The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, March 28, 1873, Image 3

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special polices. iFyoutravtl East, West, Nmtli ir South, take m of SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR. Prewired only by J. H. Zeilin & Go., Macon, Ga. ("1 LAASWARE of all kinds at W PAINE 4 HALL’S £ , UAN» DISTRIBUTORS on hand and made UT to of tier bv STREETY A AVRETT, £\ EXUINE Italian Strings at PAINE &. HALL’S Goon Fimiixi; ix Cat.iforxu. -What care tho people of North Carolina. South Carolina. Geor gia and Florida for the fish in the gold-bearing State when they have full store houses and com sortable homes The last can only be had with the aid of a Poor, Sash and Blind Factory, and Builder*’ Emporium, such as is now- in mnstsuc cessful operation by Mr. P. P. Toale, of Üb" les ion, S. C. Soud for his price list. Sent tree, [lm TOBACCO at 50 cents per pound, at PAINE & HALL’S PIANOS AND ORGANS. GEM Silver Tongue Organs t would call special attention to my Large stock of Pianos, Organs, Musical Instruments of all kind8 4 and Sheet Music. Sold en the most Liberal terms, and warrant ed to give the best satisfaction. Music and Books sent by mail, postage paid. U. L. SCHtttiINJER. II ts Savannah, Ga. TANARUS) ATCHELOK’S BROGANS for $1.75, at 1) • PAINE A HALL’S. QV&KKTV * AVRETT keep alt -tyles of Cook Ll lug Stoves at Savannah pyces. IV X 7’RA Violin Cases and Bows at J PA INK A 11A LI ’S. • WHERE TO BUY. February ut, 1873. day rodncjdfe from 15 to 25 per cent. stock in-the South to select from, ele gant* Got Pianos. Rosewood Cases, Carved Legs; Overstrung Bass and all the modern im provements $205, $275 and $3(10 Warranted dufafje. MY.hey relunded in case of failure. The popular ‘‘Southern Gems” ojily $290. S3OO, $320 and $340. Hal let, Davis & Cos. oct.. squgre grand. s3*s, $4lO, $430 $490. Win. Kmibe* S' jCo ? s., uperb instruments, lower than ever before sold. Address us for special terms. Pianos sent on trial to any part of the South. kSend for Price Catalogues, the style desired, give in the order and we guaran tee 3$ turnish a first class Instrument or refund the hiotiey/ YGholesalo Depot for.the celebrated Mason »V ; Ilamlin..Cabinet Organs, Fifty styles from $55 to SIOOO each, delivered freight ftaul to cash buy ers, in any part of the South. Any piece of sheet Music, or Music Book pub Inked iti the U.S. sent, post paid, on receipt of retail price. Adtfress all orders to LUDDEN A BATES. * k.- South erk Music 7-in'] Savannah, Ga. kind of Tinware very cheap at JJ SJ'EEETV A AVRETT. A COMPLETE line oHlardware at ’ PAINE V HALL’S r^* - ©**— ('I Tj¥ your Stoves and Tinware from T STREETY A AVRETT. YIOL’N CASES, for $3.00, at . _ >.?**- PAINE A IIALL'S osLiu -Julf 60,~*-£trkkty & Avr.KTT are selling teq gallon Lard Cans at Two Dollars and Fifty Cents per can. Cheaper than ever before oil er yd io ,fru»Tiiiu ket*. 51-ts ,/*ak Ajflergyman, while raiding in .South Ameri ca. as*nlSl<mry f discovered a saf«* and simple remedy tor the Core of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay,Disease of the Urinary and Seminal or gans, and the whole train of disorders brought on by* baneful and vicious habits. Great num bers have bee* cured by this noble remedy.— Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, 1-wiH lend the receipt for prepar ing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope td anv.onu who needs it, free of charge. JOSEPH T. INMAN. Station I). IFble Honse. 9 22 New York City. Ci ENTS 7 Finer Sewed Boots, for $6.50, at £ PAINE A HALL’S ;; . TO THE SUFFERING. The Rev. William H. Norton, while residing tn Brazil as a missionary, discovered in that land of medicines© remedy for Consumption, Scrofu la,, Sore Throat,- Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and This remedy has cured my self after all other medicines failed. Wishing to-benefit the suffering; I will send the recipe S and using the remedy to all whn,®“ it, free of charge. Please semfan envelope, with your name and address on ft. Address, R*v. WILLIAM H. NORTON, 9-23 $76 Broadway, New York City. jf i ENTS" Fine Scotch Capa,* for SI.OO, at fJjT PAINE A HALL’S ALL kinds of Toilet Soap and Perfumery at PAINE A HALL’S Without a,.— The demand for Dr. J. BracfieWs Female Regulator is beyond pre cedent in the annals of popular lemedies. Or ders come in so thick and fast that the proprietor has, heretofore*been unable to fill them all. He is happy to state that arrangements are now complete by whichhe is prepared to nmmifacfore Female Regulator on a scale equal to the <%»t gency, and. the public may feel assured that their wants may now be supplied. Physicians of high repute oro using this great remedy, in daily practice, all over Georgia. Hereafter no wo man need suffer from suppressed, suspended or irregular mei;-drfiat?lcm This, .valuable medi cine is prepare#3^--I* Bk Bradfield Druggist, Atlanta. Ga.. anil sold at $l5O pvr bottle by iexpectable druggists throuffhont America. For sale by McCall A Groover. [4-tf] Removal! vrTE have removed our Goods to the new Y\ brick building on Screven street, bc- Dr. Jelk’s Medical Office and Mr. Edmond sons store; where we will be pleased to see our old customers and the public generally. PAINE A HALL. Quitman, January 31,1872. 5 B LIST’S G irden Seeds at PAINE AHALL’S she Qttitmmi fanner. QUITMAN, MAR< II S3, 1813. Bsg~ See the advertisement of Messrs. Bozeman & Lewis. They have made a very material change in the same; and those who desire material, , from their mill will do well to become con versant with terms, as set fortli io the Banner. ChM-D BiWen by a Dro.—Oil ISst Fri day a small child of Mr. Thomas Avera was severely bitten by a ferocious dog. And strange !o say, the dftg etill lives. Onr merchants are ail receiving their Spring slocks of goods. Some of them have purchased unusual heavy stor.ks, and propose to sell at a very small mar gin in advance of cost. New Buildings —Mr. J. B. Creech has just completed the erection of anew brick store, and we learn that Mr. James E. Young will, in a very few days, com mencc the construction of two more. We understand that Mr. Young has abandoned the idea he entertained of putting up a largejtown ball. Teiiipernifce. At the last meeting of “Quitman Coun cil, No. 37.” U. F. TANARUS., the following offi cers were elected for the present term, to wit: Rev. C. I). Campbell, W. P.; Tl. M. Mclntosh, W. A ; John Edwards, R. S ; A. J. Sparks, F. S ; Geo. W. Avrett, Treas ; R. C. Mclntosh, C.; Rev. S. S. Sweet, Chap ; C. P. Uedingfield, I. 0.; M. C. Wade, D. G. W. P. e The officers will be installed to-night, f Friday,) and all members of the order are urgently requested to be present, ns onr young friend, N. L. Griffin, Esq., will deliver an address on the occasion. Horse Thief Arrested—He Declares • Himself a Convict. On the night ot I lie 20th, a young maii stole a horse from-Rev. Geo Bright, a buggy from a Mr. Davis, and harness from Mr. Whitlock, all residents of Mad ison, Florida, and reached Quitman with his stolen properly early the following morning, tie ."concealed the horse and buggy in a stable on the suburbs of town, ari l quietly awaited the result of any pursuit by the injured proprietors of the piopcrty Late in the evenlhg a gen tleman arrived from Madison, charged the young man with the tin It, and had him arrested An appropriate confes sion was msdi (in wnich the pally was m titled il the prisoner had not had too much whiskey aboard, he would have got away,) the stolen property was j transf-ri id to its owner, and the thief | wi ir to jail. The horse thief is a ytiung man, appa- j renlly not more than twenty years ol j age, las quite an intelligent counte nance, iintf is evidently shrewd and reck- Ittts, About a month ago he was loiter ing around Quitman, answered to the name of Ed. Davis, and at one time was arraigned before the town authorities I for creating a disturbance at a negro i pabin, where he was severely beaten. Since his incarceration in the Quit man jail, he has concluded that his *ame is not Ed. Davis, and lies made a con fession to the Sheriff that is lathei i surprising. He says that he was tried several months ago before the Superior | Court ol county, on a charge of as sault and buttery with intent to kill— (his victim being so severely injured that he is a confirmed cripple)—was found guilty, and sentenced to the p -r.i- j tenliary for ten years. While confined , in the jail at Perry, awaiting removal to the penitentiary, an opportunity pre senting, he made his escape. He s iys that Governor Smith issued a proclama- j tion, offering a reward of S2OO for Ids • apprehension, aml that he is extremely j anxious to go ta the penitentiary, and thereby escape indictment for. horse stealing. The prisoner alsg confesses that the present is not the only horse he has sto len since his visit to ibis section of courr try. He is certainty a fan/' young man, and bids fair some day to adorn a gibbet. To Liquor Dealers. I We are requested by tho Clerk of Council, to notify all persons who desire to procure license to enable them to sell liquor od and aftet the first of April next, within the limits of the town of Quitman, that they must present their petitions, wjth the names of the security they piopose to place on 4heir bonds, at the regular meeting of Council, on she j fiist Mi nday in April. Hereafter no !i- j cense for the sate of liquor will be grant j ed, until after action is taken on the pe tition and bond approvi and at a regular; meeting of Council Tailoring Establishment — Since the . d-ath<*t Mr. Black and removal of Mr. | Cummings onr people have seriously felt the inconvenience if being deprived of a experienced tailor. W e are happy to announe*-, however, that Mr. Price, of Lake City, Florida, has located among us, aud will supply the deficiency. GENTS’ Fine Hats for $2.00 at PAINE A HALL’S A Wonderful Horse. Mr. Jitmes King, of this county, owns a horse that has struck terror to the hearts of the intelligent freedmen on Id plantation, Sonic two .weeks ago the most faithful uegro on the place stole from the trough of the aforesaid lioise, almost the entire ration of corn which had been furnished for its evening meal; ns the thief was leaving with the corn, however, a gtin was discharged, and a large number of buck-shot deposited in the leg cf tho aforesaid corn stealing darkey. Now, Mr. King and his -entire family were enjoying their evening meal, all the darkies were inside their respec tive cabins, and the wounded hegfo af firms that tie living soul was present; consequently it is generally believed and conceded, that the horse, indignant at the outrage, fired the gun. It must be so—it cannot be accounted for any other way. That horse will henceforth be permitted to enjoy full rations. Tbe an imal was raised in Kentucky, arid fur nished to Mr. King by Mr. Thrasher of Quitman. He has more of tho same sort. Hev. J.S. linker Is the local agent at Quitman for "Har row's Monthly Souvenir," a first class lit erary paper, published at Bristol, Toon., and furnished to subscribers! a i fi.oo a year, luadlitiou to the paper, each subscriber is furnished with an elegant engraving, entitled our “Fallen Braves.’ It represents the fallen Generals of the South. A large life-s’si portrait of Stonewall Jackson occupies the centre, surrounded by line portraits of Generals A. P, Hill, A. S. Johnston, John Morgan, Leonidas Polk, J. E. 0, Stewart. Turner AsLby, Commodore Collins and F. Z dli coffer. EiCti Portrait is natural and lifelike and surrounded by a wreath of flower* and evergreens entwined with scroll work. In the lower part ol the engraving is a monument to the memory of Southern fallen braves, overhung by a weeping willow and surrounded by soldiers and ladies. Also u view of tfie Battle ofShHoh wiih Gen. Johnston in the foreground, falling from his horse mortally wounded. Also a v : ew of the Battle of CbaneoHorsVille, showing Stonewall Jackson lying beneath a tree mortally wounded with soldiers intend ing him. In short, it is twelvemagnifi cent pictures on one sheet, the whole beautifully cob red in fifteen different tints and #hades, mounted on ro'lers so ns not to require framing, bound and oiled—making it a superb picture both in subject and artistic flu »h, w. rtli more this* t e subscription price of the pajer tor which it is given us a premium to each yearly subscriber. We advise our people to become sub- Ncribois to the Souvenir. They will not only get a good family paper ami ele gant picture for one dollar, but aid a worlly»old minister of the g"fqe I. Hail Storm.—We had a considei able fall ot hail at this place on last Monday evening It was unsun! at this season nl the year. It is nn old* Baying that gardens are never safe from the ravages of “Old .Lack Frost" until after Baste! Sunday. This year it comes on the 13th ol April. Miscellaneous. I lianjrc ol Schedule. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, ) Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, / Savannah, February 21, 1873. 1 ON AND AFTER Sunday. February 23rd, Trains on this Iload will run as follows : NIGHT EXPRESS PASSENGER. I.oftve Savannah daily at v 4.40 p.m Arrive at Live Oak, daily at 3.20 “ Quitman <U\ily at 3JB a.m “ Thortiastine 4.55 a.m “ Bainbridge at 7.50 a m u Albany at 9.30 a.m Leave Albany daily at <«. 6.20 p.n. u Bainbridge* daily at 0-45 p.rtl Leave Thomasville 10.00 p.m “ Quitman daffy at 11.33 p.m “ Live Oak, daily at 11.40 p.m Arrive at Savannah daily at.......... 10.10 a.rn Connect at Live Oak with trains on J.. P. and M. U. 11., for arid from Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Ac. No change of cars at Live Oak. No change of cars between Savannah and Al bany. Close connection ;*t Albany with trains on Southwestern Railroad. DAY PASSE NO ML Leave Snvannah, Sundays excepted, at 7.20 a.m Arrive at Lawton. do. at 3.05 p m “ Live Oak, do. * at 5.40 p.m * “ Jacksonville, do. at 11.03 p.m Leave Jacksonville, do. at fi.4o “ Live Oak, do. at 11.40 a m ; “ Lawton, do. «at 2:20 p.m ■ Arrive at Savannah, do. at IdfOO p.m change between Savannah and Jack sonville. # ACCOMMODATION TRAIN \Vkhtern Division: Leave Lawton, [Sundays excepted] 7.50 a.m ; Arrive at Quitman. [Sundays “ 31.08 ain j “ ThomasVilie ** 1.10 p.m j “ Albany “ “ 7.10 p.m Albany “ “ 7.50 am, •• Thom isvilto, u u 2 20 p in “ Quitman “ “ 4.32 p.m ! Arrive ai Lawton, “ “ 8.10 p.m Connect at Albany with night trains on South western Railroad, leaving yllbany Monday, Tues- j day, Tbursflay and Friday, aud arriving at Al- • : bany Tuesday f Wednesday, Friday and Satur- j day. • Mail Steamer leaves Baiiit ridge every Wed nesday at 9.00 a. m. for Apalachicola. • 11. S. HAINES. [9-tf] Gen'l Snpt.. For Sale * THE tinder.«>gned offers for sale a second liarnl (I octave PIANO. It is a small, but ! very good instrument, and sold to make room i for *a larger one. Will be sold very cheap. « F. R. FILDE& Quitman, March 11, 1873. JI-tf Hclu GRANDEST SCHEME OF THE AGE $,400,000 «L 2 ■ ■ ■ 'Ma SIOO,OOO Bol* Only SlO. t’mlor authority March lti, IS. I, tn« tnistuua now auflounco tin* j Third Grau.l (Jilt CoMClTtnor tho benelit of the . Public Library ot Kuntuoky, to eome ott’in Li ' brary Hull, at I.ouisriUe, Kyon Tuesday, April Bth, 1873. ! At this Concert the best musical .talent that can be procured from ad parts of the country will add pleasure to the entertainment, and Ten Thousand Cash Gifts, aggregating a vast total ot Haifa Million Dollars currency will be dis tribute by lot to the tickel holders, as follows: i Ope Grand Cash Gift, ...SIOO,OOO | One Grand Cash Gift, 50,000 | One Grand Cash Gift 25,000 | One Grand Cash Gift,... 20,000 One Grand Cash Gift 10,000 One Grand Cash Gilt 5,000 24 Cash Gifts of SI,OOO each, 24.000 50 Cash Gifts of 500 “ 25,000 80 Cash Gifts of 400 “ 32,000 100 Cash Gifts of 300 “ 30,000 150 Cash Gifts of 200 “ 30,000 590 Cash Gifts of 100 69,000 9,000 Cash Gifts of 10 “ 90,000 Total, 10,000 Gifts, all Cash, $500,000 To provide means for this magnificent. Concert, One Hundred Thousand Whole Tickets only will be issued. Whole Tickets $10; Halves, $5; and Quarters, $2.50. Eleven wliole Tickets for SIOO. No dis count. on less than SIOO orders. The object of this Third Gift Concert, like tho t'\io heretofore given with such universal appro val, is the enlargement and endowment of the Public Library of Kentucky, which, by the spe cial act authorizing tin* concert for its benefit, is to bo for ever free to ail citizens of every Suite. The drawing will be under the supervision of the Trustees of the Library, assisted by the most eminent citizens of the United States. The sale of tickets has already progressed so far that com plete success is assured, and buyers are there fore notified that they must order at once if they ; desire to participate In the drawing. The management of this undertaking has been committed by tin* trustees to HON. TUGS.’ K BRAMLETTE, late Governor of Kentucky, to whom commancutiobH pertaining *to the Gift Concert may lie addressed. R. T. DURRETT, Pres’fc. W. N. HAL DEM AN, Vice Pros’fc. JOHN S. CAIN, Sec’y Public Library of Ky. FARMERS’ AND DROY 1« ltK» BANK, Treasurer, As the time for the Concert is close at hand (April Bth.) parties wanting tickets should send in their orders immediately if they would avhid the rush and delay absolutely unavoidable in the few days preceding the drawing. All or ders and applications for agencies, circulars and information will meet with prompt attention. THOS. E BRAMLETTE, Agent Public Library, Louisville, Ky. [Hstablisliud 1830.] WELSH &. tmZFFITHS, Munufaettm.fS of 8»w«. SIH'HKIOR To ALL OTHER,'S’. KVKIIY HAW WARRANTED. FILES, HELPING ANI) MACHINERY •, I)IBl)orXTS.158Si LLt ftini Circulars free. WCLCII N. OH I IF ITUS Boston, Muss.. *V Detroit, Mich. S Ai V S The Gciuk is pnblishe«l Quarterly. 25 cents pays for the year, winch is half the cost. Those who alter wards semi money to the amount of One Dollar or more for Seeds may also order 25 cents worth extra-the price paid for the Guide. The First N imber is beautiful, g ving plans for rarking Rural Homes, Dining Table Decora tions, Window Gorrens, Ar.o., and ji mass of in formation invaluable to file lover of flowers.— 130 pages, on fine tinted paper, some 500 Engra vings, and a superb Colored Plate and Cliroino Cover. The First Edition df 200,000 just printed in English aud German. JAMES VICK, Rochester, New York. r.-<* the Rcisinger Sash Lock and Support to FASTEN YOUR WINDOWS! No spring to break, no cutting of sash: cheap, durable, very easily applied; j holds sash* at any place desift'd, and a self-fastener when the sash is down. Send stamp for circular. Circular and six. copper bronzed locks sent to any ad dress in the U. S., postpaid on receipt ot 50 cts. Liberal inducements to the trade Agents wan ted. Address REIS ING Ell SABII LOCK CO., No, 418 Market Nt.. Harrisburg, Pa. BABCOCK EXTINGUISHER SKND FOR “ITS RECORD” E. W. FAR WELL, Secretary. 407 Broadway, New Yofk. 78 Market Bt.,Chicago Sewing Madhine IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD- Ji/1 fjents mantel. Haul for Circular. Address: “DOMESTIC”Sewing MAcaiNE Cos.. N. Y* THE BEST BUSINESS opportunity and the most talcinf) combination offered is to be found in an Agency for taking subscription for HENRY WARD BEECHER’S Great Literary Newspaper, with which is given away the largest and best Premium PiC J lures ever offered, the new and exquisite $12.00 FRENCH OLEOGRAPH , called I; Little Runaway and her Pets.” (Oleo (jraqhff are the choicest class of French A rt pi in oils -the perfection ofChromo.) We al-o give the superb $lO pair of Genuine French Oil Chromes, “Wida Awake” and “Fast ! Asleep,” subjects Life Size—charming far. simi-. let ? of original Oil Paintings. This paper has the 1 largest circulation in the world. It will this ! yf.'ir b-e made better than ever. Serial tales by ; world-famous autliors, L. M. .1 Icoft, Edward Eg- j I gleston, Harriet Beecher Stowe, etc New and ; brilliant : Number and ba ck numbers of Miss Alcott’s sto-; ry khee. The largest commissions paid! One] Agent made 900 dollars in 3 months; another j I 537 in 35 days; another 91.40 in one week; one j 357.00 in one day. am! many others from 5 and 10 to 40 per day. This year our offers are even rnor«* profitable. The subscriber gets the Pic tare prerainyim when he pays the Agent. j GOOD AGENTS WANTED. S Intelligent men aud women wanted every where. To get good territory exclusively as signed, send early for circulars and terms J. B. FORD &CO , New York: Boston, Mass.; Chi j cago. 111 ;San Francisco. Cal. SHOES, from $1.25 to $3.00. to be had at PAINE & HALL’S Savqnnah A dvertlsements. Spring anil Suniiiier Dry Goods! DeWitt, Morgan & Cos. JN r o. 139 Congress street, Savannah, Ga. Offer great ln<luccme ; iit.s to Cnsli Kuyfrs !» • New Styles of Tires* Got)(Is ; English ami French Jaconets and Cambrics ; Black anil Colored Dress .Silks; Japanese .Silks and Poplins; Full Line of Mourning Goods; Bargains in Black Alpaceas; Cloths, Cassimeres and Tweeds, for Gfnls’ and Boys’ wear; White and Colored Linen Drills; Table Do mask and Ilnok Towels; Embroideries and L. 0. Handkerchiefs; Gents’ and Children’s Hosiery; New Styles Parasols and Guanaco Umbrellas; Full Lines of DOMESTICS, at the ** Lowest Market Prices tor OPENING NEW GOODS DAILY AT— MKSM DeWITT, MORGAN & CO. February 28tb, 181?. 9-tt ILL. SCHREINER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in IK STiTIIERY. 11 ftSIUK. PIANOS, ORGANS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and MUSIC. News and Book Paper. Cards and Card k , Board, Bill Heads, Large Stock of Flat Papers, Ac., Ac. JKS" vtgents for Mathers’ Printing Inks. Retail House 137 Congre s street. Wholesale House, 9!) Bay streot, Savannah, Oft. November 29; 1872. 47 ts LIGHT! LIGHT! LIGHT! NAPTHA Is the CHEAjPEST, SAFEST and BEST Burning Fluid in Existence. I JETER WAKEFIELD, Broughton streot, (op pnaite lli« Marshall House) Suvnnnah,Ga., keeps Naptha, Kerosine* Lamps, Glass Ware, Naptha Stoves, Tinware, Chimneys, and Lamp Wick. The Only l*laee To get Pt!i - c Naptha! September 13,1872. ly M. M. SULLIVAN, Dealer in SHAD. FRESH Suit. Water Fish, '*- p ' Vegetables, Fruits and Other Produce. j&fs~ All orders promptly attended to, Terms Cash on Delivery.*®^ a, 1 ! 1 Savannah, Ga, SAVANNAH BITTER HOUSE. George Allen, Jr., 93 Bay Street, (P. O. Ilex 8,50,) SAVANNAH, CEORCIA RECEIVING by every M earner from Hie North, all grades of Butter and Cheese. Purest Lard always on hand. Particular attention gWen to filling orders for good country customers. Please try me. All my prices as low as the lowest. • March 14, 1873. 3m Miscellaneous. RIBBObS, MILLINERY & STRAW GOOD3, IWB - While Goods , Embroideries , <tc. ARMSTRONG, C ATOR & CO. Importers, Manufacturers and Jobbers of Bonnet, Trimming, neck and Hash Ribbons. Vel vet. Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Hilks, Sat ins, Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feath ers, Ornaments, Krainev. Straw Bonnets and Ladies’ and Chil dren’s Hats (rim’d and trnl.rim’d. And in connecting warehouse, WliUe (loads, Linens, Embroideries, Lares, Nets, Collars. Setts, H’ dk'fs, Veiling, Head Nets. Ac. No’s 237 and 239 Baltimore street. BALTIMORE, I MARYLAND pip-These goods nre manufactured by us or bought fur cash directly from the European and American Manufacturers, embracing all the lat est, novelties, unequalled in variety and cheap ness in any market. Orders filled with care, promptness and dis patch. Build cheaply. * HBXI) FOR I’JUCK JUST OF WINDOW SANIIiiS, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, Slats and Marble Mantles, and all kinds of Building Materials. Ample stock, and facilities unlimited. GEO. 0, STEVENS .A CO., Baltimore. Md. DEATH-BED OF GEN.LEE. A magnificent 14x18 inch Engraving. The fam ily and friends are grouped sorrowfully around tile, old hero’s death-bed. The scene is so touchingly beautiful, the sentiment of the pic ture is so sweet, and the characters so life-like that cvcrvbody admires it. It is truly a gem oi art, one which should hang in the parlor ofeveiy Southern honie. Sent by mail, postpaid, on re ' eeipit of 20 cents, or 3 for 50 cents. .Agents wanted. Addles* * J.o. ,t W. M. BURROW, Bristol, Term. WORKING CLASSSMS. tars a week guaranteed. Respectable employ ment at home, day or evening; no capital requir ed; lull instructions and valuable package of j goods sent free by mail. Addvess, with six j cent return stamp. M. YOUNG & CO., 16 Cortland st., New York. | f n perday! Agents wan ■pO lO ted! All classes ~f work j ing people, of either sex, young or old. make more money at work for us ill their spare mo | ments, or all the time, than at anything else.: Particulars free. Address G. .STINSON A CO., | Portland Maine. tfgfefl HIMI ,4Kvvak>; H nli 88 I For any caw ot I rajS® fj nclN IHi Blind, Bleeding \ i S W W W Itching or Ulcem j tea Piles that Dk Bixo’h Pii.k Rbmkdy fails to j ; cure. It in prepared exprewly to cure the piles, j and nothing else. Hold by all druggists. Price, j | SI.OO. I IIOldllllLE! i J suffered with Oataarb thirly years, and was ! cured by a siiflple remedy. Will send receipt, postage free, to a 1 afflic el. ‘Rev. T. J. MEvU), Diawer if 9, Syracuse, N. Y. PROVISIONS, JLiquors , Xc. CHAMPION & FREEMAN, Savannah, Ga., TNVITE the'af-tention of the people and adjoining counties to their # LttFge and Varied Stock ot Staple till (I Fancy GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, TOBACCO, CHEESE, HOTTER, Foreign and Domestic FRUITS, NUTS, Ac.; Ac We are receiving -every week, by uteattiera from New York, consignments ofj Apples, Onioils ands otatoGH, ot best quality and at moderate prices; Prompt attention given to orders. CHAMPION & FREEMAN, Bay Street, corner of Drayton, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. October 25, 1872. lim SCHWARZ & BRADY,- DEALERS IN .Cimips'sfau Floor OH Cloths, .m rjß.' rmr w fan «»- s* WALL PAPER, WINDOW SIlA'DE^' And alt'Grades df . Up ho ls try €woatlSf 133 Broughton Street; (South Side, between Bull «!fc Whitaker Streets,) SAVANNAH, &At December 20. 1872. 5i __ L T. WHITCOMB, Agt Importer of and Dealer in vm rnsii irntw Pine Apples, Applffe, Bdinirhtg, Tutafoo-, Oranges, • CinfAjj's,. Lemons, Kut», A:<^ Vegetables, Hay, Glum, Feed, Ac. &c. 99 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH 'GEORGIA oßhHtirt(M, Strictly GiWh.'ftck 4d’tohcr 25, 1872. fan B. B. MILLEIL nfif hkn ffi . Maliflvnny, Walunt ainf t’ifie Po®6auosa* t’RENCII AND COTTAGE CHAMBER SETS Adt) *- Sj o bliin g (minuses. * Mattresses Made to Ord&r. 155 & )57‘llU0UGnT0N STREET', Nd'fct to Weed & CornweP., SA VANN A tl CtiOtlGlA. September 6, 1872. 6m A. B. IVES, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. Manufacturer of 9&ovasm©® Shirts and Men’s Underwear, 7b Order, and in Pine Fnxliftfnublc Heady Made Clothing, * Gents' Furnishing Oohdfn, % And the Urgant assortment of lfWtn in >he Cily. Dec. 6,1872. * Stif DWIGHT L. ROBERTS, AND Commissi’ft Merchant 144 Bay Street SftrattnaH , C* a. October 25,1872. 6m