The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, August 02, 1872, Image 3

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tihe (Quitman gamier. QUITMAN, AUGUST 1873. QCITMW DISTRICT MEETING. The Democracy of Die Quitinon District are requested to meet in the Court-house on Satur day next, tor the purpose of appointing dele gates to the nominating convention, to assemble on the 6th inst. A general attendance is desi rable. By order of Ex. Com. C.'iitman District, J. D. CHE ECU. August 1, 1£72. Tlie Meet in;? :; .y Next. It will be ri'iit: rah :el that tin- nuM tinfr for tbe nomiiiHtiun "T. i;.’lil.iti -. is ■ ■.niuxdT on Tuesday next. Soimi oft!:.' ::i. uro Informed, hive > < -i,". t.',l - to tli* same, whilst others lwve md. W, a .aid. tli.-ro lore, suggest that our j-e pie turn out «. mors . and insist on the candidates L, i selected by popular ballot. It is the : y m ,nner by ■Which satisfaetc II will be git ell. Indiv'.h • we are total indi :.t r. in t' ■ " r : i which these candldo'.es o.e -l, ]■’. ■ , *the modus “,■•:■■ Ii is loir, add eve y a.d has an opportunity to !rv 1: and. -.— .o- - - IVoMAL'KV 11. ii ' 01.)!.. -see Ivor.. • mont in reference to renewal of exorcises at lie- ; excellent institute.u ' 1 i •■ o' M. and has no superio us a t 'T, . ' , is excellent. The first Monday in Sepd'io' r. close mit the Is !■. . -in * few • days, to open in Sc. nut V -•> oa‘l at once, and secure i ■ Krvr.. - House D : >\v\t:o.- -MY ' 3’.1 >.’■ r u- *1 <■■ -' miiigs, of Quitman, on '• to cross the. \Vilhbici:--c!s'.-.'. in v.r i.- of Bradford's Mill, in*a Fa-e aul ay: - : • i the result \w;.-. tin.; t . the young gentlemen node a v .vww ■ ' ■•-•pe. l! was a dangerous and re-.MX - ev •■; ; ' our friends have paid deavlv for tlu-./ b ■ . A WORD lo (he wise is s MY. ’ »L V■■■■■■ o' -.p goods now at tho > * v i Man Drown'.:!).— We aic ! ••>; ’ ' a nv< by the name ol Puyb-y • 'M> ■ ,:i 5l Witblucoochee river <no <’ ' t . unfortunate in’Ui, when , ’ . ■ ’>»; ioh near the river, wu'm : i ; . . position is that he fell in and v.v - : drowned. His body was i- . > ing day. A XL in vi it i : TIIE Barihuti:.--Ti;e bat •" 11 last was a decided ,uu\-• • : and '■* :! • :>• V-. X Black and T. M. i '■ , ■' M e th.. who participated lor M.e p ■ ‘ 1 • The meats were well c -S.ed, l ■ ■■■' ’’ and in abundance. Dry GootN, < AT COST, at KaVTox's Mew York Store. %S,AVe loam that a- Club" i. frrogress of ore uii.. it lias been su • ■: ■. . day next. Selling ©lf at O'. l’rices, to close bn h .a: Kayton ? B New Ycj:n tom. Accident. —\Yc !•<■;•. •; : - T. HI.OCKKR, of ■ 'uValiunh, v. horse, in the neiglihorlmoil . tion, one day last ’• below the knee. The ’ captain for sonn* line. For tho fa:. oJ ’ - J *'• JVe have receis ed C: * trients from the IVi< They are publl-!,<■ ! ' v • meeting to be htdd Q- liu n, and: ... -7, 1: :.f. EVdor Banner: PieuM* give notp c!b !: naineol IVii.kv (. the nominating .■ for the position ol‘ Be; •. - •. Mi:, r. ’• : Voters of Brooks ;■ « !.. i 11 M. Fear '• 1 } nominating nu-eiio- . - : gust, for Hep re -ttta’.iw !o ii • i i> - I Qra>iAN, Jrr.v 20.i:-72. Mr. Korron -nur pr« " the Legislature has (a :i.'ihd y <!:; • ty. and therefore no good t« - variced why he shejuld . ■ 1 1 therefore suggest that he p. - for Representative at the no August, Tau./jkas. Jvi.v 26.1-72. Mrt. Editor 1 learn i: Quitmanites pruj.•*-.,* to i the first T e.'sday in , this portion of rhe county i ‘ ' nominations should le* ir- ‘••h* Representative: and ! i ( a ; oouioiend Judge J. li. • J make this known throu dyo;f v : ‘ •••••- and oblige A Id. l r-d Mr. Editor Atho . tnr Legislative ho:; low me to suggest the name of • n •' ling democracy n<> one -au ■ •. 1 whose knowledge of ,<1 n . ad (which should be a cd : ■ : e occu py ing the position of Leg Hat '•••. :r; :* 1. and who can dissect t >ll 1 ’ 1 .<■’:■ vote as it should be da::.’. 1 ing convention the name of « i • >• I and hope it will receive a - :-i b'radoa, and that he be jhe nornuiee. Di.M( r UAT. [We publish the foregoing <>u ti.- peremptory demand of the writer; and a v. ** \nu ;oy appreciate the honor h< ; - we do, most respectfully dt i i.ic p-e -.m ■ ng our name to go before the nominating convention.— Editor Banker.] Qi UMAX, July 30, 1872. The friends of W. W. Groover will present his nams before the conventioi to u -embie the 6th dav of Aoge-t. ;s a sui i i- l i** for the Legislature, and a R* jr- r:tativ»- Os the farming intere.-;. FARMER'S FRIEND Mr. Editor Why e■••old n ■ oi.r f ' id and faithful woi ker in the cause of Der JJ( ,, ;ra ey. !>,• chosen to serve us in the approaching Legisla ture? I mean ii. 11. Katton . Esq. A CITIZEN. M'ORQriTO NETS at $7.2*. at . (19-ts) PAINE A IIALL T 3. Fink I'i.oi R.—Wo are under obligations to Mr. Geo. G. dealer In Groceries, I)rv Goods, etc., Market Square, Savannah, Ga., for a sack of very excellent (lour, as a sample of a large supply ir w in store. It is ground from new wheat, and of the very best, q inlitv. Mr. U ilson will take pleasure in filling orders f r : this or a: y other quality of flour, us well any thing else in his line, ra the mo-s liberal terms. :Heis a clever, hohoi4blc genth»man, and we | comnoMid him t«\the people i.f this section of | country. Fee I Fim: Reache?. —Mrs. \7. J. Duncan, of Nan* j kin, will accept our Jhanks for a bonntifnl sup ply of peaches; they wcrelargi'*, ripe and of flue, flavor. May the good IMy live a ilumsund I years always re' .in the bb> rn of vou'li. and never be without an abundant smpply ot fruit, for she has a high appreciation of tho corp e i itorial. Fh-.'T. crai-IN.— &•;> Hdv< r:'-). mont <■! li. A. T. fi:|. .1 up a ii rit gallery in the i.i >i,, n cvntly oecn piuil as a temp 1 imice hall, atul oiiiincH u ►ky light •<> he |>l u'cil in t! ennnie; wbicli v.’iil tillable liiri to lake any <■ arncter elpicture doairt'd. He lias lei rneev yv n s expel lie ce in hi* business, uiid his pieltll is CU”n. t hi* eXCeihel. special mOtlrr,*. I ':' cuii..|a!itlj gft hand, a' i , p.'i- , ■M.C. v ; :;u\ e :,v, *> Dor.f.V VAIUM-IX Dre - Goods to be lmd at llhtf) I’AINE A lMLL’ci . i.v. Bt l'.m;: A 11 vi.t.'u. town .a i’\i ■: .V tl ,i . P'. t'l’.N l l lln 11 j ::B jiroo!’. Some tin !,; ret., ..I. hie. at- f.M ,K ,V lIAU/S rt \r: 1) <-,v. j;.. ■ .* for s'..mi. at paink a V I‘AI.I,s. j: u rKARPNiC-i, fct alt kinds, at— ML [i-'-tt] i 1 \!N •' 11 .ALL'S A P:»: . ■*'!ns ; GWioe. rod and F ul .. tl Sommer W«?aih- I j , K t'* l tropical la ,'i -a seven* trial to the \ i ■ l : l ! '‘d te this coihiit ion of Iho body is‘'general | include a variefy of ailments, q! e y ]Vt r ! ; ■ ip 'll or to© much rjlaxed, th • rt« mach but ■ ; crvat.v, in. Ht <;! he pit;, Sea! sum ' ms. aid , I'eq-iirss as U ter.c-dy :s medicine that will regn !-ii4 them nil. ll.tstr-uer’B F'oimich f iitoi j specially adapted to ihL purpose Its goner.-d j ■ ■ psrafi«.!i is not coiifitjed to a singl or' u. ff ! | lb? stomach i;< torpid, it if. ]f the ; ’■ ‘: ■ hetn. f‘" •’! • mind, wl It ... r s*n, | iF, whole m•< !ei •: iof the b. do into l:-t ouaor; \ ! ; *•. i b the lev. •. ''*! ■ Mi * n ... -■;u v. V; . en-e.. i. Bitter. . ; ‘,= . i , :il „j : ; t ■' '•!?,»_ I.*t' i■ < old only i ; ! £-■•- .never(n he; < ! o e t r ; 'f v-o< l iv. ;vn n, : ..-., ;•. -jnonnef Or J. T'.-i * his M ■ < ftfeer \ ' thf ■ ttfi »>!i - ; »• Kt-ii.. later ,■ : i ujiii'.ttur him i. ■■ i. 1 i !:;*< f. r ('/:! it* Tn a nret - .: 1 I'rsy •tilUily >"■ lii ' for l Il! • f/‘ of the ]>«nj>!eof lii'Wja •::i ::: . p 1 - Vt'r nr* t« snu 'fine'? Mr. V/. at die el< inn to l»«'V !rt •' ■ :<i:. i tli. x \S.< t-LLLr iitll. \Ve R!’i' ;»■ ' I'., Ito -miiounc'’ Mr DA- • i VMD til FATS a rmolid n<* for the of. i- of 7 v To ‘ it:' TU* of : : ’ Cownty : ; . • ■ ' :'r ■ • ' ‘ : * tion, and «dicdt the auffoi " my !>db*.' eiy ■/, ::s. If elocterl. r j' > , i 1 aitu i nrict attentk'u •* the d.iF«.. of sh- office, to mcr ■ ‘ M \77j. 1) ex:;, | TAX-RECEIVER. 1 friends of It. P> WOOTKV. F« i; .: \ fiufi c’d with bit past udmiu : - 1 r• tton, r«^j•••«•:f il ly submit, bis came > a candidate for re-election ; f » tbetd.l'-' ef'VaX Receive; of id- ' Glllf •. . and solicit for him t!»c votes of his lellow-cil: ; Zens. We are authorized to announce Gap tain , ’ THOMA' -J. If A 818... i ■ idttfc I r thcoflic* <»f Tax Receiver fbr tn» t »nf of : : ui.a - lie r»*>pectr«lly asks I.- f id>w-ei . a:.u • # to him their suffrage piM&iTMI I- UDDEN & BATE?. Savannah, (ia.. Whole- ? j and IF'-...;; . m!*-! .: 1 ,e. ;>-*■ ■. Music and Imported Mostca! Mi h i it rein way, Hallet l>avi> & Cos. * • .e-rnf ■u. :• * , -ana at extrenrfly low price * for C ,-A.or wi.l • • « s;> to $25 month:> n.iiil paid for. •-'«»*' * ! * ’ let. and reut ai-jdi-'d if purrbwd. New 7 "t- , tave Rosewood P-.auo&. first els; s, all m jdern irn -1 proveinenn*. s2 ; >s cash Orgai.:- SSO. Largest j i .-lock of Pianos and Organs and lowest pnees ? ' Foiitb. Send tor c --i— urico ysts, etc. Adr'i & BAIL'", j G.> it Southern Mu-ic H . -• Savannab, Ga. I July 13. 1872. 22 tm ioml: i:n.\nn;«xn!EXT- I'o the People of Georgia and the s«K.tli. Ovm: op rne 1 'oxn • .i:i; >tm Mom mkntai. As locution of Georgia. . Aiupistit Ft. June. IST2. ; i deem if proper to appeal directly to our j v i fellowci' ‘ ■oil's' for li.-iv >nbsu»uiial aid in j honoring our fallen Fonle l rates, atul Ixmefitiug j .i: >e v.i. v,e ; v '(•!>• on them . main 1 Ip. ■ i. one, v e feel ' ■d, v. ii e a; ; ii-.titt A-- 1 'i to do bo. T!.c e ihr ceiumemSs it'd! to the patriotic sentimeut of till our e s k'.cii' It B : ugs freshly to our mltnls ilit l Mid but chivulrie story of oir noble I fighting for man's most sacred righis—ootm-! trv. honor, liber* v mid heiue, 'V-'e cannot, * f\ i as an. 1 cm foe. shed the Fi-ht of onr work upon tho impenotrabU uinoir. : I- ! thy grave. r l ii * .spirits ot our lost Cot:feder ates rn iv eusor .. ;. He.: our instincis make , us w<H*p and grieve when death steals silently j j into bur households and tokos our loved ones! e„\vu\. Mo h. : athan in their .••raves, md Pi ties of death o and mr irrer raole loss. : Tkusu ••• iv. Ml v id.* end dh*of ordi : heal 111 and m.o h • •! ■ • hhv! the enemies ol | their ■•• nv\ and die in M e offeri to save their ; ! people from tin; ; n ?or > wrong. I Mo s ill rise A\*i! . sen. pursue J (, njoy life, and are Id .1 1 a merciful I*i ..a i ' h \((l.eio \ rus all they could in this low r ; ; Averldx A./ Mu ;, no; •niiiled t© our pity, our I '•• aud All •ho <. wo can take • f their fame'. end thoughts tin- • ii, Y\' hilt will the work! .•: fe 1 be-; a* avl } they shall all h#vV ! 1 toll ;vei iif the Arabiau I’roplwt einnoi a Lit his jLomb. but the ' seen hirbuned riigi ’:niß j v> ho ean.nre held in hi. iict esteem when they ; r •turn iiom Mecca. Arul will not tho ■ be i on- 1 i ored vim shall aid in this Iriljute to these | who foil in our service and mu* cause? Who is ! : Mien M ! wunM not t•• plea cd to have his • tine i. -jibed np'ii tFi that aaill be m ; pet 1 r<v. idin tl • a !de» e- <1 ihe < i : olerale V. aciuenral ... i.u • M Will it nM j A I of u .• 11 u dccji Avi lmain dream, j ! Who can 1 .he the; -ui M. no one willcaro ! jfor or respect fefi meiu iyva ! nhe i- gone? The . no of on llaut < '•■•> .'derate dead is in the rue rn I he. ping of all our people,; i\\ l it would be thought «•! hiifi who would suv : iMti • m deep ij* ,• ii od foi Mmlioien and and , unhung " F: Me, Sou * hern and personal pride j would abhor the scotiineai A? iivoM'.-M.-. our bra\ e > '.oifederafcs have per i-fedp.'i.- our tleici. h*r •, li-aio.' : rat if tide and *1 • 41 v eall upon us to pro ,•• , their fame and Weir • i ii'vc.f P; f.-u vontrihntlons. Ot'ir people in m * pn-fer to fM e . nam- *s in I.M iilbnti. n. M hole liekets, ' M Fra. tional Tick- i ets I. ;3. . and L Orders pruoiplly nl•! ; aided to. In all pi.;. w!«Te there are .W:ent», can bo Mamed of* them L. A A. ii. M-. LAWF . General Agents. .JAM; M. <\l\ru\] 4 stale A vent. A it at QuiM. -mG »pt .1 G. McCALL. The I )i. t ri'aiiion O l • o;a’i:i)!:c r:r, iim.AT.vir.NTAi, * ii ,I,Ll'< Hi. i TAh J’l.M 7 Tlrst ’ :r .-ei-mTisr Vtctt, i C:.s73i at iastisis, <I-a. i $850,000 ZaCuncncr H- ’ to and C- tt-.- « i.l Indxvc* r : - . ■ . fir . v» 1;.,.' •:■ i ■ ,■ - . , ,!i Dk ,1,. .I, ■ ■ ■ aii-: to lb ■ ; ( , i..a» ( . -) H iVou of o«6rgi.i mill tilt- . mil.. • \:j ~.„i r . ■r- > abuts to rl. !; ofltoß. G :• ndi’ii 'i li.-i),'ii'i .ice. 11;, ■ Itillovi ing li.nn C: , ■!• i " 0 IV. \N' ‘ ' G!' y. *l. C. Hi,...!!. VS' ... I>. 1' . ,n!. M;i| n .b„. ph I!. r, „nia : .i,i!.x; ‘••■■jo 'J'. .bn 1 • i. -i- )■•;•?! <■ .. L |> f11 a !'<l i: . lion . P 11 IV, Jll ■■: . All ill) J, > ill;.: Si. <■ > trtcli, J. , D.lluU, ii-... V >!■ '..p. I Jr. V,'. i: liciirintf. ■ GrEO. a. V71:.7L0N, (I, ,!.. WiJ ) n bliicb,) At Old S end, JVv. 1 'JO i'uiiyrrss Si, S nrin'■a, : (iao:\pa, Whei I bate been since 1856. Grocerios end Liquors,, Dry Coni!. Miot , Teb.'i fro, And ml I-. A- :■■ •■■', '■ ii'iy S ...p’S s, Wbi i ■■ ■Hi.- w. lojul'lil. Strk,! irtift.tto . i rtt .ii. w Li. li v.'■, July 12. i 1 1. mu Bockland Lime! 11 jR Sale by the Car Load, or m lots to suit. also. " ; : l Hair, By EJCt,Ait:. ::o; a babnard. July 19-lm Gi Mi :u; L.:i; jus. TO THE IH lIEiC. JAS.R*EMOffi)S(W, Os M ». s;;:a»a;is»x,. Quit muii Uvovglu. " 0 fs ! l *«j: '.',i , k.«s«/ab ,-J • b« Sli tins J.,..-;* « W ' And is 111 -A- iviiily L■ v il„> J-rr'-:.; Trad,’; and U ] !.iviiarvU to iiiigf J;' tbe p. ; l.» ol Urooka mnDly AK-.-’- .V-.k.M : :*•. :in every line of Omuls. Mil deoarUnenhi com | pidtc, with BY 1 MYT; 'XG ! F&shloua’M© r id Da strata*' F: til '• es <•! g-'otlsune .. •.!.•: ial g for Spring i ; andSmntucr u-o. m?V noons, of jyv j-y •i v {ion j j DHESS (vOOI>S, of N.n iuus styles am! if" mi ; ! DOM MS'HO GOODS, of nil kuuiri ; X(■ ■ it;- XS, in gr.Mt v •:,■! v ; o:\i v m , !,mt .\t; ; ' iS' l 1 V\:S\<li\Sil GOODS ; iiiA rs :ni«i t'.\ DS -' •:.• t h\\ us ; • *OU l\S •.’•'! 'SMS' $ i*. (l - Ln lios, Gouts' O.MV:. : \ 71)S' ’ Ti .:: ; SAMILY UEaM i-IOX'-, ’. -e limn ! • sic i ; ■ 1 ! Me on the u :.J fi l , if abb* lertns. \;. • old patrons of the : ' 1 ; . . " - T-> the t ud* a\ ■ • extend a o 'cial Invitation, i« \vc liave on h ind u .m> ar ieies, which will proA e jiarllcnlarly , ;i\e to th. in. !L‘C;.MV,'d in t..vidtan-,(' for GuoiE. J. L. KiJ.Mi INI SO\, /loonl. Mnreli 29, L-d.:. Li ts t I'-'iieoL iiiima ..-a i a (12 in i'Al'.!-: a ii u.l'.v QUITMAN RfiyS STCBE. TT n«jv ’ l-b:.-. in Mtdieincs. IVimp. VAIt A7 '.'.S' p, • Stuffs J 'JI > /tires}/AS I‘j,fnm<! .- y rr/,'J<> !< ! \rl .Vs, dY\ Notify Ihe public that they will keep on hand • inpleie and IVesh stocks, and sell the same ul a fee enable profit . This i- F.\eiusivelv a Drug Store, and tho en Ii <■ aiiemioii of the junior member of the firm Will be viveii lo tho b,i ine. We respeolluUy relicit the patronage of tin 1 pnblfc. (Quitman, Felt. 2. J M 72. ]y I HE ATLAINTItr Const Line rlioiitr, Reorganized for th: Summer of 1812. • norm.F. i > a . v All iluil C-iiim-.-dmi, v m. ; Augusta WMisvSn.'t’i! IP.altm'd An Addition li. M 1 <\ ■ 'on. via. WlUl KdXI V toU I -r’IK ny n-ny.Tj $n I f I y nr, pmM ; ’-UN 1 ;.!u!L;*um iff 1 Ml ii! ~7 hi 'i i. cqtibMtteiil of ltie Rou l of tills line, i fir,- I. ! •.on aa ‘ -one . ‘ieeotJlg * ii - IUC I |)i .'i• •' Hi ’■ iv do! iir«* operated «pon the! ; ■ ntire route Mo; • X -. i alio,am tel ; eZt .jl’A . Iw; .' . 1- OM, E '' = J- I ll.iHl.ldlA ..' '"SJTSIC3£.| lua’cnu 'an .i: : : : c.'. u’Aiax. lixtiaonllßiU'y I-..' . -fiaciit ■ I ! In I.rrt rlf f.u ■ I L • a ltjg|-rm,jpxx j Is: ■! , 1id,,,. -iliiii.M VlniJnji Hio im-j ll . : . .. I, . Hi. i !!. il. il ! " ii.uLv i; \M e.nii TO OL; i..H. , . • !to copies to one add, = ,in one wiapp< *’ 0‘) j ; i;ki.v : ; It) cop; •*o ©tie m! ! ■ ,• • ; ppcr BLO , ! p.M -M ... ... . ,'.y I- 'Li ' W h-!.v- j * 'iK-pi, ,- , . .uk -Mp nor ii.t ipiuiiikd supper j; j- . ' 1 that all jm trie tic ciii- j i v.'ho t M • ... ; ii: < rest ip tins I gveal popular ; j movement t.«> eject frc-i.i pov. '-r i!-:e corrupt and | ;Me ijiable .Vim ni* ; at ■:•hint-on will per- j 1 son ally Bu m - ■ . o. iucrea-e tin? circula \ : t-oti ui W • Fw ;.M!', m-c of thF jour naL ; Club- . ••;| be f-. viuvii lui iK'di.itely ami or- . Alt. i h tor M • i:ie 11 ■ . <r> 1-Myaa po .- ible to , ! eri.Mtro all ;-abcm'iber; s thcjali complement of ! | aainbeiß. ! FeioJ on your orders bcthv'iifl —the sooner t j’oHi oiFee order.-; and. Exproaft remittances at, oi;.’ ii--k. n.APNMiE F SC UDDER. iX otice, OS t!«e fii-st M >|J i.v in .Sepieinber n«xt. th« umL-i'i-!fri...(l f ui 'inak,. appheatian loliio. honoralile Omr. o! "rdin i"- lirnokk couuy. j Ha., foi leave to ~. il one-funrtb interest in a i eei-tain tra<-i of land, lying in tbe county of i ■ Bryant, bv .L.ia,. :o the t*. ot Narab L, Ba ; ter, a minorM MARY C. BAKER, j Savannah Arttu W nents. Carriage and 3J . ■; • r Warehouse. • \ ’ J ,«0 *2 O \ ('Oj I r\, !■ ‘ ' •••«.■■ -v .11* ■ I . 1 *'s.. Savannah, Georgia,. [ \ . ■ , light C’ari i:»Kpck-. :! • " •• • ■ i-i ! i H Express Wagons, of the. ivduciul prices, to " ,il ' ‘r. •« mii i.-i • i ii . . i.*;v ujitil Novein-, . ml whips. ( 1 111 '* v ‘ • \ , 3 SB'S, Fcvnunall, (:sa. „ goods; A. ■ :-n . I .imi luillinnls: U lies- I.imii i: ' ’ A full linn ~f Pi. ...... n,t.| n ■ . ...| T,u-k i' iiirn-ooka : A j* ■ turn v. I ■ :;.l :: il -'utv :m! !.. M. Tlilkfs: V.i1.1" Man;.. ik, N. I T.n lilt All :!«• c1i,.K..-si l.rmi I- .k.. i. ht-1 si Lii.-iiaml f'uin.n .'lnn ;i. ; _ :il m i-l:; .; \ i .A sliwtinfTs; ■ i ■ K. i ■ J.-.ins, Ac. PRICE. • i ii.’’ ii /. iU'o: 1 , ■ -r :s W~> ■: 1. ~ 2m.2-^39 ' SPUING AND SUMMER TRADE; BUY (' . 'EHIES. 1. AL. ‘ sjj .5. • <ac.j ioiigia; ‘*'• > ; - aa 1 « • . ‘. j ..I.eUc to the wauls ol’llio Diy'coods, IDxis Go;><!,;, S; rin<y Flints, Sheetin'.’ Shirtings, OznaJim:: Cassimers, Notion.-., Clothing hoots, Shoos, Ih its and Caps, :y. (lasswaro; * Every Character oi '. ' ‘ | \ • ’ ' v " ' ' ' > v ..Is (S» K3I -TJ 2 ••-Dimery, &c» 1 ' incident to tho n<ivi*uco in the piu o »»t Cuffoh, mid \ ,;! i Id , H'. U) W, hot CaiaalTL. .■■■ni i.iui.i-nei- stuck,, ■ mu' gooda, audi ■ €O, which M ill Sf >’ I • :'■•■•! .* -»mm l1»t- {>':'■ a rltuH store in the interior— Dry (Dm K • JK, (, JJow-sliv. Gamh, Heat!-i Mart, Uoll>i>g, :m !o • !,‘v uin-. < ~!ico '.. ii il- sold , , I Or*, to I Me. per yard, and ever} thing t Cuinj tom is *t;i' iu-o. JACUIj hAU.M. • no a M .roll 29. 1872. ly W. n.^ELAO^: V\ ••I*i in the -iihsiunfial liiiioncr, 4 A- /// : ■*■ s-^a) .old on vevy rcasona j bh* terras. v '-///l y ; '. ! .Samples V Cloth /%' A vy'-'W'j Win ~»i ha: i ■d v . ; ' / i"|..u:itilv . .11 be v- -If - , \ ' nnlcivd Ibr |>arli**a. ’.i.--. | front Hew Vork. ivithi.itf u.iiluioiml expenro. Clolliinp ribcnatcJ anti r.'|.aiml wOk ii-- ii — mid '■:■ | 1 * : ■ ii. j 7(V,\11 work ilium In: l’All> I'OK.on delivery.; j Maie'hW! I«7a'“ l-' ly IWoolisSuperior f.’ stirt, May Term IHTZ. I.JAME3 MAUTIX i vs. Übel for Divorce. AMELIA MARTIN. ) If T APPEARING to Ihf Court, from tho r«-::. JL of the Slieflff. that tin- di'liubiai;. in above .sated case is not within the juri**dse!.inii of tt (Court: it is ordered that service o<- perfected ! upon the suit! Amelia Martin, by publleaiiou ::j some public gazette of tint* State, ouce a inon'k for four month . immediately preceeding the. uext Term of this Court. J. ft. ALEXANDER, J. S. C. S. 0. j I certify that tho above if, a *true trasnerip from th« mmutfct> of oaid Court. May 27, 1872. S. W. bKOOKS Clerk. * May 3!. 1372. 11 -4m DE« im C U-! Cedis, ; r Stock, • ;i tiie in(iuorable terms. ■ dl « laic i BlyUffl of <’ivßlf*OC«» ; j .1 'nil lines of Domestic C • floods, Hats, C m . I. Hmes. Hosiery, .■-■ k (5 to thing,* v ■•■. l ull r'.ovkß ol , TINWARE, TANARUS, CVTUHtY, ‘i 'neerie*, sc. 'A is respectfully ■ r, honorable deal ■i y description r« ; ce.’.ved in i-c)i:i!i ixi ■ for goods. J. B. FINCH. (>' i!: ri. All rob : i. I 72. ts . : ■; c causu' AN MISERY. Prla 8 elk . . . ii , fi eatin/lit and . <*•>:* •; i or Fpernia ’•• i • , ■ ii • Aoi e, Involunmry .iii.'- X-i ms Delitlity. and 1 i • . •• M ; e i illv: tloijHump '-I iml Physical In i ' ' ' .i.v t;pwell, m. . D a rill rof the •*( «*:v-n Hook,” Ac. I end -i in his Lecture. i own -xperierce that the ‘.: o •• -d .bell A- use may be effect *;ix n-i .'Mii is i o.c, and without bougies, iiihtru i j <i. i is. m>'>, • big out a mode of i and ; • .8. by which »*v cOndiltoo may. !. • elm ol privately and • ' ( will pi oio a boon to envelope, to aqy . two postage .« Mir- -in;.; !.e p.d)libbers. (■' •» AM ULL’S ••Marriage * * ... Ad . lmj tbe I’ubli&h diA? . j.curaiNE&ro, 1: ii • .•- v *i a, I • ;.i-o’Jice Box Jan 2m. i6< l. 1-y N'L'.V Sc- le r,t iC.iN'lS—'* Black, at i. CAIXi. A HALa-UJ