The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, July 24, 1873, Image 3

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<Ehr (Quitman JJaimrr. ■W . vXVi UMA THURSDAY, JULY 24,1873. * CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Church, Rev C. D. Campbku., Pastor Services the Second and Fourth Sundays Church Conference on Saturday before the Sec ond Sunday in each month Prayer meeting every Thursday night. Sunday School at 9 o'clock a. in. Presbyterian Church, Rev. R. Q. Way, Pastor. Services every Third Sunday, at 11 o'clock, a. m Sunday School at 4 o'clock, p. ui. Methodist Church, Rev. S. S. Sweet, Pastor. Services every Sunday morning at 10:30 o’clock. Sunday School at 9 o'clock, a. in. Prayer meeting Tuesday night in each week. Societies . Shalto Lodge. No. 237, F. A M.. meets every Ist and 2d Saturday in each month. Quitman Council. No. 37, U. F. of T.. meets j everv Friday evening in each week. Town Officials. Or. M.C. Wilkinson. I. s. S.-anmn, J. C. Finch. J. T. I'avis and I E. Ives. Aliieunen 11. M. Mclntosh, t'leik I. 8. Seaumn, Treasurer. .1. T. Thrasher. Marshal. Bettular mretinjs of Council held on the firs Monday evening in each month. County Officials. E K. Harden, Judge i mimv Court. J. M. Shearer. Ordinary. W. G Bcntly, Clerk ot Superior Court. J. T Thrasher. Sheriff Willis lledingfleld, Treasurer. T. J. Hardee, Tax Receiver. T. A. Groover, Collector. The Crops and lit ‘other. The corn crops of our county are gon- : orally very good, and old corn, we learn, can be bought for from seventy-five to j eighty cents per bushel. The rains in ; May and June, it was thought, greatly : damaged the cotton, hut it improved rap- j idly with the dry spell and sunshine we : had a week or two ago. For the lasi ‘Y-w days, however, it has been raining heavily almost every day, and as wet - w- ather is said not only to make the cot ton sb t its ft n-, but also to increase the I changes so: u,‘ m l v.; tpillars, we fear Brook, It. it# it. com t ;• soon eneug' - make another e: op, -,u : t - per asks who can beat that. We know a mail in Brooks, who says he has made at one crop, enough corn to last him two years. One crop that lasts two years, we claim, beats tiro ertyps in one year, by up wards of considerable. The Trade of Colquitt anil Berrien Counties. We have noticed on our streets, during j the last week, a number of our friends j from the above named counties, with wool, syrup,'chickens, for sale, ! W e are glad to see them, and we hope j they will visit us more frequently, for we are satisfied that a more intimate ac quaintance between them and our mer chants, would prove to their mutual ben efit. Our merchants are clever gentle men, and keep their stores well supplied with almost everything, both dry goods and groceries, that a countryman wants, and what is more, they sell on very reas onable terms. We have no idea that j buyers can do better, at any interior town or [village, than in Quitman. In fact, our experience has been, that in the retail business, we could always do as well at home as in Savannah. We trust our merchants will take some trouble to invite this trade to our town. They have succeeded in bringing here a valua ble traSl from Florida, and we arc satis fied that all that is necessary to secure a : large trade from the counties above us is, to cultivate the acquaintance of the people, let them know what large and varied stocks are kept, and on what ad vantageous terms, either for cash or barter, they can he bought. Again, we have in active and success ful operation, our Factory, where our country friends could dispose of most of j their wool, if they saw proper, in almost 1 any way to suit themselves. There they will find a carding machine, where they can have their wool made into as pretty j rolls as they ever saw, and pay for it ei ther in wool or money, as may suit them best; and they can also exchange some of i their wool for as good factory thread as j is made in the State, or for homespun, j or rope. And before Winter it is ex pected that the Factory will be making woolen goods, so that they can be ac- : commodated almost any way. So we j would say to our country friends, bring j in your money or your produce. W ith the competition between our merchants, and then the factory, we feel certain you can be suit I, and vrll not he swindled. fssr y r ments, the 1' ' : ■ sional card of CatMcCam., which was handed .n :ast w -k, but in advertently-left out. The Captain is too well known as a gentleman and as a ♦lawyer, to most of our readers, to need i a “puff” from us. Judge E. E. Harden has returned from Athens, whither he has been to attend the Commencement of the State University, and is again ready for business, The Ponder Case. Editor Morning News: An article in your issue of the 19th inst., headed “The Beauties of Federal Law,” based upon tin article from the Quitman Banner, is right in principle, though unjust in fact to Mr. Wilson, Collector of Internal Revenue, and to his Deputy Collector, Mr. E. 0. Wade. The error in this case lies in the fact, that contrary to the United States law and practice, they hold and exercise two Federal offices, distiet in th6ir duties and responsibilities. As Collectors of Internal Revenue, they are bound by their oaths of office to prosecute all violations of the Internal Revenue laws coming to their knowl edge. But as prosecutors, they arc in competent to act as Judges. The one office, m the Revenue, they hold under the Secretary of the Treasury. The other office, as United States Commis sioners, they bold by appointment from the United States Circuit and District Courts. While, therefore, the) may ' sit as Commissioners in eases other than those of the collection of the Internal | Revenue, they cannot sit in eases in | which thev are the informers and prose j eutors. Hence the necessity of bringing ! such oases before the nearest United States Commissioner having no connec tion with tin- revenue laws, or any other ! laws, or the ferretting,out and prosecu tion of other laws of the Executive I)e --| partment of the government. TlioCon i stitutiou of the United States not only does not permit, but is repugnant to a | union in any one person, or tribunal of I the Executive and Judicial functions of | thiiGovernment. Hence there is a fun j damcntul wrong done to the pi ••■pie of i Georgia, in the appointment of Executive officers of the United States, its judicial ! officers also. Mr. Wilson and his sub ] ordinate, no doubt, felt their anomalous position, and hence, from no- desire of | gain by mileage, Ac., but that they would I have seriously compromised themselves j iu the opinion of the community, and in J t he sense of equity, did they remove Pon -1 dor’s case to Savannah. The Courts ! eouhl not have known of their being | already Executive officers of the United | States when they appointed them Cum j niissioners. Sainmnah As the above communication has refer j cnee to an article in The T!anni:u, we think it proper to lay it before our read | ers, in order that they may have the hen ! ,-fit of the explanation furnished by tin correspondent of the News. We hardly j know whether the writer intendeds! as a ,1 fence of Col. Wade and Mr. Wilson, , in .. fi rwh i it may explain the ’n-a-H Mr. IVnder was not allowed to j Ce ! . Wade, in Quitman, j e; e nee-s-vv ih- : vp.-11-l nf the trip to > ;ah, i! admits that “ii-ntiary to J i i'm‘ St is laand pi vet • they j (' Wade and Wilson) hold and exercise j two Federal offices, distinct in their du- j ties and responsibilities.” The argu- j ment amounts to this : that, contrary to j law, they hold these two offices at once, j but they could not allow Ponder to give j bond in Quitman, contrary to law. There i ; is only out viol lion of the low where! ; here might: haveboi u wo. 11l the conclusion of his art le, the j ; correspondent of the News seeks to ex- j ! plain how comes it that these gi nth-men | I happen to hold both of those offices, i Hear him: “The courts could not have ; j known of their being already Executive j officers of the United States, when they j appointed them Commissioners.” A per- j tinenf question here is, did either of these I gentlemen know, when they wore accop | ting one of these offices, that he already j hold the other? If he did, did lie know | that it was “contrary to United State:, law and practice” to hold Loth? We beg leave to say here, that person i ally, wo have no ill will against either of these gentlemen, nor do we make any j complaints a,gainst them for accepting | office under the United Spates. All we! claim is tho right to criticise the official conduct of all persons, whether: acting under State or Federal authority. Fonder*s ’Letter. Tn the early part of this week, we re- i I eeived a communication signed by E. D. j I 'Ponder, in which ho exonerates Col. E. C. Wade from all blame on account of! his recent arrest, and trip to Savannah.! We expected to give his communication ; to our readers this week, but before go-1 ing to press. Mr. Ponder came t« our of- ; fice and withdrew it. Why he did it, we j cannot say. We have no objection to Mr. Ponder’ ■ course, except that we had written a few comments upon his letter, and the prin ter, as well as ourself had expected it and | the accompanying editorial, to fill the space • reserved for it in this issue of our pa per, j which had to he otherwise provided for at j the eleventh hour. We trust that hereafb r our friends will consider well whether or j not they wish their pieces published, be- j fore handing them to the printer, anil : thus save trouble both to themselves and : us. We will say just here, that if, at j anv time, we should misrepresent any man, he shall have the privilege of cor-’; recting our errors through our columns, I Pretty Girls,- — Our town c-an boast of more pretty girls between the ages of 12 and 16 years than any corporation of ; its size on the globe. If Mayor Hull will offer a sufficient premium we’ll enter , a dozen at the next State Fair, and risk our upper plantation on the result, that they’ll eclipse anything in the Union. — Bu inbridge Democrat. It is evident from the above that our brother Russell has never been to Quit man. Why, Ben., we can beat you three to one, in number, and as to beauty, we’ll bet if you were to see some of them, you would wish, if you could not otherwise | attract their notice, that yon could be a ] Tom house-cat, and get in their way— 1 that they might giveyou a slight motion of j the foot, (not a kick) and say, “scat!” Agricultural Statistics of Crooks - County . ■ Asa matter of interest to our readers, we give below, the return made to the Tax Receiver, of the number of neves of land in cultivation in our county, and in what planted: Corn, acres, 20,913 Cotton, “ 19,751 Oats, “ 9,028 Pinders, “ * 3,0-:U> Potatoes, “ 561 Rye, “ 372 Sugar cane, “ 323 Rice, “ 104- Wheat, " 7 Wo are glad to see 'that the number of j ! acres in corn exceeds those in cotton by I more than 1000. The prospect, thore i fore, is that the farmers of Brooks will ; not have their corn cribs in Kentucky or j Ohio next year. In fact, we are gener ally pretty independent, in this respect, and even now many of our farmers have corn for sale, from last year's crop. —The new editor of the Quitman Ban ner takes half a column to toll how he ate a watermelon. Come, come. Brother Beunet, less melon and more news. Advertiser and Rtyiubliean. We hope our friends of the Adverti< r and lUpnblicau did not cuvet our water melon. We can make some allowances for the want of appreciation of our arti cle, when we remember what bruised and I mangled melons they get in Savannah, I and then have to eat them with the fear !of the cholera continually before their ! eyes. Como out, brothers, to see us, and | let us cat together a few fine, sound, ! healthy melons, fresh from the vines, and I you can wrilo an article on the subject | more interesting to your country subscri bers than a dozen columns filled up with descriptions of boat races, “Sehutzcufest” (gracious knows how so sped it, we j don't.) and the like, —■***»>&. -* *f*- A Splendid Xmnbcr. I The publishers of the Sovthbkn Mu i sic a r. Journal are now. their own printers, and in Ihe July number, just at hand, give j us a fine specimen of typography, which !we lake fi- .sure in noticing. In its edi i t-orial, it is equal to any similar publica j lion in the U. S., and in its elegant, m-w dress (with new type, bordtvs, headings, I cuts, throughout,) and fault less typogra ! phy.we pronounce it also the itAjaisoM kst. j its publishers are indefatigable in their j efforts to give the South a first-class | musical magazine, and have aohievd a | real success. It hassuhserbers in Sothern -and many Northern States,sunl its mont h | ly a naval is welcomed by thousands of ile |l: _'hteil readers. Asa means of extend j ing it circulation, the publishers now of ; l.*i all new siilisi-irbers a premium of sheet i music (of their own selection,) valued at, ! fifty cents. Subscription price 81.00 per | year. Specimen copies,containing §I.OO , worth of music, free to any addres-. Lt.tddkn A- .Bates, Bublishers, Savannah, Ga. Ballou’ - Maoazink for Auoe -r.— : The August number of Ballou's Maga ! /.ill-- cuniaiiis, among other goo-1 things, ! a most wonderful story of An tie a.dvcn ! tnre, written y an old wlmh-man who j past'd a winter among the iee, and snow, i frozen in for nine months. It is athriling i story of peril and excitement, and quite | seasoua ie at this time, after reading of Captain Hall’s death, and the escape of some of liis crow. Besides there are a doz | on or more of others, all of the best, qual ! ity, and just the thing for a hot, afternoon, or seaside reading, The Mauazjnt. is a | household pet, and some people think thev can’t keep house without it. It is cheaptbiit real good, and one hun dred pages of reading matter are supplied for iiftoerf cents, or $1,50 per year, and j a pretty little Oliromoasa premium. All I the back numbers from the first of Jauu- I ary supplied by the publishers, Thomkk j ; & Talbot, 36 Brumfield Street, Boston, [ i and for sale at all the periodieal depots in i ! the country and Canada. j .1018 X U. AicCifl,' ATTORNEY AT LAW, QUITMAN, G..-V. . ! Offi.-i; n-xt -'-i Finuli's buii.ting. Ka l ot i I Colirt Iloiis-.' cqii-oo- * | July t-1, IS7J. ly Milk Cluiruetl in Six Mini|te«! rrtnE i:X.HEI?:'J«.VKI) an* now j.i-epareil to! a. -tnrni.-ii ihc public wiili their i -v pati-nl Si.r vfliiitile -J ft. its-a. The* QfJU'ICL'T AND hC'-V m thod for j f;!; i*T 1 i 44;' JHljk -*V(T i’l ’. Call at our pt. tv* :*n'l ««■<• if. S TRRET J r and) A l UTCTT. Quitman. TJa . July 17, J 7.,. in FRESH BEEF. rjIUE UNDERSIGNED d«»irfw so notify tho j cilizi ns of Quitman and aurrotinfling; country. | that he will keep constantly on hand, at his! stand in Irorit of hi.. m-g<*, on Culj/oppor Street, j in quantities to suit purchasers, choice and j INeat !,y Isiit<?lim’e<l Hoof", Mutton, and other fresh moats, at reasonable J prices, and respectfully solicits the patronage j of the public generally. Call oar y in the morning and be supplied. 15 il LAADY, Quitman, July 17. 1873. ts QUITMAN PHIL STORE, McCALL&GROGVER, Dealers in iirngs, Medicines' Paints, Oils, VARMS I IKS, Dye Stuffs, J BRUSHES Perfume ffp.’ -i/, 1 oriel'Articles, dke — / Notify the public that they will k"--p on haml complete and fresh stocks, and sell the same at a reasonable profit. American Fruit Preserving Powder. We are agents for this valuable discovery, which will effecMialiy and cheaply preserve Fruit ; aiid Vegetable? for years. Itprevenis fermen - tation. and keeps the truit, 40., iu a healthy condition. Fut up in boxes—one box of which will preserve 64 pounds of fruit. We respectfully solicit the patronage of public. Quitman, July 17,1873. <?m COMMERCIAL. QUITMAN'. RR7AIL*PRICES CUUJRFX7. CORRECTF.D EVERY WEEK. [Tho quotations are based entirely on cash trans action.] Bacon 12® 11 Butter —Goahen ....... '(t); 1b... 40 (fpj 6o Country |pX tb...] 25 (a) 30 Gandies !slb... 20 (.ft 25 m lb. . . 20 25 CollVe -Rio I,’A lb. 22 <4 30 Corn .. |’{A bush (q> iOO (’raekevs f> lb. . liA (<>> 20 j lhgga <!o/ .' (<i\ 1 I Flour- Nuperllne bbi . S' 50 (at. 9 00 Family ho, bbl. 11. 00 (<p. 12 00 j Ginger |';A 8>... (4 40 I Lard !; -> 1b... 13t../> M i Oysters hr* cau . reaches |'j’ can. (id 25 I Pickles I'jjMar. 251" j I’olatoes Irish |‘(4. bush 2 00 (^> Sweet <(» bush (•».- 75 Powder |j-Mb... 10 (tt) 00 | i 'otnsh... j(5 tb. . . 20 25 | Rice. | jsi U>. .. (o', 10 I Raisins -,A lb. . ( 5 25 | Snap If'lh... 6 (a)' l-"> fugiii- |*t. lb. . 10 i -i- IS Sent .j) -. (iff 15 Flari'h 11 Mb... 12 (rs 15 fiiliaci-.i r.i.ul .irli.-lu. :. SO (.- 1 I" Vim-gar !I>, gal (A 50 J'jcciitl |ljoticeo. Removal. TjailF un,l',-r- , i-- n-,1 hn< il-i - moved 16:- 5 BAianmsiiop, ■ and will hereaiiei- be found ;•) tlie t-iiu-e formerly occupied by Mr. 10. G. Wado, next door to JS. Level ’s, on Depot street. GKO. HAYS. Quiitnnn. duly 23, 1875, at 50 cents per pound, «fc JL IL\ LNL & HALL'S LOOK HERE! If you need School Books, Paper, Fnvolopes, Ink. Pens, Blank Books, or anything else in that line: or if you want- to buy a Piano an Grown > Violin, Flute, Guitar. Banjo, Tiunboriuc, Drum, Strings, or a piece of Music, just send or cull at. SCHUKIN EI’AS BOOK AND Ml SIC- HOUSE. 1 import, direct from Europe almost, everythin;: ! sell, t.'atalcgues and price lisls sent froo eve ry wdiere. II L. SIIUEINKf. ’. Importer, Savannah, Ga. April 3,1873. H-U’ OTk L f ETY A AV U ET'l keep all 1 vies of Cook ii ing Stoves at Savannah prices. I'i ENTS' Fine Sewed Boots, for, at VJT PAINE A HAU.'aS The Bth Woxokk of the Wom.n has been found in Georgia. The discoverer is a physician of long experience, extensive observation ami pro found judgment., and his discovery has proven such a blessing to woman, that- il is already known throughout the country as ‘*Woman's Best Friend.With remarkable quickness and certainty it cures aIL cases of suppn- < and men situation, acute or chronic, and restores hen It'll in every instance. Dr. J. BradliehTs Femnb- Jtegulator supplies a remedy long needcfl in the treatment of diseases peculiar to woman. This the Medical Faculty knows and admits, while many of our best physicians are using il, in daily (Notice. The medicine is pr«*p;in <| with y;i cal care, by L. H. Brodfield, Dnigj-'ist. Atlanta Ga.. and sold at $1.50 per bottle by respectable Druggists everywhere. jan24-tf S IIUIAS, from $1 25 to $3 0(t. to be bad at I’AINK i II ALL’S j 17VXTRA Violin (Jnses arid Bows at J PAINE A UAL! | Li r oe Goods always on hand nf P, F. 'i’oale’s ] Builders’ Emporium. Charleston, K. G, Doors, j Si in Blind*, Moulding*, Bntckny, St.Cr Rail j iti ji, Newels, J'*>sts and Stair Balusters, of bi n own manufacture, a u satisfaction guaranteed. And the following direct from tho munuiVteiur or-: Window Giles, Bnliders’ U udwarc, Marble I Old Slate Mantlej' ■ , Diain Pip<* i ucausiic ! Floor- Tile, Win- Cmml* for Sun- Krm.lH, ami | all apticlea needed in comp lei irur a first class j house. Price list sent free on application. July 3-lm /f'i LA.NSW ARK of all kinds at \fSC PAINE A HALIM.S j A COMI’LBTK line of Rardwar® at A FA INK V. HALL’S ! f A VERY kind ol Tinw;.rc very cheap at ! Vj STiiFHTV it AVUKTT. j f i FT vanr Stoves ami Tln vorc front IT " 6Tl:i-CTV .‘ AVKIiT'f, ] - • • Miscellaneous. f OFFICIAL.) Notice to lid Ctdiimissiouers. Afi main inhabitants, white and black, be tween If and st) years of age, except licensed mini-f• i>. of the Gespel, are subject to rortd du- j ty. -.{■<> --v of 1871 fini/ 1872, approved December ; i 2D;/l, J’ajc 19. OFFICE COUNTV COURT, \ Quitman, Ga., Joe 23, 1873. f I. A< soon aj? practicable after the 20th of July the Road Coimnissioucifc of each Dis trict •.f L,e County of Brooks, will se,e tDot every publ • road in their respective Road Districts, an- i!u! oughly worked. 11. The hands subject to road duty will be apportioned aecoiding to law. and competent and energetic overseers appointed, who will do their duty. IH. Afl'T c ich work ing Road Courts will be held, and defaulters promptly dealt with, and the Commissioners will icport to me who have been fined, who, il any, warrants have issued against, for default, and also how many and who have bedn excused, arid for what reason. IV. It is my duty, and tho public interest! imperatively demands n, that I take care to see that the road laws are rigidly enfom'd. 1 have pamphhds at my office c< ntaining ihe road laws, to furnish the Commissioners and Overscm p. EDWARD R. HARDEN, Judge County Court Brooks County, June 2f, 1873. ' 2G-31 C i EORGIA, Brooks Coenty.—To the Honor _7T able, the .S'uperioi Court of said County. The petition of Mrs. Randolph Avera, Mrs. A. J. Rountree, Mrs. N. )». Nwoet and re spectlv shows, that they have organized an As sociation to be known as the ‘ QUITMAN ME MORIAL ASSOCIATION; that they have cho- ; sen a President and other officers; that they pro pose to enlarge, beautify and protect from inju ry. the Quitman Cemetery, located in said comi ty; that they the sum of One Hundred Do!- < Jars actually paid in; that they desire to b<- in- j , corporated under the name of the ■‘Quitman’ Mb- j * MOKiAL _ Association,” with a capital of One;; Thousand Dollars, with the privilege of inemts- * ing said capital to* the sum of i ive Thousand ; Dollars, for the term of ten years. j Therefore your petitioners pray the Court, to t grant an Order at the next term of said Superior < Court, incorporating thorn as aforesaid. c JOHN G. McCALL, Petitioner’s Attorney. 2 A trne extract from the minutes of the Court, - this June Fb. 1873. WM. G. BJS.sxi.Ey. Clerk. .June 5, 1873. 23-3 Gd I Belu '^bbcrfistmrnts DAVIDSON COI LEGE, MIX liU’MU C. Thoroughly equipped. £>evon professorships. ! •ponses low. Session begins Sent, 2bfh, 1878. | Send foi*«‘.iiuloguo. J. Iv. BLAKF, Chairman of I the Faculty. Aa;vrs w him for thj; \iw book, j EPIDEMIC IBCIHSIS DISEASES with the newest and treatment for all ea-es. The only thorough work ol the kind in the world. Kabraees Small- Pox, Yellow Fever, Cholera and | all analogous dLoa.-ies. Xo family safe w ithout it, and all buy it. lias 21 chromatic illustni [ lions. The biggest change of the season for a vrouts. A.idre 11. S. GOO PS PEED & GO,, 37 | Park Row, N \v York. \VT i‘,i tor • I’n. • Gist to J. 11. JOIIXSTOA, AgMhg tr 1.9 Smlthfiold St., Fitt«burgb, T* j Breech Goading . hot Guns. g4O to 8300. Pan • ble Slo-t Guns '> to lot) Simpe Gum B*3 t,< 1 *2O. Rifles, *8 to S7.Y Hrvolvi is. sf» to >25. j Pistols siloes Gun Material. Fishing Tackle, ! Ac. Largo discounts to dealers or clubs. Ar my Gu l Revolvers. .t • . bmght or It a.ted .r j Goods sent bv ex pres- U. O. 1). to be examined ! bet're paid for. ! to | iiig people, ol either sex. young or old. make : u.o; money at work for us in Gioir spare mo I men is or all the time, than at an v tiring else. | Partie.tilars free. Address (!. BTIXSI *N & GO., i Portland Maine. * ■ tM r ". 7,1/SAB A 1 ALL OR KE WUssailrsbl wLAwO M-m.k <;.» ! bus a week guaranteed.. Respectable em|doy iiieitt at home, day or evening; no cnpirul requir ed; full instructions and valuable package of goods sent free by mail. Address, with six M. YOUNG A CO , Pi Cortlaudt st.. New York. UjjJ ft Per WeeU in CASH so Agents. I, V. 11® Kvuryllumr ftiriiishi*c! and ux];< ■: ■ . I. '■ A, COlTTnili A GO., ( 'linrlottc, Midi. !Mi BA O The greatest compound I !i “*» i! "‘* known |- u r limn or ssaaioiasTß. There is no puinor swe ling I A will not. relieve. Slid’ and lame joints are ! nmdeßUple. Cures more rheumatism, neuralgia, j lame back, headache, toothache, sore throat ami 1 bad sprains on man, and sore shoulder, still’ i joints, sprains ringbone, spavin. Ac., on animals, than all other remedies, in same time. Whole sale \eeiils, Solomon A Go,. Savannah. Agents wanted in every county, Francis A Eld ridge, I’rop’rs. 920 N*Front, st., Philidclphia. Pa. iliiiliifftlsTii S". 1 the Advi.rtini'iv Gn/.iiMi*. Soul Zm-. Addivys GKO. r. ROWKI.LA (10., II Park How, Now York. BUILDERS, And all othins in qecd ci D 00|8. lieDUlAliULUlifflilEj SASII WEIGHTS, ETC., j Can always find a Gang . dock and Low Prices tit j Blair & Bickford’s, i 171 liny : ; t SAV/IXXAU, GA March 21, 1873. tA2;V7fI X. T. riMHSU. A. M. riNDKII. I ft. T.PINDER & GO, DEO.KHS IN Get] ti e men’s & Ladies’ (It Is s o s. * & C h kefr e n’s BOOTS, SHOES, AN!) G»IITEMt$ 9 NO VM liltOlf.'HTON STUEKT, Savannah,: : : Georgia. Mr. Lewis 0. Tkukac is with this bouse and will be pleased to see bis friends when in the j oHy. »i>n-iy 11. L. SCHREINER, Whole.- de am] liutuil Dealer in, lK,SfflllY.HlliS»l.| PIANOS, ORGANS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and MUSIC, j News and Book Paper. Cards and Card Board. Bill Heads, Large Stock of Mat Papers, Ac., Ac. yr^PAgeiils for Mather*’ Printing. Inks. ftci.'ii House 137 Congre: s street. Whole.'alo House, 99 Ray street, Savnunah, <*». Nov,-ruber Ti, 1872. 47 If D. Y. DAftCY, (Lute of ChisLolm & Dancy,) 95 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA., COTTON FACTOR, AND Crenoral Commission Merchant. Consignment!! of COTTON. WOOL, HIDES ind all kinds of. Country Produce solicited. Advances made on Cotton, Ac. June 19. 1873. 2.3 ts STATE OF GEORGIA, Bkooks County.— Whereas. H. 8. Fui.i.un, Administrator cf he Estate of Mrs. M. .1 X kwtox, deceased, hav ng made applii a'ion to the Court ot Ordinary or I setters of Dismissal from said administration: These arc, therefore, to cite and admon'sh all >arties interested to file their objections, if any here are, within the time prescribed by law. id Letters of Dismission will be a granted and issued 10 the applicant. Gives under my official signature. B Y Jui 1873. J.M. HGA j Jun# 5, 1873. 23-3 m A LL kinds of Toilet Soap and Perftimerv at j A. * PAINE & HALL'S * : i t*G„ IMPORTANT ANNOUNCIMInTT* TO THE CITIZENS OF BROOKS COUNTY. nMEM PROPEIETOK OF THE CHEAP CASH STORE! IN THE TOWN OF QUITMAN, GEORGIA, r | LAKES PLEASUEE IN ANNOUNCING Tp THE CITIZENS OF SAID 1 County, that he has ill store nn immense stock of aDßoiaaaasQ®® eiissimmsi Os the very best quality, and which tie is determined to sell YX■ Clieap C?et®lx b !i Y goods were all purchased the present Spring from first class pouocH. and cannot he ex j ceiled in quality, and embrace almost every thing demanded by the pv-e.Do of (hut section, such u,-. ; Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, Sheetings, Shirtings, Oznaburgs, Cassimercs, • Jeans, Notions, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ac., Ac. He calls Special attention to his Stock of XEAT READY MADE CLOTHING. ! Ami pariie.? in idm and of a supply are assured that they can procure them on very favorable term, lie has also on hand a good stock of iiailf IliilllM,, Su.-h . . ELOPE, SUU AIL COFFEE. TEAS, RICE, BACON, SODA BISCUIT, CANDLES, MATCHES, SOAP, PEPPER, SPICE, SALT, PICKLES, CANNED OYSTERS, PEACH ES, Jellies, Nuts, Raisins, Ac. Also, a larjit* stock of | FINE MAM, W«, WHISKEYS. GIN, RBI, &L Am! I,urge Quantities of the various brands ol‘ TOBACCO, And tlio Choicest lot of Ever brought to this place, and offered very low. In conclusion, my stock is large, fresh, and embraces almost every article the people can possb D1 >i - '.nn-i*. J( in w.sli to in vr I your money t > in*- best ad vantage, t e sure and give me a trial. • imi ,11 ihut is desired ■ . miuation. Fair and houorablo dealing i* c ; A ?3S UT<2m wii, ;i.!s*t G-:kn* ph*ns'ir<* in cxeinui jng Goods for Country Produce, such uk 1 '<jl iLTiiY". L(AG»S, lAUT'J’KJt, Ac . and always allow the highest market ]>rjce« I 3 .///, M if place of is nearly oppobUe the Court House t ami //ci / door, cad, of Di is. Wilkinson A- Smith’s Drug Store. May 21). 1873. * 22-ts dARRIAGE, BUGGY e®. iwn Wagon Manufactory Otpot for I lie Repair of Old Yeliides. Sl it: ts ¥ 'tftftf 'W* '%& li§ a W a iij WMi Alii Si AA 9 QUITMAN, GA. jry ;;i:GBY notia.the public that he Im - wav 011 baud a ’» Ai * CBIRLETE mmWM MATS 2--AI .A. IjW__ X-c ..i v for tht* thorugli and proper conduction of a first-class Cnrriegc, Buggy and Wagon Manufactory. He Id aGo 11 j 1 j .!-1 * : kii'iudf witli Faithful and Coinpelent Workmen, and is now prepared to re ».ei v* on hto n.r work, and do the mm", in a. manner Iha t cannot he excelled, North or South, on rißConablc lenus, and ascxpeiliticiidy an*]#. - - >ible. lie is likewise prepared to Repair and have Painted and Trimmed Old Carriages and Buggies and turn them out almost as good as new. He I;; now on liiimi an ui soi’lincut of new Buggiea and Wagons, of bis own manufacture, which for workmanship arid finish, cannot be excelled. Hi- •; . i.op is we I! *■( G 1 with 'tools and Material, und be is prepared to do every character of Wagon work, and ta make and repair agricultural implimenus. Ike. ■ . ;rience in thf business.flatters himself lc : can do work as vfell, on ,!■ 1. 1 !"i m •. -Y-. •: 1 to'.DieM:-;ii; I'aciiou, as any mau South. The patronage of the public i • Yi:• and. A l l work v/arranted. I». W. LEVLRFTT, May Bth, 1873. 19-ts Savannah Advertisements. Spring ami Summer Dry Goods! DeWitt, Morgan & Cos. No. 139 Congress street, Savannah, Ga. Oiler great iiidtsecruents to Ctisli Buyers In New Styles of Dress Goods ; .GiigJish and i reneb Jaconets and Cambrics j Black and Colored Dress Nilks; Jap.i' ese .Silks and Poplins; Full Line of Mourning Goods; Bargains in Black Alpaccas; Cloths. Cassimeres and Tweeds, for Gents’ and Boys’ wear; White and Oolored'Linen Drills; Table Damask and Unck I owels; Fmbroideries and L. C. Handkerohiefs; Ladies’. Gents’ and (Children’s Hosiery*^ New Styles Parasols and Guanaco Cmbrollasj !• uil Liue6 of IK) M GST ICS, at the UsO-w - " rl-iK.ot : iSU } DeWITT, MOBGAN & CO. February 28(b, 1878. 9 ' tf