The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, May 15, 1873, Image 4

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rive fQititmnti banner. l , Ur,USMi;|i KVKKV TIICRSO.VV EVENING. T K l( M 8 J TWO I«S A VEAI< whkk path is ahvavck. \ wvmTmsG' On* ««*nre. Mij lim-s,.»r le*#,) first insertion • Luo* ’olhwlntr 41.9 C. lVb**n .« !tM*j»i»*u' nf continued for one ■w >nsii c Hu* charge wiF he ;»h follovrt : N<>. V V j 1 Month. : 2 Month}*. | |3 Months. j l Mopib*. 5 \ *? Mmths. j 7 Months i ’$ Months. J 9 Months. | 12 Months. 1 11$’.00, s*| 104 isl'j Hi I*l Iflj 171 I*l 20 2 H.»Mii 1 j i:,j 18| 21 2 1 2<i m 301 :w 3 10*00 I.V 201 ■>;,j 30) ;;t! f; 38J 4o| 45 4112.00! I*| Mi 301 :Uij 4<>j 42 44 4fij 5.'! ft| 1 1.00 25 33 »« 441 10 4Hi 50 52\ «0 K'l.-nm’ 301 4Of 45! 50' 5.V 501 57j 58, 65 HjliO.OOj 5111 (i,i| 7ill 7 | Bui 851 »oj 100 120 Hi 15.00! 051 75 80 85} OOmMO I lOJ 120(150 21 0(1.00 75 *oj f>ol lilt ! !Hi 12 Uj Ml 110 200 tAP'AIN J UK or THE It CO MOIKKS. i N Air-~-lnplahi Jink*.” I*»n Gupta io Jack <*l lin* Red Modoc*. * Who grimly mfh (internment mocks, Lriftironed among the lava t ucks; K<»r I'm ‘he pthu of the army. I've led them ii mi tv a weary dance, W••iin dance, neap dance; For dirty savage, id nuisance, I'm ui) ftwfill pe#l to the army. ; Urn Ga p tain Jack of the Lava Beds, rm •cock n- 11,,-* walk." and chief of the Reds 1 kin ••lift the lint ' 4 and nculp the heads Os ilte whole l.'tilled State# army. When 1 go out my squaw she Cries, Ml sqoaw she cries My mjhhw she cries, When 1 go out my kqnaw she cries— You'd better look out for the army ! Tv il tin if and scalping, and drinking rum, 1 al ways thought the besDof fun. Till the soldier* came; then off 1 run, So as not to he caught by the army, ‘Don't take his hound’ the peace men cried, The pence men cried, the peace men cried; And hard and fast the I muds they tied, Os those cruel men o( the army. ! tolled them to my mountain lair; The peace mvn led I hem into the snare, In which I managed to “take the hair” Os the bravest mm in the army. The country < ben del wildly about. Did wildly shout, did wildly shout, *Let thene Indian Hcoundreln bo cleaned out’ By the hoys of blue in the uriny. I’m Captain Jack the Modoc red; • Around me in a fatal web Os gleaming steel ami eager lead In the vengeful hands of tie- army. * And sabre stroke and pistol crack Will end the life oft 'up lain .Jack. And all the rest of the wolfish pack That have torn the braves of the army. I'm Cjijduin Jack of tin* Modoc braves, And c*»< lv o' the walk to the lava Caves, Whert I cache** ’em out--their heads I shave- The heads of the braves of the army! Wiieii 1 stand up the pickets they stare, | Tile pickets they stare. The pickets they stare, When 1 stand up the'pickets they stare And then run back to the army ! rm,. y<‘R ! Indies and gentlemen, liiff | meU-ieme man Killern, in- f'ointf to eat up Modoc Chief* at one jquaro meal,but lie make be too mueliee at San P’ran ciaco ttdoyraph man, and shoot bomb shell at Wodpc squaw and scalp only dead Jjagin, Clntrley. Ugh! Capt. .Jack, he bulfy feoy with glass eyes. Captain K'llesu be played out on dis lino—all suiutner time.] Wliat Slmll We do williour IJhiikli ifrs'! Apropos of Mrs. Livermore's late lec ture on the above important question, the Devonport Democrat thus sensibly makes answer: Bring them tip in the way they should go. (live them a good substantial educa tion. Teach thorn how to cook a good meal of*ictu.u*. 'Oneh them how to wash and iron clothes. Twitch them how to darn stockings and hi w oil buttons. Teach them how to mako their own dresses. Teach them how to make shirts. Teach them how to make bread. Teach them all mysteries of the hitch, eh. the dining room and parlor. Teach them that a dollar is only one hundred cents. Teach thorn that the more one lives within their income the more they will sayie Teach them that the further one lives beyond their income the nearer they get to tin* pm4o> ise. TVfUh fhAn to wear calico dresses and do it like a Queen. .Teach them that a round rosy romp is wbrtfrfefty indicate consumptives. Tt’ach them to wear thick, warm shoes. Teach them to do marketing for the family. Tyadh foot up store hills. tjjcni that Uud made them in his-own image, and .that no amount ol tight lacing will improve the mode. Teach thiha, every day; hard practical common sense. Teach them self reliance. Tviu-h them that a good, steady, grea- ! Sy mcchmiie. without a cent, is worth a] doKi’it oilv-i>eted loafers in broadcloth. Teach them to have nothing to do with ■ intemperatL' and and« asolute vouug men. Teach them to climb apple trees, go ! fishing, <ultivate » garden and drive a load t.tiii or ia»m wagon. Torn h them actontphshments music, j paint ug, drawing if you have the time : and money to do it with. Teadh tueui not to paint and powder.; Teach t! ein uof to wear false luiir. Teach them to sav no, and mean it, or j VeS, i.ud’St!'k ’ll it. tbein te r« gard the morals, not j " the money of the beaux. ' TiaeL th-m tie* essentials of life— J.uth, I"ouestv. uprightness then at a on (aide rim* ti t th. m marry. Ibclv u|k;u it. that upon your teaching depot, ’s iii a great mi'.isur, the Weal or iwo --f theii after 1 fe. JUto 12,0 00,0 00 ACRES! Cliunp Fiiriim! Tli* chnapeiil land In nmrk<u for by thft UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. In tb<' (irtmtriaU*? Vajlny. 3000000 tcff 1 * in I < ifttra! V bnn»- k .» now Idi-half in tnuiM ot lor'> acre* and up ward* on five and ton year* credit at 6 per cent. So advance inieu*Nj required Mild and healthful climate, fertile noil, an a bundanee *if good wn'er, THE BEST MARK! TIN TUB AVH-T! The srreut mining region* of Wyoming, ro’orado Utah and Nevada bein/ auppCled by the lartnerw in the i’latle Valley. SOLDIER:‘ R.VITI LED TO A HOME STEAD OF 100 ACRES. THK HK«T LOCATION# FOH COI.OMKK. Free home# for all! Millions of acres of choice Government Laud# open for entry unde r the Homestead Law. near this Great lUilioud, with good markets and all the conveniences of no old settled country. Free passe# to purchasers of I? dlroud Land. Sectional Maps, showing tbd Lund« also new edition of DeseTiplive Pamphlet with new Maps mailed free every wlieie Address O. F. DAVIS, Lund Commissioner IT. D. it. It. Omaha Nrb. S A W S [Knt f j I Hail ] WELCXI A GlUrriXSI3, _ SanalWtmeiH ot Sum-, MUVblitOR To Abb OTBKK.V. WtEltY ft.VW WARRASTbI). ma UKi.nsn ash machlskhv rtf' l.iliCiU I. niHCei NTK. r,.': IM-Prhw f.iet will Olruul iSI free. WKI.OII Ac <;if IFPITIIS Boston r Mawt., A Detroit, Mich. McKBNNEY &. (JO., «U.M H miJuiaar *»»4Ui w Claims of Census of 1800 collected without pi oo£ of loyalty. P.O. Box 420, Washington City. I). C. Cr.o tin) lieisinger Susli Look arid Support to FASTiN YOUR WINDOWS! No spring to break, no cutting of Hash; durable, very easily applied; holds utany nlace desired, ami aso if fastener when Iho Hash is down. Send »tarn|) for circular. Circular and six copper bronzed locks Bent lo any ad dress in theU. S., [watpaid on receipt or 50 els. Liberal lndncetnenis to the tiado. Agents wau led. Address HEI SINGER SASH LOCK 00., So, 418 Market tS't.. Harrlttburg, Fa. Sewing Maehine IS THE BEST IN THE WOULD- A'ffints wanted. Saul for Circular. Address: “IlOMEHTKF’Biwisrn Machinb Cos.. N Y SURRENDER OF LEE Af Appomattox C. 11. Va M April 9fli, 1565. A magnificent. 18gl 1 inch engraving of the sur render of Gen. Lee, showing the armies Ac. If is truly a gem of art. one which should hang in the pat lev <>f eyei'y Southern home. * Sent by mail.mourned Yin a roller and post -paid, on re ceipt of 20 feotits, 6r ii for 50 cents. Agents wanted. Address J. C. «V w. M. BURROW, Bristol, Term. Catalogues of pictures. Books, Ac., sent tree! Write for n T'n, ,> l.i-n. to J. 11. JOIIKSTOBT, 179 Siaitbfleld Bt., rutaburKh, Ilresuli bonding -Iml Uima, ai lii lo S3OO. Don ■ I)l. Shot (!uns, SK in lot!' (Juns s ;t to S2O. it tins, $8 to 75. ltcv.ilvei!. s;> to Tistoln $ t lo 8. Uuu MiUoi iiit, 1-Isitihif Tuoklt', Ac, burgu ilimsuuiii! to iloulns or clubs. Ai tny Onus. Itevob ri-s, clc , boiiytit or irattoi] lor. ttimils sent liy oX(iri*rti, t'. O. 1). lo bo px.nuilii'il bsfore psiil for. t* 1 I'ikiyl Ageots wiui W* J 'P~' r tod! All ctus-on of work iiißpeople, ot oltlisr sox, younj. or bid. innkn morn mousy ut work for hr in ilioir spivro mo inents, or all tlio time, Usui at anvlbim. else, rurtifmlars IVbo. Address G. ST.INSOAA (;<),, Tortlimd Maine. HOW ’Tits DONS', of sli.* Srcrct Oli». Moustuohc and Wliiskois in I J days. Tills Groat Secret ami lOttotluas. Gam blers* Tricks, ftinliolojty, \T»ntrilnqii|sm. all in Hie Original "HOOK of WON Obits.” Mailed tor 25 cents. Addrt*-s 1> C. CUTLKH, Cartlmife, Illinois. A rare Cl* a nee!! We will p\y all Agenis S4O jkt Week in medi wht> will engage with us at once. Everything furnished and expenses paid. Address A. COULTER A. CO.. Charlotte, Mich WORKING CLASS^rW bus a week gnarauteiiL Uesj»eetable employ mem ai Inane, day or evening; n<* capital requir ed; full instructions and valuable package of goods sent free by mail. Address, with si.\ cent return stamp, M. YOUNG A CO., 16 Cortlandt st., New York. ? ; ,s ' ted Files that !>« BimFh Fu.k Rkukoy fails to cure. It is prepared expressly to cu e the piles, and nothing else. Sold by ull druggists. Frice, SI.OO. 10,000' GIFTS. $500, 000 OnTUF.SDAY. JULY Bth. 1873, the Third Grand Gift Concert, under the timuagvment. us F.x-Governor Thus. 15 Framlelte, amt am!t<u i/. ed by special act of the Legislature, 15>v the ben efit of the FubLe L brary «.»!' Keijtu<;k v, pusitive ly and unequivocally c< mes ulf in Fi.blic l ibra i"? Hull ftt Louisville, Ky.. when 10,000 Gibs, all cash, rmountinjr to 500,000, will be distribu ted by lot among the ticket hoidois. Tin* mon ey to pav all these gifts in full is al]ready in batik and set aside f r that purpose, as the fol lowing certificate shows: Ofkk'K orFakmkks* vnoDhovkrs' Bwk. ) Loris\ iu.K, Ky.. April 7, 1873. \ This is to eernty that theut is in die Fanners' and Dro\ 1 «* d’l-ird Grand Gift Concert tor the benefit of li.e Fnldie Library of Ky.. Five Hundred Thousand Dol lars, wYdeh h here s t apart bv the Managers to pay the gills in full, and will he held by the Bank and paid out lor this purple, and this purpose only, (Signed.) U. S. V FECIT, Cashier. Only « few tickets remain unsold, and they \v;li be 4u; lushed to the first applicants at tbe following price-: *W h le tickers. $lt»; halves >5; quarters. STSO; |J wholes for Slid); 60 fe. $500; 113 for s ! poo. and 57.* tor $5.00d. For tickets and full inform ilou. anply to THOS. E. LKaMLF-TTE. 1 $ 4t Louisville, Ky. ./Oi; iro/j/t N“lvA ff.Y and exected af th» Banner ofSee. Miscellaneous. Till* unrivalled Medicine Is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury,.or any in jurious mineral substance, but is I'UiiELY VEG ETABLE, For forty years It !*;*.« proved its great value In ail diseases of the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. '1 housunds of t be good ami great, in all parts of the country vouch for Fh wonderful and peculiar power in purifying the Blood, stimulating the torpid Liver and Bowels, and imparting new Idle and Vigor to the whole system. »SIM MON’KJLIV'KU RKGI.iLATOr is ackuowledgtul to have no equal as u LIVER MEDICINE. It contains four medical elements, never united in the same happy proportion in any other prep a ration, viz: a gentle Cathartic, a wonderful Tonic, an unexceptional Alternative and a cer tain Corrective of all impurities of the body, h'uch signal t uccohs has attended its use, that.‘it is now regarded ns the GREAT UNFAILING SFKCIFTC for Liv«*r Complafrß and the painful offspring thereof, to wit: I)YSSFEFSIA,OON8 r l 1- FA'IIOX, Jaundice, Billions atim:BiCK HEAD/VCIIE. CblTo, l>eprey ionol Spirit:-. SOUR STOMACH, Heart Burn, Ac. Regulate the Liver and prevent CiIILLNAND FEVER. • . SIMMONS 7 LIVER REGULATOR is manufac tured only bv J. 11. Zs ILIN Afci O MACON, GA.. and Fil !LA DELPHI A. Frice SI.OO per package; sent by mail, postage paid, $1.04. Prepared ready for use SI.OO and $1.50. Sold by all Druggists. Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations. [5-ly CIIABKJ2i A. Dana, Editor. (?ke golkv YFcchhj g uu. A Newspuperof the Present Tltaeii. luieaded lor People Now ou Barth. Including Fanoort. Mw-hantcs. Merchant*, I‘ro fet»aionai Men* Worker*. Titlnkere, nnd a I Man lier of Iloiiv’.it FoJL*. Uiid t£i<j SvifcH, Lions, auJ Daaahtcriof alliucU. ONLY ONE DOLLAR. A YEAR ! ONE O UNDULI)'COPIES FOB. #SO, Or less tlinu on. Cent o O )..,. !.,t iticro*. a. (J.uii at ovary Lost Olllce. S&TfI.WEKKLY HVS, ©A A Y LA If r of th« •> n;e ut. 1 giuieri.l c arncior aa Til.: WfiElfcl.V. bat witii a greater variety of iui»c«l!ao»oue readme, and fui niUilng the lo it#auDacribKia wub ,:rp » er Iroaltnoea. i-eoaaae Rcotaea a weak UiKiiUi] ofoaco only. Till! KAfj.r B! K, £.O A VKAIt. A jnocniiruiaUv rend .l»io newspaper, with tbe I-.IS-IS! e,rc-ii»il.»a in the vdriii. free. lmt®. iie*Kienf, arid in polnfcs. A l thu new* evtirywhere. Two com# a oopy ; by mail, ait ouute a luoutb, or $0 a j out. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY HVX. l r :vj copies, one yo*w, sjparm-Uv ad<trwi»*'d. I’oar Dollar*. Teu copUw, one y«*r, ienareteiv Addressed (aud uu extra cop} totUngetUv up •(; Inn). Lii-'u Dollnrw. Twenty contas. on« tmr, afnnrafelv iatd au extra a* li.i*, ,-h -r up of *-i nru. Filter ji Do I tarn, rmy Tear, to one adftrcfi* (and uio Bnnu-Ueelc y one year t * trotter o p of cd»>b), ThJrry-ihroo Dollars. Fifty copies, otto rear, ‘cpamtelv a <lr<?*«ed (a-.rt toe fcemi-Weculy one your t«* irotrcr ii;. ofcltth), Tlilrty-Uvu Dollor.', Hn. trandrw! rni lrs. on. Tear, t ) rrm Mf4-.u (and tun Dollj (ur uub year to u it, r tin of nln! *)' I'ilty Dollur,. One iHiodrc l COIH.L mi y-nr. Mpuamlr ml arc -., t.u.l tlMlWtl7lwur.c rear lo iwru'rr U|, of clot)), Mxly UuHara. TU« bkui.ivssui.y st;x. Flvo conic, one year, nejinratcH- aSilic-.e Iniifbt Bolinra. Ten ooplc, or. mr. fenaralclv a lurcuta (no t an catra copy la setter op -f cl if,). Maieco Dollar.. KTXD vint MOXRY Vgrr* r"*-® "ytsr-.rvcit.. or draft, cn Sew i" r ?:,T: : : r " V '*. r f v; If not, men refiner |l*« UU-ur., woiitxltill: • i; . . -\.i j» «* • X* w. N">. P .blUhn-, Bun offlCe. New York ««y. Episr Notice. W B H AVE this day purchased the Right to WHfSENAMT CITRRI'ILUiIt BIiSJROYER, For the. County of Brooks. Being satisfied that it will do ull that it claims to do, wo offer this great reltei to the farmers of this county. All parties interested in this won derful discovery will do well to call upon us in time to prepare themselves, so us to prevent the great ravage of the c dton by the caterpiller this season. . l)o not defer making your arrangements until it is too-late. It is guaranteed to do all it clttittis. HUGOS, JKLKS & CO. Quitman. .March 7, 1873. 6m RIB£ONS, WILUNERY & CTRAW GOODS, 1873- H7u*te Goods, Embroideries, cCc. ARMSTRONG, GATG!I& r O. Imptiftei's. Manufacturers and Jobbers of Bonnet, d’rimudng, neck and Sash Kibbons. Vel vet, Ribbons, Neck Ties. Bonnet .Silks, Sal ins. Velvets and Crapes. Flowers, Feath ers, Ornaments. Frames, .te. Straw Bonnets and Ladles 7 and Chil dren's Huts trim'd and untrinvd. And in connecting warehouse, White Goody l inens, Imbrohlcries Laces, Nets, Collars. Setts. ll' dk'U. Veiling, lfead Nets. At. XVs 2.37 and 239 Baltimore street. iULTIMOKE, : : MARYLAND. These goods are manufactured by us or bought for cash directly from the European and American Manufacturers, embracing all the lat est novelties, unequalled in variety and cheap ness in any market. Orders filled with care, promptness and dis . rFJESpT: (The Sing lug Festival.) \ Collection of Gioc?», Part-Song's, Cho ruses, etc. MALS VOICES. Sampb* Copies mailed, pastqmid, for $1.50; sls | per dexert* Audios. J. !,. PETERS, 599 Broadway, New York. ( OttOU (ill* Kop.lil». THE undersigni'd is prepared to repair ana ; place in good order Get ton Gins. Sa:v> sharpened and Brushes filled, so as to make •hem as good as when new. Will visit any per- j lion of the country, when notified iMrt se vic»> arc needed * J. R. PALMER. Qummui, July 26 U 72 20 tt Miscellaneous. iiK W IST 1 OLOHE FLOWER COTTGH SYHTJP. This famous Cough and Lung Remedy is the active principle, obtained by chemical process, from the “Globe Flower,”known also as • Button Root,” and in Botany as ••< »•(»!» ; mthns Oceiden tals ’’ This rare :*ml deliglufut compound is a certain cure f*»r every form of Ccn^h,Bronchitis Hoarsnesrs Whoo piagr Cough j& sthma Croup <Sac. And will positively cure CONmT M DTION, When taken in tune, as tliour irnls wFI testify. It cures when all other means and remedies fall. It has cured people who are living to-day with on ly one remaining lung. Within the past few years this remedy has been used in tlma.-and.* of eases with astonishing *arjd uniform success Actual experience has dcmonslratml the fact * that it approach*''nearer a specific for Throat and Lung Affections than aay medicine ever dis covered it Is riot only now being used ami rec ommended by the most Shamed aud skilled Fhy- Sician?. but by the best and most distinguished persons on the American Continent. P?* GLoins Funv: n ,Svjo p contains no opium, no pf'iHonous or other di agreeable properties. An infant may take it with perfect safesy. Globe Flower Cough ;‘yrup warranted to cure and give sit ti;-faction in every case or the money refunded. jpSflH CORK* ASK «YJfßi:j;Kl) BY TIiOirSANOS. rxtixm-M ii k f known. For Kale by all DruggjfcU everywhere. Price, One Dollar per bottle. DR. J S. l»EM!4ri : T.)N i CO., Atlanta, Georgia. Fn .-de'or tv Manufactures. pis- HUNT, UANiUN *V LAMAR, Wholesale Agents, Macon, Ga. . lathe inevitable result of continued suppenHon of the menstrual How. It is a condition which should not be trifled, in allcuu»S ol' suppres siufi, fuispi’iiniou or other irregularity of the i “e ur,«eH." Dr. J. Bradllehi's Female U»*gu ator ; is the only euro remedy. It acta by giving tone ; to the nervous centre*, improving the blood find ! determining directly to the organa of menstm | ation. It ia a Icgiiiu.ate prescription, and the] nao»4 intelligent Doctors use it. Prepared bv j J.H. BrndfM L ilrugalsf. Atlanf i. G... s; per bottle, and sold by respectable drug*’I-la ov-1 ery where. ja«2t-tf aitwiismijiTj WITH ii m gloomy attendant*, loir KpiriD, dcprciflon, Involuntary emlunto***, loms of semen, sperma torrbau, loss «/ mqwm , 4lzxy heady lot* of memory, elA'i tlirrut«a«4 i»»*~ uotcttCe, and tniLeeillty, lirnt it *ov*r ei K n t.irn »u lit MIMIKi:V!S‘ IlO.Vfi:- OfATiUC DIC. .%<*. TWLYTY r.ILUT. , JTUBi'.OVJ;K!,IDN LI.MEDY tones up the system, arrant* iho disehsiW'*, and im parts vigor sod eotj-gy, h/o and vitality to tho entire man. They li<*vc cured thousand* of cswui. I'nce, per jiuokfigt? of five boxes »nd a lan<v |2 vi 3, vna« o in vi-iy important iu obstinate or old case*, or ft 11 r wngla box. Bold i>y AI.L 1 )rug gint **, anti at, n: hv mail ou receipt of uriw. Atldnan ID MJ 'iiti V‘3 PI'EDIFKJ ROMEOPATiIIO Ml,DitJ NB ( (J., IS«‘A I'fiOApWAr, N. Y. Just Published! rs Pi HISS’ WALTZES A3 , VIOLCN SOLOS. J.VA- FOH I’i:THUS’ EDITION. J Paper Copy sent,.pout paid, for in board?. $23)0. Audre: .J. I’L. 1" * Vs ‘ Id UK* f419 iboa.d\v:iy. New York. 7 A l/ODELNcVisPAP£R. THE SAVANNAH DAILY NEWS. Th-* Savannah Dully Ami;vino Nt \\9 i* ue knowl«*dgod by the press nftd people to bft!th«* t»eat daily papiu* ao.uh of LowWviile and east of New Oil- are*. Cnrrvitig wiiliß the pre.-.f, : jn,l reliability of age, it ! - !! the vigor anil vUnity of vruitU. and U* enWiprhuva* n gatherer of the Ihe Ulctii und iu ws Ii u a*t« nNhed us eouteuiporarie* and tin t the warm upprobotioa of the public. V‘»iiuv ilia 3 car 1: 73. no expeo' o of lime, la bor, und money will be spent 10 keep the \}ou\ t\(« News ahead of all .-owpeiitors in G, eJa journalism and to deserve the flittering encorui- 1 mu l , heaped upon it from all quarters. Theie: i oi . Vhl the special te*< :rau' vvl h (he Nr ws jnnu j gurated m»pi« tens ago. mid the Oi usequenev i-. i tlut the reader lit search of the ! »!e.H i!,N.|flg**nc<* always lookv to th** Mocmu; New. Tie* tele-j graphic ttiTuiigeni- nts of the paper are <nch that j the unit***ions imide b\ the general pres icpor - J areproiDptly amiieii. bl} . ujdicd by us r-p.-clal ! correspomb nt>. The Moismvu Nkw s i.a* bu dy 1». in enlarge 1 ] to a tidily six column p ip- r and this broad scope of t' )>(* euibrares, dully, everything of in j terest that tiunspire% inthedoma n .-{ Literatuie, Ail, Science. Folitirs. Religion and General l:i teliigence: giving to th' 1 reader more and better 1 digest matter Fun any other paper in the tme i ii i* perhaps needles* to »pr a\ of the politu. ) <>f the Mokm.v; Nkvv-j For year* and Years—in- i deed, sine* it.- osmblUcment if ha - been a r< | ptwnifttive paper, and from shat I time to the present, in ail conjunctures, it he j consiste A)y and per*i. ; vudv maint iued D- in.. J er.tlie States Right.* principle*, ur.d bibored. w ith au ardor and devotion th if know no übat.-nietv. j t(» promote and preserve the iuioivgis and honor J of the South. The special mature* of the Mouvt\« Xi w ■ w ill I be retained and i uprovvd upon duting tie* «*nsti ing year, and several uew attractions will be 1 added. The Georgia New* item*, with their qualr:’ j and pleasant humor, and the epitome of Florida j affairs, will-becontinued during the year. The local department will l.v as it > ,s been for the j past year, the most complete and reliable to be | found in anv Savannah j. hot, aud the com met-1 • eta! column* will be ; mnl ace, irate. 'ldle price oil he Daily KP iv 0J per anil.uu; j $5.00 tor six months: c 1.09 for one month. TUB TRI-WEEKLY NEWS. This edition of the Mountnu Mkws i* especial ly recommended to those who have not the la. il Hies of a daily mail. Everything that ha* to rn said ic regard to the daily edition may be te peatedoftheTri I* i* mi le "up It great care, and contains the latest despatches! and ma* ket reports. The price of thft •,*diii. n | is per annum. $3.00 for six mouths, aud $1.50 for three moath* % THE WEEKLY NEWS. The AVkbki.y Mormno New* particularly rec- ! ormuend* itself to the farmer and planter, and to th.»-e Who live off th.* li:n* es railroad. 1: is OD« ; of the best family paper* in the country, and is j cheapness brings it within tie reach of aF. Jt | contains Thirty-six solid column* id* reudin v mat-1 ter. and is utailfd *0 as 10 reach sat *ci iVers ! w ith the utmost promptness 1; is a eti -tally and hiboriouslr editt ’ o tum adinm of the news j of the week, and coat tins in Addition, an infin ite variety of oilur choice reading matter. Edi tori tl* on all topics, sketches of im n. manners. ! and tashfous. tales, poetry, biography, pungent | paragraph* and condensed telegram* enter into its make-up It contain? the latest telegraphic | dispatches and market reports up to the hour of j going to pre-s. and is in all respects, an indis i pensible adjunct to every home. Price—One year. $2.03; six months, SI.OO, three months, 50 cents. Subscription for either edition of the Morning j News may tie sent by express at the risk aud ex j pense ol the proprietor. Add ess j H. E3TILL. Savaonah, Ga. FAIRY VOICES : V NEW MUSIC BOOK FOR DAY SCHOOLS. | Send ( U cent*, and we wiii mail a sample copy j April Ist. Address, I’ETE'-S, 1 * 5 3*..1 Bicud way. New York. Miscellaneous. PDHNITDBE HOUSE’ QriTMAN, GA. JOHN M. WITT, Cabinet Maker iTJmlerta k« r, lias now on band a fine lot of BU R E A U X, BEDSTEADS, SAFE-, WARDROBES. W ASH-STANDS, Windsor CHAIRS, Boston ROCKERS anil is prepared to put up to order— SEC I,' ET A HIKS, SI DEBOA li DS, and everything needed in the Furniture line, ni*d \ in any si) Je required. An experience of many years, justifies him in [ assuring the public* bis work will give sal’s I | faction in every re.-peel; and price, will cm j j pare favorably with those of Savannah or els -i ! inhere, with this important advantage to the p»« - J chaser : every piece of Furniture leaving bid cs Üblisbment will be warranted. and dispatch. fitr- Coffins promptly forwarded to any Sta tion on the Atlantic and Gull Railroad. 'JQMSr m. V7XTT, | Quitman, Ga., Feb. 2d, 1872. 8-if JET*JK Metalie Burial Cases, j Burial Caskets. I The undersigned notifies the public that h i lias now completed all arrangement for the sue j cessful con due* ion of the Until rtuker’s buxines.-, j having received the Agency for .the aide of the celebrated Fisk's Metatie jfiwnai Case? and Gas and the same will be sold at regular Uu dertaker's rated. j lie will also keep on hand silver plated ban j dies and mountings.. which can bo substituted for-tbe metaUc bandies, etc., in a few minute.* | itlzemi of neighboring towns can be sup I plied promptly With any description oi case de |Mred. j ’i i this, CAJi on delivery. .H i M. WITT, Agent, f Quitman. J r TOTMip3B! ' vi\xvys\vr iv e rev v j «i? i i :ti!/. ih i i);i : i.-u iij. .?».; . AiAi raiilE nnder.ri m.*ri has on hand wri l< eunsiuat : i ly arriving— All Kinds of Plows ! aud will kav. In a f.-w <1 «;.v a lot <l - st(*l Turn l??-n • Ntvrl won-, to, Slwl V. a*,;!:; Ohovcla, Cluti -’s', i.t-t'l Pin.,, Urn-, a Ui'ti.v &c, all at LOWER PTIfCKS titan oan Unbud in shops lion', and icad« of butter material and buttei workmaWlijp. —lie is aim Vtcnt for— DICKSON’S t S.MIUHA 1 EIJ Ouster Cotton Eeed, And the (.Vh-bratOil j nif rflfflfnv P! ivrfirn UU hi 101 Itri i L.i \IM GIf.VIS - O I>X.WI' 5 iIIJUTOK. me a paU before you lay iiv year Supply of farm llnplunieuls for too year, .50UN TILLMAN, Quitman. Ga., .Cm. 17, 1 7:5. 3 m STREETY & AYRETX rmr m iwr jee: n. e*e « axo OiSALtna i.x Cooking mid Parlor Stoves, Os V u l ufis. Styles and Sizc.«, j And all kinds of S ti -i e'.ltil u . j-4 S C L* Vs/ AiulEf gun >.ja\. u.\. Koolitij? and Ga thuo* ia the best stvlu. ,Ve sell rftoVe- at 01 hulow Suvaovali prices. H'e n-pci- ’i.M; a h , ■ p. of Block, and adMnii % c iterates to giro a trial. .VtA t moot l. D-Yi. Jy T 11 £0 Mf9l€£4 t?S? A K?f B tit. OJLL nJ W A SEWING ii a '•■ ■ • % fi m l \ IK mffm ’w\VT ■ y/d^/J The Wheeler .\ •n- b a swift fiu | gered sister of chancy. It is a triumph « f nv» ’ finical genius. It has no equal for family use. We refer to the following prominent citizens | of Brooks county, who have this admirable ma chine in use : F. E. Verve,. Xicaotus Rusdiuck, W. R. Hollowav. I'r. W R. Joiner, Jaooh Moony, lit SI I S I >u. R. M. Hire ii, CILLKX lIESTKR. S. D. Eunioni»stix, James Y. Jonhs. <* Philip Hikks. N. M. IcESmioK. Mrs. M. P. Black. E. W. IIARRAL, Gei.’l Agent. iuinah. Ga. M. M. MYKRSSOX. Agent. Quitman. Georgia. November 10,. 1872. 40 6ni 1 HOTELS. MMMfIOTMfIS. BfSjljSh, ?it-v ! " A. 2s. fficprietor. Siivannalj, Ga. Board per Day, $3 00. Ocfobey 23, 187 2. 3m ' PiMTE {I3AEOIK6 HOUSE,' COli. I'RESIDENT & AISI-RCOKN ST., fts!».vju?tmli, (fu. Transcieut and Permanent Boarders Received BK. D.TOX "Would infona hi« old friends that he Is now in his New Qnari**r>..located us above, and will strive to give ■ iti-factiou U>guests. Charge per Day, - - $2.00 July 15. 1870. THE fH HOySE, QL’ITAIAX, GA. J. 11. Edmondson, Prop’r.l No paiua will be spared by the present pro jidt-ior. to re la in the well earned repot at ion and | J The tal.!"-£ v. :I!li » KU|m]led wiib the ( very bt\st the m-\ be’ e«» Oirnish: the chambers ) j will bahepi r * and cu'jOi.r'.alde; and attentive j waiters will be in atfendonco upon guests. j | The n dretiage of the public u respectfully j Charted Kebssaalile. “&& \ April !A I>T2. 15-11 ed! ma hr •• as ; ; 2 ! In « " m » ! 9 fiii b_,A w i.: u.. S:B ¥ biri S« ; (;1 ' IT’l AfV, GA. D V dr NJIIIj,. .......... Proprietor ■ ■ • The house is h>- ated in the Southeast Section of the town, and ttas occupied last year by Mr. Jenkins. The Proprietor will lake every pains to make guests comfortable nnd h ippy. He Solicits the patronage of iba public. February n, 1572. 6 if spotsvreo:) hotel, | Opp:•. to tassragwr Sepat»| T. H. HARRIS. Piioi’fciEToit ihiL-.v*. 9 _p. r Buy. M 'rilaiieous. -r'lfflv :? | c:: T 3l:*ads, Afd: •!N : • •.T ,y\p; M\ JjL ’ 1. M-.iy ;• ; jlfi:||| ♦ '' • u .-d 'lh. • !■■■■ -♦ : :• I ,r, a; j T~. f A I'll iter for tft* Jt,t .inert Worth its Weight in Cold l! Kathing like it in Ike World.’.'/ Sar*j .very reader js Mosin US to »»»* times ita t.»ry intelligent citizen, prrfe..ior,al or twn-profe-. n.>nal, mwjianw erUhirer in tbe whole country, should iul'scii. * fa ihe ADVL-on. Wherever eliown or «een it is sure to t«ke a lirm hold on the conunucity, as its intrinsic valut as a ' Business and Family Paper has made, and is making, f.r it a drruUtion and remr tauon unparalleled in the history of Journalism. 1 It is a BewTTjTT. ir>rAOE. AV rtsir. It gives you all YOUR LEGAL ADVICE FREE. Ofi-inal Heyivns fi r Cottages, Suburban and country B<-~ideuce*, and a vast fund on mat t- -1 f «p(>cml and general interest, found in no other Journal iu the country, A Zt;zd;i2i $5.00 Oil Cirw», THE LOST DA BE, Siie 13s 15. mounted ready to frame, is presented to every yearly suhwriber. CUc:e L<.:pi«S teu CclitS. PERMANENT AGENTS WANTED For HKK-ccjtied territory in th* United States nnd C*. ],v nr Ktv Plnn an ::a r.,t, have » con timi;r.s antinni Met®., «ith I t little labor. Our agents are niaamg fr.-.m S-3 to SIO herdtiy. Write at once, stating territory tieiirtd. Address ail letters to CaorT i Pint ups, Pnblfehers, FitUburgh, Pa. February 7, 1873. 6-6 m \\ iHi •■ : a d ; • l.—The demand for I)r. I. Brae field's Fern Je ReguksTor i? beyond pre ! ders come in so thick a vi f\j>t iLailhe proprietor ! has. heretofore, been unable to fill them all. He !is happy :■> ?? Je that arrangements are now complete by which ho is prcpnn*d so manufacture Female Uoarulator . ?1 a scab* equal to the emer gency, and the public way feel assured that tbeir v.i-.ita may n*o\v be supplied. Pbyriciandi of I hicth repute are using this great remedy, in daily | practice. :il! ever Georgia. Hereafter no wo man Reed suffer fr*’»n suppress'd. suspeode<l or irregular mcnstmaticn. This valuable an di •:c is -I by L II BradSehl Dnujgist. A'lanta. Ga.. and s«*M at si.oo per bottle b) -e.- peo—ble dritg.zisis tbreiisrhout America. Fur sale by McCall & Groover. [Ktf] 'Savannah Eirsstor/. C.&S. LEDLIEr DEALERS IN IMTOOL, HIDES, Beeswax and Skins. Tallow, ¥ f etc., etc., 180 Bay street, foot of Barnard, j Consignments sotcited. 16-ly i 4. t *•* - LAWRENCE So WEIGHSELBAUM, W DRUGGISTS, 17ii and 178 V ¥ Congress street aud Market Square Or j tiers solicited. iti-ly CEO. APPLE, DEALER IN CtLOTIIING Bats. Caps, Gents’ Furnishing ) Goods. Bovs nothing. Trunks, Valises,' j Boots and Shoes, No. 162 Bryan street, Marked square, under Bteesan’s Hotel. 16-ly K. PLATSHEK, TXTHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in Milling ▼ V ry, Dress Trimmings and Fancy Goods/ 154 Broughton street. 16-1/ WILLIAM HONE, XM PORTER and Wholesale Dealer in Wines, Liquors and Segnrs. and sole Agent tor Georgia and Florida of English A Co’s Celebra ted Baltimore Ale. In barrels and hall barrels. 73 Bt. Julian aud 154 Congress at. 16-ly SOLOMON BROTHERS, Wholesale grocers aud commission Merchants, 173 Bay street. Sole Agents LineofO to Steanara. Mr. W A. McNeil, of Quitman, is the Travel ing agent of this house. 16~!y BOLSHAW&. SILVA IMI-ORTKOS AND DEALERS IN ('IROCKERV, China. Glassware, Kerosene i amps am! Oil, Cutlery. Britannia and Pla '• J Wure, and House Furnishing Goods general ly, l’>2 and 154 st. Julian and 149and 151 Bry :.U s’.; ''ft.-. 16-ly N. B, KNAPP, DF ILKR in Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Rub ber and Leather Belting and Backing, Calf Skins, Sole Leather. Valises, Trunks, Saddlery io, . Market square. 16-ly BELL, miiTlllVT & ffl., VCCTLON and Commission Merchants. Savan* nuh. Highest < .isb prices paid for IV .ml. etc. Liberal Cash advances made on con signments. 16-ly CRAWFORD & LOtELL, ITT HOLESALE and Retail Dealers in Hard! \ t ware. Tinware, Agricultural Implemented Gw - I’ st.>;- r>d .Sporting Goods, 152 Congress and 71 St. Julian streets. 16 ly Ta !hr Irfttlies, H. C. HOUSTON, NO. 22 BULL STB KIT. | Savannah, : : Georgia. OF:'! RS {’ .■ Larg -• nod Best assortment of Trimmed U • - ami B *nn»*ts. Ribbons of all • ; nds, Siik and Srruw Goods, Corsets, Kid ■‘Fa -Je t Jew.dry. Para--ds 'roro 50 cts. up v ud triape, and the fullest lino of Real'Hair In the city The Ladle* of Quitman and the country are ! !!j invitml to call and examine my stock when in the city. \ll o"tiers will receive prompt attention and be filled with care. IT. C. HOUSTON, 16- 22 Bull .s'reet. Savannah, Ga. j First Premium far Best Sugar Machinery and Iron ; Castings at South Georgia Agricultural and Mechanical Association Fair, 1872, and also at savannah Agricul tural Association, 1872- ‘ohn m’dgxough, t. ballanttxb WM. D. SULLIVAN. 9 jlcDonoiiifl}, Balia iilyiiea Cos. Iron aud Brass F ornider S, 3IACIIIMSTS and Pattern mVTakers, Corner East Broad and Liberty streets, Savannah, : : Georgia. Surar Mills and Boilers, Gin Gear and Horse •Powers, etc., furnished.with promptness aud on favorable terms. “ ap!7-16-ly M.M. SULLIVAN, Dealer in SHAD. FRESH AND wsTEn Salt Water Fisli, Vegetables, Fruits and Other Produce. orders promptly attended to. Term* Cash on Deli very. ii 6 j g*,annah, Ga. Eay Laae '