The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, August 14, 1873, Image 3

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u'luuQunman |intmcv* . ■. THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1573. CIIURCU DIRECTORY. • Baptist Church. E.v. C. 1) (,'ampbki.i . I'Astljr. Services the Second and Fourth Sundays. Church ConiV'i enriMin Sal unlay h.-rore the Sec ond Sunday in each merrh l’rav.-r tneetiner every Thur day night. School at !l o'clock a. ra. Presbyterian Ch urch. Kkv. U. 0. Wat, I’aator. every Third Sunday, at 11 o'clock, a. tu Sunday School at 4 o’ci, p. m. Methodist Church. Rev. S. S. Swifter, Fa> or. Service? every S mtiay morning at 10:110 o'clock. Sunday School t 0 o'clock, a. in. l’rayer meeting T o day night ineach week. Societies. Phaito Lo-lge. v .l :iT..F. A M meet? every Ist and 3d Saturday in each m-mib. Quitman Council. Xu .17. IT. F efT., time's every Fridiv evening in eacii week. Town Officials. Pr. M. <\ Wilkin«on Mavor. I S. Seaman, J. 1.1. Finch. J. '!'. Pavis and E. Ive S Udeueen 11. M. M.itn'osb. Clerk 1 S. Seaman. Trea-ur. r. .1. T. I'hrt- ■- -1 11. 1i,.;,, -la: meeting ot tucil -held oa the firs" Monday ■v > 1 >’> null. Countg Officials. E R. Harden dudae oaiuy Coart. .1, M.Siie i ilrdioarv. WV, I i--i rh- k ol'Snpeiior Court. J. T. Tbr-i r S. -:l. Willis Peduigtield. I'nMsiirer. T. -1. Hardee. Tax Ueeeivcr. T. A. Greer*, r. C* ■ -. r. Pei s inal. -This week we have had the pleasure of ire .-tin r with Col. i ; . TV . Bakee, Editor oi the Uhe ;,.-. - ;v (. gian. The Colonel is in 1 In* Uth and spirits, and is us uial and eoiup»uiona ble as ever. “Quitman High School. It will be seen by .-: Iv> rt'seutent else where, that the fab m usl-.m ..i't’iir' school, under the man..-.' ... ni <*f Mr. A J. Sparks, will begin on .Vion.i iy, i ; - f.t.-m --ber Bth, are! coi.riim"».-n v Mr. Sparks i- t. -, v. ki.** *.u in tlii, community as a t. .i.-her ami ebr.-t;.in gentleman tone *da “puff” from us. tin ,v --fore we simply dire *t, the at • tit urn of the reader to bis advertisement. Garden Scots. On Monday . ur lest, Me McCall A tin* \ .... >'■ of ■ *o town, pres nt**d ns vri ' a i ■l*a oi • :r --den seeds, suit a I- 1 • f**r l'.dl phftitig And now if vve d.Ft 1: M • f inter vegetables the foi.ii v.di ! - lor we know from pa 1■ j n■. th it* v •» McCall A Grov. • ‘.Tin, mu. .1 are fresh and ;: no n** nr* to * o:t; *up and make splendid > tali. <, if we do our part in cultivutuur, i a. Now r ul ers, if you want, good >■ ■’ ■ , turnips Ac., this fall and vv. i '. 1 buy your S: *J s :n.l d..ii'l d.jK-lu] n j>nu coining around t vv :th y**nr 1:- i. 1 a, “mess of green Pictures and Fran s. Passing by Mr. J. M. VV iti smi I- n day last, our .•ttenti* u v,,is 1.-d h» some beautiful | i tun .■ lm had ju-' f.n ished framing. Being an admirer cd tine arts, we concluded to * p and look in.- There were aev -ral fine Chrotnos, but tin pictures that w admired the most, wiv some beautiful paintings by Mm Him .-:, of Madison Florida, and vv- - in assure you W appreciated them non the - because they showed the fa ‘ and ski!! of a Southern girl. VV-■ --w not vvh or how long this y- ag So ly has h-- "> taking le-k.iuu, but or - my the.-* pi- - tures exhibirlim- t p: iiim ;. und are creditable both to h ' and her t- m-h --cr. Mr. Wit; is supp ; v.nh d-ii kinds of mouldings, and is prep.--, ito furnish handsume fram s : v.oious styles, for pi.-tur- ; that may b-- brought to him. Judge Harden's Tetter. We call at ten -ut oJ - • Harden' s communication in mother column, with drawing his advert - r ut. for covering the Court House. From 11 - numer of leaks during - r. : ny w- ether, and the damage done to the plastering, it seemed that the whole roof was defective. Wc are glad to learn, upon careful examina tion by a reliable ,:"i- ih.rt the..* leaks can be stopped with liP.le to the county. If this is don- we hope the Court House will need no more re pairs for a few years. By that time 'ho prospect is, that the . -unty v.vl be entire ly out of debt, and inacondition to do whatever work may he nen - -ary 1o make the Court House a first rate huii ’ing, ornamental as well as us-; ul. The Tax. Collectors Notice. We would especially c. ! ihe att- uiion of our citizens to th- adve t Foment of Mr. T. A. Groover, Tax Collector for this county. The quantity of laud in capti vation has been rn.r.o kiio'v.i, a 1 hope our farmer- vri;! carefully report the results, that Brooks .-ouuiy may g. t credit for adl the pvoduc' sit is at it led to. If we fail to return vv!.,.: v make, when the number of acres p! n ■ 1 is already ascertained, the effect will i do make our county appear less ieUii and productive than it really is. H fair returns art made, we doubt not, Bro -ks will compare favorably with any of her neighbors,and will be above an average in the State. All we ask is, that our people v.: n-'-t unintentionally do her i; : •:* by neg lecting to comply with the ri : ‘ I Mr. Groover. The Editor Takes Water. W hen wo published the Bull grass sto ry last week, wo did so with great trepi dation. And well might we have trem bled. We have received along anony mous connnuieatiou eritisizing our scien tific fanning, ridiculing our style of dress ing, and caricaturing our fine personal appearance—all written for the Quitman Banner, and called forth by our few lines about bull grass. In addition, vve ! have received divers hints, nods and in- | sinuatious from certain quarters, of the I wrath that was just ready to burst upon j us. But then it has been intimated that i j we could atone for our sin, by retracting, and thus save our-self from impending ruin. We thank you for the opportuni ty. Wo take it all hack. And now, know all men by .these presents, that for divers good causes thereunto mov ing, we have issued this, our proclama tion, and do most eiuphaiicidly side, vv.- know nothing afoul “bull grass.” lb : doubt if there is any such vegetable or mineral-- if there s, we n-v. a saw any farmer or sh- •p l'-oscr, cultivating the j same, and if vve over V, -.1 of any holy's I doing it we did wrong iu giving cireuhi i tion to any su-.-h report, Ac., Ac. Have | we not said enough to satisfy von, von ! ■ i I . e, tii-r. n « In. Iul!: : gra - ■ ovv to you a Iv j sir oils to visit your I- upon on> dcfeUiclcbshead. If not, ponaid tl Ac. sto me iu any so t of r t action or ; apology you want, and undt i : we in advance, agree *i(. We an nx ion:i to quit liMing out. end now F si shale h xnds all ran .:l and make peaco. j Adjudged a Lunatic. On Saturday last- Miss Surah Barker, aged about twenty-eight years, and who belongs to a family of operatives in the I Quitman Factory, was taken before his! Honor, 15.1’, ll.irden, and upon the ver dict of a jury, adjudged a lunatic, and committed to the Asylum at Milledgo villo. The Court House. Col. W. B. Bennet. Editor Banner:- -The recent heavy and contin ued rains caused me to become alarmed i about the condition of the Court House j j ioof- finding that it was leaking iu van- i ous places, and the overhead plastering i falling in the court -rum, i thought it best to have the roof re-covered, os I am j bound to see that t he. public property is j protected, lienee 1 published tny iuf u-j lion to fi t out the contract for re-cover ing the roof oil Saturday next. 1 have,; within th -few da\ g made il my 1 special business to employ a competent j mechanic, to go on the roof and inspect >t c.ii cf-iii v, and r< J.ort. wi). 1 ii-T tia- lea I. .A could be effect ually stopj>edhy repairs. He ] having reported that iu his opinion such j repairs would at least protect the House | for some time to come, I have concluded j | not to let out the contract as published, | and beg you to publish this note, and call j j public attention to the >:un« and much I | oblige, • E. R. Harden, ! •T. 0. C. B. C. j Qiiitma i, Oa., Angie 1873. (I’m- I hi* Banner ] PLEAS A XT SMITES. | “Veda,” beautifully dcdini#tes the op i i-ration of a kyai word on man’s nslnre, ; and eloquently portrays the foretold i birth of our Savior by kind words, hut 1 j think there was another very essential j ingredient to the “wise men’s” joy, and which now adays goes to make up very much of the effiegey of “kind words,” and I hat is, a smile. Amid the tur moil and perpli shies of this life, there is Ia haven of earthly rest given to every | man,'around the hear)li-atone of home he ’ can find that enjoyment, the nubcdi-world j knows nothing of. Clustering clo.-ely j around tie altar of the home card are' - many of tiros 1 . -.suur iu- I L p a man I I o seat ter deeds of k i ndness upon the area of this life, to be gm-hered upon the shores of that river licit environs the eternal throne of God—-and. duel among them is a “Pi- mt. hr V.” Smile, as it springs in free jSHPy--d tn>.-aning from the, speaksa “wor a I of words,” it teaches us the indisputable fact of a peace within which knows no bounds. It is like the bright, golden auio ra as she conies out of the night, and dis pels the misty dews oi' Heaven, that have gathered upon the flowers. A harsh un kind word or look, is dispelled by its gentlem-ss. The fierce ravings of a ma niac are often quieted by the smile of some loved one, whose gentle niinietra tration in former days, won from him a meaning “thank you, ’ and, O ! if the maniac can comprehend its powers —if from the dark benighted world of chaotic misery in which he tires, mentally, he can' understand the efficacy of a Pleasant Smile, indeseribeably more essential is it on those whose attributes the God of ture has fully established. What a halo of brightness greets a returned loved one j when he see’s a Pleasant Simle“flitfing i away from a smile” in their course from | the heart, upon the altar of whose virtues | he has placed his manhood’s purest love —when I<£ the Icing at wh —i .u<- ! all of his energies are wont to pour their i offerings, clothed in the effulgence of ! smiles, fresh from their virgin source. — 1 We think it is truly a foretaste of that i inward joy a soul must feel, when wafted j through the blue tinted ether of the ; skies, it finds a “smiling” welcome from God’s own angels. There is a smile of approval clustering around many a life, that words can scarcely define, and only those who have experienced it, can know its '.'powers to please it is the smilo of “well done” an angel loved one whispers to the conscience of a human, wln-n from its Heavenly Home it witnesses some deed of kindness done to a fellow being. Oh ! the glorious kuowlid,.-;** of experi encing, that those you loved on earth, and 1 whose spirits are now. with God, come iu j tho beauty of holiness, and shed around ! our pathway a pleasant smile of approval. Man's life may be meandering—far from | ihe pleasant associations of home he may wander -hut in reflections purest mood, will come th*; remembrance of a mother’s smiles. Dark and gloomy may have been his existence, hut when tho 'smiles from some fair woman’s face sheds its lustre over him, the joys of living break fresh upon his mind, and gathering its pearly sw -eis in gladu< ss to his bosom, he basks j if Lai fora moment, in all the wild ox of anew found life, for which he would not take a million lrvt-s of gloom. The sculptors kuife laimot define the painter's latish <, anot disclose, the sweet lii .-eiol a pleasant Kiuilo. It. is left for j the heart that feels it - jk-u ney te deline ; a'o its power, and from tho “well springs’’ . .l.ulnesii will scud belli into the .u. r word, a myriad boat of smile-, • v. 'd i riitun will foster, aud whose it” will bo in that golden world r. .ii supreme there, where w.ll answ.-r smiles, lui-.l heart will it in glad omo uni-on with heart, under | ihe ! coign influence of a Savior’s pleas j ant smile. “Words are mere vowels” | simictiiiiLS, hut a smile of pleasantness I finds ils counterpart only in a smile; ,jo man’ - In.soil:; oi hie, casiuoi be per j f. : luilolit* aj-pre. at h Pu . hnlsomc I power, and revels iu ils joyous sweets i preparatory to that transit, from the frowns of the wicked ones, to the smiles | of the redeem, and, where eiermil smiles rule the hour, and choral* angels sing a sweet., smiling welcome to “Home.” and ils happiness. Lionel. Fatk.-mzs Humi. t ei’.e - ftr. I’. I'. ToiUt*. win).-*- adviiriisi'iiit-nf. appears ia linuther j . nhiinn, lm- brouata to a libli stall- of pi-l'lt i li .a ilm limii-.-i amt mo ii- ,ni|ilt>lo maaal u-lory ol'Dia.i-, Fa si i --a amt tUiads in ila- Hoatlan-n .siao-s. ilis M.u-r iotoil \voi'l<, limirinp; i-iu-iny, I unit pt rsotml iijifili. alioa lo ho-in,--- and 1 ih -ml j a-ivi-rl.i-iiig liave placet lus anlerpiisc among ihe first ii) the South. Hats clvlng to his many .-ii-toiiH-vs work .old i.-i-s that defy compotl j lion Price h l sent Irreon application. 1 T.di.';:*’ f.ivutt RmiPLATOK; it will remove ail unpleasant feelings and jii • \ oil well. P--'pared only by J. 11. | Zeilin A Cp., Macon, Ga. 3flctf Advertisements. QiimMu' Ifi- A. .3. HP A iUiS, Prilled I milK Fail Session of fJiis scboM will on j k. MONPAV. S.iPTKMBMH Blb, 1873, uu*l ! Goatiuue rouriecn weekH. KATi’S OF TUITION : Fri ' .’iry Doparfinont $8.40 Inletmi’diiiH* DepartintMit T.'.00 A'Uitnced Depamin'Ut JO.IO ?r. V" No Continf/ent Fees, Ne student retjoived for U■;>* tiuui than tb<* term. i.-nlt entering; within one month of thcJM|| t, i,;•*! ihe [t’llll. W II h*’ el-H c % -v h’t & T - V- *> • \ ■ / ’ f re The tttf.mviii’. pr*■:. • •»»'<* .-ptMiial tax, lo wi! : Fife nntl i ire■ JrHtiranee A >ri M«.Hi-wietf MncMoe Au.eTifs. Cii'cimfs Me* ■ nageries ,»lj'.:fil of hand bhowr*, Ac. Also ven il,*r#, or peddb'ie of raedScines. Thefio lax.' ar»’ due wh- :i< *'er you begin busineas. and wFhou? furJiffi’ no I See 1 will isßiio ext'CuU».n> tgaiiie-l all wiio fail b> pa; Foeb tax. ! . A. (rHOOVidi, T.C. Brooks Cos. j Quilrnan, Ga., Aug- f 1873, iiQ-'Zt »tlci* to Debtor: t -ilf reriitors. •ri \T OF nF.ORSIA, BBOOK-t COVSTV— O -oil - i-n-tiv civ.-n 1.0 all pi-rfon- hav ,ii • , r . ; ..’.-AMI t-.L K't i-.VI.'.S, hue i ...1 pn-isimt theio to ; - 1 :i . -.-1 Ida -li-: tiino pre ls, ,p, .~, ... AH i- i-i-ns indiib cd to said . -.1 ■ i .-ipciii-d to nmke tmiuedi uu? i a meut. W. D. IIOUNTUUE. Ex’r of SamT Stevens. Tax Notice. Am soon a rh-n.mniy lav is a ■ . and for tlm -.oar. it Hindi bn done by or dor o( such jnriict--. I and entered on their minutes, which must speci : i v the ner cent, lo '•«' for each specific purpo •• i -* /ruin'* Herb,a! tute />o»s tkorgia, pm. o-'.h I The Clerk of the Superior Court must miter ! tin- immediately a eo y of such order lm 30 i the door of the Court-house, and in a ! public gazeue, if one is pubii-de-d within ts ! limits .f their tespe-ctire counties, and fiirni-h I H,|, ', with another copy; and if he fails so shall he fined by such justices not less than iilty edlui . -Icvnirs Helved Cede I sic: s Gunnel, par. 551. (Official.) Okp.'-b County Cor:rr, j Qcn man, July 3d, le"3. I ORDERED, that the Tax Collector of Brooks county assess, on the /State tax oft« 73. for- I ty-ftrel-ln) percent, for general county pur 1 po-es. and five (5) per c-Pnt. fur special pauper 1 (and. ' ‘ EDVr'AKD 11. HARDEN, J. C. 0 B. C. Milk Churned in six Minutes! rfIHE UNDERSIGNED ore now prepared to JL furnish the public with their new patent Six o Winnie Churn • The QUICKEST .AND BEST method !or churning milk ever invented Call at our store and see it. STREETY <£• A VRETT. QuiUnan. Ca.. July 17, 1873. 3in Special poticcsu LOOK HEK£! If you need School Books, Paper, Envelopes, Ink. Peus, Blank P-*»oks, or anything else iu Unit line; or it you want to buy a Piano, an Organ, Violin. Flute, Guitar. Banjo, Tamborine, Drum, Strings, ora piece of Music, just send or call at SCI IP Ei SKIPS BOOK AND MUSIC HOUSE. I import direct from Europe almost everything 1 sell. Catalogues and price lists tent lice eve rywhere. II L. SIIBEINER. Importer, Savannah, Ga. April .5,1873. 11-ts QTUEETV A AVBETT keep all styles of Cook O ing Stoves at Savannah prices. The Sih Won ok k ot the Wom.n has been found in Georgia. The discoverer is a physician ol on '; experience, extensive observation and pro ■ nd judgment, and bis discovery has proven ■•h a blessing to woman, that it is alreadv n.-v.n ihrougliout. the 'country as “Woman's .<m Friend. *' With remarkable quickness and ■en iintv it euves all cases of suppressed men strua in. acute ur clnonic. and rcsbu’es health in every instance. It. and. lln’.dfield ? s Female lleguhttor supplies a remedy long needed in the treatment « f disea.-es peculiar to woman. This !he Mt'dical; > knows and admits, while :n nos our best pinsiciaus are using it, in daily prae'Toe The nicd'n ine is prepared with great r.ire by 1,. H. Bradlield. Druggist. Atlanta. Ga.. wid sid'd at Sl.■"»(> per bottle by respectable tb’i’ggists everywhere ts f XTUA Violin Gases and Bows at Vj PAINE A'HALT C 4 LAiSSWAIIE of all kinds at J< PAINE A HALL’S 4 COMPLETE lino of Hardware at A. PAINE t HALL’S I AVERY kind ot Tinware very cheap at li ri f HEFTY A AVUKTT. (S FT Stovi-.- ami Tiiinan- I'iom J ' riTUKFiTV A AVUKTT. Miscellaneous. . THE CHRIST JEX. ATLANTA, QEOROIA. OF THE BAPTIST EHftOSIINATIONt ili.i-v. I). SI IA VI 1 .17, D. ]>., : : Editor ASSOOIATE EDITORS : i;i;v. ]). F. 11U I’LKlt Du. J.S. LAWTON. CORREfiI’ONDTNO EDITORS : Rkv S. 111-:.\'Dl-:ii-ON. D 0., : Ai.i-im-:, Ala. Kkv. F. It. TI-ALFF. I». D„ : Bu m.'. Ala. Kkv. T. U. JO.NF.ri It. D., Nakiivii.i.k, Ti:nv. riuhncripHon in advanoh, $2.50 a year: to Ministers, $2.00. 7r% »- send for specimen copies, circulars, etc. Ad ureas, *IAn P. llAlilUAO'l ;; GO.. Proprietors. :;i ts ICE, ICE, 1 llajiavood, Ciage &■ y, d Established Ice Heaters, . • va nna h, aa. pis r XNNOUNCB TO THEIR frinmlSDt.. Mio guaurally. ‘fiat tlu-y j h.ivt- a l.uK'- b nek o( • ptjukick In Hlnrn, whiuh they olfor at the lowi-.-t nnMkel, pi'ioo. Oiilm-f lm- (h« connliy, in any quantity, will ri-c ivi- |inimpt iitli-n.iim 20 .lm ,\V MUSIC. PUBLISHKD nv I J L PETEBS. 599 BroadwayN Y, Um ailed, (,ost paid, on rocc-ipt of mvrked pi-ico. m/k vocal. I’, !«.w . «h red Nil! ' by .Inch, -; ').du ‘ * -I 11«. me; . eng and clmr i5,.... 2.0 i•.i in m w n<* and chorus . . . Mi weep M.. I* and ll’liug; S’ 00 to write me; song and cdiorus... lie JF\ we our li.iud-’: song or duet; Boiblicii. . 30 HfT- to ihe Heavenly Garden; song Kt you wore I • Olid you? | K \. s me. darling, ore we pert. ' p UiMle Blind Nell; • .me and idioms 30 Little Dan , r” v and f!mru>; 40 Lord, fore vet ft t.hy side 2o Meid. me. De-riio. in the Dell 30 Meet me. deare.d.. wiiii a kiss 30 !;; t.oy ro ■- Ihe ea* 3e G'ii! Giv e me a home in the South 40 < )li. sum ! . oug and chorus 35 Only for You! Ballad 35 Our Little Pet; none and chorus 40 t’apu. - lay in me: Temperance song 40 ■,(•, e om* bright, <’i own for me 40 We pray you sing that song; duel 35 Wilt thou weep when 1 mu low ? 25 INSTRUMENTAL. Roi ka ~ -Ntinljcam, t.y Kinklo. 35 ctn; Hell,-of by Victor, 35 eta; May flower*, by riirnon. 35 ci.H. ,M txuKK.t* —Awalu-nin;; of tho Birdß. 50 (its; li:«»|*v Tlioii«ht». by Walker. 3» ot*.; 1.-uyliin}? iVn'vo, by Wilson. 50 ots.; Sunbeam, by i’aebor, TO cl*. (Lu.r.op*.—Charlie’s and Freddie’s, by Kin klc, caq(i 35 cts. rillOTTlriOlllii -Fatal Glance, by Yonn/r, 20 cl.-,.: May Morning, by Scimiidt. 50 cts ; Sun l.y Uampol, 35 cts ; and Willie’s, by Kinked, 35 els. Makcukh.--Belie of Saratoga, by-Uaumbach, lore; Mollie’o. by Kluk.-l, 35els Any of the above mailed, post-paid, on receipt, of price. Address .T. TANARUS, PETERS 51)0 Broadway. New York. May Ist, 1872 18-ls Road Notice. • , Office Uounty Court, ) Oittmax. Gg.. July 27, 1H73. j FEI-AN. P. (}. Ninquefield, O. C. Arnett V V and J.-uiah Ward were, on the 4th day of February, 1873, appointed to mark out and erit.iblish u new road leading fiom the Albritton old Mill, by way of <). G. Arnett’s. Curtis Car roll’s, P G. Sinqucfleld’s and Lewis Ward’s, and intersecting the '1 homusville road at the practicable point between Bryant Kemp’s and Daniel Horn’s, aed to intersect thv Quitman aud Grooverville road from said Mill, at the most convenient point; and Whereas raid Commissioners have lepoited to me, under oath, that said contemplated road wili lie of great public utility, and that the same was laid oat and marked conformably to law. It is therefore ordered, that all persons con cerned are hereby notified that on the first day of September next, ari ordea establishing the above road will b finally granted, if no good cause is shown to the contrary. EDW ARD IL HARDEN, J. C. C.B. C. July 26tb, 1873. 31-30d riUIBACCO at 50 cents per pound, at .JL : ‘ PAINE & HALL'S 11 do i^bcrtkiiifnts. DAVIDSON COLLEGE, M VA:ii Li;\ 2il !Mi, X.V. Thoroughly equipped. SVvon profi ssorHdps. Kxpenses low. Session brains Sept. 2.Hh, Send for Catalogue. K. BLAKF, Cliuirmun nf the Faculty. Kenmore University High School Asulierat V. I!.> Va. Preparatory to the University of Ui. IL A. Strode (Mush. Medulii.s U. Yu..) Puncipa! and Instructor in Mathematics. I!.C Block B. 1 it. U. Va. (recently A-s’t Frol. Latin, U. Va.,) In structor in (.reek, Latin, French, German and Botany. This is one of the leading high schools of Virginia, and presents many advantages in upmpa ruble \v ith those of others. 'Students also received tor the Summer. New session begins Sept, 1,1873. For Catalogue, address the Principal. ahe\ts wm m vm the \cu irwk, mm ii nn mm with the newest and host treatment for all case-. The ovdy%>n.r ' vh wof the kind in the world. Unbraces Small Pox, Yellow Fever, Cholera and all analogous di.-ea >e <. No I’amiL sale without i', and all buy it. lias 2! chromatic, illusliu lions. The biggest, chance oft he season for a gents. Address 11. S. CJIKJBHPHED & CO., 37 Park Jvow, N w York. ! :u ‘ r tlav! Agfonls wan ; I U ted! \ll of work ing people, ot either sex. young or old. make luore money at work for us in their spare mo ments, or all the time. than at anything else. Particulars free. /lddross (J. FT!\'N<)N & Portland Maine. A DORY \ 011 33 iU>.tU>iwhhtU<>m-«- i‘\ Chroma. * Awake" and *• Asleep.’’ Sells like wildfire. The pair sent for oO cents. Ako ge discount to agents. .Address \V. J'. CAKPLN TFB, Foxboro. Mass. Mode Kapidlv with Stencil and MUNE 8 Key Cheek On til Is. Uif‘iD;;m*s and full particulars FUFF. S. M. Spencer, 117 Hanover St.. Boston. AWntW ( ' uv '' U ' ol :I,ii l«Tmnn"nlly. IBn ■ II Itfl cheap, (pink, without sutler mg wl J 1 U t.l* i,r iiiionvcniciice. B.seiibe EATERS your '■•lilvc- ■ s. c. AH MS I’liUNi J. M. I>.. Ili'rrion Sprln: \ Vii-lili-an. lilvSl' AND OI9MSST FAMILY MiOIIIUSB SANFORD’S Liver Invigo rat or, A purely Vegetable CalU'iiie and 'i oide. tor Dyspepsia, Constipation, Dcliilitv. Sic!; Head ache, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of Liver, Stomach and Bowels Ask your Druggist for it. Beware of imitations. ;! V ? ' ........ .i KBp ban *- n kn.»>\-n lor man or b'-a-i. IVUSDXOIHH- '''core is no pain or swelling it will urn relieve. Still’ and hone joints are madesuple. Cures inmv rheumatism. neuralgia, lame back, headache, toothache, sore throat amt bad sprains on man. and sore shoulder, still joints, sprains ringbone, jiaviu « h:.. on animals, than all other remedies, in s.imu time. L iiolc sale Agents. Solomon A Cn.. Savannah. Agents wanted in every county. Francis A Fldridge, Prop’rs, 1120 N. Front si.. Philidelphiu, Pa. AN ELEOI Imm. li'.l.lliif' -■.u |iicl.nrrH, will b<- ;ml post-puid for ONLY -•> mils by c.M. CAUHN!:::, i)!)..|t gcolistidro. Alabama. CARPENTERS, 11 ILDEfSS, " . re ■ And all Others in need ol 000 R G 8A MEN, BLINDS, MOIMIIS, BLltll fflmEß SASII. WEIGHTS-,■ ETC., Can always find n Large Stock arid Low Prices at | Blair & Bickford’s, 171 I!;iy 81 B.V V. 1 \NAI f, GA Mar.ili 21. 17.!. tA2.V75 n. t. ri.vnnt. -A. M. !'l I' N. T. PIMOER & CO, dtmluiis in i G;eji,tl;e men’s & Ladies’ Misses’ & Cbildren/s |BOOTS, SHOES, AND ~, G.AITEUB, NO* 139 J BROUGHTON STREEP, Savannah,: : : Georgia. Mr. Lewis C. Teblae is with this house and will be pleased to see his friends when in the city. ap!7-ly D. Y. DANCY, (Late of Ckisliolm & Dancy,) 95 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH,. GA., COTTON FAGTOO, AND General Commission merchant. Consignments of CO'i TO.Y, WOOL, IIIDUS and all kinds of Country Produce solicited. Advances made on Cotton, A c. June 19, 1873. 2J ts STATE OF GEORGIA, Brooks Cocsrv.— Whereas. H. S. Filler, Administrator (f the Estate of Mrs. M. A. Newton, deceased, hav ing made application to the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Pi.'missal from said administration: t hese are, therefore. Jo cite and adraoirsh all parties interested to file their objections, if any there are, within the time prescribed by law, otherwise said Letters of Dismission will be granted,and issued >o 'be applicant. Given under my official eigmuure. this June j 2, 1873. J.M. SHEARER, Ordinary. June 5, 1873. 23-3rn ALL kinds of Toilet Soap and Perfumerv at PAINE A 11 ALIAS Quitman Advertisements. IMPORTANT ANNOIMjEMENf l A TO THE CITIZENS OF BROOKS COUNTY. ' NATHAN EAIAI, • PROPRIETOR OE THE IN THE TOWN OE * QUITMASy, GEORGIA, r rAICE.-: IM.PA-TRE IN AN NO I' MCING To THE CITIZENS OP SAID 1. County, that lio him in store 9,11 immense stock of OD3OIMaO3OO§ E3EI©MO!DQ§I Os the very best quality, and which he is determined to sell Very for 00-ssla., !i 0 good.- wore all purchased the ppi’-->'u! : iin ■ from flr- - t c’;i---m houses, and cannot bo ei ccP.ed in quality, and embrace ahrtost. ■v. i . kii demanded by the people of thin section, such as | Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, • Sheetings, | . Shirtings, Oznaburgs, : • Cassimeres, Jems, Notions, Clot! ling-, Boots, • Shoos, Hats, • Ac., &c. He calls Speeial attention to his Stock of NEAT READY MADE CLOTHING, And p.o ues in need ol a supply arc a ured that they t in procure ihein on very favorable terms* li* 4 I. 1 also on hand a good .stock of MB:mV2 : EiJCI'SIIS, SuO. a. piiOUß.sugar. < , oefe::,teas,.rice, bacon, soda biscuit, CANDLI !, MAT >AP, PEPPER SPICE. s.\i,T, PIORLES, CANNED OYSTERS, PEACHES, Jollies, Nuts, Raisins, &c. Also, u large siock of fine nrnm vimn. ssueu. «n, bih, &c. And Largo Quantities of the various brands of TOBACCO, And the t 'iioicest lot of E’BGARS Ever brought to tins place, and offered very low. ei.'.elusion, m.v Cock is hirir.-, fresh, .mil cmliiMr.'s nlmost every ai t.ielu (he )iecple cun possi bly I'e.p.ire. II you \v -b 1., in. e. '. your 1 , , he 1 lulvunin- .• e •uv ami give me a trial. i I.USO gooibs are lor sole, uiul oil is de.,ireil is on e. .inio.uioii. Fair on.l honorable dealing i» guaranteed. J raj'-a- Ks?. a cr»Ka® 'c.3 as. ! will al;ei take ploosiir in e'..-!i 'iiioils for Coui lry Produce,' such as POULTRY, EGGS, BUTTER, &.•„ and alu - allow trie liigb st inurkel. price. t•. ii'/v’.l//•;.!/ Hh'lt, 1111/ 1 /.live/ ha»!,»•:>.’ nmrli/ »/••/ .7c Ihc Cord Mouse, and next doar,i‘itnt, 0/ Das. Wu.KfNa»N & Sm ith’s Drill Store. .M«y/2!J, 1873 . 22-ts ~C&RRio~G eTbLLSGY ' Depot for the Repair of Hid Vehicles, I. W. XKVSBETX. G-A. | • L’EBV Hotilic.i tin- ; *il.!L r now on Imud a * fSiiI'LLTI! OTBTXE.W JvauSL'E'r; 1 x. /m Necessary for the thorugli and proper conduction of a lii •t,-class Carriage, Buggy and Wagon. Manufactory. He lias also -n; ci; IHi,*: in! \ii. i G»L!: 1 1 uv! G .:'i)v!«*nt Workmen, and is now- prepared to re ceive ord"i - Ibr w.,i k. ami ■! ■ ’.!:•■ “■ . • m vtier that earn.. • Im* cxcelb’d. North or {South, on ■’ P :r and have Painted and Trimmed Old Carriages and Buggies and tarn them.out alinosl. as good as new. He ii !- now <»n imm! ;m .. -u >■■■ ! n!’c ■ i--rs and Vkaro:: ,of his own manufacture, which for workmanship and finish cannot he excelled. Pi- 1 ' i v.-ejj *t:i'i .'• l i \..■ 1 ' ! <>o!s ami M.ntei nil. nvl he is prepared to do every character of Wagon work, and to make and repuit 4 agricultural i.npliments. limit: : had man;, y v - experience in lip- husinci-s. In* flutter.: himself he cun do work as well, on e public is solicit*-,!. .\!i v.'.ik w-uTvifcd. B. vV. LEVIiKETT, May Bth, 1873. 10-ts ?annah Advertisements . and 'Bn {goods! j DeWitt, Morgan & Cos. No. 139 Congress sired, Savannah, Ga. Offer great iiKlncements to Cash Buyers i» New .Styles of Dress Goods ; English and French Jaconets and Cambrics 5 Black and Colored Dress .Silks; Japanese Silks and Poplins; Full Line of Mourning Goods; # Bargains in Black Alpaccas; Cloths, Cus imeres and Tweed's, for Ocnis* and Boys’ wear; White and Colored Linen Drills; Table Damask and Hnek Tow els; Embroideries and L. C. Handkerchiefs; Ladle-’. Gents’ and nifWreu’s Hosiery; New ' i.yh ' Parasols and Guannco Umbrellas; Full Lines o! DOMESTICS, at iho Lowesl: 3VEo,x*lsLot: Prices »i>r OPENING NEW GOODS DAILY AT T.'S bAHFOEI). DeWITT, MORGAN & CO. February 28tli, 1573. _9-t{