The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, September 11, 1868, Image 4

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National Democratic Platform Ue»<l iiiii i» (>iiri in lion in XfW York .inis' 7 ISOS. The Democratic partv, in N:itiff * in vention assembled, ri'piiniii* it* D imt in I lie intelligence, patriot Mm-, : and df-a-rim inatinp; jmrtiik? of the jiehqiJj-, *taii3lh£ upon tin? (.mmiilutieti m Hiu/fnijjffl.itiau ami limitation of tlfe poXvi-M.of tin? (a,v eminent ami the jri»?*ranfl*r<* nf tlm,lifcc-r ’ ties of Uni t il!>•- ii. and ri;C‘>#»fzii>f'tin' tpltisltons ot slavery ami Nokpstfioii » liar.ipjf boen tallied for all tiw* to enui' liy (bo war •or die, vulnntaiy. action <?/ til' Southern States, in cm uiNdemal coir vcolions iiHHcn bled, and novel to be rj? or ti agitated, do, with tbc ruijirn of peac'* ilumand . Ist Tin: immediate the Stales to their riifhtn in the Unhjir tinder tbc Cotinlilntiuii and of-civil £oy>-. ernment, to the American fnrople. 2d A nines ./ lor past. )> tbUcal <(• fences, and the regulation of t|ie itleotivi friiiicliisc iiMho States by their ciliSf-ns. mid tno paymetrt of tin; leibjje (b lit bl tin; United States us rapidly as pi'AcUest ble. il l. All money drawn from the peilppffi by taxation, ex (dpt no much as is requi site for tin? iioCewsßii?* id Hie Govern-" meet economically (tdiiiiiiistered, to be honestly applied to lordi puyipent, and xvlierr tin? obligations of tbc UovmHrnjjd , (I . not expressly statu upon their I'.iur ot j tin? law under vybicb. they' wire 'isanotl! does not previde that th y shall be paid j in coin, they in rigdit and ptstipe,, to bo paid in the layinl money of tbc, United States. •Ith. Ivpial taxation of every species l of property, tier ordintf to its real Value,! iiiclndinj; ('overmnent' bonds and other ? public securities, blit. One currency for the onvei'iimenl and the peopli , the laborer and tin: office holder, the pensioner and soldier, the producer and (lie bond-holder. fitli. Economy in the administration of tin; government; the reduction of the standing army aiul navy; the abolish meiit of the freedinen’s I’ureaii and all p ditical instrumelitalities designed to sc rim? negro supremacy; tin? Mimpliliealimi of the system and discontinuance of the j iin I umitnrni! boards of miseKsing and: eollectilig internal revenue, so that tbc burden of taxation may be oipiali'/.eil and ; lessened, tlm c? red it of tb • govern meut and tin? runvney .made good; tin; | repeal of all enactments for enrolling the Stall? militia into national forces in time of peace, and a tarrifl’ for revenue upon foreign imports, ami such equal taxation! under tin; internal revenue laws us will afford incidental protection to domestic] manufacturers, and its will, without im pairing the I'ovonuo impose the least bur del upon and best promote and encourage 1 the great industrial interest ol the couu t rv. 7tli. The reform of abuses in (lie ad ministration, flu? expulsion of corrupt | men from office, tire abrogation of useless ] officers, llie] n---!.j -,.(ion > t rightful -in-. tblility to ami tfi" iinlopi'iidciic'i! of ttu? ] illeciitive and JmLrial ih'pai Hie ills of tin- goveniiHciit, the subordination of tin? j military to the civil, power, to tbc end | that the usurpations of (jongress and j the despotism of the sword may cease. Bth. Ivpial rights and protection for j natmaUned and native-born citizens at liome and abroad.. The assertion ol A , mericair nationality, which shall Corn inand (be respect of foreign powers, furui>th nil cxaiHjito and eneoimigement to (people strugglin'' for national integ o'Vy, constitutional ,lib(U'ty, and individ ’ual.rights, ami maintenance of tbc rigjits of mitnralized citizens against the nbao- 1 lute doctrine of immutable allegiance, I and the claims of'foreign powers to pmi-j nisli them for alleged crime committed bevound their jnriseiotion, In demanding these measures ami re- j forms, we arraign-the ltmlieal party for] its disregard of right, and the uopnraUvl-; cd oppression and tyranny which have! marked its career. After the most solemn and unanimous pledge of both Houses it Congress to] prosecute the war exclusively lor the j maintenance of the Government, and the j preservation ol the l niou under the Con stitution, ii has repeatedly violated that most sacred pledge under which was rub ] lied tint noble volunteer army which ear- j lied our flag to v.ouqy. Instead of restoring the Union, it Ims, bo tar as was in its power, dissolved it, and subjected ten States in a time and profound peace to military despotism and negro supremacy. ltjias miflilied there the right of t.ial by jury. It. has abolished the writ of habeas c opus -that most sacred writ ol liber ty It has overthrown the freedom ol speech am! of tlm press. Jt has substituted arbitrary seizures and arrests ami military triajs and secret starch;.inber inquisitions for constitution al tribunals. It bus disregarded in time of peace the right of the people to be free fronr search and seizure. It has entered the post and telegraph offices, and even the private rooms of in dividuals, and seized their private pa pers aud letters, without any specifies turn "u- notice or ;dlidavit as required by the organic law. It bus converted tlio v \mei'ican Capital to a bas'.ilc. It bus established a system of spins und official espionage to w.hieh ho con stitutional ni'Uiaiehy of Europe would now dare to rose t. It bus abolished tlm the Tight of appeal os important constitutional questions t the supreme judicial tribunal, and threat ens so curtail or destroy its original ju lisdieticli, which is irrevocably veetod by the Constitution, While the learned Cliief Justice lus been subject to great and atrocious ealu.mibes merely bccuusi lie would not prostitute las lugli office l. the support of the false ami partisan charges preferred against Hie Presi dent. Its coiruptiou and extravagance have exceeded anything known in history, at and by its frauds and inotiop .’ies it has ii ally doubltd the burden’ef debt created doling th- war. It Las stripped the Presiuwit of liis coustnutieosl j wu u ■ appointment even of his own cabinet, t Under its iep -?iled assault??, the fdllrirs ! gavet-uiuent. a'-e rochhig ‘me their bffKo, and, slsnfM it".»i«i:c*.«bd j;- Xqypar | hei-Ticxt. and i- Asj f- bs U'( idv'ivt, | W'lgtvij! «»((■<•: II- IO ' ; pi.■l-1-1 ( p/giple Sun/il (Ik* Hr 11 sol Irfieriy and the se/tUeimkCo ai'.'teuftjh.f. lie- < o mhllnttitVO; Vi.d w* do Vlcyflre :i.(i(3 I'csfelvc, that 'o.VT-T , ■ lifliy Tie- p;vj*h' of' Hie tlfnieil Platt's elivww uff all oibfi.-rii.u to'Mho I’oilish Crown, Ihe |*m-ih r go at.u,l .U-n.-1 'dVtfflYake Ciayp bi'loilp-.:d to the xovAaf' .-'lutes, lyt'l 'tayo be nvjl'airtcd, icg-uljiiwl',' nn)l coo ■ rolled (.xebfsivi- -by lJu- piCilii-al pnwei if igich'HUtV-, fiiTd anjfe-atu-mpl by Coil j {i-'.-ss, (jin imy pfi'tojrt w lqilcvei-.Tw di #ik> ?? o;. :ii* .- 1 . it, nr iqterferi' j witb Ibis Jrf ii Uagnuit iismpa rioy of piiwi-i\wtiii h f iui (iild’jto wm rant in rtjt- CoUsCftulidtt and, if saetioiu (I by tbe pvoph-, will !i! v(-i't our form of govern nsV, :vm ' ‘ ; t*n ♦•n!y (jud in a single, ecu -ti-nli/i-1, t eoiisoiiii.ifM governiurffit, ini •w fiicl) lit/; sr pai al(? c.yistence "and life States la- ruitirely ul.svrli’edaud an (ittjfrtpb j died. (Infepokifna In? esJhblrsbed in place oft :v I'sdei ,jj Kirtt-tl ol eqnul . pi tvs! That we relat'd tbu reeuttvtwiotifm ads : of Congress, so call’d, as usurpatiyris, ! ' ijw^oitiKiiiutii yuJxoid.. ipiirttmj- tjolijji.n* iillfl sailoi's, wlio car j ib-d the,flag of win- eomitry to victory a | gainst a .ntos'f . gufjnffl, delermiued foe, ; must 1 viy be gi a.ofuljy rcgii- nb'-reii, and ' ! alt the V-ii.-irnntilto /glvVn ru tb- ied'ivm„j j must be iaitiflil/y e.u.;itd into ( x.-efl lieu. ' , . Tinlt tbff pdfilie lards should be (lis ! Ii ibaU'd-Us widely among tie- people a.-. ? possibl.-?, and KJioiild In-ti!Spqs*'(,{.nl, oil It ' t Uiid'-r the pie cnqitiiei or tbe ffiuMi j' tead law, and sold in reasonable (plan lilies, and to none but act flu) ogenpanjs" : at the minimuni'-price‘established by tin- Covernment. When grants of Ihtiils may be Ueinurd necessary for the ei;cour ageinenl of frapor’lan't public improve menls, the proceeds of the sale of rfucli lauds, and not lands themselves, should j be so applied. That liu' President of tbc P ailed States, ! Andrew Johnson, in exercising the pow er of his high ofliee in resating the ag ? gressiims of Congress on the coustiiu - lional rightstof the .Slates and tin- people, 1 is untitled to tin? gruti'tude of the wlio'e 1 American people, and on behalf of the i Democratic parly wo tender him 0111 1 thanks for Ids patriotic efforts in that ic jgiird. I pon tins platform, the Democratic parly appeal to every patriot, including all the conservative element and all who desire to support the Constitution anil | restore the Union, forgi-tl ii" all past dilferences of opinion, to unite vvtill us ! in the present great struggle for the lib erties of the people, and that to all such, i to whatever parly they mav have here tofore belonged, we extend the right I hand nl fellowship, and bail all such co operating witli its as friends and broLh ■'l ' MISt lIMi.WKoUS. -e----, ' - Tll U DICKER Sl CO, JVOIIY ACKAKI-K ]!AIi mm to b/ Vl» H cflt'lnulctl Uirmiffliout Iho couirtry, fiml . uro Volume ami |»urilv ol’ lum*; Syiu[)uilictic Mlastiti even toiioli. I>imil)ilily of construction, and beau ty of ljnish! First ‘l'uonduins uwardotl at tin* New Vorlv State Fair in InuS, ttml wlicucvor and wherever exhibit I*l. 1 iie Itt‘eh»'r A <'omp iny I’ianos have alwars rcH-eivet! the First J’remiXiM tr-hnmi rr and whfre ervr they havt eonipeled with the most celebra ted niftkars in this country* Ttie Ivory Aurallejiar is an invention benuti- | fill in its simplicity, will wonderful in its pnitcti | cal <dfee{;. it is tin* mo I compact ever invented; ami its inliiicne** uptm the tone u t<» render it mellower, rounder, and more dourly brilliant, while it utterly overcomes that sharp, rnctulie tpuility which disli-ures the iust i inticnt of all other makers. 'l'htwnaniinous opinion of the best artists and the most reliable eriiies, is that the !>eckef A Company Ivory A,era Mo liar I’iano 1- *»ri e. which in volitmimmsly minority, and positivesoiiility of tone, can stand eompurbam with the best l’iauo Fortes made. No. i Union Square, Ct>r. of l Uli St. and IthaCi nue, NI2WVOKK. January ;i IV if 1068, TDK SOUTH KUX UAVOIU I'K. BilffiE’S Ilffl FiMS.4IEIM !*i'oneunced by the Senthdtm ih'esss tobutho most elegant and talenteil vojmg people’s j paper juinteii in tins country, i w J,We are now publishing M inxmer s fxtaiuL a | Sequel to the onng Marooners, and f/ueA Pobvll, !< r « Hoy's .-If .'’(■■ )'!*<; (s in Text is, by one of Fan | uin*s men-- pronounced "equal t<» tbt* best of! j Mayne Heid’s stories. - ’ IVe slndl begin, in the I ; iirst number of a thrilling story by a lady i t»f Virginia, entitled "FU.K-V-lit ntkk: -I tuir o f\ j the whie’h will run for seveial months. j ; dmong the-regular wmtributois to ld'UlvF'Sj i WKi KM itrelow . 1 "42* (Jei i.nixu. author o i i 'The \ oupg. MarlmierV;’ Mrs. d.wi: ’v llut'noss; ! Mrs. Folio, ot Rome (la.; Miss >fary and. I rsm u, ol i Norfolk. Va., and many oUiers. ! Tkijms t?l! a v\ir in advance; Throe eopies j fnr"> », Five copies for ; Teir copies for SI *. ■ and Twent v -one copies h r S'-S. and lVachcrs/umished at $1.50 per j 1 annum. * j The volume begins with tin* July number. ! Kaokmumber' can la* supplied from the first, j i and ad yearly subsx ribers may receive the nmn 1 i hers for the lirsi six months, st-iiched in an ele | 1 grant illnininatod cover. ! Address, J W. m iVKi: Ara. Publisher's Macon (Ti. i j :frf9- “fturke's WWlly" and Quitman lianner j I will be furnished for one year for $5,00 cash. Simmnali Kows l^'raltl I'AII.V AM' Tin-WF.KKI.V Is the best advertising medium in its section, ; having the Largest Circulation. It is the Ollioial ; Caper of tin* city. Its General News. Commercial, Marine and la*- , cal Departments are carefully edited, and no j pains are spared in procuring the L iTKST IXTM.UGEXCE Trdm nil quarterv. but always from reliable > oim .'s. The Ne\v> and ILwald includes ; Col. W. T. Tuomcson. known as the author 1 of "Major Jones' long IMitor ol the, Morning News, and Dr. J. S’. Jon s. former Editor af Kja* Tallahasst'c Floridian ana Journal ; with ■ an able corps of Reporters and correspondents i at all important points. ] Terms: Daily. SlO ; Tri-weekly. $6 per year i 335^Postmasters arc uitavriied to act as agents J. 11. E?TII.L. ssp27-tt Edi'ur and Proprietor • ■ ' ' -- S." Quitman Advertimiwnt*.. PEW STORE! <C3rESO. Medloek & Sparks jlavuig Fteceived tlieir New and woll s**lect,ed .Stock of et?Sßos* BQJD StklOl® @s>po» Ui-fßC'tfaUy invHt thiMmffiio ln'c(»l ?ukl A-umtnq tlwm tl-fmv piijr((lia.-i»'.' Kr..ijr *.«r. lon* cxp«i-ici|*- iti'lhi- Vt»/c.iutil.a»i-s(w.«r. oar fliw».'x'b »(-(|lWiat una- "'Hh lo;a>‘-- ”■ 1 ' -f, ' houoax (I aid- oawh .-,H (tSwiaak • ... • ' ; 1 • VV(( know ll),it (Itir Stock law Ijnca'lioagbt I.OW, and tia-i-cfo*v‘ can »>U WIKAt. We hare alt New Goods and all Low Prices ! NO OLD GOODS AND NO HKUI PltlCK?-1! And hitvif|g «eenred tut* Horaces of i»u <*x)*i*min*nd Jtuv • . in New V«ck ei'y. w<* evpt-cf a» !iC i" i<* k* <-p oifr sfock p«*m%t aid eompicwj \ and tjm f ‘an active potlny j. worth more than an ufl*- hid* ling,” our (potto is, Qqjßk aiwi Fumil ihufits. jV* • ■ " |/’ - . V s * —f-—-*—-—s-r #K |> RTOOJC C<»N'MJHTS « Fr 1 — t .NTAPLR & HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, Hardware, Crockery, Gians and Qiieeus-Avare. Also, fi Fine Assortment Ladies’ Dress Goods, Trimmings, Bc c. AH of which \te propose to sell on the most lH»er.'d terms. . | /''t“,\lih KINDS OF COl XTItY PliODt C'L will be taken in <*x banLo*, for g*»ods. and for wTiit h !I he highest, market price will )>■* paid. Please call and examine our stock. | Quiuuan, January 10th, lhtiK. (35-ts) MIVJ>LO(Uv A SPARES*. imoiziHltfllK INSTITimONA PIEDMONT a?> * B3 , , a ft ** B®' ’ ' i W ■ J w FOR INSURANCE Authorized Capital, - - ©1,000,000 ? Capital Paid in, : : : : : SIOOOOO ! 1 87 1-2 percent, of Protits paid to* Policy Holders. w's -.(sx r ta ’ Es^a a.fa'a> j TIIjS I’IEDMONT REAL ESTATE INSUKANGK COMI’A NV OF VliroiM A diick.viiskh •-*“ rii, i. Capital Slock pai«! in, - - - - 5100.000 00 I’si iniums since Organization, ------ g,A,!)D (s ! sta.'.,sat i st W. C. CAM RIXOTON, /Vo -•./-•<»/ .1 .1. IIOI’IvtNS, Secret arij fit ah'■ us Virifinia, Kelson (\mnhj } hr wit : This,day. W. R Carrington, and J. J. Hopkins. (President and Seerelnfv) oj 11m* Pit'dnu i.t Real INtalc Insurance Company, personally appeared before me, a justice of the peace, in and he said county, and made oath that the above statement is eorrvet. 1 further <•<*:.. ; that I have no interest in a Hairs of -,hd Ceinpanv :tnd »ha! J rn rde )>■ -n examination of 1 ts mid actual examination of i..- bytdv . and if u .on ’ at r i- cion. I find above statement correct llu* Company having one--.hundred thou.- ind didlar- -f paid up t .pifal. safely seuureM or inyoisUd. and its premium- eqrned, have been thiiiy-five t-lmusaud nine hundred Hut! nineiy-lonr dollars and eighty-four cents. Jhj oHiuo's are well known t«> i ; and are ui.-ij n( good character and busituNss qualilicalion. in whoso ndmlnistration tic* public < an rt»ly for faitliiiil discharge of duty. Given under my hand this 27th day of December, ist»7. « _ • JOHN S, PWFRS. J. P. *Januarv I. Ilccoijds now over, 1.,000 00 , ‘ -- ; A: \\ otild you leave a support b* your lielple-s !ainily '! M on hi you at your death release im encumbered estate ? \\utild you secure your ebrldrscrs from loss.? ’CVtuibl you be sure to educate your children : "Would pm limlic a jmditable and safe investment? it so. apjdy ttWhe ageru of the CVuupany and secure a policy, for this is the best 1.-fe lii’U runce Gempan/ in existence. WEDLOCK & SPARKS, AGEEMTS. DR. J. H. M'CALL, MED. EX. (Tins. Whitcli(*ad, (h'tiorul Agent, Atlanta, Georgia. , Reliable viungetic canvassers wonted. I-ty E.STABLISIIM ENT Is Complete in almost every particular, and wo guarantee to Execute as GOOD 'WCXO.IE3L, As can be done Anywhere, WITH THE SAME FACILITIES AT HAND. «*>sa esssl - aa' c-A ss« 'sas** Are Strictly GASH OM DELIVERY, And our Kates Fully as Low as those of any Establishment v %/ In this Section A tlx* Loan!! - . ■ ■ —; 1 - • —nr —r—. _..a* —— Sa ran mill *• i (fret! twin aat si - '•3*. EX» - • SITMII'Fi T® AH# |3> 44 &Wtk &vsi m a|>] .<& [«.& i&dk if Aj.j; jOHi Ca GOaj niPOKTMUS AND JOBBERS-OF ; DRY GOODS, Noti on s, Millinery, ,7 2ST C2l G-OODS, i Corner of UnpCGiiynx and Whitaker Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. . zl&JZ.Y'S'te £'mi <fZ%QVt-7\ Ci L'&Xi£'&’& KhiFfle HUtefi Saving IfnefiiMes. ; Aiignst .B .%4 1 ly* -- , , ' Hiipoitqrs arid Dealers in GLASSWARE, CUTLERY, f KEROSENE LAMPS, KEROSENE, „ TA E2> :. a: ;;\.,:: r.::3S fiexkbahi CHOCK Kl’.Y, .-nrli'il in C.ati.s, 1 r Repacked, ♦«» Suit I’tirclrascr «, •Vo. <{M A-7 . tlnliizn and' Zi)2 _ £2a ij an Since!*, a /■;.i n t hem. fit ket, SstvctsanaLSvlXa G-eo. October 2d, 1m. 7. ly J.O»CSO, 1860. OEW3I Si [j ftAffiilGANj Wholesale and Detail Dealers in a c«i JBi&l&sf a Wa 'v* w sfasCs#, 137 Congress Street, BsL‘\rei'xi.xxaLToL 9 Georgia, JfUve. Just Op *ed their SWOGIS. mVrtr. hy f'.rrry Sicfsmr»\ Ladies'Dr* - f3f»*-s!-* thrall the Newest j»H 1 .<: .-!;••>•. • '■ ! i*rii,nc>. Linen*. :ouV ffverywanted in housekeeping; \\ bile Goods, Ifosien . a ivf'eS fit endir-s variety. Goods for Gentlemen and Boys’ Wear. ALT. OUR STOCK IS XK\V AW) JIj.ST BtfrClTT AT REDITCEB PRiCSS. I>:1U 11 T A. MOiU-AA. -tpril 17, rsi«. : * -Cm ™™ 3 (rti-dtll A: i ottiriASMi Bill 1l II JLiiii *aaiivl h . PLAIN TIN IMS, A XT) DEALERS TN .Japanned, Planished and Stamped Tin Wares. v * irOUSH FURNISHING GOODS, stoves, Shvvt Iron, Tin Plates. Lead, Brooms, Wooden Ware, Pocket and Table Cutlery. nOLI.OW WAKE, AiC , &C. Crockery and Glassware -1 hso, 11 1/ U*r Co'C .*?>• aad l H- < .rs, ICE PITCH EES AND BEFK IGL'RATt MIS. And in connection wi:h ll.e sth-ve. we have in zm£mdl ; km A XI). GANGES. With all the fixtures ready for immediate nse.- Tbext* Stoves are n* a: ami simple in appearance *pvi’h large lines of extra tliickne-s and Will be sold at reasonable prices. Orders foi Stoics pr enpfly attended to. >o. 155 and 157 i.'nwzve** St.. savannah, geo. May Ith. 15.7. ]y F. CONSTANT, Bull St.-, near Bay Street, —Dealer it — Gywtdt ;uib Jloiwstit Ciyirs, TGBAOGOj PIPES. &C. Wish a lone e-';ibl:.'’h'd reputation as an fm - Ig jjuautity and assortment, as can bedwund in “ The Becess.” CtOXNT ”Tfi;) wish the t L tr and Tobacco Eg- S A L () O If f.rth" . ■« '-u of r.. dhr patrons and the public g *fa;rally f where the Best of Imported Liquors - • . «]. ’Ai t' a 1.1 e.i h day. Stranger* * ■ .’.TON .lOM'.s, uookse'te * an J Stationed, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. TlKDlocwa’- li.h'l an'l MisceUaneo s Publications kept on hand. rucuived for any Work. Fore n or American. aug23=ly