The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, May 22, 1868, Image 4

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Savannah Homes. books, mmmi at Ford & Thompson, NEWS DEALERS, Hi-ynn St., Savaunnil, Gn. W York anil ntli.r Itoilv am 1 tt'eoklv Now pa(j«i-*, JlnfMinej). F»“hiim llookn, Novel*, ka. i Stationery of Every Description »lw»y< on hnnil. W* rorcivf the latent publications by every mail anil steamer for this city. Country dealers furnished at n liberal discount. tast-Send for Price U*t of Note-papers. Ac. We furnish nny I’a per or Mugnziue publislied in tho t nlt. and States to order. FOlllt A TIIOMI’Sf IN i ntteSß ty Mux lHf), j T. SKELTON JON EH, Bookseller and Stationer, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Theological. Clasaleal. Subnet anil Mlscellancoii 1 Publications kept on hand. gsO-Orders received for nriy Work, Foreign nr Anwriean aug2:t-Iy tI.A. MI.MKR. > " PALMER & DEPPISII, wnncrsAi.r asp rbtah. WiAtEBS in HARDWARE, CCTIJiRV;, edqe tooi.s, Powder, Lead, Shot, Caps, I Agricultural Implements, MSCongrcHH and (17 St. Julian StnietM, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. August Ti. 18*7. BiLTHKiiiii on uurnu STEAMSHIP PINE. Tlic New and Fast Steamships, lOSlfffli 6l"SlllIII, WIH ply regularly between Hidtlniore nndsuvuii null, leaving meli port every Thursday, and eon-' neeting with the interior of Georgia and West Florida by Central and A AG Kail road, and with Lu«l Florida I»v regular PaekeU.t Through BiilM of Lading will bn Imuicd to nil point* on tint Central and Atlantic and GulfK. itoads and connecting lines, and to Brunswick, St Marys and landings on the St Johns river. Good* coirigned lo the agents at either end of the line, will be forwarded promptly and free of j all eommhwdona. J’K-iHwigern are furnished with superior accom modation* and save two hundred miles of sea' travel by taking this route. For further information and particulars apply to WEST A D WIFI B. A gents. Savannah nuILVUn J.. 8. ANIHIKWS, Agent Baltimore. Lovell & Lattimorc, MWU ACfUtI’.HS OF PLAIN TIN WARE, AND DKAI.KRB IN Jnpniiueil, PKuluheil ami Stamped Tin Ware.-. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Woven, Sheet Iron, Tin Plates. Lead, Brooms, Wooden Ware, Pocket and Table Cutlery, lIOr,LOW WARE, &€., AO. Crockery and Glassware Jlao, Wider Coolers anil Filters, IGE PITCHERS ANP REFUIGERATOfttf. And in capnoction with the nbove, we have in Stove every variety of tioe i ims MQm: AND RANGES, With all the fixtures ready for immediate use.- ! Thane Stoves ure neat and simple in appearance with large flues of extra thickness and weight. Will be sold at reasonable prices. Orders foi •Stoves promptly attended to. No. 153 and 157 Congress St., SAVANNAH, GEO. May 4th, 18*7. ly F. CONSTANT, Bull St, near Bay Street, Savannah, Geo., in— Imported ant> Domestic Cigars, TOBACCO, PIPES, &C. With a long established reputation as an Im port*!, he endeavors to keep as good a stock, in quantity and assortment, as can be found in the State. “ The Recess.” CIONXECTED with the Cigar ntid Tol»acco E.- I tnblkhmont, is» SALOON far the accommodation of regular patrons and i th# public generally, where the Best of Imported Liquors] are served, with a LUNCH each day. Strangers will find it a quiet resort, with no Wines or Li- , qnnr* that are not rboice. ong2J-2*.M v M.M SULLIVAN, IWftl.t.ft IN Shad, and an kinds of Fis.ft, In their Season, Oysters, Game, etc., No. lIG liar, l.ane, s.i vannah. ceo. <h-.My motto is : Justice to all. *r* Orders !V«m the - • i;*.'ry will be prompt U and i-MFvltiUj f.llok * nevA-Mt Quit man Advertisements.. NEW STORE! GEO. Medlock & Sparks Marin;; Ueceivod lheir New and well selected Stock of BJPBDQS' -Mil 800011 ©.©SIS* Riwpectfully invite Hie public to call mid evifroloc thorn before purcliiwlng elsewhere. From i.m long experience in the Mercuntite lm*lne,H. our Itmroiigh iicqauiiiiuncß with bimlmv. men mid fi:-t clnn« lieu-e*. we fill ler our-elve* fhi I we emi irulie i> very materially to your liitere-t to give 11- a call. We know that mir Stock ban been bought LOW, anil therefore can be Hold GIIEAP. We have ail New Goods and all how Prices ! NO OLD GOODS AND NO lIfCIT PRICES!! And having secured the service* of on experienced Buyer in New York city, we expect at nil lime to keep our stock perfect mid complete ; und u * “ant active penny ia worth more than an idle »hil ling,” our motto is, Quick .Sales and Small Profitu. GROCERIES, STAPLE & DOMESTIC GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, Hardware, Crockery, Glass and Quccns-ware. Also, a Fine Assortment of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Trimmings, &c. All of which wo projio.He to sell on the most liberal terms. /T' rt-AlAj KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE will bo taken in Exchange for goods, and for which the highest, market price will be paid. Please call and examine our stock. Quitman, January 10th, JHtiR. (35-tl) MEDLOCK & SPARKS. PATONIZIG IUME INSTITUTIONS. PIEDMONT iPcal Twain %*<**•*** s*w» w a«7 n ■ IWrna UMWJwJW BiiMMl wtv.JH dvitibnu J wi f u^u»«, FOR LIFIEINSURANCE ONLY. Authorized Capital, - - $1,000,000! Capital Paid in, : : : : : SIOOOOO ! 87 I-2 percent, of Profits paid to Policy Holders. s*** r m ' ,'»i r m ' ■•j.'va | THE PIEDMONT REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY OF VIRGINIA, DIOCKM ISKU SJ7TII, 1807. Capital St or If paid in, - -- -- -- -- SIOO,OOO 00 l*rt‘iultmiM since Organization, ------ 35,994 84* $135,994 84 W. C. CARRINGTOIV, President, J. J. HOPKINS, State of Virginia, Nelson County, lo xcit : This day. W. B. Carrington, aud J. J. Hopkins, (President and Secretary) of the Piedm« i.t Real Fatalc lusurauce Company, personally appearetl before me, a justice ol the peace, in and be said county, and made oath lliat the above statement is correct-. 1 further certify, that I have no interest in affairs of said Company, and that 1 made r- cl I examination of its affairs mu! a final examination of its books, and that from that inspection, I fiml 1 above statement correct,- the Company having one hundred thousand dollars of paid up capital. ! safely secured or invented, and its premiums earned, have been thirty-five thousand nine hundred I and ninelv-four dollars and eighty-four cents. Its officers are well known to me, and are men of i good character and business qualification, iu whose administration the public can rely for faithful | discharge of duty. i Given under uiy hand this 27th day of December, 1807. JOHN S. EWERS. J. P. •January 1. Receipts now over, $-12,000 00 Would you leave a support to your helpless family ? Would you at your death release an encumbered estate ? Would you secure vonr endorsers from loss? Would you be sure to educate your children ? Would you make a profitable and salt? Investment? If so, apply to tiie agent of the Company and secure a policy, for this is the best Life Insu- I ranee Company in existence. MEDLOCK & SPARKS, ACENT3. DR. J. H. M’CALL, MED. EX. Chas. Whitehead, General Aprent, Atlanta, Oonvgia. *jsr*Kelli*ble energetic eiuiv misers wwntefi. My ■ * U'iiiS JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT Ik Complete in almost every particular, nml wc guarantee to Execute as GOOD WORK., As can be done Anywhere, WITH THE SAME FACILITIES AT HAND. BHB. r EM ■ S3 « B CASH Oft DELIVERY,. And our Rates Fully as LowTas those of any Establishment In this Section of the Country. FHESII Just received at the BANNER GROCERY. Qutiran. March Hi. c.B. Crooltery! For sale at the BANNER GROCERY. tiih ihuze OF THE WORLD ! BANNER GROCERY. PURSE f: SOM, STATIOXKK.-?. l’rint r I ' Ibogiaphers. En g,-aver* ami Book Bi:.. Manufacturers of Carmine am! lilfiek Ink? So. b ttisllaker street, Savaesab. t.corgi i Savannah Advertisements. 18687 SPRING 1868. SWBISIEH'fRJDE, JOHN C. MAKER & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, Notions, Millinery, • -a. w m % —- GOOOS, Corner of Broughton and Wiiitaker Streets, SAVANNAH, CA. •MGiE'A'TN iron iiw£ e & nhizmm Elastic Slitcli Ncwiiig llachines. August ‘l, ::im. ly i E. D. Smythe & Cos., Importers and Wlioli'sale Dciilers in CROCKERY, CHINA, £ LAS S'-WA RE, 100 Broughton, 140 Congress and 57 St. Julian sts., TT/'IL'L ike JOBBINt; PKK-KS and PILLS ..f any Market i» the United Slates.! \ V ibr the’.same quality and quantity of Ware at the > tim* j» ilod of time. Printed Lists of Assorted Crates, WITH PRICES OF EACH ARTICLE. WILL M FI R\ISISKI> OX AI’FLICATIOX. Many of those Lists have been carried to New York and other Market u by Mddia.v.s f: on (ieorgia and Florida, whe have come bauk, to Savaunuh and Bouglit their Goods of Us. September IT 1807. * 7--ts BOLSHAW & SILVAN Importers and Dealers in Lit Uhxkj& US 9 LM&mRg GLASSWARE, CUTLERY, KEROSENE LAMPS , KEROSENE , ASk "Cb iSl> HOUSE FIRMSIHXG ««OI>S GRX lilt ALLY. CROFRERV, Ass'drted in -Ciates, or Repacked, so Suit Purchaser t. .Vo. 3»S SI. Julian and 101 Hvtjan Streets, NFA R THE .MARKET, Ba,va.nnali, Geo. 1 October SA. 1X67 1 iy 1068. 1860. DEWITT & MORGAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in nsV&’iLhmteusvd JaL bWa isiiato i-1 137 Congress Street, S^L\rßixuci.SLlOL 9 Gr©orgia, SMiM S SBMMia STOCI£. €roods hy Every Steamer. Laditß'Jli-cxs Goodsin all 0» Newest styles : .•=!),-etiug. Shirtings, Lin.-:;., ami everything wanted in housekeeping; While Goods. Hosiery, and small wore- in endless varUly. Goods for Gentlemen and Boys’ Wear. ALT. OUR STOCK IS NEW AND .1 ST HoroiTT \T Li'E7:DTJCE3:D .T o s H OFAVITT .X MORGAN. tpril 17. 1 Cm FINS AND COfASV.ON TOBACCO, For s;i c at the LNN'iR GROC ERY. EUREKA ! TH •’ place to buy Groceries cheap, is at the ; BANNER GUGCERY. | miscellaneous; NEW STORE! \\m, BROOKS (JO., GEO, | mil E undersigned ri'vp.ctfully Informs the pnli- JL lie that he lias esiablished liimsolf at tha auove place, with a large aud w ell selected stock of m•• « saf , m q i u wtsiUi f r ...jw. or. / Wwukj m. -BE r B-■ ■Hi Bk , ICinbraoing Gents' and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Ac Boots and Shoes, For (lent*, Ladies, Misses and Children, and ol almost every style and quality. Hals, Caps , Straw Goods Gents.' I'urnbliing Goods, Ladies’ Cloth and Cashmere Cloaks, Shawl*, Sontags, Hoods. Nubian. Comforts, Iloop Skirts, blankets. My stock of NOT! O ]ixr s, Will be found complete. I will itlso keep constantly on hand a completo ! stock of ©l©olillSp Hardware. \Yood, Willow and Queeswarc -in fact everything found In a first class Dry Goods and Grocery wore. I am prepared to sell os j Good Bargains, FOR THE MONEY, As can be had in Quitman or elsewhere. ! Alt nr«* requested to call and examino for } themselves. No trouble to show goods. WHISKEY OUT, ! Anil no more to be kept for sale. W. A. LIVINGSTON. : November 2Mtli. IBH7. JX-tf 1868. THE SOUTHERN FAVORITE. ■HR Kim FSR BAYS AID GIHLS. | I’rouounced by the Southern Press to Ko the most ' elegant and talented vourig people’s paper piinted in this country. I We arc* now publishing Maroonrr s Island, a i Sequel so the Young Marooners, and Jack- Dobell, | or a llafs Adventures in Texas, by one of Fac nhi’s men pxoriouiiced "‘equal to the best of Maym* Reid’s stories.’’ M e shall begin, in the i first number of Ih;n. a thrilling story by a lady j of Virginia, entitled “Ellen Uuxtui:: A tnU of j Ike il whieii will run for several months. I Mmopg the regular contributors to BURKE’S WEFICLY ate Rev. K.II. author o - The Vomig Murooner’sr Mrs. Jank T. H. Chubs; Mrs. Fold, ot Home Ga.; Miss Mary J. Ui sHru. of Norfolk, Ya., und many others. Tr.HMs §2 a year in advance; Three copies IbrJS.Y Five copies for $8 ; Ten copies for sl7, and Twenty-one copies for S2B. £ lergymen and Teacbcrs/umished at $1.50 pur annum. The volume begins with die July number. Back number? can be supplied from the ttrst, ! and all ) early subscribers may receive the nnw] i ben* for thd tirst six months, stitched in un tie* * gaut illuminated cover, j Address, J W. BURKE & CO.. Publisher’s Macon Gn. ! ■ ir.i-j 'J,/" ami (j'lUimm Jtonmr ! will bo fnrnivbfil for mm year fur $-1,0(7 c*sli. DECKER & CO. IVOHY AGLALI-l-: BAR WS&WO) FORTES \J»U celeb rated throughout the country, and are distinguished for their Ringing Quality: \ iume and purity of tone ; .Sympathetic Elastic even tn ; ieh. Durability of construction, and beau ] ty of finish! i ‘ first. Premiums awarded at the New York Si: - Fur in IS3B, and whenever and wherever exhibit.-d. The Decker *t Company Pianos have always received the First Premium whenever mid where* ■ i r fi.ey have competed with the most celebra j ted makers iu (liis country, j The Ivory A grade Bar is an invention beand | fill in ibi simplicity, and wonderful in its practi ! caheffect. ft* is the most compact Mgraffe ever | invented, and its intiuouee upon the urn# is to j render U mellower, rounder, and more clearly | brilliant, while R utterly overcomes that sharp, Anetalic quality which disfigures the instrument, j of all other makers. Tho unanimous opinion of the best artists and j ihe most reliable critics, is that the Decker A ! Company Ivory Agraffe Bar Piano Forte, which j in voluminously sonoritv, and positive solidity of i tone, can stand comparison with the best grand ! Piano Fortes made. No. *2 Union Square, | Cor. of 11th St. and 4thavenue, NEW YORK. | January 2-47-fcf { Say. Bailr Adyertfeer. S. YATES LEVY. Editoh. j E. O. WlTlil N( iTON, Associate. rilllE A I>\ KUTlfclUi is devoted to the S- interests of Savannalr. hf Georgia, and of I the South, fu favor of Reconstruction on a I so? mi iiasis. and opposed to Radicalism m every j shape. A paper acceptable to tin* family aud man j of business. For tliQ present it will be published only as a ; Daily, but at an early day a Tri-weekly edition | will also l>e burned. ! J'o.stmasfcers acting as Agents will be allowed a liber.i! per cent ge on all cash Published at $8 per year : $4 for six months ; ! $2.70 tor three months, and $1 for one mouth. E. O. WETHINGTON & CO., j Publishers. | Savannah News & Fnald, DAILY AND TRI-WEEKLY, Is the best advertising medium in its section, ha ving the Largest Circulation. It is the Official : Paper of the city. Its General News, Commercial. Marine and Lo ‘ cal Departments are carefully edited, and no ' pain* are spared in procuring the L a test intelligence I From all quarters, but always from reliable * sources. The News and Herald Staff includes Col. \V\ T. Thompson, (well known as the author I of ‘-Major Jones' Courtship) long Editor of the Morning News, and Dr. J. Jones,former Editor , of the Taiiahmssce Floridian and Journal ; with an able corps of Reporters and correspondents : at all important points. Terms : Daily, $lO ; Tri-weekly, s6'per year j Hiß“Pobtin.isters are authorized to act as agents MASON & ESTILL, sop27-tf Editors and Prourietors Fi*uit Aotice. IvYILL GIVE. t«* those who, all the u« -.‘-a: v information in Pomology—for the ‘-:aa!! sr,-a of Two Dollars. Embracing every ni'-ii.cil of Grafting. Inoenlatfitg, Ste. Also, the : just approviyl manner of Culture, Pruning, and Training Trees, Vines, etc. Apply to or address. M. L. Battt r.. Quitman, Ga. November 15. 18f»7—tf NUTS AND RAiSiNS For sale at the BANNER GROCERY