The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, March 28, 1873, Image 4

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she (Quitman gann**. PUBLISHRD EVKUY'FUIDAY* tekmh: TWO DOLLAKH A. YKAII WHRN PAW IN ADVANCE. AHVKIITIBINO. Ot»«* fH|nare t (10 lines, or less,) flr»t insertion $2.00; each following insertion, sl.o<>. When advertisements are continued for one month or longer, the charge will be a n follom : No. .f S.j« | i 1 Month. | ' 2 Months. |!3 Months. | j ; 4 Month*. ; . 5 Months. | ; 6 Months, j : 7 Months, t ; 8 Months, j : 9 Months, j >l2 MonihsJ llt V.o4)| * « *lO SI ! 14 IS 16 171 I*l 20 21 8.001 1! 15 18 21 24 20 2* 30 35 S'lo.ool 15 20 25 SO -34 3*l 4o| 45 4112.00 1* 24 30 SO 40 42 441 40| 53 5 14.00 25 33 30 44 40 4* 50 52| 00 tlis.ooj 30 40 45 50 55 56 57 58, 05 12|3«.00| 50 05 70 75 *0 85 90 100 120 18X5.00 65 T 5 *0 85 90 100 110 1201150 24|60.00l 75 80 90 100 110 120 12<t1|40 , 200 I LKGAIT ADVERTISING. Abet-iff* 8»l««, per levy. pr. sq’r $ 5.00 Pairs by Administrators, Executors anil Cuardiaus. nor squaro... 6.00 (Illation of Adminial ration or Gimrdlnn llhip, per nqnare S.OO Jf.ilce to Debtor* und Crad1t0r*......... 6.00 ifltatia* tor leave to ,ell land 600 (Station of Dinmissi in of Administrator.. 10.00 •• •' Guardinn 41.00 V orneHtpnd Notlee 5.00 Per announcing candidate*! for office. SIO.OO Obituary notice*, Tribute* of Rejpect.and all article* of a peraonal character, charged for a* adtretlwemcai*. Kuhlng tlie Wind. Not nttitiy yearn ago two Frenchman —one wealthy mid in poMcwtion of ready caali, the other pdbr and pennileaa—oc cupied, by chance, the (tame room in a *uDurban hotel. In the morning tlio needy one aro»« firnl, took ( hin pock et a piatoi, and holding it lo hin own forhead, and backing against, the door exclaimed lo bin horrified companion: ‘its my lant desperale rea«rl; 1 am penniless and tired of life, give me five liundnßl francos, or I will instantly blow out my brains and you will be arrested as a mitrdererl’ The other lodger fouqd himself the he ro of an nnpieahttnt dilemma, but the c< • gcncy of Ilia companion’s argument struck him 'cold;' he quietly crept lo hi* pantaloons, handed over the amount and the other vamosed, alter locking the door on thu outside. Hearing of tins another Frenchman, o( very savage aspect, olio night contrived to room with a very raw-boned gentle man from Arkansas, who had been rath er freo with bis money dm ing thu day, ami evidently hud plenty more behind. Next morning, when awaking, discover ed hin room-mate standing over him, with a pistol leveled at his own forehead, and evidently quaking wifli agitation. 'What the deuce are you standing there lor in the cold?' asked Pike, prop ping himself on his elbow, and coolly surveying the Gaul. ‘1 am despeiatel’ was the reply; ‘you give me one hundred dollars, or I will blow not my btainal' ' •Well then blow and bo domed! re plied l’ike, turning over. ‘Bole yon will bo arrested lor zo mur dniret’ persisted the Gaul, earnestly. •Bh, what's that?’ said Pike; ‘oh, I *ccl’ und suddenly drawing a revolver and a five pound Bowie' from under his pillow, be sat upright. ‘A man may an well hang lor a sheep a* « lamb,' lie coolly remarked; and at the word ho stin ted for the fjaul, but the latter was too uinible—the ‘hois pistol,’ innocent ol lead, oxplod-d in the air and with one Iruntic leap our little Frenchman was standing iu his nightrobo at the foot of the staircase. A proof that what may suit one lutiludo will not always answer for another. California has anew eodo of laws, which make some important changes in thu law ol marriage, and recognise i this relation Ohe feature id “woman's rights.” The new code establishes the equality of a wile with her husband; abolishes the *-gut lliei ry (list a man sail wife are one person, and declares that the two c.ui contract with each otlo-r und-site each other the same as il they had not been -mst-rit-d. Win re minors get married the law changes their status, so for as nil matters relative to or found ed upon the marriage .are concerned, from minors to adults. These changes made grout innovation up in the law ol marriage in this country, and the practi cal working in tliia particular of tlip n*w California code will be a subject ol c >u ■ siderublo 4til< real. Os the venerable “Father in Isrcal,’ : tiio Cotuiobtia Sun soys: J>'he venerable and wonderful man is very near ninety years of age. In a short talk that he made in St. Luke's church, lust Sunday, he stated Im bail been preaching sixty eight years, and il he lived until the loth of Angust next, he will have been a member of thcchuich seventy years, and on the 84tli of the same months ho will have attained his eiglity-uintn birthday* His only regict, in this connection, is, that he dill not soonet embrace relig ion, Sunday belieo lu.t he preached a forcible sei ol nearly an hour und a hull duration, ami y t did not slpuv ally sign if exuausliou. His voice ntaius all its strength and volume. An old farmer said to Ids sons: Boys dou’t you ever spek. rlate or wait for something to turn up. You might just us well go and sit down on a stone in the middle of a raedder, with a p iif ’twixtyour legs, and wait lor a cow to back up to you to lie milked. In Princeton, Kv , gills sit on the lap* i of buys, and hung their arms about tin Hluttly necks ol the Kentucky youths, to | keep from falling off. Tney call it spark- j infc, und Princeton is so full of it that the atr is rweeW-r than a rose bud. An Indiana editor hires a band l" ser enade him twice a week, ami lie responds by a enlmnn ol tlotnks It e next day. The chap who could do all the busi ness lewanbd o without adveiti-ing, i l as been c inpi llcd lo adveit se at lasi. Tie in v» in head and "S. er i IT* Sue. - ’ 1 M iscellaneous. fs j This unrivalled Millielne 1* warranted not to ; contain a single particle of Mercury, or any in ! juHoti* mineral substance, but is PURELY VEG ! ETAIILE. ! For torty year* It lias proved its great, value ■ In uli diseases of the Liver, Bowel* und Kidney- Thousands of the good and great in all parts ol She country veneh for its wonderful and peculiar power in purifying the Blood, stimulating the torpid Liver and Bowel*, and Imparling new Life and Vigor to the whole system. HIM MON’H LI VEil REGULATOR I* acknowledged to have no equal a* n LIVER il EDJCINB. IX contains four medical elements, never udted in the same happy proportion in any olhei Wep- I sralldn, viz: a gentle Cathartic, a wonderful j Tonic, an unexceptional Alternative and a cer tain Corrective of ail impurities of tile body. Such signal sooflee* ha* attended its use. that It I is now regarded aa the GREAT UNFAILING SBEGIFIC for Liver Complaint and the painful offspring thereof, to wit: DYBBERSIA. BATKIN, Jaundice, Billions attacks, SICK HEADACHE. Colic. Depression of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, Heart Burn. Ac. Regulate the Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVER. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR is manufac tured only by J. 11. ZLILIN A. ('O MACON. GA-. ami PHILADELPHIA. Price $1.0(1 per package; sent by mail, postage I paid, sl.Ol. Prepared ready for use $ 1.00 and I $1.50. Sold by all Druggist*. Beware of Counterfeit* and Imitation*. [5-ly A GREAT RLESSING. Never, since the* time “when the morning stars Hang together,” ban thfreljcen a greater medical discovery and blessing to the human race than the <JLOJiE FLOWER COVGJF SYRUP . This delightful and rare compound is the »c live principal, obtained by chemical process, from the ‘ Globe 1* lower,” known also aw “Hut ton Hoot,” and in Botany as “Cephalanihus Oc •eidentallfl.” Gloiik FisOWKB Coton Svkit Sh almost nn in fallible cure for every description of Coughs, Colds, lloarsenerK, So no Throat, Croup, Whoop ing Cough, Pleurisy, Influenza, Asthma, Bron chitis. &c.; and will cure Consumption, when taken in time- as thousands will testify, Glohk Flower Cornu Sthcp will cure the most obstinate oases of Chronic Cough and Lung affections, when all other boasted remedies tail. GfsOHK FIsOWER o*h'OH Syiut does not contain a particle of opium or any of its preparations. Glohk FisOWKK Cot on Sari e does not contain a particle of poison, or any ingredient that con Id hurt I/hi most delicate child. Glohk Fijowku Cokhi Syrup has become, win-re known, the most popular Cough Medicine in til J country, because it lium successful lv with stood the great tests ot’ merit, viz: Time, Kxpeii once, and Comnetition, and remains, after puss ing through this ordeal, the beat article ofiu> kind in the world. Glohk Flowkr Cornu Strit is pleasant to the taste, and does not disagree with the 'most deli cate stomneh. •Physicians who have consumptive patients, are invited to try the Gloiik Flowkr Cornu 3viar. Its magical effi*cts will at once be lell and acknowledged. Beware of Conn terfeits; the genuine has the words, (Ilobk Fi*owkk Cornu Sritte blown in each bottle, and the signaturos of the pioprie tors upon each latud, The trn<le-mark label and compound are protected by Bettors Patent. Don’t take any other article ns a substitute for Glohk Flowku Cornu Svm i* if your Druggist or Merchant has none on hand, request him to order it for you. Thousands of Testimonials of the most wonder ful cures are constantly being receiver! from the North, Fast, West umi South -some of which seem almost mb'actdous. Sold by at SI.OO per bottle, $5.00 for one-half dozen. .1 3. PIvMBEItTON A CO., Proprietors, [jan24-tf.] Atlanta, Ga. For Sale by McCall A Groover. TO PLANTERS! JKIMVSIVMUS MONEY MADE !) THNIIE iiniU'r.igluid Ikidou burnt ami .1 ly riTi-Iving— All Kinds of Plows ! and will lmve in « fpw (lay* a lot of— sf<‘«'l In in Shovels, Nft-4‘l Scoo levs, nivfl Whole shovels, Clvvlhcs, Heel Pins, Grass Ut tls, Ac, nil nt LOWER I’RIOES than cun bo hud in shops hero, and nude of bettor -material anil beltet ivorkinansldp. - He is nlsoJAgont Ter— IW'KSON’S CELEBRATEI) ('luster Cut ton Seed, And the Celebrated COW LAW COTTON PLANTER -AND- -- GirANO msTHIHUTOK. mo a call before yen lay in your supply of Farm Implements for the year. JOHN TILLMAN. Quitman. Gu., Jail. 17, 1573. • 3-3ui The *th Wonokis ot the Worn n has been found in Georgia. The discoverer is a'physician ot long experience, extensive observation and pro found judgment, and his discovery has proven such u blessing to woman, that it is already known throughout the country as --Woman's Best Friend." With remarkable quickness and certainty it cures all cases of suppressed men struation. acute or chronic, and restores health in every instance. Dr. J. Rradfielii’s Female Regulator supplies a remedy long needed in the treatment of diseases pecuuiu-vo woman. This the Medical Facility knows and admits, while liinnv of our best physicians are using it in daily practice. The medicine is prepared with great care, by 1.. 11. Bradtield. Druggist. Atlanta Ga. and sol'd at $1.50 per bottle by respectable Druggists everywhere jnn24-tf W.*B. ADAMS, Commixsion Jtlevchant, 146 Bar Stkkkt, Sav inn.ui, Ga. sdr- Liberal advance* made on consignments. October 25, 1*72. 43-ts Wav Wii.i. Yk Dik?—Death, or what is worse, is tin- inevitable result of continued suspension of the menstrua) tiow. It is a condition which should not be trifled. In ail eases ot suppres sion, suspension or other irregularity ot the ■ Courses,’’ Dr. J. Bradfleld's ' Female Kegu'atm is the only sure remedy. It acts by gii ing torn to the nervous centres, improving the blood and determining directly to the organs of menstru Htion. It is a legitimate prescription, and the most intelligent Doctors use it. Brcpured by J.II. BrsdfMd. druggist, Atlanta. Ga. *3,V tier botUe. aud sold by respectable druggists ei | erywhere. jandi ts Miscellaneous. Ootußßbse The only Reliable Gift the country SOO,OOO 00 In Valuable Gifts! TO 1«E IMSTIUWJTKD IN 1. n. Hl|i| iCOth Regular Montldy GIFT ENTERPRISE, To be drawn Monday, April 28tli, 1873, Two Grand Capital Brizes of $5,000 each in Greenbacks! Two prizes or *I,OOO, Five prize” of *SOO, and Ten prizes of *IOO each in Green backs. One Horse and Buggy, with silver mounted Harness, wueth S6OO. One fine toned Rosewood Biano, worth $500; Ten Family Sewing Ma chines, worth *IOO each. Five Gold Watches and Chains, worth SI4OO each! Five Gold Amer ican Hunting Watches, worth $125 each. Ten Ladles’ Gold limiting Watches worth *75 each. MIO Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches (in nil) worth from *2O to S3OO each. Gold Chuyis, Silver-ware, Jewelry, etc. Whole number of Gifis, 6,600. Tickets limit e 1 to 60,000. tfcst-Agents wanted to Belt tickets, to whom Liberal Bremiumswiil be paid. Single Ticket* *1 ; Six tickets, $5 ; Twelve tickets, $10; Twenty-five tickets, *2O. Circulars containing » lull list of prizes, ades criotion ol I he manner of draw ing, and other in formation in reference to tie- Distribution, will be sent to any one ordering them. All letters must be addressed to M ux Omen, L. D. SINE, Box *6, 101 W. Fifth St. ( 6-st) Cincinnati, O i. iIKKB-1 V. OHO. w. AVIIK’IT. STRKKTY & AV RETT, rwrm ray m. kcjhl mi 9 ASP RKALKIW I.V Cooking iiiid Parlor Stoves, Os Various Stylos and Slzt*, And all kinds of TIN AND HARDWARE, QUITMAN, UA. Roofing and Ga timing done in the best style. »Ve selT Stores at or below So-vunimh prices. We lespeetfiilly ask the people of Brooks aud adjoining counties to give us a trial. November I, 1872. ly PALL AND limit TRADE. i. B. FINCH, DEALER IN JfitiTtn ;mb Staple Drn d^oobs, G KOCEUIEN, <Vo. Has Received his. Fall and Winter Stock, adud offt rs the same on the most favorable terms | It ombraces all the latest styles ot Ladles’ Dress Looils ; Calicoes ;! Trimmings. Notions. Full lin<‘s of Domestic j Goods. Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes. Hosiery, Ready Made Clothing, Together with Full stocks ot • HARDWARE, TINWARE, CROCKERY, CUTLERY, Family Groceries, The patronage of the public is respectfully ftoiicted, and as heretofore, fair, honorable deal ing guarsuited. Produce of every description re ceived in exchange for goods. J. B. FINCH. Quitman. September I*3, 1872. ts T II K WHEELER & WILSON. SEWING m i c n t m i .Sy The Wheeler & Wilson Machine is a swift-fin- j gored sister of charity. It is a'triumph o£ mechanical genius. It lias no equal for family use. Wo r( .|er to the following prominent citizens of Brooks county, who have this admirable ma chine in use : D«. R. M. Hircu, F. E. \orx-G, , Ci i.i.t:\ Hkstkr. Nicholas Uvnmcx, S. D. Eivanxnsox, W- R- Holi-oway. J uik- Y. Jonks, Dn. W. R. Joixkb, Hi Kirs. Jacob Moohy. N. M. Rkiidick. Husns Stciwtiu.. Mas. M. B. Bi-aok. Mbs C. 11. Wilson. ; E. W. HARIfAL, G<;u'l Agent. Savannah. Ga. i M M. MYERSON. Agent. Q union. Georgia. November 15, 1872.. 4 -‘ ( m Miscellaneous. FURNITURE HOUSE, QUITMAN, GA. JOHN M. WITT. Cabinet Maker sTJmlcrlakt r, Ha* now on hand a fine lot of B t! R E A U X, BEDSTEADS, SAFE‘, WARDROBES, W ASII-STAN DS, Wixneon (.’II AIRS, Bouton ROOK EUS anil is prepared to put up to order - SECRET ARIES, SI DEBOAR DS, and everything needed iu the h urniture line, and Id any style required. An experience of many, years, justifies him In assuring the public that his work will give sal s faction in every respect; and prices will con - pare iavorahly with those of Savannah or els. - wliere, wfth this important advantage to the pit - chaser : every piece t/1 Furniture leaving his es tabllsbment will lie warranted. ■t«- Iteimiriujff <lone with ncatneis and dispatch. Coffins promptly forwarded to any .‘sta tion on the Atlantic and (suit Railroad. JO HOST BS. WITT. Quitman, Ga., Feb. 23, M 72. Ms' M.M KM. 9S“*5 Metalic Burial Cases, A N U Burial Caskets ! Tlie undersigned notifies the public that h lias now completed all arrangement* for the sue ceaaful condne'ion of the Undi rtaker 8 busines*, having received tin* Agencv for the Bale ot the celebrated Fisk.’* Metalic fin rial Cases and Cos kets, and the same will bo sold at r«*gular Un derUker’s rates. lie will also keep on haml silver plated han die* and mountings, which ran be substituted for the metalic handles, etc., in a few minutes %S-CUixen* of neighboring town* cau be sup plied promptly with any description of case do sired. Terms, CASH on delivery. JOHN M. WITT, Agent. Quitman. July 14. 1871. 28-1 y a nobIeCHARITY. ftV iLVL Wfiiaeaß ssa esW a * tarn i ■ . TO BHKCT THE Nebraska State Orphan Asylum Tube Drawn in Public, March 31, 1873. Tickets SI each, or six for $5. Tickets bent by Exp re » C.O D. if dt?*ired. 1 Cash Prize, . .$75,000(1 Ca*h Prixe, ..$25,000 1 Csiwh Prize, - . sls OOuj] Cbsli Prize, . . SIO.OOO 1 Cash Prize, $ 5,000,1 Cash Prize, .$ 4.000 For balance of send for circular. This legal enterprise is endorsed %< hi* excel lency. Gov. W. 11. James, and the best business men of the State. The limited number of ticket* on hand will be furnished those who apply first. Agents wanted. For full particular* addpvss J. M. IMTTEE. Manager, ft-4t Omaha, Neb. A MODEL NEWSPAPER. the savannah dairy news. Tito Savannah Daily Monxixu Nkws lx hc knowledged by tint picas anti people to be the beat daily paper south of Louisville ami cast of New Orleans. Carrying with it the prestige and reliability of ago, it lias all the vigor ami vitality of youth, and its enterprise nr. a gatherer ol the the latest and freshest news Inis astonished its contemporaries and met the warm approbation of the public. During the yenr 1 f*7A, no expense of lime, la bor, and money will be spent to keep the Monx i\o News ahead of all competitors in Georgia journalism, ami to deserve the flattering encomi ums heaped upon It from all quarters. There has. aa yet. been no serious attempt made to ri val the "special telegrams w hich the News inati gurated some jenrs ago, and 'he consequence Is, that tile reader ill search of the latest intelligence always leeks to the Jlouxixo News. Tim tele graphic arrangements of the paper are atieli that the omissions made by the general preys reports are promptly and reliably suplied "try its special correspond eats. The Moumnii Nkws has lately been enlarged to a thirty-six column paper, and tins broad scope of type embraces, daily, everything of in teregt that.transpives in tbedonm nos Litcraluie. Art, Scieui'e. Polities. Religion, and General In telligence: giving to the reader more ami betli#J digest matter tlKig any other paper in the mb it is. perhaps needless to speak of the politics ; of the Mobnino Nkws. For years and years- in- j deed, since its estahlisetuent- it has been a re ; ! presentalive Southern paper, ami Irani that | time to the present, iu all conjunctures, it ha> j constate. tly and persisteullw maintained Dt-mo | cratic States itiglits principles, ami labored, with I un ardor and devotion that know no abatement. | to promote and preserve the interest)) and honor j of tlto South. 1 The special features of the Mokmno Nkws w ill | be retained and Improved upon dm trig the ensu l ing year, and several new attractions will be !added. I The Georgia News Items, .with their qnair.l I anti pleasant humor, snd the epitome of Florida ! affairs, will be continued during, the year. Tin i local department w ill be. as it lias been for the I past year, the moat complete and reliable to be 1 found in any Savannah paper, and thu couuner | cial columns will be (nil and accurate, j The price of the Daily is $lO per annum; I $3.00 for six months; SI.OO for one month. THE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS. This edition ol the Mobnino Mews is especial ly recommended to those who have not the faeil Hies of a dailv mail. Everything that has been Mid it. regard" to the daily edition may be re Rented of the Tri-weekly. It is made tip w tl great "care, and contains the latest despatches and nmi ket reports. The price of this edito r j is $6. U 0 per annum, $3.00 lor six mouths, and $1.50 for three’months. THE WEEK l.A' NEWS. The Wkeki.y Mormxu Nkws particularly rec ommends itrt-if to the farmer and planter, aml to those w“o live off the line of railroad.' It is one of the best family papers in the country, and i - btings it within tie reach of all. It contains Thirty-six solid reading mat ter. and is mailed #0 as to r- a*t sabscriherr with the utmost promptness, it is a carefully and laboriously edited com .etidium of the news of the week, and contiins. in addition, an infin ite variety of other choice reading matter. Edi torials on" all topics, sketches of men. manners, and fashions, tales, poetry, biography, pungent paragraphs and condensed telegrams enter ink* j its make-tip II oonUilna tile latest telegraphic ! dispatches and market reports up to the hour ol I going to press, and Is. in all respects, an indis pensible adjunct to every homo. Brice—One year, s2.i)o; six months, SI.OO. i three months. 50 cents, i Subscription for "ither edition of the Moknino i News may be sent by express at the risk and ex rpenseb! the proprietor. Adtless J 11. KSTILL, Savannah. Ga. (ftttoa Giu Repairs. KJIHE undersigned is prepared to repair anc JL plaee in good order Cotton Gins. Saw i sharpened and brushes filled, so as to makt them as good as when new. Will visit any por rion of the country, when notified that services are needed. J. R. PALMER, Quitman, July 26 1872 20-ti HOTELS. il. 3. LUCS Savannah, Ga. Board per Bay? $3 00. October 24, 1c72. :im PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, CUR. PRESIDENT & ABERCOUN ST., Savanuah, Ga. Transient and Permanent Boarder* Received. DR. D. COX Would Inform his old Friends that he i* now in hi* New Quartet, located as above, and will strive to give satisfaction to guests. Charge per Day, - - $2.00 July 15. 1870. THE MCINTOSH HOUSE, QUITMAN, GA. J. R. Edmondson, Prop’r.j No pains will be spared by the present prei priotor, to retain thu well earned reputation and patronage of this popular house ofentertuinmen Zfi, The tables will bn supplied with the ! very best the market can furnish; the chambers w ill be kept neat and comfortable; and attentive waiters will lie in attendance upon guests. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. la-ir rimrtres Reasonable. April 12, 1*72. 13-ts imtTT I 115 BISMkK; QUITMAPT, GA. T>. r. JUNEII., Proprietor' (IS IJotel is new c pen ror tne entertainment .of the public. Permanent and Transient Boarders, will he received and cared for on rca son able terms. The house is located in the Southeast Section of the town, and wa.s occupied last year by Mr Jenkins. The Proprietor will take every pains to make guests comfortable and happy. Ho solicits the patronage of the public. February 0, 1872. 6-if SPOTS WOOD HOTEL, Nearly Opposite' Passenger! Depot, MACON, GA. T. 11. n A URLS I’norniKToK Hoard, SB per Day. . January 3,1873. 1-ly VI cA rE E 11 OUSE,’ • SIVUTTIVIIL'D, OA.' DINNER HOUSE for the Train* from Macon to Albany undKufaula; and SUPPER HOUSE for the Night Up Trains to Macon. ,S«iy-Go<>d meals at 50 cts.. and polite and atten tive servants. A good Bar attached. W. M. McAFEE, Proprietor. July 12, 1872. 28-Ora Miscellaneous. Sash and^Blinds, MrOUUDINGS, BRACKETS. STAIR Fix tures, Builders’ Furnishing Uardware, Brain Pipe, Floor Tiles. Wire Guards, Terra Ootu* Ware, Marble and Slate Mantle Piece* Window Glass a Specialty. Circulars and Price Lists sent free on appli cation, by P. P. TO ALE. 20 Ilaync and 33 Pinckney sts , oetl-ly Charleston. S C. A Paper for the Masses. * Worth tts Weight in Gold!! “ Xothinff l(he it in the World!'! * Tery reader a xoyrr m nrrT times its ETfTT intetligmt diiien, rrofowt-tnal or non-profo*. sional, mechanic ».» laborer iu the whole couutry, should RDl*rcrite f»r the Advisor. Wherever shown seen it ig sure to take a firm hold on the community, as ita intrinsic mine as a Business anrl Family Paper has made, and is making, for it a circulation and rctru” tatiuu unparalleled in the history of Journalism. It 13 A BEAUTirCL 10-PAGS, C4-COLCKX. IU.CSTRATXX> WjeeXXT . It gives you all . YOUR LEGAL ADVICE FREE. Ot icinsl Designs for DweHings, St.burhan ami Country Residences, and a vast fund us nif.-nuatiou on matters of special and general Interest, found in oo other Journal iu the countrv. i lasifeect $5.00 Oil Cbrem, THE LOST BAKE, Si*o 13x15, mounted ready to frame, is presented to every yearly subscriber. Subscription price, $3.00 per year, ia advance. Single copies tea cents. PERMANENT AGENTS WANTED For unoccupied territory in the Uuited States and Ca nada. liy our New Plan agents can have a coo tinnons annual income, with but little labor. Our Bgeuts are making from $3 to $lO per day. Writ® at ouce, stating territory-desired. Address all letters to Ckorr A Pnrujra, Pchhshcrs, Pittsburgh, Pa. February 7,1873. 6-(jm JO/j W*Ol£l£ VTFATLY and expeditiously executed at the Banner office. Savannah Houses. Wru.uNt C. Staijsy, jjoux' A. Stakev, Attorney at Law | Notary Public. JOHN A. STALE* & SONS, Brokers and Auctioneers, Office : No. HOJ Bay street, SAVANNAH GEORGIA, TTTILI. BUY AND SELL Real Estate, Wild VV Lands, and Personal Property. Strict attention will be given to all businea* ntrusted to u 9. oct2s-€m W*. n. took. wm. w. 008 TISON & GORDON, Cotton Factors AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 112 Bay Street, Savannah, Ca. Bagging and Ties advanced on Crop*. Liberal Cash Advance* rn^de on Gon*igtUP#»4a of Cotton. Cotton sold on arrival, and proceed* returned l ! by Express, when owner so instruct. Prompt and careful attention guaranteed •• all businews. *ep2o-6m Lbdlik. Samxki. Ledi.i* Navannah. New York. C. &S. LEDLIE. Wholesale Dealer, and Commistion Merchants ia SIiISKS AND WOOL; Beeswax and Skins, Tnlloxv. &0., 18C Bay Stbekt—Foot of Barnard, UATAimASt* OA» p*2r Consignment*solicited. October 25, 1872. 3m A. M HAPPOLDT, Cons nt ini on %Revehant, Axd Wuoi.Ka.K.K Dx.u.ra ix OMMddWa] MuM MU$M| Foreign and Domestic Fruits, And Produce Generally. 139 Bay Street. Savannah, : : Georgia. Consignments of POULTRY", EGGS, SYRUF, HIDES, &c„ solicited. Just Rkckivko: New Raisins, Pigs, Brazil and PeMA Nnts, Almond*, Ac. October 25, 1872. Cm JOS. S. ULAOHOHN. ISO. CU.VVI.NOBAM. CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM, wnor.ESAiJ*: axd ketatt. it mm wl±z ■«. mm + Corner of Drayton and Bay SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. KEEP constantly on hand a full and large assortment of Plantation, Mill and Fami ly Supplies and Groceries. ' -—ALSO, FIXE— imported and Native Wines, Liquors and Segars. October 25, 1872. 6m •so -i.r.B, :r£rjaagcaii n iif \V. W. Chishuui, |l).PY^Dikcy Savannah. fFloridv CIIISHOLM & DANCY, SAVANNAH, CA. BROKERS] COTTON FACTORS, AND General Commission Merchants. Cash advances made on consignments of Coh ton. Wool. Hides, &c. Gold, Stocks and Bond* bought and sold. Correspondence solicited. 37-6 m E. L. NEIDLINCER, DEALEIt tx3 Saddles, Bridles & Harness, Best Rubber and Leather Belting, Saddlery HARNESS AND SOLE LEATHER CALF SXCIaVS, TRUNKS, VALISES, <Lc N0.13(5 St. Jnliin and 153 Bryan Street*^ Savannah, Cf«. OCt25 25-ts F. D. JORDON, DKAI.ER LV IjTiiU'SJIjSS* JEWELRY. SILVER VXD PLATED WARE. &C-> &C 6tC , Sole Agents in Savannah for the Celebrated -J Diamond Spectacles 135 Congiess St., Opposite Pulaski House,^ Savannah, Ga. as- WATCHES and JEWELKT Kep lired.-ffik. October 25, 1572. iy