The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, January 19, 1872, Image 3

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£hc (Quitman fanner. QUITMAN, JANUARY 19, 187*. Reuoi lm Rev. J. VV. Beckwith, Bislcp of the St ite nt (Jeoryi:*, together with Rev. Mr. Stanley, Rector of St John’s Mission, Sivaim.ih. will hoM Episcopal services in the Presbyterian clinroh in this town, on Monday night, the 22d inst., at 7 o’clock. We are under many obligations to Cot. 11. S. Haines, General Superin tendent ol the Atlantic and Golf Rail road, for the customary press courtesy for the year 1872. Auctioneer.— Our friend, Mr. J. S. Cummings, lias opened an aution house in Quitman, and will give his peraenul at tention to the sale of goods entrusted to his care. 11 is aucti* n’sah's will take place every Saturday Bute is an opportune ty for pei sons to get rid *f supeifluous goodß of everydesoription. Send them to Cummings and he will get full value for the same. loading drugs and Patent Medicines at reasonable prices at, Kaytovs 46-ts New York Ntork. Garden Seeds.—We are requested to notify gardners, that Messrs. Briggs, Jelks & Cos. have received a large snu> ply of fresh garden seeds, of every vari ety, and of the very best quality; and they are offeii »g the same for sale at re markable low figures, on their usual terms— cash* 'flu* New York Ntore is the place to buy your good cheap. 4n ts Town Prop:- nrv ox the Market —Val uable town properly, belonging to the • state of the late Col. «T. VV. Spain, will he sold to t e highest bidder on the first Tuesday iu March next, as will be seen by advertisement in to-day’s Banner. Vn.-beforc buy mg your good*. call nnd exam ine the prices at Kayton's New York Store. [tf Paine & Hull. It w 11 be Been by advertisem- nt that Mr. Josiati Paine has formed a e part nership witli Mr. Titos. A. Hall, and the new firm will hereafter conduct a gen oral mercantile business on a ca,*h basis. Our young friend llall is not so gov-or ally known as his senior partner, but be is a gentleman of line bus ues- qualifica tion, courteous iu his depo* I men?, and will make fri -ok. Paine & Ham. ’s » good firm, and wo predict lor it a pros perous career. New York Store is in the corner building under the “Banner’’ office. 4<>-tf . .. Important Sale.— It will he seen by advertisement, that Mr. M. 0. V ting offers his entire property at private s ih-; but if not disposed of by the first Tees day in February next, it will be fl del at public out cry to the highest bi.l-h r. This is an opportunity for a /me invest ment, jp-'SMBacon. Flour. Spun Thread, and all other goods, at low prices at Kayion s New York Store. 47- ts Okapjlco Division, S. of T.—The Dep uty Grand Worthy Patriarch f r Bro ocs county, aided by a o inn her of officers and mouibe «of Quitman Division, organ ized a Division of the order of Sons of Temperance, to be called “Okapileo Di vision No at Wade’s Store, in tics county, on Saturday last. The < dice is elected and installed, are as fol lows : B. C. Laney, W P. Miss Icmha McAcley, W. A. W. L. Black shear, R. S. Mis. M. R. Wade, A R. S. Elijah Wade, Treasurer. J. B. Wo -ten, Conductor. Mis. L. M. Chapman, A. C. P. A. Wade, I. S. J. B. Yates, 0. 8. Ft.rtn for sale at If. 11. Kayton’s New York Store. 4s ts A Body and Alind Disease. Such is dyspepsia. The stomach and the brain are too intimately allied for the one to Buffer without the other, so that dyspepsia and despondency are inseparable, ft may be added, too, that irritation of the stomach is almost in variably accompanied by irritation of the tem per. The invigorating and tranquilizing operation of llostetter’s Bitters is most powerfully devel oped in cases of indigestion. The first effect of this agreeable tonic is comforting and encour aging. A rnild glow pervades the system, the chronic uneasiness in the region of the stomach in lessened, and the nervous restlessness which characterizes the disease is abated. This irn provement is not transient. It is not succeeded by the return of the old symptoms with super • added force, as is always the case when untnedi- i cated stimulants are given for the complaint. ; Each (lose M*.-rns to impart a permanent ..roes - sion of healthful invigoration. But this is r.ot all. The aperient and anti-billions properties of the preparation are scarcely secondary in importance to its tonic virbi •. If there i- an overflow of bile, the secretion is soon brought within proper limits, and if the bilary organ ; inert and torpid it i> toned and regulated The effect upon the discharging organs is equally salutary, and in cases of constipation the ca thartic action is just sufficient to produce the desired result gradually and without pain. The Bitters also promote healthy evapora tion from the surface, which L particularly de sirabie at this season w r hen sudden spells of raw. unpleasant weather are apt to check the natural perspiration and produce congestion of the liv er, coughs, and colds. The best safeguard against all diseases is bodily vigor, and thi.- the great Vegetable Restorative especially pro motes. 'P?*' For Bargains in Dry Goods. Clothing, Shoes, Groctypies, «fcc., call at the New York ; IStore in Quitman. 44>-tf The Georgia Deaf and Dumb Asylum is situated at Cave Spring, in Floy i county, near the Selma, Roue and l)ai ton Road, which passes through the vil lage. There are now forty six pupils in \ the institution. No charge is made for either board or tuition. Clothing is al so provided where the parents are too poor to dress their children respectably . There are tb;et* teac ers — one male and two feiPahs. i is is a no de charily ami donerv s Ive I support by the S.ale. The fr i»U?» ss *1 i»*i; dona ions in bool s, and w I gl \ By receive copies ol . the and ffureut newspapers ct the Slate. \ Sheriff’s Sale. ’RM7‘ILL RE SOLD before the Court, ITonse ▼ V door iti th<» town of Quitman, on >h> Firs? I Tuesday in February next, between the usual | houis of sale, to tin* highest bidder, the follow ing property, to wit: One town Lot, situated in the Southeast por lion Os Block No. 1. in the .Southwest section of the said town of Quitman. Levied on as the j property of J. 0. Carroll, and to be sold to sat - I isfy a lax fi. fa., for taxes due for 1671 by said ; J. 0. Carroll. [5.00 ALSO At the same time and place. Lots of Land No. 54 and 55 in the Fifteenth District of Brooks county. ' Levied .on as the property ot J. F. Darraeott. Sr., and to be sold to satisfy a tax ti. fa., for taxes due for the year IST 1, by said .1. F. Darraeott, Sr. * [5.00 I —ALSO — At the same time and place. Lot of Land No. 108. in the Fifteenth District of Brooks county. ; Levied on as the property of W. J. King, .and to be sold to satisfy a tax fi. fa., for taxes due for ! the year 1671. by said W. J. King. [5.00 ALSO— At the same time and place.part of Lot of ! Laud No. 103. in the Fifteenth District of Brooks countv. L* vied on as the property of Henry McMullen, and to be sold to satisfy a tax fi. fa.. ■ for taxes due for the year 1871, by said Henry t McMullen. [5.00 ALSO At the same time and place, Lots of I and No. 121) and 102, situated in the Fifteenth Pis triefc of Brooks county. Levied on as ths prop erty of D. U. Melton, and to be sold to set i fv a tax 11 fa., issued against said D. K. Melton for taxes due for the year 1671. [5.00 ALSO— At the same lime and place, a part of Lot of Land No. 123, in the Fifteenth District of Brooks I county, containing 200 acr« s, m >re or less. I Levied on as the property of J. 11. Godwin, md | to be sold to sati-iy a tax ti. fa.. Issued against said J. 11. Godwin, for taxes due for the voar 1871. “ [5.1)0 AL^n— At the same time and plan*. Lots of Land No. 525 and 477. situated in lie* Twelfth District of ! Brooks county. Levied on ns the property of 1 C. E. Groover. and to be sold to satisfy ,i tax j fi. fa., issued ag inst said C. E. Groover, for tux es due for the year 1871. [5.00 —ALSO— At the same time and place. Town Lot No 37. in the Southeast . i linn of jbetovn of’ Quit- | man. Levied on as the property ofC. M. Med lock, Trustee for wife, and to be sold to satis v a tax ft. fa., issued a aa -t .id Med lock, S•• K.v taxes due for the year LS7L [5.00 /[ the same time und phiee. Lot of Land No. 246. in the Twelfth I istriefc of Brooks county. Levied on as Ida* property of Caroline Godwin, and to be sold to sati-ty a tax fi. fa., issued I against said Caroline Godwin for taxes due tor 1871. [5.00 —ALSO | /.t the same time and place, part of Lot of i Land No. 320, iu the Thirteenth District of ; Bracks county. Levied onus the property of I .James !Inrut. and to be sold »o satisfy a tax li. I (a., issued agiyust said dames Hurst, for taxes I due for 1671. [5.00 ALSO— I At the same time and place, part of Lot of | Land No. 88. in the Twelfth District of Brooks Comity. Levied on as ti e property ol L. B. | L:»rk, rul».\tlt;ile Tru: lee for Mrs. Dupon and j children, and to ’•>»* sold to satisfy a tax fi. fa. | issued against . aid Trustee for taxes due for the year 1871. [a.oo ALSO .It the same time a "1 place, Lot of Land No. 82, situated in the Fifteenth District of Brooks County. Levied cm as the property oi’G. V.'. Cook, and to bo sold to ratify a tax fi. fa., is- : sued against said Cook for taxes due for the yar 1871. [5.0) ALSO At the same time and place, the Evict hvlf of j Block of Lots N;> . ' j ‘ L Jp‘! ; property of J. K. Y. Iliedou end Jamc:’. V. e.d. J land to be sold to satisfy a tax fi. fa.. issued j ! against -aid J. R. V. i<.:, \ u for taxes dec for j the year 187 L L '-')d ; At the same time and place, Lot of Land No. . 150 in the Fifteenth lJis.nct «.{ Brooks comity.! | Levied on us the pro; erty of J. V/. Ferry, am! I ito be sold to saC fv a tax fi. L.. issued against said and. W. Perry lor taxes due ler the year; 1871. .p.G) ; ALSO At the fame time and place. Town Lola of Land No. 3‘J and 44. in the Southwest section of the town of Quit man. Levied on as the proper ty of J. A., and to be sold to satisfy a tax fi. fa., issued against said J. A. Bonnet for tuxes due for the year 1871. [5.00. —ALSO — At the same time and place, will be sold Lot of Land N> 117, in the Fifteenth Distret ot Brooks county. Levied on as the property of Mrs. A . Alderman, and to be void to satisfy a tax 11. fa., issued against said Mrn. A. Alderman for taxes due for the year 1871. [5.00 ALSO— At the same time and place, will be sold, one ' hundred and fifty acr ; off of Lot of Land No.! 202 in the Twelfth Di.stiict of Brooks county. Levied on as the property of .J. 11. f)i.;.ipier and j Ito be sold to satisfy a t-< : (I. fa., i.- tied for taxes 1 due by said J. 1L Dumpier tor the year 1-71 [5.00 —ALSO— At the same time and place, will be sold one ' hundred ar.d twenty-three acres of Lot of Land ; No. 249. In the Twelfth District of Brooks conn- | ty. Levied oi a - , the property of W Coopt?*. ! and'to b»* old lo satis.t'y a ia.% fi. fa., i.- n.ui to:' taxes due by said Cooper for the year 1-71. [5.00 ALSO — 1 At the Fame lime and place will be sold, Lot !of Land No. 6. simab diu the Fifteenth Li. iriot | of Brooks county. Levied on as the property of J. P. Culpepper and to be sold to sa*i: !y a i tax fi. fa., issued for taxes' due by said J I*, j Culpepper icr the year 1871. k [5.00 \ ALSO ! At the same time end place, will be r< dd one | Town Lot, situated in Block!, (lying vv«-.-t of I the i side rice of J. Witt. > in the Northv. > >i ' w.-tion of the town of Quitman. Levied ou by , virtue of a tax fi. f • .and to be sold to . v.F i the said taxes due thereon for the year 1071. 1 —AL-U)— ; At the same time a, i place will be sold, a ; ! part of Lot of Lot, of -Laud No. 513, in tire ! | Twelfth District of Brooks county, containing ; j eighty-five acres, more or less. Levied on ' the property of J. J. Rodgers, and to be sold to i satisfy a tax fi. fa., issued foi taxes due by said J. J. Rodgers for the ye r 1671. [.,.;) ALSO— ; At the same time and place, xill be sold a ' ! part of Lot of Land No. 17a. in the Twelfth Di.':- ! ! trici of Brooks county. Levied on as the prop- 1 i euy of-L G. Kendrick, and to be -;o!d l-> aii-iy j j a tax ii. fa., issued against said J. G. Kendrick | ! for taxes due for the year 1671. [5 JA) ALSO j At the same lime and place “will be sold the I interest which J. 11. Walker holds in Lots < f j Land No. 424 and 452. situated in the Twelfth ; ; District of Brooks county, and estimated at one j j hundred acres, more or less. Levied on as the | property of J. 11. YVViker, and to be sold to sat- J ! isfy a tax fi 'fa., issued against said Walker for j I taxes due for the year 1871. [5 .CO : —ALSO— j At the same time and place, will be .‘soi l, Lot !of Land No. 433. situated in the Twelfth Dis ; trict of Brooks county. Levied on the prop- ! | erty of B. W. Sinclair by virtue of sundry fl. : fas” issueing from the Superior Court for Brooks ; county, and a Justice's Court, in fa or of Mary • | .J. Bryan. Thomas \V. Lanier, Win- F. Russell j | and T. E Hardee vs. said B. W. Sinclair, and ito be sold to satisfy sailfi. fa«. B' operiy | • pointed out by Dlaintitt*' attorneys. [7 oO ! D F. WILSON, Deputy Sheriff, j January 12, 1a72. iu Hfto gUbcrtiscinfiits. ! FREE TO BOOK AGENTST M e will send ft handsome prospectus of our New Illustrated Family Bible, containing over 200 line Scripture illustrnt’.ons. to any Book agent, | free of charge. Address Naijonal Bubllshing 1 <'o . Philadelphia. Atlanta, Ga.. or Sf. Lo ids. Mon ONE PAIR Cable Screw Wire HOOTS AND NIIOKS Are worth two pair of ordinaiy pegged or maohine sowed. HtSTORY OF The Great Fires In CHICAGO and the W EST, by Rev. E. J. Goodsptvil. D. lb, of Chicago. Only complete history. 709 Bro. pages; (50 engravings. 70,000 :»1; cad v M'hl. Price 2.50. 2000 agents made in 20 days. Profits go to sufferers, vlgonts want ed. 11. 3. Goodspeed L Cos., 37 Park Row, New York. THE DIERK.D F.IRMBR, Published nt Baltimore. Md.. by SAP.I’L SAMDS fk SON. January number is now out. and \\ ill be sent to ev. rv planter, farmer and gardener who will •id h!. address and a stamp. It is a live, prac ; lieal paper, needed by every country family: i FiFavripiion 81 .50 a year. In clubs at sl, with | very bbevnl premiums. ; ?* f 8 ODR CLUB EXTRAORDINARY! In the woilv of pul ting our popular and elegant - “ Quetn of the Ladies Magazines” into 15:4 e ; itouies. we have arranged a “CLUB LX’TUAOKDINAUY,” with ]) emiunis evtraor *l• ’. y. No such offer to club getlers have ever been made. .Send stamp for specimen of Maga j /.ine and special club circular and judge for i I yourself. Address T. S. Arthur A Son. Philadel pl la. Pa. B'IB3S S3 GTfiES’S EiTffliCFFMui Vegetable &* 3 :EH2 22 ±2 sa 52 AND Summer Flowering- llulbs, for 1872; Now ready, corr-isfin r of over 130 pages, on rose Luted paper, with upwards of 400 separate cuts and beautiful colored plates. Cover, a beau-1 tiful dix-'gn iu colors. Tim ricliesl, catalogue ev r prHi-kc i. Send 25 cents for copy, not ooe half L'O value of the colored plate . in tin* fir..! order, amounting lo not less than SI, the p/h-e of .aiaioguc. 25c. • will be refunded in seed. New customers placed on the :ume footing with old. Free to old customers. Quilily ol seeds, i/.e of packets, prices and premium* offered, make it to the advantage of nil to purchase seed ot r . Lee catalogue lor extraordinary induoo- Vuu will mbs it if yon do not sco our cata logue before ordering seeds. I.ilhei «,f our two (’iiromos for 1672. :-i/.e 19x24 o:o a flower plan? o( Bulbous Blunts, consisting of Lilies, ae. the other of annual, biennial and pareunia I p'ants, guaranteed the MOST K LEG AN I' FLORA!, CUROMOS ever i- aied in this country. A superb parlor ornament, mailed pos! paid, on receipt of 75c.; ulia free on cuuditioiis snecilied in ca alogue. BRIGGS A BItOTHKIi, i Nsiablislied 1845.) Boche.ster, N. Y. KwW SEEDS AJ!D PLANTS Sent by Mail or Express. Out* S«'< and and I’lunl C 'gileK f/I 1872 Numbering 175 pages, and containing TWO COLORED PLATES. I I'-aeli w u ih :,wice the co-t of catalogue, mailed I to all applicant*! ou receipt of 25 cents. tfnlpb -. .uimen, jo w>ti«nat btrcct. N. Y* Bloomington Nursery, IlliKcis. ■ 20th Y'.r! COO A-was! 13 Green Houses! L irg ! assortment-. ID*>4 sleek. Low priceF. Trec- I Shr.ibs, Blunts Bulbs. Feeds. Stock. Grafts, Ac. One hundred page Illustrated Catalogue, 10 1 cent-. Bulb, Blank Beed Catalogue, all for 10 . « -nts Whole-ale Brice List free. Bond for . lliche, before buying elsewhere. !«’. K. Bi(oi-:\ix. Bloomington, 111. sq Est Nißß’*Kes»y, A MOV Till.)' VAHA/.IXk for | Youngest Renders. Superbly illustrated. Bend stamp for a simple number. Andress the Pub lisher, JOHN b. SIIORLY, M Bromlirid St. Bos ton, J AIiGK'AMI VA LI AltkF For Salt?, lying 8 miles north <h Lumpkin, Stewart Cos., embraning thff itch land:- of the Haoiioh'itr,],.<:(■ dnn'lc. Tin; place is well timbered and watered; a fine cotton, corn, grain and stock farm; liimurpa.sred by any in this section of the State for its soil. The place is in valuable as v 'Mock farm. Will be sold on roan enable terms by apfilieation to the undersigned •ti Lumpkin, Gn. The place is well Blocked and provisioned. .! '•'!•:• K. B MIN! \L opiummjusris i address T. Jh GL.-IRKh, M. D., Mount Vernon, ! Ohio. PROmm'E BUSINESS Will be given ore or two persons, of either < x. iu QUITMAN and adjoining towns, by which they may re ii i/.e from 6300 to 81000 a year, with but iit tie intc-rferauee with ordinary occu jiariou. in ••‘A ' 1> 4 > IBIOXIO Ij* > ! AHTICLIOG of real meritund universal | use. It he whole ti e* )-* devoted a much larger j .'.inn may be realized. Circulars free, giving complete list of articles ami comm -dons allow ed. TANARUS, S. Cook A Cos.. Hoboken N. J. A GILNTS \V AAi 17 !> ffg-nts make /V. nieje money at work for us than at any thing eKe, Bu dne- light arid permanent. Bar ! i: ! a > s fr"e. G. Btixbo\ ifc Cos., Line Art Vn.h --li/i/ir. IVit-tland, Muluo eA7 ffA Ag*-ms pp tils per week. G *•' " * \\ ill pro-. !• it or ! rfei! SSOO. New articles, patented July 18th. .Samples j - Ml! fi'e*' to ML Address W. 11. Ciimh'STKß, 207 ; ClWcl.. •. fi RcpL Astonishing cures by I/rs. Kline and Lindley, ; :*,i fl»e i'kiiadelfdiia Cancer Institute. 031 Arch Philadelphia- I'a. At Branch Offices By Dr. jD i: a. 21- W. Fourth ‘•t., Cincinati. O; by Dr, Gi'ee.ue. (.’h.ii lotte, Noby Drs. IJealy & Ben- | f>n. (.’or. vi Broad and Alabama Sts, Atlanta j Ge: it Dr. Bruiiiball, 42 N.Court Sr,., Memphis. ; WOSBrRFTL < .VICFR ATHDOTE. |No Knif *. N > Caustic Medicines. No b'ood. Llitle Pain. For particulars, call on or address j either of the above. iiflKM A Oil IH'BTI Hi;.~ T > f?. NCI IEV EN ELLbS TRU .S3 effec ta the j iXe fjuicke.'l cures, with lie greatest coin : fort to the wearer. Has no steel springs Jo ir ■ ritatc the person. Receives the highest praises i Horn ail who use it. Recommended by leading ! physicians. Full directions with each Trmc. Try one—you w ill be pleased. Single -Truss, j $5; Double Truss, two pads, sifi. . '.. Orders enclosing L’a-h. promptly filled. \d.ire:,.! 1.. SCIIEVEXEfA, Gcnl Agent, Athens. Ga. OUE PAIR .SILVER TIPPED BOOTS Ml) StIOES 'Art- north two i»ulr without. Cfieaper than Evoi•! J. B. "FINCH. Is now receiving his stock ot ta MU «i»M ff WnlW'M; Which will be sold as Cheap as any House ia Quitmwu or elsewhere, and embraces— Ladies’ Dress Goods, Calicoes, Domestics, Trimmings, Notions. Hats, Caps, Boots. Shoes. Ac , Ac. In fact, everything desired tor comfort, necessi ty and adornment. Also a heavy stock of IIA HD WAIIK, TIN WARE, CROCKERY, i(:C. 1118 STOCK OK SlQQllßli® Consists of General Family Supplies, such as Flour, Coffee. Sugar, lVpper. Spice, Bot-ush, Canned Oysters. Pickles. Ac.; Tobacco, Snuff, Ac., Ac. The continued patronage of tin* public is re spectfully solieted, und fair, honorable dealing guaranted. :r>?r(kmntrv Produce of every description re ceived in exchange for goods. J. Pi. FINCH. Quit-man, Sept, 8. 1871. ts To the Ladies. MILLINERY 5513 DRESS; GOODS, THE ONLY COMPLETE STOCK EVEIi BEOVGIIT TO QUITMAN. Mrs. M. P. 15 LACK., pbh.vsuro in notifying the Ladies ol | \1 Brooks county that, she lias just relumed from Baltimore, where she purchased, and has now in store, ilcomplete stock of Millinery and Dress Goods, Embracing Bonnets and Hats of the latest styles and of every quaiPy and description ; Ribbons, Flowers, JYumniugs of every description ; Bilk, Pique, linage, and other Dress Goods; every thing, in fact, necessary for a Ludy’a outfit. Her stock of TRIMMING.S has never been • quoted in Quitman ; ami all are of the very best quality. She is also prepared to Trim Bonnots and I hits, and Make up in the very latest style, and in accordance with the most popular fashion plates. Bridal Wardrobes made to order Thankful Cor past farms, .die solicits a contin uanr • of patronage, and invites the ladies to call and < famine her goods. March 31, 1871. 13-ts F!i.':i{K‘>j| Stare iu Qiiiliiiuit! J4COS BAM, DK AI.KH IN jfitnni nnb Staple Bnt (Koohs, <.; Btooioac.i aos, *%:<*. riHAKES pleasure in announcing in his old ens rl tomers and the public generally, that lie lias now in si ore a very large and varied stock ol 'MI k Wiistci* floods, Which were purchased by him in New York, at very moderate rates, and will be sold as CT 2KI 53 IS.-CS -AY C* As Jew oi* Gentile Gan possibly soil goods in this section of coun try. My stock embraces everything usually called for in this section of country, and for quality, f-i.’isn-o! be B'J'jrcelled* All I ask is a visit an examination of my Goods and knowledge of prices. Thankful lor past favors, a continuance of cum tom is solicited. J ACOB BAUM. Quitman v -‘epl. 22,1871. ts GEORGIA mtiE INSURANCE GQ., OF (’OLUMBUiS. Incorporated 1859. Capital $358. Oet! Assets r J 08,000 J. F. BOZEMAN, BresL. D. F. WILCOX. Sec’y. Continues to furnh h jiei feet security against loss or damage by fire on all kinds of insurable prop erty at adequate rales. Agents bes und at every prominent point ■ n the Aoulliern States, to whom applications foi in.-.uratice may be made A j*p!y to JOHN TELLMAN, - Agent at Quitman, Georgia. February 4, 1870. J E. C. WADE, UROKKU, and {) ommis’on Mercluint, K'.'Atnnnl. Ecu.itg 501. 3 w ILL give strict attention to the Purchase v / and Sale of Real Estate and Personal Property, of every descript (**n. for the purchase of Cotton prompt ly attended to. December 8. 1871. 49-ts li ICKOIiYH EA D AC A DEMY. A GENTLEMAN of good moral character, and competent to teach all the branches taught in a first class institution of learning, can obtain a situation at the above Academy for the year 1x72. Applications, with references, will be received by the undersigned. W. H. STANLEY j C. A. DAVi.s l Trustees. A. W. GRGOYER.) January 5, 1872. 1-ts KRAUSE & CO. DEALERS IN C3psneral l^Cox*oli ; ?=tTXciis;o. cr|> u.j .'nr a.' , .rr» u. .-•». '*■> «ra- . tv<» TAKE pliwnro in anno'inch ; to tbc.Ollizcns of Brooka Oi.unly, they hive now in storo ;i complete a.- •ovtuiinUot Dry (iowls, CloflUntr, Notions, Roots and Shoos, Hots ondl Oups, *lltmlwaro, Crockery, FnniiluiT, Groceries, I.:({(JOK^, Also, ii full assortment of 'A. V Lyons & Sons' Durhuin Smoking T ibareo, and ovory griulo of Chewing Tubatfßu mil Snuff. ,Vn.l will sail Ihu sntve EXOLrAIVBLVfnr «E3 •**.«■* » H.« lull on such fair anil honors' hie terms, that a trial will sati'lV eill/eivs tlmt. TI ■ 3 THE HOUSE! At which («• purchase Dry (Jon,ls and ,-upplics .it every d"seripHon. Our Stock will hi* replenish.O weekly. :ui<l kej»t up lo all the demands of trade. Our HOLIDAY (HOODS will be in tore in a lew days, an.l in .*> i> icient *i umtlty to meet all price invariably allowed. *« *V *iA. I T;**4 I«3 Ac CO. Quitman. (Ha., Nov. 21, 1871. 30-ly" Savannah A tlverUscme:: ti. E. FRANK COE'S BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE. ASa LYSIS: Mills!nre, ilelennined at 212 deg. F •■ > ■'"*<- Ur 'anil' Mailer IS 70 Yielding Aniumnia S.BO Soluble Phosphoric Al'ill : 5.8,l Kiji:i\-\! ’Mlt lo I'ln.s|,imte Dissolved 19.32 Insnlnhle Phosphoric Acid 4.55 . K.liiivali-nl to It me I'liuspliate 9.93 Total Phosphoric Acid 13.10 Total Hone I’iiosphato 29,25 Sulphuiie Acid, Lima, ami oilier : mine Mattel' undetermined 22.40 100.90 ThD long establish'd and well known Fertilizer has Us til's! cargo upon the market for tills Rea son, and amply sustaiua its wcll-c.irneil eharnctri lor tin' uniformity o' its preparation and the re liability of Ihe materia!- I'onstititlie.e tlie C"'.n|""ind. indeed, in lie' im ii 'i'ical esf.imale ot at least two important elements whieh it contains, viz : Ammonia and Soluble ' 'A. 1 -,,in».-i .* Aril, there lm ; lie-'n a dei'ided met vah'.diio a■ ■ .--ion to ils claims since lie l last season. To he more specific would he useless. It lias mv ontire approval and ofiioial endorsement. Aoei mber 18, I*7l. -V. MlflAM.**! Insjn'etor, Chatham County, CJ-a. A FT K It II A VINO S 0 L D El. Frank Cos’s SUPERPHOSPHATE! For the past live sea am s with pm lee! sslislaethm, i\v ae-tin oiler il lo I lie plnntinff community ividi ii'ir imiiroii'ec tlmt. ils higbli iieproveil staadard shall he maintaineil, ami wo conudently recommend it ns the BEST FHU l IEI/.KI! ever brought into the State. r M :«3B SHBL .WH a> Cash ft.M.OO per Ton : per Ton fir Factor’s acceptances, payable Ist November, 1872 ir,■>.:•() per Ten fir Planters’ Notes with Lit aon Ihe Crop : b-'i.OO per Ten on obligation to deliv er Middling Cotton Ist November, 1X72, at l.'i.'.c. at nearest depot, nr p: y money. WM. 11. STAHK & CO., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, GENERAL AGENTS ECU THE STATE OF GEORGIA. I offer the above well known Fertilizer In the Planter.- el Brooks and adjoining Counties, and am prepared to lill orders lor Cash, Acceptances, Liens or Cotton. b:. c, e, January 5, 1872. 2m AGENT AT QUITMAN. i: X-&OTTOX23. ,’A, No. 139 Congress sired 7 JS®LT7 - «4,TOL33Lc»(ll£s. f Georgia,' P)|.'\ ;• now in storr ;i Large Stock of E Cloths. Cassimer**:-., Tweeds ami -loans ; ITDfiirning vSuoils, in ovory v.uiely ; Shawls. F.iubroiderics and Ribbons; Ikiglisli, French ami American UALICOKS; Water J’r«>of and bine (.doth Cloaks 5 Novelties in Dress floods ; Blankets, Kerseys. Flannels, Ac.J Black and Fancy SILKS very Cheap ; Full Lines of Georgia Domestics at the LDWE3T Cash Prices. ~.,0 1.71. ir DkWitt & Moroaw. PALMER & DEPPI3H, WUOLEoAEK AND RETAIL DEALERS IN 3EX JSL jBL ID) -W" JZL j&L E3 , n9ru S3 ESI SB 'EE TIJTte, Agricultural Implements, Hoes, Circular Saws, &c. Pow-'di\ Shot, Caps; and Lead, |.(S ami 150 Congress and 149 itud 151 St. Julian Street*, October (i, 187i. («m) Gtoorgrlu. F. L. N^OLIWCER, in SadillftJ, Bridiis & ILmicssJ Rest Rubber and Leiilher BELTING, Ssddlcry Ware, HARNESS AND SdA LEATHER, 1 CAX.F .-4ItIIN'H, TRUNKS, VALISES, <6-., <tv. J No. 158 St. Julian anil I>3 Bryan .S" reels," | fik(6 (lancth, £*r.fs?. SO]) lot -lm* 8 ava mi a h lie p ul) lica n, i'UBUSIIED. DAILY AND WELRLY. Siivasntali, fjcor via. r,llllß VKTERAN NE'.V. I’Ai’Eß WILL. A | iis oni'ly u day re the typ ■ bo o’ deia I and delivered, npjioar with it complete outfit i:i the mean time tie* bent I ohu make it. Ii dm 11 be all that, my friend'can wish devoted to the people of (Georgia, and esped illy the coiniiier cial interest a of our sea|>'-rf. It . - will be d'. r.Tfil. I’olitifid. f.’mn mercia! and Marino Now-, tints making it of groat service to those o( die interior wUowi h such information from this point,. Terms of Sieliserij>.( tion. DAILY, per annum SlO j WISKKLY. per annum t \ A;:'©..l'ayable in Advance. .{»•£ Remittance can be made by registered letter. ' Ik O. money order, or bv - vp, - -. a-Dir :-s W Al. A. It I*: ID. Savannah. LJa. , W. !>! >.( AN. M. MAOJ.Ka.V. J. K. JOfIN-TOX I) UN LAY & rIOIINSTOX, COTTON FACTORS AM) General Commission Merchants. ()£ Kay street, no®3.2m tiavaunvih Oa. FBOVISIOHS vVTNJ.) srn umm WE ABE NO . V RKCKiVTNG nnd wi|j keep cini.diintl.v in stock, tin- b -nt ijbnliticsuf j B.i "V Si'low, Siiouldi i's, and Sugar I Cured Hao a ; I Fl/d'll ; | Bi'TTi!i!; j I.AtiD ; Src.Ati, in Mills, ntnl ioirrels ; O.'KK :k, of ul! graded ; Moi.AS-'va ; Syhfl' 'l,ni.M.’i'.o, all gradi-n ;■ S-iAi 1 ; FiiOT ; f.r >.n ; l'"W'" K ; ‘XTARrtr ; ; CiN’nv ; Cann'K!) Gunns ; Fin'k ,inti Low Gka'pkm TCjujncEV; 'tiler ividi a (iif itt Variety of Other (toocls, Whicii we ' Her at Lowest Market rates lur | Cash or approved paper. fill.™ & FilEES'a SA VA XV. III GEORGIA. .S' pfeinber 10. 1, 71. 4in w. u. iimss Consist fusion JlTcrehan I, 14(> Bat Hckkkt. .Savannah Oa. ,r>T Liberal advances made on consignments. Refers to S. Stevens, F p, am l . A. J. Rountree, 1 Vamp :W'l/