The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, October 09, 1868, Image 2

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dhf (tymtmam gamier. F. R. FILDES, - - Editor. <ji;itmah, -me. fhioav, (x rom-H o. Hjflf. FOR nsmDßKiu jjf i HORATIO SEYMTORJ OF NEW YORK. ® pft TW#i'Ki»iiiKN’T : FRANCIS P. BLAIR, ,04 07 MISSOURI. STATE ELE,€ rOKAt.TItKETi V-* TIIK aTATK AT r.AIMtK Ok.v. JOHN It. GORDON, nr Wilma. Hon. JOHN T. (JI.ARKK. of RLirfdlpli. AtrecNATWA: Ok\. W T. WOFFORD. of BarWW. T. M. NORWOOD, of ClmUuum. roit this hwtricit : 1. JOHN O. NICHOLAS. ot I’i«HS«. CHARMS TANARUS, GOODE. of »muU-r. * u. J. MQhß\. *>f Musßugctv 4. 4 O. BACON, cf Bthb r.. Mat. t K. COTtMWT; of Richmond li H. B. 8K1.J.. of Pnmtti 7, i'tu JAMKB D./WAfJDEW*iof Oil)b. AI/JKIIN VTAIA., 1 J. IT. TH'NTER. of Brook*. ■I. W 11.1.1 AM 0. FLEMING. orWeatnr. ;i. W. O. TI'OOLK. I.r Troop, f. Dn. HENRY WIMBERLY. H. G«n. I). M. Di BOSE, of WUke.. (i GARNETT McMILLAN. of iTaberidiam; 7. Oou V. A. OASKIU,, of FiljtAjl. FOB fQ.NfifiKBK : HON. A. 11. IIANSErX. OK THOMAS OOtINTT. Savannah Cotton Market. Ihi.i.ig 1 Die past wet k wo have (toficc-n a gradual aHv'j'iqo Mi --e " ico ,01 inc great Southern el itliloJ .Buyers t.ud kik.v -ultfesß a e cxiremety efiirtiotis, W'Wevoi, and Concede an advance with Liverpool with Ff,qat fehiqtnue o - P l ’’ latest report* I rum Suvantii'hj are Now Yoik middling 26w, low middling 25c, good ordinary 24c, anti AMfimt'jl 22 c. IgSuFlanter* gene-rDy, |,, tbb, s-..iion of coinffy, have ‘ resolved 10 hold, op to their cotton uqtP Feb iia'y, and realize lull pi ices. A fotv billon will bodisoos'd of ta> meet pi toming l net bagUio l *. Tranquil Hall, Vnldoita- Wolt.ivo been aotilled by ,M . VGHiaffi Mlnffh, i> oopul.t'- pi', prietor, hi fbchle verts, of “Tianqnil Hall,".at Tioupyill', ni. which the traveling public have a pleasing eeiflluoiion, time he ms op-ned a house tit X>. Valtjoste, of the sin.tA name, find will entjyttvo.- io treat guests equally as well as i.t days lung-sine. Then to the public we would mi v : if yon ever visit tbe pleastin town of Vnldouth, And rtnring your slay den ire good eating any! splendid accommodation, register yonv -uiulitt. r.i “Trtiiiqnil Hall,” and "wine baste" w’l l (nuke yon f-el pleased with till mankind, and send yon on yen way bejole.iiig. Tlie NniP Norttl. Pitting the palmy days of tilt* Repub lic, the representatives of the 1 (intend ing parties fpirjy and honestly pvtowiU od. the policy and principles of each, and naked the sovereigns ot the land to ills eyitnintito and pass judgment tfiereoti. Tne lioiioViiWc tintcsii on 41I' those days, aa v'-r stooped to lias, debasing labor of pervert wig the principles r mid motives ot opponents, nor smfght power and place through frand, falsehood and deception. W'bttt At ■ -asi chunge. has b-. en brought about in » lew brief years ! Men "of mind, id' brilliant intellect, W honor, have passed away-—and the base and low luirp, tlie vie and corrupt, havo usurped the foi ina, Hie eoutmii, the posts ofboii or, the, and the (twot'd of power. The most dishonorable acts and villain-j oils lies are resulted to for the success ! of party—the masses arc d“cu.ved— er- I ror triumphs—and truth and virtue are’ at a discount. Verily, Uoi.foN was cor- ) lid when he declared, that Vlllaiiyy that , js vigilant will he an ovta inateh for Vir tu ii *ho billmbnr tm tier post ; and lienee it is that a laid cause (as has been that of R dica'isni ever since its lilrtlO has trinnijiV'd over a good one ; or llto parti/.tuib of the former, knowing that their cacsk will do nothing for them, have done everything for their cause ; whereas, the friends of the latter arc too apt to expect everything from their cause and to do uotliiog for themselves. The Northern press And politicians, laboring in the interest of Radicalism, (Irynt, Colfax and Despotism, ignore en tirely ilio question of universal manhood snfli'iige, the financial condition of the nation, and other vital issues before the country, and coniine their arguments to i the false assertion, that the Democratic j platform pledges the party to a complete ; overthrow of the reconstruction policy of Congress, the removal of State ofli- . vials South, and re installment of those who were elected and inaugurated tinder j the reeonstt nctioii policy of President I Johnson. Tliey directly charge, that il ! Tloratio Seymour 1s elected President, | he is pledged f° override the Acts of l’m«gt*. si., ••••<’ iestoro ih. Th< -v cot.dcmncd I uugiirating uiiothei bloody war, with it. attendant train of horrors. There is no concealing the fact, thath this false argument is exercising a piJW'.i orful 1 fleet upon the iguoriiut and m|r«- rf!edit %ljjjwsaca-- for hav* hi«l war ' Hi|'glWthf7 ai«.ficliof IflfWnoil, And Why photiltl tI.S iglto oint njt Iktve .i'lie in: is pr -claimed Tilimt 1 fie piifpit, liy 'thd cily, tongtus of sleek white neck cloth villains, Who preach hatred and strife, instead of ihei meek and lowly crucified Jeans ; it is j ! thuiideri and from tlie rostrum by eloquent, i Inti unprincipled knaves ; it is daily and i | weekly echoed by a servile press ; it is, reiterated on tlie streets by pelisiouftH ■4tirlingw ; wnd with frnthr '-t(Ttd"lTtT|TH l tr!t ; ‘ tions, it is' ’lilcijiMit+Wd from tlie tlir-'Ufs I of Crazy ntid paid deluittclies, in flruukciii revels and daps of infamy. Qf cunrsu this ohisrgu, made by tin* Radical politieiana, is false is ev,-ry pat- I tic 11 lar. The Intit Is, the Democracy is the pflace party of tile i'in|iot|. its | declared |gycciph;s are in yiceordaucc i j wifi, the u U«i teaelitugs of Jcffitrson, 1 J acksoTi, M mi roe, ami 1 lie Him td to itliiint J slatestimtl, who loved America qfnjdion ; estly labored for its great ness ; but rad ieulistn is without an honorable cause, ami llieiefore the necessity of falsely rcprcst'nting its opponent. It is villainy assailing; virtue. I, is telle Hie Dtmocru y slmpls iledg ed to resit,ru to every otute is ctotutito timmf rights not l*v tlm rawed, howtivo as, bh', try a repeal of all laws nofonoufj jly niicbiistit.utioual, tuid r. v<.2 lence pK ooabll'ul enaclments to the, toiipriine 1 | .fudges of the land. If tint tribunal ■ declares th> Rceonstinctiou Aetsof'Coii ' gross at, vaV'iiiricti with the g ' .at cl;}M'ler lot on: government, they will be null and void, anti il will devolve on tlie Ex ecutive tii r»Bttor<Md dm .Soul'll Kficii §ov m-iitfr iits as'e^stial'prior sq the eiutct i.ieni of s(ic[i uncohstitji.liiinul laws. A esorf Jo blnodititcd is tmuecesgury : till the rhinll! osks-otiH tbo flemoci-.iey dc • tie.nds is, the enactment and eid'Orceinent o ' only 'stipe laws as are ia accordance ivifl) the (Jon-slit a tion. Pott the Radical parly, knowing that its eiu'e r td txtir patio , ob’v'ry, anarchy' and oppression, ft-" scvl’ii long years, will not b'iir-' tlie j tesg.yaj iyyefttigation, Kttidiomdy .parry 1 every •If ,rt of ,!x> Dcmoeraey 10 bring | .Ini iasn-K fit' ly before tee people, so - tr* trnte may trioAip’n and er.i-b" fail. I'ml r i"i’so i: cutnattMices—--owing to | the mj -'(!,i.'tp etati'.ns ■ ant 1 base false* | 11.» uls oft "i l'*i J 7 sos Rmli'-alistn, —for j t OHr pOs 1 ti” - -Jl'.ltle i'o;., I-*c NbVfec-' * | mind, fie Demo" ia E;;"cnt!vc Com Dili tee of ( -eorgia have devoted i, 'icccs sary to issue no. address io the country', seU’n; lift It‘Rio true principles and pot ley of Rid tiit,> fy in C'-. orgla This' able address will be found tm tut" first 'page, and every luv.t of truth and justice, will admire its candor, and applaud its purpose. The Democracy is the p -ace I'.tarty of the ..ition—tlie Radical, the j war parly ; and tuna will vindicate t ie j ntseriiow. A. Negro for Congressman 1 Tim Republicans of Louisiana have ; nominated J Wills Menard lor Congress from the fri'Coml Congressional District (if fiiat vStnte. A tcb-gi'iiin says Menard ! is a negro, atuiotinced himself as a pan-, i didale for nomination in a circular, frinn i which the following is an extract: He 1 soys the lone hits Inlly come to iest flic professions ami pfjricip! 'f of tl.orc who | now cou-U'el t ,ip Rejiuhlican party elj 1 butlisiana, and that it is a sacred duty’l 1 to Ricroselves lor the Colored people to I'-a as that tills colored YaCit fa not Sold nut 1 by a few (lading ami Ireuehcrous vv.ote j licp'tlbiieans in Louisiana, as has been (lotto In Georgia.! This SOlte is entitled ' to seven tepi'sentaliyes in Gengre-.s. Arts not tile olmed people CtylTiJed tori least- two out es ibis numb"g 'l Is >l net our duty to see that at least two colored : oitizens ((''(*■ selected to represent iii Coti gresK the ninety tlipusund culo.ed voters of r.ouisiana ? ! 1 Tta; ballot means‘equal representation as well as equal rights, hnd if men are still to be debarred from tllh halls of Cot;, ! gross, or oven the White House, on ae I count of the, color of their laces, thou ; leoonstruclion and Republicanism art b.iiien'able failures. For the reward of; long oppressed race, will that lie equal : The great cause, of equal rights will not , be finished until the colored man is seen in every dcnnilmont, of this government. It is necessary that the Forty first Con j gross sho'.dd possess more backbone I than the puaent oae, in order to lix a . plain provision in the supremo law of the Republic wh-idi shrftl corffbr the ballot on j 1 every citizen regardless of race of color, 1 North, South, East and West. Great scandal among fashionable o o! Providence, R. ]., Fnmpkiu-eob'ied cher ub makes its appearance in aristocratic ! family ! Horror among <’/)!< ■ "Niggah • in da wood pile, dab, slio !* Ha !ha I j iia ! tee-lice ! Nastyehusctts millennium and Ethiopian jitbilo ! African lien li-'s down with Yankee lamb; pale wolf wi;b j ttsky kid ; and young malt igany doth j ail them l Ilnlly ! Bntlylnjefnm ! U, n. F. Jl B. Young has been ; omiuated for C tigress by toe Demccra J •ftfie ?th District. ' Jd<liini-i.i 1 ItrisvitieiA. CfixriThe hilT'to-Compel common catri | ois tSSrfSko no distinction 011 account oi oolofiWas killed by both houses of the Georgia Assembly/ f, *' KfirTliO cltizenu Apf Atjanta, lust we4k, gave /the iiioiubcnc* of the Cepisjatuic .1 biinqntt It was a mngnifiii.-iu tillatr. It is fortunate Mlifit Jims "cidored metrv hers” bad been induced to "secede"—for it ivotililkave been discourteous to "dis '• wimrrhte on I'ccount ol color.” CQrTIK! House passed a bill to antlior iZt; Ordinaries to 'u-ar and determine ha beas corpus cages. Also a bill to make I Wilful' 'i'tTkf part of eit'.mr ifuriy iiiurried. good, iwmau luiuliw I voree. , ..// e- omit * II ; Bft\-.Tlic iiwtrm pus«-.o a bill on tl« | 2, i1l inst., to make uniform all tickets us ed «t idectious, it) nrcvMit fraud. 84N.."A'Boiti *0,000,000 have been ap propriated by, the 1 : O'V'i ■ Legislature, so" Rte anl ol' ..lilrottds. 8tO,„D» <>rsft'emi*iil, present private sec- I'retary of Govr Htdlock, lias Bi-An notni -11 a led by thq radicals of the Fpiiyt.h Dis trict, b-r Rcprgseutativi: to Congress, in I place of Fitzpatrick, thrown overbr anl. I fSo“Tllc inhabitants of two Villages in i Italy, having been Oil bad terms for snipe | time, recently delegated ten champions j each to light the matter out, who wont we I 1 aimed wiili •> atols n rid knives, ilc- Ito e .hi- loli'-e pi'fb -.eparr.ltf -hem. set - ;,ii ; :.l ivAre kill at, doc .1/0 mvnig iWAtnty SOW" .. 111 e v,Oiiitos. C4jy“A Wk ieev ti.i wot - iCe lia'a ii*-er- ho mi ' co I • F.'i ix, IVIIO ittke fit oat!' uiever to : >voa a of, :oc’.. J ess, o embro'.i'"'id 8r.9- A good jmlgo of- Wm. L, Asio.'s vveel' -t'no'ics ii ft i'l'inu lifry to 0.10 nil'., ed ',l'lli'ius. T;,e Ilifl'e, be ' 'Hvech l ick]','sums Is so Bine! 1 , a (cose e:ilcti!»iieli .tbovvid/10, ISr'ruo Soul* Deoartmeot at W aste ington lias the loHoWi'ig- to efc eio e to tin* rtvdlhtlou lit Spa,r.' : “A P oviiiOii:,l .Government lias liece o, g.i .lized by Hi 6 insurgent, cli'id'a, 'J ‘C Qe-.'ttn bii die -S iioirin foiriiorv yes <>.(- .v.’- 'i .)o if... f f,t ■d. V 1 eVe 1 s said ior. Fob 'p’P"i),'is Grtil: l ., ..ot C" if. Sinn I-; . e e , lie,on’v iwo occ -n; .(lit.. ' -m. ty w"i wt* 1; "slice d-+— —1 fools a» O sup mse'thu; rectMsi ticiiou .v..s-ttntsi-- '■ U. io-lf b” The I’ liltidiApii.m V.ierican- er.'ls the ai.tjon of while fat hr - s, ittt datods am} brothers, at Camilla, In defending iheit daughters, wiv n s and sisters bom • lie out i- :g’.s of Tie odious negroes, cn tinpr.:- i Ih.'b'O f , rpejiy. Do wu'lt w omen o' lie No. ..: , id-k so ? ®gy* KaoxV'l'o Foss eoiv 8 a | ipin/ isei i .leTloGio.i •iver,' i r.nJ''g;--'r-t I desii-uciioa of b'aVintc life nee L 9.V’’' n S'! I crops, I waa a heavy ; .d*i atbrn* r.i I New O''cal's <m the owl, w,dcl> intrrtd.-i j t«d a L'. ge po*lim' of ilte city. TheTiaui-! age tpusi be terrible. i tfe£f"lloi'. W. M. Si-ssions bat, bee ■ co-t-1 liii.n'd Judge of duo R. iiitswick Circuit. J £6?“ Tc : i 10111:1 1 ' pro, Jo ,11 he.t*d to • 't'lco ne f'c'it M ‘ h.-’hio, 00 »i's a ivit’ ' ;New Yo.J. .from Tin ore, q.> the 3d- j . Jfey-A ntue'i' g' to iiislneet! io tlie Fifth j DA: ic--of Now York tnnvtiiia«ed• Oeftrge ' Francis T .tin foi- Congress,ill ofiposition | j f.b ,/(i.:.i Mor i- iry. CPX. A U'logr.nn -ront Conco-d says ex-j Fresident I’ioruo |i*s stiffc'eil a rclnpson 1 nod Ills eo.’dh'dn ! S seriortH. ffia?" Tub is it'd 111‘ ,no Columbus Ac-', 1 t w -yl’c qttteHy oq:fiidiitliniog opo.o" die,; , p-.i,if'ip oS' et: n of.!m city the- oilier 1 day, was hc x-'d uv' - •• uts 1 'of R ntf--. ca.itile -i..n, J r'JfC-d -no ‘is sto e, kuo'l assiUilf: (I w*' -a net. -tut. J®*!'- m side Beast, Bit.le- in.;U fo-.iy, . bousaod dobsi'B loi -iis 'cooni uoruiiia- j lido so" Cong "SS. Wilt, got die Motley t*n(l from \V tie lice (I'd Ruiltr get u ? ' 6S- Tin; Mob'l«.' 1; ' lakes at-oug. ground in favor of i.-t' -nineibi'ie untie:: atiou <d Cuba, ie view Os tlie ftpauish vi'Volui lon. j KgS., Jobi' On- -ry \dauis, of Mwssny !>n i tjy.UfS, as ..-j-utOiti" and Ilia imenliou iovi-- 1 , -i ni ue-J. 'ss , ,o Kvo-rio of botith Ou ixi - I iii:., -1 tnvitoe *sl. oi'.ni- Democraey. ! B&f' It b Said Clot IheV. S. Dis. let J AlloiHey for ,Y gitu’a I. iD, demand me j trial of Ji'lVcison Dai'is, ut the ncxi un tit | iog of *be Court, which takes place in November. —— . - | " ®®‘'Tite Ett-ly Conuiy News says that if 0 man can gvi ois own Ciiii'C.n to cheat, swindle, steal rod 1 io, there is on business in ad the wide - auge o'ncetnv- J lions wlti- ii pays so well as the. profession - and practice of “trooly loyalty” — not hiy j ally to constitutional government, obe- I diencc to Cittistitntional law, and r.'SiH'Ot [for duly eonstitnted authorities— not truth, honesty and decency—bnt a loor ! ougli thiek-aud thin rpproving ohserv tnee ot everything that the radical patty : does, says itml thinks. VL» who would he ‘ trooly toil 3 must go it blind. 11 lie does this, lie will find that it pays. To ho “trooly loil” is to tie rich vvitboni 'a • bor, to pay no taxes, t<> live at other i people's expense, to plunder tlie public ; tteasuties with impunity, to tell lies about the South, and to cheat the negroes. ' The day is coming, however, and we re joice to believe it is near at band, when loyalty, not "trooly-loyalty.” will l.e most piotitable, when t|ie dim of thieves w ill be demolished, and when honesty, capae ity and morality will again become es sential qualifications for public office. .VI oil it n : or, (lie Last Days of Lee and U«» i’uMim • We publish elsvw ere a notice u£ <Jhis intensely interesting book, jusy issued * by Mess/s. T. JJ. yunthigton & CofeS'clv i York. It is it sequel to “Surry of En gles’ Nest,” liy the same author, Juiln ( BsTEM Cook, of Virginia, and is copijil ie- j ed in 590 injml duodecimo, pagfif*. rYliitis piece is a lino’ ste#l unJillirtfn portrait of Gtn. Lee, with his autqgri«fdi. The illustrations, beautifully cngfhvod on wood, are ‘The Death of Stuart, *" The i Flight,”—“Tim Tnxuhos,” —“Tho Last Charge.” Printed on fine toned paper, richly bounded in cluHi, llic woik will M v « $ nyjyf Alli/blil Hi e|*ti|kf, inde ,r- > ' ♦ 1 *> / nf I t;«u, J, L toward- As we uiMmnJiuud la#*-., week, this gentli-lmm has kef n outrage- < ously hlajidered by me Kadieaf press A letter from him appear* iti the ' Augusta titftvfikie, ill '.'hteli lie. having i written a letter renouncing tire Demo mu i;y. ile closes said comti.nnic.ilioii as -follows." My firm conviction is, tlmjLtbc election s wf Seymour will ultimately icstoro the I equality pf the Suites a*.d give peace and harm my to the Amencuii people u I der ijitj (dpustitiitjoiir-tfie oply. true 1 0l toil'll l Imp ! your cqrifesptiish.sil . will inform the public when m*4, fimu | whom lie go), this piece of news. Yogi's respeetlully, June-. L Skw.<”o. i Ue k.mi'll feoin i.nj Tli<mi.-isv , ' , e A',. >'/* I pi'. ■r ) '.mweV'T shat Pot. Sew Aim' is tfhivy*- 1 W'U'.l .di-r'.'.‘slj'"d with frM^,iVf )l iii,.,lio‘i of 'lino. A. 11. H.vnnsbu, fpr C ,qg,e»s. J ;is hoped this dissatislaction wifi noi. load to direct dppOsitibn forth* D - 'iht.y is not in eomlitiun’To ’ißpb vite „ ' . sjmcijJlY able champions like Cos). S V ‘ Ann* Li an important crisis nU lkn r»»t, itr&mtol disto.c st ouUf g'Te m. t iu» I the public weal. Tlie Kodicpls amt ilie Cs»n*itl;» At fait. M. jbr O. 11. Hovva' n, the Btire.'-’.i until ft if Albany, appears :<» lie in .g e..t fe.-i j of i,he , fighting Domocr »<y, £).iv,e the d'■ f sit of the ‘‘Carpet bugger,” «,ui “U lion | Leaguers” «l Cnwilla; i*ud he is «.*iigit» i -d in fn--li.sMrig the Hudi-al lying press North material necessary for < gulp figu service. Dis oflh ial n ( oils of <hu nSr f;ii,' are iulse and exaggeiatid, U> subjoin ext'%<'ts IVofrl his lin -1 v. ** : evince his own uhtliji : IL was reported to me as hito as 4 o’- clock this I'. it, (hat up to 8 o’clock this morning, _whon u*v. inforimint left, l|iey were still pursuing tbo In Oilmen with horses and dogs.' Tin re has been nil intgnse-oxeit i.ient in tovVle all day. The town has been filled w l lli llm frtseif j men ; they have swarmed u+xln. mv j office by Imnilreds. It lias been difilenlt Ito restiaiu th ru, from pro ceding mi | musso to Camilkn 1 have uddi s' il . them, epupsi.lljpg peaco and order, amt I have told them that the offenders shall i bo punished and that theii lives should be protected ; hut 1 have no heart fur my work. 1 felt no assurance that my promises W'ould ho fulfilled, ‘t he Mayor addressed them as did some citizens bui the freed people scoffed at them would, j not listen at them, ami 1 had the jwholp : burden to bear. I In (concluding his report to Colonel. - laAvis, Howard remarks: . b’plvss vigor tints moasmes are ijuli.v> | | ted, and Iroups are stationed boro for - tho protection of all parti.-s tlmi o w ill ho hiueh bloodshed, i eaiinot resLruili the i peiqila. It will lie useb ss for «*»■ to a.- tonipt. to block the Way of lllouea-mU foi' i any length of t hue. I must, protect ny , j lauiily auvl lot the < <«i Inn ding pr.iliusi light it opt li is coming.; * litvu bill , ifip. doctor to attend tho ; w.minted. O. W. tioHAim. A (’arifct Interpietatioii. ’l’.ie New dork //ynofif, w.aicb occ. - . siomiHy sliimbleij on file . -tith, resist• ing . to >tm out rugeit commit terl bv nog. oes at Oaorilla Gerfrgia; snVsf “Now '.'fiat the* 1 whole history nr'Miajt oyent.js seen, it is tt'.den'qoiy clear, iliat fim isij'.ge,* pro vok and die dis nebarioo. They tnaroiietl with tlleir K.alicul Iteeters, wilb mrsie ! aim a. ins, hifd a tt>yvn, cyinyor'lhg! 1 aq ■ fieusive ui..,.iber, mal.- i.ig a bullying expeditiow j and fim i.ibii aeo of theii conduct was met as if it-' woe .cal. Niggers w :, l sec 'oy .'iiTs ex ample that it is ufit yei safe to bully wloie. iren, and ffist will poevut ccllio j ions.” Tub South Amriicav E.uniKHUK r.s.~ j Tiio ;uvtul ttest, ui'liuu of human life by j ibo '-ecem earthquake in Kcntiiuoi'ex j too long ever vet ibcwrd'-ri Ti'iitu ssn< ii convt'fesitmrf. At Unii' a cut of 10,000 | iibabjianis, 13,01)0 wee ilosl ,oye(l. ]•> Olovuhi 1000 tint 10,000 pensile.l. Li \ three can to) is containing in IBGT 05 <564 mu] oniluaeing ft e t vo cities above ipcn tinned, 43,000 p- opte ' were, tt : 'leu. In Rem tno.destruction of human life was much less but in both coil litre's ■pi-wpoi ty was all but annihilated. Ttic very face ofnutnre was torn to pieces. Assassination’ of Gex. Hindman. A ; special dispatch to the Memphis Avalan che says that Gen. Hindman was shot at 10 o’clock at night, whilst sitting in the midst of it is family smoking. His left hand, which held his pipe, being car ried away by a chu-ge of buckshot two of which entered his neck, inflicting the | wound from which he died eight hours afterward. The assassination was pro cured through political causes. i Reconstriicteit—Lei »«■■ hare Peace. The negro officers elect J , Tveasaier and Sheriff) of Mclntosh «oun ’i)V hjive qualified and entciod upon U.e duties of their ofiiegs, so' faa' as lies in finite (tower. #fje Ordinary, who cannot rVead or write, asked a gSntljMnan what I was 'Me nie.inin of dat office.” He was n.jtinHi.' l. While manag(mr. Us; affairs j lAiOracc, he wdrtte jrs a Isied ,In Yomio ( i- /£ Laiigdon’s sr.w mill. Mr. Young rate ! against this negro for the position of Or dnlary.—Savannah Abies Does any sensible man at the North or West, asks the Augusta Ch onicle, be lieve that American citizens of Anglo j Saxon blood and lineage can or wiil long | submit to a government whose offices ! are filfc'iFCy siTc'b creatures as these ? ! Dobfeatry fioljorahh;' Npi')jipril ipan desiipj tp hfvy perpciiirtteu atiy wUmvo on this ! o-fufioont a i.y-ieru which clothes igno Irnnce and stnpirbiy and vice, with yidi 1 ’dal mites, and fills she most important ilti|msiq.'fih offices w 'b! a lately enshiv .and anil infe«io. -rci-? The Oftlisaries of this State are elolh IVr'irh tht 1 fnoSt'imYkrltfi’At and . xlciisive po ! \f(''f» of any of our officers. 1 hey * arc Judges of probate in llm suveral coiniliwi, and have oxclusivc original jm indict ion in all festtartienf ft-y nffaiis, 1 and fft' flie conffol and' niantigehii tit of ! io’teslalcs and supervision of estates matters ofguai'dmirship-Imiiaej-Goimly poor—t'omnii«sioofr of ans«ls—Dull the I eotitriy Trefasury. Here is a elec S io<i hv (be'u'c rocs end coptuiissio.ici. by | Hufeoel as Jruge oi,ooe w fim ’nost "»• i p.isi-du iM* 1 .*i«i'». Who* c I n«iih >r-txid m wri-o: is v. 'Mt -, rei ft if Of# 'd'\. f) f the i.'V:-,-ilng of -he i > I ‘A; ’l'aihf itscij. ii» > fib e ■-on i'.a s a ho »o. Jho diffc Qii. gio I. in* I ciwn n a writ <> hma iiki h qnn-ft.-t’o 'u«fi .wi-r ;»*<T*le iH!‘-'b* tdi ell?,a ' S ’ i beh* . fie ip : "iiCr.iiss wm‘j|o I jiv |ioy ~bo ipe. *fet fi'O gilt" : h. , i.u; i"fc c’c.i. u < on | ei'piioii oi lei airs ‘do elan, «n»,’ m ides trd ‘h.e oiouis ' ' Os,” u> ‘j/i'/ff ndhlin j fti'rV^O Icctei from Sion- A K Hatvsc.’, 'JhioMAsrp.i. , . epicmhe. 38, litid I Gi’ttfTMtt: Ywti.-f. -iilo.i.ii.i*" ,no b..' ...v uominatimi as hie c .*«• o.heo.' ,ic Dyi.sick'liiic ai.' I io eh."gcri -he b-si L).» rict hi tile m*4f« t-Vegress, tv * (lev , -ii jv- oi. A .ipn-eb Hug .list "i**iy fin - ioiias voofu red ii,mii. me by ue *o..e o* tao ffolrt .'udion, ami n oueili 1 lor .1 i on. I: of euiifkicaoe at’ >i 'i*e idmi.i..- fillo Io oil d<J>-ig t it is Hiiflie' Io say ■ha. fim idanurm un-o.ded by tec i.‘ 100 a I liu.iveul ‘0- ex i.esevn so otes-'y and u ii'ipiivocally hie g cc- p.f-.yiid«*» itpoti which Wo tfmke ibis 'canvass, and I've i«> iii.iy Io to li, aAd mo.-r be:. y sO' in a ll its terms l The gemit mid p.TSs’.ig need of our I r'(w si '*y is tlie assnrii.iee ofneacr*. F«*w I 'voole ov.-r felt iis I'.coossify move, and none ever mow: c.i. and ■ i' -d ite h.. i iecu.o a hisl'ng, | ■ nimneiit tce •we must have a union of Ilia s l upon !*(it);d Icuis, and a wise otid ■ cun | omieiit ai’miil’slra; ion of ilie (brve. i .ueet vvi. ain tho linii'A of Hie Ooiwi ii iit’on. 1. is only in the D'iiioci.,- : c philiorm ffnii • 1 we ii.m any gnarant' C of them essenlial ] ii ic'frlcs. lie. us I'.ien bury forever o«l past issu -s, eaii bullish all persmvd f'Hid.tgs Ip. efe-e*i. os if.r-o i»te<‘most iit ei lA' - lous t'fit.ris lo - •tii o‘i c Htu'("-s of j o»r, fj .’Hi nUiioiKil c,‘.ise-- ! ae Ci.iHC .1 I ■ ue. Coin*-* billion- amt-Git* U tiiiti, a.m i * urns- woifiij chart- dons. With i :'iae "*.l we ni.,y lirtpe by .he llivhic l b'-'ss'iigs soon to s'® mv*-hived #lfd siil I i> iii-h e*i.or r|«»i >h. t car'cr ol | litu pg.i> v for which a kind |. «vhtence , iia-i n(> cniiiißio’y li-ds. it. if we fail -he j , lulu o*w iiwUmbdiMc *rt«l gloo.ay ; ill j «e sh. *'■ Hain -he onSciWis.mrti4fa#fit>,fl / havi.lX (hsie ou •' fnII lolly , Tithiiuing yon taost since*civ for the very Ifiitd *ie»suinii f'dhitg nisiib'esUsi in "jw *wii«i\ I runwirt Vay •(•» r e .oily aim idy vmirs, Arm 1). kiNsßit, t’o M * sis. G. IL D. .isoii, * -o. P-.. 1 ton,. J. aMv Jtb**A>bti, Gamnw f/*« | l‘. &:Th'*.uply wonUi li. v.» been rent . yo* eu-lter, hstetnr he itelay io *iio m. , :iou noi;hi Legislalme ttpoa .tie snhji'c , , of.lhu uleci*oii. A- H. If. I,AWI,V:SS\Kf»S IS .VnKA.VSAS—SimoJiN'C 1 aVp liVSTHISO-V-VemMfe.^yfeiii’ rr 2-S— - AMahi.%&. fius' ii ie.ib'r iroai Helena, Arkailsa's, ynslcrtiay Wliiefi says ; “Yes ' tcrifhy oidfiffnfe De-hify pheiifj’ J. \V. Ma by", with a prfise, Mi. ron .ifieu lire cabin ol Ice sfeWsdn. a Aot.nious negro, who lioti killed s 'VMaI persons lasi winter- He (flint and -maimed for life Bark Taylor ‘ vvlro was nttempthVr (u arris, him ami rePditfly‘knocked a jailor in hlie iiga.i and i escaped to the hfffs, where Tie* has beep a terror to all, Nvliitc iiihl I Jack. ‘ “No SCfCmer had Hie sli. rifi’s knocked at his dofjt \ --sieruay when M r 'is*.u fired, killing Matey.’ The oi’.ie-s rtii-nipted to close in oh w -cu he made a decpcrule *•'sishnlce, scveiely wounding I’errv Nc-agle and Andy Bi*r ifcs coterCil. He dten escaped a--d fk*t! to the NVmids, The news Os tho affa.ii spread like w'ldlire. one liii.nlreiT men were scouring the woods, and sne eeeded in finding Monism., whose arm • was broken. He Was also wounded in the left arm. A vote was taken or (he spot, I -Inch's and whiles voting in favor I.fhfrrrging him, which was iiccoidingly done.” On, the Tn'AiT-rRT—Gen. Rosencv*nz i says that when his army was afflicted with scurvy he made an appeal to the Northern Governors for vegetables. The only one that responded to his appeal j was Horatio Seymour, who sent 120 bar ic’.sof poiatces, raised on his own farm. All these Governors, except Seymour, were “loyal” patriots. Give (■ r, Back Old Tim's. Give ns back the ifeys when the lina- I>4iKim;in sat by bis cheerful evening fire •>r r< Med on .lie ground beneath he uce ■pLicled by those long s'nce dead, and read not of .lie bickering, dissensions, Birifes and p anderings, but of a g'cat and glor'ous union of States cacti ono peaceful, iiiun.sU'oo* and happy. tl'Ve ns back fim da3’s when the dig (lifted and contented nut iron sang olden and light-hearted ballads as she made tho spinning wlie-1 hum so lively and had no care ami auxin.y as to how her hus band could pay the taxes or the children bo 'dliCatUll. Give ns back '.lie days when The crafts me.i merely whistled at his labor, know ing that w .uticVCf be pai-ncd W.inld’como to him in clinking, yellow gold when the i .(jUaii fin the da vs when our ru 'FW an hnnest baiigrce sheet with the people who placed fiiem in tvower, and spent nut their time in studying how to p'onder and cheat she hard working tax payers -wlieii* and good « ales rncii raised their vo ces in the halls of the nation and spoke gratefully ami truthfully of the bone and sinew of tho ! country. Give ns the days when the rich were taxed as well as the poor—when wealth was made to contribute to the fulness the people's treasury, and the few could 'not overreach the many. Give us back the long, long year® that glided by ao (smoothly and evenly under ihc rule of Democratic statesmen- -when no internal struggles luoughi brother in contact with brother-whell father was not pitted against ron —when America was respected for free government, and | fee eti from file li av. y of her sons I Tliev v. -ll come back ! Inc people ; -re tiled olbloou and In moil, and high te h veti- .and of the, ies and i.mi-Owa c.igeneeied by a i aificidal war teiai i!i* y I*g-.i*i wish oeaec* conietH- I iu,i*. 'J oey uiu isi.i,, in eve- v tov.'u ye -id iciu'c-, slml. big off ihe public leech 9 ] i.ived. 'id lue’-r blood and money, j.-.nd ini! i.'O.i.-u- ng \. v 11 icy slept so ) 'f(„. p.r.uul os, ■ v *i.o* *e,c .cd ice* c, hio s inr- -it can go no f.n *’u . : >i long .id e.'eci v years . s lever ii-. i. -' ro ce for mi! peop'e eve* e, .i mi biu io till the pock e .of its—never sought to leu 1 sen * ; .io •*.* .-.t i lie enonnoiis burdens of • be su ogfdl.'g ia; -u ye : s. Anew sun I v II d..v/n hi November and the old lime •i. v i.-i'l a;,ul • l*e trusted and Honored nv ue peon'e ivhoin-t ever p'Oiietid and : elr ' i -hed. I • opip.v—A *o. ,spondent ol ilie New Yo a i/m'/fi, writing from Tallahassee, ;,iv s it as ids opinion tli..t Barnes, <lio I Demo* Vatic candidate for Congress, will .e el.-e-<*(i bv a majority of two I Iron* Is. ni five hundred or three llioiisa and j votes The Radical Legislature passed ; an act bci’oic mljoip .dug taking thcelec **on.of Pbesideut f.ora the people and j clot,bn,, . -icirowii hodv with the right | ,o cast the vole of Florida in the Elecio ' a 1 College. 1 iis aciion ot the Radicals dep >ves teiyinoiir uni B'uii of j cle io i votes widen ihe people ol that • e woo and give i k-11l if .bey vre-.e per* ru -. u IO Vtur. The loHowiug' I'o-i ii th-a 5,., e buVC c II tv been au.hoii/:U io issue Money 0 ! ilc s : C„,. rsville, Mafic-., Cr-ffiii aml C-.hibriege M\nv jyvcvtisfmcnts. ('\ \ Bhooks Ctn \r\\ —\V}x*rn - M<*p- J r»> fni:*tiona hai irur bren m-Tde to lie Court of Ordinary. Unit the ositate of John Cook, lute •ti tid connly deei is tinrepref»en(e l and liable to neyitvt anil injury. c»»a*et» bv tbe vol . j untaty u+HM-nct) from the v w tate of Jr.thrs Crem j ers. administrator de bv*i* turn : * nd it fni ther .ipjn*Uring to the Court, that tin* raid adm'init-hu j-ioi* dr ijrns |»ennnnently absenting bim?eli from i the .State it ml county aforesuLd : r~, »♦♦*-tiietvi'on* to notify all parties at in -1 t**ro-d to tile .heir objections, within the time } iv- i ibed ,by law. blkFtvjng taiG-e why William Hudsoti. Ck‘i\ ol ilie Superior Court for Brooks I county, or some ode r fi and propu person, | should nol !»« appointed Administrator (lebonix | )ion, of tlu* ediue of John Cook, deceased, and j t»y Mi|>erc ‘tU* the said Julius Cromers, adminis trator. etc., otherwise said Letters will be issued jac ore, rid» [ under my band and official sijrnavurc, i this fMh fifty of t>\ .'oiler. IS<IS. | J\mks L. Bkatv, Ordinary. IIOH) AOTICIh COCUT OF OUDINAUY. < Bnooxa County. Os tober t»lh, IM>B. j KOnCIA, IVrooks Couxtr.—Whereas, at a VX sjiei-kd ses-ion of the Court for County i purpose?,'petition was made by J- J. Hodge. - , j Jumer McDonaldard others, b*r a«j or 4« r to oj - ! en r. now road. repre;:entA.‘d as necessary fpr the publifi c*buvenit , ih e ? sabr voiid to commence at } vhe Quitman rthid. ai dr near Bethany Church, j and troift thence, in a north-western direc j lion, on the best ground jhh! the. most practical ' route, to the Grvynfield road, ut or near James * McDonald's shop; I And Whereas, good and discreet Commis«idn * ers having been appointed by th rt to in ! vestigate the n« e.ssit? for said w»ad, an«t to lay : oiit the same..have performed Ihe duty required | md miide report favorable so the same, f Notice given to all parties intbu*- esfied. that they mnsa file their objections to the ! opening of said road, on or before the Uthd.vy |of November, ißt>B. or an order will be issued granting thP prayer of the petitioners. ; (riven under my hand and official seal this f>th ■ day <A OctA'ber. Wfeb. Jaukh L. Beatv, Ordinary. ! October 9. 18C8. 3-HH join LSiE* COOK'S Mitt tOTtX. F. J. Huntington & Cos., 4j9 Bkoom St.. Xkw-Yokk, Have in Press, to be really in October, MOHUfSJ; Or, The LAST DAYS OF LEE and HIS PALADINS , Bv J. E-ten Oooe, Author of “Surry of Eagles’ NhsL” Os "ScftßT.” of which Mohan is a Sequel, Ten thousand copies were almost immediately sold. The new work is still more intensely interesting. Printed on fine toned paper, and richly bound in i cloth, with upwards of 30U pages, it has for its frontispiece a fine steel medallion head of Gen. Lek. and four beantifnl illustrations in Homer s ; best style. Either book is sent by mail, post free, on receipt of the price. $2.25. For sale by all Booksellers and Newsdealers in tost and country. octU 5m