The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, December 13, 1872, Image 2

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QCITiIAJSi umm. tiUIVULAM : Filin AY, DECEMREiI u, wa Ckowhku On tee' M'sjrct Uni , onr h| ac« in noi iHifllciiDt the'|>r«dil week to j aceouunoilaH* nil our fi'inuiLt. A vast tyianlii\ t ofoditoifal ntui iicvh matter la crowded OH I, j mid wo arc (‘.iojoo!!’ dto leave oi,t iwo or tliroocol.imai of adrertlavwnU. We will make ] up lor till ddi .-loncioe lioroal ter. dlirßipl »« Mirnli-r—One Mn«» Sc-S verily Wiuimlril. The cs ol FtertdA neytl a litlli : wli()lc»ofn<; "iefinluliurr ” Some ol thou, j iii'o it 10 ao,;i,|>l it-!'. ataVoloo lu I, u* t y They iocoi tly attompted tl.e nwasaiiia- | lion of two or tin to gc»tlo»ioi», resident : ill the lower parti n ol thie county, who wore on it I nwinriM vie t to Mitdt*"i. ronnly. The circomstuucen arts tin fol lows: 0-. pt, Bowen nn l ' 'nn »r morn sons <4 Mr. Net. Lovett, have a ivttori t l-intii lion some six mile* below Madison C. 11. | and luive (mil in their employ the present j yeur a number of negro, a. Alter the i coiton-was pinked, ti e negroes attempt* <>d In hiea lit iVo'i) the gili lions*', but were frustrated in their design by tin Lovetts, tvloi kept a roi sisi.t guard over the cotton. The negroes finally assault ,-d 11,0 young men with fire-arms, and attempted to diive them away, but they took refuge in the (tin-in,tut •, and dis pslclnd a rnesHcugcr to this county for iiMfstMu'C'. (’apt. B >tv ii mid Mr N. Lovett immediately repuirul loti.ep'an- KiiioO, relit ved tho young men from llteii 1,1 lions situation, and snnght an expla* nation of tho conduct ol tho Item It c leader of Hie gang. !1» was very impudent, and Nat. L->veit wounl lmvo killed him it he n:td not In on re stiamcd by Capt. Bntven. Piop.-r dis position tn'ing made ol the Cotton, how ever, (’apt, Bowen, Mr, N Lot el t amt a son ol the latter, all start, and I t tin if homes in this county. They bad pro ceeded on their journey about three miles, when they were fired into from an ambuscade on tl e side of the road—the whole party narrowly escaping death, (lapt. Botven was severely wounded in the lierl t arm: Mr, Nab Lovett slightly wounded in the right shoulder, and his son had hia coat riddled tvith Bliot. One of the .horses was also seriously wound ed. After delivering the shot, of course the co wind IV Honda secured safety in flight—although they were poifcclly se cure in the dense hammock they had se lected lor their murderous wink. Tin. Ktcctuvol Vote of Georgia. Tint voice of the people ol Georgia, as expressed at tiio ■ box, has certain ly been disregarded; the Presidential oloouiis, who tvero directed to cast the vote of the State lor Horace Ore-ley and H. first* Brown, arrogated power not delegated by the people, and paid a doubtful compliment to certain distin guished gentlemen who, if report bo true, Hold no sympathy with the Greeley movement. It is true that it was imma terial ter whom the vote of Georgia whs reeonbd, under the circumstances, lint the policy pursued by the Electors is r. dnngeroini precedent. The people, in their sovereign capacity, elected them to perform a specific duty : to cast the eleven votes that Georgia was entitled to in the Electoral college, for Horace Greeley and 11. Grata Brown. That specific duty was dimvgatded—the ex pressed will ol the people set aside as ol no impel lance. The press of the Slate pretty go; end . lv condemn the manner in which tin electoral vote of Georgia was disposed of, Tt.s S-.v«nnnh Advcrtixt'r expresses the following sensible views : The writer is pleased to lpo -gn'r.e the gentlemen com posing theeluefniat ticket ns friends— some of tl pin Ids life-long, intimate personal friends. Tin ref.ire, ! he seeks no ore ad ti to give vent to per sona! pique or spleen. But we regret to lave to recoiii that the electors of Geor-| gin neglected a plain trough not a wtit ten duty, and threw away an opportunity I to do ad' eorons tiling. Lay in a- aside j tho knowledge tli it. General Colquitt had ] but sh'e.dcr svmnattiv witn the Guv ley movement, nnd Governor Jenkins, it w is frequently claimed in tho campaign, had none, we arc of the ..pinion that tbe elec tors failed to do their duly, Georgia voted for Greeley and blown, and her (doctoral vote -! mild have he. n so re corded. If Jenkins, Colquitt and Banks l ightly iipptocialo the distinguished hon ors that l ave leenc nhried upon them by popular c-macut. if wo e irmly (uniod tt e nvlal out of which these men are tin added, they w tl! feel no elation at l.ei g emu;!' Ihd to w. nr H.c pinnies tlial elionht have rested mi tile Collin ot r. dead m»o, us lie w; s her.,o amid the giiel of j iialiuu to his grave on yes ter - dav. The electoral vote as cast on the 4th Inst., was as billows : For President (IratK Brown 6, Greelov 3, Gearies .1 Jenkins, if Georgia, 2. F r Vice Piesi dent—Gratz Brown 5, A. 11. 0 IqniU, of Georgia, 5, N. P. Banks (of Massac u- SCtis) 1. United States civil engine is are snr veying l >• F int river and the Chat* ea cliee, with a view to seeui ; the pr> 1 ah', ce-t ot cli atiing tin m out and the teas' bi ily ■ f rendering then, navigable toe r lai" | oi*»'B —ti e F'int river to Albany, aLd Ii c Ct a tai ouchcc to Columbus. Funeral OI»-( (iaies of (Hr. Ci'celeV-! ThO in |)u*ing r<-t t luoiiß-s aUeedinp I In: funeral ut Horace Greeley, which j look place in New Yolk city on the 40 i it Bt., surpassed anything that has oc oinird in tliis country lor many yeats. j Thousands who revihd nnd spin lied tli«| living j urualist and statesman, were z til,>un (il tot sincere) monrnern at his ' * ’ j leer. I’res dent Grant, Vico President; Collax, the members of Giant’s Cabinet, \ S. nat'-r Wilson, iiu.l lioi.dredu ol Fedor-i ,1 and Slate officials were present. The Church of the Divine Paternity was, ; geengetHady decorated. The* pulpit was; heavily (imp <1 in crape, and long lines; ..I crape were suspended from every pil-j nnd abutment us the beaulitnl gothic J interior. Several oilerings in the church were exqnisit in design and appropriate- i ii< ss, the principle among them being the ; billowing: '1 know that my redeemer liv-' dll ’ (amrug the last wolds utteied by : Orcely) ia red, ouwiito ground, and j green body. At the rear of the pulpit wan | a shear of wheat from Uhtipptiqna, in the form of a cion ii, at and suspended overhead a pen and an axe. In front ol the ptllpil l was ab. uiitilul design in flow, is, with | the hist, words uttered by Greeley in the ! centre: “It is done.’’ There were ma ;ny oilier wieatt.s, bearing various in -1 Hcripiioiis all beautiful in design and ap j pTopriatetiers, \ The services were opened by Ilmiry Ward, (who marred tin. solem ! nity of the occassion) by one of thu |a! rieal sm rreitis. lie was followed by I)r. Chapin (the paator in cliargu of Hie I church ) who delivered a very feting | and sensible cub gy to the dead, lie j said: | “To (! iy in the freshness of Ids power, Horace On eley in to he laid by the shb of his In h.veil wife. As 1 i- foist..r, and ri personal friend, 1 cannot now here nl - dipt to depict the worth and greatnes* tl the departed j-.urna'.int, llnrneo Gree hy's cp tali is written in lioim-s tl.r ugh oat iliu length and breadth of tint hind Where aie now all parly ' r M'ligiotis (iitrereneee? 1 ask y. nto consider her,- I what it. is that til-ought forth no lulu- - ! love for this man? It was not his < Hi- I dial position—tie In-Id none. It wn; not even his unquestionable genius. It wan the attract me ot his pirn- Rod sim p'e gondnesH. The l.tiiidri da ol'toilnoui" men who v ailed yesterday to look upon the face of the dead were not. drawn there by any tin re curiosity'; they went to look at the Icat,.res ol.ime who had t.eeti their consistent ao.l untiring f, i.-nd Horace Gleet, y id ruck for wind he be Ii -ved to be right, until hi. mind and In- u ; gave way. lie lies dead upon toe field. Let ino K.'ndnd y oil, 11-o-aee IJr.a ley's file was u rcmuikabty practical one No man, it seems to me, wan mote given to practical purposes than he How many lives has he stimulated to whole Some cm-rgyf 1 low many great int.-ivsis —education, ami progress— mutt in hint now? “All these tributes to-day testify to a recognition es the virtues of this great a nil good man. The Fiesidcat ot t < notion joins in this tribute to the | atri -t and man. [Mm morn ot aoi'hiti;-," ) he-; me take oecassion to urpe Mr. Gieeley’s views of Christianity, lie lived mi the essential truths ot Christianity, laid on them his weary head and weary herrt and died weary with the turmoil of life. Does such c. me to ns? “1 know that rnv Ht-deoiner liveth.’* Io Il' iace Gree ley 1 recognize u proof of hi is immortali ty. He looked lroin the Iron Idea of the surging world to the pear.', of the '.-rave, I "where the wicked cease from troubling | ami the weary are at rest.” 1 thank ; Gud, from my In-art and soul, that win n all this world was fading bom his eyes, he remembered, “1 know that my Ke» } deemer livcllt.” it wan the triumph of | Ids life and of his death; and now—for jwe lake our brother from tl.-t chnrch. i which known him so often, hut wi I j know him no mote —let this ho our tea Ison: "We know Hint onr Hnleemer liv ! mli.” Farewell, dear fraud; I strewed, no j tde asseciate; (arewoH, great ehainpion. j We mow our Kede. in. r livetli—and : God grant that, iik ■ me,-, we may know j it when the ligat of Hi s wml.l is fading j h'oui otir eye-.” ! Skxsiui.k Gibu,.—The New York Z/cr ! aid having proposed a “press fund” for Hie benefit of Mr. Gr. ehys two daugh ters— $25 ftotn dailies and $lO fnan weeklies—the young ladies to bo bone fitted promptly expressed their unwil lingness, under any circumstances, to be tho recipients of snob etiarily. They do ’.lot o' i -ot, howev r, -Hi any testinumla' I- . jto the memory of their fattier. The en!y j legacy which Mr. Gieeley left for his | daughters, is ten shares in the N. Y. I Tiibune ; they being valued at $115,000 per share. Smau. Fox.— Flic Wilmington (N. 0. ) Ijburmd h-arns tli it the small p x is rag j ing very violently near Summerville, I Harnett cmiuty. Much distress is re i sahing. At iast reports there had h.en twenty seven cases and eight deaths. I’lte disease w is brotiglit from Ha'ti.nme N olice. m;fKSTOOKHO.U)EUSof the Quitman Fac S.. tory will hold thoir Annual ?>loetiiur O at the Court Hou?4‘ ia Quitman, on the First Day of January next, to elect a President and Five Directors, to manage the attairs of the Company for the ensu . itig year. SAMF EL STKV EXS. Presid. ni. Qaitiuan. Ga., Deo -J, i872- 4t Ci STS’I X r.UXK.V lIAU.-A. %\m Isll Hltaßnt AND Grand Erlieopian IJY TUB Quilman Cornet Baud, At- tho COFRT HOUSE in Quitman, on | WKDNFt i)AX evening,'December DUli. 1872. j The QciTXaX CoIiXKT will give an enter- { | <ain?n* nt as above, at the time elated, for tho J I purpose of aiding in raising a portion of the j heavy expense incurred In its organization, and i will be happy to receive encouragement from i I the people generally. i A Kpf'cial piogiannne lias been arranged for | | the occasion, and »aU«faction guaranteed to a’l j ; who attend. I Frico ot admission : Whole Tickets, 50 cents:' Children under ten yean*. 25c. open at 7 o’clock; performance to j t commence at 7.) o’clock. A. T. LYON, Manager. | December 13, 1872. It Qi; ITMAN ACADEMY. i stockholders of this Academy are direct- j j .EL. ed to meet, at the Court House in Quitman, jon Monday, the Fob of December, at 11 o’clock. a. in., to transact important business. A full j attendance ia desired. j By order of the President of the Board of ! Trustee*. J. G. McCALL Kec*y. ] December 13, 1872. 50 1 1 Sheriff’s Sales. • BE SOLD before the Court House j 1 V? door in the Town of Quitman. Brook j county, between the usual hour* of wale, on the j I 1 i- 1 Tuesday in January next, to the liig ieyl j : fdddur. the following doscribod property to wit. j | Lighteon foot on the Nartli side < f Lot No H. j I nod fourteen'and ft half fact on the South side of j j Lot No. both in Block J !,S, K. Section ol (Id* ' \ tov.’n of Quite) in. making a plat of!'..} t'cet; on j j the street running on tho east side of (he Court : j house square, ami t mining hack KM and J i ontaining 31180 square leefc. Levied on by vlr i tuo of, and to be sold to satisfy i tnortg ige Ii ; fa , Issuing from Brooks Superior Court in favor j of ICiiUsey & Scott vh. M frank Jones. Proper ty pointed out in said 11. fa. —aibo — At the same time and place, Eighteen fe t on tlm North side of Lot No. 8, and fourteen nnd a half feet on the .South of Lot No. 9, both in block H, V). .Section of the lowa of Quitman, in akin j a plat of 32leet, on the street running on the east side of the Court Houserapian;, and running back 104 feet, and containing!tfi#) surfm feet j Levied on bv virtue of. and to be sold to satisfy a fl. In., issuing from Brook* Superior t'oiivt. in j saver of Win. 11. Stark k Go.. v«. M. F. Jones, i Property pointed out by IMaintitFs Attorney. —A« BO— | At the same time and place, the west, half of ' Lot ol le'itd No. 9 )7. nnd also part of Lot No. j :W8 commencing at Ibe Southwest corner of naifil I Lot. and riming \v««st to tin* fir** Spring Branch it Mi’l Creek, the roll of said Creek being the j Northern boundary line, containing sixty (60) j j never, mere or !»*«; the--aid half of Lot No.; j ‘P)7 containing two hundred! and forty acres.! more or less, in the 12tli District of Brooks conn- i My. Levied on by virtue of and to he sold to | ;-uti dy a mortgage fi fa., issuing from Brooks j J Superior Court, in favor of Samuel Steven* vs. j Thirza Slaughter. Executrix of Thomas Slaugh- j ter, deceased. Property pointed out in Ii fd i Indulgent giv*»n on the amount said property | | bring* over mortgage claims. ALSO j At the same time and place .the xest lmlf of| i Lot of Land No. 307, In the 12th District of*| Brooks county. Levied <ui a* the property of i Mrs. T. .Slaughter, by virtue of a Tax Ii fa . for taxes due for lt>72, and to be sold lo satisfy the —ALSO— A* the same lime and place, one hundred acres | of 1 ok) off of Lot No. 1!)7 Iti the lath District of! j Brooks county. Levied on a« the properly of] i J. Ivy Brown, by virtue of a Tax li ta., for taxes! | duo for lfc>72, and to be aold to aatisfy the sa«»*e. I -AMO ! At the same time and place, two hundred anil j j twenty acres of land off of Lot No. 4HS. in the I ; 12th District of Brooks county. Levied on ns; i 1 lie property of G. W. Evan*, by virtue of n Tux I | li. fa., for taxes due for ltsT2, and to be sold to ! satisfy the same. —AtKO— j At the same time and place. Lot of Land No.! i 281, in the ,2th District of Brooks county. Lev- j i ied on us the property of W. L. Jones. Adminis j i truior on Estate of James Perry, by virtue of a j i M’ax fl. fa,, for taxes duo for 1.572, and to be sold ] ] to satisfy tho same. At.SG i At the same time and place, one half of Lot of Land No. 11l in the loth District of Brook ! county. Levi' don as the property of Joel Den j son. by virtue of a Tax 11. fa., for taxes due lor : 1872, and to bo sold to satisfy the .same. At the same time and place. Lot of Lund No. 109 in the Twelfth District of Brooks Qouaty. ■ ! Levied on as the property of Allen Watson, by ; virtue of a Tax li. fa., for ttt.Xes due for 1872, mul ! to be sold to satisfy the same. -ALS— O the same time and place. Lot of Land No j ! t*»7 in the Thirteenth District ■>{ Brooks County.; Levied onus the property ol Mrs. M . Mel.cod, by j \ irtue of a Tax fl. fa., lor taxes due for i 572. anil ] i to be sold to satisfy the same. j .It the same time and place one hundred acres ] of land off of Lot No. 1 -T. in the fourteenth j ■ tli.-nict of Brooks comity. Levied on ns the; | property of Mrs. Rebecca Groover, Executrix! i ot Estate of J. Groover, by virtue of a Tax ti. fa . ! | lor Taxes due for the year 1872, aud to bo sold \ | to satisfy the same. AKGO- - At the same time and place, part* of Lot# of; j Lund No’s 146 and i 17, in the filteentb dis'iict • iof Brooks county. Levied on as the property ( i"t John Denson by virtue of a Tax ti. fa. fr, | Taxes due for the year 1872, nnd to bo sold to ' j satisfy the same. | At the same time and place. Lot of Land No. i i lEL in the 12th district of Brooks oounty. Le\ - : icd on as the property of Jared Everett, by vtr-j ! tue of a Tax fi. la., for taxes due lor the’ year I ; 1872, and to be sold to satisfy the same. also At the same time and place. Lots of Land No’s j 112 and lid. in tho Fourteenth District ot Brooks ! county. Levied on as the property of James Y. ] Jones, by virtue of a Tax fi. f;t.. for taxes due for j 1872, and to be sold to satisfy theshv ue. -I-VUSO — | At the same time and phieo. Lot of Land Xe. j 512, in the tilth District of Brooks county. Lev 1 icd ou as iho property of Mrs. Mary Kainey. by i virtue of a Tax fi. fa., for taxes due for 1872, anc | to bo sold to satisfy the same. —AI -SO- - At the same time attd place, Ono Steam Mill, \ and all the fixtures, together- with the Lot it ! sands on. in the S E section of the town of Quit man. known as the Ash oy Roberts Mill. Levied on as the property of, and to bo soM to satisfy a ii. ta. issued from Brooks Superior Court, in fa vor v'l Win. 11. Stark «V Cos . vs. A. G. Robert*. ! nnd to be sold to satisfy said fi. fa. Property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. A* the same time and place. One Town Lot "In the South Ivi-t Section ol the town of Q itman. known its ‘Sam. Moore's Brick yard ** I. * vied on as the property of Samuel Moore, by virtue :of a Tax ti fa., for taxes due tpr the year 1872, aud to be sold to satisfy the same. At the same time and place, Lot of Lan l No. 494. in the Thirteenth District «f Brooks county. Levied on as the proper;y of William Graj, by virtue of a Tax fi. fa . for taxes due lor 1872, and ; to be sold to satisfy the -ame. D. F. WILSON, Dep’y Sheriff. IX'Ccmber 10,1872. * it |tfto Ascot* Wonted for Cobbin’a Cliild’s Commentator On file BIBi-Kf rt!»e Hons-- Circle i 1.200 pages, 250 Engravings, The best enter-1 prise of tiny year lor sgen a. lively family will huvo it. Nothin# lire it now published. For circulars address H. S. Uoousrwsn & Cos., 37 Park How. New Nork. BOOK AGON i'N now at. work or looking for some new b ok, should write at. once for circular- of the best selling book- published. Extraordinary inducements offered. Supero premiums given away Particulars bee Ad die - QUKI.N CITV PUBLISHING CU, Cincin nati, Oliio. DfiORSjISiIEOMVEIf. Send for Illustrated Catalogue to BRADUvY & UU BRIER. 54&30 Hey St.,, K. Y. TRICKS TRRAPS 01 AMERICA Would von avoid being -hit,” by Rog rs. Swin dlers ail'd Humbugs! Read the ‘ Nr.-i: Sp.inoi.ep Hanmui. ’’ A large, Ilbistratid iu-coiiimn 8 page paper. Zedae*. size. Splendid Stories, Sketches. Tales. Poeii,-, Wit, Humor, Puzzles. Receipt* pic. 11 ,ii year. sl. a year, with elegant Prang Cliro mo,‘•Arit ai.s I.i avi:«, v free to all. ONLY Si Trv it. once. .satisfaction guaranteed Agents wanted. Outfit FREE. Specimens, Ac . for 0 cent.-. Address -BANNER ’ Hinsdale. N. 11. Agoato Wanted I Forth- NEW IMPROVED HOME SHUTTLE SEWING M.V BISK. Hoes nil kind- of family I sewing, tork-ntieli. Straight needle. Simple I and e.i-v-rnnning. Price, from 2-23 to $75. D. j (J, MAXWELL, Gen’l Agent Atlanta. On. HiinivirA.i: FISHAB-K (9LLKUE. A] PK G o lln.-flr-cl and Sixty FV VIOV I), .Hars will pay H-aid and Tuition in thin Insti ilimi fur ten calendar mnnih*. Ad liras TIH \\ ARU WHITE. Iteidvide. Spurtan bur* District, SC. Spring term opens F- b. Ist. 5N255. JUBILEE! iW. ntrm:n rti tx Ftcrntits is the JiEW YOKK OBSERVER The Great Family Newspaper. $3 a Year with (lie JCBILKB3 EA It BOOK. SIDNEY li. liOILSIC A CO.. 37 Park Row New York. REND FOR A SAMPLE COPY. The Weekly Sun. ON LY $! A YEA.I. 8 PACES Tht Tien! fami'tf Pnpor. J'U Best A‘p' U»<Hur<tl Paper. ■I t lit:' f. !' -l Tl.t Hr*t .Sr.., y /Viper. The 11. st h’.AU.n Hr,...,-to. r j hr lies! Cottle Market Heparin, The llrst General Mu!. -I ufs. The Butt Papfr Kerry \S<ty. i THE WEEKLY NEW YoKK.-TN Eight pa gi‘3. 50 columns. $l a year.or less than 2 cent* Ia tumibor. Bend your dollar, ! Ad«lri**s ‘ THIS SUN. Nmv York Clfy. :*»to s*ors 4 z'Jsvzi iujf people, of either wx, ymmg or old. make more moimv at work for us in their spare mo men's, nr all the time, than at anything else. Particular.- free Address G. SSTJNNONA GO.. Portland Maine. OPIUM EATERS “BUILDIWC FELT I (No Tar ufocl) lor outside work and Innide j ! ins:ead of plaster. Felt carpeting *%c. S.-nd 2 stamps for circular and wimples. C. J | KAY, Camden. N. J. 11 o ses. PROVISIONS, O.iSiOlXEg, JLiqsmrs, &V. champion & freeman, Savannah, Ga., I'NVITE flu* attention of the people of Brooks I, and mtj'>i»iag couuties to their Large am] Varied Stock of ipie and Fancy GP.OCftIvIKR, I’ItUYIRTONR, LIQUORS, TOBACCO. CHEESE, BUTTER,: Foreign and T>o;ne>t:e FIUTTN, NUTS, Ac., Ac I We are receiving every week, by steamers j i from New York, consignments of Apples Onions and Potatoes. | «t best quality and at moderate prices. ! Prompt at ten Ton given to orders. nmiPION and FREEMAN, H.iy Street, coiner of Drayton, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA October 25, 1.-72. Cm F. I).’ jo2Bj»oS7 _ TK\LKR IX wasfaaaaa, JEWELRY. SILVER AXD PLATED WARE, &c &c ac J Sole Agents in Savannah for the Celebrated Diamond Spectacles K>s Congress St., Opposite Pulaski House, Savannah, Ga. *tT WATCHES and JEWELRY Repaired."©* ' October 25. 1872. ly Sheriff's Sale. WILL BE SOLO before the Court House door ,in the town of Quitman. Brook. : county. Ga., between the usual hours of sate on F.e First Tuesday in .Linnarv nest, to ibe high ; -t bidder, the following del-cubed property, to wit : Lot of Land number forty-tour in the Fifteenth dl-trict of,Hrook- county : levied on and to be j .oi l a-the prepertyiit d.'ie.ulants, to satisfy a fi. fa. i-mina from iiri.oks Mtperior Court in fa vor MoMnliin, for ire of Willis A., King. Guardian, v.<. Janie- H. .-tripling. Thomas i E. Hardee and Win. It. Ftaiiiey. Properly pointed out bv Hr. Quinn and J.T M Harrell. W. K. Wit.NGN, Coroner. Dec. 4. 1,-72. -tt Sheriff’s ' hile. Yirriu, be sold, beiore the Court-house door VV in the town of Quitman between the us-ul hour* hours of Fate on the First Tuesday in January next, to the highest bidder, Ibolol lov ing d.-.-eribed properly io wit: One Lot of Land. No 4T.S. in the 13th IJiMrict ol Brooks county: levied on as the property of JanteisT. Kobin-cu, de-ot.ed, by virtue ol a fl. fa. i led from Brook.- '.Superior Court, in favor of David M. 'tV iUlants vs. James 11. Kobinsoo. Adminisii ator fur the Estate of J T. Bobinson, decea-'ed, and to be sold to satisfy said fi. la. Property pointed out bv def. ndant's attorney. l>. F. MIL.SON, l>«i Sheriff. Dec. (>, 1872. <t Acimimstrator ’s Sale AGBEEABLE to an order of the Honorable Coil! t. of Ordinal y of Berrien e tim v. Geor gia. will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Moultrie. ColqoiH County. Georgia within tie- usual hours of sale, oil tire First Tue. day in January. 1873, two bundled and ninety <2iW) a res. more or less, of I.ot of Land No. ..Mi. hi Ninth district «t Colquitt county The place is tolerably well improved. Aold as the property o, S. i'. Slims, late of Berrien county, deceased. Terms of -ale, cash. ?,!. SV. LEWIS, Adrn’r. ■SARAH A. Id ISIS, Adm’x. November 27, 1872. 46-tit Administrators Kale. I N PUnSFANCE with an order from .he Hon * arable Court ol Urdinary for the comity of, granting leave to sell the Lands belonging to the Er ! :te of Jacob Moore, deceased, will be -old on tba First Tuesday in January, 1673, be fore Ihe Court Huu-o door at llomerville, in Clinch County, during the legal In tir.v for sale. I.ot of Land Number f.jitr hmulied and ninety six (IM.) in tlio .Seventh [7] District of original ly Appling, now Clinch county. Terms of Sale, Cash, purchaser tomay lor ti lies. CllAlll.K- B. ft!IT, Adm‘r November. 22, 1872. 47-td,v- A. B. IVES, | SAVANNAH GEOEGIA. Manufacturer of 0 j 0 1 ID J El 8 v Shirts and Men’s Underwear, To Ovder and Dealer in Fine Fashionablo Heady Made Clothing, (jciilk’ I’uri.i hi'.'j Good*, 1 And tb.- largest assortment of Hats in 'he City i Deo 6,1x72 3m TO MERCHANTS m ii «,i » i : k i "ft ‘ m P2 , ?2 VMf '2 * S • mi* Mailin' alutaiiii'Jiii <d GROCERIES. i Wo beg leave to invite the attention of <h«* j Trade pencmlly to a fall and complete assort i merit of OSOCERIESj LIQUORS & WINES, j irom which they will be enabled to replenish their s ! <?cks in Midi quantlt-es us are needed, with despatch, at the Lowest Jobbing Prices. | Assuring onr p and tbo*e wbo faror us | with n t i ini, that, thru their orders wili receive ilit* 8A M F attention, and Prices will be aa low ! its if present to make their own urchases. llav ! tag on hand, and receiving by idmost every ves ; sol arriving at thte Port, the lbilowing and ma ; ny other articles : Cofl&e, Tfas, Bacon. Femr. Lard- SoapV, ; Rye. Hour bon. Cor n and Wheat U hiakevs: P«n(.Sherry und Maderia Wines; Cognac and Domestic Biaedles; Jamaica, Santa ‘Jrolx and New England Rams; Foreign and Domestic Giosj MeFwens' Scotch Ale: Kuirmel Cordial; blackberry. Ginger and Cherry Brandies, of the Finest <{ uaii ties. A latge as.iui'huT of Wines and Liquors in cases eftfisocltan cotts : (Tgars, Blacking. (Oysters Tobacco, Matches, (Lobsters. Sruilf. Wine Bottles, Condensed Milk Pickles. Luigis, all kind Brooms, Sauces, Corks, Buckets sardines. 1 Lemon Syn p, iTubs, Preserves, Candies. Fruit in cans, l-pices. i’ll,'" Candies, Xpples, Pepper. Writing paper, Unions, Butter, Wrapping “ Potatoes, t.'heese, Twine Kaisins. t-ngii-h Baking Knvelopes., Almonds, i’owilers, Paper Bag-, Nuts. ?utla. Flour Bags. L"mon.'Sofia & Stareti. Pipes,, Sugar Biscuit. ! Potash, Shot, Mackerel, ' : Lye, i'owder,, | Herring. Mustard, Caps, i'cilct Noaps, And various other goods, s -’•cted with care, i and wiih the int«*nTou on our part of meeting to | he fullest extent, the wants of IVIFRCHANTS | M'aking purchases for Retailing, { ‘We receive and sell for oar customers all j Country Fro.luce. FREE OF COMMISSION, Cotton onh excepted SOLOMON BROTHERS, Wholesale Grocers Commission«.liestsnSs 173 Bay St.„SAVANNAH, GA Iso Agents for the Anchor Line of Ocean W A. McNEIL. of Quitman, Ga., Is the Trav eling .Igenfrfor this lioust l . No relabel- 21, 1H72. Ini New Ad vertisem cuts. r V II K mmm a mim SEWING m a % n tmm s« TANA- u ...avbiite U » svi.T-te gcrvfi si-ti r of chaiiiy It is a triumph i.f iorchaoifial genius. It bus no equal for family use. We refer to the ioi'-.aing prominent citizens of Brook;,. .mi.. who have this admirable ma chine in ore : Dk. It..'! Hirra, F. E Ynrxs. Cvt.i.i.'. Xu Min.--llunnicx. S. D. Fi uoxiis ~ W. I!. iiiiuxiWAT, J.VMr.r 5. J:.M Dfl. If, It. JotSKR, i’uiui'Hi: i e JAian Moonv. N. M. l.Ye . C, Htsrrs nsTiix. Mil-:. M. P. lil-voi, M,:.s V 11. Wilcox. E. W. HARUAL, Geii’l Agent. ■Suvnuiiab. Ga. M M. MYER ON. Agent Q itmun Georgia. November IS, 1.-72. 4-? f'i a X : . tor »i io per yard, « PAINE & HALL'S. ‘: 1 1 • J.B RIITAX Fowett 8l Bryan, QUITMAN, GA. j 1 i? ‘ ! * »' '■■n’imi oft In* pub* I L - k.d a not \Emi-:x. i kium Tobacco, Liquors, Ac., Ac. Which they fv*r at very low price* for Oe-!i, ill 111. : ili-k-ieicm Depot street, south • TD’e "Hu : ... !,„ !,|i„g." Tbey will keep eon -: i-! i ■ I lli i lie best quality of Family I 1 !he intli.ii.i2e of the pub- Be. Inc:..eel VAh I his e-iablisbmeot in a RTS TA 12® «, ' ’ re will be kept the very best qualities of Liquors. \\ :nr.<. Cigars, ve. 'liember. o ;i terms are C.i-li. November 20 I 572 j», n BAIiGAhNJ art* offered the public at PAINE Sc HALL’S v /. C. WILSON, U itTilll jAi a & JEWELER, QlJl'l MA N. G\. Will give h'- kit alien- ! ' ~r~T EI ) »]H| ! ' qa lie is */ • Mn I v ''■C&l.-ptfjjv' ■ .-.uH„e : u K „ 11 et NSJaS* <>n .aeven - re.-i 47 3 | t ' ■ ev rv description at PAINE & IIALL'S. TO T-E LIDIEB. »B?. C. n. WILSON, sms-mm. H'.y iniurms the citizens of "ivuat.bvEx I I'"-- - direct from New York a coiaKEa Assoa.xscoxra 'tue v i.u.'-i i'.it;. : . ..t Winter Styles, I comprising every style now worn. Fre-i.-k ... I punish Carton Tiail Dress | ,s •-' r I' i , (e, ■'-kills <il every J ' t-i .ei: e1,.-. Dresses in every : variety. ; : -limte p::> en - ha-e all been cut with : ■l' li e most ta-iiiunuli!e house ia every ■. yof the I’re-s.■■■ • •.■,!:•■a„ i notice. Dresses ; i alonnisu and ' cut teal tilted. N. v l> ... i.. ;,! r . Thrasher'* residence, on >urcv»‘!i S 1 Qutiuiiui, G * . *:> . Jb72. 48-lm ILL. 8(1 [i\‘LINER, " ■ and Retail Dealer in as MMEnm Fi "JOS, ORGANS,>;c.u-. wsi ruments and music, News and B .or Paper. Cards and Card Board. Bill Heads, Large Stock of Flat Papers. Ac., Ac. ..raaMgent* for Matlter-’ Planting Inks. Hebei II - 137 Congre e street "k.olesale 11., *JU ISay street, is vmiiiah (Ja. November 22. 1-. 2. 47 ts j 'V. vV. Cni-n. : .i. D. Y. Baser S.iv.tni: ,h. Florida. CHISHOLM & DANCY, SAVANNAH, CA. BROKERS, COTTON FACTORS* AND General C caxnission 2lerchantß. C .-b s.Jv in . -i" on consignments of Cot | ton, Wool. Hides, Ac. Gold. Ft eks id Bor,ls bought and sold. 37-tim i- J. Gni.M.i-;;in. johx fijIXXERT. L, J, GiiiLMARTIN & CO., ( OiTON FACTORS, And Gexkral Commission Me r oil a n ts, BAY STREET SA VASX.IH, GEORGIA. A GENTS FOU BRADLEY’S PHOSPHATE. Jewells Mills Yarns and Domestics, Toj ■ bacco, Ac. Bagging and Iron Ties always on hand, kss. Consignments seßcited. Usual fsciliti* 1 extended io customers. August 2:'.. 1-72. tin