The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, June 12, 1873, Image 3

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Sh t Quitman banner. If. H. n<l\rO>H, ASSISTANT LOCAL EDITOR. QUITMAN, JUNE 12, 1873. Death Doings, We learn that Mr. D. Denmark, son of our esteemed fellow-citizen, Mr. T. I. Denmark, died very suddenly at Pough keepsie, N. Y., on last Tuesday. He was attending the Commercial and Business College in that city, and was a young Wan of noble ljgantig, a well balanced Wind, and gave great promise of future Usefulness-. We deeply sympathise with his bereaved parents, relativesandfriends. llis remains will be brought home. Shingles, Parties in need of shingles can be ac commodated with any quantity desired, on 'application to Mr. S. T. Going, or their orders will lie attended to by leav ing them at the store of Captain Brooks’ in Quitman. Mr. Going is an ex perienced shingle maker, a hard-working, industrious man, and his work will give satisfaction. See his advertisement . Tentpera tire Picn Ic. There is a plan on foot for the mem bers of the order of “United Friends of Temperance” at Valdosta, Ouslev’s and Quitman, to have a grand union picnic at an early day, at the “Blue Spring,” on the Withlaeooohee. What say our friends at Valdosta and Ousley’s? Editorial Visits, Two very clever members of the “press gang” paid the Banner sanctum visits the present week. J. K. Chritian, Esq., the modest, energetic and talented editor of the Thomasville Times; and W. C. McCall, Esq., a former citizen of Quit man, but now the very able editor of the Camilla Enterprise. Their visits were pleasant, and we are happy to learn that their respective journals are in a pros perous condition. Cabbage. We are under obligations to Col. B. W. Sinclair, of this county, for several heads of magnificent cabbage, which were raised in his garden. The Colonel has always been a successful gardener, and takes pride in developing the great resources of our soil. The cabbage pre sented to us cannot he excelled in size or 1 tvor in any country. —— - Designation. Mr. R. B. Wootten on last Saturday e -fgued his official position as Sheriff of Brooks county. His resignation has been forwarded to the Governor, and in all probability, an election will be order <l at an early day to fill the vacancy. It, will be seen that Capt. J. H. Bowen, in consequence of the foregoing resigna tion, has announced himself a candidate. The Captain is very well known in this county, and universally recognized as a high-toned, honorable and intelligent gentleman. If elected Sheriff, the people of the county will have an efficient officer. Public Library. We trust the reader will pay particu lar attention to the suggestions advanced by “Progress,” in to-day’s Banner. It is very important that a Library should he established at this place, and the “Lit erary and Debating Club” will be the proper custodian of the same. “Pro gress,” in a masterly manner portrays the great advantages of the scheme, and certainly our citizens will cheerfully res pond when tin- amount demanded is so very small. The Cotton Caterpillar. This terrible scourge is spreading with great rapidity over the country, and the prospect for the future is really gloomy. The caterpillar has made its appearance in large numbers throughout, Alabama; it is progressing with the work of de struction in West Florida, and is incon siderable force in Southwest Georgia. A few flies have been seen in this county, and below us, in Madison, Florida. What the final result will be, the future alone can portray; but the destructive insect having made its appearance so much sooner in the season than in former years, ' is quite alarming to cotton planters. ■\TKfLIN' CASES, for 83.00, at V PAINE & HALL’S The Quitman Cornett Hand Abroad. Many of our citizens will appreciate the following very complimentry notice of this Band, from the pen of our esteem ed fricud and cotemporary, Frank Ev ans, of the Albany Netvs: The Quitman Comet Hand. —This hand of musicians, though one of the young est in the State, is well organized and perhaps unexcelled by any in this part of the country'. We had the pleasure of listening to their sweet strains at the Thomasville Exhibition last Friday, and were exceedingly surprised to notice their advancement. Their music is soft and harmonious, and better suited for the Hall than any we before heard from a Cornet Band. Parties wishing to se cure good music would do well to confer with the Leader of this Band. V COMPLETE line of Hardware at PAINE V HALL’S No invention was ever so important to the residents of warm climates as the Venetian Blind. I Adapting the air and a shaded light, while j ktsef Fng out the beat and glare, they are abso rely essential to the comfort of our section, j if the houses of our readers are destitute of these valuable contrivances, they should at once send th<»ir orders to Mr. P. P. Toale. Charleston. S. C. He in*l***B all the work he sells, and guar an tecs satisfaction on all Blinds, Doors, and Sasb from his Factory. Send loj iiis price list. Sent free on application, 20-Iw LOCAL BIIEVITIES . —“Wonder when they are going to finish that Baptish Church steeple ?” is a query often put to us; hut we can only answer, “When, oh, when I” —We are glad to note the improve ment made by some of our enterprising merchants on Screven street, who have erected hitching posts in front of their stores, for the convenience of those of their friends who have horses. —Draughts, is a popular game among our merchants and clerks at present. We are uninformed as to who maintains the championship. —The friends of Mr, W. A. McNeil, who has been prostrated by an attack of typhoid fever for several weeks past, will lie glad to learn that he is improving, and hopts soon to be out again. —A yoke of oxen, attached to a cart loaded with cooper-ware—numbering one empty keg—took fright while standing on Screven street, an afternoon last week, and started off at a rate which would have done credit to a brace of animals of more natural speed than this species of bovine, and notwithstanding the repeat ed efforts of parties to stop them, by' shouts of “Whoa!” and running out ahead of them with sticks, etc., they drew the cart with such alacrity as to | leave the aforesaid article of coopery he j hind, and proceeded on their course for j several hundred yards before they were checked, which was finally done by a gen tleman who saw’ their approach in time to arm himself with a fence-rail, with which he took a stand in the road and succeeded, with some difficulty, in bring ing the stubborn horned team to a stand still. —Among the summer amusements participated in by the young “bloods” of Quitman, jumping ranks prominent, and on Depot street every afternoon they can be seen displaying their manhood and activity. There is one man in town whom we have seen jump ten feet and three inches on level ground. Blackberries have made their ap pearance, and are plentiful at five cents per quart. Chickens and eggs are in demand. —“Was Alexander a greater General than Napoleon ?” is what is worrying the Debating Club just now. We observe that the town authori ties have issued a notice forbidding horses being turned out to graze, or run at large within the incorporate limits, in conformity with an Ordinance existing to that effect. Parties owning horses will do well to hear this in mind, or they may find their animals under the protecting care of the Marshal, who will demand a fine upon the delivery of the same. —As Mr. C. M. Pa m pier and wife wore driving out of t own on Tuesday af ternoon last, the mule became frightened, and after running a short distance made such a sudden turn as to capsize the bug gy-throwing its occupants violently to the ground. The lady was pretty badly shocked by the fall, hut after being car ried into the house of Mr. J. C. Thrasher, which was near by, it was ascertained that the injury was not serious; ami wo are glad to learn that the parties were soon en route again for their home. A Sunday School Picnic comes off at Boston, Thomas county, on to-mor row. The Banner will be represented, and rejiort made of proceedings had on the interesting occasion. Mr. , (well, we won’t call his name this time,) went down under a great burthen of groceries, on Tuesday, and Marshal Crane escorted him to com fortable quarters, and under the foster ing care of Jailor Jones. By Wednes day morning he had recovered from the fatigue, and was assessed in the usual manner, as provided by the Ordinances of the town of Quitman. —Unless they want to pay a double tax, we advise property holders to make returns of property to Town Treasurer Seaman. See his advertisement, and hand over the figures by the 30th inst. * Gt ENT INK Italian Strings at r PAINE A. HALL’S I have broken up several long-standing eases of Chilis and Fever with SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR. I also find it is a great remedy for Dyspepsia and Liver Disease. J. W. ANSLEY, Buena Vista, Ga. £A LASS WARE of all kinds at IT PAINE & HALL’S New Patent Chcrn.—The attention of the public is invited to anew and wonderful Churn, invented by the undersigned. It excel? anything ever presented to the public. Call and see it. 22-ts bTREETY * AVUETT. A rupture has already taken place in the party which deposed M. Thiers as President of France and placed Marshal MacMabon in his position. The Orlean ists will travel no further in company with the Legitimists and Bonapartists. When this feeling roaches the Executive branch of the Government Marshal Mac- Mahon will find himself without minis ters or advisers. Jttfo Jiberfisnnriits. SHINGLEB! THE undersigned, who has an experience of many years in the manufacture of SHIN GLES, notifies the public that he keeps on hand, and will make to order, any number of shingles desired, and deliver them on favorable terms. Orders left at Cap’. Brooks’ store, Quit man, will be promptly attended to. S. T. GOING. Brooks county, June 12, 1873. 24 ts COMMERCIAL. QUtTMA V LEI AIL PlillKS CURRENT. CORKK(TK.I) KVKRY WKKK. [The quotations are based entirely on cash trans action-.] Bacon, ft!h... 10 0, Li Butter—Goshen ft 1b... 40 (n) 60 Country ft 1b... 25 (4 30 Candles ft !h... 20 (4 25 Cheese .ft 1h... 20 (4 25 Coffee—Rio . ft 1b... 22 (4 30 Corn ft bush (4 1 00 Crackers ftlh... 12J (4 20 Eggs ft do/.. (4 15 Flour—Nupertine ft bid .8 50 900 Family ft bbl . 11 00 (4 12 00 (Huger ft 1b... (ft, 40 Lard ft 1t)... 12 (4 13 Oysters ....ft can. 15(4 25 Peaches ft can . (4 25 Pickles ..,.. |ft jar. 25 (4 Potatoes—lrish ft bush 2 00 (4 Sweet ...... ft bush (4 75 Powder iftlh... 40(4 GO Potash ....... ft 1b... 20 (4 25 Rice ...,|ftlb.., (.4 10 Raisins ft lh. . (4 25 Salt ft. sack. 2 25 (4 2 50 Soap 'ft 1b... (5(4 16 Sugar ft ; 1b... 10 (4 15 iSyrup ft gal.. (a\ 50 Soda ft- lb.. 12 (4 15 Shot ‘ft 1b... (4 15 Starch ft 1t)... 12 (4 15 Tobacco good article.. ft 1b... 60 (4 1 00 Vinegar ft gal sh) 60 Special Notices. CANDIDATEJOR SHERIFF. We lire authorized to announce that Captain J . H. HOWES’ will boa candidate for the office of Sheriff of the county ot Brooks, at the election to till the va cancy* created by the resignation of Mr. Wooten. He will be grateful to his lellow citizens for their sutfrage, and if elected will discharge the duties ot the office iu person. 24 ts rpOBACCO at 50 cents per pound, at JL PAINE A IIALL'S REASONS WHY THE 3Pain KLiller MANK'o BY PERRY DAVIS & SON IS THK Best Family Medicine of the Age! And ichy it should be k ept aheays near at hand: Ist. Pai\*Kii.i.nut is the most certain Cholera cure that medical science has produced. 2nd. Pain Kii.i.kb, as a Diarrhoea and Dysen tery remedy, seldom if ever fails. 3rd. Pain Kii i.i:a will cure Cramps or Pains in any part of the system. A single dose usually effects a cure. 4th. Pain-Kii.i eu will cute dyspepsia and Indigestion, If Used according to dit ca tions. sth. pAiN-Kn.i.Kit is an almost never failing cure for Sudden Colds, Coughs, Ac. Gth. Pain Kii.i.ku has proved a Sovereign Remedy for Fever and Ague, and Chill Fever; it has cured the most obstinate eases. 7th. Pain-Ivii.t/ER as a liniment Is unequaled for Front. Bites, Chilblains, Bruises, Burns. Cuts, Sprains, Ac. Bth. has cured cases of Rheu nmti in anil Neuralgia after years stand ing tUb. Pain will destroy Boils. Felon*. Whitlows. Old Seres, giving relief from Pain after the first application. 10th. Paiv-Kii.lkr cures Headache, and Toothache. 11th. will save you days of sick ness and many a Dollar ill time and Doctor's Bills. Pith. Pain Kim.kii In a purely Vegetable preparation, safe to keep and to use in every family. The simplicity attending Its use, to get her with the great variety of diseases that may be entirely eradicated by It, and the great amount of pain and suffering that can be allevi ated through its use, make it irnperutiv** upon every person to supply themselves with this \ al liable remedy, and to keep it always near at hand. The Pain-Kii.i.kii is now known and appreciated in every quarte'* of the Globe. Phy sicians recommend it in their practice, while all glasses of society have found ill it relief and comfort. Give it a trial. Be sure and buy the genuine. Every Druggist, and nearly- every Country Grocer throughout the land kuep it for sale. (23-lm) ("A ENT.S’ Fine Hats for $2.00 at J PAINE & IIALL’B lAXTUA Violin Cases and Bows at \ PAINE & HALT LOOK HERE! If yon need School Books, Paper, Envelopes, Ink, Pens, Blank Books, or anything else in that line; or if you want to buy a Piano, an Organ, Violin, Flute, Guitar, Banjo, Tamborine, Drum, Strings, or a piece of Music, just scad or call at SCHREINER’S BOOK AND MUSIC HOUSE. I import direct from Europe almost everything I sell. Catalogues and price lists tent free eve rywhere. II L.SIIREINER. Importer, Savannah, Ga. April 3,1*73. 14-ts STREETY & AVRETT kwp all tyles of Cook ing Stoves at Savannah prices. ENT.S’ Fine Sewed Boots, for $0.50, at f PAINE & HALL’S The Bth Won men of the Woki.d lias been found in Georgia. The discoverer is a physician of long experience, extensive observation and pro found judgment, and his discovery has proven such a blessing to woman, that it is already known throughout the country as ‘•Woman s Best Friend.” With remarkable quickness and certainty it cures all cases of suppressed men struation, acute or chronic, and restores health In every instance. Dr. J. Brad field’s Female Regulator supplies a remedy long needed in the treatment of diseases peculiar to woman. This the Medical Faculty knows and admits, while many of our best physicians are using it in daily practice. The medicine is prepared with great care, by L. H. Bradfiehl, Druggist. Atlanta. Ga., and sold at $1.50 per bottle by respectable Druggists everywhere. jan24 ts G 1 ET your Stoves and Tinware from % STREETV & AVRETT. SHOES, from $1.25 to $3.00. to be had at PAINE A: IIALL’S Notice to Tax-Payers. 110 THE TAX-PAYERS of the Town of . Quitman : You are hereby notified to make return of all your taxable property, real and personal, in the Town of Quitman, to the undersigned, on or be fore the 30th day of June. inst.. or in default thereof, will be subject to a double tax. This May 31st, 1873. 23-lm I. k?. SEAMAN, Treasurer. Auction Sale! VTK7TLL BE SOLD, before the Court House in T V Quitman, on Saturday, the 14ih inst., to the highest bidder, the building known as the ‘Dorset House,” on the lot recently purchased by the “Quitman Memorial Association.” The conditions of sale are that the purchaser removes the building from the lot immediately. ptr Terms on dav of sale. MRS. RANDOLPH A VERA, President Quitman Mem. Ass'n June 5. 1873. 23-2 t Savannah Houses. H. L. SCHREINER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in lit SffllElYJl BUMIIS. PIANOS, ORGANS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and MUSIC, News and Book Paper. Cards and Card Board, Bill Heads, Large Stock of Flat Papers, Ac., Ac. jfrft'vlgents for Mathers’ Printing Inks. Retail House 137 Congress street. Wholesale House 99 Bay street, Savimitali, Ga. November 22, 1872. 47 ts F. D.JORDON, muon ts watrsßuata# JEWELRY. SILVER AND PLATED WARE, &c &c &c, J-Sole Agents In Savannah for the Celebrated Diamond Spectacles 135 Congress Pulaski House, Savannah, Ga, JOT WATCttES nnil JEWELKY October 25, 1872. ly T 11 E ft ' ■ ' 1 j wS / 6AB*ia»en fits «o*<rf NWuUWii Ji FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Ksiablished on the Ciikap (’asm plan, nt Urn low mli! ol only ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Address, INDEPENDENT, P. O Box 8(15, Savannah, Ga. S. 8. MILLER, DKAI.KR IN Mahogany.. Walnut anil l*lne UiIQBfSIB® FRENCH AND COTTAGE CHAMBER SETS ANT) fj © © /.’ j II // in I(ISS fS . Mattresses Madeto Order. 155 * 157 BROUGHTON STREET, Next to Weed A Cornwell, SA VA NNAII aEonaiA. September <i, 1872. m Miscellaneous. Domestic Goods! ran IK best stock of Domestic Goods, Boots, B .Shoes, Huts, Ac., in the town of Quitman, can bo found ut the store of NATHAN 7 GAZAN. April 17,1875. 18 H v- ■ H«l •*.•«,' Metalic Hnrial Cases, A N D Burial Caskets ! The undersigned notifies the public that h lias now compleled all arrangements for the sue eessful conduction of the L T nu( rtnker’s business, having received the Agencv for the sale of the celebrated Fisk’s Melulic Burial Cases and Gas kefs, and the same will be sold at regular Un derfaker’s rales. He will also keep on hand silver plated ban <lles and mountings, which can be substituted for the metalic handles, etc., in a few minutes >; of neighboring towns can be sup plierl promptly with any description ol case de sired. Terms, CASH on delivery. JOHN M. WITT, Agent. Quitman. July H, 1871. 28-ly T. J. STIIKKTV. OKO. W. AVIIKTT. STREETY & AVRETT. r ■ " * m r am u -z u m. AND DKALKRB IN Cooking and Parlor Stoves, Os Various Styles and Sizes, And all kinds of TIN AND HARDWARE, , QUITMAN, GA Roofing and Guttei ing done in *be best style. ,Ve sell Stoves at or below Savannah prices. We respectfully ask the people <>l Brooks and adjoining counties to give us a trial. November I. 1872. ly LIQUORS. I' HAVE on hand a good stock of Fine Brandy. Whiskey, Gin. Ac., to which tbe attention of Physicians and others requiring a good article is directed. These Liquors are warranted pure, and will he sold very reasonably for cash. NATHAN GAZAN, j April 17, 1873. 16 Savannah Houses. N. T. PINDKU. A. M. I‘INDKK. N. T. PINDER & CO, DEALERS IN Gentlemen’s & Ladles' Misses’ & Children's BOOTS, SHOES. AND GOITERS, NO 13PJ BROUGHTON STREEI’, Savannah,: : : Georgia . Mr. liKwrs G. Tkiikai; is with this house and will be pleased to see bis friends when in the city. a i»l 7 -1 y LIGHT: LIGHT! LIGHT! 'JXS’Jk.F'rPttJk. Is the CHEAPEST, SAFEST and BES i' Burning Fluid in Existonce. WAKEITKLD, Broughton street, (op prwlta! the Miirshull Housd) Savannah, (la., keeps Naptlm, Kerosine Enuvpfi, Glass Ware. Naptha Stoves. Tinware, Chimneys, a <1 Lamp Wick. The Only Place To set Pure Naptha ! September 151,1872 ly SAVANNAH BUTTKR HOUSIO. George Allen, Jr., DA liny Street, (l 1 . 0. Box 886,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA RECEIVING by every steamer from the I North, all grades of Butter and Cheese. Purest Lard always on hand. Particular attention given to tilling orders for good country customers. Please try me. All my ju ices us low us the lowest. March 14, 1873. 3m L. T. WHITCOMB, Agt. Importer of and Dealer in smi mm msm I'ino Apples, Apples, Bananas, Potato's, Oranges, Onions. Lemons, Nuts, Ac. Vege Iftitles , ITay, Gram, Feed, &c. &c. 09 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH CEORCI.A WTerma, Strictly Cash. *@3^. October ‘2f>. 1872. m A. ffl. HAPPOLDT, ( out ttt ission Jftcrrhattl, And Wjiolksai.k Dkalkii in fid tan ffniaaNfl s?vl VMtN. I Va.WtfWW wta.M BBwti Ui Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Atid Produce Generally. 139 Bay Street, Savannah, : : Georgia. Consignments of POULTRY, EGGS, SYRCP, HIDES, Ac., solicited. Just Ukckivkd : New Raisinn, Figs, Brazil and Pecan Nnts, Almonds, &c. October 3,5.187a. m \V, W. Cxistiot.M, D. V. Dancy Savannah, Florida, CHISHOLM & DANCY, SAVANNAH, CA. BROKERS, COTTON FACTORS, AND General Commission Merchants Cash advances made on consignments of Cot ton, Wool. Hides, Are. Gold, St cks and Ponds sold. Correspondence solicited. 37-ni William C. Stalky. IJonx A. Stalky, Attorney at Law.} Notary Public. JOHN A STALEY & SONS, Brokers and Auctioneers, Office : No. MO) Bay street, SAVANNAH GEORGIA, WILL BUY AND SELL Real Estate, Wild j Lands, and Personal Property. Strict attention will be given to all business nt,rusted to ns. * oct2s-rn jos ». Claohohn. .ixo. cuxnjxuha.m. CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM, AND RETAIL « KIK. « » rn 73 J*Q DC Mi m. Corner of Drayton and Bay Sts., SAVANNAH GEORGIA KEEP constantly on hand a full and large assortment of Plantation, Mill and Fami ly Supplies and Groceries. —also, fixe— Imported and Native Wines, Liquors and Sugars. tei 25. 1872. m E. L. NETdLINCER, DEALER IN Saddles, Bridles & Harness, B**nt Rubber and Leather Belting, Saddlery Ware HARNESS ANDi SOLE LEATHER CALF WtINW, THUNKS, VA USES, <f.c„ <fc. N0.'136 St. Julian and 153 Bryan Streets, Sttvaintalt, fW 'a, octii 25 tt Quitman Advertisements. S. D. EDMONDSON, DEALER IN ©laaiaa oiiiiasiMiaSy IQ Ui! lUftn, :: : SPLENDID BARGAINS Cun now Id* hud at this house by CASH CUSTOMERS! Our Spring and Sulnmer Stock ul' Goods i. comp! r -, consfeling of Dross Goods. Calicoes, Shirtings, Shootings, hi non Goods, K,„,y Goods, Notions, Ready Made Clothing, Hats in grout variety, Roots, Sho, 8> Hardware* Crookorjfi Glassware, &e., Ao. Also, a very good assorti. Pn sos ana ©a ©a cniu©iLsmias. j A enntinuance of the patronage of the public i« solicited, and we will endeavor to* giver tion In every inMft ice. I Full market price allowed fur Country Produce in exchange for Goods. ! May 8, 1878 (19-ts) S. TANARUS). EDMONDSON. CARRIAGE, BUGGY Wagon Manufactory Depot for the Ilopair of Old Vehicles. Bf|* Vr Sip Ari WMn Am J& y Mi MMs A A 9 OUITJVE.A.IM, GrA. J notifies the public Unit he has now on hand a * COMPLETE ASSORTMENT MATBRIALNjy xM? Necessary for the thorugh and proper conduction of a first-class i Carriage, Buggy and Wagon Manufactory4 He has also Biijiplied himsel! with Faithful and Competent, Workmen, and is now prepu’-ed to re ceive orders for work, and do the same in a manner that cannot be excelled. North nr South, ort reasonable terms, and as expeditiously us possible, lie is likewise prepared to ILfla’r and have Painted and Trimmed, Old Carriages and liaggies and turn them out almost as good as new. Tie has now on hand an assortment of new Buggies and Wagons, of his own manufacture, which for workmanship and finish, cannot he excelled. His Bbukunith Shop is well stocked with Tools and Material, and' he is pTOjittfed to do every character of W agon work, and to make and repair agricultural implimonis. Having had many years experience in the business, he flatters himself he can do work as well, ort as good terms, and give as complete satisfaction, nanny mail South. The patronage of ihe public is solicited. All work warranted* B. TV. L EVERETT. May Bth, 1873. IfMf Savannah Advertisements, Spring and Summer Eiry Goods! DeWitt, Morgan & Cos. No. 139 Congress street, Savannah, Ga. Otter jjreat InclnmiU'iits lo Cash miyers in New Styles of Dress Goods; _ • English and French Jaconets and Cambrics ) Black and Colored Dress Mlksj Japane. e .Silks and i'• tpHrirt} Full Line of Mourning Goods} Bargains in Black Alpaceas; Cloths, (/assiuieres and Tweeds, for Gents’ and Boys’ » fitl'j White and Colored Linen Drills; Table Damask and JI nek 'fowls; Embroideries and L. C. Handkerchiefs; Ladies’, Gents’ and Children’s Hosiery: New Styles Parasols and OiiaiiuCu Pirthrellatfi Full Lilies of DOMFSThS ill the Lowest Marliet HPzrioosf JWT OPENING NEW GOODS DAILY AT— | BeWITT, MORGAN & CO. February 28th, 1873. 9-11 CARPENTERS, BUILDERS, And all Others in need ot DOORS SA *IIES, IJ LI TV l)S, MMLIiIIS. BLIMMlffi SASH WEIGHTS, ETC., Can always find a Large Stock and Low Brices at Blair & Bickford’s, 171 Bay St SAVANNAH, GA March 21, 1873. tA2;V7.» SCHWARZ & BRADY, DEAL EUR IN It ii m 'J> a 1' 3 a Floor Oil C.'lollis, wa ,/m. -m - -■ * am: .•»> WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, Ami all Grades of Up It oIsI rt/ G o o d/s, IJ3 Street, (South Side, between Bull A Whitaker Streets,) SAVANNAH, GA. December 20, 1c72. o. PROVISIONS, fiioci&in, G iff nova, AV. GHAMPiOM & FREEMAN, Savannah, Ga., INVITE she a'lent'on of the people of Brooks ami adjoining counties to tln ir Large and i Varied Stock ot Staple and Fancy 1 GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, TOBACCO, CIIEIGK Bl' I TER, j Foreign an«l i y TS. Ac .Ac We me receiving every week, by sferttoera I from New York, consignments of Apples Onions and Fctatoes, ol best fpialhy and at tnoderme prfc*>\ Prompt- aMen’ion given to orders. fIMMTIM & FREES.H, Bay Street, corner of Drayton, j SAVANNAH GEORGIA. October 25. IS?f, m DWIGHT LJRORERT^ a*-,-m «r -y a «»m«u AND Commissi a Merchant 1-I<£ Bay Street Snranttali Ga, 1 October 2V. 1872. »(