there is but little demand. Grain.—Corn continues dull. It is sold in small lots from store and at depot, at Si 20rt> 1 25. Oats continue firm, and are selling only in small lots from store at SI 1d,,, 1 15. Rictk— ls ÜBchangek. The stock is about 1200 casks (rough and cleansed) at the' mills, which is adequate to the demand, f 'rives are a little off. and we now quote: Clean Carolina. to(ij 10} bv the single cask, half a cent higher; rotieh $2 2502 40; seed, $5(«,4; middtibg rice, 7(«,8c, Rangoon, lOJollc. SroAßS—■ Are unchanged. We quote: crushed, 150:18} cents; A white, 17 to 17}: E white. 115} to ITceuts; extra white. 160HU cent-' eliowC 150 U-V.: brown'clarified. 14}; Muscov;. 0,12} to 14: nrto Rico, 11(7' to. oFicffiDULE. GENERAL SUPTS OFFICE, 1 Atlantic A Gllf Railroad Cx, r Savannah, May I lilt, 1868. ) ON and after Monday, the 181 h inst.. the schedule of Passenger Trains on this Road will run as follows— Leave Savannub. ilaiiy, (Sundays exeopted.) at "-bb A. M. Leave Quitman -'-H M- Arrive at Bainbridge 10:20 “ Leave Bainbridge 2:00 |j- Leave Quitman 1 ■ Arrive at Savannah Mom! •yscTcep'- Cd) ' “ 11. ft. iXA..v ; . my22-lm Lea 1 Bup t. S M LEDERER I. M. FRANK. GUOTAVE ECKSTEIN. SAM’L M. LEDERER & CO., Importers of and Dealers in WOFLEZTGcJST, DOMESTIC, STATUS & MMO BBf liUUfflS, 113 Broughton street, Savannqji, Ga. Rales of Brown Sheeting, Cases of American Prints, 1 Cases of Bleached Goods, Rales of Brown Skirting, Cases of Kentucky Joans, Rales of Blankets, Bales of Oznabnrgs, * Cases of Kerseys, Bales of Flannels. Having removed to our very large and spacious building, we are enabled to keep the Largest Stock Ever Offered in Savannah, and Merchants Visiting Our city are especially Invited to pay a visit to pur l-ixtensive .Separate Wholesale Department, before purchasing. November 22, ’67. Quitman Retail Prices Stivrfent, COSItECTKD WEEKLY *.• 1 hu home in niiiitl that our quotations I represent retail prices only. Large bills toplant l ,*j*B aid others may be purchased at a shade j lower. J i Bacon |n* 1h... I 18 (and 22 , Butter Goshen fVlb. • • 33 ($ Country ..... |f* flv . I 33 (a\ 40 j | Candles... jP lb I ■“>•'» ("* 60 j I Cheese jp lb •• • I Df 3.» : (Coffee —Kio |p lb. j -0 (.•/• i Corn huslij 100 cj 1 j Crackers :p Ih I 20 («, 25 i Eggs jpi do/ i 15 0C 20 Flour—. Superfine ’f* bbl ,15 oo (n 10 00 Family !p hbl .17 00 (and. 22 0o : Ginger jp 8). ..! (at 00 Lard f', ID- J 23 ('} 25 i Ovuters IP can 0 4° i euclu-s !.* ran 0 ,«• Pickle* t ''°bt j Potatoes Irish if 1 Imali 250 («. 3(W | Sweet | (4, bush 0 5° | Powder I'Rtb... 00 0 Potash if*-1b... «* 211 Kie« if* lb. 13 <4 lb Uaisms 1 r>, 0 Salt if* sack. 3 50(4 4 50 Soap j ft, lit. . . l-> 0 20 Sugar ! jt* lb I*> 0 23 Syrup Uf* gat.. 50 0 75 Sort a •i P lb. . (dl 2u Shot Rib... 0 20 Starch ;* t ll ■ 20 (<(, 2.' Tobacco good article, p lb. 150(4 200 Vinegar |j* gal 60 0 75 stcuj i M. J. DOYLE CO., Wholesale and llut-ail Dealers in MfflEtffifiCCSm Boots, Shoes, Clothing, , tationciy, Cutlery, Hardware, Tinware, Frui is, N <-sr«.« :i AND NOTIONS OF ALE KINDS, No. ito BRYAN Street, Near tlie Market, Snvuunaii, (*«*o. ir-.y~ Orders from tlie country promptly at tended to. apl7-3m HAYWOOD, GAVE & CO., WHOLESALE DKAIJhUS IN ZOE 2 ICE!! Nos. 196, 198, 200 and 202 Bay Street, Savannah Georgia. apl7 Ont S. S. FILLER, DKALKIt IN ,TI \IIO<i A\ V, WAI.IUT l!U> IMU M ItN ITU HE,j FRENCH AND COTTAGE ouu min unman Mattrasscs made to order. No. 157 Ilrouglitou Street, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. apl4 ly BRYAN, liITRLBCEAfe., ■Wkwii HlßJiWinAiiWt A N. D obbsm£4o. an m at SAVANNAH GEORGIA rl'}S.<ins i ; r SJ< of rnttn) ; orL M-o i-ifo J -<dicit/' I : wltich w<* '■ i ‘ . i : tali. | New York or fLiverpool, as dorsiued. rnuking lib j oral advances. : Special attention given to purchasing of Planters’ Supplies. WVstcrn Hacon for salt* on corisigmnoiu.'^; LAND FOR SALE, npl" -*m A. C. LOIV3ELENO, DEALER IN Gr roc eries, West India Fruit, WINES, LIQUORS, PROVISIONS, &c. CORNER BULL AND CONGRESS BTB., Under Masonic Hall , SA VAN A Nil GEORGIA. March 13. 18HH. 7-ts Fisk’s Metalic Burial Cases. VLL size's kept constantly on hand at the store of J. T. Budd, Monticeilo, and C. 11. Smiths lore, Madison. Florida. Al>o. an as-ortinciit s constantly kept on hand Ly R. Ouitman, Ga. rny-C >*h -«'i 1 • : v rv .... .. ... i i’lONS,Agents, i December 11, ISSG 6in DR. M. L. E TTLE, Av NEXT DOOR TC 1 <ANNER OFFICE,, WT: " N. GA. AH T aes of dentist: iy, EXECUTED IN THE REHT MANNER AND WARRA GIVE SATISFACTION. c Terms will be lurni.shed <>n a| . ation. - ®^ All kinds of Produce taken for Work. < U. VAN GILSKN, DEKTTIST, STOCKTON, NO. 13, A. & G. 11. R. (Formerly Drs. McDonald & Van Gieson, Macon,) RKSrECTFl T LIjV offers his services to the • citizens of Clinch and surrounding coun ties. in all brancheA ol’ the profession. VVill visit Quitman or any other point requested. KKFKfIKNCKS : •T. D. .Smith. M. D, Macon. Georgia. (’apt. 11. K. Moseley, Valdosta, Georgia. .1. G. Moon*, Valdosta, Georgia. Dr. 11. Briggs and Mr. .i. I). Charlton, Yaldosla. Rev. (). L. Smith, I). !)., Me hols county, Geo. ('apt. J. Wells. Valdosta, Georgia. C. C. Williams, Lowndes county, Geo. W. J. Mabry, Valdosta, Georgia. March 1, 1807. 5-1 f GEORGIA GOODS! At Factory Prices. mHE attention of Merchants and Planters is, 1 called to a beautiful assortment ol Georgia j Goods just received from the “Cuthbcrt Manufacturing Company a j Consisting of Plain and Twilled Quo, Plains, Linseyt\ JuanH, Beavers, Tweeds, Stripes, Wool Diaper, &c., See. These Goods are fresh, made with great care and of thi! best wool. Also, J’lain and Colored Osna burgs ; all of which are offered strictly at Fac tory prices. Merchants and Planters are requested to call and*examine before buying elsewhere. Cotton. Wool or Hides taken in exchange at full prices. Spun Yarns and Brown tfhirtings to arrive in a few days. SAM’L W. BROOKS, Quitman. Nov. 1, IH(J7—3m Agent. Fountain Hotel, ; Light Street, BALTIMORE, Maryland. W. 11. €labaus;li, Pro. | Omnibus and Baggage; Wagon in attendance up on all Depots and Boat Landings. mm On His Feet Again. | jj AM now receiving an entirely New Stock ISPRIMJ I.YB SIAM GOODS, ! JLYUDWARIL GilOCKßlivLk. . direc from N-w Vork. My old friends and customers will find me at the OLD COILVLR. where 1 will be ready at I all times to wait on them with pleasure. (live me a call and if I do not suit you then try some where else. JACOB BALM. Quitman Ga., March 30,1808 10-ts. P.H.BEHN, 7T O ‘! U ~ - GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, i lias removed to First door West of Exchange. Bay Street, Savannah, Geo. i aug23-’67 20-1 y* WANTED. VN active, intelligent, and trustworthy agent in each of the following counties : Thomas Brooks, Lowndes and Colquit, to travel through ! said ccunties on business which, while it will af ford a fair compensation to the agent, will be , likely greatly to advance the interests of all whom he may induey to embark with him in it. Apply, by letter, with P. O. stamp enclosed, or in person, to JOSEPH S. BAKER, ap2l-13-3t Quitman, Ga. ' Feathers for Sale. TE'S7‘E have received, on consignment a fine Y 7 lot of NEW LEATHERS, which ull be sold low tor cash. F. R. ITLDES. M iy 8.1868. U-ts HOTELS. MARSHALL HOUSE,! BIiOLLMTOX NTKF.r.T, ' \ .'-I i.LiHILIA. Fill IKS tlrst class Hotel has been remodeled J H. and newly refurnished and put iu perfect*! order throughout. The traveling public muy j rest assured they will find comfortable accommo dations at this House. A. B. LLCE, Proprietor. February 22, 18(57. ly OUR HOUSE SiiYuiimtli. in. raXIIL undersigned having leased the above 0. favorite Establishment, and having refitted and refurnished it. throughout iu the moht elegunt manner, would inform the public that it is now open for the Reception of Guestfc. The present Proprietor will spare no pains to maintain the eharacter it has always enjoyed us being one of the best of the Firsi-< 'ljbhs Kilting I lous es ot the country, and those who favor him an ith their patronage may be assured that nothing will be left undone to secure the comfort and satisfac lion of his guests. BOARDERS will be taken by the week or day at a moderate charge, novlfi (im K. H. IURLIN. PAVILION HOTEL D C NOE, Proprietor. 1 Corner <*f Bull and South Broad Streets, j HuYiinunh, Georgia. H AVING taken the above Hotel, whicli has j recently been refitted and refurnished j throughout, the Proprietor can assure the public j that he is as well prepared to eater to their wants as any Hotel iu the State. His table will always he supplied with the best the market affords, and nolpains will be spared to give entire satisfac tion. Transient Board $3.00 per day. Permanent Board $15.00 per week. A share of public patronage is solicited. February 22, 1807. Ltf Western Hotel, Nos. 9, 11, 13 & 15 Cortlandt St., !). I). WIVeiTKSTKK, I MlMir v/kiM/ Thom. E. Winchester. ( .Ml<W YORK.. We are in the Center of Business, and HEADQUARTERS FOR GEORGIANS. sept 13 32-1 y WM. WHITE. GEO. G. MIXER CHARLESTON HOTEL, Charh'Nloii, S. t'. WHITE & MIXER, ! nov7-fim PROPRIETORS. Tlie <lnit!iifiii Hotel. mrs, mcintosh N”OTIFIES the public that she continues lhe Il'del business, at her old house, on the ! i’ublic Square ; where she will endeavor to make guests feel at home. Her table is supplied with the best the market affords, and charges moderate. Jttfle J J. 18(57 . 20-tl WM. A. LANE, nfpnttn at attb Solicitor / <75! V I Jan 10 1 ! ■ I V ». T. KINGSBEttY, . Jttonrm anb Counselor at fnb, QUITMAN, GEORGIA, Office, in the Building next to J. S. Cummings.) Will practice in the .Sonthem Circuit, in the ; counties of Decatur in the South-western. Clinch j in the Brunswick, and Hamilton, Madison and ; Jefferson in the Middle Circuit of Florida. January 18,1807. ly JOHN W. BRUFF & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS TN FBI il DOMESTIC W 6®, No. Q 45 JJ;ilt- St., Between Charles act Haudelph sts. John W. Brnff. ) -toiln w. i;„. . I 3ALTIMORE. Jos. E Brnff, f A. B. Faulkner. aug2 ly* ACEWTS WANTED To sell Dv. Wm, Smith’s DICTIONARY OP THE BIBLE. I T CONTAINS oror 1000 closely printed, double ooluinn', octavo pages, from new electrotype plates, on good paper, and is appropriately il lustrated with more than 203 engravings on stee and wood and a series of fine, authentic maps* ! Ac. ' It comprises the AntUplßlr*, Biography, Geog-! rapliy, Natural History. Topography, and is a 1 complete Cyclopedia of the Scriptures. It is necessary to every Bible reader indispen sable to every Minister and Sunday School Ti ac’ier, and ought to be in every tamily. It is highly commended by all learned and eminent men, and by the Press generally in all parts of the country, as the best book of the kind in the English language. Do not he Deceived! Owing to the unprecedented popularity of this \Wk f a small Pmjlish abridgment, iu duodecimo form, of about (500 pages, has been reprinted in this country, and spread over 803 octavo pages, evidently by making u larger book than the original to give the impression easier that it is our edition. It Juts less than half the readout mat- . ter of ours, and is sold considerably higher than the English edition of same book in this Country. Some agents are endeavoring to palm oil’ this juvenile edit ion for ours. Teachers. Studeuts. Retired Clergymen, Farm ers, and energetic Women find tin* agency for this work both pleasant and lucrative employ ment.. Send for circulars, giving full particu lars, terms. Arc., to S. S SCRANTON A CO., Book Publishers, 12(5 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn. \ A I.I'AIJEE PLANTATION ffi,-<a 5» EX .<*» m K H-J. 3,500 Acres of Laud ! rrilIJS valuable Plantation, lyi lg 0 on the Withlacoochee River twelve miles from No. 15.], Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, near Rocky liv-fiflaJSsJlinl* ir. containing 3.5 acres, is comprised in Lots No’s l PJ. 1(57. 1 (Jo. 1(51,202, 203, 231, 205, all in one body, except No. 119. There arc 700 or 8(H) acres of this laud under fence, of which none, except, about one hundred acrex, has been under cultivation more than (lire* years. There are houses enough for 200 negroes, ; • it burn-' s-iml! ’ dling House, and out-| ;■ . •' a Tin nr hou-e n<>. v< . ■I" • . : ' till. - tie U l.ilthf. and ii! y >i • oii.T. i -in exceedingly ■ v i *.tilurs apply to Col. WM. A 1 Quih'um Ga Octl2-3t)-tf NO HUMBUG. m ms m cm. TITHE viiider-igned having bought the Stock ot S Good-* owned by J. I>. Hoist, formerly of the linn of J. W. STALNAKER AGO.. ' | XOW OFFER SAID STOCK for SALE, AT COST, lF"o:r: l and no iit xmro AAR ISO 111 4IIH U. W. a. BENTLEY & CO. Quitman. March 27, 18(58. 3in ' RANDELL & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, 201 and 203 Bay Street, Savannah, - - - Goo. rTAVE NOW IN STOIiH a lai-ffe and com ii plt.tu assoj-tmont of 4 * ro<‘<-ri<-s. wliicti they offor to tho trade at prices 1.--s than they [ call fie laid down from Lhe Northern market*, j consisting in part of liacon— Shoulders, Sides, Hums, Fork, Sugars—(all grades,) Refined nml Raw, Coffee—Rid,’Java, and Ceylon. Teas—Green and Black, different qualities. Che se, Butter and Laid, Mackerel, Codfish, Herring, Candles, Soap and Starch Tobacco, (if various grades, &c. Special attention given to orders with re mittance or Short ('ity Acceptance. Brices fnr nisiiet when desired. January 22. his. fim Aukvr-i Wamkd roll (THE OFFICIAL HISTORY O F T 11 E W ,\ I{ , its Causes, Cliaraeter, Conduct stud ItesnJfs. By Hon. A. 11. Stephens. A Book for all Sections and all Parties. This great Work presents the only complete and impartial analysis of the Causes (A the war vet published, and gives those interior lights and shadows of the great conflict only known to those high officers who watched the Hood title of revolution from its fountain springs, an.l which were so accessible to .Mr Stephens from his po : sit ion as s<-(*ond"t.fficer of the Confederacy. To a public that has been surfeited with AP j PAREXTLY SIMILAR PRO DICTIONS, we promise a change of lure, both agreeable ».nd t>a -I'itiiry. and an jnte.Lctua.lVri at of the highest or der. The Great American War lias AT LAST ■ found a ldstorian worthy ofj irs importance, and r.-' will receive that moderate ca!i ibneiit which truth and jus • ■ - 11 ' ■ uejufid. ; -•» :a- . <• ev.-rv where manifested to ow ..*i ;>N work. ns. Official <ha rue ter and ready I sale, combined with an increased commission, j make it the best subscription book ever publish j ed. One Agent in Easton, Pa., reports 72 subsciv ! bers in three days. j One in Boston, Mass., 103 subscribers in four j days. '’’One iu Memphis, Tenn., 10(5 subscribers in five i days. j Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a f full description of the work, with Press notice of ; advance .sheet, &c, i Address NATIONAL PPHTASIIING CO. Broad Street, Atlanta Ga. Grady & Tully, PLAIN AXH OUN'AMENTAL BSIVIY STREET, SAVOVAH, fit. Katgomining and Repairing Neatly executed. Lime, I.ath, Pla» f er. Hair, Cement and Tnilding Myl?-.Vy Haterial for sale. fcgal llotircs. BROOKS COUNTY: Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold before the Com t do»>r In the torwiT ol'Qtritomo, Georgia, of> the First Tuesday in July next, between Che* 1 gas hours of sale, IT# acres of land, near Gniovo?- ville, Brooks county, the kite residence ot Jus. 11. Groover, deceased, wi bout encumherance of ! dower. Sold for the benefit r/ the heirs and creditors. Terms, Cash. Jam. P. Dvookh, Adm'i .* Mays. |s,;s. |Ah CSKOROIA. ItlßioKS rut■ VTV. ' Wli.-i JT as. Jus. H. Tillman, Admiinatrator of the j Estate of Isaac J. Newton, having applied for u ! release from the fm-lMier lulmwiistratlon "1 said : estate, and suggested J. K. Duckworth asliissuc | cessor— j These aro therefore to (dfe*awl admomisli. all 1 i parties at interest to file their objections wfthia j tlu* time prescribed by law. otherwise said letter* : will be granted the applicant. J. G. M<Call, (hdutary. ! May S. lsr,B. 15 2m U I al'imu (; E( >R(i IA B Oi»ks county .*- ffn«*i •»- ij as, rs. J. Harrell applies to me tor Lidtonr of Dismission from the mlmintstraiioii of the es tate ol G. \V. Albritton, deceased. 'J’hese are therefore to cite all parties at inter est to life tin dr objections within thr finM» pre scribed by la\v, otherwise said lettern will ho granted to said applicant. Given under mv hand and o cial sigmitura, this March 13th, 18(58. J. G.MeCALL. Ordinary M.uvh 2(Mti. 1838. (Im (1 E(?Rrll X. Bmvows (’ot \ty.- Whereat, W'. G- W Bentley applies to me for letters of dis mission from the Administration of the HstiUv rs J. D. Redding, % il i*eelided. These are ihej-ulbre to rife all pm*s<unie<>nfcc* ed to file their objrefliths. if uhy they H’ftvo wiilk in the time prescribed by law, otherwise said! I'.* tier* will he granted. Witness mv hand and official signature ilxm March 17th. 1837. J J. C, MeC.tLL, O. KV. March 20, JBU7. _ (5m A1 E( >IU ;l I. P.itooi (’in sty. WlTei ■•-is w. H V.IT Devaue administrator with will annexed houis non on the estate of Rogers, de ceased, applies to me for letters of dLmisriwiv from said administration. These are tiierel'ore to cite and admonish parties at interest to file their objections within the time proscribed by law otherwise said biLeis will be granted to the applicant. J. G. M<CALL. O IL C. Febninrv 7th 1 Q f»B,, Sfi'Mlm. ■ N Tqiiu-r. .'ldniini-st-rutor of Jnim>, Bumbo, • u to me son of Dismission from nii'ok admini-tratioii. r l'he:-.o arc therefore U> notify all parties at interest to file the r objections, within the time proscribed by law. otherwise nuid letters will be granted and issued to the npplv enilt. • ' Given under my hand and official signature,, this February 7Mi, *3B. J. G. 31. CALL, Q. B. 0. February 7fh. *3B. 1 —3m. Cl EORGIA, BiiooKs Cm*vrY.--Whi‘Ti*!is. if. Sharpe. Admh with Will nnnexed, on tW “state of Jacob Rizor decnisnl, applies to ttw tor letters of Dismission from his administration of said estate These are therefore (o ( cite if ml ad • ; -!• »>'! tul •>th<* f c.rties ji ’ftvtcfest lo tile ffiMu t t' o'Cjion iilno U'-* law. ohervv i.-e said letters *wili he grunt-: • *': i - ' ; A J G. McCALL, Ordinary. Jarr. 7. irw i ( h.OKGiA, J »houKs Utii nii. -\\ hereus, J. J». VT l’eacock, Administrator with will annexed on the Estate of William A. Denson, deceas«ni. applies to mo for Letters of Dismission from hi* Administration of said Estate. These are tlmrvfore to cite and admonish nit and singular the parties at interest, to file their objections within the time prescribed by law, otherwise said letters wifi be granted. J. G. McCALL, O. B. V. February 28, 18(58. 5 (Jio* COFFEE COUNTY (t EOKG IA, Coffee Col.vty —By virtue of an jX order from the Court of Ordinary of said County, w ill be sold on the first Tuesday iu June 1838, at the Court house door in said couu,y be tween the legal hours of sale, Lot Os Land No, 330, in the First I Mat. originally Appling now Coffee County, containing DO acres more or less. Sold lor the benefit of the heirs and creditonff of of John I'ickeron. late ot said county, and with the encumbeiunce of the widow’s dow er. Terms, cash. J. J. Pickbrox, Adm*r. April lib 1838. 1 LRls G 1 EOR( . IA. < -»i i i:e <oint y. By virtue ui ,m order from the Court of Ordinary of Col’- lce county, will be sold on the First Tuesday in .Bine, 1808. at the Court House door in said coun ty. between the legal sale hours, one Lot ot Land, No. 38, lying in the Fifth District of origi nally Irwin, now Coffee county, containing DO acrys, more or less. Sold for the benefit of the heirs anil creditors of Meotjgah Faulk, lute of said county, deceased. Terms cash. Yet no Y; Yicju&ks, April 18, 18(58 14-iila Adiu'r. ("1 EORGIA, Coffee Cot:sty. —Whereas, Ro M bard RoburtU, Administrator of Gray 8, Kobards represents to die Court, in his petition duly filed anil entered on record, that he hus ful ly Gray 8. Kobartb* estate. r i biff in therefore to cite all persons concerned kindiod and creditors’ill show otitise if any they can why said Adminisl rator should not be discharged from his administra ion and receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday in September 1838. DANIEL LOTT, Ordinary. 3i3 g fEHSUTIv', Vot-wr. o<>i;.\'Ti-r rtlu-r&j. vViIY iain and Josiqdi Kirkland. Administrators ot I). If. Kirkland, represent to the t.'ourt, in their petition, duly filed and entered on record tha they have fully administered D. H. Kirk land’s estate. This H therefore to cite all per sons concerned kinttred and creditors to show, cause, if any they can why ttid adfniuislrutoM should not !)C discharged fronftiieir administra tion. and receivo letters of <lisiiii?feioß on the first Monday in September. 18(58. Daniel layrr. Ordinary. At arch 2. 1888. > It) (im A I'l’fJNMi BOUNTY. A 1 EOUGI-V. AiTi.iN-i < '.a \n .\V hei Ayr lus L«m* an l Jum M . !,<•* Adminuuni | tors of Henry Douglas. appUe tome foe J.citeus of Dismission from said udniinisfi j These||ir<j therefore to notify all parties at in- I lerest to' tile tlnof wilhiii tlie time I prescribed bv law. -otherwise .said letters will j be granted and issued to the applicant, j Given under my baud and official signature, j this November 22d, J. LIGHTSEY, O. A.C. Nov. 3J). 18i;j. n-iim. Gi Rfmr.t \. 'm*t rvc rttr-ri r. Wheroii*. Wll r lis i*. tavi n , A'lfiiiuistriitor on the Esta'tf of Michael W. NeLon. applies to me. for letters of Disinissiou from said Administration of said. Estate. These arc therefore to notify all person*at- inter eat to file their objections within the time pre scribed by law, otherwise said letters will be granted and issued to Kaiibnpptieanb Given under my hand and official signakupe this January 8, 18158. Jan. 17~3ni. J- I>i<iHTm-;Yj Ordinary A. C. ■ 1 a- PIERCE COUNTY. GEORGIA. Pteiu k Cointy.— Whereas, WM ium Goett4*e, Administrator, applies to me ! for Letters of Dismission from the Estates of WJUianj; Kady and John T.. Wilson, both l.>fe of 1 this county, deceased, he hav/ng fully adminzs j tnred said Estates. These ave therefore to admonish »li parties ooiiperncd to be and appear, at my officer within ! the.time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be gran bvl. Witness, my official signature, this December*- 2nd, 1837. Dec. 11— bm] IL ML Qi aty. Ordi*’ r r I?