The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, November 29, 1872, Image 2

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QUITMAN BANNER. QUITMAN: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29. 1812 Death of nn Aged Clflavn. We are culled upon this week to re cent the death of an aged, useful and ; highly respected cit'Z"n of Georgia— a ; patriarch who U'lieM the dense forests j of his native State (rive way before the j advance of civilization and p'oarress, un til she attained the proud distinction ol the “Empiie State of the South,” The deceased, Jkmk Wade, was born j in Green county, in the year 1193, and died in Fierce comity, twelve tni!c« from R'aoksliesr, on the morning o( Tuesday, November 20th, 1872, aged seventy-nine years, lie wm a high- ; toned, honorable, and Christian gentle man, respected hy all who were privi leged to know him, and In hie death the j Stole has lost one of her most faithful sons and best citizens. fie was a school companion of the distinguished "Sage <>t Liberty Hall," « companion on the hunt of the Celebrated David Crocket in the wilds of Tennessee; he has participated in the "com dance ' arming the wi >wams of the Cherokecs, and “smoked tlie pipe of pence” with the aborigine *of his cmmtiy. The de ceased led nn eventful lilc—took lor his guide the "go'deh rub”—aid Inis gone down to the grave full of years, honored ••id respected. The remains of Mr, Wad* wre bronght to Qnituinii tiy the A.lantic mu', Gull ltn Iroad on Inst Wednesday morn ing, and interred in onr cemetery on the evening of the same day. Jlfguiescal in fxnr) lion. A. Il> Slejiliens for Senator. Gen. .1. B, Goidoti appears to ho the favorite with the press hit Georgia (or l' S. Senator. His patriotic, honorable and consistent career, during and since the W»r, has endeared him to the masses We admire him for l<is many virtues — and although we concede that ho is h great and good man, and Would be grat ified to learn that his valuable services to the State and South, were suitably recognized, ncvi rthelesa, candor compel Is ns to give it as our humble opinion, that lie in not tin- man to succeed lion. Joshua Hill in the U. 8. Semite. At this par ticular time it is Very important that Georgia should be represented in the Senate by ugi nth man of towering in tellect—by one thoroughly conversant With the history ol the government nhd Constitutional law —by ohO Whom even the enemies of our section respect, and who they arc forced to coucedu ranks among the Wisest statesmen of tlit; age. We rider to the “Sage ol Liberty IJall" the Hon. A. H, Stephens is the man for the present crisis; and we heartily agile with the LaGrangc Reporter, that there is not a man in all Goorgiu who would be likely to exert u greater influence for good to the South, Temperate, calm and deliberate in the expression of his views upon all questions affecting the public Interests, but firm and inffi x bR* in his adhesion to whatever he believes to l*o right, he would wield a great and powerful influence upon the Senate floor He is known all nvtr the world ns a con servative thinker, l>y all men capable of diseiiaiinatiug between truckling sub acrxiciicy to false ideas of policy and the ■my adding mnlntainunoo of sound prin ciples. tie late political campaign, no man stood firmer to principle than Mr. Sti phens. The results have shown the wisdom of bis position, and his pro phetic calculations us to those results, 1 made early in the canvass, have been verified to the letter. Mr Bli phens is nut n mcro politician, but liu is a statesman of tliu most pro found wisdom, with a mind so logical as lo he capable of divining coming politi cal events almost with entire certainty Upon the Senate floor, his quick mind and discriminating analysis win and ena ble him lo giasp at one every movement ot political tricksters and expose duplic ity in every term. His clear, ringing, clariou voice would lie listened to at ten lively by Ids strongest opponents ami most unscrupulous toes; "tu! no man I from the South could claim more of nn- : tinrinl attention and consideration. If it alicuM he the wisdom of the Log- i islatme to confer the h nor of Uniltdi States Senator upon Mr. Stephens, we l ave n > doubt he would at all {times be in his place, notwithstanding Iris phi si ca* j, fii tnativi s, and no man would stand tlierc In the Senate Chamber more of a giant Contending for the l ight than he. I.cWirk A Bates' Music. Wo have re ceived tr> in the well known Music Hons, of LtidJrn A Bales, Savannah, three very fine pa ci ans Piano music, of their own j public.tin n, to witi "Beautifulßelles Pol- ; ka,” "Spotted Tail Polks,” and “Gov Bingham's March.” They arc splendid pi. es, aid llte typographical ex-cut ion is admirable. Messrs. !.addon & Bates ■ are i Xtensive dealers in Musical insttu ntents aid every description ot music, and we c> rnniend them to those in need of such arlichs as genth men wcil'y of their General Amnesty. A Washington dispatch t'>the Ba'ti nrinre Sun says that the Piesident, in his annual message, will recommend the pannage of a bill by Congress removing all the dis ibiiities 'trip te and by the third section nl the f'Oitccnih amendment to the Gnnstitiitiori. fie will take the ground that as the amendment does not ; exclude the Italict, but only imposes i disabilities to hold ”i fSce upon certain | persons, tlieie is n.) good reason fur dis fianchiaemcrit of that kind m roly be-i ctinae ll ey were, before the rebelion, <J | stuntling and charneter enough to be j ! elected to edicts requiring them to take j ian oath to support tlie Constitution. In ■ I Itis Ust message lie suggested that if j j (hero were any persons distinguished | j above nil Others for tin* part they took in | ‘-the rebellion they migttt be excluded, I but now he propose to include crery ibody. —— The New Congrt'Sl. ; The impression seems to prevail that the law requiring Iho new Congress to 1 meet on the fill of March immediately ! upon the adjournment of the old Congress, passed January 22, 1801, is still in force, and the next Congnss will therefore meet on the 411 1 of Match next, ihis is not the case however, »s tlie act of Jan uary 1807, requiring the session to be- : gin on March 4th, was repeuled in April last year, :rt the first session of the pres ent Congress. Too new Congress will not meet until the first Monday of De comber, 1873, utiles sooner called to gether by Lhc President in < Xtraord : nary session. Lacua Fair. This, it will be remembered, killed Col. Crettendon, <jf j California, Jw«s tried and sentenc'd to |he hung, but ,[oi> a subsequent trial, a jufy ef{twelve igrroramt men set her i free. Oa the 22(1 inst., litis woman an neunerd that she would, on the evening of said day, deliver a lecture in San Francisco, on "Wolves in the Fold,” which almost created a riot. Some two thousand people assembled in front ol her residence, many threats were indulg ed in, but the police protected the fra 1 and impetuous woman Com violence. The lecture, of course, was indefinitely postponed. The Pint form for IS7<|. j The New York Stiu is determined to bo prepared fi r the in xt Presidential | campaign. It is foremost in the field with the {following platform, under the j head i “Issues nf the next four years' , campaign.” Here it is ; “1. No centralization. No extension of the functions ol the Federal govern ment. ‘ 2. Congress and the President lo be deprived of all excessive and iinauthor ized powers assumed during and since tire war. and to be brought back within tbo limits of the Constitution. "fi. The Slabs to control their own affairs, and especially their elections. ‘ 4. Reform ot tire civil service. “5. Restoration ot specie payments, ‘ G Revenue reform—all internal tax es to be abol’shedj the tariff lo be put on a revenue basis. “I. Only one term for the President. : "8. No re-election of Grant in 1876." i Ir.r.EflAt. Vt tins,—-The Macon TvluGrnph says that a negro was sent to the peni- j teutiary for one year at Cuthbert Saperi- j or Couit lft»t week, for illegal voting—l he sworo lie hail paid bis poll-tax when I tbo books proved the contrary. If allot 1 his color who amused thou selves the same way at the last two elections in | this State were served in a similar man I nor, Grant, Alexander & Cos. woo'd j 1 soon command it large army. I Coincidence—A woman writing to the ■ Missouri Republican calls attention to j the tael that the burning of Chicago arid the Michigan fires occurred on ti e sixth j anniversary of the burning of the Shen andoah Valley by Sheridru, with {troops I mostly composed of Michigan and 1 li uois regiments. The Boston fire began [ on the 10th of Novi tuber. On t! e 10th ! nf November General Sherman issued j liis order to burn Rromo and Atlanta. The solid men of Boston scornfully re; et j all lendt rs of aid in rebuilding their city ! They have abundant menus of their own, ’ and will come under obligations to no i | individuals or cities. This, remarks tin- j ; Richmond Whig, dot s not exclude help : Irotn the Gov< r innent, in the way of an ' net to repeal all duties on all articles ! necessary for building. Under an act I i I this kind, they can import, duty free, enough material to build a half dozen ] 80.-tons, A Reverend Mr. Robert on, if Louis vide, has been found guilty of drunken ness. incontinence and lying, and has been degrad'd. The mean scoundrel,! after denying that he had criminal eon-I nection with a veiled woman in a sleep ing ear, bad the tffiootery, on the trial to declare that he was the innocent vic tim of a wanton's smiles, was tempted and fell By his own confession, Robert son is the meanest man in America, - Pardon of a Ku Ki.t X -Ruben G. You' g, of Alabama, sentenced to ten years iu the Albany penitentiary, has been pardoned on the petition of citizens The policy seems to be a pardon when neighbors apply. A MIRACLE. Of* J.ADY OF L I’RDFS THE DEAF AND j M*MB The correspondent of the N- w Y -rk Herald, who was at Lourdes during the I lecent religious pilgyimngw there, relat- s the following stc ry : While \ was slnnding nmffng Mm filt ers I Was eye-witness to one of the funs! 1 extraordinary events it has been my du ty to record. Mass was going >n, and [diseased people were being eavrird 1" the pool lorn I'd, as I have already ex plained, by the rush of the miraculous , spring Irotn the Grotto. Two girls in ; peasant costume pushed forward to get j near the water. One was a'lnoat idiotic ! looking; she was h atting on the arm of the other, who with difficulty tried to j clear a passage lor her afflicted eompan | ioe.. A gentleman by my aid' , pereelv— j ing it was her intention 1 1 moke he the i pool, spoke to her and asked what was the nature of the disease that her triend or s'st* r was suffering from. “Bhe is deaf and dumb,” replit and the, girl, "and we have com • nil the way from Buis to see if she can’t be cored by Notre Dame de I. uid< », for slut ii an orphan.” The ilii|iiiie*, touched wthj the speaker’s simplicity. volunteered to clear a way for them, ti lling'tlto leader | to follow him. 1 stood ao ne do lance ; i from the pool, and the pressure oft cj people was'an gretit that I got divided ! from the Blois travelers, and ditl not set' | the deaf and domborghan immersed, but j I somo ten minutes after the above dia [ legne had been exchanged in my leu ' ing it loud shout of joy arose in tin j I crowded mass of lt< It hlers. and it w s . ! followed by a Vice la Noire Dame <!*’: [ fjourdea!" Mat ran like wi dfirc through j | every ear and month pr •soul) to b eeltoed l*y the moil ituins a onml. j I mod all my strength to teach He: I non! and stood hy the girl from IVo'H. I whose deal «ml dimih charge Was m, j h tiger by In r aide. She was as pa'easi death. “Where isyom fi lend? I ask-d Tie y have carried her into the gfotto to the bisle-p." ••Why?" "Stee is cured. ’ j 'Cured! 1 A p-e'a'e then atutit- his way I up to onr knot ol eager questioners. ".My elti’il, lull mo what you hsvc aeon,”; lie ashed kindly. 'Mo-seigneur,” re— j plied t o poor gill, governing her tm * tion, “wt- cnine from 11 ois yesterday tot ask Notre Dame de Lourdes t“ cure my friend, and wi cm we got lo the p ol I helped her put Iter In tid under as ii.lielt water as I Could pour ovet it, and made her drink a glass. .Site Seine dto hear all at once. A good gentleinan, who noticed site looked cot.fused at s me noise, in dinstood sir was getting sounds in Iter ears, and, taking hold of Iter said she was te say after him the words Vice Notre I lame tic Low <tc.-!’ at and my fraud to I pea ted, I'.i.i: Notre Dame dr Lourdex! 1 when pii S'ill !y all the prop e standing! [round is slmotid out the same • words, and my friend was frightened,] j lull the genth man eart h and her iu liis 1 arms away from me ti. tin* railings of! j the grotto, which 1 lit* pi ii St s insitle open- 1 ; t and, ami site is it.side now.” ' it is a miracle,"said the piei ile Tlie news hud now spread all over the place. People tamo running down ah [ the pall.s to have a view of tlie giiis 'tee Notre Dame dr. l.nurih .</” was tlie I uuivi'i ml shout. Olliers knelt hi silence j 1 pushed on to the railings and saiv i Mint the sacred child \va- sui rounded tiy [ fathers and priests. One ot them sail; I she Could lint understand the sense ol : what was sp.-keu to her; but she could! bring out the words told her, as a par [ rot would. Tiiis, of course, is a natural! ; i fleet ol deafness. To aver that tlie girl could tail; Would |be a gross imposition, as, never having j ; lien id a tinman voice, she could no more understand it than a new-born babe; but' | the miracle of tiaarmg amt of utleiiiigl sounds hud taken place for all that. ; Talking will be acquired by Imbit. I ! will letinin trout mentioning anything 1 1 j did not see. Other miracles were re-; ported by eye witnesses that day at the Spool; 1 will not mention them. 1 can j [ but certify that the incident told as above ; . Isl us true as that 1 am relating it, and j | as those wtn have fallen on this Column ! are at this moment leading it. 1 was greatly rn veil, and looked up ; i to tlie T' uks ol Mne-abicfle with a tool ing akin to awe; and, thinking of these ! tilings, 1 retiirin and to tin* hospice, where l 1 sinit myself up in the dormitory to get throng i the beginning of tins correspon [ donee. Then' w.s no inducement to gn ■ out: tlio lain redoubled and mine down ; now pmuiiig, swelling till' siroatniets on ! the slopes aion and, ; The \\ a: teuton Clipper says : i Tlie St ei ill of Glascock contey, nndet , instructi n li"in Judge Tivnrgs, arrested ! David \\ . Armour, Edwin 1-1 Stubbs Jasper N St B lilts, lb in us P Riley and; | Goui'go \V. Gumming, tit'zeim of Wash i ingt'in coni ty on Tlinrsduy, 14th ins*., ion nil affidavit clanging lln nt with tin- ! i murder of Rub- n Armour, of Gtuseoek | [county, and brought them to this p nee! 'whine they li'tiiaiiied imli! Sunday ! morning, when tin y were Irunsfe.tvd to i Sandersviile, Washington count}*, fir a hearing b- turn Judge Twiggs. Ti eii ! are conflicting rutnora as to who killed! Mr Rills'll Armour; one account charges i : it upon a Mr Barge and some negro s. ■ and another charging it tip n David W . Armour and those arrested m itli h in. Mcrdf.r wili. Oit. —ln 1871 the house !of Miss Rii tiiiid', n lady ut Gre nsboro, \ Ga., was destroyed by fir ■, and her clfur red remains were found in the rii'es. A lew days since a negro . fieri and a watch, whicti was recog >zi and as ll.if puipi rty ot Miss Riciiards, f r s Me. Tlie Gtei iislio ru’ autliorilies have t*ie negro under ar rest. Tlie Savaioiah Nette says that SSOOO dollars has been expendid by the gov ernment in the prosecution of citizens ol ttiis State, for alleg' and violations of the Enforcement act, and yet nut a true hi!! was returned by the Gtand Jury lecent iv in session in Savannah. Fire in Millsil.evllle. V.-rilv the bread sky seems to be on fi:C. llininc into the nil' with showers (if sparks, and roll!' (f. one above the nth or, ttie flame of the Boston cm flaeration j seen s to sproai! out its tributary tongue and lick the bricks and stonp. of even i citv The winds tiave harried the living | flakes away to settle like a storm of flee- j cy snow, now In the North, now in the , Bast, and just now in the South. Mil' ledgeville, the nocient capital, has been singled out to suffer for Georgia Be fore day. mi the not sing of the 2'2d. the ! lurid tiege which had < Vet spread the j sky houtided forth with the strength efj j a maddened tiger and roared with the i voice of a demon, ns it ran riot through ; the gaps made in her crumbling walls, j Nor was is I nngci Sated until seven ! stores had been devoured; and then it I sank into a fitful flashing light; a do'l -moke tiling upon the rim, as if to hide j from theey sos heaven the blackened : heap Nothing left but a dull and diea jrv blank—a sifiolifdering heap of dust and aslies-—(lie sdeuce and solitude of I utter destruction. Wrapped in a common fate were the Milfedgeville Hotel and Newell If ail. The choicest morse! of the town was chosen for the revel, where stores an guilds arid peopl • woie the thickest .No weie toe clonches sacred. The Eptsc*' [oil was on lire once, t e Baptist and tin Methodist several times and naught bn the wri siting of despairing men couli have sav* and them. But the saddest incident is the logs < 1 human life. ffninun | roperly Can be re p'aeed, but tilth) 111 life cannot. We learn that three |)ersotiß who were in the Ho tel, a woke that moiuiug to facr; "the trialsof fire,” and perished in the flaaies Two white men and a negro—one of thorn a N w Y* rk rlrnni'i er—mill, sail dec still, we loam that ataong the half dressed figures, tee ring to and fro, it while lady, a Mrs. Dagget,crazed by t e sight ol her a'i I liming in the hotel, fed dead amid 'lie noisy shouts aid cheers from (tight And the b rrib'e excitement -- iSal) J!‘/niblu:an. p tr rKi!»' X ii, VoNTnr.v cenrpleteg its Tenth Volume with tint ItrcVluber mniiter, und it ia iliung Iff. balers hut -inijrie justice to slate rhal bis excellent maeasine is improving w ith age It was yooil yearg aga when it 8m made its uo lieni ance, and if Ims lieen steadily improving until the pi-sent dine, when it can only be pro iionneedp/rfect. amt indispensaliie to every lov r r ot music. The Deromher nnmher pr ci-M't cents, con tains three ImHsiilf*. a t.'tirisMnas Snujr, an An (licin. n ' cm-Imini i’ie-e. as played at Thomas’ Orcbesttal Conem Is. and three splendid i’lsno I’ieces. any single pin <■ being worth in sheet-music form more than Mr.l'eterfl a-ks for the entire lot (Jiving sh much rco.’h/pood voiie for each a -mail sum. it is no wonder that I’t rKi.s 'dSUM. Movrur.V lias hosts of friends among our music loving people Those who have seen it will, vs course, runtnv Iheir subscription for the coming rear; others, l-ss f.irtnnate. should send tile l*uh iisher. J. 1<- I’ktkus. s!i» lfroudway, New York, SI, Ands- lire the last four iminfuTS ax sample copies, or S3 lor a year’s subscription Mn-ks nlid l-'aces. bailies who tna-k Iheir faces and necks with ena uds endanger their health to no purpose. The plaster work ires nobody. There U hut one article known which will restore o Memisb*d complex inn or create external brilliancy ’ and bloom where they have never heretofore existed, and that article is Haovs's Maukoi.ta Bai.m. If per forms this toilet miracle by infusing vitality into the skin. The floral and herbal juices ot which it is composed genllv gtimulnte the eircuhVion in the minute blood vessels, and brace the net work of nerves through which they pass. Thus quickened and strengthened the external cover ing soon acquires a fresh anti healthful hue. and every trace of aallowness disappear*. The pal est cheeks derive from the beautifying baptism of this delightful cosmetic a wanner hue, and the arms, hands ami neck a blonde I’sire which the charlatans, who protoss to make ladies' beau tiful forever" with their poisonous cement, cat) never hope to imitate. r.-n- $ I,(H>O Reward will he paid by the pro. prietor of Dr. Bierce’s <-.Hen M-dieul Discove ry for a medicine that will equal it in Curing se vere and lingering coughs, Bronchitis and all diseases of the lungs. A negro witness in trial at Macon evvoro 1 1 1 :t his own daughter wna a wo man if bad cbaiaoier. Wh-rcup-n t wus proven that the bitb-r was guitty of bigamy, and placed under arrest. Hancock, who kill'd Utley in Decatur county in 11)66, and who was sentenced to the Penitentiary for life, recently died in the Lunatic Asylum ot this Slate He was a confirmed maniac. Old Joe Biireli. a in gro ol Hawkins visits, lost his wife, and George Rawls Wile is made a grass widow, all by means ol the Li> vri.i i rnigialion busi ness. The Savannah Fair, we learn fr m He Savannah pipers, lias been postponed until ihe 30ib ol December, oil are utn of the hors;: disease prevailing in bat city. ‘Chilli laities tide lliall-lusuiou?" links the llome Journal It is such a delicate question that w- can’t undertake to an swer it, though it might be interesting to see >t tried. Capt. A D. lit ckaVlow, a well known Atlanta character, w is Sentenced to wn year’s imprisonment in Hie p'-uii> uii-ii > in Fulton Superior Court on Wedmsdiv. loi larceny fter a fust delegated. IL colleeted S6O lor a Iriend of bis, air charged SoM is Ids fee. JUu’ Stlmfiscmcntsu Cry ArS X. 1 OVETT. J. U BllV AX Lovett Sc Bryan, QUITMAN, GA. INVITE tho atien'ion of thepub tic to their stock ot 110 CIJMIES.AjfUizM Tobacco, Liquors, Ac., Ac. Which tbeysoffer for sale at very low prices for : (.ash, in tho brick store on Depot street, south !of the *• Hooker building.'* They will keep con s'airily supplied wish the best quality ot Family Groceries. and solicit the patronage of the pub lic. In connection with this establishment is a fiS *Sk R. Where will be kept the very best qualities of Liquors. Wines. Cigars, etc. >'nr ;« tin-' are Ca -h. November ‘3 1-72. i>m New Advertisements. TO THE LADIESr MRS. C. h7 WILSON, BBESSHffiiSES. EES I* EOT FULLY informs the citizens of! Quitman, that she lias just received, by Ex- J press, direct from New York, a ot the very latest Patterns of Winter Styles, comprising every style now worn. French Basque Polonaise. Spanish Carton Drooping S.tcque. Walking Dresses. Trail Dress es. Evening Party Drones, Overskirts of every design, as well as Childrens’ Dresses id every variety. The above pattern# lave all been cut with great care by the most fashionable bouse in j New York, and comprise every novelty of the j season. Presses made at thfe shortest notice. Drones . Polonaise and Sacques cut and fitted. Door to Mr. Thrasher’s residence, i on Screven Street. Quitman. Ga., Nov. 28, 1872. 48-lm j Administrator 5 s Sale, j IS PURSUANCE with an order from the Hon- j orable Court of Ordinary for the county of Lee, granting leave to sell the Land# belonging > !o the Estate of Jacob Moore, deceased, will be j -old on the First Tuesday in January, 1873, be- ; tore the Court House door at llomervillc, in linch County, during the legal Ivors for sale, j Lot of Laud Number four hundred and ninety -ix (49f>.) in the .Seventh [7] District of original ly Appling, now Clinch county. Terms of Sale, Cash, purchaser to pay for ti He*. C&ARLBs B. HITT, Adm’r. i November, 22, 1872. 47-tds W C. WILSON, WATfHMIKER & JEWELER. QUITMAN, GA. Will give hi# special atten ' ten lion to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry | From many years expert wV \ ’yjMl j <*nce as a Watchmaker, in Eu j rope and America, he is ui -»' ‘/ ” |[ ' surpassed in this .State. H^ZAapy/ j psr My charges are very ; re 1 and satisfaction j juarantiwd. I Office, next floor, east, of Captain Brook’s* store, on Screven # reel. 47 3 H I, -i IIIJI IM K. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Maiiinßiauunna PIANOS. ORGANS, , ! MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and MUSIC New, Hint Book Paper. Cards and Card Board. Bill Heads, barge Stock of Flat Papers ,Vc.. id. *jP“.tgenls for Malher-’ Printing Inks-. ! Retail House 137 C'ongre BStreSt Wholesale Ilonso 93 Bay streot, Snvannali. La November 22, 1372. 47 If Homes end Notice. STATE OF GEORGIA, Brook# County, Court of Ordinary. WILSON J. KING having applied for exemp i iion of personalty and netting apart anti valnu- ] | tion ot HonMuteud. I will pass upon hi# peti- j I tion at my office in Quitman, at II o’clock, a. in. j I on the 2d day of December. 1872. j Given under my hand and official signature j this November 20, 1872. 47-2 t Jamils L. Bflatv, Ordinary. SALT! SALT! SALT! WE HAVE LANDING T n Thousand Sacks , LIVERPOOL SALT. : For sale by Cur Load, or less, at lowest mar ; kot rate. HOLCOMB;, HULL & CO., Snvann:.!», f.n. I "NINE Black Broad Cloth, hr $1 10 per yard, o llt PAINE* HALLS. i Wiluayi C. Stalky-. 11 dux A. Stalky. Atto:ney at Law.) Notary Public JOHN A STALEY & SONS, Brokers and Auction ers, Ofll .e : No. lilll Bav street, SAVANNAH GEORGIA, TT r ILL BUY AND SELL Ileal Estate, Y i!d W Lunds, anti Personal Property, j Strict attention will be given to all busmen | ! ntrusted to ns. out2;VOn j MUSIC BOOKS AS HOLIDAY PRESENTS, Scut, Post Paid, on rereipt ol iiic Marked Pi ice. ! We can recommend tbo following Vocal CoV-i j lection of choice Piano Song*: ••Shining Lights," ; | (Sue red Songs): **G"Uleu Leaves.” Vo is !. and | II.; • Dearth ami Home.' ‘-Fireside Euhoe-.' | i ’Sweet Sounds.” and ■•Priceless Gems.” Price ! i $1 7.'» each in boards; $2 in cloth; $2.50 in cloth I | and gilt. Also the following Instrumental Collections: | ! Fairy Fingers.” “Magic Circle.*’ “Young Piau j 1 ist.”uud •Pearl Drops”—four easy collections' •Musical Recreations.” “Pleasant Memories/ 7 j • Golden Chimes.” and BriHmot Gems.” tor more ( advanced players Price oi' tmeh book, $1.75 i in board: $2 in cloth: $2.50 in cloth and gilt. Strauss* Waltzes (ask for Peters' editiou.) in j 2 vols $4 each in boards; $5 in cloth. Novel ' levs Cheap Editiou ot Piano Forte Classics, con- j sis'ing of Mendelssohn's complete works in 1 | j vols. 9vo. $3.50 each; “Folio Edition. $G each: j I Beeti*. »ven"s Souatas. $4; Beethoven’s Pieces. $2; ; Chopin*# Waltzes. P« hniaises. Nocturnes, Ma-: ‘ zurkas. Pullads. and Prelude#, price $2 each;! | . S chub<‘rt*s Ted Sonatas, $5; Schubert's Piun« i Pieces. $2; Mozart's Sonatas. $1: Webers com-; j plete piano pieces. $4: Scbnman's 43 Pieces. $2 : ! etc., etc. In orderiug these, be sure to a?k for j t Novello's Edition. They arc ah handsome Kdi- > (sons. Novello’s cheap Vocal CoS! Jlions: 1 Mother Goose. $2 and $3; Kautlegg’s Sacred j Songs, $2.50, Mendelssohns 7<»SoCg?. bean;if j’.ly ; j bound $7 50: Schuman's Vocal Album. s:>. Moore's Irish Melodies. Folio Edition, by Balfe j j $8: German Volkslleder Album. $2, etc., et:. 1 j Stainer's Christmas Carols, New ami old. il-, lustra ted. Price $4. The same without illus : i rations in 2 vols $1 each; complete. Slot!.' Pi/nss's musical Monthly, price 30 cents *e»ch. j every number containing at least $4 worth of music. Bound volumes lor lst”L 1870, Is7i, and 1872. price $5 each. Address. J. L. PETERS. MiO Broadway. New York. ! 1 3‘Mt * i TO MERCHANTS n v • l m ( i.; w ..e lltit* /•*»■! is*«t W GROCERIES. We beg leave to invite the attention of the i Trade generally to a full and complete asaort j ment of OHGCERLS, LIQUORS & WiNESg from which they will be enabletQ^^jjß ini suuh qnaniirie^J^H Lowest .lonwffljpWß ing our patrons and those who with a trial, that that their order# will the - \M E attention, und Price# will be «P|p|| as if present to make their own i ing mi hand, and receiving by almugt | sul arriving at this Port, the following and j ny other articles: Coffee, Teas, Bacon, Flour, Lard, Soaps > Rye. Bourbon, Coin and Wheat Whiskeys; ! Port. Sherry and Maderia Wine#; | Cognac and Domestic Brandies; . ■ .Jamaica, 'anta Broix and NeW England Rums; ; Foreign and Domestic Gins; ! MeKwens’ .Scotch Ale; Kit nr me! Cordial; Blackberry. Ginger and Cherry Brandies, of the Finest qualities. A la'ge assortm t of Wines and Liquors in cases •'flixeelutneous Tubs, Fruit in canS| Apples, 5 1 Onions, i Pole toes, J Raisins. | Almonds, 1 Nuts. I 4 Lemon. Sq J •Sugar BEL ■ Mackerel, 1 Herring. M Toilet Noapip Blacking, Matches. Wine Bottles, Labels, all kind Corks, Lemon Syrnp, Candies. Prise Candies, Writing paper, Wrapping “ Twino. Env (dimes, Paper Pag#, Flour Bags. I’ip* l #, Shot, Powder, Cape, Cigars, ; Tobacco, ; Sou If. j Pickles, j Sauces, 1 sardines, j Pretau ves, [ >'pices, j (Vpp.T, ! Butt.'r, j Uheese, | Baking i I’owik‘rs, \ Soda, j Starch, j PolOah, I Urt, Mustard, And various oilier goods, selected with .iud wi'fi ti n* inb-iuiun on our part of j :lie fullest extent the wants of i making purchases for Retailing We receive and s<*ll for our Country Produce, Fit EE OF COMMISSION, j Cotton only eXceptCd SO! 01i0\ BROTHERS, Wholesale Grocers —and— Co»»iinission • Merchants 173 Bay St., SAVANNAH, GA. t-9~.1150 Agents for the Anchor Lino of Ocean Steamers W. A. McNDIL, of Quitman, Ga., is the I*rav * el ing Agent for this house. I November 22, 1872. 1m t ii k WHEELER & WILSON SEWING maimi m a is The Wheeler & Wilson Macbino is a swift-flu i gored sister of charity. It s a triumph of mechanical genius. It has no equal for family use. We refer to the following prominent citizens, of Brooks county, who hare this admirable mu j chine in use : F. Tv Yocxg, Nk molas RhinnrcK, W. R. IIoUX»WATj I>Tl. W. ft. Joi.Vßßj Jiuou Moony, ill STVa Stc iWTIf.f. i Dr. U. M. Hirrir, Cm.i.'KX Mkstku. S. D. KttuoNiwox, J VMKS V. JonT.S, i Putur HIRKH. N. M. Rkodick, E. \V. IIA URAL, GcnT Agent, riavaurmh, Ga* E J. DOUG LA , Agent. Q .itman. Georgia. .. ■ November 15 1872. f>m BARGAINS arc ottered the public at PAINE & HALL’S* on. j. s. sivoW, DENTIST, be in QUITMAN about tbc 12tbinst., v ? for the purpose of locating permanently in the place. He respectfully solicits the patronage of thd ritizuns of Brooks County and the public geoer i;ly. ntul will endeavor, by faithfully executing ail work entrusted to him, to merit tbeir confi dence. , - • iffice, up stairs, overJ. Tillman's store, Nov 8, 1872. 45-If Notice. ON the first Tuesday in December "next, will be sold to the highest bidder, before the Court-house door in Quitman, Lot of Land nnm lior two hundred and seventy-two (272) in the Fourth District us Irwin County, agreeably toan order of the Court of Ordinary, ot Brooks coun ty. Terms cash. *■ -• W. JAS. TUNES, Ext. of John McMullen. Ot. 23d. 1871. 43-tda Notice. ILL be sold cn tiie First Tuesday in Do»- 7 T cen.kur next, at pul lie outcry, at the C*> :rt Hi :-•:* in Qnbman, Ga.. benveun the legal hours of >:Au (he House r.nd two Town Lots be* longing to W. G. McNair aud M. sch Benricy, de ceased. sdd for benefit of heir# and creditors; Terms nsade known on day o? sale. For further particulars, applv to c^ids j. A. BENTLEY#