The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, April 23, 1869, Image 2

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®fce fljwtiuaii fanner. r. H. KILDES. Editor. J W. ST. CLAIK« AMoclaf* Editor. • (JOTTMA*, GEO.’ Fill DAY, A PHIL 23, 18«t>. Ealr'Notlee! We hare frequently during the past two or three year*, forwarded bill# to a largo number of patrons in various por tion* of the country, who were in arrears for advertising in and subscriptions for the Banner; and in almost ever* instance,, our have been treated | with profound silence. VCe have been silently, but indnatri onaly inquiring into the pedigree and" present character of these silent delin quent*, and have succeeded, in many cases, in procuring scrap# of history, the publication of which will make their face* Crimson. We desite to wrong to injure no man; but are determined not to be robbed, aud then insulted without redress. We therefore kindly warn them, that if they will “Render unto Caesar the things that are CwsarV’— promptly pay US our dues—they may depart in peace, and the world will never bo the wiser by perusing what we donominatc the "lilaclc JIM’: Decoration of •oldlcrt’Orawcs. Let it be rrmeirbered that Monday neit, the 26th inst., is the day set apart by the noble ladies of the South, for the annual decoration of the graves of our fallen heroes. Our enemies brand the noble ct am— plena of the "Lost Cause,” “rebels and traitors to liberty” ; but these vile epi thets should induce those who survived the struggle—who, maimed and emacia ted, returned to their desolate and sor rowing homes, after the thunders of ar tillery and clatter of musketry had ceas ed, to cling closer to the memory of those fulsely railed A-iebc Is and traitors” who yielded up their lives, ainid the g'ure of battle or in hospital, in defence of the liberty, honor and liomea of the South. If ' troa on" it w ns, to die in such a cause, then indeed we would prufe a traitor « tomb, a “ rebel’*” funeral dirge, than live an apostate to the land of our bijlh, education and professions. The creu turcs wiio descried to our enemies for a sum insignificant to that which induced the treason of Judas, and now revile the South aud attempt to cast obloquy upon those who slumber in bumble, but bon orable graves, will yet feel the keen shaft of remorse—‘.ha sure vengeance of a people who can, now, only scorn their machinations of evil. In our grave-yard at Quitman, rest the remains of a few ot the noble mon win) breasted the leaden storm of brittle, and fell in defence of the sacred cause ; and we are sorry to place on record ihe hu miliating fact, these few graves, com mitted to our care, have thus far been totally neglected. They are unisicloaed, and tne April wreath has never fell up on the precious mounds. Will not our ladies on Monday next, retrieve their past unintentional neglect, by gathering around the graves of these (to us) un known heroes, and reverently decorate them with fresh and beautiful flowers? The ladies, in every section of the sunny South, will Ire engaged, on that day, in this labor of love. Let not the generous hearted and par otic ladies of Quitman, fail to join the si r.owing host. War with England. The United State# Senate appears determined to bring about a war with j England; and we are of the opinion its efforts vrill be successful. Ry almost a unanimous vote that body baa rejected the cartle of settlement agreed to by England for the disposal of the Alabama claim; and Sumner and others recently, made violent speeches not only deman ding the cession of Canada to this Gov ernment, but a humiliating apology for ever recognizing the Confederates as bel ligerents! This determination on the part of Senators to humiliate the English nation, leaves no alternative for that Government but war or a cowardly obei sance to the "best government on earth.’ The past history of England leaves no doubt a# to which born of the dillemma she will accept. II America casts down the gauntlet, Britannia will not bo slow to accept the wager ol battle. In such a contest bow stand the South? We have not space this week to speou • late at length; but wc feel sure that bad ical oppression w odd not be ! 1 :;-'ttrn. The •’L-'S' Cans.-'' regain ml m y y li.'• ,-t lr.- d.r : 1 ■ is could never cmmi.i'.gu- with t'.o ' and Stripes," aid “Dixie'' and ; Doodle' 1 would be disc, duel - ■ More anon. Carpet bagger Seeley has, been defeat ed for the position of L. S M oshal tor Georgia. It is said that President Grant did not like bia countenance. A tuan by the name of Smytbc walks into the lu crative office. An American Empire. U’slory repeats itself. All people are first rude, then half civilized, then rich and refined. All people are first gov erned under some Republican form ct Government, then an Oligarchy, or an Aristocracy, then, a Kingdom or an Em- pire. Rome was free for hundreds of years;] then she followed the order of Govern j ment that we have above enumerated. ] Greece, the literary Queen of the world for hundred# of years, finally succumbed to the principle that man is incapable of self government. Can man govern him- ] se’f? Guided by. the flaming beacon I lights of history, wo are sadly forced to ] the conclusion, that the answer must be in the negative. The once trembling despots of Europe, standing on the time worn battlements of the Old World, can now point the fin ger of exulting scorn to the Ruins of Lib* America, and exclaim as they j redouble the chain* upon the limbs of i their subjects : “ Man is incapable of self-government." We too, once the proudest people in ! the world of our fro- dorn and free insti-j tutions, are making rapid strides in the road that loads to an Empire The Uni ted States, following the example of the. Republics of Greece and Rome, has just finished a most formidable civil war ; they have expanded their territories from the frozen zone to the Tropics ; from Alas ka to Florida ; they have taken the first iniatiat ry steps ; for they now have a "Shoddy Aiistocracy,” which only needs (lie culminating glories of an Empire, to burst into Marquises, Earls, Dukes and Counts. We shall livzto see Miss Floia McFlimsey, the "bright particular star” of Shoddy circles, as a Countess ; Mr. Dolittle, the dandy of Broadway, as the Duke of 11 Know Nothing ;” while Mr. “Knock, ’em Stiff,” the colobrated prize fighter, will be created the Count of “ Maul ’em Quick,” by a euphonious change of name which will indicate bis former darling profession, an I the esteem in which be is held by a profoundly dis-- criminating public I Butchers wiio have amassed fortunes, ignorant, low people who have “ struck ilo,” gamblers, thieves, pimps, runners, drummers, whiskey i ing men, members ol Congress, Generals without a battle, and, even Mr. Seward, vv 11 be the new Aristocrucy of these United States of America. Vive la llumboguc ! "Hurrah for Humbug 1” Yes, hurrah for anything that will rid us of the army of leeches and parasites that now prey and fatten upon the South ; that now fasten them selves upon the poverty stricken people with a tenacity of grasp that can only be loosened by _a[i application of that weapon by which Alexander solved ihe long puzzling gordian riddle—the sword! Yes, better, a thousand times better, the government of the sword, the pomp and glories of an Empire, than the exaspera ting, the humiliating degradation of ne gro suffrage. When the Empire comes, as come it must, then, thank God, no more negro suffrage ! No more Clifts, no more Bullocks, no more Carpet-bag gers, no more Yankee office seekers, but a plain, direct appointment from Gen. Grant, or the “coming man ’ who is des tined to rule America. We bail with joy the coming Empire. We hail with joy anything that will] change our condition, for it cannot be j changed for the worse ; in place of office seekers and of members of Congress, we shall have a titled nobility, whose ex penses cannot exceed thoke of the men who now live and batten upon the foul corruptions of Washington city. We, j people of the South, will have none of ] the titles nor any of the perquisites, but I we can have the solemn, serene satisfac tion of seeing those who have so long j trampled upon us, and who so long have j outraged jvery principle of law, both | Divine and human, sent back to the pir- j ! liens and slums of the gieat Northern ci- • j tits, once more to swell the great volume of crime in the North ; while the South will be ever free from their pestiferous I presence. Os one tiling the Caesar of ! America can rest assured : No Brutus ! can be found in all North America to stab him to the heart for his assumption of Impelial robes ;no Cassius, witli “lean and hungry look,” to mar bis slumber, but a tame, quiet acquiescence in any thing that be way choose to say or do. Relief’ k.-k Southern Exiles.—A Wash jngtou dispatch says that the President said recently, in a conversation touching the South, ‘that the Consuls in Brazil and Honduras have been instructed to pro- j v do t"i the return to the United States ot those {Southern exiles who are anx'ous ■ , v . ,PV to con e home” W trust iu .. , , K , .. ,l ,| s'i; i act which . , y ,01.0111 ie cannot fail M appro W@u Congress at its late session la --d to pass the bill to extenU the ediica- II na! system of the treedmen’s bureau. This wipes out the last vestago of an unconstitutional usurpation, inaugura „ and for the plunder of the rre snry.— The occupation of the thousands ot .12 j ger “School inarms” is g»ue ami they j t ill now l,e forced to sock Bie.r. former j vocations in the brothels of VaAcidom. A HORRIBLE MURDER. A Juvenile Bonder--Heiro Darbarity-1 White Bey th* Vletlm! The father carries the Unrdi-rer before the Civil Tribunal*! To day we add oue more count in the | catalogue of crime which has cursed poor I Georgia during the past few months; au other victim has been added to the fear j fid record nfcwrong and outrage, which ! Radicalism conferred upon the country 1 | by its mission of “philanthropy aud civil j ization.” These murders, these outrages are but adding fuel to the fires which lie smouldering in the Southern heart. They ] are but the teachings of Radicalism ; and 1 iit poti the leaders of that patty will the ■ demand be made: “A pound of fi(**h cut ont nearest the heart!” On lasi Sunday three little white boys and a negro about fourteen years of age (all residing in the neighborhood of Tallokas, in this county)—it appears were engaged fishing in the cri ek ; a dispute arose between them about some trivial matter, when the negro picked up a heavy limb, or lightwood knot, and without the least warning struck one # of the boys (asofi of Alexander Humphreys) u fearful blow over the head. The little I fellow dropped, insensible, and died the next day. The murdered child was a ! tiout ten years of age, and ol a very Ui offensive disposition.' The negro was brought to town, arid after an investigation of the facts in the case before Justice Mabbett, committed to Jail, to stand his trial at the May term ot the Superior court. This is the fruit of the teaching of such scoundrels as ISwayze of the American Union. — "Shoot down every rebel who opposes you!” This is the instruction given by the arch fiend of hell, and this negro ypu'h literally carried out the command. In this connexion we desire likewise to refer to another matter: It is daily charged by Radicalism, that all civil law is disregarded in Grorgia; that the negro never receives justice ; but lias continually to submit to mob violence. The best refutation of this base charge is in this fact: Mr. Alexander Hum phries,, the fatln rof the murdered hoy, hr ught his murderer to Quitman, a dis tau'ee of eighteen uiiilps, and not a hairol his head'was harmed. Laboring tinder the grief necessary to the loss of a dearly beloved son—the murderer in his power—dark, dismal swamps whisper ing eternal secrecy—this injured father refuses to take advantage of the pas sions of the human heart and sternly conducts tlie murderer ot his idol, the despoiler of his home; before the civil tri bunals of tliu county, and simply demands —not vengeance—hut Justice ! Incendiary Sentiments of a Gov eminent Organ. Several of our coietriporurie* publish the following infum< us editorial, which appeared last week in the American Union, an extreme Radical Journal pub lished at Macon, Ga. It is the official organ of Gov. Bullock and the U. S. Government aud therefore its sentiments may be considered semi official. It is a deliberate exhortation to the negro element to commit rape, murder and ar son. If such are the designs of the ex tremists—if the policy of the Radical party is to inaugurate scenes that would disgrace the savage nations of earth- j the while men of the South have hut 0110 resource left them. They must organize and arm for self defence. If a war of] races must come, the sooner the bettei! j But woe ! woe ! to the inhuman ichi'e> wretches who precipitate the strife: The fillnation —To say we are not dis appointed at the action ot Congress on I the Georgia question would not allevi-j ate the pain wo feel at the result. \\ e are disappointed, sorely disappointed,; and for good and substantial • reasons : Life the first and deaiest thing to not. 01 ly evety man, hut to every thing that j lives, is in jeopaidy. Hundreds more j must spill their blood before jlie tardy j hand of the government can he moved i to protect its friends in a section of its ; domain which is tilled with its enemies. I We have begged, we have implored, we] have shown evidence mountain high, and ■ yet no action! Are loyal subjects of the United*States in Georgia to he less 1 lavored than they are in Cuba? An]' American citizen dare not he harmed] theie, while in Georgia ttiey are mor-j dered by the hundred annually and no [ hope of redress or safety. What influence could have been brought to hew to swerve Congress from I its purpose, we are at a loss to know ;. | but it is plain enough to all that the 1 j true men of Georgia—those who stood ] by the Government before during and , since the war, and are now the true de ; fenders of the Congressional plan of re- j j construction—have been abandoned to j ] their fate! Their fidelity Inis been re— ] paid with contempt, aud it. now becomes i them as men to cement their ranks more closely than ever and— DEFEND THEM -.ELVES! Lot them not like cowards,- creep under the ’ihnli that attempted to, overt hr- w the Government of our lore- ; tattlers. I, t them pu-s.-iil an unbroken 1 (rollt ' ml demand a I "ill lor a 1 ntli an 1 .ve for an eve! Let tt.i m show rebel* :,, Uiev hive to nerve :noh fend them eret societies; and *wlien rebel's co 111 1 their diabo ical ho: rot a upon t em lev- u< • ot tlieir opinions retaliate at. a ti 11 tola 1 a tio For every life that is taken, lay every house in ashes within five miles of the spot where such blood is spilled— shoot down every rebel who opposes you , anil turn the horror back upon those who are repeating them *npou loyal people. : DO IT! And God will be your shin Id. 1 A Ilorrid Monster. “J. L. M.," t4ie Bfackshear correspon- | dent of the Savannah . Republican , com- j ramiitaies the following case recently tried before {lie Circut court for Pierce j County: An important and interesting case! was being investigated. Jacob Allman prosecuted his brother Ji sac for ince.'lu ous adulle-y. It was proven beyond doubt that Jesse Altman inveigled his own iteiee away from her father’s house at night, carried ter to Florida, passing i her as his wife on the road, and they i were entertained by those with whom they stopped to spend the nights ; was absent two or tl ree months; returned to this county and kept his neice on ion j plantation with his family up to this | time, and she has given birth to two children. He was justly convicted, and the full extent of the law meted out to him, which strange to say, is only three years' close confinement at hard labor in the penitentiary. Judge Sessions ic marked while pronouncing the sentence, that in consideration of ttie enormity of such a crime against morality and every tie of a high, holy and sacred nature, the penalty ought to he from ten to twenty years, bed that this man ought to have I tl.c benefit of the longest time. It is i earnestly desired that the Legislature will take this matter up at its next scs | sion and make the amendment. Fill! Ousters. The Savannah Rejtublican of Sunday last says that the eastern part of that citv is considerably agitated about Cub an affairs. Itsays: “ i lie large offer* of money, especially tor experienced ! officers and able-bodied men, are temp | ting many a man to take a boat to I lor- I ida, where he will meet an agent who will settle everything to his satisfaction, i The truth is, that some money has been made by certain parties in this city in connection with service reudered to the emissaries of the revolutionists, who have a rendezvous in Savannah. Acer tain sloop which has already been coas— ! ting in our waters, has handsomely re- ' ! warded her owners by running the (so j called) blockade of Cuba, having made | two trips, and about to engage in a third | attempt. She iias taken men and arnmti i | tion, and reports no difficulty hi landing ! provided proper vigilance is exercised to avoid the Spiin sk war vessels." " A Contrast. —The negroes of the South arc ignorant oft l eir favored condition. There is not a negro woman in the South who will work, that is not amply com pensated for her labor, which is required of her only in the day time, and then not more than eight or ten hoars are thus employed. While this is the case with negro women here at the North— in New York—we see, from an exchange delicate intelligent white women “get $1,50 a dozen for making shirts, 1,95 for making shirts of second quality, and 75 cents for those of third quality.” How these poor creatures can subsist upou such pittance it is difficult to imagine. A Safe “Safe.” —lt is a notorious fact that no “Safe” is now manufactured that experienced burglars cannot enter and it j has caused business men considerati e I uneasiness. The Savannah News informs lus however, that a Mr. YV hite of that ; city Inis invented one, which will stand | any test; it says: that “it is so arranged i that the blow of a hammer or the tppli | cation of a chisel or a drill will explode 1 a magazine which will blow the thief to i kingdom come, leaving the safe itself; I perfectly in tact ami secure.” | A Very Proper Movement. — “Data”’ the Baltimore Sun’s correspondent write* from Washington: “It is given out by the friends of the administration that General Grant intends to adopt as the-. basis of his Course in regard to Cuban affairs the resolution offered in the House by General Banks in relation to the rec- I ignition of Cuban insurgents and has instructed Admiral Hoff, commanding the Gulf squadron, to demand the release j of American citizens and the restoration of their property. ” A telegram from Washington says it is probable that three colored men will be appointed by Gen. Grant, to positions; in the Savannah Custom House. imperial llotite. A Card—The Wonderful Fever C ure. I take great pleasure in calling your attention to a med icine called P\ KAFUGE, for chill lever, lever and ague and dumb ague, and all fevers Having a malarious origin. This medicine is destined to effect a revolution in physicians’ practice. Ev erv family can be their own doctor : the only thing necessary is to follow the directions on the bottle, and the dread destroyer will be of no ma terial consequence. Its wonderful .curative pow ers are miraculous. Our ‘•Pyrafuge’’ will cure by a few doses the most of the cases prevalent, and where the disease is ot old standing, onebot tle w ill suffice to totally eradicate the disease j from the system, making a permanent and lasting ; cure. If used us directed, it cannot and never has ! failed inn single instance. From the first mo-{ inent the medicine is taken, its healthy effects j are felt, and every day where weliear of a case we go to the patient and give our medicine, know ing that in this matter the country at large will | soon derive the satisfaction of the discovery of our wonderful fever cure. Its virtues must soon j become universal, and we will-receive blessings j aiiV from the .aged as well as from the young j Wk ouakantkk a ctrk. and can confidently state that, our “ Pvrafuge” is the best media ,9 in the icorfcl for chill fever, fever and ague and dumb ague, and to our certain knqjvledge we know. \\ here ali other medicines have failed, our **Py .rafuge" has eradicated/he disease in every ease. W e take this means of informing you of the above, hoping you will use your best endeavor ... to let the world know that there is a reined;, which will certainly save a crcat deal of useless ; medicine, and do away entirely with the use of : quini e. Youys. respectfully, Jacob Lippho ’IV prie-; tor of Lippman’s Wholesale Dr... Faint House. Savannah. Georgia. Trice per dozen, $4.00; pries pe* » $42.00. i Pain is supposed to be the lot of us poor mor- j tala as inevitable as death and liable at any time i to come upon us. Therefore it is impoitant that j remedial agents should be at band to be used > on any emergency, when we are made to feel the J excruciating agonies of pain, or the depressing j j Influence of disease. Such a remedial agent exists in the “Pain j ; Killer ” the fame of which has extended over ull . | the earth. Amid the eternal ices of the Polar j region, or beneath the burning sun of the tropics j its virtues are known and appreciated. The es- j | feet of the Pain Killer upon the patient, when : taken internally in cases of colds, coughs, bow- 1 el complaints, cholera, dysentery, and other af ; lections of the system, has been truly w onderful, and has won for it a name among medical prep arations that cun never be forgotten. Its suc i cess in removing pain, as an external remedy, iu j case* of burns, bruises, sores, sprains, cuts, sting of insects, and other causes of suffering, j lias secured for it. the most prominent position among the medicines of the day. j Beware of counterfeits and worthless im itations. Call for lYrry Davis’ Vegetable “Pain j Killer,” ami take none other. Sold by all i druggist and grocers. 0151 I I A BT. Died in Quitman. Brooks county, Georgia, on j Saturday, the ItflU of April, lHt9, after a brief, | but painful illness. Mrs. Saiuu I. VV a knock, wife j of J. G. M. Warnoek, and eldest daughter o' J. j M. W.HUL The deceased was born in Jefferson county, j Florida. August. lA3B. reared amidst affluence,! thoroughly educated at the best literary Institu- 1 tions of the*™fi:th, and every way qualified to ( adorn the highest walks of life. Sire was a mera ber of the Methodist Church, and by her Chris tian w’alk and conversation, and amiable dispo-- ( si tion. made hosts of friends, who respected and j admired ber iri hie, and deeply lament her early death. •She leaves a husband, three email cbtldien, and a Urge circle of relatives, to mourn their loss : but they feel assured that it is her gain, and tbut she has passed the golden gates of Par anise, and now sojeurns where the weary are at rest, and where ssrrow and grief can disturb her no more. JUut* JMmtfceinrnt*. COW PEAS J For Sale . j TIIIIE undersigned offers for sale from 100 L to UOO Bushels of Mix* and row PEAtf j for Planting purposes, at reasonable rates. April 1$ 1869. 14 2t J. VV. SPAIN. Strawberries. I)AK ' <J•• •:■iug to supply them* *lv<*s with th deb > limit can be acoimity»iat and jb. applying she store of vV. G. BEN 1 IJKi & , CO. * B W'. SINCE Alii. April 23. 18C9. 14-1 r C’N EORGIA, Brooks Coi nty -John . Dukes AT Guardian of the minor beiraof ( E Dukes | deceased, having made applk -ion to the Court l of Ordinary for a di«cbaige from the further ; Guai diansbip of T. C. Dukes, notice is hereby | given to all persons interested that they must : file their objections within the time prescribed j by law otherwise said petition will be granted. | Given under my hand and* official signature, [ this April 21, IfeOU. James I#. Beaty. Ordinary. ; April 23, 1869. 14-d CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED OK EARLY SFEII6 VEGETABLES, HELOIS. if. For sale here, or shipment North, on which I. I It E it A I. ADVANCED WILL BE MADE. Also solicits shipments of wool,, For which the Highest Market Price win bo paid, I and no Commissions charged. E. W. DRUMMOND* 1'.R0., Commission Merchants, 154 Bay st. j Savannah. April 9.1869. 1m C l EORGIA. Brooks County. T hirty days af- H ter the date hereof, application will be made to the Court<of Ordinary of said county. | for leave to sell a portion of the real estate of ; Thomas M. Bailey, deceased. For the. benefit of fhs heirs and creditors of said dee cased. April 9, 1869. (30d) C, HESTER’. Adm’r. Utto litttrlistmfiili fnt ff f fft f i To the Working Class.—-I am no w prepared ! to furnish all classes trHh constant employment at their homes, the whole of the lime, or for the spare momenta. Business new. light and profits- j ble. Fifty cents to $5 per evening, is easily j earned by persona of cither sex. ami the boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. Great j inducements are offered those who will devote > their whole time to the business ; and, that eve- | ry person who sees this notice, mav send me their address and test the business for themselves ; l make the following nnparalltded offer : To tUI j who are not well satisfied with the business. I will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing! me. Full pa ticulars, directions, directions, etc. j sent free. Sample sent by mail for 10 eta. Ad-1 dress E. C. Au.k.y. Augusta, Me. V (Ti:nts wanted for golden Pheatf,. ’ This work abounds in thrilling sketches. ! moral tales, strange occurrences, gejps of thought j strains of eloquence, stirring incidents, rich re-! partecs and choice specimens of the purest liter- i attire. Pleases all. offends none. Price very low. Address ZFJGLER. McCURDY A CO., Cincinnati, 0.. Philadelphia, pa., or Ft Louis. Mo. VCEYTS YVIMV.D ‘or the only steel engraving of Gen. Grant and his family, published I with their approval. Fuze 15x19. Address j Goodspbed &. Cos., 37 Park Row. New York. Lock lla-vkx. Pa. ! Messrs. Lifpivcott & Bakeweli., Pittsburgh. Pa. Gents —We have been using your make of Gang ] Saws in our mill, and find them, in point of qual- i ity. superior to any we have ever used.* Yours, «Src.. Suaw, Blanchard *t Cos. ; A J !| . • ' | i yv. wj' I ; .<A> ,\J Ja'itst w.v. N. Y. Lippiscott & : Wt l ave no trouble , with your Saws; they don't need to be lined up ; with pa, er ; we put them on : * Mandrel and . thev go right along. Temper perfectly uniform and quality unsurpassed. Respectfully, Ciias. J. Fox. Lirr»COTT & BIKE WELL, : Manufacturers ot Circular, Mulay, Mill Gang and i Cross Cut Saws, ChoppiDE Axes, all shapes. Col- ; burn's Patent Axe. Shovels, Spades and Miles i Patent Covered Scoop. I HATiOHiL BANK NOTE REPORTER AND FINANCIAL GAZETTE. A. COHN, PUBLISHER. Office, 76 Nassau st, H. Y. Reports and describes Counterfeits so accurate ly that the poorest judge may detect them: quote** Banks and Bank officers; also. Price Currents of various merchandize, and of the N. Y. Stock Ex change. besides other valuable information. Sub scriptions may commence with any month. Monthly (per annum) $1.50. Semi-monthly (pt\r annum) $3.00. All letters must be addressed to A. COHN, Publisher, 76 Nassau street, N. York Letter Box 5196. WANTED, AGENTS i month, everywhere male and bmale, to introduce to the Gkm inh Improved Common Sense Family Skwinq Ma ; chine. Phis maceine will stitch, hem. fell, tuck, I quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a most i superior manner. Price* only $lB. Fully war ranted for five years. We will pay SIOOO for any j machine that will sew a stionger. more beautiful o» more elastic senm than ours. It makes the | “Elastic Lock Stitch.” Every second stitch can ! be cut and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart '.without tearing it. Wo pay agents from $75 *> i S2OO per month arid expenses, or a commission from which twice that amount can be made. ! Address Bbcomb «fc Cos., Pittsburg, Fa., Boston, j Mass, or .8 1. Louis. Mo. Caution. Do not be imposed upon by other ' parties palming off worthless cast iron machines, 1 under the same name or otherwise. Otirs is the j only geuuiue and really practical cheap machine manufactured. MACHINERY. j Hie and Douglass Machine Co s, !6cw Loudon, Conn. Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Cir | cular Saw Mills, Cotton Gina, Cotton Gin Mate • rials, and every description of Mill and planta tion machinery. Have bad thirty years experi* ence in the Southern trade and can refer to «v#- i ry Cotton Gin Manufacturer at the South, doing ! business before the war. Circulars sent to any i address. Till:' Fit AN KM. IN BRICK MACHINE. Makes 2,500 to 3,500 Elegant Brick por Hoar ; With only eight men and two horses, or 4,000 to 5,000 per hour by steam power. Hat* no com plex machinery to be getting out of order or breaking down. I defy the world to equal it. j No pay required until after the machine has per j formed as above on the yard of t be purchaser. S( • * - Sorgo aud Southern Cane. rjIIIE American Sorgo Manual for 1869 contain* JL full directions for cultivating Sorghum, j manufacturing syrup and sugar, the latest lui ! provements in machinery and other information of great importance. Sent free. Addrosa Gao. | L. Sqt iKK & Bko., Buffalo. New York. fITBK lanlU* Emery Hheflcuis fast, does &ol JL glaze, gum, heat or smelt, and is cheap. For I circulars address the Tanite Cos., iVtrpudsburg Pa. *3390 SALARY. Address V. S! Pi mo Cos N V. D | /A A DA Y t'» agents selling Silvers' Pat i 1» * ent Kas tic Brootm. Horadh Creel ty - .y* :“I predict its suecess.* , Cleog A Cos., 35 CortUndt street. New York. that pays. For”particulars ad .A.dress S. M. sj’enckk & Cos.. Vi. I djS “TOOO a year can be made by live ager.u J seiinig my new and valuable invention. ' BOYS! BOYS! Something > -u all want: a Pistol, Revolver, Shot Gun or Rifle. A little time will secure you one free of cost. A musket, shot gun, or Am man R fie for a club of * 4 Thii fy !, 4n our GREAT m HOLLAR SALE. I Revolver, shot gun. or Springfield rifle, for a Club of sixty. j Double barrel shot pun,* rifle cane or Sharp's | rifle for a club of One Hundred, j Snorting Rifle for a club of Two Hundred. Six shooting Revolving Breach Loading Rifle for club of Three hundred, or your choice of a I large number of other articles for the above club* too numerous to mention. Send for circular*. S. C. THOMPSON A CO., * 136 Federal <*t.. Bout oft. Mass. yALESXDI Banted by a Manufacturing O. to KJ travel and sell by sample anew line ot good*, j Situations permanent; wages good. H. 11. Ilicu ! akhs A Cos, 413 Chc.-tnut st.. Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED-AGeiTS^i^ | chine. Price $25. Ihe simplest, cheapest and j best Knitting Machine ever invented. Will knit I '20,000 stilcbt-' per minute. Liberal inducement* 'to Address American Knitting Mac hi na i Cos., Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. Early Rose Potato. OVE lb. EARLY ROSE «<-ot hjs* ——- mail, post paid $1; 4 lbs. Ear- _ 1 |ly Rose Krrtt by mail, post paid, $3. ® 1 | Best Npriug Wheat in the world; J ! the earliest and most productive | Corn ; wn nderful yielding Oat*. ; white and black, weighing 45 pounds to the bush ■ el; Spring barley; Grass seeds; Fowls; Hog*; j the great Feed Cutter. Send for the Experimen : tal Farm Journal—most valuable magazine i*su ed in this country --only $1.50 per year. Sub j scribe if you wan t to make your farm pAy. | Address Gko. A. I)eitz, Chambersburg, Ta. AN. LANCASTER will bay lowa Lands and Chicago property ; also Lands and City Lots sold for taxes and otherwise •neumbered. !b Wall street. New Xork. Ask your Doctor or Druggist for Sweet Qui uine; it equals bitter Quinine. Is made only by F. Ntearn*. ('hemist. Detroit. DlTdO’S Catarrh Snuff cures Diseases of tho head and throat, the worst form of Catarrh! Druggists keep or a box will be sont prepaid by mail for thirty cents, or four for One Dollar, by the proprietor, J. Dikno, No. 1,235, P. 0.. New York city. A Valuable Medical Book. CONTAINING important Physiological infor mation ta young man contemplating Mar riage, seat free on receipt of 25 cents. Address i the Chemical Institute. 43 Clinton Place. N. Y. A GENTS wanted to sell the -A. Penn tetter Book, For copying letters without press and water.t j* This Great time, labor and money-*aving in vention brings a really indispensable feature of ; budnass within the reach of all. Price $2.25 and 1 upward. None see it but to praise its simplicity | and convenience, as it recommends itself and sells at sight. Adapted to every k;nd of business. It ! does not play out, as the first sale is only a be | ginning Exclusive territory given. For testi monials. terms, etc., address P. Garrett & Cos., 702 Chestnut street Philadelphia. Pa. HORRIBLE!! I suffered with CATARRH Thirty Years! wa* cured in a six weeks by a simple remedy, aid w ill scud the receipt, postage free, to ail afflicted Address Rev. T. J. Meas. Drawer 176. Syracuse. N. Y. \ ELOOievOE WHEELS, ~ MANUFACTURED BY S K. XiSOW N & CO., DaTTON. OHIO. Th-y also make a prime article of Spokes and Hubs for light csrriage aad buggv whirls. Send lor prj»e list. __ TAUSSIG, LIVINGSTON & GO., COTTOJX FACTORS A N D Commission |Hctfhanis, No. 34 So. Front st.. and 35 Letitia et. f FaiLABELPBIA, PA. Advances made. Charged reasonable. Cor respondents kept thoroughly posted in all cha«} g*s of the market.