The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, July 31, 1873, Image 4

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lute kvt::;y Tmr:;.-r>w lvfnixg. T E k -W « : TWO I»OTXAUI>4 V Yi: \H whku iv advanck. AOVK'tTMVG. Oi- i (14 lin**> nf Lws,) ir**t $ n • -h ♦ db’wfng wn. »!/><«. \ r 'j.*o \ >i**mS ai*“ t-on tinned for on* m.i t h i 'o,»ar«*r, the fthitrtft' will lx* at* lollov*' : .S i. if S-,s , I ; J Mouite. a Mouths. | i Months, j 5 Months. j i Months. 7 Moiute ; 8 Mouth-. 9 Months ' 12 Months. i I lj > HI -m| i\>\ 141 tel 101 171 Ist ill i 2| o.'llil I I I 'l IHi ?! V i 2<j 2* tl'd 1W j a uni IV -nl 2*i| iiie ail : fit SHI t'i| 4ft j ■i! !?.(>>! !“i mi an ani til i-'| 4t| Hijj r.:i I ft! l *.'i I] :>■>! -IT as! 4(1 fill Is 511 521 lei n it: m' an til 4ft (Mil ftftl -Hi) 57 i ftH <1.7 j i»j i ».'*i»i ,Vl| 7lj : ■ *'» s-'ij siijiii'i iso I'd i«*|| 7*'| SO «.<; 9l|l<Mi{n;i!l2i)!l.',ir 21 Ml.oo 7ft Ho| 00l no 110 I ’ |'I 211 MO 211(1 Uh* Uoiw (On.) Ooninwreial.] M \;,A> -SAW. Th'i 'it t«t I till/ of •lain, I Hilt. To.morrow. A Jay which will over he clu'risih ;.t in the Memory of every South. 10*1 w oo.* heart remains true to the | < ii s io; which it was mu 1" niemorahli!. "Ka the imul vers.-'.ry of the first pmm3 ; luff h> of the rebellion, which was fought at Mani < us. Twelve years have erossed | Ihe vy. le of time the magic wires: fl.isli 'J the victory, the glorious result of the Juy. from point to point throughout the South, causing the heart of every faithful sou ami daughter of the land to heat, in glad exultation. Hut with every swv *t is mixed a spice of bitterness, and on that day was Georgia called so malic . one of her granJ 'SI oltenm s on the j shrine of her country. For it was then! the gallant Bartow, leading the troops of his native *, gave his heart's best blood to V i count ry, ami his soul, tried ami true, t,o God. The field, which was bathed in the blood of the noble ones of our count.;.. in sacred to us all, and will ever be a Mecca to which in heart., if net in In dy, we will he pilgrims. And though ’tin' disastrous results of the four ven-i* contest have kept a gloom which cannot h> disjijll'' 1 over all, yet. there tumuf l ei day which began the struggle, no auspiciously, > .mm I but revive a b cl ing of pride in the breasts of whose | hearts are in the right plan . Tlven the best feelings of a generous : enemv eamiof remain untouched when they think of I lie blood which was spill ed so lavishly, Slid the lives that were giv-ii in willingly, the Lw«i hips ami pri vations that were borne so bravely - all for the cause cherished its KUied by. those who composed the Confederate ill'- 1 my. And though it has been said, wii.u asneer, that the “cradle and the grave” were robbed for souls to compose that army, yet never was a hand so united in their fidelity to cause and country. No hireling found a place in the gallant ranks, which were filled with fathers, sons; husbands, brothers and lovers idolized in happy Southern homes. And all went forth i agor for the fray, which they he iit'Vod, hi all good faith, would result tri umphantly for their cause. Hut the Linn- ‘s that waved so proudly over Ma nassas havt* long since been furled and the voices whisli gave b.rili such joyous; huzzas on the twenty-first of July, twelve 1 years past., are hushed in sadness, many j in the quiet of eternal rest. And with tin- swords lain down w ith inward sorrow many noble lives wore covered. Ami now We hiTve only the memories and nn uiversuries to place incur hearts as roe- i onipensi ami who will not suy that. Bout hern hearts beat more closely in uni son ami are drawn more nearly together on cverv return of the day which to all has I ecu made so dear. S< metluite I'or ftlm i io<l I'olUft. The first year of married l ife is a most important era in the history of man and 1 wile. Generally, as it is sp-nt, so is al most all subsequent existence. The wife ; and the husbaud then their \ iews and their desires, or else, • . ujuring up their dis’ikes, they add fuel to their prejudices and animosities forever after ward. "I have somewhere read, says Rev. Mr. Wise, in his Bridal Greeting, "of a bridegroom who gloried m bis ec centricities. He requested his bride to accompany loin to the garden a day or two alter the wedding. He then threw a line over the looted their cottage, (liv ing his wife one end of it, he retreated to > the other side nod exclaimed; “Pn'l the line." She pulled it. at his request, as far ns j she could. He cried : “l ull it o’,ei." “1 eau’t," she replied. “Put puli *uth all your might,” shout- ; ed fhi v himsiea! husband. But i on wore all the efforts o£ the bride to pull the line so long as her hus band held mi to the opposite end. But when he i ana- around, and they both pull ed at one end, it jiiiiic over with great ease. •■There,” said he, as the lino fell from j the roof, "you see how hard and iueffeet u•! was our labor when we both pulled in i pposition to each other; but how easy and pleasant it was when we both pula and together. It vail be so with us through life, my dea i . If we oppose each other it will be hard work. If wo act together it will be always pleasant to live. Let us idv- y s pull to., •ther,” In this iliustravon, homely as it may be, there is sound phih sophy. Husband and wife a list j* uSinillv i-ear and eon cede if they wish U make home a retreat of bliss. One alone eaiinoi in: ke home happy. There must L* unison of action, sweetness of spirit, and great forLauruuw and love in both husbandauu wife, so secure the greet eud of happiness ill the domestic circle. - —»»»- —• At Ntv. jH it the ycung swells imitate r. desire to i ini the aequaintauce of youug hulii * ly squiit ug perfumery on A eui as they »• -s tin hotel piazzas. Blonde hair is worth more than its wi-ight ;:i gold. The metal costs about eight*- .-,.!Ja .cm eiiuee, while the hair iclls . iVctlM to thirty *4,-1- uIS. Quifmnn. i>. w. piim i:, !IE?!?'!!A.V: TillJß (J LI I'M AN, GEORGIA, i Infunn ' t t!it, ij v. kujr-i >'J": V * h;*;> '■■*, i Merchant T A »li>K IIV (i 4 ' j LBTALI I. 'IIMKNT in Quitumn. and hai: on hand ! H fl/JG lot Os Cloths and Cassimcres, Kuitfiblo for m iking I>n HH and U.itiufn ! ll«i lain also on h;u»d u iSoloot nlock of HRADY MADK CLOTHING. rif iMinu' nnd K<‘j'»<tiring d<<ne on mfiort notice I't icor, fiM?di*iTit<». April Jo. 1873. If> !y DUIIf,MM Di-ite STORE. i IcC ALL & GROOVER, Pr.ti.i is .. 1 \)mK Mdicincs^^ss?) I’aim-, (fits, VARNISHES, Jhjr Stuff*, ■ Jilt (JSH J’JS, Car fume- 3?: v ry, t Arf< ’< *, A'v ' i Notify tin* pnbl'e (Ut y will k«**'|> on hand ! crmjdHf* and IVe.-th st >CKw, und »o!i LJic game at a profit. JiiH ricun f i'trif J’rvKcrrlny I'oivrter, \V - art* jcg-ulh ! r thin valuablo dis-covory. which will «•}!<•(,dually mid ehoa|i'ly preserve Finn and V< ytMuldcs fm y Ii proven H fonniMl tation, stud koop* lh** fruit, < <• .. in a healthy condition. Fat up In lioxos—-tmt; box of which will prcfriv«i til poutuls offViiit. VVn respectfully solicit tho patronage of' fh<* |Ull>!ll!. * * Quittrian. July 17. F-7'h (Itn DU. M. C. WIi.bJNHOX. |)U. A. I). tMirii. LAftGE 0E f JQ fIGN, WSLKSNiON'&' SMITH, j Jr* Kill’ in Imm! a |.!V„Sra;divr k i OItIHLS a;**.”,*" i -y- j MED ICIN E S And iimny of ths best 'oo«aL teb.'iiiueU * Also, tviiiie bettd., I’nlnts ami Oils, Bgh|>». Tobacco, f egars. Toilot -SniclcH, v.. All of which will bo sold on rca-ona-blo torinp. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Kkuohknk Oil. U'-f/ hereafter he sold tit Corfu )>er gallon. Quitman, Cn., Jan, Ml, 1873. f)-ly LOOK HERE! Good Calico‘at 12’ Cents. Jacob Baum, , ))i;.\td-:u in* Dry Goods,. Notions, Hard ware, Crockery, &c„ (piiOanu (Borgia. rpAKES pW* ire in notifying liiw I Honda and j k the public generally * hut in’ lms received j his SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK FOH Nviiicli will be Hold on fair and honorable ferine. Those good * were purchased on very favorable terms, and 1 am confident can and will be sold as cheap as any house in town. My stock embraces almost everything kept in a retail store in ihoiuteiior— Dry Coed*. , Di vas (loads. Domestic Goods, Jieudf/ Hodo Clothlay, Uosury, KotiOilM, Moots, Shoes Hots. <fr. tfv. Ti t' l adies are specially invited to pav me a visit, to 1 have many thiugsdliat will meet favor in their eyes. A*‘rC vsh Purchasers are also specially invit ed to give me a call, as 1 am determined to sell us low as any one, ThankUil tor past favors a emitlnnance of ens- ; tom is solicited. JACOB B \IM. March 18Lb ly WORK, John D. Bozeman, QUITMAN, GEORG I A, ril.\KKB this method of Informing the public I S, (hut his MIT,h business does not interfere ; with his business as a MOUSE CAIiPENTEM; and he is fully prepared to do all work desired. ; j ou us Ftivm*nbl<‘ Tt'rmN as possible, and to the satistaetdou of all parties i intetested. lie will also ernur n t to | FURNISH TiTIMBUK MATERIAL, i and build Dwelling Houses. Store houses (Me., i in purs; uiiea with speviUeatione furnished. Give ; | him a trial. i May Id. 1873. 2<Mf ■ FRJASf l BEEF.. ; rjld.K PNDI'USIGNiiD desires to notify tin j 8 eitlHnsofQuitnian and surrounding country. | j that he will lovp constantly on hand, at his j stand in front < f his Move, on Culpepper - itHd. | iu (j nan lilies to suit purchasers, dunce and INoatlv llultduM’oil BiM'f, Mutton, and other lV»'sh meats, at reast r.alde prices, and respectfully solicits the pntrouage j ui the public generally. Cali early in the morning and be supplied. B li. (iAM)V, J Qullman, July 17, 1873. ts undtTsigned, who has an experience es .8. many v ears itt the :> anufacture ol 1 1 iN’ : GLlvB. notities the public that he keeps on hand, t and w ill make to order, any number of shingles | desired, and deliver them on favorable terms. Ordhrs left at Capt. Brooks* store. Quit man, will be promptly attended »o. s. T. GOING. Brooks county, June 12, 1c73. 24-ts SHOK.B. from -1 to to 8o tH>. to be had at PAIN L A IIALL’S Miscellaneous. This unrivalled Southern Remedy is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any Injuries: mi news Mib.<!ai)C*»b ;ii.s i'L'IIELY VKGI/J'ABLr, containing tlmse Hunt hern Jloofs and Herbs, which an till- .vi e I'l trvidmigc pi t* <•(] in * on:, fries when* Liver JJit<daa*« most prevail. Jt will cur.-all Uweafcus caused by (ierungment of '.ld Liver. j Thk Sv’-tiTteMH of Liver Oomplaint are a bitter or bad taste in the mouth; Pain in tin* Ii m l;, Sid(?H or Joints, often ml-taken lihemmtii.-ni: Sour .Stoma-h; Loss of Appetite; Jbwe!s alter imtely eovlive and lax; Heiwlache; Loss of mem ory, with a painful sms alien of having fVtb-d to do something whirh ought to have been (lone; Debilii-v', I.owHpirifH, a thick yellow itpp<»aranc<* of the »>Kin and Kyes, a dry ' ough often mistaken for 'JoiDUin.jitlon. Boinc’titnes many of these symptoms aft end the dint n*f% at other* very few'; but the Liver, Un* largest organ in the body, D ! generally the rent of theMimou*, and if tn-t reg- Iu latcil in time, g»cnfc sulfmbig, wretclicdm and DKATIJ will eiiMie. j This Great I nfailing SPECIFIC \%ill not |».* foiimi flu? Least I nplcasaiib For Dyspepsia, Conatipaiiott, Jaundice, Bill ioiiK attack?, Sick IJeaduelie. (hdie, IfepfeaHion of Spirits, Sour Stmnaeh, Heart Burn, Ac., Siifiruonn’ Liver Uegulalor, or Medicine, Is the CluTip'v i, Pili c.g. and. LvstrV;niily Medi cine iu the World! mam rierfßion oxly nr •I H. ZF.ILIN M CO , MACON, GA..and PIIILADLLIMHA. Price SI On. Hdd by all Dn., Lii i Theoulv KelittbleGilt Diatiibutinii in th* connoy | $50,000.00 In Valuable Gifts! to bk ii!STi:nirn:!i xx la !B , S 1 m : &, a t 162 Itevilnr MonlMjT GIFT ENTEIIPIISE, To be drawn Momlujr, Aug*, lllh, 187::. j One Grand e.niilu! I’d'/..*, ?-5,<)00 inUoldl r INvo prizes of SI,OOO, Two prize* of SSOO, and j Five pi i'/e* of SIOO each in (ireenhiu h One Farailv Carriage knd Mate,h**-1 lb i ■ • will) silver mounted fliinii M. worth 1 Harise atbl Buggy, with sliver mounted h-; l w'orth One line toned Rosewood Piano, worth Five Family Sowing Machine*. .. .SIOO each ! 750 Gold and Silvei Lever Hunting Wutcbe w* till from ■ o • if h. G * ii : ver ware. Jewelry, etc Whole number of G sis, 6,000. Ticket,h limit j ed to 50.003. \V*i; ..Igeut.i wanle.l to pell liekela, to whom i Liberal Premiums wilt be paid. eriutioii ol the ma-m* l «*f drawing and other in* j fovuiatiou in reftireie t’ts> tie h i-tiilmtion, will j be tn any one ordeti • them. All letter j must be uddn •cd to Main Oi'kici:, t< 1> SLNMUBox 80. B>l VV..Fifth St. (-.-at) OiiK imuiti. O Change of ; cdulc. Up T te.s GENKKAL SUPFUINTKNI >i T’S OF: ICF, 1 Savuriimh, June 20.* I ) ' ON ANI> AFTI li.'-IM’AY, Jnac * and, Train on tbit* Ibnal will run us follows: ENURES* PASSENGER, ! em o Savannah daily at t. o p.m Arrive at Live Oak t laity :.t 1.10 a.m " (jit it man v at I.un an. “ Themasville; 5.3a ; “ Balubrid :<• at 8.15 a m ! “ Albany at 0.45 : j Leave Albany daily nt. 5.15 p.n “ Bainbridge dailv ,tt da p. n Leave illa “ :,o j-. , ; “ (>uitu: in dullv at o,.t’*i p.u: ; “ Live Oak. daily at -*' p.m I Arrive at Savannah daily at Connect at Live « i ak with trains «*n J.. V. * and M U..K-, for and from Jacksonville, Tallahassee. ; Ac. No change of ears between Savannah nnd Al bany. dope connection :»t Albany with trains m Sou \hw e.stern !v ai 1 w aid. Close connection at Lawton for and from Flo i i itia. \« i: It Wesun n I \l* * id •* .*■ : ACCOmtOIU TiON TRAIN., Kastuix Division, Leave Suvann 1 . Monday, Wednesday Arrive at a» -ue. Monday, Wedne.-l.iv and l riduy, at .12 30 p.m Arrive at ! .;*.' -on. V : , Wcd .e-.lav cad Friday, ' 7.41) p.ra | Leave i aw; Tu 1 ty, : ~u-.i y •»* • Leave Je go, Tues’lV-VTiunwdaVaud Sat urday at... 12.25 pm aadeu: >t day at ' d>, lh p.iu Whs , n Hivmgn : j Leave \ twton, Vue y, l hui: -.lay and i Arrive at L‘ ■ .*•:. TANARUS.;, Thursday at !' in .;. ; . ’ . *10.3! am > Arrive at Vh-■ma-vi!:■*, Tuesday, 1 hurt*- dav a :td s mini... at 11 45 am j Arrive at Mb -uv Tuesday, Thursday. ami S ittn dav at .. 7.00 p.tu 1 Leave A 1 **w * M »*: i->v. Wed •e>;!. , .\ and a id S.M j Leave TANARUS!: tsvillo. Monday, Wedr t "day. i ta‘avvQa\imm.'h;W.tavA\%jju*.slVand ' ' l ” and Frui .v .5.05 ■ua ; Arrive m l.a v lurt. JtouJay, \V,*.lu,-.Uy and Friday B.:m p re ; Conn»v? at Alo.-.ny with night on ' | western Kail road. L*.iv i- .!;.*» ry *da\. Tue>* I >iA\, Tliftisthiv .. . V. , . _ a; A bany Tuesday, Wednesday, Ftiu.iy and Saiui ! li*y. M.iit Pt.'Uß 'r Ip, v.*s Bainli l.lcc for Apalachi ! cola i*v(>rv TU r->.. .* i 1 Situ an.. ii. > lUISW. l2«-2vlf] Gvn*lSu|'t. Miscellaneous. . | " ~ ■ - - CHAKLE3 A. DANA, Editor.’ • glw §o\ht iUcckty fun. A Newfipape/of the Present Times. Intended for People Now oa Earth, fact ad mg Farmers, Uechn «ci. Merchants, Pro f«T«:ouai M , Wotkerri. Thin rfcra, « Q d » | Man ner of Honest Folks, aud tl*» Wivct, So-a. and DauKhtcrs of all such. ONLY ONE DObhAB A YEAH ! ONE CUM Sit ED COPIES FOR 850, Or lc?o than Oi *» C * * a C >py. Let there be a HEW t-WEE!iL Y S V N, A YEA V, of tV «rw(j zs and rcueral character 0* Tir*l WEt;«xr, bnt with a greater variety of loawsawerlbt - greater freslmesa. because ItcouM twUt& a wot . inateua of oocoonly. THE BaIIiI St X, SO A YEA K. A orconjlrtcntlf readable 1- *w«ipaper, with the ctrculailon in th<; world. Tree. iude (■o'ident. a; and n-arteM- »n politics. /'I the news f •■;.( .v ry where. Iwo cents a copy *, by La ail. 60 ceio* a Uioi.ih, OM?3 a year. TERMS TO CLUBS. TIIE POLLAB WEEKLY HUN. J .v < . . glcres-'-d. Four i)oliar<(. Ten c©p!e*, ftfo year, cenarately addressed (and ua cxira cop> to the getter up or ciuo). Eight Hollars. Twenty cop!”’, one ye?r, »er*arately aildrevscl (aud an exuaoos-y iw tho -tv.-r op of cinfe j. Dollar's, i Fifty one sear. r.*.f 7, Mr • s isrtd tho be.Hl-W CIODO ;*f-i;* ? IOT t’lj Ilf (da ..., TV T-tUrer Dliilar". Fifty copies, rr? rear. • • ; *.» ■ ie>v (and tau ScOiVvVccLlyocei* ••■*-o ratter up ofclnh), 'i'hirty-livo Dollar-. One bP’.dred co*.l t.» year, to one nddrer* <m l fee one ye »r 1 ■ the g<-ncr >•*. of club;. Fifty Dollar*. One hundred copies, oti" year, separately ad dressed (and the Daily ter oa« vear to * he ifetier ÜBOtttalO, !-ixtv Outlars. TI!E HEMI-W.OEKLT SCN. Five coDifc*, one yenr, t .*/ ..* itelv Rddret'red. Elffht Dolinre, T.o coblc, one vwr.ic?!sia!..|» miiircuod (and us extra copy to getter up /•? <! u»), ' itieeu Delian*. WEND YOUR MONEY In Post Office m*.lerv.checs<», or drafts on New UiTi' *ts? r c V< t r f j nvc;J ‘ f;n V, then register I. W. ENGLAND, FoWfeher, ftuu office. Now York Glty. THITd Ha glaniny *»ttemla«»ta, low \V f j >rite. d('{u«-*«ion, InvoliuiUry j cm toRK of nnnen, «perm«- ! ton Ito u, lo t <*f pow'er, dluy lu«(l, J*-.* of luciHOr ) , »nsl ihicttltnt tl iui itolrnee. u*i«t ItnUerMlty* lh«l a nover i iUu core * til .'») lim iNV n».>tl*> OI'ATMC Hm U*f< , tin. TWII.VFV- I I'At.iiT. .u. - f. : Kite 8 l:l MM Y ;**;. « loi . V J 1 * ' ‘ tV ' v'-’land » Uri ii ! MED4CIN K CO., (Mfti liaotßVAt, N. Y. » ti ; t ri ft*r**/r n 1 pro F/s iriir. F« ItkVl VI ♦ ’ dltiii 1 ptlb 1 • •. o.o*l int.-l ’ • , -*s K> il. 1 : •!*•.-.nd bv i.L. : . and . A-*. A!ht« *• Li, 83.50 per b r c. Mid sold bjr ri--ptH:iiU>ledi >•_ \;>ov •ivwh.rt*. ‘ jau*24-tf N»:u Lati-nt Lii Tbt* aticu -- M the . pul i: i- ihviud it a w .t. and \ »»o rs tl (.'!>■ :ni, ■ : n v, i * I!>V .; ■ * .I*> :■ >. !:..vv- , -»n\: , . ! BF . ever !.r.*-.*::U'.< .*. •;■ *• . < teli 2 * U stbkrTV ft A\ BETT. Miscellaneous. teffiTUSEHODI^ • Q ! ’X'I'.MAIS', CiA.. JOI/Y M Y/ITT, Cabinet Ji n kcr JJndertafcir, I M V R : : A U A, BEDSTEADS, SAFEf, \V. \’: olto B KS, V\' ASH~; •TA Nl)s, " ,' .V y. jioTfies him In ■i•■' • - : - I uou «.*! tlie’ xr ! i ‘Hill RMln-ad. 3TGXX79T rfl. WITT, ■' m 255^ ;Mgt Ee Burial Cases, p ._ i> ig ‘al Caskets ! \ d.-im am id. MU be id at regular L'ii a M. WITT, . !qi'[M.},'TY X- \ VRFVP | k .51i.' ..iJi L 1 tv ii \ itii 11, 'm -s “m. m.<z * : i"trior Stoves,! - ' ~—~sir ; * A, , ,-Vr. J.V. |Vn:tM*r . . V,■]-./.a -V;:, ai, Vamm! Ga | : vty : -:s. ' 2i-pm i v V iho riTEhPRIfJ^ESTROYEFi, •• ■ Y - - . ' this e V :V."a 1 1 i-ties iutereM e I in'thS won . /' * , l RIGGS, JELKS & CO. | "JO Si WOJMT - N:\T>.\ ! . -:;n’eSi’Ctttcd at the i ' HOTELS. iH SHU, ■ •, r - ■■'•: **>.'3NsN ’ " Vi. if ' ;Ir Ik. Is, * J Proprietor. -Savanna;-, Ga.; Board per Bay, $3 00. tV . . TdMG HOUSE, • ::v ST., lent a I Wi-mb! I his <-M friends that,lio is now in • hi, , < - no-. . , , .Move. and will - ; 2.00 tv - owi (m||AP naE rdC. A MiySfij J. ii, Edmondson, Rrop’r. ■A Ay the pre-amt pro- j • ! i ‘ • . • .\> of« mterttt nmen .Id l applied with the id attentive ; • . ; ~-.-a ; JA (t ’ml A'H !!3 «« 9SI ‘l' *5 a i *i > -• « a; s 5 j, ■ ■ ... j < r-'i .. jw« 5 1 < VIV, <SA. ; I). V. ,V/ //,, Proprietor i rs!;! i.-' ; ?..■■.: i- i;.-w <p. i inf taefntvitManK-nt i M of th - ; eh i ■. o’ ion! Trart.U'lti i; . re!.. rteeSvc unit i ::v<l for oa rt*a | 7" . ! • 1 ‘ .{:• ■’ • itretion j cm by Mr. T'.- j ; v - r v : H '.d ■ 'vorv to make! ' ' ; : II 1.. yS: • rly C ::'~or Bcpat . VC'C).\, GA. l>ay. ’ v. ... Sa . .1 Blinds,. ..* X T-., .-T.Ut; VfX- : .} | f,. i r.. 1. . . .... Hardware. ! 1f... a VI ~ r , J-v. Wi ■ e-mr !<: Terra W:S v R ! ‘ ■ ; Specialty.' * e-e VI v " ’ rh e-i ’vStin'. S. O. I A r fur the * Worth tts U.iy/iJ in Gold!! Xothhiff like it in the World!!! Hires f.< ’y reaj.-i is sicsir ns 10 nm time, its I '.' t: • • • . J• f or non-pmS* Hs :inl. . l t I «!•• ri rin »!»<• w hole country, should ' ! : : Anvw Wherever thowa «r M en i* i' sure t t .*>!».- a firm tu>Jd m the community, as its lU;slarss and Family Paper * J r,sa • • -f •it a circulation and renu* * uui.v: i. I mti i.iri ry of Journalism. It u a BsAorm 16*r.*rr. >' i-fvitirr, I«xtSTitATE» WtiKLX. It gfae yon all YCBR LEGAL ADVICE FREE. r * •‘1 1 • r . f r Cottar s Suburban A: • ’ u : ' : ■ & vn>t fond «i ms rmatioD * - . it?. ■ •' !:.• !_ ■ stal icier efct, found in ua A * - ' . ft: • . THE ICei EAEE, ■ ' ' t ! i. : N tv- ia presented to : •> I'- . 53.00 per year, la advanoa i PERMANENT AGENTS WANTED Ir:. . ru; .I t r; : * -- :■ * CTCa! ftateti and Cn» tad*. 1-y •ur Plan ap-tits inn have a con tumour* iuiouul u m*, tut httk- lahor. Our ’■ 1 * t 3 ’* SlO icr cay. Wnto Addrvia all letters to Cscrr 4, Pitlstoursfi, Ftd.ruary 7. i:>r:L ' I>-Ura j V, • it • ■ •he i If: J. P» • V !> Ft . • iEyulator Is h • ood pre j lea. Ofr . * • • till them till. H v i.\\ i« . .orueots are now ;-i« . by whi . ho is pit-pared to manufacture . »le • . i a r v i-qital to the finer [ ffeney. aud l! ; iUdc to s> - l as*ur<-u (bat their » ... • 1. PL/.-iCia*! 4 ol , hist, repute are ud«s reat remedy,iit3a£ly ■ i r r.v w* - man rcu; s«!lVr from l. suspended or ' i ;:is val ifsble medT vlt'e i- pr* 1 : . : 1 by L. 11. Dradfield Druggist. I Atlanta. .t ' - '•! at- SJ.V> per bottle by : te.'oecia? ’ • d-n . i.7?.-th.n»; jrlumi America. * ‘ For sate by McCall & Groover. [ t-tf] ( Aj t A ■ Ww / Dll W W Jvi V i C.&S. LEDLIE. I»! AI.KK* IN’ 001., HIDF-GS. I Sees wax and Skins. Tallow, V V etc., etc.. I';► Ray street, foot of Barnard. i Coiisignuieiits sol.cited. 16-ly LAWRENCE & WEICHSELBAUM, ».'.U.i: 1>>;I GGI.-TS, 176 ana 17s » ¥ 1 Market Or -.J. 16-ly GEO. APPLE, UKALHIt IN /CLOTHING. Hals. Caps, Gents’ Furnishing \J (ii .. l ■ i*■, Roys Clothing, Trunks, Valises, R > t aid Yhoes. No. I 1 1 Uryan street, Market •■•'l vai umb r Rtesnan’s 'lloll*l. 16-ly K. PLATSHEK,^ TT T )!ii!.!>.U.i: ;•.:><! Rvfail Dealer in .Milline- V } i; .I : Trniini: -and Taney Gooibi, r!lb . IL-l:• • : :r;..!. " 16-ly HONE, T’.Ml'ollTMSi uml Wholesale Dealer in Mines*, I u - loot >.>..1 ' and side Agent for i [>•;ida «*f Kng]i>h A Co’s Celebra o i i-e Ale, in barrels and hull barrels. : r . St. J;;!iuu ’ 154 Congress st. 16-ly SOLOMON BROTHERS, and. C\l.K <;i:(IHTS and Commission tV Mercnauis. 175i.»:«y street. Sole Agents - for tin- Anchor Rim* of Uc« in Steamers. V: R \. ' -i!, <d ( t »u tnian, is the Travel . • f tl.: - o. IG-!y BOLSHAW & SILVA IMPOKTKIIS AM) PKALKIIS IN Ci ROCK I'.li V. C!ii:m. <Jla?>ware, Kerosene I: . ; s h: (‘uth-ry. Rritannia and Pla ’ed , <| }|r>u-e Furnishing Goods general • IV, 1 ■ : R'i v: . -J iiiait and 14!)and 151 Dry j •:* struts. 16-ly :L 3, KNAPP, DR RR SuddU-s. lhidles. Harness, Rub -1 uuii i . !h* ; ! liing and Racking. Calf •"h'.fis. ,1 1,1 nher, Trunks, Saddlery \6-ly y H[Ui, ST! !!TKVANT & (0., Vt f "i’lON ;r I ' 'ommis ion Merchants, Savan ii ■ h prit;u- paid fbr Hides, < d*- on eon- T6-ly II! Hi Ffliill .1 LOVELL, Vf T ;:OI.R: \R:. in-1 Retail Dealers in Uardj Si 1 . \y icultunil Implemoots, • R ■: ! >!».»: 'mg Goods. 152 Congress ■; -I • b m ."Tig . }fi ly . 3c: Su r'r Machinery and Iro« Ca.-; at .South Georgia Agricultural and M'.rVu. >/u Aiaoeiation Fair, 1872, and also at Savannah Agricuß tural Association, 1672.. ! » ' T. W.UXiNTVXn McD iiongli & Biillantyno, Iron and Bras* 3F“ ounder Sf, A Nl> I , <i!lrvn • Corn u FList.Broad and Liberty streets, Savaunali, : : Georgia, So : 'll.!- and 1? nos. Gin Gear and Hors* R" ver-. eie.. furni>i»eii with promptness aud on favorable terms. AC > IRON FRONTS for Store* and Dwell-* ia.u Verandah* and Cemtderv Railings, of new and dun> :;nd patterns, v. Inch wo will furnish aa Low as /-an hi; I'l-'eckasbd North. June 5, 1873. 16-ly i>. JoitDoy, 3&EAI.KB IN JEWELRY. ILVF.B JXB PLATED H IRE. &c &c &c, Sole A._ ins in Savannah for the Celebrated Diamond Spectacles R'-‘ C - Si. ;- Opposito Pulaski House, Savannah, Ga. TV A TCIII 'S and JBWELRY Repaired. -^^ October 25. 1 >72. ly THE * ft ' a i j ft .J?ki / S.«3£«YUi SsswW familTnewspaper, hfeiabbshed cn the Cheaa Casi plan, at the low rate of onlv • ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, Address, IN DEPfiSBEST, r. O. Eoi 66n, cavancab, Ga.