The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, August 07, 1868, Image 4

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National Democratic Platform R<-n<l mill ixlopli'il in CiiniTHttiiii in New Voi K Jut* 7, in<;s. The Democratic party, in National Con vention assembled, ri pnairig its trust in tlm intelligence, patriotism, and dmcritn inating justice of tlio people, ((landing Upon the e.inatitiitiiin an Hie foundalion and limitation nC tlm powers of I lie Cov ernment and the gnuranloo of the liber ties of the citizen, and rctJ'igoizing tie questions ol ala Very and secession a having been settled for all time to cone by tbe war or the voluntary action id lie Southern Staten in con lilutional con volitions asson bled, and never to lie re i.eweil or roagitated, do, with the retun of peace demand, Ist. The immediate restoration of all the States to their rights in the Union tinder the (JnmddliiltiMi and of civil gov eminent, to the American people. 2d. A nines',y lor all past political of, and the regulation of the elective franchise in the Stales by their citizens, and the payment of the public debt ol the United States as rapidly as practice ble. ISd. Ail money drawn from the npople by taxation, except so much as is reqili site for the necessities of the Oovern m»nt economically administered, to lie lionestly applied to snelt payment, and where the obligations of •the Government and . not expressly state upon their face or the law under which lliey in rn issued does not provide that th y shall be paid in coin, they ought, in right and justice, to lie paid in the lawful money of the United Stales. till. Equal luxation of every specie., of property, according to its real value, including government bonds and other public securities. sth. One currency for the government and the people, the laborer arid the oltiee liolder, the pensioner and .soldier, the producer and the bond holder. (illi. Economy in the administration ol the government; ihe reduction of the standing army and navy; the abolish ment of the freed men’s litireau and all political instrumentalities designed to se cure negro supremacy; the simplification of the system and disconfi nance of the inquisitorial boards of assessing and Collecting internal revenue, go that the burden of taxation may fie equalized and lessened, the credit cjf the govern ment and the currency made good; the repeal of all enactments for enrolling the State militia into national forces in time of pence, and a tarrill’ for revenue upon foreign imports, and such equal taxation under tlm internal revenue laws ns will afford incidental protection to"domestic irinntifnctun.Tß, and as will, without itn pairing the revenue impose Ihe least bur lier upon and best prcmiote'and encourage the great industrial interest ol the coun try. 7 tli. The reform of abuses in the ad ministration, the expulsion of corrupt men from office, the abrogation of useless officers, the] restoration of rightful au thority to anil the independence of the Executive and Judicial departments of the government, the subordination of the military to the civil power,’ to the end that the usurpations of Congress and the despotism of the sword may cease, 8 th. Equal rights and protection for naturalized and native-born citizens at home and abroad. The assertion of A , merioan nationality, Which shall com maud tlio respect of foreign powers, farni.sli an example and encouragement to people struggling for national integ lily, constitutional liberty, and imlivid nal rights, and maintenance of the rights •of naturalized citizens against the abso lute doctrine of immutable allegiance, and tbe claims of foreign powers to pun nish them for alleged crime committed bcvuuml their jurisciction. In demanding these measures and re forms, we arraign the Radical party for its disregard of right, and the unparallel ed oppression and tyranny which have marked its career. After the most solemn and unanimous pledge ol both Houses of Congress to prosecute the wav exclusively for the maintenance of Ihe Government, and the preservation of the Union under the CVi:» stitution, it has repeatedly violated that most sacred pledge under which was ral lied that noble volunteer army which car ried our Hag to victory. Instead of restoring the Union, it has, so far as was in its power, dissolved it, and subjected ten States in a time ol profound peace to military despotism and negro supremacy. It. lias nullified there the right of tiial by jury. It. has abolished the writ of habeas corpus—that most sacred writ of liber ty It has overthrown tho freedom of speech and of the press. It has substituted arbitrary seizures and arrests and military trials and secret starchamber inquisitions for constitution al tribunals. It lias disregarded in time of peace the right of the people to be free from : search and seizure. It lias entered the post and telegraj h offices, and even the private rooms of in dividuals, and seized their private pa pers and letters, without any specifica tion or notice or affidavit as required by tlio organic law. It. lias converted the American Capita! to a liastile. It lias established a system of spies and official espionage to which un con stitutional monarchy of Europe would now dare to resm.t. It lias abolished the thb right of appeal on important constitutional questions t ■ the supreme judicial tribunal, and threat ens to curtail or destroy its origiuat ju risdietion, which is irrevocably vested by the Constitution, while tlio learned Übief Justice i as been subject to great and atrocious calumnies merely because lie wotil 1 not prostitute iris high office to the support of tlio false and partisan charges preferred against the Presi dent. Its conniption and extravagance have exceeded anything known in history, and by its frauds and monopolies it lias nearly doabh and the burden'd’debt created during the war. It lias stripped the President of ht» von; iliiilional p. •• • r o' appointment even of his own cabinet. Under its repeated assan’ts, the pillars of the, government a.e rocking on their base, and, should it succeed in Novem ber next, and inaugurate its U'cs detit, we will meet as an object and conquer*, I people amid the ruins of liberiy and the scattered fragments of |he (’onstiintieu; mil we do declare and les' lve, that ever dnee the people of the 1 oiled Stat/s ■liretv off all subjection to the British frown, Hie privilege and trust of suffrage tave belonged to toe Save'al .States, and lave been granted, regulated, and con rolled exclusive by the political power if each Slate, and any attempt by Ciui cress, on any pretext whatever, to de rive any State of this right, or intyrf' re villi this exercise, is a flagrant iisnrpn— -ion of powei-wliicli can find no warrant in the (Joiistiliition, anil, if suctioned by the people, will subvert one form of govern - ment, and can only end in a single, in r,- truiized, consolidated government, in which ihe separate existence ol the States will be entirely absorbed and an unqual ified despotism he established in place of a I edoral 1 iiion ol equal Stales. That we regard the reconstruction nets of Congress, Ho called, as usurpations, unco us tifu lion a l,p^'evolutionary and void. That our soldiers and sailors, who car ried the Hag of our country to victory - a gainst, a most gallant, determined foe, must ever be gi a i fatly remembered, and all the guarantees given in their favor must be faithfully carried into exeeat | ion. That the public lands sin aid lie dis Iributed as widely among the peopie as possible, and gjipuld'be disposed of, eith er under the pre-eiiiptinn or the home stead law, and sold in reaxopablc quan tities, and to none but actual occupants 1 at | bp minimum price established by the Government. When grants of lands may lie deemed necessary for,the encour agement of important public improve ments, the proceeds of the sale ol'such lands, and tint lands themselves, should be so applied. That the President of the United States, Andrew Johnson, in exercising the pow er if his high office in roasting the ag gressions of Congress on tin; constitu tional riglitsjof the Slates and tin-people, is entillcd to the gratitude of the wlio'e American people, and oil behalf of the Hem era lie party-’wo tender him our thanks for his patriotic efforts in that re gard. Upon this platform, the Democratic party - appeal to every patriot, including ail tliu conservative element and :;li who desire to support the Constitution and rc-4bro tlio Union, forgett ng all past differences of opinion, to unite wiili us in the present great struggle for the lib orties of the people, and that to all such, to whatever party they may have here tofore belonged, we extend the right hand ol fellowship, and hail all sncli co operating with ns as friends and broth els. MISCELLANEOUS. 1868. THE SOUTHERN FAVORITE. mm rail hits iiimu ITouounccd by, the Southern Press to be the most elegant and taleifted young people’s paper printed ih this country. LAW nr enow publishing 3L trooner s Island, a Mupiel to the Young Muroonors, and jaefe Ihibcll. or'a lhn/'s Adventures in Texas, by one of Fan nin’s men -pronounced “efpial to the best of Mayne Reid's Slones.’’ We stin. 1 begin, in the (list number of ISiiH. a thrilling story by a lady of Virginia, (‘Willed ‘ Fu,i:.\ ill ntkr: .1 talc of the HVov 1 which will mu for several mouths. - Muumg the regular contributors to B 1 lUvP'S W KEKLY are Rev. F. U. Goui.bixu, author o a*Tlio Young M.u tinner's;’Mrs. J am: T. 11. Cross: \li --. Folio, ol Home (hi.; Miss Mary .1. Ul’siiun, oi Norfolk, V.i.. nnd many others. Tk.icmmv- $2 a year in advance; Three copies foi's/,. Five copies for $8 ; 'fen copies for sis», ami Twenty-one copies for clergymen and Teachcvsjl’urnished at $1.50 per annum. The vdurnO begins with the duly humher. Pack numbers can be supplied from the first, and all yearly subscribers may receive the num hers for the first six months, stitched in an ele gant illuminated cover. Address, .1 W. lU'KKF A CO., Publisher's Macon (la. "]htrl-e\s lOr/.h/’ 1 and QtiifnuUi Banner will be furnished for one year for *O,OO cash. T H 13 DECKER &CO. IVOUV AtiKAFFF JIAIt 3* 1 &M 0 F O R TtS \IMI celebrated throughout the country, and . are distinguished far their .Singing Quality: Volume and purity of tone ; Sympathetic Elastic even touch. Durability of construction, and beau j ty of finish! , First Premiums awarded at the New York j State Fair in 187 S, and whenever and wherever I exhibited. Tbe lacker A: Company Piano.* have always J received the First Premium whenever and when eve.)' they have competed with the most eelebra | ted makers in this country. 'i he ivory Agraffe Bar is an invention beauti ful in its simplicity, and wonderful in its practi cal effect. It is the most compact Agraffe ever invented, nnd its influence upon the tone is to render ir mellower, rounder, and more clearly brilliant, while if utterly overcomes that sharp, nwtalio quality which disfigures the instrument of all other makers. The unanimous opinion of the best artists and tlm most reliable critics, is that the Decker A Company Ivory Agraffe Bar Piano K*M‘te, which in voluminously sonority, and positive solidity of tone, can stand comparison with the best grand Piano Fortes made. No. -2 Union Square, Cor. of 14th St. and Jib avenue, NFAY YORK January 3-47-if Saviiniiiili News & Fcrald, I>AII.Y ANT) TRI-WEEKLY, la the best advertising medium in its section, having the Largest Circulation. It is the Official Paper of the city. Im General News, Commercial. Marine and Lo cal Departments are careful l .v edited, and no i pains are spared in procuring the L 4 TES Y INTEL L 1(7 ENCE From all quarter:, but always from reliable -mi ccs. The News and Herald Staff includes Col. \Y. T. Thomtsox, (well known as the author of “Major Jones’ Courtship) long Editor of the Morning News, aud Dr. J. S. Jones, former Editor of the Tallahassee Floridian and Journal : with 1 an able corps of Reporters and correspondents at all important points. Terms: Daily, $10: Tri-weeklv. So per year are authorized t-> act a< agents ! 4 I! KSTII.L. epv: tt TA\‘‘ and r'rnpn-t* j, Quitman Advertisements.. NEW STORE! QUITMAINT, G-SO. liectlask & Sparks Having Received their New and well selected Stock of ©S>EDO© mm BOEIE3IO ©OOOS-3 Respectfully Invite the public to cull and examine them before purchasing elsewhere. < nun out long experience in the Mciv iutile business, our thorough acquaintance with hn-im" men and hist clti-A houses, we flatter ourselves that wV can make »< very materially to your interest to give us a call. Wc know that our Stock has been bought LOW, and therefore can be sold CHEAP. We hare all New Goods and all Low Prices! NO OLD GOODS AND NO HIGH FRIGES ! ! And having Keenre<l the services of an experienced Rover in New York city, we expect at idLfime to keep our stock perfect an I complete ; and ;e “an active penny i.-> worth more than uu idle «hil* ling,” our motto is, Quick Sales and Small Profits. (jßililll®, STAPLE k DOMESTIC GOOBS, BOOTS k SHOES. HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, Hardware, Crockery, Glass and Queens-ware. Also, a Fine Assortment of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Trimmings, &c. All of which we propose so sell on the most liberal terms. the highest market price will bo paid. Please call and examine our stock. Quitman, January loth, JK(;8. (00-ts) MFDLOCK A SPARKS. iNtmjze home institutions PIEDMONT S9| • ES , , H m A Sl3‘ > < ■K 2* ►;>«••£ Hi § |»*IWI * Q CSaa.U Wv aa nu I Wi V ao^cißt^i • J W FOR LIFE INSURANCE ONLY. Authorized Capital, - - $1,000,000! Capital Paid in, : : : : : SIOOOOO ! 87 1-2 percent, of Profits paid to Policy Holders. s ' Asa,/ es ’ 55 -- xs a s •; - at THE PIEDMONT REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY OF VIRGINIA, DECEMIIEK «7TII, m<!7. Capital Stock paid ill, SI OO,OOO 00 Premiums since Organization. H 0,991 Hl* S 130,001 St VV. C. CAIt It INO I'ON. I‘r'wtcHl ' .1, J. HOPKINS, Senrtary. State of Virginia, UMaon County, to-tril • This tiny. 4V. 1L Carrington, nml J. J. Hopkins. (ProHidenf and Secretary) of the Piedmont Real Estate Insurance Company, personally appeared before me, a justice of the pf-ace, in and fui said county, and made oath tli A t tluYabeve statement is correct. 1 further certify, that I have no interest in affairs of said Company, and that T made personal, examhiation of its affairs and actual examination of its books, and that from that inspection. 1 find above statement. e< : " ; any having one hundred thousand dollars of paid up capital J safety secured o. in vested, and iU premiums earned, have been thirty-five thousand nine hundred and ninety-four dollars and eighty-lbur cents. D- officer* are well known to me, and are men ol good character and business qualification, in whose administration the public can rely for faithful discharge of duty. Given under my hand this 27th day of December, IM6-7. JOHNS. EWERS. J. P. •January 1. Receipts now <»v«r, $-12,000 00 Would you leave a support to your helpless family ? Would you lit your <feuth release an encumbered estate? Would you secure your endorsers from lo > . W ould you be sure to educate your children ? Would you make a profitable ami safe investment? If so. apply to l lie agent of the Company and secure a policy, for this is the best Life Iran- j ranee Company in existence. MEDLOCK & SPARKS. AC”DJTS. DR. J. H. EVVCALL, MED. EX. C lias. Whitehead, (iOHoial Agent, Atlanta, Georgia. emugetie canvassers wanted. I-Iy JOB PRINTING EST A Blj ISHMENT Is Camp lute in almost every particular, and we guarantee to Execute as GOOD WORK, As can be done Anywhere, WITH THE SAME FACILITIES AT HAND. Are Strictly CASH ON DELIVERY, And our Rates Fully as Low as those of any Establishment In this Section us the Country. Savannah Advertisements. 1868. spring 1868a U IM POUTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY jS, Motions, Millinery, ot r3B> SE3LP JS...NJCT C2rC3C3II3^^ ? Corner of Bnouoirrox and Whitaker Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. • aiti&VTS I?on fIIOVEE k BAESE'^ Elastic* Slilch Sewing machines. Aujfust 2, ly Importers and Dealer's in ESBL’ttllf, CUM, GLASSWARE, CUTLERY, KEROSENE LAMPS, KEROSENE, . -a. ’W; Ci 33 itCI'SE H!IMKM.\a WOODS generally. CROCK ERY, Assorted in (Lutes, or Repacked, to Suit Purchaser•«. •Vo. <iN At . ,Ice Han anti 203 IS rij an Streets, XEA I; TII E M. IHK E TANARUS, Q-eo. . October 25. ]y IC6B. 1868. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in 1 a a Mills* a 'kjWWirlty 137 Congress Street, f3Gf\r€kJOLnsLJoL 9 G.-oorgia, Uu vi• JiisiOpt-Dtiil their MMM & MmmM OUD’C^OIEIL. • €fioof?sCs:j filers'}} Steamer, Ladies Dress floods in al! the Newest .-ivies : SlLeeirng, Shirtings, Linen*. and everythin"- wanted in housekeeping; \\ ! i e Oo- o-. Ho '.t*ry, and small wares in endlecs variety. Goods for Gentlemen and Boys’ Wear. *U. OCR STUCK IS XEW AND JCST BOCOIIT AT IP 5 1E5. E O 33 £3 . I)E\V ITT MORGAN. -Ipril 17> 18<iS. r»m Lovell & Lattiinorc, slvntkactorkhs ok PLAIN TIN WARS, A.Vfl PEAJ.BRS IX j ’ Tpaanc'l. IMa;:: c lt -,l ami Slamjiud Tin AVaiva, | KorsK rcKMsuixc; goods, I <toves, Sheet Iron, Tin Plates. Load. Brooms, Wooden Wore, Pocket and Table Cullen'. IIOLLOW AVAHE, &€., AO; Crocker?/ and Glassware Also, Water Cooler* md Voter*, ICi: mVIIERS AN'P REFMGERAtOBS. Ami i:: cuaneeti»n iviih the ab ve. we hat e in Mere every variety of nf) n ->/ 7 n n?n n 777.1 0 Li u y i ;c( if $ jujjXis AND KAN'GES, With all the fixtures ready for immediate use.— These Stoves are neat and simple in appearance with large flues of extra thickness and weight. j Witt be sold at reasonable prices. Orders ibi j Stoves promptly attended to. So. 100 and lot Cnnsrrcss St.. SAVANNAH. CEO. May ltli. ISC'. ly F. CONSTANT, Bull St., near Bay Street, Nariiiinali, Uco., — is — Wmpovtcb mtb Domestic Cigars, TOBACCO, PIPES, &C. i:h a long established reputation as an Im porter. Ik* endeavors to keep as good a stock. ::i quantity aud assortment, as can be lound ia f the Slate. “ The Recess.” CtOXNEt *TEI> with the Cigar and Tobacco P!»- tubli&hmont, is a sal o 0 x f»r the accommodation of regular patrons a»d the public generally, where the Best of Imported Liquors re -erred, with aLI XCII each day. Strangers will find it a quiet resort, with no Wines er Li quors that are not choice. ang23-29-ly T. SKELTON JONES, Bookseller and Stationer, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Theological. Classical, School and Miscellaneous Publications kept on hand. received for any Work. Foreign or American. aug23-Iy