The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, May 08, 1873, Image 4

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_ - . JJuitmau RLtuucv. Ti'LLUGIED EVERY THU SDAV EVENING. trkjih; L U O DOLLA It* A YI2AR U HKX I'Ain IN ADVANCE. AMVKUTIHLVG. vp* •‘quart*. {Hi line*, or l*ww,) firs! insertion .*A< h ♦ollo'.vintrinsertion. SI.OO. When i-l vi*<‘tix<*mt!ittK tire continued for one m > nh »r lotin i tlt«* charge will bo us follows : No .4 -- r 11 Month. 2 Months, id Months. 4 Months. 5 Months. 8 Months. 7 Months. 8 Months. 8 Months. 12 Months. IU ~00, i K| *I Oj .~l'| 111 !S| 1(11 17 IKI 20 21 8.00 I ir» IK 21 21 20 28 SO Bft sllo.oii 1 101 70j 2ft| sol ml Mil S8 to| 4ft 4112.001 181 24 SO SOI 101 421 41 4ti| SS 5 11.00 2ft SS: SO 44J |i; 4» SO S2| 00 o io.ooj 3»| 4’>j 4,s| ftil| -■>&! SO] 67 58, 65 UlSO.OO; SOI 7n 7- sol 851 Mo 100 120 18 15.00: lift 75| H I 85 Slill I0(l| 110 1201150 2416M.n0 7S mo) 80) 1 00' 11 oil 20] MO 140 200 7. KG VI. A!»V I.U TI SI NO. * Sharin'. Sale.. per levy. pr. “o’r * 5.00 Sales liv \t)mlnl*4r»liirii. ISxnciitorit ami Oinnllana. m*r quart’ 6.00 ViOi'lti’i nf vlmi!iislr.iil:in nr (iiwrdmh »hlf>. |>i»r »i|«o»ro 5. 00 No i«e m IVlit.iiH ami Cmlitnr* 0.00 4 itHllmi >'*!■ louvi* tn HI l:iml 0.00 t'iuiiim of llimnioaiju »f V lininUtrator.. 10 (m •• •* Guardian 0.00 HomodMid Notion 5.00 Kor in ! loiltii'ini r <■ : nilSlali'i I'm- ofllct*, SIO.OO llhil (urv notice-. Trili'iL-Mif Reapaot. ami all a' irte- of a nornoiia dmracler, for ar a I in i iHiNiientF. *> . 1 — Ditllur* in llttyli. Tlic firsl pxpi’iii'iiw in tin' noffro ro pnlilm ■ l l it curieopiMiiimit whs anything I ilt pli-nanM, hh lm 1«1 1« tin* atory . Starting in the livening, ond expectiug In reach purl li>- liavhri ak, tlnno was mo a o oainhil iif tunil cm boni(l. I)c --line. Iby a enhn .tin* »c ! ooi’«r did nut c-iint* I" am-ln r until in no Tim dlMtom li umc I nfcptn were at I r>-akf.tot, und kept nor hungry vuyngor waiting two liortrs for permioMioii to land, and thru tbo ag gravating police aoilioiitivs took tip ull tin- nit the tiny io I'Xamining tiia pa. pom, 1-1-11110 lie Whh aI lu wi-i I to gratify Ida raging appetite. 'What will you iiuvo?’ e-k-il ili« (i.iiitO waiter, when, Worn nut with hunger and vexation, lie sen tell litui«i'lf at it Case table, ‘Kvery thing, anything lnn r, bread, ft ait, cheese—-bring it all til oi cu,’ was the M-B|ion«e; and the waiter's prompt Com pliance tended gieatly to aootlio the Iraveiet 'a exadperaled Her sibilities. The next morning Mr. Ilu’/.ard experi rnceil anew sensation. lie suddenly fun lid himself u millionaire, liis first act on rising was to adapt himself to the custom of tin; Country and ask a •cocktail.’ It was well fabricated and enjoyed with zest. Then ensued llio fol lowing dialogue : 'How much?' I asked. •Thirty dollars, monsieur,’ •f start back honor-sunek. Thirty dollars lor a drink? 1 sue it. lam a poor, miserable Aineiican, disowned by his government, in u foreign land, ami tbeot> batburiniis knuw it, and now they ■ Want to Bwiudle me. the oltl spirit * t ”16 comes strong upon mo, and I get '‘reckless. I vow J will not pay it; and drawing Iron) my pocket u silver Coin ul the realm id America, vuloe ten cents, i declare it is ull the money I have. 'To my amazement llie mild bar keep er says, ‘I n«v i,t the change, sir.’ ‘All! 1 begin to see it; and with a pi i .cciy air f say, *0”, k'-ep the change!’ Later in tins day .Mr Hazard was iu lbimetl by the I anker In wlioin ho up p ied to have a diuft for u few Iniudred dollars caslu-d, that out- dollar in gold was worth four hundicd dollars in the paper currency of tlit; country, and that if be Imd his draft cash- <1 he would need , half a it- awn mole cal ls lu take away tlio bills! lie left the dt alt at the bank, and drew only a tew thousands for spending money. An Klcctioti Story. In an oil i’eomyivaiiia town, whore they voted the Democrat io ticket sonnd, (so the sloiy got a,) in 1808 the experi ment was made of putting a Republican ticket in tile he'd A Mr. Ulcril was the candidate at-lt-cli and, but by reason of sick itt ss he was ututide iti attend the polls mi election day. When Hu- it terns were published, Mr Green hud just ot.e VOt>-. Ciingtined at this, und annoyed by the accusatn-1) that fie bail voted pjr him si 11, lie aniiont.c and that if the person who voted for him won and come forward and make affidavit to tin- l ifts, lit- would re ward him wiilt a suit of cl tlies. * A lew tm-i nings alterward a burly Dctcbniaii called on Mr, Urt-eu and ab ruptly rental ked: •I want dat *:iit of daw,’ ‘Then you arc tire ttniu that voted for tm ?’ •Yah, 1 am tint man ’ •Are y- u wilonyf in make an affidavit of it?' ‘Yuli. 1 sweat to cm ’ Mi . Green, vccoiupanied by the intel ligeot Voter, went to Hie office of a jus tice of H e peace, and t ln- required nfiida vil was made; upon which the clothes were tn tight ad given to tile a- poucut. ft Alpartn g Ml Green said: ” "Now. my liiehd, just answ. r mo one question. Uuw eunie you vole lor me?’ 'You vants tokuuwdal?’ ‘Y'-S ' ‘And you void go back on de does?’ ‘No. ’ Veil,' said be slowly, and with a sly twinkle of tm- eye, ’den, l 1010 you—l m.oh a mistake in the ticket 1' Tiie foilowit g scene oorurted in Vir ginia, txiweeu two men who wore witting t.y the stove in the reading-room ol a certain saloon. 'Oh, t xeuse nog. sir, •aid oil*, *1 didn’t mt uu to spit on you.’ ‘Never.mind, ! said tne man wi 0 had re cetv. and tile cl arge ot saliva tipou the leg ol liis panta(onus, 'll muk< s no differ ence’ 'll don’t, ei ?' said tin- spitist, •tin u I’tVwpll <-n you again,’ an-l he fired ci arge No. 2. '1 came near bi mg leg ala ul a l-altle. Tt«‘ luaa who had : l-e, n tw.c- spit tip. u explained that ul, it matte u. and ff teuce about the tiiwl spit, the St C- nti uugtil make a 'll—d eiglit ol tUfleit nee ’ Wneti I put niy loot down, I'll have you to mu. istnnd,’ sayo Mrs. N*-joker, •llal.titae is sou.still g tlicie. ’ On in - vewtigatluu It appeals to boa No. 11 r r- lleto f2,0 00,0 0 0 ACRESI Glioa p Fa run*! Tlio cheapest land in tnai ket for sal** l*y the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. In the Great Platte Valley. C C 1,000,000 in < Mitral Nebi an- Uii now for sale ill tract# of acres and up wards on five and ten years credit at 0 per c«*nt. So advance interest required Mild'and healthful climate, fertile* noil, ana Uundancw of good water. THKBEHT M/IKKI'T IN TilK WKNT! The great mining regioms of Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Nevada being supplied by the Jurmer* in the Plalte Valley. SOLDIER:’EVTITIiKD TO A HOME STEAD OF 100 ACHES. TIPS BKSt LOCATIONS KOll COI.ONIEfJ. Free homes for all! Millions of acres of choice Government Lands open for entry under the Homestead Law, near this Great Railroad, with good markets and all the conveniences of an old settled country. Free passes to purchaser# of Rail road Land. .Sectional Maps, showing the Land, also new edition of Lescrlptive Pamphlet with new Maps mailed lice every whei e. Address O. F. DAVIS. Land Commissioner U. I’. K. It. Omaha Nfb. Tf\ [Kstihllsiie«l 1830,3 which 01. Giurrirn 3 , l. ManulactineiH of Saws. Ji* SUPERIOR To ALL OTHERS. EVERY SAW WARRANTED. -a FILES, Il EL 77 SG AND MA Cl! IS ELY utsfjorr.VTH.nfr^ List und Circulars free. wkm; 11 it Mini fit iin liu.tim. Mans.,* Detroit, Mieti. McKKNNEY Ac CO., c’W 2V*si Ppl 2F 1 jCjbjt*" CluirnH of Census Marshals of 1860 collected without proof of loyalty. p. O. Box 12ft. Washington City. D. C. U»o the Keisingur Sash Lock and Support to FASTEN YOUR WINDOWS! No spring to break, no catting of shhlii cheap, (hiialilt!, ti-ry easily applied; hold, noth at any place tkwin-d, and a Bull laHtuner when I lie Karli la down. Send ntninp for c'rcitluf. Circular and six copper bron/.ed locks sent to any ad drees in the U. S., postpaid, on rc-celpt ot 50 ids. I.ibta-al indnoemtatts 4,, tin- trade .-\g.-nts w;m md. Address iIKhSINGKIt HASH LOCK 00., No. 418 Market SI., llarrisbuig, l’u. isiewßUßi Sewing Machine IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD- Agents tainted. Sant for Chridar. Address: “DOMHSTIO” Sevvjno M aobink 0o„ N V. SURRENDER OF GEN. LEE At Appouiatto\ €. 11. A a., April oth, ISba. A magnificent 18x14 inch engraving of the sur render of Gen. Lee. showing tbo armies Ac. It is truly a gem of art. ono which should hung m the parlor of every Southern homo. Sent by mail,mounted on a roller and post-paid, on re coipt of 20 feeutß, or dfor 50 eenta. Agents wanted. Aihlresa J. 0. A \Y\ M. BURROW, Bristol, Tenn. CutalugueH of Pictures. Books, Ac., sent free. Write for a Pri.fl Cist to J. 11. JOIIIVfiTOIV, &*** 170 SmithJiold SL, Pit t^burgh, Breech-Loading Shot (Jims, S ID to S3OO. Dou ble Shot Guns, $8 to 150 Single Guns t> S2O. R iles, $8 to 75. Utivolvers. $5 to $25. Pistols, $1 to 8. Gun Materiul, Fishing Tackle, Ac. Large discounts to dmilevs or clubs. Ar-. my Guns. Revolvers, etc., bought, or traded for. Goods sent by express C. O. D. to be examined before paid for. ill l' <,r : ‘.VI Agoots watt I U ted! All classes of work ing people, of either sex, young or old. make more money at work for us in their spare mo menta. or all ihe time, than at anything else. Particular* free. Address G. ST JNSON A CO., Portland Maine. HOW rrifc DOMa or the Sm-rt . Out. —Moustache and Whiskers in 42 day*. This Great Secret amt 100 others. Gam blonP Tricks,Cardiology, \ entriloquism. all in the Original "BOOK of WONDERS.” Mailed for 25 cents. Address D. 0. CUTLER. Carthago, Illinois. A rare C-liancc!! Wo will p\v ull Agents S4O per week in cash wluLwilt engage with ua at oucc. Everything and expenses paid Address j?' A. COULTER A CO., Charlotte, Mich Working class sm bus a week guaranteed. Re.>«pectuhle employ ment, at home, day or evening; no capital requir ed; full instructions and valuable package of atmt free by mail. Address, with six st.tmp, M. YOUNG A. CO,, lt> Cortlandt st., New York. t&i nnn - ™ ® i ; ehi nL- „i‘'i-kwS tCti Pile* that Dk Binu'B I’ii k Ki.mkoy fails to cure. It is preparetl expressly to cure the piles, and nothing else. Sold by alf druggists. Price, SI.OO. 10,000 GIFTS. $500,000 On TI'bSPAY, JULY * Bth, 1875, tin-Third Grand Gift Concert, under the management of Ex-Governor Thus. K. Bniudette, and authoriz ed by special act of the Legislature, for the ben efit of the Public Library of Kentucky, positive I !y anil unequivocally cornea oft'in Public Libra- j i"7 Hall ut Louisville, Ky., when 10,000 Gifts, j all cash, ?mounting to 500,000, will be distribu ted by loi among the ticket-holders. The mon ey to pay all these gilts in full is all ready in bank and set aside for that pufposo, as the fol lowing certificate shows: Office ok Fakmkks’ am> Droyeks’ Bank. *) Ky.. April 7, 1573. j This is to certify that theie is in ihe Farmers* and Drovers* Bank, to the credit of the Third Grand Gilt Concert tor the benefit of the Public Library of Ky., Five Huudred Thousand Dol lars. which has been set apart by the Managers to pay the gifts in full, and will be held by the j Bank and paid out lor this purpose, aud this ] purpose ouly. (Signed.) C. S. VEECH, Cashier. ; Only a few tickets remain unsold, and they ! will be till libbed n> the first applicants at the following prices: Whole tickets. slo*. halves, $5: quartets. $2.50; tl whol»*s for $lou; ofi for SSOO. JM lor $ 1.0(H), and 575 tor SS.uOU. Foi ticket* and lull information, apply to Til Os. E. BRAMLETTK. | 18-4 t Louisvlllc, Ky. ; JOB M*OJ?/ftT N" FATLY and expeditiously at the] Batiucr v*thcc« Miscellaneous. This unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to contain a single particle of NDrcury. or unv in juriiuis mineral subatauce, but is PURELY VEG ETABLE. For lorty years it has proved its great value in all diseases of the Liver, Jiowola ond Kidneys. Thousands of the good and great, in all parts of the country vouch for i<B wonderful arid peculiar power in purifying the Blood, stimulating the torpid Liver and Bowels, and irnpa ting new Life and Vigor to the whole system. KIM MON’K LIVER REGULATOR h acknowledged to have no equal as n LIVER MEDICINE. It contains four medical elements, never united in the same happy proportion in any other prep aration, viz: a gentle Cathartic, a wonderful Tonic, an unexceptional Alternative und a cer tain Corrective of all impurities of the body. Such signal success has attended its use, that it is now regarded us the GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC for Liver Coro plaint and the painful offspring thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONS 1 1- RATION. Jaundice, Billions attacks, SICK 11EA DACfI E. < ’olio. Depression of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, Heart Burn, Ac. Regulate the Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVER. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Is manufac tured only by J. 11. ZEILIN At CO * MACON, GA.. ami PHILADELPHIA. Price SI.OO per package; sent by mail, postage paid. $1.04. Prepared ready for use SI.OO and $1 50. Hold by all Druggists. Beware of Counterfeits und Imitations. [5-ly Change of Schedule. CKNKi: Atlantic am* Gui.k Raimioao, / Savannah, February 21, 1873. ) ON AND AFTER Sunday# February 23*d, Trains on this Road will run us follows: NIGHT EXPRESS PASSENGER. Leave Savannah daily at 4. 40 p.m Arrive at Live Oak. daily at •>. -<> “ Quitman daily at J.'J a.m il T-botnuflvUle * 4.5.> lt Rainbridge at 7.50 a m u Albany at U. 30 a.m Leave Albany daily at 5.20 p.m ** Rainbridge daily at M<• 45 p.m j Leave ThomaHVille 10.00 p.m “ Quitman daily at 1 L-'k; p.m Live Oak, daily at 11.40 p.m Arrive at Savannah daily at 10.10 a.m Connect at Live Oak with trains on J. P. and M. R. R., for and from Jacksonville,Talk hassee, Ac. No chanjfeof cars at Live Oak No change of cars between Savannah and Al bany. cl oßo connection »t, Albany with trains on Southwestern Railroad. DAY PASSENGER. Leave Savannah, Sundays excepted, at 7.20 a.m Arrive at Lawton. do. at 3.0.> p id *• Live Oak. do. at 5.10 p.m “ Jacksonville, do. at 11.03 p.m Leave Jacksonville, do. at fi.4o a.m “ Live Oak, do. at 11.40 a m “ Lawton, do. at 2:20 p.m Arrive at Savannah, do, at 10 00 p.m .No change between Savannah und Jack sonville. A CCOMMODA TION TEA IN] Wksteun Division : Leave Lawton, [Sundays excepted] 7.50 a.m Airivc at Quitman. [Sundays ** 11.08 a m *‘ Thomasville “ *’ 1 10 p.m “ Albany “ “ 7.40 |».m Leave Albany “ “ 7.50 a.m “ Thom.isvillo, “ “ 2.20 p.m “ Quitman “ “ 4.32 p.m Arrive ul Lawton, “ “ 8.10 p.m Connect at Albany with night triiins on South western Railroad, leaving Albany Monday, Tues day, Thursday and Friday, aud arriving at Al bany Tuesday, Wednesday,. Friday and Satur day. Mail Steamer leaves Buinl ridge every Wed nesday at 0.00 a. m. for Apalachicola. ji: s. HAiNFS. [O-tf] Gen’l Supt. Notice. *7^^ «B-|: HAVE this Jay the Eight to V T tin) WHISENANT CATRRFILLIiR DESTROYER. For the County of Brooks. Being satisfied that it will do all that it claim to do, we offer this great relief t«» the farmers of this county. All parties interested in this won derful discovery will do well to call upon us in time to prepare themselves, so as to prevent the great ravage ot the c *tton by the eaterpillcr this season. Do not defer making your an alignments until it is too late. It is guaranteed to do all it claims. BRIGGS, JELKS & CO. Quitman. March 7, 1873. bin RIBBONS, MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS, 1873- AI-S W’h’de, (joints. Embroideries. »f e ARMSTRONG, CATOR& CO. Importers. Mmvfacturers and Jobbers of Bonnet Trimming, neck and Sash Ribbons. Vel vet. Ribbons. Neck Ties. Bonnet Silks, Sat ins. Velvets and Crapes. Flowers. Feath ers. Ornament#. Frames. *e.. Straw Bonnets and Ladies’ and Chil dreu's Hats triui’d and untrim’d. And in connecting warehouse, Bliite Goods, Linens, Embroideries, Laces, Nets, Collars. Setts, 1U dk’t's. Veiling, Head Nets. Ac. No’s 237 and 233 Baltimore street. BVLTIMORE, : MARYLAND. goods arc inaniifactured by us or bought for cash directly from the European and American Manufacturers, embracing all the lat est novelties, unequalled in variety and cheap ness in any market. Orders tilled with care, promptness and disj! patch. SANCER-FEST: (The Singing Festival.) A Collection of Glees, Part-Songs, Cbo- : ruses, etc. * FOR MALE VOICES. Sample Copies mailed, past-paid, for $1.50; sls j per dosen. Address. ,1. 1.. PETEBS, 599 Broadway. New \ork. Cotton Cin Rt‘iiaii‘s. FWIHE underaigned is pvepar. and so repair anu ■ place iu good order Coitou Gins. Saws t sb&ipened and Brushes filknl. so .w to make ' them as good as when oevr. Will visit any por-1 tion of the country, when uotifi and that se vices ; are needed J. R. PALMEIL rjßitman, July 20, 1672 20 tl Miscellaneous. cH m m GLOBEFLOWER COUGH SYEUP This famoiiH Cough and Lung Remedy is th active principle. obtaiiKnl by chemical process from the “Globe Flower,” known also as ‘‘Button ttoot,” and in Botany as “Cephe Jan thus Occiden tals ” This rare and delightful compound is a certain cure lor every form of Cougrh.Btonchitis Zlouisness Whoo ping' Cough, Asthma Cr»up, Ale. • And will positively cure OONHCMPTtON, When taken in time, as thousands wi'l testify. It cures when all other means and remedies fail. It has cured people who are living to-day with on ly one remaining lung. Within the pat?! few years this remedy has been used in tbou>ands of cases with astonishing aud uniform success. /Ictual experience has demonstrated the fact that it approaches nearer a specific for Throat and Lung Affections than any medicine ever dis covered It is not only now being used and rec ommended by the most learned and skilled Phy sicians, but by the best aud most distinguished persons on the American Continent. p*s m (}i.oßE Flowkr Syuup contains no opium, no poisonous or other disagreeable properties. An infant may take it with perfect safesy. Globe Flower Cough Syrup warranted to cure and give sate faction in every case, or the money refunded. rjeiSTVX* CUKKS AUK m mbkked by thousands. KAM.UKUS ARK UNKNOWN. For sale by all Druggists everywhere. Price, One Dollar per bottle. DR. J. S. PEMBERTON A CO., Atlanta, Georgia, Proprietors A Manufactures. per* HUNT, RANKIN A LAM Alt, Wholesale Agents, Macon, Ga. Why Wn.f. Ye Die?--Death, or what is worse, is the inevitable result of continued suspension of the menstrua) How. It is a condition which should not be trifled. In all cases of suppres sion, suspension or other irregularity of the “c limes,” Dr. J. Brad fie Id’s Female Regu 'a tor is the only sure remedy. It acts by giving tone to the nervous centres, improving the blood and determining directly to the organs of menstru ation. It is a legitimate prescription, and the most intelligent Doctors use it. Prepared by J. IL Bradfleld. ebuggist, Atlanta. Ga. $3.50 per bottle, and sold by respectable druggists ev erywhere. jan24-tf fNERVOUS BEBIUTY.; WITH It* gloomy attendant*, low npiritfl, dcprrftftton, iuvulunUry rminKioiu- |o»« of armcn* aprrma ton-hint, lom* of power, dixxy In-ad, los* of memory, mid threatened Im potence, and Imbecility, find n *nver , lun cure, in 111 IIHIHEYN* IIO>U> orATUK/’ HPKt’lFir, No. TUI i\TV -1J4.11T. THIS SO V Kit KB/N REMEDY ton** up tin* Myatetn, arronU t)ie diwdiafgu*. und ini tiiirt* visin' anil eucrgy, life and vitality to the entire man. They have cured thousand* of cane*. Price,ffr)u r ) per packiiM of five box*** and nlatgc|2 vml, wni«‘h i* very important in ohKtinnte or old ciimm, or SI per aingk* box. Bold by ALL Drug iriw( and sen* by mail on receipt of price. Add run* R 1 Mint JtK V?d 81’K( IFIC HOM L' IPATUIO MLDICIN i'i ( 0., Jln«>Ai>WAY, N. Y. Just Published! STRAUSS’ WAI/TZES At! IU NO ED AS VIOLIN SOLOS. ASK For. PETERS E Oil ION. Paper Copy sent, post paid, for $1 50; in board?, $2.00. Address, «J. IL. PKTIdKN, 599 Broadway, New York. A MODEL NEWSPAPER. THE SAVANNAH DAILY NEWS. The Savannah Daily Monxixu Nkws is ac knowledged by the press and people to he the best daily paper south of Louisville and east of New Orleans*. Carrying with it the prestige and : eli ildlity of age, it has all the \ or and vitality )f youth, and its enterprise a> a gatherer of the ihe latest and freshest news h is astonished its contemporaries and met the warm approbation jf the public. During the year 1873. no expense of time, la bor. and money will be spent to keep the Moi.n ino Nkws ahead of all competitors in Georgia journalism, and to deserve the Mattering eueomi iniH heaped upon it from all quarters. There has, as yet, been no serious attempt made to ri val the special telegrams which the Nkws inau gurated some years ago. and the consequence is, [hat the reader in search of the latest intelligence il ways looks to the Mokntxu Nkws. Tim tele grapuio arrangements t»f the paper ate such that the omissions made by the general press reports ire promptly and reliably implied by its special jor respondent**. The Morning News has lately been enlarged t> a thirty-six column paper, and this broad vAope of type embraces, daily, everything of in terest that .transpires in the donut nos Llteratuu*. Art, Science. Dolitics. Religion, and General In telligence: giving id the reader more and better Higest matter than any other paper in the tale. It is. perhaps needless to speak of the politics »f the Motiving Nkws. For years and years—in leed, since its estublisemenl- it has been a re |m»ssrntativo Southern paper, and from that time to the present, in ail conjunctures, it has [•onsisie tly and persistently mnititained Demo :i\itic States Rights principles, and labored, with tin ardor and devotion that know no aoatctncnt, to promote and preserve the interests and honor [>f the South. The special features of the Morning Nkws will bo retained and i nproved upon (lining the ensu ing year, and several uow attractions will be idded. The Georgia News items, with their quaint! tnd pleasant humor, and the epitome of Florida i affairs, will be continued during the year. The | local department will be. as it has been for the j oust year. tUu moat complete and 1 (-liable to be j round in any Savannah paper, and the emmuer-1 dal columns will be tall and accurate The price of the Daily is $lO 00 per annum; | $5.00 for six months; SI.OO for one month. THE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS. This edition of the Morning Mkws is especial ly recommended to those who have not the facil ities of a daily mail. Everything that has been *aid it. regard to the daily edition may be re peated of the Tri-weekly. It is made up with rival care, and contains the latest despatches j vntl mat ket reports. The price of this edition j s SO.OO per annum, #3.00 for six months, and $1.50 for threw months. THE WEEKLY NEWS. The Weekly Morning Nkws particularly tec mmiends itself to ihe farmer and planter, and to j [hose who live off the line of railroad, lt is one } >fthe best family papers in the country, and its j cheapness brings it within tie reach of all. It > contains Tbirlv-six solid columns of reading mat- j :er. and is mailed so as to roach subscribers! with the utmost promptness. It is a carefully j tnd laboriously edited compendium of the news j >f the week, and contains, in addition, infin- | ite variety of other choice reading matter Edi j mortals on all topics, sketches of men. manners, i ind fashions, tales, poetry, -biography, pungent \ paragraphs and condensed telegrams enter into : ts make-up. It contains the latest telegraphic iispatebes and market reports up to the hour of join? to press, and is in all respects, an ind is sensible adjunct to every homo. Trice-One year. $2.00; six months, $1.00,' three months, 50 cents. Subscription for either edition of the Morning Sews may be sent by express at the risk and ex pease ot the proprietor. Ad dees J H. ESTJLL. Savannah. Ga. FAIRY VOICES : ANEW MUSIC-BOOK FOR DAY SCHOOLS. I -euJ 60 c-nt-. and we will mail a sample copy ; Amil Ist. Address, . • J. 1.. PF.TK’-'S, Ot-J Broadway, New York. I Miscellaneous. FURNITURE HOUSE Quitman. July 14.1871. 28-1 y TO PLANTERS! »10\EY SAVEim MONEY MADE rwiIIE undersigned lias on Land anil It* constant- Ml ly arriving— All Kinds of Plows ! and will have in a few dtiys a lot of— Kit<•«*l Turn Muive!-. Steel ’ < o« tern, Steel Whole Shovels, Clevises, Heel Pins, Crass Unis, &e, all at LOWER PRICES than can be hud in whops here, and made of better material and bctfcet workmanship. —lie is also Agent for— ih< ksoa' s < i: lf.bratr i> Cluster Cotton &ec«l. And the Celebrated l)0\l U\\ COTTON FLAMER AMI * gt:ano distkiiujtoil jpdTGive me a call before you lay in your supply of Farm Implements for the year. JOHN TILLMAN. Quitman, Ga., Jan. 17. 1873. 3-m T. J. BTKBKTY. OKO. \V. AVBETT. STitIETY & AVRETT, r^B.m r m 7 a *2a <sl «*» 9 AX'D DEALERS IN Cooking iind Parlor Stoves, Os Various Styles and Sizes, And all kinds of TIM AND HARDWARE, QUITMAN, GA Roofing and Guttei ing done in the best stylo. *V t * sell Stows at er below .Savannah prices. We respectfully ask the people of Brooks au<i adjoining counties to give its a trial. November 1. 1©72. ly T II E WHEELER & WILSON SEWING m. a c n t m £ s . The Wheeler & Wilson Machine is a swift fin gered sister of chat ity. It is a triumph of mechanical genius. It has no equal for family use. We reter to the following prominent citizens j of Brooks county, \d»o have this admirable ma chine in use: I>r. a. M. nircH, I F. E V .rvG. Cii i.ks Hbstek. i Nicholas Keuhics, ?. D. Kdmonpsos', I W. R. H.iu-owat, Jauks V. Jonks, I T>r. V R. Joixkb, Puii.u* Hikks/ Jacob Moour, N. M. Kkuiuck, i Husrcs Sri dstill. Mrs. M. I*. Buck. j • E. VV. HAIiRAL. Gou’l Agent. Swvaunwh, Ga. M. M. MVERSON. Agent. Quitman. Georgia. November 15 1572. 4G Cm • HOTELS. iSMsrsm. Savannah, Ga. Board per Day, $3 00. I October 25, 1872. «3m PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, CUlt. PRESIDENT & ABKHCOIiX ST., Savannah, Or. Traneclent and Permanent Boarders Received DR. D. COX Would inform his old friends that be is now in his New Quarters, located as above, and will strive to give satisfaction to gueftts. Charge per Day, - - §2.00 July li, 1870. iTHE MCINTOSH HOUSE, QI'ITMAN, U.». J. It. Edmondson, Prop’r. I No pains will be spared by the prevent pro |prielor, to retain the w >•; 1 earned t ut ion and [patronage of tbi* popular house of emerta men The tables will b* a applied with the 1 very best the market can fnrufch; the chambers Lwill be kept neat and comfortable}and attentive \ tbers will be in attendance' upon guests. TIN pW-vnage of the public is respectfully solicited. to Charges KtaxmalAc. -m .tpril 1 1, 1372. 15-it "G If-11=:' a ia«* Ul3 WEG v# s a SBvfcisa*. QI ITMAN, GA. 1). U. M XEIL, Proprietor f BTHIS Hotel is now epen tor mo entertainment B of the public. Permanent and Transient Boarders. Vi 11 be received and cared for on rt*a ; son able terms. The house is located iiwtlie Southeast Section of the town, and whs occupied last year by Mr. Jenkins. The Proprietor will take every pains to make .0 U comfortable and happy. lie solicits the patronage of the public. February 9, 1872. *>-tt SFOTSWOOI) HOT FI:, PJoarly Oppasitc r.vssonger Dopat i MACON, G.V. T. 11. HARRIS, I'uorniKroK fioard, ST per Day. January 3, L-73. l !y Miseelln neons. BE® 81-GLJ**.'* Bash and Blinds, Mouldings, brackets, stair fin . lures, Builders' FurnDhing Hardware. Drain Pip©, Floor Tiles, Wire Guards, Terra Cotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantle Pieces* Window (> lass n Socially. WHITE PINE LUMBER FOR SALE. * Circulars and Price Li.Js sent free o- ay pH cation, by P. p. TOALE 20 Ilaynoaml 33 Pinckney .-ts , ocf-lv __ ■ i ■. 1 C, A. Paper for the Masses l Worth its Weight in Gold:! Nothing like it in the World::* P*vm every reader a moxzt tux io nrrr times its Kvrry intelligent citizen, professional or non-profe#. woual mechanic or Ultoror iu the whole country,should eubscrihe for the Advisor Wherever shown or seen it is *ure to take a firm hold on the community as ,:n Intrinsic value as a Business and Family Paper h.n« made, and is making, for it a circulation and rena= tatiou uui*an»lleled in the history of JoumaKsm. It u A Biatmrm. 16-paoz, 64-oijtcxx, lixcsnuirD Was set. It gives you ail YOUR LEGAL ADVICE FREE. Original Designs for Cottages. Dwellings, Durban and Country Residences, and a vast fund of information on matters of special and general interest, fjucd in no other Journal in the countrj’, 1 ligu&ett SS.CO OU Cirri?, THE IPST RAPE. Size 13x15, mounted ready to frame, is presented to ♦ very yearly sul-acnber. Subscription price, 63.00 per year, iu advanca Single copies ten cents. PERMANENT AGENTS WANTED For unoccupied territory in the United St.tea »nd iihJ,. By .ur Kc« Plan agents can tare a coo tmc. s, aur>uat i„. me, vith ti it little lator. Our •gents are making from t! t. SIO j», da,. Writ, at once, stating territory uesiiwd. Address all letters to Cioft A rsTUjra. Publishers, Pittsburgh, Pa, February 7.1873. C-6m Without a. Dakalt-KT,.—The demand for l>r. J. BraefieltFs Female Regulator is beyond pre 1 cedent in he annals of popular i emedies. Or- ; tiers come in so thick and l ist that the proprietor j has. heretofore, been unable to fill them all. He ■ is happy to state that arrangements are now I complete by which he is prepared to manufacture I Female Regulator ©u a scale equal to the erner- j gency, and the public may feel assured that their | wants may now he supplied. Physicians of ; high repute are using this great remedy, in daily ! practice, all over Georgia. Hereafter no wo- ■ man need suffer from suppressed, suspended or irregular menstruation. This valuable uiedi- | cine is prepared by L. H. Brad field Druggist. \ Atlanta. Ga.. and sold at $1.50 per bottle by tespectabledrr.ugisrs throughout America. For sale by McCall A Groover. [4 If] S 2 7 fi fa Biiapfftwh »M / Wiliiiai C. & S. LED LIE. DEALERS IN IjM7 ( >OL. HIDES, Beeswax and .Skins, Tullow, ▼ ▼ etc., etc., 180 Bay street, foot of Barnard. ] Consigomvau gol.olted. 10-ly LAWRENCE & WEICHSELBAUM, -»*niriI.ESALE IMIUGGISTS, 176 and ITS vT Congrvsa stie.'t and Market Squara Or ders solicited. 16-ly GEO. APPLE, DEALER I.\ CILOTIIING. Hats, Caps, Gents > Furnishing > Goods. Boys’ Clothing, Trunks, Valises, j Boots and Shoes, No. 162 Bryan street, Market i -quare, under Bic.-nan’s liob 1. 16-ly K. PLATSHEK, TXT HOLES ALE and Retail Dealer in Millinc- YY rv. Dress Trimmings and Fancy Goods,/ j 151 Broughton street. 16-ly WILLIAM HOME, IMFOIITER and Wholesale Dealer in Winea, Liquors and Sißars, and sole Agent for ! Georgia and lToi ida of English A Go’s Celebra ted Baltimore Ale in barrels and hall barrels. l‘i St. Julian and 154 Congress st. 10-ly SOLOMON BROTHERS, GROCERS and Commission li .Merchants, 173 Bay street. Sole Agents : tor the -lacbor Line of Ocean Steamers. Mr. W A. McNeil, of Quitman, is the Travel ing agent of this house. 16-ly BOLSHAW & SILVA IMPOHTJEfta AND DEALERS IX /"■'iROCKERY, China. Glae>ware. Kerosene v.' Lump* and Oil, Cutlery. Britannia and Pla | ted Ware, and House Furnishing Goode general j ly. I> V - and 151 Si. Julian and 149 and 151 Bry an Streets. IG ly N. B. KNAPP, T KI..4LLR in Saddles. Bridles, Harness, Rnb -1 ’ her and Leather Belting and Packing. Coif .-kins. Sole Leather, Valises, Trunks, Saddlery ware, etc., Market square. 10-ly BELL STURTEFANT & CO., VI iTION and Commission Mercbantu, Sj.van uah. lligheft cash pric<*« paid for Hides, ! 001. etc. Liberal Cush advances made on eoti | sigmneuts. 10-ly fRiWFORD & LOVELL, f X r H°LI3SALE and Retail Dealer. 1 ? in Hard Y Y ware. Tinware, Agficultnral Implement. o , Guns. I* niolg and .Sporting Goods, 152 Congre-a and 71 ,St. Julian streets. 16 ly To the Ladies, H. C. HOUSTON, NO. 22 BULL STREET, Savannah, : : Georgia. 0‘ • ‘ Largest and Best assortment of Trimmed Hats nnd Bonnets, Ribbons of all an ids, Siik nnd Straw Goods, Corsets, Kid Gloves. Je t Jewelry, Parasols *rom 50 cts. np v aid. Crape, and the fullest line of Real Ilair ia the city. i he of Quitman and the country arc respectfully invited to call aud examine my stock when in the city. All orders will receive prompt attention and be filled with care. IT. C. HOUSTON, HR 22 Bull s'reet, Savannah, Ga. First Premium for Best Sugar Machinery and Iren Castings at South Georgia Agricultural and Mechanical Association Fair, 1872, aud also at avannah Agricul tural Association, 1872- JOHX m'dOXOCGH, T. BALLAXTTNE WM. D. SULLIVAX. McDonough, Balliinlyiics Cow Iron and Brass F* ounder S, MACHIMSTS and— Pattern inkers, Corner East Broad and Liberty streets, Savannah, : : Georgia. Su_ar Mills and Boilers, Gin Gear and Hors© Powers, etc., furnished with promptness aud oi* favorable terms. apl7-16-ly M. M. SULLIVAN', Dealer in SHAD, FRESH AND wSTE*. Salt Waler Vegetables, Fruits and Other Produce. orders promptly attended to. Terms Cash on Deiivery.'tfcs^ BaySae I Savannah, Ga #