The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, February 21, 1873, Image 2

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    WU'IMAiN MlNlNt-tt.
Tilt •»!'»■ >■* •*» Gmf I'*'*******l
- is willi leelinga ‘if groat dif«|»|» ■>*»•
mmt that wo chr .itic o tbo -bfoat <*•
thin moat important Measure 1 hat it
Completion, aoc-.mdiiig to 11.0 or-gi' l ”
design, wonM ncl inntJ to the iinciesi
ol too Stilt*- lit largo, It" one with :i ton -
mind Could for h m >mout d*’til»«. Ain
yet the Ri-prrsi-ntat Ives from the uppei
portion of the S'.nte. Cm hoc no good to
ncerui- fr m tlm me-**ure, Ui.lnis it coni''
be diiectty felt a"d met* in t'e r ow j
immediate si-clions. It in tin* old Mo *
over again : ''Penny wine and 1 onnd
It is gratifying to know that evorj
tfl lit liua been inn !o that coll and in- hon
orably made, upon the part of <>nr ow
Representative, Capt. J. II Hunter,
Secure its passage.
We can only conjecture the cause ■
failure. It may be found in the fui
that another corpot alien, one "f the mo
powerful iu.tlte State, I tm lie Home ei and
to cmaumm.ite — a connecti n with Di
Oulfof M*-* ; eo. We see that a bill war
passed, allowing "the All* •»• y, Mobi 1 *
and New Orleans Railroad Cos., to adnp
as part, of Ibis line, the road from Alhii *
to Bakely," which has recently been
cci Btrueted by the Cnipofatbn referid
to. If thin be true, then the frienda ol
the A. & 0 R. R. must make m <
stiennoiis efforts t< secure the cmileni
plated extension at onco.
Notice has been given that a call f"
recnaidei ntion of the measure in tl<
ITnusi-of Representatives will he made
We may sti'l hope that better judgme
will prevail, and t 1 is im; ortant matt
receive the endorsement ol the next
(.eoifcin Legislature
Tlie Cdnstitutio provides that tb
annual sessions of the Genetni Ass* rubly
of Georgia ahull not Continue long-r
than forty days, unless by a tw • thirds
vote. Ti e present Legislature was ii
sc-ss nn forty days on lust Monday, but
by a two-thirds vote it c -nt titled to
hold over one day mere; thciefor*- D •
inference is, that the session of 1873 ad
journed on last Tuesday night.
During tlm Inst f-w days of tie ses
aiou a vast amount of bosuns- was
transacted, but at this writing it is dis
ficult to discover what new laws hav
been added to the statutes of Georgia.
A tew wo- ks will develop results, and
thou the "law makers” will receive tie
meed of praise < r condemnation.
Among the business transacted ot
Monday, we observe the following :
The bill to change the time of bolding
thn Superior Courts of the Southern
Circuit pass' and.
The Senate confirm <1 *1 W 11. l T n
llerwnoil, dodge «,f the IL mi Circuit, aiat
Byron B. Bowers, Judge of the Albany
Circuit. It D fused to C‘bfiini William
Garrard, i»f tiavannah, Solicitor General
of the Ee»ti-rn Circuit.
Robert P Tripp was confirmed Judge
of the Supreme Coint. Toe 8 rule at
•ml refused to confirm Tripp, bnttcj
was finally cnnfiimed by a majority ol
two. Tiie ft ii nds ol Judge Montgomery
consider tie has been badly treated
lie would not have taken Ids S' at on the
bench at the commencement of the pres
ent term lmd not cel tain intimations of
appointment been held out to him by
Qov. Smith.
The recommendation of the llntise on
Mojvdav, was that a tax of only four- :
tenths of one per cent, be collected 1 for
general purposes. Nutting's Bond Bill,
however, will necessitate a spec at lax
in addition to the tax lor general pur
The Bondholders’con promise has not;
yet been con ideicd. Ii was a delicate
question, and the tnemheva have avoided j
An interestiug dialogm> was over
heard, just in front of the Mmshall
House, in Savannah, last week, during
the "stock ride’’ :
"I say, John, you must lord mo mot -
ry enough to pay my hotel bill. I
harn’t one c< lit done 1 listed c- mplet- -
"Well, Bill, I can't do it, got jest
enough I*- settle my own—nary cent t*>!
spare. I’ll have to walk to t e depot—
got no money to pay mv passage.”
B N was dumbfounded. “What in
the dunce will a feller do; they w m’t
credit him to re?” he rxclain eat. Ue wa
long in deciding. lie gall trial his
• l and bog” and mud'- t aste for the il--
pet. In his hurry to p t aboard, Is
“band b»g”came in contact with some
thing and emptied Ids goods and cl at
t> Is on the p utt rm, consisting of a B -
b'e, a tooth brush, a d< ck of cards. and
a c arse comb. Ho thought the "per
liac’' was after him
Hon. Tunis C Campbell, Jr , pot drunk
in Atlanta, was arrested, arid then en
deacon dto have the polTeiuan npri
tnamhd by the Legislature, but they
wouldn't do it
REH H 11 KM*.
Mar-la 11 M-oris will hung t -dav in
Montici 110, I-'l'-rida, for killing of John
Jones in March taut.
Dr. E II M i is. President of t'c
Wesh-y .i, Female College iii M icon, is i
! down wiih tin- varioloid
M a- u lias i tya -z and a B" > l»! of Trade.
The Senthwißtrrn Rail Road has elec
to ■ 1 1 «in r offic-eis;
1 President—William 8. Holt.
Dll-cleis—A in \| U'ad ey, A. I
i L iwioii, T. M. Fin *.w J o. E J is,
Virgil powers, Jim, L Muatian and Jo -
I, Nall.
These gei tlemen constituted the <do
X. & 0 lixthßOAD.■“■The Ravnir a
Idixrtixer of Ihe 15lli inst. says: A
iteeting of I lie Atlantic and Gulf riti’irad j
'fri'C'nm was held yesterday, and it was '
decided to run two trains dailv over the j
road —one in the morning and one in the j
veiling, making eh se connections with
mins arriving here from the N rib.
lie S'- eduh- will fin announced s 1 ori!\, |
nd while it may not woik to the adva |
age of Savannah in a local s- rise, il ’
iviil esliibti-h « good ir.pntation lor close [
e, >rin* cl’ons.
The “oldest and v. except one, for a liiii.-j
dr-d years, was Thiiraday, the 30i!i oil
January, aec rdim* to the uverm i t of
Professor Loemis, of Yale College, who
has kept a record that extends hack for
that I* i gth if time.
Gongnss resin and to count the electo
r at vote of Georgia.
At the annual meeting of the stocks
elders of the M u-on and Bimiswick
Railroad Coinpa- y, held nti the fit", tin-1
dlowing were r heted directors to servi
r the ensuing yeui: George II Hazle
Hist, M, lx. J -silo. J. P. (j. Fo ter, II
V. Gray, ,1 Mdl.o k, W If. p, illips
1 ele n Gul ins, L, N. Whillie, I. C.
King Am ideus. of Spain, has nI»F
‘fated tin- 8| ani-ti throne, ami a irpuh C
•ns lieen < fgatiizi and. o\ hitter civil wai
- anticipaled.
The wheat and nut crop in some por
tions of North Georgia and East Tonnes
see vvi ro badly injured by the recent
•old w. ullier.
C ntrul Radroud stuck sold f. nr y nisi
ag" ul 133. Now it is rpi led at 91.- j
a depreciation if 33 p’ r c- ul in I. in |
The House of IL prem Motives of!
Oenrgia tec lit ly passi and a bill, with a- :
verwlielrniog vote, making it im
f r i->iilrto make (liscriminaliie s in j
tar ffs 1 freight. Tie re is to In- no df- j
! between thr ugh rat' » and local j
tar IT.
Waternn Ins are for sale in Tann.a,
j Ft nt l*coin »7itl # Sfi'S of February,
j Tl'orf* to s»l>«j ll fift\ milliOMH <*f rnrin
jF> of the Fi’itlifrau (’ uicli uj the world,
i l ull of lln ») in Oui many.
| The Unit* (J Maii h, *or -fßcial
| ctliuiihe-Th, lihh r* c i»ii zi‘il Im‘ oow R» pu!»
j ic • f Spain. Il tflrt.iid licit otlur na
; I ini K Will ft n, to’l .«• milt
i Nfw .ArroRTioNMKNT Hilt*—A- this hill
iik |'Uns< (1 11 «• lilts , i<n Thursday, ii
pmvid s iiii-o roj n -otitat v» « ouch t<>
t hi c nnticH « f Bit*h, l?uik<», Chwthum,
F»ilton f II union and II ohmo and.
Tw* r< |iivh« ntativt s t<» the couiition -f
Hai i< iw, (-' hb, Clurko, < ow’otn, Carroll,
Di'Catur. Poupliorty, Fl*>yd Croon, C\vin«
tint, Ilanom’k, llai ris, J.u lxflon, Jt flor
sot , iM.icon, M* rnv. alii r, Muse go<\
Oglotlioipu. M"iirt'o, Nt wt n, Stow *rt,|
Sumtor, Talbot, Tlmn.uH, Troup, Wash
ii pion, W,!l<t s.
j One representative each to one hun
| lin'd end thru- counties.
811 takes iff ot alter expiration of
terms of members of the present General
Assam I ly
Stokes, the mmderer of Fisk, lias, .-,1-
l er mil ni e delihevividetermii ed to
become insane The insamly ib-dge lias
; mil Worked very w. 1 of late, hut t
i seems 111- I as lost lo pe . f sacii g his neck
: in any other Way, and for the last week
he ha« boon making < xperttn- tits in par
oxysmal ii sanity.
The Wesleyan Female Go-liege in Ma
con, Gti., which was recently suspended
on recount of small p x, resumes its ex
ercises on the s'n of March next.
The Mercer Univ- rsity of the sane
city, which Was susp- ieded on account |
ol the prevailing of the Meningitis, will I
also resume operati -tis on the 3 and dav
of Man'll in xt. rations and sc olars '
w ll take due notice ihere f.
Three i.egrin s "bink* jail” on the si*> i
iest in Buint ridge, aid 10, k F inch
lee v o.
| It is said that Dr. li'edsoc, the aide
Editor ot He Soul hem Qnatteilv K view
tins taco employed to write a work on
i Hie "Title D sition of tie Southern i\i -
pfe in tlie late civil war.” If the h-arn* and
D ctor undert k-s it, we are sun- it wili
fa* a sncci-SS*. A l-anker in VVasb'uglun ;
I City, liy the name of Corcoran, ti .s s g
■ nihml h's willingness to p'aee ii the
• bands of Dr Bids e $lO 000 to defray
expei s s.
Hon. Hmatio Seymour, of New York,
las Ken stopping for a short time in
Savannah. His stay burp shea the re
-1 porters an Item every (fay.
Tlit* Free .llitlt*.
From every itidioati »u, there wen*
more poople wl o t-ok advantage of the
“Stock Rido” la«t week, than ever be
fore on » similar occasion. Tue car*«
| vveie crowdod the entire week. N«» ac
1 otdenf ocooirod that we have lieiird of,
and ail of our towi amen rettmwd in
if •* and humor tiri Pue spirits. Pi >u Id fens
Kome (*f the conductors and uhh phisti
cated Rlockhnlders thought V at s *me of
then' famili' 8 were quite Isirtre, Yet we
hear of no permaix nt additim a tn ihe
io*Vf ral I’oiiseholdn. No \v< ul- r the
ffoot'emen from Thon-es and B* rrien,
we e anxious to have the tfl in * , frtirii!y w
defined* No w *nd* r that t»-o grentleiuen
from Savaiiiiafi wore satisfh and, for there
were hundreds fnat lever w uld fo»v»*
»e< u Savannah, il it had n**t be. n f r the
“free ride.” And there were bandied*
ol dollars left in Savannah that never
would have found its way there 1 1 it h*d
not I*e< n for the favor extended ly the
One thing has always pnzz'e I iih, and
that 'B, why will men go to S<va <nub.
n and eay more than tl ey would have to j
pav f r the same article* hen? I re-]
tail trade our home merchants ran -ell]
jus! as cheap and olten c*beap»*», t‘ an |
the retail Savannah neichaif*. No;
(1 nI t men went to Savai nab will rn n- >
ey in their pocket* to buy the very things :
which they could have biairoi! at h< tre , ;
at less pi ice, and while tafeii acc unfs
with tf.eir home r* -erC- alii* were hi ill u*
settled It is a fi< r entry, though*
Stacktiald is’ .Aleefine of flic* A. X
Ui U U.
The Htoekh'ldcrM I tin- A. &<*. R.
R. held their annual meeting on tie 12
ir»st.,«t the f fli.-e of the (S.mpH y n
Savannah. There was 3177*? *haies :
; represented, lloll* J li. S W .isl Was j
cf airman of the meeting* Ti e rep* its
of the President and Superiutei.di c.t
were printed and pr* fiiMely -<*:«t teri-d !
among th * utockho’der* f> f>re the in et
ing'*M«*ncd. Tin »• r* port* wci* subs,
tjiiGufly adopted.
Col. S w aid fT»*i ed (he fo'fnwing res
o'uiious, wtiich hr- light out quiu* a live
ly discus-ion, participated >n ly lion,
M C. Smith, of ! h m .svil e, find Capt.
Kdwatd Lovell, of SiVitiioih, 'Dr. Ar
nold and otheiH Thu res Introns Won* j
adopted :
| Rf+olwd That Po thank* fth-p stock
lioldui sos I h’H C mp »* y |O, bml ( ,P -V :
] are tien by tend red to the State (' tn
| ni'Twi tncis for the r ui»h* u and inter- h»p g j
I report «0 the f»« neni! Ass**nthi y, »o t«-
; i alt of a> and f- r the *-xt- nxiou ot tin* At
| antic Sc Gull It K.
fteaolved That the thank cf t» i- C -rn
p »ny are due to Col. Screven for his abb
| and i tide fa ’gab e servicsin e?d«avoi-|
ing to procure aid front tie* St de, to j
c mplcle an enterpr »*e to vvnict* G-->r j
gia’s honor in pledged and which sn u'di
be cheerfully redeemed by her R< piemen :
tativ h art Bai.c<ioncd by in r honored;
Kl Cut ve.
Resolved. Thai the thanks of this j
Con.piny arc hereby t- ndi r-d to the j
Piemdent and F oard ot Pu ctois 1- r i «
ec m»my which bus been used in the !
winkings aid operations of the n-ad f i
the last fiscal your, and rec-nme*nd a
lik< economy -n the lutmu managi tm nt
*T the sum- .
] The foll-'W ing gciith-iuen were i |ect« and
;as B »aid of Directors for the ensuing
! y •> r :
f J S.-1-, von, \Vm Dnn.-vn R c
I) Arm-Id, E-lwill'd Lv. 11, Afiilll ,y
! Win il, F nl 'i'n K I'll ,1 111 M B
' I" veil W W. Kbklm.ri 11.-iifv L.m.r
A T M. I ty.- . R. II . Iliiubnv ,v, \\ .
;.1 Y-ung, G J. Miii'ii' i yn, \Y. O I' in
i riniig.
J VVe ii ;ikf tin' liiltowiiig . xtract from
t o Sufii-iintomb-nt'a I'oiinrt :
[ Cos/. John '?i, President :
;8 IK - Iho toll"XV nif i i*;h n I I 1 (to cpt't’u— i
1 1‘ ‘iis ill), iii Do A limit io it Gulf R -ilromi j
lilunriir tin- your on-ln it D oenil'i-i 31,
1872, and t itn C' liilitum ul inut dal
is rospoottnliy siiliiuitted ;
kxi-hnsks, IS7I anil 1872.
l'anitnffa. !s“I 1872
from trsight $791,280 86 $729,412 J-t j
From par- am* 2iJ.f>oo (i2 201.707 111!
From mails 21 720 00 21.720 00 !
From ilictilon'al 1 (.10170 32 O.’O .'.2 I
Total oarninfrs $ 1.0-1 l.ta;? 98 »K3 96$ Ol! i
Operating expenses ’89,'.,17500 6-H, 121! 59 !
319.189 98 339 599 t?
Extraordinary expenses 9S.:sso 8;) 2') <2l 1”
Surplus 253.108 I.i 31,8 717 78
•Including $9,497. 83, iucurred in 871. bin
paid in 1872.
Tin- tti-oreuso in freight, earnings has bet-n :
Between Savannah and J.. Fa ,m.
H. R $43.107 53
IVlwi-en Savannah and Cliallaboocliei
i Kivor 318,57 97
! *7.-,,01a iO :
Increase between Savannah amt
M il?. U K i -2
Increase in l.icul busiuesa 7.000 46 13.247 78 !
Total decrease in i-arnings ; : 6i 6i;B 22 '
The deeix-ase in passage earning," has been :
Through passage § 1.303 75 •
In local passage , 1 4,29 [ 77
Total decrease iu passage earnings . 510.798 52
Ti o lloC'i a-e 111 Oarnlligg. as at..vo
s! “Wii, unis-* i-- the bneimss fD o gisi
I ro in nil's f the ioar, wbic* wa
sl3 555 fi-' loss t- an f i D o game p.-mul
in 1811 The c-din ><c ipi 1 r t o
sum period w--r 48 2f>9 bales has D m
in 1811 S tba nil a ib on uso IG4
.is r c-nl in toe oimings , ( t r ,, .<}
i Iron January 1, to Mir Ii 31, 1872 :\i
\v ica date ill** buriiio as so iso a may be
said to let inn ah'.
Th bn ine sos the mimm r m nD‘s
showed a deed and in prov. inont. bi'ine.
fr m July to S pii-mh r (i c n-iv ) i
S2O 000 in excess ■ f t' at o the sun,
period in 1871; but, nnfi rtmiatoly, an
“1 ter elan t c*-D-“i ciop londered tin i
fall business of 1872 even loss profitable
Ilian that «f 'lio previous year.
Ot l or causes i.ave tend'd t> dimi'ish
t*ie receipts of tlie venr just ■jp rid.
Our railroad connections to Florida ha»"
beet in a dis tjfaeiz-’d c- tiddion for
nearly l'e "Mire year, tfrtdle ti e f .li
seas nt • petted woli a rivalry a t.otttr t.n - !
lines Citrtii tr freights ttnm New Volk
to Compel it. k point* ti tin* Sontfi Unit
ft reed t e rat s on snen Imsiness In I ,w
Ihe Cost ol peifo mil tr * i*o -erviee. T 1 c
bnainess of t'.e t’l.a:tail' ochee river lots
lieet; diverted ft out O' to a c 'liitidoi nine
extent by the opening of the new rente
(torn Eufnula tliretigli Montjjom* ry to
Lou sville.
from Texas.
Mr. Editor:— W old a few linen ;
one who h.iß err ig rated lr«>n» ISronkn i
county t Texa* ami seen thin land “I
f»t farm <1 wi a’lh :nid pi* My be accept-’
üblf ad n <ct with a welcome in l be;
(•••lunil-8 of yi Hr p tpi’l ? If B.*, I Will lit
confine my remade* t<» a y partie.nlir
locality, tint rv.*l **p- ak of TANARUS« xhh m<l |
tlie udvanta/* mit • ffor» in go «*raU
Charity, Mr E M r. if* Ma>rl to begin i
at Ii rn». th r&tdre wit av«ur I v«* I W'H |
gp ak «! Navarfo c»ontV first, n< tr that
ii is Vastly superior to all oibe p Ttini.w |
of Texas, hut that it p *BeKwe* then p- ■- j
etil ar advantage s, vz: jro -d b< c eiy
go dc* tirrh* h, god nclio !«, od w t- r i
and excellent lads. Mmy Ge tgiaii*
C »*>«*Htly imfliigisiiiim) ate o* w farming in
Ibis c try. Nav.u r*» c nuty i* j
ed in the heart « f C'l-Dal T xn» has an j
an aof nea-ly nine i-utid, and qon
and posrt* sites every variety f m»ii # from |
the rich h ack pi a lie t* th sandy post •
oak. Corsicana, tin* county site, is a i
tnr ving little pl.4C*‘, and arcordi g to I
the last censltN ha* a popu'afi ii *»f 4500 j
in ut'liatilH. There ha* tier 7000 hah si
ol Cdlt'ili *'• pped this point fr-.m !
pt» rnh( r I t to Ja emiy Ist 1870;
most if this wan raised in t.ii* cmj tv,
hut Kiimt' ha* hcen bought born these!
j Piohatdy, Mr. Editor. »mj c f your
nadirs may he loninup tiling em g a
j tint to other p ttio * I till* Slate, and
hliertfire for ti eii ! fit I \\ ill meniirn.
! * »me f-l the advaetag * V> XUs flers hr
■j actual settler*. 1 the first place aam
glen an cun, l y uppHcati >* t* t OUr p
'ei titafe antii. ritii-H, pectin £0 acre** of
j land or if ht* he (earned 1 <>o or* * at a
! coat varyitu/ loth (mi $lO 00, t is b -
I fug nvr-tly f r f*ui vey u.g he and, iec~
|oulmg h- s &c.; ad w: ile tne United
| Glut* * G vi i nmcni dernaiulH » c> tnioiii and
j cull iva* i«»n id'thru* lam!* so« five year*,’
I mifi charge* fsurn $y i $lB f r conim
;g* lit expenses, t e pahhc ain of t e
! Slate *»f Texas is - r.»nt< and t* ao ual act-:
! th-rs upon an sidenee thereon «ndcu!ii-i
i vati»»n of Ihro’ \oni s.
i And fin l er, the homestead ; s aacn’d
j to the family, and Cannot be 8 Id f»r a- ht
jor t »X‘ S,. xcept those tax* * \v fiich acci ue
on tie land itself and not for any oh er
! land or pioperiy own and hy tne same
p rson
Also, all household go (N «nd irnph*-
j u eats <»f hndnimhy, 5 milch c ws and!
! calves, 2 V' ke i 18*xeu, 2 noises, i w »g
--! "li, 20 Ogß. 20 Head of sheep and all
p ovisions or forage on hand h>r home
; Consumption, are exempt fr« in f reed
I sale for del.tStf Can any State in;
th Union show sue Dinvisi ns?
After u person has settled and im
p oved a hon» sit* «and h i*, he can hnv
(idjoitting In da from tn** State at $1 per |
acre and then has the exclusive i igr.t to!
all minertfU Jcr , found on In** land, w ile
t <* l /•*'«• I ''S <i v.-ietri nt cleirges
$1 2f> |. $2 00 pei acre fqr tli**ir fn de,
and and mini la is to any arm put are found
t cre*»n, the claim n vcrt> back to toe ;
governmt nt.
; s v ’ *' 1
We learn from ge logical fiOivey* as
well as tt»e expaua'i ms of t nrtsts, that
f< Xas p »s*t ss * S»>m ot th.» r<o''rM
i min sin the world. Tm «e consist in
pa t I lead, Ton, Copper ore (*« c -nd fn
no ein the wo 1*1) bismutl , antimony,
usphaltum. sat, petroleum and ad kinds
«and us lul nin ei a rock-*.
I ieg; id the Dallas and Wichita R R
as one of the most important i nt* iprises !
in the State Th s r ad will when om- j
noted run tMvngh th fi.i. s* p«* tim 3 * f
F xts and wi'l tp> th* v .»! mine* ofj
V ung c. unity*, where tli finest speci
men* * f both ant rac te and hiiumi .ous j
Coal have f» eii found.
It is St diluted t : at the Coal and. p s »-
fT« xas react e* at !>■ *st s x t ousand
.m| ue mi l ' k wth an average dep-*t» of
; Ihn'f hundred fed
j Th? *« Du Dag uid Wichfia fl »:»d vv?f’ run
through and dev,d n p Mo con *ti‘ Sos Ar
id* r. (J Ia v, Mont ngen Jack and Yoimu*, j
tli ; S las* is CO'Suhoed t v »* best f a'l t‘e
■'X'ri*;! e No* ih-wi stern ectr.ti. * and
while a’l abound in Coal fra certain (X ,
tent, the last named con ty possess* s
(it \s g•fter a1 ly c* rsid- red) the most.!
Cl ar inning sir- ams and beautiful!
lakes lore ab u *d which gladden tli
he a t of li th man ami least.
A’low me to mentioM tlie f Ttmu'e « fa
i gentleman wn<* earn- t • this c nr.try fn
his youth as cal in boy «n a vssU H.a
or- p ’ty, - xcl'i-ivp »f landed rst it«*. is as
t II «.«: 50 000 '1 a'i of 'nrmd cill e.
10 000 *•• rs sand mnVjt. 22 000 sheep
and 8 000 c»atß Branded last year
15 000 o.ilves and g'-r.t uv< rlatid tn Kan
hhs 5,000 ti. ovos, all of his own mark
and brand. To those that are disposed
to dotitu the above I would any, if tney
will take the tronble to write to me 1
will trive them his name and Post Office
address. • Texas is cu p aticully ti e
p or man’s cunity, and many now in j
a 111 ue ace and w» ath look back with j
pleasure, a,J tf dale their start tit life lrofti
ttie* time when they emiirtab dto Tex is.
H piinr. Mr editor that it e Quitman
Kannf.u may wave f river and couii n
to liad i's way to Texo-, I remain
Very Uespeetfitlly,
Navaiio County T'-xas.
The Uonil Question.
j ToiS quest i-u IS now etorroHSlujr tile j
; minds and c lumas of nearly all I'ej
|<j uturv and city papers aid editor. I
f*.e la st | ga‘ talent has I ecu called tun I
|in its investigation. Men of 'mi ei.t I
■ abihty and ff r widely in tel. r* ec to t r j
j.S'eid (Jo in [iionise. The Legislatuie
\ ri fuses to ei dorse it, l ut < xhibits . want
irf th cish n, i a tii jr f o tne ..pinion ol '
.(> v. Smith li would seem lliat • vers
! iliiiuj is at a dead I ck at Atlanta, ‘ n
t e(| e-t »n. In the nnt ' tone ol'-pin
; ion* .IT ied, there is sue a disci< pem v
| dial t "idy tends o> li ttidnin iii.
: Miu.ei fl w« ft 1 ly, W" s Olid jn<l
jtr to the f downy ii m w "lip b in e ■ j
{.Savannah New*: Ex May i Jme
i Huts closes is l< tt r "II the boutl** l'" ; "
{ipiest i" ti : “As 1 g t'o pay. I "ill n
!d 'Ciis- the legal points.” I) s M
| Jane atman to i siniiat Hiatt s" ali
itwyeis Wtm l.ilVe film 'ii and t " p .I*l 1
with idaborite 1 ::a aiunuieti's in sup
i port of the f.rop sed compr mis in
ipa and f r Ii iropi ioos? It these ‘-pe :
i fiat ple.idi g.’ a e paid fr, and t • \
! liew-p i;>", s at |> s 4 tW'o.ty Cents a liir
ft. printing tie m, it w uld aigne tha
;lue 'ill "Cent le lillel s” 111 OW tbell ;|o|'l|
;Ivp y libetal margin. "
Tlie Price ««f i yptt.
M"- uh Ge i’, Ko >ell & G :i'i
" tine" that tie y have at tin ir ware
uun- in N w V"iK n as'ofl ment o'
J type fr-m one of the m at ee‘elir.iti o
| foundries in I e w.o hi, (hat of Figg n--.
.fj lelon, K hind, wine -t' i y will stT .
2U pel ten discount from 'he Ane ric ri
-die when order and in fn s o' 100
j ponnds and tip wauls. Fie ya so ofle- t..
, inpoit large f pi* .... ..p via rd. is a
; gie-iii r dsc-n i t from the A rit-an j
: seal', and pr I ss to* be alee to (111 t . j
Iu . "SI ordei in eight weeks from dale!
; "I 't- me tpt it! Ni wA' ■ rk. T- • y sup
: plv sorts in huge . r small qn.iniiiii - '
} from t eir stock on hand m \ w A’ if j
•at tne American scale rate, Tm >’,■•**. r
I dial if the present duly .<« type aha II"
i removed, the price of the article, hot" ol '
| home and liueig muuif uauv, wilt im
jnn diati ly fall 40 p r cut below t .
i piespi t scale Kb bus Geo P Row
& G >. are kre an as C' minding h ■ hug,
I-S' ad? It'S mg busne ss i v r secured by i
I one house, and are also extensive deal i
jers in punting mateiial. I'hey are frun-1
|p ' "and to import I ne jjn goods bi-call e!
\mer ciin Inu del s gov im il by ach si
! c rpo iition or t ing keep (t.e pric vast- i
ly too nigh, and iu lie same nine in >k
i it an i X' i pti ui to . v. ry ut or ep eii s
nieic an lise by lecogiuz iijf no whole I
sale pr cej lb same atnoiuo per po'itol i
beitig eharg and to the ptirchaS'-r of fiv.
t leuisa ml p. U ids .s w uld by linn Who!
wants bai filly.
Tits Central I’hisiate s toe nine ■
If gin oi tlie Untied Ft tends "I Tem
fieri ce :l 'll T-n ess- e. M I. Goff, e
tlor and proprietor. It is fit .dwth i.
f rmatiou h m i e vari u- Ii nifie :u-o.
rd'-rs. and wifi g"ii ril news. It •-
neatly printed, and well wont, the sub
sciiplton pi ice, J'2 00 p' r ani.uiu Ii I
p I idl'd ;u \a» V- te Tent),
*| At lUACCO al .',O rents per pound, ,t
1 l AI.VKX- llAhh>
51 nr lC Adrrvtiormrnta.
SHOES, front *1 u.i to s:i on, to be hail at
t OO Dnslit'lsCorn forsuic in shuck.
:*<>(> !;• -h.‘!s Crt.un.l
All «.*f >\ Inch is offered »<n gixid te»mn fnr cusb 1
f fb. 21, 18*3. $ j nj
r> CISTs Garden Seeds at
Homeste <1 Notice
OT.4TE OF (iEORGIA. Brooks County. Cour* !
Ic3 of tk’diAar v
Mrs s,i>an Duckworth, wife of J R. Duck- 1
! worth, having SppliwV for exemption of person
; ally and setting apart and valuadon of the same, j
I Will pass upon her petition attriy office in Quit*
man. ut 11 o’clock, am., on ihe 3rd day of i
March. 1873.
Given under my hand and official signature. ]
this February 13. 1873
8 2t J M. Srt aker, Ordinary.
A AV RETT keep all tyles of Cook
ing Stoves at Savannah prices.
Homestead Notice.
STATE OF GEORGIA. Brooks County—Court
of Ordinal* - *.
Mrs. Mary E Nefsmith having applied forex
empiion of Personaltv and suiting apart and val
uation of Homestead. I will pass upon het peti
liou at my office in Quitman at 11 o’clock, a. m..
on the 3rd day of March. 1873
Given under mv band* and official signature,
this February 19th. I*7A
J. M. BHEARER, Ordinary.
8-2 t By IV.(i. Bentley, Clerk.
GET y *ur SlO 'es and Tinware from i
mi. 6i’ i ci's iwim
The celebm ed guanos imported and prepared
by Wilcox. Gibbs & Cos . Savannah. Gu., and
Charleston. S. C.. are for sale for cash, or on
credit on accommodating term**, payable in cot
ton, by J. fi Agent,
Qnituian, Georgia.
Special attention is called to the use of the
j I‘hcc iix Guano cempf - ed with Cotton Seed.
' Send or a ply as above for circulars, giving tes
| timonials from planters, prices, terras. &c. [8 Gt
ac a zsim a s «
Nebraska State Orphan Asylum
| Tube Drawn in Public, March 31, 1*73.
i Tickets SI each, or six for 8.5. Tickets sent by
Expre s C, O l). if desired.
1 Cash Prize, .. $73.00011 Cash Prize, ..$25,000
; 1 Cash Prize. . .sl6 00 0 1 Cash Prize. . .$10.00(1
: 1 Cash Prize. . 8 6, I Cush Prize. . .$ 4.000
Fur balance of prizes send for circular.
: liis legal enttu*prise is endorsed by his excel
lency. Gov W. H. James, and the best business
men of ihe State.
vT'lie limited number of tickets on hand wi'l be
furnished those who apply first.
Agents wanted For full par ic lars address
J. M IL-ItTEE, Manager
8 4t Omaha. N b.
3J Miles from Quitman.
\Kl r , is» notifying the public that
M.. :: '••;■ have eree*.»’d n fir-t-c Lt-s S;t.v and
i Grist Mill, in a fine lumber section of Brooks
coital v. niift only :U ml >■< (run Quitman, on the
; fa luk.lß p ililic road, and are prepared to furn
! i*h e\ (*»y kind and quality of Lamber, at short
I notice and on better terms than heretofore of
j sered rh‘* poop «
i 5Vc will grind oMy on Wedntsday and Sat
ji RPvYofeach week, and we guarantee good
! Ihe following are our prices for Lumber :
For General quality, of I. tube!. when cash ia
| paid on delivery. SIJ •>() pe• 1000 ier t.
For tin* > ime when piymenM* delayed ex
j ceeding 30 days. $16.00 per 10fl(> feet.
For special bills, where al’ heart is required.
! the price will b<* $15.00 per 1000 feel, Cash, and
! as per agre rnent ap to time
Th.* t pi ices will b.* strictly adhered to un
j less special contract)* ar<* mad** to the Contrary,
j We ■ licit the patronage of the public, and
; will endeavor to give satisfaction.
February 11 1873. 7-3ra
qi ITSS W.
f 'SNI 11: timloi “iitiii-il rrapi'ctfullv inform 'he piili
a. lio 1 hut th* j v liavo just opened, in tho
I etore next In Mr, Wilkinson* Smith, where
[ they now h ire, and will keep constantly oil bant?,
j n large and complete slock ot
I>!*<•■*' «ii«l Fancy (Jootls,
UooJs and Mhoes,
Hats, Notions,
Os the best qiinlity, consisting of
I B icon.
' Ic'is,
Caffe, and c. if-e.
t'tui Llyl’l IK Deportment enn-ists or WHIS-
I KV. BIiANDY. R' M. and LI.N.
W e have also a large assortment of Chewing
and Tobacco Snuff. Se jars, I’lpea. and
{ such oilier goods a, are usually kept in a first
i class store.
We cordially invite all to examine our stock
! before purchasing.
j ®B* All kinds of Produce taken in exchange
for goods.
(i AZ \N & NKWM \N,
Formerly of .Savannah.
Feb. 7. 1873.
f t KM'S’ Fine Hats for $2.0.1 at
To tin* Hond (’oiniiiksioiKTs
01* ISrooks County.
'T7'(>l arc rc?»pcctfnllv reque-’ed to mt-et at
a. my office in Quitman. Ga on tho First
Tuesday in March next, without fail, as there is
bu.-inC'S great importance to iransaGt.
Quitman. Jan. 31 1873 6-3 t
(ll\ PPIdLL’S
4 I’iK'T . LA'S FEKTILIZER. Over Four
; i \ Thousand Tons sold in Georgia, ami nor a
! single ton repudiated ; giving universal satis-’
faction and anah-zing. according to Flare Chem
; ist. higher than any brand in the marker. Try
j if. For sale by " FAINE &II ALL
. ! eb. 7. 1872 Gli Quitman, Ga.
J E< >RGI A, Rkoi.ks t'ui .mv.—(V hereas. Mrs.
W. \. Ingram Administratrix on tire ea
'a .• <?f John Ingram, lat** of said county, decea.s
*'d' having filed her petition lor dismissal from
said Administration--
These are ihereforo to cite and admonish ail
paries inieresiHd tn file their •■bjecTioiiS, if any,
witliin the time jm «*se: ilted b> law, o herwise
<; ‘-iT Letters «if Distuissal will be granted and is
sued to the applicant
Given nndei my offi ial signature this Jan.
17th. 1873.
JAMES L. BEATY, Ordinary.
Jan. 24.1873. 3m
C 1 EO RGIA. Bno ■x< County —Whereas, John
ST A. McMillan. Administrator on the Estate
« f Abram Moore, late of said county, and ceased,
having filed his petition for Dismissal from said*
These a-e therefore to rite and admonish all
parties intertilled to file their objections, ii any,
i within ti e time prescribed by law, otherwise
j «tid Lett *rs of Dismissal will be granted and is
| sued to the applicant.
Given tinder tn\ official signature th : « Janua
ry 20th, 1>73 JAMES L BEATY, Ordinary.
January 24. 1873 3m
TT T have removed onr Goods to the new
» t brick building on Screven street, be
tween Dr. Jelk‘s Medical Office and Mr. Edmond
son's store; where we will be pleased to see enr
old Cvis omers and the public generally.
Quitman January 31.1572. 5
N”EATLY and,expeditiously executed at the
Danner office.