The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, June 26, 1868, Image 4

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Savannah Houses. IBOOKS. NfiffSflPg W. Ford & Thompson, NEWS DEALERS, Bryan St., Savannah, Ga. WE have a!way. on hand the Latest New York and other Daily and Weakly New*- papers, Magazines, Fashion Books, Novels, Ac. Stationery of Every Description h\ way* on hand. Wo receive the latest publications by uvary mail and steamer for thin city. Country dealers furnished at a liberal discount. * for Price List of Newspapers, Arc.— We furnish any Paper or Magazine published in the United States to order. FURD «t THOMPSON, tmgJO-ly Box 189. T. KK/kTjTOJV JON EH, Bookseller and Stationer,, SAVANNAH, UKORGIA. Theological, Classical, School and Miscellaneous Publications kept on bund. yrifHJrders received for any Work, Foreign Or American. aug2S-ly U.A. r'Al.Mkilt. J. n. DKItIHI PALMER & DEPPISH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HARD WARE, CUTLERY, FILES, EDGE TOOLB, Powder, Lead, Shot, Caps, A urricnl final 1 inplcnienhi, I4H Congress and flt St. Julian Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. August 21), 18G7. HlMiiii is in i’imir, i\n savannah STEAMS HIP LINE. The New anil Fast ISfean* ships, ’' * A I i.l Wi. iwfAa-W : IITH lit COSTER St FASJIE, ■ }dy ree;nl;irly between Haiti more and Savon* r, ih leaving each port every Thursday, and con r-‘ with the interior of Georgia and West 1 ..üby Central aud AA, (J Railroad, and with 1 ant Florida h.v regular Packets.* Through Bills of Lading will bo issued to ail points on the Central and Atlantic and GiilfU. 1 toads and connecting lines, and to Brunswick, St Marys and landings on the St Johns river.— Goods cou igtrofl to the agents at either end of the Hm\ will *be forwarded promptly and free of all oomrtisidotiH. Passengers n-re furnished with superior necom ie -Itlionsnull save two hundred miles of sea navel by titUlug this route. For further information and particulars apply to WF.BT <V DAM El S. Agents, Savannah aulßt-Jm *■- B. ANDREWS, Agent Baltimore. Gaels a Giffiinorr. MAXFK.Um.JtKRS OF PLAIN TIN WARE, AND DKAI.KBS IM i.ipnlined, I’l«nUlieil und Slumped Tin Wares, i.HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Wluvt's, S|„.,t Iron, Till I Males. Load, Brooms, Wooden War©, Pocket and Table Cutlery. HOLLOW WAKE, AO., &U. ■Grockery and Glassware t Aho, Water Coolers and Filters, ICE PITCHERS AND REFRIGERATORS. And in connection with the above, we have in Store every variety of coo&ins nmm AND RANGES, With all the fixture# ready for immediate use.— These Stoves are neat and simple in appearance with large of extra thickness ami weight. Will be sold iu reasonable prices. Orders foi Stores promptly attcuded to. No. 155 ami 157 Congress Stj SAVANNAH, GEO. May Ith, 1807. ly F. CONSTANT, Bull St., near Bay Street, SSsivaiiuali, (*c«., - OKAI.KK IK— Imports a nil Domestic Cigars, TOBACCO, PIPES, &C.' With a long established reputation as an Im porter, he endeavors to keep as good a stock, in quantity and assortment, a*s can he found in the State.* t “ Tlie Recess.” /"CONNECTED with the Cigar and Tobacco Es- V ) luMbhinont. is a S A 1. O O N for the accommodation of regular patrons and •the public generally, where the Best of Imported Liquors are served, with a LUNCH e.veh day. Strangers will fmd it a quiet resort, with no Wines or Li iquor* that arc not choice. au»23-20-Iv Al. M SULLIVAN, DKAI.FR in Shad, and alt kinds of Fish, In their Season, Oysters, Game, etc., JNo. 110 lias Lais'. N.i VAXNAII GEO. *®-My motto is: Justice to all. pet-Orilor* from (lie country -o ill be prompt lv and carefully Riled. ' uvrti-tt Quitman Advertisements.. NEW STORE! QTTITMAKT, GrBO. Medlock & Sparks Having Received tbeir New and well selected Stock of iiPißiji am ©OlOll ©OOO3-9 tte.pectfully invite the public to call and examine them before purchasing elsewhere. From our long experience in the Mercantile buaines*, onr thorough acr|iiaintance with business men aud first claas house*, we flaller ourselves that we can make it very materially to your interest to give us a oall. \Ve know that our Stock ha* been bought LOW, and therefore can be sold CIIEAI'. We have all New Goods and all Low Prices ! NO OLD GOODS AND NO HIGH PRICES !! And having secured the services of an experienced Buyer in New York city, we expect af all time to keep our stock psrfeot on J complete; and as “an active penny is worth more than un idle bhil ting,” our motto is, Quick Sales and Small Profits. OVR STUCK CONSISTS OF GROCERIES, STAPLE & DOMESTIC GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, Hardware, Crockery, Glass and Queens-ware. Also, a Fine Assortment of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Trimmings, Bco. All of which wo propose to sell on the most liberal terras. >»*ALIi KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE will be taken in exchange for goods, and for which the highest market price will be paid. Flense call and examine our stock. Quitman, January 10th, 1808. (35-ts) MEDLOCK & SPARKS. PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. PIEDIVIOMT «s A* T'a»2*2 **"i;««* ** IlSfii ■BWjSjW ■ ..WM.S.stf* wl FOR LIFE INSURANCE ONLY. Authorized Capital, - - $1,000,000! Capital Paid in, : : : : : SIOOOOO ! 87 1-2 per cent, of Prolife paid to Policy Holders. ssstt' /'Sk-m’ ta <j./»es ■-a:* TIIE PIEDMONT REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY OP VIRGINIA, DECEMBER SirXl I, Capital Stock paid in, SIOO,OOO 00 rreinlnms since Organization, 35,994 s i* 11135,994 84 W. C. t AHH INL I ON,, .1, J. HOPKINS, Secretary. Stale of Virginia, Nelson County, tn-wit : This day. W. B. Carrington, and J. J. Hopkins, (President and Secretary) ol the Piedmont Real Estate Insurance Company, personally appeared before me, a justice of the peace, in and foi said county, and made oath that, the above statement is correct. I further certify, that I have no interest in affairs of said Company, and that, I made personal examination of its affairs and actual examination of its books, and that from that inspection, 1 find above statement correct- the Company having one hundred thousand dollars of paid up capital, safely secured or invested, and its premiums earned, have been thirty-five thousand nine hundred and ninety-four dollars and eighty four cents. Its officers are well known to me. and are men of good character and lousiness qualification, in whose administration the public can rely for faithful discharge of duty. Given under ray hand this 27th day of December, 1867. JOHN S. EWERS, J. P. •January 1. Receipts now over, $ 12,000 00 : 0 : Would you leave a support to your helpless family ? Would you at your death release an encumbered estate ? Would you secure your endorsers from loss? Would you be sure to educate your children ? Would you make a profitable and safe investment? If so, apply to the agent of the Company and secure a policy, for this is the best Life Insu rance Company in existence. MEDLOCK & SPARKS, AGENTS. DR. J. H. M’CALL, MED. EX. Chas. Whitehead, General Agent, Atlanta, Georgia. Reliable energetic canvassers wanted. I-Ijr xraoa s&aawa JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT Is Complete in almost every particular, and we guarantee to Execute as GOOD WORK., As can be done Anywhere, WITH THE SAME FACILITIES AT HAND. «.»« ec 'l'ioib .traw Are Strictly CASH ON DELIVERY, And our Rates Fully as Low'as those of any Establishment In this Section of the Country. Savannah Advertisements. 1868. SPRING 1868. summe&'tmje. JOHN C. MAKER & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, Notions, Millinery, STRAW GOODS, Corner of Broughton and Whitaker Streets, SAVANNAH, CA. •IGEJYTS l'OMl GROVER & BAKER’S Elastie Stitch Scivin« fladiiucs. August 2, 31867. ly E. D. Smythe & Cos., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in CROCKERY, CHIU A, oar e» &LMS-WIII, 109 Broughton, 140 Congress and 57 St. Julian sts., ga. TT7ILL DUPLICATE the JOBBING PRICES ami BILLS of any Muvfe-t in the United Stales. \ t fur the same quality and quantity of Wute ut tin* mild- pt-iiud ol tim«-. Printed Lists of Assorted Crates, WITH PRICES OF EACH ARTICLE. IVILL lit: ITIiMSiiLil 0\ APPLICATION. Many of those Lists have been carried to New York and other Markets, by Merchants from (Georgia and Florida, who have come back to Savannah and Bought their Goods of Us. September 13, 1867. »2-ts BOLSHAW & SILVA, Importers and Dealers in ewa ~ w - tux wmf GLASSWARE, CUTLERY, KEROSENE LAMPS, KEROSENE, .m. m » HOI SEI I ItMSIIIMi «0#l)S UIiMiIIALLV. CROCKERY, Assorted in Ciates, or Repacked, to Suit Purchaser «. .Vo. (i8 St. thilian flint 101 Ifvyan Streets , NEAn THE MA 11 KET, Savannali, Geo. October 25, 1867. ly 1868. 1060. DEWITT & MORGAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in wifsoiV a dailoV ■ *ftt aaaa« Jsi w*atu 137 Congress Street, Savannah, Georgia, Have Just Opened their srJttMsti * summM STOCK. JVir Gootls by Every Steamer. Ladies Press Goods in all the Newest styles : Sheeting, Shirtings. Linens, and everyt’ning wanted in housekeeping; \Y bile Goovfe, Hosiery, aud small wares in endless variety. Goods for Gentlemen and Boys’ Wear. At.LOTR STOCK NEW AND JT'ST BOVGHT AT REDUCED PRICES. DEWITT vV MORGAN .4pril 17. 1868. 6m MISCELLANEOUS. NEW STORE! brookTco., geo, rplIE undersigned respectfully informs the pub- X lie that he has established himself at tU» above place, with a large and well selected stock of ■ wtssM ff Uidtds Ut* J VWwMVj •l - a:^«> r w v a , lucbracing Gents’ and Boys’ Suits, Overcoats, 4# Boots and Shoes, For Gents, Ladies, Misses and Children, and of utmost every style and quality. Hats , Grips, Straw Goods Gents' Furnishing Goods, Ladles’ Cloth and Cashmere Cloaks, Shawls, Sontags, Hoods, Nubias, Comforts, Hoop Skirts, Blankets. My stock of NOTIONS, Will be found complete. I will also keep constantly on hand a eomplst* stock of Hardware, Wood, Willow and Queesware -il fact everything found in a first class Dry (leads and Grocery store. 1 am prepared to Mil U Good Bargains, i or tiie money;. As can bo had in Quitman or elsewhere. are requested to call and examine far themselves. No trouble to show good*. WHISKEY OUT, And no more to be kept fur sale. W. A. LIVINGSTON. November 29th. 1867. 43-ts 1868. THE SOUTHERN FAVORITE. mm lIELLY FOI BOYS All BIILS. Pronounced by uie riv»* to oe the iac*l elegant and talented young people's paper printed iu this country. .We are now publishing Marooncr s Island, a Sequel to the Young Manxmen?, and Jack or a Boy's Adventures in Texas, by one of Faa iiinfe men pronounced “equal to the best ©f May lie Reid's stone*,” We shall begm, in Uie fir-t number of 18(»8, a thrilling story uy a lady of Virginia, entitled ‘•Ellen Ih vn r: A fait ts the War," which will rim for several months. Among the regular contributors to Bl KKE 3 WEEKLY are Rev. F. R. (ionmiNG, author o ;*Tbo Young Mwroonerfe; Mrs. Jaxb T. H.Cr.oss; Mrs. Echo, of Rome Ga.; Miss Mary J. Upshuk, of Norfolk, Va., and many others. Tkiems $2 a year in advance ; Three eopivi for":: >. Five copies for $8 ; Ten copies for sl4, and Twenty-one copies for S2B. » men and Teachcrs/urnishcd at $ I.sft per annum. The volume begins with the July number.. Back numbers can be supplied from the fcrsi, and all yearly subscribers may receive the iuim] ber* for the first six months, stitched in aa. ele gant illuminated cover. Address, J W. BURKE A CO., . Publisher’s Miujo* 'Burk** Weekly" and Quitman- Ban*wr will be furnished for one year for s4,Oft oaslu. DECKER & CO. , IVOUY AGRAFFE B.Ali piano fQ&Tts VRE ctdebrated throughout the cwintry, #ad . are distinguished for their. Singing Volume and purity of tone ; SympatliHtic'Tr.astie even touch. Durability of construction;Aad beau ty of finish! First Premiums awarded at the New York St it,- Fair in 1858, andwbcnevvn and’ wherever exhibited. The Decker & Company Pianos have always! received the First Premium whenever and tchert > " r they have competed with the most oelebra ted makers in this country. The Ivory Agraffe Bar is an indention beauti ful iu its simplicity, and wonderful, in its practi cal effect. it is the most compact Ag rah* t*v» r invented, and its infiuence upon the tone is to render it mellower, rounder, and mono- livarly brilliant, while it utterly overcomes tHat ahorp, tnetalic quality which disfigures the instrument of all other makers. The unanimous opinion of the best anti*** »ad the most reliable critics, is that the A Company Ivory Agraffe* Bar Piano Forte. '*bich in voluminously sonority, and positive solidity of tone, can stand comparison with the best; graud j Piauo Fortes made. No. 2 Union Squure, Cor. of 14th St. and 4th avenue, NEW YC#fcK- Janu&ry 3—47-ts Sav. Daily Advertiser. » 8. YATES LEVY, Editor. E. 0. WITHI NOTON, Associate. rplIE A DVERTBsKR is devoted to tb* JL interests of Savannah, of Georgia, and es i the South. In favor of Reconstruction on a sovxn basis, and opposed to Radicalism in every shape. A paper acceptable to the family and man | of business. i For the present it will be published only a* a Daily, but at an early day a Tri-weekly edition will also be issued. Postmasters acting as Agent* will be allowed a liberal per centage on all cash subscription*. Published at $8 per year: $4 for six month* ; $2.50 tor three months, and $1 for one month. E. O. WETUINGTON A CO., m Publish gP*. Savannah News & Ferald, DAILY AND TP.I-WEF.KLT, Is the best advertising medium in its lectios, having the Largest Circulation. It is th« Official Paper of the city. Its General News, Commercial, Marine and Lo cal Departments are carefully edited, and no pains are spared in procuring the L 4 TEST INTEL LICENCE From all quarters, but always from reliablf sources. The News and Herald staff include* Col. W. T. Thompson-, (well known as the author of ‘\M;sor Jones’ Courtship) long Editor of the Morning News, and Dr. J. 8. J ones, former Editor of the Tallahassee Floridian and Journal : with an able corps of Reporters aud correspondent! at all important points. Terms : Daily, $lO ; Tri-weekly, $6 per year sar-postmasters are authorized to act as agents MABON & ESTILL, s p27-tf Editors and ProDrietor* Notice. I WILL GIVE, to those who desire it, all tfc* necessary information in Pomology—for the small sum of Two Dollars. Embracing every meth'xl of Grafting. Inoculating, Ac. Alse. tke most approved manner of Culture, Pruning, and Training Trees, Vines, etc. Apply to or address. M. L. Battle.'' Quitman, Ga. Nov err ber 15, 1867 — tt purse a son, ' STATIONER.'. I’rmiorv Lithographers, En gravers and Book Binders. je@-.Mannf«ct*rers of Carmine and Black Inks So. « Whitaker ;lreet, faiaanah. Ceargia