The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, July 31, 1873, Image 3

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She COuitman banner* ' __ _ I QUITMAN: THURSDAY, JULY 31,1873. CHURCU DIRECTORY. Hapttst Ch urch. Rkv. C. D. Campbell, Pastor. Services the Second and Fourth Sundays. Church Conference on Saturday before the Sec ond Sunday in each month Prater meeting every Thursday night. Sunday School at 9 o’clock a. m. Presbyterian Ch arch. Rkv. R. O. Way, Pastor. Services every Third Sunday, at 11 o’clock, | a. in Sunday School at 4 o’clock, p. in. Methodist Church. Rkv. ft. S. Swket, Pastor. Services every Sunday morning at 10:30 j o’clock. Sunday School at 9 o'clock, a. ni. Prayer meeting Tuesday night in each week. Societies. Shalto Lodge. No. 237, F. A M., meets every Ist and 3d Saturday in each mouth. Quitman Council, No. 37. U. F. of TANARUS., moots j every Friday evening in each week. Town Officials. Pr. M.C. Wilkinson. Mayor. I. S. Seaman, J. B. Finch, J. T. Davis and E. Ives, Aldermen. H. M. Mclntosh, Clerk. I. S. S *aman, Treasurer. J. T. Thrasher, Marshal. Regular meeting of Council held on the first j Monday evening in each month. County Officials. E R. Harden. Judge County Court. J. M. Shearer, Ordinary. W. G. Bently, Clerk of Superior Court. J. T. Thrasher. Sheriff. Willis Redingfield, Treasurer. T. J. Hardee, Tax Receiver. T. A. Groover, Collector. Returned. We were pleased to meet on the street ’ yesterday. Key. S. 8. Sweet, the pastor j of the Methodist church in this place, j He had been on a trip to attend the Com mencement exorcises of Emory College, ; at Oxford. This institution is presided j over by ltev. O. L. Smith, 1). D., onee a citizen of onr county, and we are glad to i learn that, under his judicious manage inent, is in a flourishing condition. Mr. | Sweet reports the late commencement j exercises a success, and doubtless he on- I joyed not only a “feast of reason,” but ! of other good things incident to such oc- j casions. At least, he appears to have! been well kept, and is as fat and jolly as ever. The Christian In ilex. We publish in to-day’s issue, the card j i/of that venerable Baptist paper, the : Christian Index, We believe it. is the oldest Baptist paper in tli# South, having j been started more than a half century! ago. It has recently been enlarged and improved, and with Dr. Shaver for its principal, assisted by two associates and three corresponding editors, it is sur passed by no Baptist paper in the United States for editorial talent. In addition to its religious reading, the paper con tains a large amount of other matter that is generally interesting and profitable. This paper ought to be found in every Baptist family in the State. ■ Hot Shot. We see that our neighbor, the hide' pendent , is still pouring hot shot into Col. E. C. Wade andhis associates, on a <)un of the eases of the U, S. vs. Brown and Lee. The Maj. seems to have carefully studied the subject of cost, and bis state ment of facts and figures show up these United States officials in no. enviable light. Up to this time, we have seen no reply from them denying the amount of costs charged to have been collected, or explaining why it was so large. Tuf. Macon Telegraph axo Messen ger.—We were glad to meet in our sanc tum on last Monday, the clever and en ergetic traveling agent of this excellent journal, Mr. T. J. Lanier. He is repre senting one of the best and most ably i edited daily and weekly journals in the State, and we were glad to learn that notwithstanding the hard times, he is con stantly adding to its already large cir culation. Personal. —-We were glad to meet, one day this week, our voutig friend, William Hopson, who has just returned from the State Agricultural school at Athens, to his father's home near Quit man, to spend vacation. Billy was looking well, and seemed much pleased with the institution of learning where he has been attending, and bis progress while there. We would be glad to see more of our farmers taking an interest in the educa tion of their boys, and haying them learn ed in all the sciences and various branch es of agriculture. Education is essential to farming as well as other vocations of life, and wherever properly looked after, will carry with it its benefits and advan tages in whatever its recipients may en gage. — Fine Cotton. —A stalk of cotton was brought to this office by Mr, James Pal mer, one day last week, which was better fruited than any we have seen this season. There were about forty well developed bolls and as many more forms upon it; and Mr. P. informed us that he took it from a hundred acre field upon the plan tation of Mr. J. D. Wade, of this county, and that it was but an average stalk. TOBACCO at 50 cents per pmad. at PAINE & HALL’S The Quitman Factory, A few days ago we concluded to stroll over to the Factory, an institution that we had not visited for several months past. We found the very efficient Presi dent, I)r. Briggs, at his post, who ac companied us on our ramble through the building, stopping now and then to explain the modes operandi of some portions of the machinery that we did not understand. We were astonished at the amount of factory knowledge the Doctor had ac quired, and also at the variety and quali ty of goods ho Was turning out. We 1 knew the Doctor was making excellent \ thread, for we learn that it had been ex amined by experienced dealers in the ar ticle, who pronounced it equal to any manufactured in the State, hut we did not suppose much was being done beyond this. We found, however, that he was also making good light osnahnrgs, a very superior article of homespun and excel- | lent sheeting. In addition, he had sew ing thread, suitable for heavy goods, j beautiful stocking yarn for knitting pur- I ! poses—and the waste cotton was twisted I ! into a very superior article of rope, i Then, there were two kinds of cards for j wool—one turning out beautiful rolls, j for those who desire to spin by hand. ! and the other, preparing the wool to be l spun by machinery.' By the way, the j Doctor informed us, that' in a week or j ' two, he will be manufacturing two sorts | I of woolen goods -one plain, and the oth- j j er, some kind of jeans. We learned thai : ! about forty hands, mostly women and ! girls, are employed in the factory. We | 1 were highly "pleased with our trip, and | | greatly encouraged at the prospects, i | We predict that under the able manage- i ! ment of Dr. Briggs, the Quitman Facto- i ry will not only benefit our town and j surrounding country, but will also prove | a profitable investment to the stock j holders. . Oar Hat. . “Halloo ! Bknnet, where did you get ! I hat splendid hat i" | “Why, at Edmonson’s.” j “Well if a a beauty.' What did it costi” I ‘‘Now, hold on, and we will tell you | all about it, you seem determined to j know any how. It happened “thusly j j On Wednesday evenuig last, wo were | quietly walking down Screven Street, j i meditating no harm against anybody, ! and when wo got opposite Edmonson s corner, we were forcibly arrested by the i two Edmolisons and Judge Hudson, their clerk, and carried into their store, ] and not to depart thence until | | our old “chapeau,” that had done ser- j i vice through many’ a day of Summer’s j | heat, and Winter’s cold, was forcibly la- ; j ken from our head, and this fine hat sub- j stituted in place thereof. Does it be- j come us ?” “I have but one objection, it, makes j you look too young and handsome.” j Well, “old fel,” if it has that effect,! I we advise such looking chaps as you to j | go immediately to Edmonson sand gi I j | one of his hats. He has a few more of ! j the same sort left, which he is willing to ! sell cheap, but then you need not mind . i the price, for you ought to be willing to ! j pay liberally for anything that will ini- i j prove your looks.” i.ot i /, jtu t: ii n i:s. j —“ls lie an exotic, or is he iudiginoiis j j to the soil r” is the latest style of asking where a man was first rocked to sleep. We reckon. —Notwithstanding the hard times and hot weather, we lmar that two or ,) of our gallants have wooed and won,, i j will soon leave tin ir presi nt - ate of sin gle blessedness. Prepare to toot your cornets, boys. • —lt continues to rain, and the barber* | arc talking about charging double price for shaving the long fa- ■} ol ilic n-lin ers. —Our young friend V. .8, Humphr. is having anew store-house built adjoin-' I ing the one he now occupies, and he in forms us that he intends to run a double barreled business this fail. Hilly is an enterprising and clever fellow, and we wish him every success. —We have something nice for the man who brings the nicest watermelon to this office. —Carry your poodles to church with you. It is so nice to have them caper ing about the pews, and occasionally stop just long enough to scratch out a flea, during which performance the elbow of the hind leg comes in contact with the floor with as much regularity as the tick ing of a clock, and making a noise simi lar to an impatient visitor knocking at the door. —Bead the advertisement of “X Y Z,” and if you think you can fill the bill, ad dress as above at this office. —See Koad Notice from Judge Harden. — Farmer —“Well, sir. lam ruined. I will not be able to pay for the guano I have used this year —the catterpilars are not going to leave a green leaf on my cotton.” Dutchman, just out —“ Veil, vhy you dond dakes der dogs and wrons der d—n dings oud der vield ?” Cavalry Company.— We arp request ed to state that there will he a meeting held at the Court House in Quitman, on Saturday the !Hh of August, at 10 o’clock, a. m., for the purpose of completing the organization of the cavalry company or sabre club which has been previously mentioned in these columns, and a- large | attendance is desired. County Tax and Finances. Wo would call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Judge Harden, in relation to our County Tax for this year. It will be seen that it is only fifty pier cent, on the State Tax, while last year, if was one hundred per cent. Just here, we will state a few facts as we learn from inquiry of Judge Harden, as to the condition of the coun ty, for the benefit of our pieople. He says the entire floating debt of the coun ty has been paid off, and all the county money, amounting to four thousand two hundred dollars, in circulation when he came into office, has been redeemed and cancelled, and properly filed away as Treasurer’s vouchers. There is no de mand now out against the county to be paid, until the 25th of December next, when bonds amounting to §2,400, will be due, and §2,400 more will become duo the 25th of Doe., 1874. The bridges, Court House, Jail, and public grounds are in good order, and need no further expenditure upon them, at least, for the present, and unless some unusual occur rence takes place, probably no more un til the county can got entirely out Os debt. ’ * This financial showing ought to he very gratifying to our citizens, especially as compared with what it was a few years ago, when county money was greatly be low par, and there was continual trouble in getting cash for orders on the county treasury. Since writing the above, we have re ceived from Judge Harden, another ad vertisement, headed “Notice to Contrac tors,” which wo hopie will not be over looked by our mechanics. The contin ued heavy rains we have had, showed that the roof of our Court House was moie decayed than we had supposed —so that it was almost impossible to keep the inside from being damaged. The course Judge Harden proposes to piursue, we have no doubt, is true economy to the county. (X f'NT.T pins Sewed Hinds, for sit. J PAINE & HALL’A A-k the recovered dyspeptics. Billions snfier er-, victims of Fever and Ague, the mercurial diseased patient, how they recovered healt b, cheerful spirits, and good appelite (hey will 101 l you t>y taking Simmons’ Liver Rkoci.ator. ’it civ Sflrcitfecmcttt*. oO (LURK WANTED! l gl\ fLFMAN, who i* acquainted with Uie l>. nnU* generally, has experience as n wiles nmn. is (lisftnscd to render earnest and faithful im h o lo iiis employer, and cun furnish un«vx , .•{»< iomjble reference, can secure a pleasant nil >;:> \ by addressing X. V. Z., “Banmu” oflico. Quitman. Ga., staling salary required, and nam ing relerences. , July 31, 1873. Notice to Contractors, ON SATURDAY the lfitlidny of August next between the hours of 10 o’clock, a. m. end 1 will Id out to the lowest bidder, at Quit man Ga., this contract for re-sh ngling the Court House - Said shingles to lie of the best heart pine! and the joli to lie done iu a workman like manner, and completed by tin* first day ol No \ ember next. No money is to bo paid on said j..i, until the work is finished, inspected and ap proved. by a coninuttco composed of A J, Roun tree J. lb !• inch and I'apt. ft. \\. Brooks. i; K. HARDEN, J. C. <’• B. (J. July 31, 1873. » U ' tr Hoad Notice. Omen County Uoi irr, I f), iiman, (Is.. .1 iiiy 27.1873 f f * r ] I I'll]’ \S, P. G. Slnqueßeld, O. G. Arnett % J I Ii Ward were, on the 4th day ol I'Vbni'irv 1,H7 7 appointed tomark out and I.'.L|l ,„.w loud leading fiom the Albritton 'll by WiyofO. C. Arnett’a, Ciirtto Car- C. Sinqiielield’a and Lewis Wards, •j ling the Thonuisville road at the . i, point between llryiint Kemp’s ii,.in's, ucd lo intersect tho Quitman ...... vide road from said Mill, at the enienl point; and - tid Commissioners have icpoi ted*to .... ...ii. Unit said contemplated road ’public utility, and that the same :„! marked conformably to law. |, V. i.on ordered, that all persons con ... ~|,j notitied that on the tirat day an order establishing the I win h -finally granted, it no good ~ ~.. s i,o*y n i<> ilic contrary- IdlWAIil) li. ILYKDKN", J. C. <’.!!. C. July 26th, 1873. • 31 30(1 Tax Notice. A . soon as the county lax is assessed for the i year, it shall he done by order of sue 1 J'. 1 * and entered on their minutes, which must speci fy th-per cent, levied for each specific purpoxu. ; Ij, -inn’s Ker.W Code J/ms Georgia, par. 000. The Clerk of the Superior Court must adver i ,i-e immediately a copy of such order for ~0 I lays at the. door of the Court-house, and in a I public gazette, if one is published with,., lo I limits of their lespectivc counties, and lni'-h the Tax Collector with another copy: and if he I fails to ,|„ SO shall he tim'd by such jiiriacesnct ! less than fitly dollars. Irvins Uoistd tod-. ! hues Georgia, par. 551. (Official.) , Opkk’B Coi nty Count. J Quitman, July 3d, 18-.. I /-VRPERED, that the Tax Collector ol ljo^s fru&w’w&KSisasr J. C. C. 1!. C. 31 ilk Chnrned in Six Minutes! THE UNDERSIGNED are now prepared to furnish the public with their new patent Six .VliiitUc Churn. The QUICKEST AND BEST method lor churning milk ever invented Call at our store and see it. STREETY A' A VRETT. Jpty I'--'- ~n> | ICE, 108. Haywood, & Cos., Old Established Tc.e Healers, r> F--PEGTFUELY ANNOUNCE TO THEIR l friends and the public generally, that they j have a large stock of PURE ICE ! In store, which they offer at the lowest market I price. . j Orders tor the country, ill any quantity, will receive prompt attention. -9 3in . COMMERCIAL. QUITMAX RETAIL PRICKS CURREST. OOKKK(TKI> EVERY WEEK. [The quotations are based entirely on cash trans action**.] Bacqp I'jA 1b... 12 0 M Butter —Goshen h*th... du (<«> 50 Country |lb... 25 qA 30 (’similes * If> 1b... 20 (ti, 25 Choose I'jrl lb. .. 20 25 Cofloe—Rio lh*.. 22 (n), 30 t'oi n f(A bush C ,( ' 100 Crackers 1b... 12.1 (ui- 20 I’lggS {'tide/..* tO.' l 15 Clour—Nu|i«M’flne ...... bbl . 850 (o'. 900 Family C bbl . 11 00 («q. 12 00 Ginger I'j t ii*. .. (<ji -10 [ ati’vl I’jA 1b... 13 (-A I I Oysters | can . 15(;4 25 Reaches jjO can . (<4 25 Rickies Ir 1 jar. 25 (.h •!'» Rolatoes Irish jj l bush 2 00 (4 Sweet j(v bush (4 75 Powder jf* 1b... 10 Rotash Rice IfrUb... (4 10 Uaisiiis oA lb. . (th 25 Salt RjA sack, 2 2/>(<('. 2 50 Soap j lb. .. (}(<{> 15 Sugar I}* 1b... 10 (tty 15 Syrup Kgftl.. 50 Soda .. lb.. 12 («', 15 Shot hUb... (<h 15 Starch |jrUb... 12 (e\ 15 Tobacco good article. .HA lb. .. 50 Oh 1 00 Vinegar gal , Doties. LOOK HERE! ICyou need School Books, Paper, Envelopes, Ink, Pens, Blank Books, or anything else in that line; or if you want to buy a Piano, an Organ, Violin, Flute, Guitar. Banjo, Tambqrine, Drum, Strings, ora piece of Music, just send or call at SCHREINER'S BOOK AND Ml ' LG HOUSE. I import direct from Europe almost everything I sell. Catalogues and price lists sent free eve rywhere. II \*. SIIREINEB. Importer, Savannah, Ga. April 3, 1873. 11-ts QTRIkF.TV A AVRETT keep ail Myles of Cook rj ing Stoves at Savannah prices. The Bth Wonder of the Would has been found *n Georgia. 'I ho discoverer is a physician ol long experience, extensive observation and pro found judgment, and his discovery has proven such a blessing to woman, that it is already known throughout the country as “Woman's Best Friend. ’* With remarkable quickness and certainty it cures all eases ol suppressed men struation. acute or chronic, and restores health in every instance. Dr. -I, Brudfiehßs Female Regulator supplies a remedy long needed in the treatment of diseases peculiar to woman. This the Medical Faculty knows and admits, while many of our best physicians are using it in daily practice. The medicine is prepared with great care, by D. 11. Bradlield, Drugpist. Atlanta. Ga., and sold at $1.50 per bottle by respectable Druggists everywhere. jan2l ts Violin Cases and Bows at RAIN 10 A. HAL I «*. I.tst ok Goods always on hand at R. P. Toale’s Builders’Kmporium. Charleston, S. ('. Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Mouldings, Braeket-*. Stair Rail - ings, Newels, Rosts and Stair Balusters, of his own manufacture, a 1 <t Batisfaction guaraiileed. And the following direct from the inanufactur ers; Window Glass, Builders’ Hardware, Marble and Slate, Drain Ripe, Encaustic Floor Tile, Wire Guards for Hiore Fronts, and all articles needed in comp letimr a first class house, Price list sent free on application. July 3 lm EAiSSWARE of all kinds at *r PAINE & HALL’S \ COMPLETE line of Hardware nt PAINE t HALL’S ITt VERY kind oi Tinwnro very chenp at \ STREETY & AVRETT. ('t ET your Sloven and Tinware from X STREET)' A AVRETT. Miscellaneous. NEW MUSIC. J’IHU.iSIIKJ) nv J L PETEES. 690 BroadwayN Y. Mailed, poM-paid, on receipt of mirked price. VOCAL. Above and Below. Socred -Song, by Jucli, $0.30 Back to the Old Home; song and chorus, A\) Beautiful form of my Dreams Ftewart- 30 Darling weep no more; song and choruH.... 35 Do not weep so. r \ U r darling; song. 30 Don’t forget so write me; song and chorus,.. 3.* Fold wq our bands; song or duel; Boildicu . . 30 Gone t<* th*’ Heavenly Garden; song If you wen- I. would you? song K iss me. darling, ere we part 3" Little Blind Noll; song and chorus 30 Little Dan , song and chorus 40 Lord, forever at thy wide *•> Meet ine, Bessie, in the .Dell 30 Meet me. dearest, with a kiss.. 30 My boy across the Oh! Give me a home iu the Foulh .. 40 Oh. Sam ! song and chorus 35 ftnly for You ' Ballad Our Little Ret; song and chorus 40 Rapa, slay heme: Temperance song F> Save one bright Crown for me 40 We pray you sing that song; duet 35 Wilt thou weep when I urn low ? 25 INSTRUMENTAL. Polka.'. —Sunbeam, by Kinkle, 35 < t ; Belle of ! Sara logo, by Victor, 35 cts./ May Flowers, by I Simon, 35 cts. I Mazchkah —Awakening of the Birds, 50 cts; Happy Thoughts’, by WalKer, 30 cfs.; Laughing ! Wave, by Wilson, 50 cts.; Sunbeam, by Pacbcr, ! 10 cts. 1 (ji m.lops.—Charlie's and Freddie’s, by Kin j SII iTTISCIIE'—FataI Glance, by Young, 20 j cts.: May Morning, by Schmidt, 50 cts ; Sun - beam, by Hampel, 35 ct* ; and Willie’s, by ! Kinkel, 35 cts. i MAi(CiiKS.--Rclle of Navatopra. by'llaumbach, j 40 cts.; Mollie’s, by Kinkel, 35cts. | Any of tbe above mailed, post-paid, on receipt : of price. Adduces ; J. L PETERS, 533 Broadway, New York. May Ist, 1k72. te-tf a C 1 EORGIA, liitooK. Coi nty.—To tile If-mor- JT abb*. tb« .Superior Court of said County. Tbe petition of Mrs. Randolph Avera.'Mvs. A. IJ. Rountrei!, Mrs. S. S. Sweet and ottiers, re- I -pectly allows, that I bey have organized an An j-oeialion to lie known as tim ‘'QUH’-MAN ME i MORIAL ASSOCIATION; that they have elm- S sen a President and other officers; that they pro | pose to enl»t's;e, beautify and protect from inj t | ry. the Quitman Cemetery, located in said coun i ty; that they have tile sum of One Hundred Dol | lars actually pai-I in; tliat tliey desire lo be in j corporate-! under the name ot the -‘Quitman Mb mobiai. AssoetATlox.” wiifi a capital -if One Thousand Dollars, with the privilege of increas ing said capital to the sum of i ive Tliousand Dollars, ior the ferm often years. Therefore your petitioners pray tin* Court, to grant an Order at the next term ot said Superior Court, incorporating them us aforesaid. JOHN G.McCALL. Petitioner’s Attorney. A true extract from the minut-s of the Court, i tills June Ml. 1i?73. WM. G. Benu.kv. Clerk. June 5, 1K73. 23 3'ld 11 flu SMcrtiscnifitts. DAVIDSON COLLEGE, Mi:CKU^IU!IUi,\.C. Thoroughly equipped. Neven professor hips. Expenses low. Session begins Sept. 2511i, 1 Send Idr Catalogue. J. R. BLAKE, Clminnun of the Faculty. Kemuore University High School Amherst t\ 11., Va. Preparatory to the University of Va. 11. A. Strode' (Math. Medallis IT. Va..) Principal and Instructor in Mathematics. H.O Block. 11.1 it. { . Ya. (recently Ass’t Prof. La'in, l . Va.,) In structor in Greek, Latin, French, German and Botany, 'litis is one of the leading high schools of Virginia, and presents many advantages in comparable with those of others, Students also received for thffSummer. Now session begins Sept. lf»th, 1873. For Catalogue, address the Principal. ALSATB W<l\Tl2!> FOSI THE \E\V BOOH, IPIBIIE Ml mm ElSSffi with the newest and best treatment for all cast's. The only thorough work of the kind in the world. Fabraees Small-Pox. Yellow Fever. Cholera and all analogous and Leases. No family safe without it, and all buy it, lias 24 chromatic illustia tions. The biggest, chanoe of the season for n gents. Address 11. S. GOOD6PEKD & CO., 37 Park Row, N \v York. i ttf./X fn pcrJay! Agents won | i’l t>jp.-+\y dassfs of work ling people, of either sex, young or old. make more money at work for us iti tlieir spare mo ments. or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. fcJTiNSON&CO., i Portland Maine. A 1)014\ VOim IIOMK* with tl.e new j\ Clironp), ‘*A\vako” and ‘'Asleep.” Sells I ike wildfire. The pair sent for 50 cents. A large discount. to agents. Address \Y. r. OARI’LN- I TER, Foxboro. Mass. Made Rapidly with Stencil and Swi\!WEW Key Check Outfits. Catalogues and full particulars FREE. S.M. Spencer, 117 Hanover St., Boston. We cure the habit permanently. II y IB| lIS '’heap, quick, without suffering JIvjJXvJL 0 r inconveuience. Describe EATERS your nano. Aildrass F. <>’. AUMSTKONti, M. 11., BerrienSprings, Michigan. B) 1 AM) OLDEST FAMILY MEDICINE SANFORD’S Liver In vigor at or, A purely Vefteltiblo Cutliartio and Tunic. Ibr livrtpcpsia, Cciustipatioii, Debility, Sick Ilcail urlic, Bilious Attacks, amt all ilcranucnnuits of Liver, Siontach and Dowels Askynur Druggist Cur it. licwurcol imitations. ;..s kj gj rh i < impound !l« si. HSis known for man or beast. rJXT'MCrMTB- There is no |iaiiu>r swelling il will",lot relieve. Stiff and lanie Joints are madesuplo. (hires move rheumatism, neuralgia I,line buek, lieailaclie, tootimebo, sore throat and had sprains on man, and sore shoulder, slid joints, sprains, ringbone, spavin, Ac., on animals, than all other remedies, in same time. Whole lie At eats, Solomon A Cos.. Savannah. _ Agents wiinteil in every county. Francis .4 Eldridge, l’rop’rs, <l2O N. Front s!., I’billdclpbia, Fa. AN ELEGANT edged Photogfrtpb Al lium. bolding on pictures, will be sent post-paid for ONLY 25 cents by 0. M. GARDNER, 20-it Scottsboro, Alabama. CABPENTERS, BUILDERS, And all Others in need ot ID OCRS SASHES, BLINDS, MfiIfLUISCS. WIND TSIIIIS j SASH WEIGHTS, ETC., Cun always find a Large Stock and Low Prices at Blair & Bickford’s, 171 Itay St., SAVANNAH, GA Mar ill 21, 187.'!, tA2S-’7fi N. T. I'IMIKK. A. M. I'lMtldt. N. T.PINDER & CO, DEALEItS IN Genlf.e men's & Ladies’ Misses’ & Children’s BOOTS, SHOES, AND GMTJ'JBS, NO l.'lflj BBOUGIITON STREET, Savannah,: .* Georgia. Mr. Lewis C. Tkbkau is witii this house and will be pleased to see his friends when in the city. ap)7-ly D. Y. DAiMCY, (Late of Cliisholm & Dancy,) Uo RAY STREET, SAVANNAH,’GA., COTTON FACTOR, AND General Commission Merchant. Consignments of COTTON. WOOL. HIDES arid all kinds of Country Produce solicited. Advances made on Cotton, «»'•. June 19. 1873. 25 ts OTATE OF GEORGIA, Brooks County.— W 7 Whereas. U. S. Fuller, Administrator cf j the EsUfe <-f Mrs. M. A Newton*, deceased, hav- I irig made application to the Court of Ordinary j for Letters of Dismissal from said administration: | These are. therefore, to cite and admon'sh all ; parties interested to file their objections, if any there are, within the time prescribed by law. otherwise said Letters of Dismission will be granted and issued to the applicant. Given under my official signature, this June 2, 1873. J. M. SHEARER. Ordinary. June 5, 1873. • 23-3 m a LL kinds of Toilet Soap and Perfumery at J\ PAINE & HALL'S Quitman Advertisements. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMEN r l TO THE CITIZENS OF BROOKS COUNTY. .—— —.— MTH M HMM, • PROPRIETOR OF THE IN THE TOWN OF QUITMAN, GEORO-XA, r jWKES PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING TO THE CITIZENS OF SAID 1. County, that lie lias in store an immense s1« kuf OBOSBJEE!'MSI Os tlio very best quality, and which ho is determined to sell Very Ciicap for Casli. His goods were all purchased the present .Spring from first, eh- : bouses, and cannot be ex» celled in quality, and embrace almost every thing demanded by the people of this section, such *4 Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, Sheetings, Shirtings, (Iznaburgs, Cassirneres, Jeans, Notions, Clothing, Boots, Slux s, Hats, Ac., &c. He culls Special attention to bis Stock us NEAT READY MADE CLOTHING, And parlies in need of a supply uro assured that they can procure them on very faVorgblo terms, He litis also on hand a good stock of iiHuir inoiniii. Such ns FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, RICE, BACON, SODA BISCUIT, CANDLES, MATCHES, SOAP, PEPPER, SPICE, SALT, PK KLES, CANNED OYSTERS, PEACHES, Jollies, Nuts, Raisins, &c. Also, a largo block of FINE BRANDIES, WOT, WHISKEYS. BIN, RII, ML And Large Quantities of the various Ijpamh us TOBACCO, And the I ’liuicest Jot of Ever brought to this place, and offered very low. In oimcbviion, my stock in largo, fresh, nml cmbrniios almost every article llm |ioo[ilo run possi bly reiptiro. If you wish to invest.your innney la the best tulvanluge, 1 c sure ipu| give me i. trial. These go’rnla uro for sale, anil nil that is desired is an examination. Fair ami honorable dealing is guaranteed. <sr '« J»BLJtsv' Bn stts.-w' ,ei"».a« «n» iss*ol ■> <sz:z a-z m I will also take pleasure in exchanging floods for Country Produce, such as POULTRY, EGOS, BUTTER, &«., and always allow flic highest market price. Ei>V It V,M KMIiEM, »«1/ fibee of IrmtiHrm in ■nfuf’j «o the Court House,, and next door, cast, of Pits. \Vilkinson & Smith’s Druj Store. May 2!l, 1573. . 22-ts CARRIAGE, nUQGY ~ — r - m iw ■© Wagon Manufactory Depot for the Repair of ild Vehicles. a. W. LiVIIITT, G2rA JJFHEBY notifies the public tlmt he has now on hand a (f COIIPLETE ISSOBTME.\T 'suE-flcaD 1 E k :e jSI h. Necessary for tlu? thogigh and proper condiiotion of a first-class Carriage, Buggy and Wagon Manufactory. ife has also supplied himself with Faithful and Coujpelent Workmen, and is now prepared to re ! ceivc orders for work, and do (fie smile in a manner t fiat cun in >t be culled. Non li or South, 04 ■ reasonable terms, and as expeditiously us possible. lie is likewise prepared to Repair and have Painted and Trimmed Old Carriages and, Buggies and turn them out almost as good as new. He h is now on hand tin as: ortne-nt <d new Buggies and Wagons, of his own rnanflfaGture. which for workmanship and finish, cannot be excelled. His Black -mil!i Shop U well stocked with Tools and Mjrterial. and lie is prepared to do every character of Wagon work, ami to make and repair agricultural impii/nents. Having bad many ycurs experience in (he business, he flatters hires: B he can do work ns well, on ias good terms, and give as complete saiisfacHun, as any man .South. The patronage of the public is solicited. All work Witt’r&ntrd. XL W. LLVFRJhTT. May Bth, 1873. 10-ts Savannah A dvertisemenfs . Bpsiisg nml SiiiHiiier Dry Goods! DeWitt, Morgan & Cos. No. 130 Congress .street, Savannah, Ga, filter great inducements to Cash Buyers its New .Styles of Dress Goods ; Lnglish and French Jaconets and Cambrics ; Black and Colored Dress .Silks; Japanese .Silks and Roplins; Full Line of Mourning Goads; Bargains in Black Alpaccas; Clotlis, Cassimeres and Tweeds, fm (Cents’ and Boys’ wear; White and Colored Linen Drills; Table Damask and Jlnck Towtds; Embroideries and L. C. Handkerchiefs; Ladie *. Gents’and Children’s Hosiery; New styles l’arasols and Guanac«» ru.t>rellas; • Full Lines of DOMESTICS, at the Prices I prff OPENING NEW GOODS DAILY AT Ilf®,, } DeWITT, MORGAN ft OC. February 28lb, 1873. _