The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, April 04, 1873, Image 4

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&hc (*}u it man banner. PUilLlftHftD EVERY FRIDAY* TRK M R J TWO DOLLA HH A YKA H WHKK PAW I.V ADVANCE. ADVERTISING. One square, (10 linen, or less,) flrsf insertloL $4.00; each following iimertion, $1.30 When advertisement* an* continued for one month or longer, the charge will be hr foil or-a : ■ No. ,f S. |9 j ‘ 1 Month. ' 2 Months. . 3 Months. | [A Month*.* j . 5 Months. | ; tl Months, j ■ 7 Months. ; 8 Months, i ;;9 Months. ; 12 Months. i|s\i)oj $ 8| yidi *i'i n 151 it; w i«t 20 21 8.00 I 15 18 21 24 25 28 50 55 s'lfl.OOl 15| 20| 251 5(1 sl| :f, 58 4<>| 45 4112.001 18 241 50 35 40 42 44 45| 53 5 11.00 25 33| 351 44 45 48 50 521 50 5 15.00) 30| 40 151 50 551 55 57 58 55 12130.00 50 55| 1 o V- 80 85 00 100 120 18 45.00 55 7 5 85 85 90 100 111) 1201150 24|50.00' 7.51 80| 00| 1(81 1101120 120 140 200 LEGAL ADVERTISING. Sheriff. Buli'». p<-r levy. pr. c(|’r......... $ 5.00 Sali*« by Arttolnlutmtor*, Executors noil Gusnllons. nor «qii(irc 5.00 Citation of Administration or Guardian ship. per sqnars 5.00 Notici* to Dnlitom anil Creditors 5.00 < Itnllon for leave to oil Inml 5.00 ('ltallou of Rismlssljn of Administrator.. io.oo •• •< Gonrillnn 5.00 Homestead Notice 5.00 For announcing candidatesfor olfleo. SIO.OO OMtimrjr notices, Tributes of Respect,and nil »i'felon of a personal elm motor, charged for as , nd iOf hsemcnts. AN KUDO I'B OF WEBHK. It wan in Luudon, and itioighUieu tutu drod nnd eleven, Wi lier wan In a boat on llie river with Home Indice, and began (n perform on the flulo, which he played lo great perfection. lint seeing that hid bout Wan lolluwetl closely liy nnolher, in which were several jnimg officers, lie put bin flute in his pocket. 1 Why <)o yon stop playing?’said one one of lint officers lo Weber. ‘For the name red sun that I began,’ replied the c mposer. ’And that is?' MJecuose it plennes me.' ‘Well, then,’said the officer, ‘take tip your flute again, or it will please me to throw you ii to the wnffir.' The composer Hoeing that the dia logue was unpleasant to the ladies he was with, gave way, and began playing again. When leaving Ids boat, bowev* rr, be accosted tlio bold son of Mars and said : ‘Sir, the fear of annoying the people who were with me, made me brook your insolence: but to-morrow I will have cu lire satisfaction. We can meet in Ilyde I’ttrk to-morrow at 10 o'clock. If you have no objection we will fight with swords; we need no seconds; the qilnr lel is only between you and me, and it is quite useless to bring in strangers.' The young ( slicer accepted the chal lenge, lie was at the renpezveins at the appointed hour, and met Weber as a greedon. lie drew out his sword, and put himself on guard, when Weber pre sented a pistol at bis throat. ‘Do you wish to murder me?’ said the cflicer. 'No,’ said Weber, 'but be kind enough to put up that sword at once, and to dance a minuet, or you are a dead man.’ The officer made some objection, but the authoritative and determined tone of Weber seemed to influence him, and, notwithstanding the arrival of son c people on the scetio of action, went through with what ho was asked, or rattier told to do. ‘Sir,’said the musician, 'you corapi li ed tue yesterday to play against my wish—l have now compelled you to dance aga’iost yours. Our bond is over. However, should you be dissatisfied still, I am quite ready to give you any satisfaction you may wish fur.’ The officer made no reply, hat held out his hand, and begged Ids advmsary to honor him with Ids hiendshfp. From that moment an attachment sprang up between them, of which the above-inci dent was tlie basis, and which lasted to the day the illustrious oon poser died. The North Pole. The French Geographical Society have lately received Iptlers from M. Octave Paw, dated August, 1812 from the oast of Wrangel's land. Mr, I’uvy has dis covered a large river, near which lie found, the remains ol mastodon* in a per ! lect state ol preservation, which he ties-- j cribesthus; "The skin was covered with black, still' hair, very long and thick up : on the buck The tusks measured elev en feet cighf inches in length, and was bent back about tlio level of the eyes. The fore legs were bent, resting on the knees, and tho posterior parts were deep ly sunk in the snow in a posture indica ting that the animal died while try ing to extricate itself from a watery grave or a snowy slough. From its stomach were taken pieces of bark and grassess, the nntoie of which could not be analyzed on the spot. •Over an area of twenty miles, the plain was covered with tho remains ol mastodons, indicating that a numerous herd of those gigantic animals must have p risled there through some convulsion of nature. This region abounds with pohu bears, which live on the re in a le nt tna.-todoos." Except the skeleton re mains now ut Ft. I’eteisbu g, this is, wo lielieve, the only instance ot a preserved body ol this long extinct animal, and we tiusl that the skin and complete skclo toti may be saves loi the French S cioty M l’nvy seems sanguine of reaching Die Polar tie a, and sustaining Dr, Katie's the ry. The Legislature «l Missouri is discuss it g a proposition to give juries, at their drscrelion, power to commute He death penalty in homicide eas> s ;o imprisonment* fol not less than twenty years. A bill mak ing such a provision lias t**eu favorably reported in the House Toe St. lands G.aly makes tin s c - 'inni“iits ti.eieoii: It is to Is hoped that the lull w ill be c me a law. The almost inesistable t' n.ptattou to aeqnit when any oilier possible verdict wiil l hi fatal is f>nud l virtually annul the luw against murder. Juiiis resolutely refuse to lake life. It w ill, therefore, do no harm, at h ast, to Ky H.e j icpostd change of the Jaw as an experiment An additional reason fm it is the fact that the exulting law of timider is s : mply | respostcrons *in its failure to disciiniinate between crimes tlmt'diflcr vastly in magnitude. It de— dare-the .fia*-ion -Irei.zii and homicide t have acted with dehheiatom ss and ill cad Llqod ami pr■ scribe* iln* same ver and ct and tote tor one who slays the vin ator of bis domestic peace as for urn who mordent for gnu. This should hi reined it and, and the 101 l will be a Step to ward a mueh-ne-dod reformation ot cui penal Code Miscellaneous. f SIMMONS'! [regulator! Tld* unrivalled Medicine la warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any in jurious mineral substance, bat is I‘URELY VEG ETABLE. For torty years it has proved its great value in all discuses of the Liver, liowels and Kidneys. Thousands of the good and great in uil parts of' the country vruch for its wonderful and peculiar power in purifying tho Wood, stimulating the torpid Liver and Dowels, and imparting new Life and Vigor to tlio whole system. SIM MON'S Id VKit REGULATOR is acknowledged to have no equal as aLiVKIt MEDICINE. It contains four medical elements, never trilled in the same happy proportion in any other prep aration, viz: a gentle Cathartic, a wonderful Tonic, an unexceptional Alternative and a cer tain Corrective of all impurities of the body. Such signal success has attended its use, that it is now regarded us the OK EAT UNFA 0.1 NO SPECIFIC for Liver Complaint and the painful offspring thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTI PATION, Jaundice, Billions attacks, KICK HEADACHE, Colic. Depression of Spirits, SOlfll STOMACH. Heart Burn. Ac. Regulate tho Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVER. SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR Is manufac tured only by .1. 11. 5tF.11.1N & CO MACON, GA.. and PHILADELPHIA. Price SI,OO per package; sent by mail, postage paid, $1,04. Prepared ready for use SI.OO amj $1.50. Sold by all Druggists. Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations. [5-ly O' . # And all Others in need ot DOORS SASIIES, IILIN DS, MOULDINGS, BLIND TilHlffi SASH WEIGHTS, ETC., Oan always find a Large Stock and Low Prices at Blair & Bickford’s, 171 Bay St SAVANNAH, GA March 21, 1873. t.\25-'75 SCHWARZ & BRADY,* DEALERS IN qam3> is a-3 Floor Oil Cloths, nME .-'tk r B3” H mi WALT. PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, And all Grades of Uph o Is 1 r;/ f* ootis, IBM Broughton Street, (South Sido, between Bull A Whitaker Streets,) SAVANNAH, GA. 1 tooember 20 1 5 < L. T. WHITCOMB, Agt. _ Importer of and Dealer in mt mm nmn Pine Apples, Apples, Bananas, Potatoes, Oranges, Onions, Lemons, Nuts, Ac. WfjclabUs, Hay, Grain, Feed, Ac. Ac. 99 HAY STREET. SAVANNAH CEORCI.A 7#"Terms, Strictly Cash. 15?^ .October 25. 1872. Cm .9. B. MILLER, nE.U.KK IN Maliogaisy, Walnut am! Pine BDQOnSSBSo FRENCH AND COTTAGE CHAMBER SETS Sj o o /*■ sn y <*-1 ass es. MattressesMndeto Orel©;. 155 A 157 BROUGHTON STREET, Next to Weed A ( ornweE, I SA VAXNAIf GEOBGIA. f September <». 1872. (>m M. M. SnLLIVAH, Dealer in . SHAD. FRESH AND s I Salt Water Fish, * j Vegetables, Fruits and Other Produce. • JP#*AU orders promptly attended to. Terms Cash on Delivery."tS^ u-r’llna I Savannah, Ga. Xi . - V LaiaO ( 7 Miscellaneous. GiftWelphise The only Keliablo Gift Distribution in the country $60,000 00 In Valuable Gifts! TO ISE mSTKIi.CTEO r.N la 0 „ S 1 W E ’ M 160th Regular Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE, To be drawn Monday, April 28th, 1873. Two Grand (Capital Prizes of $5,000 each in Greenbacks! Two prizes of $ I.OW, Fiveprizeg of SSOO, and Ten prizes of SIOO each in Green backs. One Horse and Buggy, with silver mounted Harness, worth SOOO. One fine toned Rosewood Piano, worth $500; Ten Family Hewing .Ma chines, worth SIOO each. Five Gold Watches and ‘JhaluSw worth S3OO each! Five Gold Amer ican Hunting Watches, worth $125 each. Ten Ladies’ Gold Hunting Watches worth $75 each. 800 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches (i»» all) worth from S2O to S3OO each. Gold Chains, .Silver ware, Jewelry, etc. Whole number of G Lb, 0,000. Tickets limit ed to 00,000. Agents wanted to sell tickets, to whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets $1 ; Six tickets, $5 ; Twelve tickets. $10; Twenty-five tickets, S2O. Circulars containin'' a full list of prizes, a des cription of the manner of drawing, and other in formation in reference to tin* Distribution, will be sent to.any one ordering them. All letters must be addressed to Main Office. L. D. HfNK, Box 80, 101 W. Fifth St. ( 0-st) Cincinnati, O A MODEL NEWSPAPER. THE SAVANNAH DAILY NEWS. The Savannah Dally Mohxing News is ac knowledged by the press and people to be the best daily paper south of Louisville and east of New Orleans. Carrying with It the prestige and reliability of age, it has all the vigor and vitality of youth, and its enterprise as a gatherer of the the latest and freshest news lias astonished its contemporaries and met the warm approbation of the public. During the year 1873, no expense of time, la bor, and money will be spent to keep tho Moiin inq Nkws ahead of all competitors in Georgia journalism, and to deserve the flattering encomi ums heaped upon it from all quarters. There has, as yet, been no serious attempt made to ri val the special telegrams which the Nkws inau gnrated some years ago. and Hie consequence is. that tho reader in search of the latest intelligence always looks lo the Mouning Nkws. The tele graphic arrangements of the paper-are such that the omissions made by the general press reports are promptly and reliably implied by Us special correspondents. The Mohmng Nkws has lately been enlarged to a thirty-six column paper, and this broad scope of type embraces, daily, everythiag of in terest thatU'unHplren in thedoma nos Literatme, Art, Science, Politics, Religion, and General In te!licence; giving to the reader more and better digest matter than any other paper in the tate. It is, perhaps needless to speak of the politics of the Morning Nkws. For years and years—in deed, since its establisement— it has been a re presentative Southern paper, and from that time to the present, in all conjunctures, it has consistently and persteteutlv maintained Demo cratic States Rights principles, and labored, with ap ardor and devotion that know no abatement. to'proHiote and preserve the interests and honor of the South. The special features of the Morning News will be retained and improved upon dm ing tin* ensu ing year, and eevoral new attractions will be added. The Georgia News items, with, their quaint and pleasant humor, und the epitome of Florida utfairs, will be continued during the year. Tin local department will be, ns it has been for the past year, the most complete and reliable to be found in any Savannah {wiper, and tho commer cial columns will be full and accurate. The price of the Daily is Sit) 00 per annum; $5,00 for six mouths; SI.OO for one month. THE TUI-WEEKLY NEWS. This edition Os the Morning Mkws is especial ly recommended to those who have not t! e facil ities of u daily until. Everything that b; s b *en said in regard to the daily edition may b * re pealed of the Tri-weekly. It is made up with great care, and contains the latest despatches and market reports. The price of this edition is S(UH) per annum- $3,00 for six in nths, and $1.50 for three months. THE WEEKLY NEWS. The Wkkki.v Morning Nkws parttculirly rec ommends itself to the farmer and planter, and to those who live oft’ the line of railroad. It is one of the best family •papers in the country, and lis cheapness brings it within tie reach of all. It contains *! hirty-six solid columns of reading mat ter, and is mailed so ms to reach subscribers with the utmost promptness. His a carefully and laboriously edited compendium of the news of the week, and con t\i us in addition, an infin ite variety of other choice reading matter. Edi torials on all topics, sketches of men, manners, and fashions, tales, poetry, biography, pungent paragraphs aud condensed telegrams enter into its make-up It contains the latest telegraphic dispatches nnd market reports up to the hour v>! going to press, and is, in all inspects, an indis pensible adjunct to every home, Prioc—One year, $2.00; six months, $1.00; three months,so cents. I Subscription for either edition of the Morning ! News may be sent by express at the risk and ex i pense of the proprietor. Addess i J H EHTILL. Savannah. G . »r +';* J ■VTTITII its gloomy ottemlants, low y\ spirits, depression, luvoluntAry emissions, loss of semen, sperma torrhoea, loss of power, ditty head, loss of memory, anil threatened Im potence. and imbecility, find a uover citfik cure ia 111 XI I>IIUKYS» HOME- OpATIIIO SPIdFIC, I>io. TWEXTY ]:it;iIT. 'mis SOVKHEIGN UEMKDY tones up the system, arrests tlio disehanjvs, and im parts vigor uua energy, life niul vitality t«) tho entire xtmu. They have cured thousands of crises. l’i ice, ?5 per pnekajre of five boxes and ;v large fS vial, whiefi is very important in obstinate or old cases, or $1 jvr single Ixtx. 8x»ld by ALL Drug gists. and seat by mail on receipt of price. Addma lit MITtIUOV.S* hI‘KATFIG HUMLOPATHIG MEDiCIK E IX)., st»a Rsoadway, N. V. • »n Georgia. The discoverer is a physician of ion*- experience, extensive observation aud pro found jndgme-.rt, and his discovery has proven such a blessing to woman, that it is already known throughout the country as -Woman’s Best Friend. v With remarkable quickness and it cures all cases of suppressed men st i# ion, acute or chronic, and restores health in every instance. Dr. J. Bradfield s Female Regulator supplies a remedy long needed in the treatment of diseases peculiar to woman. This the Medical Faculty knows and admits, while many of our best physicians are using it in daily practice. The medicine is prepared with great care, by L. 11. Brad field. Druggist, Atlanta Ga.. and sold at $1.50 per boilio by respectable JL>l uggistc everywlkne. j.iiiiitf Miscellaneous. FURNITURE HOUSE, Quitman, ga. JOHN M. WITT, Cabinet Maker iTJiulertakir, lias now on hand a fine lot of 15 U It E A U X, BEDSTEADS, SAFES, WARDROBES, AYASII-STA N DS, Windsor CHAIRS', Boston ROCKERS and is prepared to put up to ordM— SECRETARIES, SIDE ft) ARDS, and everything needed in the Furniture line, and in any style required. » An experience of many years', justifies him in assuring the public that his work w ill give sat;s faetion in every respect; and prices will colt - pare favorably with those of .Savannah or else where, with this important advantage to the pn - chaser : every piece of Furniture leaving his es tablishment will be warranted. Bopairintf done with oeatneis and dispatch. ptf Coffins promptly forwarded to any Sta tion on the Atlantic andGuft Railroad. SOUTJ Z.Z. WITT, Quitman, Ga., Feh. 23, 1872. 8-ts a <**» ■<&. Metalic Burial Cases, >, N D Burial Caskets ! The underpinned notifies the public that h lias now completed all arrangements for the sue cessful conduction of the Undertaker's business, having received tin* Agency for the sale of the celebrated Fisk’s Metalie f3urial Cases and Cas i kola, and the same w ill bo sold at regular Un j dertaker’s rates, lie will also keep on hand silver plated ban diet* and mountings, which can be substituted for the metalic bandies, etc.. In a few.minutes T &Ci-.CitizeiiK of neighboring towns can be sap piled promptly with ahy description of case de sired. Terms, CASH on delivery. JOHN M. WITT, Agent. Quitman. July 1 1, 1871. 28-ly TO PLANTERS! ; 110XEY SAVEDIS MOAEYMiDE rail IE undersigned has on hand and is constanl- JL ly arriving— All Kinds of Plows ! ! and will have in a few days a lot of— Steel Turn Nhuvcls, Sled Keoo ters, steel Whole Shovels, Clevises, Ileel Pins, (ini>s Reds, &c, itll at LOWER PRICES than can be had in shops here, and made of better material and better workmanship. —Ho is also Agent for— | DICKSON’S CELEBRATED Cluster Cotton Seed, And the Celebrated DOW LAW COTTO.ULA.™ AND GUANO DISTRIBUTOR. joesr*Givo me a call before you lay in your supply of Farm Implements for the year. JOHN TILLMAN. Quitman. Ga.. Jan. 17, 1875. 3-3 m r. j. stkkkty. <;ko. w. ayrktt. STREETY & A \ RETT, r enra NSk w AM> DEALERS IN Cooking mid Parlor Stoves. Os Various and 8/a*?, And all kinds of TIN AND HARDWARE, QUITV VN, (IA. Roofing and Guttering done in the beet etvb*. A s e sell Stoves at or below Savannah prices. We respectfully ask the people of Brooks aud adjoining counties to give us a trial." November I. 1872. ly T II E WHEELER & WILSON SEWING M A J The Wheeler & Wilson .Machineis a swift fin sister of charity. It is a triumph of mechanical genius. It has no equal for family use. We refer to the folio win? prominent citizens of Crooks county, who have this admirable ma chine in use : Dr. R. M. Hitch, | F. E Yorvo, Cru-Kx llkster. j Rewuck, S. D. F'M. .\IWHV, I W. li. Hoi.lowav, Jamfs Y. J o\:s, 1 Du. \V It. Joiner, Philip Hi ks. j Jacor Moody. N. M. Reddick. 1 .ilcsri's Studsttll. Mks. M. P. oi.vck, E. W. HARR 'L. Gen’l Agent. Savannah. Ga. I M. M. MYERSONG Agent, Qui'man Georgia. November 15, D72. 4*l 6m HOTELS. EUmTfon^ A. S. JiUCE .. .Proprietor. Savannah, Ga. Board per Day, $3 00. j October 25,1872. 3m PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, COII. PRESIDENT & ABERCORN ST., Savanlmli, Ga. Transcient and Permanent Boarders Rewived. DR. D. COX Would Inform his old friends that he is now in his New Quarters, located as above, and will strive to give satisfaction to guests. Charge per Day, - - $2.00 July 15. 1870. THE MCINTOSH HOUSE, QUITMAN, GA. J. R. Edmondson, Prop’r. No pains will be spared by the present pro prietor, to retain the well earned reputation and patrouage of this popular house of cntertaiiiroen The tables will be supplied with the very best the market can furnish; the chambers will be kept neat and comfortable; and attentive waiters will be, in attendance upon guests. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. fftgr Charges Reasonable, -©a April 12, 1872. 15-ts W* IMTail H-'fl a «b 4 B7i w alwsi GGitf Mdw. QUITMAN t GA. D, U. MvNEIL rrojmeior rjlHia Hotel is new epen ior me entertainment M. of the public. Permanent and Transient Boarders, will be received and cared for on rea sonable terms. The house is located in the Southeast Section of the town, aud was occupied last year by Mr. Jenkins. The Proprietor will take every pains to make guests comfortable and happy. He solicits the patronage of the public. February 9, 1872. 6-ts 8 POTS WOO D 11 (VT HI, nearly Oppasito" Passenger! Depot, MACON, GA. T. 11. HARRIS, PROTOIKTOB Board, S3 per Day. January 3, 1873. 1 ly Miscellaneous. »*<s at. Basil and Blinds, \TOt LDINU \ BRACKETS. STAIR'FIX Li L tbi'eiJ. Builders’ Furbishing Hardware Oram Pipe, Floor Tiles. Wire Guards, Terra Gotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantle Pieces. Window Glass a Specialty. Circulars and Price Lisin sent lr«e on appli cation, by P. I’. TO ALE. 20 Ilayne and 33 Pinckney sts , oct t-ly Charleston. S C. ■d Paper for the Matter! Worth its Weight in Gold// Nothing like it in the World/// Sstm every reader is noses vet to titit tiroes ita cost. Every Intelligent citizen, professional or sional, mechanic or laborer hi the whole country, shoura subscribe for the Advisor. Wherever shown or seen it is sure to take a firm hold on the community, as its intrinsic value as a Business and Family Paper has made, and is making, for it a circulation and re-na tation unparalleled iu the history of Journalism. V It xs a BsAtmrcL 16-paob, 64-cox.rwr, lucstratsd - YV eeklt. It gives you ail YOUR LEGAL.ADVICE FREE. <M»iru.l Deeifraj fcr CetUgee. r-rftinp., Sntrartm and Country Ktwhiencos, aud-a vast fund of information on matters of special and general Interest, found in no other Journal iu the country. A lagiiScest $5.00 Oil Chrome, TEE LOST BABB, Size 13x15, mounted ready to frame, is presented to every yearly subscriber. Subscription price, $3.00 per je»r, in advance, Single copies ten cents. PERMANENT AGENTS WANTED For uncoupled territory In the United States ‘and Ca uada. By our New Plan agents can have a con tinuous annual income, with but little labor. Our ageats are making from $5 to S4O per day. Write at once, elating territory dedrtd. Address ail letters to Caorr A Praruvs, Pubhfhers, Pittsburgh. Pa. February 7.W3 t>-£m .\\ uy Will Ye Die?—Death, or what is worse, the inevitable result of continued suspension us the menstrua 1 * H*»w. It is a condition which -hould not be triSed, Tn all cases of suppres sion, suspension or other irregularity of the c urseiv* Dr. J. Brad field’s Female Regn’rtor s the only sure remedy. It acts by firing tone ■' the nervous centres, improving the blood and determining directly to the organs of menstru ation. It is a legitimate prescription, and tht most intelligent Doctors use it. Prepared bv J. H. Bmdfield, druggist. Atlanta. Ga. $3.5(? per bottle, and sold by respectable druggists ev erywhere. jac2i-tf Savannah Houses. W ili.i a m C. I John A. StaijiY, Attorney at Law | Rotary Public. JOHN A. STALEY & SONS, Brokers and Auctioneers, Office : No. 140.] Bay street, SAVANNAH CEORCIA. VTTILL BUY AND SELL Real Estate, Wild YV Lands, and Personal Property. Strict attention will be given to all business ntru-led to us. oct2s-6m PROVISIONS, AV. CHAMPION & FREEMAN, Savannah, Ga., INVITE of the people, of Brooks and adjoining counties to their fc Largc and? Varied Stock ot Staple and Fancy I GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, TOBACCO, CHEESE, BUTTER, Foreign and Domestic FRUIT,S', NUTS, Jc., te We are receiving every week, by steamer* from New York, consignment* of Apples, Onions and Potatoes, ot beet quality and at moderate prices. Prompt attention given to orders. CHAMPION & FREEMAN, Bay Street, corner of Drayton, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. October 25', 1872. fim A. M. HAPPOLDT, Com m ission •flerchanf, And WiioLEsaUE ir ■c" l *** T CVmJJr/. ■ VaiddWH wUaM BBwt.M} Foreign and Domestic Fruits, And Produce Generally. 139 Bay Street, Savannah, : : • Georgia. Consignments of POULTRY, EGGS, SYRUP, HIDES, sc., solicited. Just Received : Now Raisins, Figs, Brazil and Pecan Nnts, Almonds, &c. October 25,1872. fim JOB. 8. CLAGHORX. JNO. CVNNTNOUAIf. GLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM, WUOIoESAIJ? AND RETAIL Q-i MWi CU» m<2 DI«L mm 9 Corner of Drayton and Bay Sts., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. KEEP constantly on hand a full and Urge apsortment of Plantation, Mill and Fami ly {Supplies and Groceries. —AteO, FlNE— {lmported and Native Wines, Liquors and Setears. W. W. ChtsholoM, t DJ‘ Y. 4 Danct Savannah. * Florida. CHISHOLM & DANCY, SAVANNAH, CA. BROKERS, COTTON FACTORS, JVND General Commission Merchants. • Cash advances made on consignments of Cot ton, Wool. Ac. Gold, St ekd and Bonds bought and sold. Correspondence solicited. . 37-6 m E. L. LINGER, DYIALEK IX3 Saddles, Bridles & Harness, Best Rubber and Leather Belting, Saddlery Ware* HARNESS AND SOLE LEATHER CALF SKIN^, TRUNKS, VALISES, &c., Ac. No. 156 St. Julian and 153 Bryan Street., Savannahs, Ga, oct‘2.s 25-ts F. I>. JOIMYO Y, MALES dj .wa*s3a^3 # JEWELRY. SILVER J\D PLATED WIRE. &c &c,&c, Sole Agents in Savannah for the Celebrated Diamond Spectacles 135 Congress St., Opposite Pulaski House, Savannah, - . r / }i£r WATCH® and JEWELRY Repaired.*^^ October 25, 1572. ly