The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, August 14, 1873, Image 4

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fhr (Quitman Sfannrr. PCM.HJCKO EVEItY THUUBDAY EVENING. T ! KM K J TWO DOLL A I*.M A YE VH WHKJC PATH IN ADVANCE. ADVERTISING. One (Jo line*. or !*»«»,) f!rnt insertl'i. $ LDft; «*aeh following Innertion, fl.Ot. When t lrertisements are continued for one or iooget. the charge will be hr follow-' lh a. 1 ils 1 4 Ijj ill 4 1 iI - «■ I * a clc i a ~ j *v. c| :j i' : j*ji |ifli •]’: * 81 *loj 81i| |l| !5| Id |7I IHI Y(t H (Mol | | 15 IS 21 24 2« 2Srmi 38 S'o.oo I.V 20| 25| Hti| :n! ti sh| 40| 45 4j 12.001 ISi 24: SOI S« 4111 42 44 4«| 5.4 »ll| 25 VI 3f. 44| 4<: 4H 50 52! M l'lti.oo Sol 4 0 15 501 551 55 57| 58 65 t* SO.npl 50 CM 701 T‘\ SO 85 Ho 100 |"o IS 45.00! I»5) 751 Boj 85 00 100 Uo||2o J 21160.00 75 80| 90| :0«|110!l20 120 140 koo CALLED TO PBEACH. Tht* late older John Smith, of Ken tucky, who died recently at on advanced atfe, was oie- of the most eccentric wile south of the Ohio river. He was famil liarly known throughout Kentucky as Raccoon Smith. While still in the Bap tist min’stry, and attending one of the auuual mw-tingsof that body, u tall, lank, green specimen of humanity presented himself before the association as a candi date for the ministry. He was regarded as not being of entirely sound mind, and labored under the hallucination that he was especially “called” to preach, and kept constantly importuning the associ ation to give him t,be necessary license. In addition to his particularly abandoned mind, young Meeks was the possessor of as huge and ungainly a pair of feet as ever trod in shoe leather. Tired of his importunities, and not, being disposed to | grant the license, the association banded him over to Smith, with instne t'oi.s to 1 make an end of the case, and between them took place the following conversa tion : Smith • So, Brother .'.!••• bs. you : ni. you have aiq is I "dl to prem b 1” Med .• “Y, (!.«., called me to the work but the association refutes mo the license:’' ‘How do you know you are called ' Meeks—“Know it.! I feel it in my heart, of heart s. 1 want my license.” —“Do you believe in the Bible, Brother Mocks P” Meeks—“Certainly 1 do—every word of it.” Smith—“lf I can prove by the Bible that you are not called to preach, will you he satisfied to drop the matter and not further importune the association for a license ?” Brother Meeks assented to this and Raccoon Smith deliberately opened the Now Testament at Romans x, 15, and in a grave tone read, —“How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, Ac. Then glancing at Meek’s large feet, remarked : “You see, Broth er Meeks, that the feet of the preacher are beautiful. You, sir, have the most monstrous ugly feet of any man in the Stat»' of Kentucky; therefore, by ibis Bi ble, it, is clear that you have not, been es pecially called.” As Smith finished bis remarks the association went off into a paroxysm of laughter, and Meeks, really concluding t hat he had not, been ‘called,’ bolted from the meeting house and never after annoyed the association for a li cense. A Little Sum In Arithmetic. The Hebrew Educational Society School of New Orleans has been the scene of a very rare, if not wholly unex ampled performance in arithmetic. The problem was to multiply 1) by 9, and HI by 81, and so on, using each succeeding product os its own multiplier until the operation should be performed nine times. How stupendous and discouraging the work becomes after a few stops arc taken in the process, to any one who makes the trial. For several years a handsome pre mium had been offered the pat n u of the school just named, for the pupil who should first suceed in accomplishing this feat of multiplication. At. last the task was completed, and the prise, a splendid silk dress, won by Miss Sallie E, Salomon sister of Mrs. A. Dalshcimcr, after a pa tient. labor of three months. The work comprises 2*53 numeral compounds, and 90,000, figures, and the w hole covers four or five square yards of paper. It. is de serving of remark, in this conect ion, that boys have made less progress and shown less perseverance in working at this prob lem than the girls. Hiroika a. Pi. ay mate Three boys. I residing at Oswego Falls,Now York, were playing in a grove hist week, when two of them became angry at the third and determined to hang him. They selected a convenient limb and strung their un happy victim mercilessly in mill air, and then sat down to see him die. But the victim did not intend giving up the ghost so readily, for he clung to the rope te nanciously, and struggled violently to free himself. At length one of the tor mentors became impatient. Tin victim did not die que!. enough to suit him ;so instead <d ting the grade.. u approach i oft: c ui r, ’.ouster, he 1 mined to r. and !.• " ;.t : and strrted to ft house 1 »<•..! I y 10, <v. ,i xc wit’i which to | i tit if'! .:: . • l. TP ci,. ’ 'ol\ j learn 1.. o . was wants a for, | slam ,t 11■ ■ u ;Morhootl, and among them the victim's mother, and they all rushed to the grove and cut down the yet struggling boy. How to Keep \Yevils OctofCokn. — Upon the authority of Col. Jus. W.l --s. n. of Decatur county, the 1 . iabridge Democrat publishes the following : Place common sheepskins, with wool on them, in your corn cribs at the rate of one skin to boo bushels of corn, and your grain will never be destroyed by w evils. Strange as it may appear, it is neverthe less a fact, . Teev Gckmak. —People may have no ticed this sign in Mr. Dolan’s store on Bioad wav; “Took Notais.— Mi bbe you don’t pot ter had lciaf . unt liers ven vou don’t got seme peasn.s ain’t it. Quitman. I>. W. PBIGEr MERCHANT TAILOSI QUITMAN, GEOItOIA, •ruibiiTvi! ENTABLIMIMEXT In Qniunan, aud baa on hand a floe lot of Cloths mul Cmsimercs, suitable for making Dress and Business suits, lie has also on hand a Select stock of READY MADE CI.OTMJXO. TlrCn tting-. Cleaning and Repairing done on short millet- Prices moderate. April JO. 1873. 15 ly QUITMAN BBU-. STORE. IcC ALL & GROOVER, in Drugs, Mexlicines,^^ Piiliits, Oil*, VARNISHES, Dye Stuff*, II It US J! NS . Perfume If 7 *"U, loilet Article* iftc >Tofil\ the public tlirif they will keep on fyuid <•.' mplete and IVt M- wt tekh, and 8«*11 the munc at u • reaaonabie profit. American Fruit Preserving Powder . I W> ur»* :* • I»tR Ibr lIIIH Vulllftblo dr.-COM’IV. ! vhicli will <*fb*ehmHy find cheaply preserve Fruit ; . -I V*ah 1«m for It proven * fivineu i:»lioii, and keeps tb<* fruit. Ac., in h houltby fonditioii. Put up in b x«h onobox of aalmcli I trill r>H*-r! v»* fi t p«*umlß <■! I ntU I Y‘ cj ft 'fully NOlitMt tli** jßtf I’ ‘iWl'.'O of tit. Dll. M. r. A\ b j .-ON. Di. I> «, !!. LA GE D IG SIGN, WILKINSON & SMITH, KFKP on Imnd a Complcto Stock ; ofVrwh and Pujo ’iff ~ra ^s And many of tin* bent food. Atibee.;, Alho. White Load. Vnrnifhefl, PalntH and Oils, Tobacco. Toilet Articles, Ac. All of which will bo sold on reasonable terms. Prescriptions caiVfully compounded. Kkkosene Oii, will hereafter be sold at Forty cents pci' gallon. Quitman, (la., Jan. El, 1873. ly LOOK HERE! Good Calico at Cents. Jacob Baum, DKAbKIt in Dry Goods, Notions, Hard ware, Crockery, &c. (piiOuaii (leorgiu. r|WK I ; .S pleusore in not ifvinjr his friends and 1 the public generally that he has received bis SPRING /NO SIM ER STOCK FOK’ 1W7:5, which wit be sold on tail and bouoniMe terms. I'lms- good* were purchased on ver\ j ivombl.' terms, and 1 am e *nlident can and w ill be sold ns cheap ns an\ bouse in town. Mv stock Hmbrnees almost everything kepi in a retail store in the iniorior- Ory (lisnh. p (SS (hr (It, lh>mt tic floods. liemty Made Clothing, uosiery, Sot ions, Roots, Shoes • Hots, if7*. if-C. The I.adies are specially invited to pay me a visit, as I have many things that will meet favor in their eyes. Purchasers are also specially lav it od’ to give me a call, as 1 am determined to sell as low as any one. Thankful tor past favors, a continuance of cus tom is solicited. J A COB BAUM. March 21, 1873. ly CAFPENTTR’S WMK, John D. Bozeman, QUITMAN, GEORGIA, m.\KBS this method of infe rming the publu* 8 that his MILL business does not huerlere with bis business as •. HOUSE iltr ENTER; and he is fully prepared to do all work desired, ou as Favorable Terms as possible, and to the satisfaction of all parties inb-'esled. He will a'so coniraet to FURNISH LUMBER MATERIAL, and build Dwell tur Houses. r ’ uses etc., in purs’ attc' with specifications foi uLhed. Give him a trial. | Mav l*> IST 20-ts FRESH BEEF. rjinKUKDl'-KSIGNEO desires to notify the JL oil-izins of Quitman and surrounding country, that he will keep constantly on hand, at lis stand ; n front of his store, on Cult epper Strci t. in quantities to suit purchasers, choice and Neatly lbtt<*li«‘r«‘d MooC, M itton.and o her fresh meats, at reasonable prices, and respectfully solicits the patronage of the public generally. Call early in the morning and be supplied. 15 11 GA.MIY, Quitman, July 17. 1873. ts SHINGLES! THE undersigned, who has an experience of many Years in the n nnu fact are of SHIN GLES, nonfies the public that h«* keeps on hand, and will make to order, any number of shingles desired, and deliver them on favorable terms. pP* Orders left at Capt. Brooks’ store, Quit man, will be promptly attended to. # S. T. GOING. j Brooks county, Juue 12, 1873. 24-ts O HOES, from $1.25 t 053.00. to bo had at O PAINE A HALL’S Miscellaneous. 1 his unrivalled .' ih warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any injurious mineral substance but is PURELY VEGETABLE, containing these Southern Roots and Herbs, which an all-wise Providence has placed in conn flies where Liver Linen-ea most prevail. It will core all diseases caused by derungment ol ‘he Liver. Tiik Svmitomh of Liver Complaint Wo a bitter or bad taste in the month; Pain in the Back, Sides or Joints, often mistaken Rheumatism; Sour Stomach; Lohh of Appetite; Bowels alter nately costive and lax; Headache; Loss of mem ory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which ought to have been done; Debilitv, Low Spirits, a thick yellow appearance of the Skin and Eyes, » dry Cough oft «*n mistaken for Consumption. Sometimes many of the*e symptoms a* tend the disease, at Others very few: but the Liver, tfie largest organ in tin* body, is generally the seat of ihe disease, and it not reg ulated in time, great suffering, wrote bed new* and DEATH will ensue. Tills Groat Unfailing BPKCIFIC will nos h foiitMltiie Lrasf In plea sn nt. For Dyspepsia, Constipa ion, Jaundice, Bill ions attacks, Sick Headache. Colic, Depression of Spirits, Sour Stonnch, Heart Burn, Ac., Simmons’ Liver Regulator, or Medicine, Iri the Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medi cine in the World! MAKLTACTt RED OXf.Y J»r .! 11. ZEIEIN &. CO, MACON, a A., and PHILADELPHIA. Price SI.OO. fluid by ali Druggists. GIF^SrERPkISE The only Reliable Gift Distribution in ibe country $50,000.00 In Valuable Gifts! TO HE niMTKIBt TK» IN &. B. Silt’S 163 Regular Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE, To be drawn Monday, Sept. 16th, 1873. One Grand Capital Prize, $5,000 in Gold! Two prizes of SI,OOO, Two prizes of s'oo, and Five prizes of SIOO each in Greenbacks. One Family Carriage and Matched Horses, with silver mounted Harness, worth $1,500. 1 Huse and Buggy, with silver mounted har ness worth SOOO. One fine toned Rosewood Piano, worth SSOO. Five Family Sewing Machines. .. .SIOO each ! 7f>P Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches, worth from S2O to S3OO each. Gold Chains, Sil \ er \\ are. Jewelry, etc. V. hole number of G f<s. <> 000. Tickets limit i'd to 50 000. Agents wanted to sell tickets, to whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets $1 ; Six iekets. $5 ; Twelve tickets, $10; Twenty-five tickets. S2O. Circulars containin'' a full list of prizes a des cription ol the manner of drawing, and other in formation in reference to th«* Distribution, will be sent to anyone ordering them. /Ml lettei m si hr addressed to Main Okkick. I. D SINK. Box B<i, 101 W. illh St. (6-st) ('inriutiati. O 41ir»fi«o o? Sctoilßlv. } T (iKNKUAL SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICK. ) Atlantic vni» (ivi.p Uaiuioao, ,> j Savannah. June 20. 1873 \ ! ON AND AFTKR SUNDAY. June 22d. Train.- : on this lioad will run as follows ; EXPRESS plsr ENGER. Leave Savannah daily at 4.:.0 p.m j Live Oak idaily at i. 10 a :u ; *• Quitman daily at 4.00 &.e\ ! “ Thomasville 6.50 a.m “ Bainbridge at 8.15 am <fc Albany t,i .‘#.l6 a.m Leave Albany daily at 8.15 p.n “ Bainbridge daily at 4.30 p.m Leave TbomasvUL* 7.30 p.m “ Quitman daily at 9.00 p.m j “ Live Oak. daily at 8.50 p.m . Arrive at Savannah daily at 8.20 a.m • Connect at Live Oak with trains on .1 . P. and ! M. R. R.. for and from Jacksonville. Tallahassee. Ac. j No change of cars between Savannah and A1 bany Close connection »t Albany with trains on Southwestern Railroad. ('lose connection at Lawton for and from Flo rida. with Western Division Passeng* r ! rains. Sleeping car runs through toTlioiunsville. /I CCOMMODA TION Til A IN. Eastkun Division. Leave Savannah, Monday, \V<i!;iesday and Frida at fi.45 a.: I Arrive at Jesup, Monda;.. rdnesday and i'ridai. at 12.30 p.*n | Arrive at ! v. ,m, Monday, Wrd.o'sday and Friday, at ... 7.10 p.m j Leave La.vum, Tuesday, Thursday and flan rdav 6.00 a.m , Uue..,- r,v- • . r urtiu' ;d .. y i . p.m j and s.iuml.:;. at 6.45 p.m | V.’rsTKKN Division ; i Leave T. id ton. Titesd iv, Thursday .od! Sam; day at 7.00 a.m j I Arrive r. f Quitman. Tuesday, Thursday and Sjiturday at 10.34 a m ; ; Arrive at Thomasviile, Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday at 11.45 u.m \ Arrive iu Albany Tuesday, Ihursdav. and fluturdav at 7.00 y.m . Leave Albany Monuay. Wed esday and and Friday, at 8.10 a.m j Leave Thonuisviile. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ai 3.«*0 p.m j Leave Quitman, Monday, Wednesday and and Friday at . .5.05 pun Arrive at Lawton, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8.30 p m Connect at Albany with night trains on South western Railroad, leaving .dlbauy Monday. Tues day. Thursday and Friday, and arriving at Al bany Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Satur day. Mail Steamer leaves Bainl ridge for Apalachi cola every Thursday at 8.00 a. in. H. S. HALVES. [26-2wtfJ Gen'l Supt. Miscellaneous. CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. Dollar -Wcrhty £un. A Newspaper ol the Present Times. Intended for People Now on Earth* Including Farmers. Mechanic-., Merchants, Pro fessional Men, Workers. Thin leers, an l a l Man ner of Honeat Folks, and the 'Vivos, Boos, and Daughters of all such. ONI*7 ONE DOLLAR A YEAK t ONE HUNDRED COPIES FOIt «30, Or lest than On* Cent a Copy. Let there be a 830 Club at ovary Post Cilice. SEMI-WEEKLY SDN, B*s A YEAR, of the lamo size and general character as Tire WEEKLY - , but with a greater variety of miscellaneous readme, and furnishing the news to iti snoscribeit with greater freshness, heaaa-o It comes twice a week Instead of once oa!y. THE DAIL.Y SDN, 80 A YEAR. A preeminently rcadihie newspaper, with the largest circulation in the world Free, inde pendent, and fearless in politics. Ail the news from everywhere. Two cents a copy ;by mall* 30 cents s month, or 80 a year. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEK LY StJN. Five copies, one year, separately acdressed. Four Dollar*. Ten copies, one year, sconrsteiv addressed (aud an extra copy to the getter up of clno). Eight Dollars. Twenty coptet, one year, separately addressed (aud am extra copy so toe np of club). Fifteen Holler*. Fifty copies, one year, to one? address <and tne Be ml- Weekly one year to setter a *» of club), Thirty-three Dollars. Fifty copies, one year. «eparafely sedressed (and the Setnl Weekly one year to getter no ofciuh), Thirty-live Dollars. One hnndred eordes, one year, to one addres* (and the Dally for one year to the gutter up of club). Fifty Dollar*. One hnndred copies, one y<*ar. separately ad dreoted tand tho Daily lor one yanr to ’nr wetter up of club). Matty Dollars. THE HEMf-WEEKLY HIJN. Fire copies, one year, separately addre^ed. Eight Dollar*. Ten copies, one yesr, *epara!eiv addressed (and an extra copy to getter up of cl-iti), * sixteen Dollars. BEND YOUlt MONEY In Post (HHro order*, checks, or drafts on New York,,wherever convenient If not. tnen register the letters containing money. A ldresa I. W. ENGLAND, Pot)Usher, fcun office, New York GXty. ■TTYITII Its gloomy sttendnnts. low If Kjiirlt*. «lr|»i<-*slo»i f Involuntary SinUslnus, loss of iimri), uprrma torihcirn, 10-s of | owrr, dIXT.y laud, loss <•(’ m< mot ,if > I thirntened Ijii polrnir, lihlh ’MHv, find a sover eign s ore in lif Jli tillKYS' 1101 L OPATIIK; NPI < IJ It', No. TTTKVn- MfillT. TRiti fcOVJ£J( I.IGN REMEDY ». -rwa up the system, arrests tho discharges, and im parts vitror and energy, bfe and vitality to the an lire titan. They have cured thousands of case*, j I'ncu, |. r ) I>er pin k>ore of flva Lf»xc-4 and ft Jar» • $J viul, wlo< ais very important in obstinate old I cusf’H, or $1 per single box. Bohl by ALL Drug j gists, and mu by mail on rcceiptof pni «. Addresa HI MFHHEY8 f M”,;< iH» - HO.MKOPATUHJ MEDKTNK CO., i hoadway. N. Y. A MODEL NEWSP/ PER. THK SAVANNAH DAILV NIAVS Tlx* Savannah Daily Mouninu Nkwh is at knowledge! by the bress and people to l»t* t: best daily paper south of Louisville and east < N \V OrleuiiH. Carrying with It (In* prestige ai r reliability of age, il ban all the vigor and vita i ■ of youth, and ita entei prise a» a gatherer of th the lates* and freshest, news has astonished i contemporaries and met the warm jijo i )>a i of (he public. During the year 1873, no expense of lime bnr. and'uiouey will be spent to keep the M, v inu Nkw« ahead of all eoinpefitcus in («•■-: A jo Mjialism. and t«> deserve In*' '"'gCjW unis leaped upon i‘s c.m aUvfj xt, '• r- '' ’ hn«. ai.- .• <4 ui> ivy- v) ii- • till the special telegraui- which tjie N irurated some ears ago, and ’he o •*( •• that the reader in search offhe !;* • no 1 always looks to the Ni ! graphic arrangements if tl’’* paper are - cl: the omissions made by Hu* general nre-s re-i are promptly ttnd reliably suplied by its ,-pecia correspondents. The Mornmno Nkws has lately been enlarged to a thirty-six columi pa • ! and this bn a* scope of t' pe emliract s. daily er \ th> »!.- of in terest tbut transpires intliedoma * es LHemtuic Art. Science, '‘olitios. 'Religion { < '■. m-rai In telligenci : giving to tie reud«*r in •* m«{ be’te: digest in after than any other paper ' lie. , \no I.; • ml lime to lie pn -e;, l . i ;,.! , lan ard*u .uel and. voti.-n th.;! k eov no to promote and preserve the inletests | of the South. j 111 • special i<yt’ur' a i or the douxixo News ! he retained and i nproved upon duiing the ensrV I ing ear, and several uew attractions will added. ! The Georgia News items, ft ith their qnair ! *i;»d nltHi’sani humrtr. and the epitome of Florida | iiiairs. will be continixvl during the year. Th> | local department will be. as it has been for the I past year, the rmrst complete and reliable to be found in any Savannah paper, and the couiuier tdal columns w ill bo full and accurate. The .price ol the Daily is £lO 00 per annum; 55.00 tor six months; 00 for one month. THE TRI WEEKLY NEWS. | This edition of the Morntncj Mews vs especial- ! j ly recommended tq those who have not tho facil \ ities of a daily niail Everything that has been I said ; i- re dto the t i!y edition may be re-J I penied of the Tri-wee;;; . ft is made up with I great care, and contains the latest despatches land in a ket. reports. The price of this edition I j is $6.00 per annum. $3.00 for eix "months, aid • i $1.50 for thro© months. THE WEEKLY NEWS. Tho Weekly Miu.xino Ni:ws particularly rec- ' eminen t itself to the f • mer and planter. ; r.d to \ those who live off the hue of railroad. It is cue ; of the best family papers in the country, and iis \ cheapne-*'-bi .ngs it within tie r©a» , of all. it! c»*t-*’-ii - Thirty-six s»did columns of reading mat- ! tv. a. 1 mailed so a- 4 o reach eabscribe*.s i ui’ he au >t pror.ipmess. It is a can-billy and laboriously eoit<»d co*i enc.iu i of the newV r*f ihewtvk. and conuins iu a*Mitlen. an intin- ! j ite variety of other cloioe reading matter Edi- ] | torial.- on ai! topics, sketches of men, manners. ; ! and tashious. tab's, poetry, biography, pungent | | paragraphs and condensed telegrams enter . • i its inane t p It contains the latest tel. graphic ! j dispatches and market reports up ‘a the hocr of; j going to pres, and in ail re. pects, ~n *intlis. | feasible nijuuct to every home, i Price-—One year 'J.iK); six three m *nti;s. 5U c< nt. j Suhsc' ;e;e ? , jor "iD ■i- - ‘on Oi tlx-Morning j News ui;! -- ue sen? U - ev .: the risk und ex i prose of the pror-rieL*. less J H. FSTHjL. Savannah. Ga. Why W,u, Ye Dib?— Death, or wha: is worse, i is he inevitable result of continued suspension j cf the menstrual fiow. It is a cor.aition which I should not be trifled. la all eases of suppres j siou, suspension or ether irregularity of the i * c urses.’ Dr. J. Bradfiold's Female Regu ator |is ihe only sure remedy. It acts bv sriviug tone : to the nervous centres, improving the blood and j determining directly to the of menstru ation. It is a legitimate prescription, and the most intelligent Doctors use it. Prepared by IJ. H. Bradfielu, druggist, Atlanta. Ga. $3.50 j per bottle, aud sold by respectable druggists ev j erywhere. jan24-tf Nkw Patent Chvrx.—The attention of the i pt#>lie is invited to anew aud wonderful Churn, invented by the undersigned. It excel* anything ever presented to the public. Call and*see i . 22-ts STREETY Jt AWRETT, Miscellaneous. FURNITURE HOUSE, Y-.»t ITM.VN, <iA. m: WITT, iibiiiftl Maker lUndertakir. Has now on hand a fine lot of f r I? E A U X, BEDSTEADS. S\FE WARDROBES, V\ ASH-STANDS, Windsor CHAIRS, Boston ROCKERS and is prepared to put up to order— SECRET VRIES, SIDEBOARDS. and everything needed in the Furniture line, nrd in any style required. An*experience of many years, justifies him in assuring she public that his work will give Male faction in every respect; and prices will cor - pure favorably with those of Savannah or els* • where, with this important advantage to the pu - chaser : every piece of Furniture leaving his es tablishment will be warranted. Kopairiutf done with neat no e and dispatch. pis Collins promptly forwarded to any Sta tion on the Atlantic and Gult Railroad. JOHN ZVX. WITT. Quitman, Ca.. ! eb. 23. 1872. 8-ts K-c- jH 95'4» Metal io B’trial Cases, _ , . -• Burial Caskets ! I Tho undersigned riotifies the public that he 1 us now completed all arrangements lor the sue cessfui conduction of the Cndi rtakers busi ess having received the Agency for the sale of the celebrated Fisk’s Metalic Burial Cases and Cus | kets. and the same w?lI be sold at regular Un , dertaker’s rates lie will also keep on hand silver plated han I1«‘m and iin -H which can be substituted f »r the metalic handles etc., in « few minutes kaguCitizem* of -cighboring towns can be sup plied promptly with any description ol case de •ired I‘erms, CASH on delivery ■I «H\ M WITT, Agent Quitman, July 14. 1872. 28-ly T. J. BTBKKTV. GKO. W. AVRKTT. STRIETY & AVRETT. • ■ * h ’*?. sac wLizwwLam* A XI) DEALKKS IS forking and -Parlor Slav Os Various Styles and Sizes. , 'AKD WARE, I • A • , . do •in the best styb i < v l»elo\v ."avunnah prices • ; . fully irk the people of Brooks am ! j .• . lilies oi give us a trial. i. .m e I 187 ly ■ 9HN|ppp||j[ ’ i IkT..aficJV'A id»t-i _—_J i ins o.NO Nfu.m.o Vt.ii. r.vßi.f. -tve <j »> true purifier of the human blood. It tli oughh neutralizes and eradicates from the pystem th specific vims, and every kind of humor and bad aint. which causes- oil h long list of hutua suffering and jrapar ; i e: health and purity to the entire eon- 1 every form o’ scrofulous rm cm i . ic blood con' plaints it r.ds with. o *• -mi-eer rapidly c -' ing ULOKI-.S i’lwm.f s. Cmm Scai.i) Ufa f -ai t Rum m. an . \ -• 88 varb * ies of sk.n fi.■< lions. It is a positive cure-five for serofir cbionic and iudammaton? rheumatism, and tl, deadly enemy of mercury, lead ana arsenic quickly eliminating th. m fioni the system The action of this remedy is based upon the truths o' inspiration, the law of nature. and the kno* edge cf chemistry. I’be Fluid E>;r ;/.«•, or Qvkess I>ki Kiiix. prepared by Dr J - Been * ton bus made the most wonderful and cs'onM ing cures. Its untying, vivifying and ton properties excrete- the quickest and moat won ilerful etteots in restoring health. It : s harmless to the most delicate, and <an never be used amiss. It 13 the true b* itiller of the complex I ion. If you want rJsfe bloc I. clear skin and | beautiful complexion, use the Compound F tract of Stilling i.i or Qclk* D* light Rend on j i realise r-n disc -f :he blood, ibe genuin i has the signature, vs the j i op riel or ou each label j take no other. j fair by all Prngc . st.oo a bottle. j I Du. J. S. PEM’IERTGN .V CO., Proprietors. Atlanta. Ga . j Hunt, RiMtkik.' .ama; ; Wholesale Agents, Ms; on, Ga i Mr*r ’1873. 21-3 m *j nay _r, ivm. 2i-..m Notice. 1 HAVE this day purchased the Right to I * • ihe T/HISSWANT liTERPILLER DESTROYER. j For the County of Brooks. i Being satisfied that te will do all that it claim* * to do. we offer this great relief to the farmers | this county All parties interested in tbi> won- I derful discovery will do well to call upon ns in ! t'mc io preparo themselves, so as io prevent the ; great ravage of the c >tton by the caterpillar »hi season. Do not defer making you,* amingnuerps until it is too late. It is guaranteed -o fk> all i: claims. rRIGGS JELK- & CO Quitman. March 7. 1873. fim JOB \YORK j 'VJ'EATLY and expeditiously executed at ttie Banner office. HOTELS. > A. B. X.UCB Proprietor. Savannah, Ga. Board per Day, s>3 00. October 25, 1872. 3m PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, COE. PRESIDENT & ABERCORX ST., Siivaiinah, Ou. ( Transcient and Permanent Boarders Keccired. DR. D. COX Would inform his old friend* that he is now in : his New Quarters Itw ated as above, arel will strive to give sit islaction to guests. Charge pe; Day, - - $2.00 July 15“ 1870. THE MCINTOSH HOUSE, Ql:itman, t;.\. J. U. Edmondson, Prop’r. No pains will be spared hv the present pro prietor, to retain the well eat ued reputation and patronage of this popular house of enter tain men ten*. Tbe tables will be supplied with the very best the market can furnish; the chamber.- will be kept oiM) and comfortable; and attentive waiters will be in attendance upon guests. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. a*£r Charges Reasonable. -’@B dpril 12, 1872. 15 If «' •p a® o be *2 I# *li 2' «« *■■ -* B W 8118 it Btt QII TM.VN, <; ,v. D. V M M IL,. . . P npi iemr *c *• -t» v p. - •; :n • enf*‘rtainm» n I-- com % t MVtCdfl the - • .' . try ft 1872 l’< 1 Vi ( i 1 pp-u ale r ' .‘p 1 \CO.\, i 1 iIAKKIS Ito n tl, s:t r Day. mii.y ;) 1H7.1. 1 Is Mis< < Ham-ous. Bash and Blinds, Moulding?, brackets, stair l i x ture?, Builder*’ Furnishing Dardwa rain Pipe, Fh. »r Tile*. Wire Guards, T«* otta Ware. Marble and Slate Mantle 1 ieces Window Glass a Sptciall}. WHITE PINE LUMBER FOR SALE. Circulars and Price Lists sent free m (appli cation, by P. P. TOALE. 20 Ilayneand 33 Pinckney *K, octt-lv * Charleston. S. C. A IV prr for the Masse*! I F.rth it* Weight in Gold!! Nothing like it in the World!!t «T«*ry rea ier n» moket tin to rim times it« - or non-proffe#. i ■tonal, trecbanic or laUirer in the whole eonntrr.tlu nld j t .b*cribe for th® Annsoa. Whereter .‘■h. »„’or seen j it in - ire to tak* a firm hold on the community, as ita * tatric-Aic ralne a» a Pnelneai and Family Paper f made, a,;.1 in makinar, frit a circulation and reptf tati >n anparalieletl in t: ’ ietory of Journalwm. I: is a Ftinrn 16-paoc, WIIXIT. It give* you all YOUR LEGAL ADVICE FREE. Oritinal f.)r Cotta,™, 1.. .Inp., Jnbo.-bau •r.J Cw.otTJ F.«ki.iicw, ami » vast fui.d of i-.f.i aiation | or saltara of ipocwt and c»ti«ral nitwit, fouod in no ! c.her Jonmal in the country. A faguSoit $5.00 Oil (kreaio, THE LOST Eliß, mounte.. ody to frame, U presenter! to «Tery year.y subscriber. &üb»crf' ; aon price. $3.00 per year, ia advanca ! E:ng!e copies ten cents. j PERMANENT A3ENTS WANTED For unocenpiej territory in tbe United States and Ca- I nada. By our Mew Plan agents can hare a con tinuous anuoAl income, with but little labor. Our agents are making from >3 to S4O per day. Write i at once, statiag territory desired. Addrtws all letters to C*orr A Phtt.lxp!». Pittabui Pa, February 7.1873. t>-(»m WrniocT x Parai.i.kt, l** «; ;*, •.1 f.*r I* .1 Rra-fie! ID Fem si* .f- • in t.. - • 0 I • *®e • :* bappy t- - •* : ea** nr* n■■ ‘'••iilpictc bv W hich :.♦* J' A'! HUT he- F. timle K* _• .: ar • • -,t» arencj, and th- public »•> ; - wants may now be sup, ~»■<].• Phys chm- *>t bitrL- repute are using this i• t Mr-- . • ;i ! •raciice. all over Georgia E . w man need e.:ut»r from and • • .*1 *. regular .enstriia’foo Thi- vatimble mod cine is prepared by L. H Bra*!field DruggDi. Atlanta. Ga.. and sold at $1 50 per boftie by tespectable druggists throuehout America. For sale by McCall Jr Groover. [4-tfJ *M / MuilMii Vii 88 Bw. j, C. 6c S. LEDLIE7 - DEALERS IN UrOOL. HIDES, Beeswax and Skins. Tallow, etc., etc.. 180 Bay street, foot of Barnard. Consignments sol.cited. 16-ly LAWRENCE & WEICHSELBAUM, DRUGGISTS, 176 and 178 » ▼ Congress atreei ami Market Square Or ders solicited. 16-lj CEO. APPLE, DEALER IX j pLOTHING. Hats, Caps, Gents’ Furnishing !V2 Goods. Boys Clothing, Trunks. Valises. ! Boots and Shoes. N•. IK2 Bryao street. Market square, under Biesnan’s Hotel. 16-ly K. PLATSHEK, I W* HOLES ALE and Retail Dealer in Milline r > ry. Dress Trimmings and Fancy Goods, 154 Broughton street. 16-1/ WILLIAM HONE, f MBORTEH and Wholesale Dealer in Wines, I Liquors and Segars and sole Agent for ! -eorgi.-j arid Florida of English A Co’s Celebra ! ‘ i 1 .iliirnore Ale in barrels and hall barrels. . 3 Si. Julian and 154 Congress st. 16-ly SOLOMON BROTHERS, ! GROCERS and Coinmisnion tv litnis, 173 Bay street. Sole Agents tor the . ! , Line of Ocean Steamers. Mr. U A McNeil, of Quitman, la the Travel i: r agent of this house. 16-ly BOLSHAW & SILVA IMPORTERS AND DKAI.KHS IX KEK\ . ( hina. (»he.-ware. Kerosene ' | -iißipH and Oil. I uilt-ry Britannia an.l I’la i and Ware, and Haure Furni-liing Gm.i|» g ncral I" -' and 154 St. Julian and 148 and 151 Brv ll.vt, i 6 . ly J C. B. KIVAPP, . "s i. idles. Harness. Rub < ■ ng and Packing ‘a ’ Yiit , . Trunks, Saddlery 16-ly • .i. i ;JM & io., - *r" !m li-.-r, con -16-ly I R ill FORI) & LOTELL, iV lIOl.lisAlj.; am i I{ elu i) j n ~ja r^ >» »,IIV. Tinware, Ag iculrn and Implement*, 1 et.,la ~ 1.1 .Sporting Goods. i6j O.ngreaa and 71 St. Julian streets. it; jj First Premium for Best Sugar Machinery andiron Castings at South Georgia Agricultural and Mechf ical asociation Fair, 1872, and also at avai nah Agricul tural Association, 1872- ()tl\ M DOXOCUH, T. BALLANTTNI McDoiiongh k Ballanljne, Iron and gtriiNN Founder S?, M ACI 11 > (>TN Ballrrn Junkers, Corner East Broad and Liberty streets, Uvannah, : : Georgia. 'u ar ;1!> and f’«' -or.-. Gin Gear and Horse ' «wer-. ef C furnished with promptness aud on f ivorable terms. \!.-'> lU' FRONTS for Stores and Dwell g. \ erandabs and Cerneterv Railings, of new “'Un* and patterns, which we will furnish as TiOW AS CAN BE PURCHASED NORTH. 1 me 5, 1873. 16-ly F. D. .IOK I>OA, DEALER IN JT7ELRY. SILI ER MB PMTEB H IRE. &C &C , &C.. Sole Agents in Savannah for the Celebrated Diamond Spectacles 135 Congress St. r> Opposite Pulaski House, Savannah, Ga. -■*- WATCTIK- nd JEWELRY Repaired.-*, October la. 1-: ij THE fi ’ ■ J N , , v» m *w*w * »w* ids Ci.uSeSnslSaa^ t amilYTieWapeßj un the CatiAJ* Cash plan, at the low ra’e of onlv ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Address, INDEPENDENT, P. O. Box 865, Savannah, C»,