The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, August 16, 1872, Image 4

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ithc (Quitman #amicv. Pt;i!l.rsHKl) EVKKY FBI DAY* Tru M R : TYYO DOI A*A. 1!H A TKAIi WIIKX PAIN IN ADVANCE.- AIIVERTISINO. On. •Ijiiaro. (lOllneA or loss,) f!r«l ineertici; SZ.(HI; oacli following insertion, *I.9C. Wli'Mi lelvei tlseinentA Are eontinue'l for one month or lonper the will he as follovn : t/. j,«|JS Ij? j *2 ~ | "t- J * M *kT $1" It 1/)] lflj 171 IP) 20 2 8.1111 1 IS IS 21 24 2C 28 3U MS s’ hi no' m| 2o| 2s so hi! m«! :w 10| 45 4112.001 18 24 MO SO 40 42 111 10| S3 S I'.oo 25 MS Sfi 41 111 IS SO 52| GO fl'lti.OO' 30 4" 4S SO SSI sfi| 57| 58/ 65 12|'IO.00| SOI BS| 70 7- B'o SSI 00110O 1 1 20 is IS.OO (IS 7S| 8o 8S 90 1001110 11201150 21 00.00 77 Bo| 90 I (mb Io! I2o|l2tp 140 200 I.Witl. ADVKRTISIHO. 81ierl/!V Palin, per levy pr. *<|’r $5.00 Maloti by Aiimlnl«trafor:<, Executors anil fiimfSlanA. ner qusre... 6.00 Cltatl'in of Ailtninlntration or Gmmliun sliip, per HqnAre. 5.00 Notice to Delilors anil Ereilltors 6.00 t Ration lor leave to ell land 6.n0 Citation of Rismissi m of Administrator.. 10 00 “ “ Guardian 0.00 Homestead Notice 6.00 J’Vr innonrielni' mimlldnter for office, SIO,OO OMtimry notifies, I Respect, and all aiiicleaof a personal cliaractcr, charged for as advertisements. DOCTOR OREELEY. A r.tMi'.UDN foxo. Air - Thr Umbareller. The great republic is awake, It surely is sorpi ising, Through East and West and North and Mouth The people aro uprising. They’re tired of war and party hate, And patriot hands grasp freely, The Union through love to bind With honest 11 jraco Greeley. For Horace is a man of peaeo, Who Knows the war is over, And with the gnib of charity Ills country’s wounds would cover. A Iriemi of liberty to all— The Doctor who can Pea! ye, The sickened botlv politic, Is good old Doctor Greeley. With universal amnesty, And with impartial suffrage, A single term will do to cute The evils of this lough age. His vermifuge. Reform, will purge The Mate of rascals scaly. And blood-suckers will run away From fearless Doctor Greeley. The Tribune ol the people, ho lies never failed to tell them The honest truth, and hunted down The villains who would sell them. Oh! Horace Is a man of pouce! A friend of freedom reallv We’ll have him for our I’resldent—- lluruh for Doctor Greeley 1 An IdloiiiiiK Highflyer. A Boston cuiiospoudent of ti e Ports - mouth Turns lias tlie following story of • the* exploits ol u female huger, and says that tho sonree of Ids information is a rciiulde one. The lady is li e wife ol ■■■ well known IJjetuulun, and by a bold forgery she succeeded in obtaining a large sum of money from one of the banks in this city, The particulars without going into details, are us fol lows: About Iwo months agon very beauti ful, lutly-lilte and accomplished woman arrived in San Francisco by the over land railroad, and booked her name at ono of the fashionable hotels us Mis. (i, raldiue, from Boston, Massachusetts. She had a large amount of baggage, and was supposed to he the wifeof a million aire, ns she represented that she expect ed to meet her husband in Nan Francis - co, who hud been a successful merchaul in China lor several years. She stated that although he had not met her as she expected, she had received letters from him informing her that business delayed him in China, ami he had instructed her to enjoy herself until his arrival, as be came her fori tine. She ultemitd bulls and parties and received very polite nt feution from some ol the ‘ first families.” Things went on bnmmingly until n lew days ago, trite i a detective made his ap pearance on the aeene, and inform' J her that lie had u warrant for the arrest of Mrs. ,of It stun, and that she the pietended Mrs Geraldine, whs the identical person he was alter. He told her that it was his duty to at rest her for 1 |,o crime of forgery. She slon'ly deni ed the soft impeachment, but when she was it formed that her husband had in structed the officer, if she would quietly go to to Boston with him and return the money she would m t be i xposed, she ndmitted that she had obtained nine thousand dollars on a check to which she had forged her husbands name, and had fled to California to meet her lover, who hud been in Chinn. She gave the officer seven thousand five hundred dol lars, which site bad in her trunk, and /e --tnruod to her Bes'ern home, ll is said she is now very repentant, aid, with ti nts, asks to be forgiven. The African Exii.obkh on African Ga mes.— Dr. I,'vingston, in a letter to the N. Y. Herald, gives evidence of insani ty. H* nr him: ''Many of the women are very pretty, and, like all Indies, would have been much prettier it they only had let them selves alone. Foi'lunately. the dears could not change chatmfng black eves, hesntifnl foreheads, nicely ronnded limbs, well-sl aped ho ms, and small l ands and feet, but must adorn themselves, and this they do.—‘oh, the bossies!'—by fi'l ihg splendid teeth to poiuts like cats’ teeth’. It was distressing, for it made their-mi’e—which has so much power over us lie donkeys—like that of croco dile crtmmentß, scarce. What would oii» ladies do if they had none, hut pout ami Tectnro u- on womans tight*.” FOR THE CAMPAIGN. IHIWIII Ml SEWS. ! Tin* approaching* Freniderßiul e.aavai*. judging j from tin.* extraordinary condition of our polM-i* cut affairs. will be the mod interesting. exciting, and holly contested campaign in the history ol [ (he Republic, and it# progress will be watebea with fcvcriwii anxiety by thousands who have i heretofore tnk*-n hut plight intercut in election#. } In order to place in the reach of all that wide jly known medium of the freshest and latent in i telligence, theSiVAVNUi Molnjm; New:-, .t liber- Ia) subscription schedule Inn* been arranged, j From the firs* of duly to the fir rof November, ! or from the first of August to the fir«t of Decem i her four monlliH inclusive-- -Hie different edi tions of the Morning News will be sent to sub scribers on the following ter m: Pait.v $2 f>o Tu Weekly J ’ r >o WEEKLY SO Tn the stirring times just ahead, the Morning News w ill be in the van of all it* content pora i lies in tie* extent, variety and freshnesa of i's ! intelligence. and its readers will 1 *se none of j tie* salient points of the campaign. ! Money may be wont by express at ths risk I and expense of the Proprietor, j Address J. H. KSTILL, 28-ts Savannah, Ca. ScRP«iiiUTRm I'Olf IW7’.‘. TELEGRAPH & MESSENGER. The campaign for 1*72 will be a gigantic and convulsive struggle. Nothing like tt has been since 1840, and in the momentum# and fundamen tal character of the issue involved, we trust nothing like it need occur again in the history of the United States. H o hope it w ill result, in the re-establishment of the foundation principles of civil and personal freedom and if# time-lion . fired muniments of the local independence of j the States of the freedom of the ballot ol the j impartiality of nubile justice of the integrity ol Fxcculive administration—of the inviolability of j the habeas corpus of the triumph of law and | the Constitution and in the complete victory o! j peace. concHiiation, national harmony and Iran j quility over the demon of discord, usurpation, tyranny, Imfred. amd the great moral and sec tional war proclaimed by Grant, Morton and Butler. In Georgia, however it, may be elsewhere, the rwuilt of this contest is not at all problematical; but an intense and overwhelming interest will nevertheless be fell in its progress and result, and the grand medium of informetion here will he the different editious of the Ti;LK<jif.vru ami Messenukr. TUB WEEKLY TKF.KORAJ’II AM)MKSBKNUKtt We ofTer to campaign subscribers from now up Ito the 12th of November for SI. It is the hit goat paper in the South, and will contain a com plete resume of the week In about fifty columns of leading matter. TUB BEMI-WKEKI.Y, For the same time, shall be sent for $1 25, and the OATI.Y TRLKOILVIH A\D M EPHENOKU To the 12th day of November for Three dol'ars. In all cases cash must accompany tin* order. It is needless to speak of those papers as the fojin* taine* had of all news, local and general, in this section of Georgu. Their reputation is too uni versal and wo j| established to require puffing. The regular price per annum is. Dully $10; Semi- Weekly $4; Weekly s:i J’uyuble in all cases in advance. Address, CLISBV, JONIvS & RKFSIO, Macon, Gii. Brocks Superior Court— MAY TERM, 1872, j William White, in rigid o| hU w .!'«•. ) Martha Ann Wliiu*, loim liy Mar Bill tha Ann Green, [ to Reform VS. j Deed. William Thomas and Ivy Thomas. ) it appearing the f-onrt that the defembmf . William Tin and Iv.v Thomas, resi. e beyond the jui infliction oflliis I’milt, Iti ordentl (hut ser\ fee he pei feef«»<l upon the said defendants by publishing this order in some public gu/.ette in this State once a month for four months imme diately preceding the next term of this Uourt. J. R: AUFX ANDICU, J. S. C.B. (’. A true extract from the minutes ot said Court, this June 20th, 1^72. je'JH tin S. W. BROOKS. Clerk. W. S. WATTLES, Harness Make.r„ | (Carriage painter nub (L i unnm, l|ui<mun, (Uorgla. i T ‘ prepared to make to order (’urriago and 1 Buggy Harness, Saddles, Bridles. Ac., and j Faint and Trim Carriages and Buggies, in any siyle desired, ami guaranteed to be equal to any I wot k done North or South. He la also prepared to do every description of Fancy Faulting, Signs, Ac., in a satis!autcry j manner. ; Ho will have manufactured to order any char* | ter of Buggy desired, and guarantee the materia i Trimming. Fainting, Ac., to be of good quulitv. j Thankful lor past favors, he solicits a oontinu -1 ance of the patronage of tin* public. Vii. Shop, at Ids old stand, on the corner op* i pos'te (.-apt. Brooks' store. March 22, 1872 12-1 y ME PLUS ULTRA, I W A IVKW (iLEE-BOOK, WITH I’JAAO A< CIMIMMMKM Price slspcr tlozen " Wherever FBI'S GUFF BOOK, has bet n ir.trodueed. it has ln-en pronoun | ced superior to all other works of its kind. It is largest, latest, finest, and only collection ot Now Glees uud Quartets, nearly all of which have piano accompaniments, ml lib. {simple 'copits mailed, post i«ri<l.for $1.50. J 1.. I>I2TEKS,S*M> Broadway N. Y Feb 11, 1872 lm S. S. MILLER, J'KALEH |\ # Muliegnnv, Walnut and l > im* r iff oatan^aaSo FRFNTH AND CUTTACK CHAMBER SETS A N’T) Ij oo /; * ft tj (ml a xxe x . Made to Order. 156 & 157 BROUGHTON STREET, Next to Weed A CornweF, S I VAXX.Iff GEORGIA Ft brnary 20. 1871. ly M. J. DOYLE. 2>KAt.KK IN Family Groceries, Liipiors Kritils, Vogutablos, Ac., Sole Agent for “John Taylor's Son’* Celebrated Brand Albany Ale. MARKET SAFARIS—East Side, SAVANNAH CEORCIA. Orders from the Couutry promptly at tend»*d to* * Jans-sm Miscellaneous. (t ENT’ri Fine t\ hitc Stiirtn. ut $1.50 nt X(l9 m i’AINK A IIAI.L’S K K K Koiiiiiion Kerosene Kills THOUSANDS YEARLY. W. M. Cl UD & CO’S ERiLLiANT PETYICLEUAS MAKES THOUSANDS Os Homes Happy, U&CACaK it IH Safe, m-mintU and Oiltiiuss WM. M. BIRD it (JO., SOLE PKOPRIETORS, Oil & Faint Depot. 8 Whitaker st, u|. :!i..] SAVANNAH, CA. 17tl.SK (’"--iinfirc MITI.S for 815.00. at—- i [l2if] ’ I’AI.NE A HALL’S. COOPER’S LEITIIER-STOtKlNfi NOVELS “THE KXIH KIMi MOM MUSTS Os I’EVIMOBK Uool- Kit AtIK IMS WORKS. WIIII.X THE I "A’K OK COt XI'KT CONTIM US TO I'Ut VAI1„ Ills MEMORY WIIX EXIST I-. THE HEARTS OK THE KEOKI.K. 80 TKUI.V I'AIRIOTIC AM, A merit: ax rm:ori;iioi:T. they ntiori.t> kivr a. I‘I.ATK IS EVERY AMBKICAx’S I.IKU.ARY.” Ihtlticl Webster. A New awl P-pitlar KlHioti CUMYIOIIIi COI'E!>'S WO»I.I>KAMOV'.H LfitlliFr - Stot-kiiiK Ronmncrs. I>. Ait'i.ktox A Co.unnoiimifi tlmt ttioy liavo commi’iß-oil tin: pubHcattoii ol J. I'i iiimoreCoop I*l s Novels, in a torw <1 ■ for none rat poll utin’ circiiliition. The series will bepSa with the liunous "l.eatiew Stoekinß Tates,” liv e in mim iier, Aihieli will l>e publi-lieil ill Die followiiijr order, at intervals oi uluiui it month: I. The I,ast ok the SI oil (fax*. H. The De.kiisi.aTKß. IV. The I’ioxkkrs 111. The I’athitxukr. V. The ITcaihik. ’I lii- edition of the -l.ealher Bi„ckinßt I ales” will lie printed iri tmndsoHie octavo volumet, from new stereotvpe idaies. Kueli viilinne su perhljißnil fully' iiln-Tmteil will, entirely new deslßns l>y tin* dis:lnsMi»lied artist F. (.:. Pm ley. and hound in an attraetive paper enver Pi be, titmity-l-irt: Uu ts /.er Volume, or $:'.,75 lot tin* compleie set. The , lies, when coluideted, will make, hound, an elejiant library volume, lot which binding eases will be turnished ala moderate price. PREMIUMS AND CLUB TERMS These club term# are flwigned especially tor towns where there are no local booksellers. Any person sending us the annnnt in advance for the complete set of the *: Leather-8 toe king Series,” $.1.75. will ** gratuitously a hand some steel engraved portrait of J. F< nlmore Cooper, ol size ini It abb.) lor binding in the vol ume. Any one sending os Iheauiount in full for four Ct*mplotH sets of this series (sls), will re ceive an extra set gratuitously, each set uecom p:\nied by the steel engraved portiait ot Cooper The volumes of the series will be mailed to each subscriber, post paid, as rapidly as published and the portrait immediately on the receipt ol the remittance. D. APPLETON & Cos.. Publishers; SFJ A >sl Buoadway, New York. THE PEOPLE’# PAPER! Tilts Siivaiiiiiili Advertiser Will be mailed to you Daily, ONE YEAR. j .jEO*Tho Advertiser publishes I As much Reading Mattel as any Fuper in the j State. 1 The Associated Dress DisputcheH and Markets. I .Specials from Atlanta and the Legislature. A W.’t'kly Commercial Review, elaborately e«un pil’d. And, in fact, is a thoroughly UYK, COMFRKHFNSIVK furnished at a price that has already given it Double the Circulation,, of any other Georgia Daily. Tri Weekly Edition $2 per annum. Twice a Week, One Dollar and a Half. JZ-8" A gen t s wanted. BKAKD 5. KIMBALL. Proprietor?, IJ— if Savitnrab, Ga. GEORGIA * HOME INSURANCE 00., OF COLUMBUS. Incorporated 1859. | Capital $358.0*0 Assets 468.000 J. F. BOZEM AN.'Fres’,. D. F. WILCOX. Secy. Ooniiuaes to furnish perfect security against loss or damage by fire on all kinds of insurable prop' erty at adequate rates. Agents cay be f')und a! every prominent point in the Southern States, to whom applications foi insurance mav be made Apply to JOHN TILLr^AfM. Agent at Quitman, Georgia. 4. 1872 l PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, C 01!. PRKSIDKNT ABEUCOHN ST., Savamiah, («-a. Trauseierfl and Permanent Boarders Received. DR. D. COX Would inform his old friends that he is now in his New Quarters, located as above, ami will strive to give satisfaction to gueete. Charge per Day, - - 82.00 July 11 v "d. I*HOFKWSION AL. Pic.fcssional. IITE SHAM. CONTINUE THE PRACTICE VV ol ,ft?r Our m-w office is at tin- rear «.f the new brick store. BUIOOS A .JKLES. March HI. 1871. i-T-ts _ ATTORNEY AT LAW, COIiXECBrmS AGEW!?, Alabama Stkki.t, AT LAN I A, GA I*, o. iinx 428. Janl2-tim \V. 0. BEIVNET, ATTORNEY AT I..WV. Q' i man, It s County, Ckoroia. TTTIEE GIVE OMI'T ATTENTION to all \ V Civil tiisiie- S intrusted to 1.'..- care. September 8, 1871. Da JAMES IJ. 11 LA TEH, Idfornni anb Counsellor atj’afo, QUITMAN, CA. «T«T- 01-HCB, IN THE CoriiT March i7. 1871. ly EDWARD It. HARDEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, QUITMAN, GEORGIA, f.ati * .in Assoriatf Justice Supreme Court t'Hit * ted States for "Vebraska ami Hah* REFERKNCEB : McKißop .1 Pprnguo, (Commercial Agency) X. Y< Messrs. Harden A: Levy, .Savannah. Hou. v R Jackson do. Hou. J. K. Alexander Thomasville. Ga. Messrs*. Hood A Kiddoo Cmhbert, Ha. Hon. David B. Harrell Hanson, Ga. Hon. Joatph K. Drown Atlanta, Ha. Hon. Dawson A Walker Dalton. Ga. Capt. John McMahon, Vice President Savings Bank, Savannah. Georgia. May 2«, 1871. 'T HL F. MABBETT, Jttorucn nub Counsellor ;it Yato, Quitman, Brooks Cos, Ga. January 0, IH7j. ly THOM AS AVER A, Justice of the. Peace, AND COLLECTING ACENT, QUITMAX GEORGIA Will give particular attention to all claims placed in his hands for collection, unit make prompt and proper returns of the same. March 24. 1871. PMf Miscellaneous.’ GARPENTERSj BUILDERS, And aU.Othem in need of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, 310L r LUi\£S, DLl\i) TEISMKK SASH WEIGHTS, ETC., Can always find a Large Stock and Low Pi i* e»at Blair <A Bickford’s, 1 71 Bay S t., SA VA NN A If, (; A« February 2. 1872. i in M. M. SULLIVAN, Dealer in SHAD. FRESH AND Salt Water FLsli, ' Vegetables, Fruits and Other Produce. ptr- All orders promptly attend* <1 to. Term Cash on Deliver) ."‘Vy Bavlane I Savannah, Ga. FOUTZ’S M & CKI.'-.UILaTED ** Horse ml Cattle PowHsfs. Tlmh .n .ti.Mi, 1..; c uml favoraM.vl hy •trcnjftheiiir»K and lie ; I MIU. « ar.., l '.ul^uch‘L d i.UM; D.\ KK. GI.AMMiUS. YKI.toW jw W ATKK, HEAVES. ( 0 Gii.s, |,is. . <3&\ TEMPER, FKVFUS. Forx I* Kit v l\\ w LOSS HE APPETITE AND VITAL r K.VKKIY, &c. Its use Imjjr'.vt -i vKYfT-i the wind, the \l ""W' intoafiuc U*oik inland it. Jl. p • t T > t- • of Cv» - »h*n j-- • i.-r ; H!K| Rijiii- ■=:.!; SttMl I *"*'. —i—t ln iuc;-< ..PC the \\W jjKjjJDquantity of milk :m*l cream twenty ! ’ !r ** n * »ud make the buuer tirra **■ " and sweet In fatten in « ..*ttN .it pD«* them an appetite, loosens their hide, and q. v y ■. j tlieai thrive much faster. r» all ilis«!tses of Swin», auch as Coughs, Ulcers In the Lung*, Liver. ,tc , Uiis article acts I .p. - 1 V half a paper to a paper in iv barrtift V f f w ilt the al*»vedb-uscs will k ~adj «*iA.n cited or entirely prevented. If given -Yj [\n in time, a certain preveutiee and y cure for the Hog Choltiu. **“— w W] ID E. FOLTZ, Proprietor, BAI, T z o HE. J . Far sail* by Druggists and Storekeeper* throughout the l uiteU States, Canadas aud South America. j"*J~ For alo in tjuiliuitn by Meters. Briggs. J elks A '* *o. no v 17-1 v jdn i vomk : VTLY :ul! t*\liously A: •*: | Change of Schedule J GENERAL STPERINTENLENT’S OFFICE,) | An an no and Gi:lf Railroad, > ! s;iv;mrmh. Junt* l.>. 1872. ) j ON AND AFTER M NDaY. Jum* l«th, Trains j on this Road will run as follows: EXPRESS PASSENGER. Leave Savannah daily at 4 30 p.m Arrive at Live Oak. daily at 2.. "> i Qnilman daily at 2.69 a.ui *• Tfeoinusville 4.30 am | “ Bain bridge at 7.16 a m *• Albany at 9.05 a.m j I.eave Albany daily at 6.20 p in \ ** Ihiiobridge daily at 050 p.m ] Leave Thoma vtile 9 55 p.m | ** Quitman daily at 11.25 p.m j “ Live Oak, daily at 1 1.30 p.m Arrive at Savannah daily at 10.00 a.m j Connect with trains on J.. P. and M. R. K., for j I and from Jat ksonville, Tallahassee, Ac. ! Nociiaug' of c.i:between .Savannah and Al- ! bany. j Close connection at Albany with Trains on j | South Western Railroad. ' ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. \ | Leave Savannah. Monday, Wednesday and Fri ! ! Arrrlve at Tobeauvßle, Monday, Wednesday and j Friday at. *. C 43 p.m | j Leave Tebeauvitle, Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- I urdav, at 5.00 a.m j i Arrive at Valdosta. Tuesday, Thursday and cattirday ut 10 10 u in i Arrive at Quitman, Tuesday, Tbuisday and Sat iurday at 11 55 a.m : j Arrive at Thomasville. Tuesday, Thursday and j Saturday at 1.45 p.ui i | Leave Thomasville, Tuesday, Thursday, nnd Sat- ; iirday. at 3.30 p m J j Leave QnPmun, Tuesday, Thursday and Sat-1 urday at 6 37 p ml [ Arrive ui V ftldoHta, Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- j | . iirday at 7.00 pin i (Lay over ut Valdosta theve night?, and) ! i Leave Valdosta, Monday, Wednesday and Fri i day al 5.30 a.m j Arrive at Savannah, Monday, Wednesday and j Friday at 0 40 p,m i IJ. S. JIAINES. ] [25 2w] Gen’l S.upt. j FURNITURE MOUSE, <ii rniAin, ti a. JOHN M. WITT, Cabinet Milker and jiikrlaki r. ]!... now on baml a fine lot of I? V R K A r X, BEDSTEADS, SAFE!. WARDROBES, WASH-STANDS, Wuci«OH ( II AIKS, Bo»r*.x HOCKEItS and iw prepared to put up to order— SECRET\RIKS, SIDEBOARDS, and <>rerylMn;j needed in tbe 1 urmture line, nnd ni any style rrquihd. An exp' rieneo «>f many years, justifti** him in iHhiiring the public that hi? work will jgi\ «• raPs* faction in ev«*ry respect ; andl prices will cor * where, with this important advantage to the pn - chaser : every piece of Furniture leaving his es tablishment wilt be warranted. ■ {{(‘pairing done with ueatne?s and dispatch. | Coffins promptly forwarded lo any Sta tion on the Atlantic and Gull Railroad. JOHX* IVX. IVXTT. j Quitman, Gi , Feb 1*72. V ‘-U • e* -z w 1 Ultf jjvi S»s (rtW/w/ol J,| w I ► . <l l I I *1 \ TV. <; .A. rjnUEuudem:. o N ave f >i :- <j a cop.artuer- SL ship, under the firm name of Sireety & Avrett, I for the purpose o. conducting a General 'i inware and Sieve bmdne-s. and will nlwitya keen on ! hand as full sto, ks n- the nccosifles of trade de mand. We-w ill Keep fu 1 soppHes of Cooking; and lieu!iug Ntuve ami all other articles in the line »f otirbutrim**. | Tinware us cvetv clwmeter w ill be Kept (in band, and n.atmm-d ... order: and r. pai.ine tis e(erv drscripti’iti w ill lie promptly attended j to. \\ . are uK ipn pared t l ' pn up (l -ilLTh''-, Valle,», K> oiiiir, in,, „,|,»Uullul mamier ’ and on an i vnroiialilu terms as it can be done ai tbe South. ii 1 public. T. I. STKKKTV. OKU. W. A.VUKTT. i’ebntary 2. I 72. • m B. G. WADE, miOKKiS, and Cenitnis’ou 3iei‘c*liaiit, ‘-'S.-. 5 viv, Sd. W"-’ '!■■■ Ku: ' ,-e VV nnd .Sale Real i.-' o and Fer&on and | Froperty, oi every fWscripi on. for the purchase ol Cotton prompt | ly attended to. December S. R7l. f ! EIBBOWS, MILL'.NE? Y & . 3RAW G3ODS, 1872 ALSO in tr. G ■ ks, tt-e. ARMSTRONG, CATOH & CO, Bonnet, Triinminu'. Neck md S.t'sli RiHbont*. V. I vet Ribbons N«*ck I b-s. Bonmo Siks S nins, Velvets and Cs apes. Flowed, l- eu'hers, Ornaments 1 rames, *e. Straw JW net> ami Ladies’ and Children's Ilat>. trim and and mu rim'd. And in counecling warehouse. White Goods, lliießs, Eaibrolderie-, bare- \rb Collars, Setts, lldk'L, Veiling. H« ad Nets. ac. No’s 2i>; and 253 Baltimore street, BALTIMORE, : : : MARYLAND.! Mi- ore lumufaetii.rd by U 0 or ! bought h i cash direetlv from the European and ' American MauulucUireis. embracing all the lat- ; est novelth-s. unequalled in variuiy and cheap- ! ness in any market. Orders filled with care, promptness and die-. patch. mals-lm AGENTS WAXTED EVERYWHERE. G. G. EVANS $ CO., Great Original and onlv Reliablel LIFT BOOK E.\ TER PRISE, I llh Year of its Eelc.iYmfimrnt ! >6 Chestnut Street, and 56 N. Eighth Street, ; PHILADELPHIA , PA. BKILLI ANT AT LR AOTIO NS f r IS7I! New Books! New Gifts! Ne v At tractions ! We will send you any t ook published in the Cntted States, with a Gift, on receipt ot the l'«bUsher> price. Beware of Imposters, as many are i>sing tV name of Evans, and be careful to direct your letters properly. z*?' i 'nr complete Classified Catalogue for ?s7l (..i warded *«n ot -mnip. St c i for it’ Sentiforii! apr7-$m HOTELS. THE Wmm HOUSE, Ql ITMAX, (I *. J. R. Edmondson, Prop’r. No pains will be spared by the present pro pi it !< •r, to r<-?;:; i the well earned reputation nnd patronage of this popular house of entertivinmen The labhs will b- supplied wiih the very ln>t il;e n:,u k* ’, u-ili furni-lij ti e chambers will be k> p? i- a and comfortable; anul attentive wai-ers will be in attendance upon guests. The patronage of the public i* respectfully solicited. rir Chas ges Reasonable, "©g .-Ipril 12, l.'-72. 10-ts m • v m a a I k I1 2 < Ml AII A A s 583 ass «&a 3e a abw m w 3j. QTTIT3IAjSr, GA. D. V. MSI ’/A,.. Proprietor. rglill.S Hotel i- now (pen for the entertainment' 2. oft he public. Permanent and Transient Boarders, v. :! be received and cured for oil rea sonable terms. 'I he house is located in the Hontbeast Section of the town, and was occupied lust year, by Mr*/ Jenkins. 'Mu* Proprietor will Like every pains to make geests comfortable and .happy. lie sol»'-i!» the patronage of the public. February 9, tl-tl MMMMT .SOUS.EA MLRRiCK BARNES, Pitorintrou, < or. Pine mul Anri son Sis. Albany, Georgia. Poli?" m-mints. Contort of Guests stu »- ously reg hiEml. il ks ready to carry Paa»fni g«*rs to and from Ik*pot. November 4. D 70. 6m* MmiA LL WM%. Savannah, Ga. A. 12. LlTi'), Froi»V. Board perl)ay, $3.00. T- Tie 1 friends Mr. D. O. NOE are notified that he i- mow connected with this house. Sept ember 15, 1671. 3m Miscellaneous. SS-' as ?*ja Aletalie Burial Cases, A N D Burial Caskets ! The m and . -i.:m and noliliew the public that h r 1 he sue --j ,1 tomi j.m of •he l mi; riukor’s bu.-ii ec? f ' tvie-a re-. .-d lie- \ for tho hale ot tluJ • 1 i-U > '•!<•:: t o Hurial Casts and ('as :• .oid the vv.r.e v.iil be *ll4l al regular Un ll<‘will nl>*» keep on hand silver plated bau , dies and inoi:utine>. wliich ciui he substituted' for the rnetulic handle-, etc., in a few minutes . ' • etis of miiig ti.wus can b,e sup' pil'd promptly withauv de-crintion of tict* and •• Mivd. TeiiO', CAFII «,n deliverv. JOHN'.M. WITT, Agent. Quitman. July 11. 1871. 28-ly fpH I Tea'ii \ i'oiiit- ' i Wood’s Hoi skho! n 1 Ma*»\x nl begins wiihJJaunary '72. It i.s edio-d by Ga IE PM '•!I.S. S. W« ;’d. Ul.d H. \ . , ■ 1. _ti Oil C. n ,*ibu:.ira 11.os. .• Gredv, Gail Hm iiten, The..-. | iv. Beecher, Dr. Dio la wis. Dr. W. W. Hail, •lames Paitoir, " . lh<niet iWcbvr fcT«w e, Brick p. meroy. .J- ho C. \i.\e, Msj. Genl Kii patriek. Petruleaui V. Na>bv. etc., write for It •'•ra.-Mumllv. T.-rm . Dm- Dollar a year, in ! bibbing, thre. fii -t pciiodkal*i are given i tor tbe p. ice ol one of them. The i U ..,i libernl j Premium List ever pahlhhed. No periodical is more f«. qm idly or lavorab! mentioned by the | press. -Wood , ih u . h-'d' V ,-.r/ir:e is one of Ida* nio«wneni> ol but-;..- enterprise which | mark the aye.”- ih • • Jumnal, i'hil ilclpbia Pa. **lt has beeu Improving ever ince we km w a gs od critei inn ter the lu nmrvel (»f chei; im— and quali'y con*- biued.' Xn. )< :! tin.;*. Speciiucucopy sent ! free to any address. F. F.‘ WOOD A CO., Newburgh, N Y. tIDOFI.YG, T|- W. J V ll .VrK I MI’IMV ED A SUES T 0 S R 00 V I X G. Finer PiiEMiru (Mi mi.) awaujkh i.v I.'TO, and' iviWIIAt'O " v <7 I."::; CATt 11. M THE AMERICAN* l.vsrin :r»is lc7i. a? “Th:-: BFST A KTIi-LK rv Trre MAIvKE , Th«» •• A.-10-r-'os i»; a hitMATifid'awl reliibe* matera iK v. hich can be mi rely used ill place of Tin, olate..Ac., oa *kvp and fiat roofs, in <tl clrm.dc> 1 •- . 1 on t!;e roof with t!i-’ •‘A-'be-tos L’oof Coating.” prepared n-idvfor use. [Also vai mtde for resfnrtngold Tin. Shin pie add other roots ] ft is proof against burning sparks and cinders, and c;r» be easily und cheap ly transported and applied. Also, manufacturer ol A-bcsf >s Boiler Felting R • Bng and >h» thing Felts. Boiler Seale Pr*> venfative. ,4cid Water and Fire-proof CompOfri i: 1 if A* .. .ted dealer »n Ashestoe, .-Ib ph;>Uui2i. and roofing material*. Descriptive [ph;. Price lists, terms to dealers. *. c.. f>\ mail. [E-mbliehed in ISs>.] If. W. JOHNS. mar29-3nj] 78 William st., N. Y. faWble IS BOOKS, Mailed, post-pam. ■ •of Marked Price Peters' Eclectic P. School (1 -dth edition) S3 25 Warra’i's Gi.irar Scr-... 1...' ] 50 Peters’ M-h M--: 1 1 50 No Plus Dili a Glee ii -k 1 50 > ui? Ev ho. Containing over ICO songs... 75 Peters* Parlor Companion, for Flme and Vic.lio 2 00 Peters’ I‘arlnr Companion, for Flute, Vio lin and Piano 3 00 Peters' New and hn]*t^v<-d Violin Method 75 5. ?• -*•■■■>•:-.j-, 75 Itcller's Flu*e ivThout a Ma.-;er 7o New Year's Ere. At'nntata tor children. 50 Sbming Lights. A collection sacred soogs, 2 «*i Vagic Circle. Eas> Piano Music. 2 no Add re* .1. L. I > ETTR«. 500 Broadway. New Y. Send 30 cents for a sample copy of Peters’ Mn.-i --ca' 3ioctb-y an i y . •* > ’ get z- least Si worth ot n- -Ic. * ~ [ma. -’J-.m