The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, September 04, 1873, Image 3

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i» hr Quitman ibumrv. QUITMAN: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1873. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Church. Rev. C D. Camfbki.i., Pnutor. Services (he Second and Fourth Snnflavs Church (’onfiTßiice on Sator.lav befit-., the See ond Sunday in each lunit'h Vrav meeting every Thursday night. Sunday sc:.— a' 9 o'clock a. ni. Presbyterian Church. Rkv K. O. Way I’astor Services everv Third Sunday, at 11 o'clock, a . Sunday School at 1 o'clock. p m. Methodist Church. Rev. S. S Sweet, Faster. Sc-vicca every Sunday morning at 10:30 at "clock Snndav School at 9 o’clock, a. in. l'raver meeting Tuesday night in each week. Societies. Shalto’T.od/e. No F X M meets every Ist atnl 3d Saturday in each month. O.ti'ni.- found. No 37. F. Fof T. meets evert Fi id iy evening in each week. Town Officials. Dr M r. Wilkinson Vavor. I. S. Seaman. .1 11. Finch. J. T. Davis and E ives. Aldermen IT, M. Mclntosh. Clerk. I S. S-ainan, Treasurer. ,T. T Thrasher, Marshal. Recttlar meeting of Council held on the first Mondav evening in each month. Count!/ Officials. E It. Harden In tee 1 entry f J. V S'"a:i" Ordinary. \V t: Ilentlv O'erl; of Runerlor Ct>u ’’ .1 T. Tl.rasher Sheriff. Willis IledingfiOhl. Treasurer. T 1. Hardee. Ttiv Receiver. T A. Groover. Collector. U'cif/ht and Hcasnrment--Differ ence Between Dm Measure and Liquid Measure. Our attention has been frequently call ed. to the fact that in Quitman there is no system of regularity in regard to the weights and measueres used, either hy our merchants or those bringing articles for sale or tratio to town. It is very well known that t here is a statclaw in existence regulating weight and measurement, p>re scrihing the standard weights and meas ures to he used, and that it is a, criminal offense to deviate from the fixed standard of either ; l>ut I.ur people do not seem to underst-nd that there is quite a differ enc. between dry measure and liquid measure, and the weights and vess. Is and. signed for their discrimination. If they are aware of the difference, they do not appear to regard it. worthy of observance. The truth of ties statement can lie proven by the daily transactions in the stores and upon the streets. For instance, grapes, berries, f-wts and vegetables of C very description, which are sold hv measurement, are measured as liquid, tn quart or pint cups, when they propel iy belong to and should he weighed or measured as dry measure. Two quarts of ground-peas, measured in a pint or quart cup, will male' only about a quart and a half when put into dry measure, as they should he. Ju little matters of this kind it does not amount to much at a time, hut it counts up after a while upon hose fre quently purchasing the arti h s referred to, and in order to avoid such differences, we would rail the attention of our town authorities to themaster, and respectfully suggest that they give the subject their attention, and adopt the means practiced by all other well governed towns, by ap pointing an inspector, whose duty it shall he to go to every place of business and inspect the scales and measures used within the incorporate limits, once every month. While this system will wrong none, it will at the same time deal jus tice alike to all. The cost of this prac tice would he nothing to the town authori ties, and hut little to the dealer. Any well disposed business man, after taking the proper view of the matter, will he willing, yea gratified, to pay from ten to twenty-five cents i>er month (which will amply compensate the inspecting officer) to know that his weights and measures are correct, and that he is dealing with others as he is wishing to V dealt with, and that he is upon the safe > !■ of the law. Personally, we have hut little interest j in this matter, as the Banner is sold j neither by weight or measure, and the j most extensive purchases ever made hy us, which would be in any way affected hv this system, would he a pint of pea nuts, or, at this particular season, a quart of grapes; hut at the request of some of our business men who are more or less interested, and as a public jour nalist, we have thought it not amiss to throw out these few suggestions, without reference to any particular class of indi viduals more than another, and to call the attention of our Town Council to the matter. Sew Stock. We direct the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Mr. E. Ives, in to-day’s Banner, who has just made an addition to his stock of Confectioneries, Family Groceries, Toys, Notions, <fce., which he assures us he is determined to sell as low as they can be ymrehased else where. Mr. Ives is a practical Baker and Confectioner of experience, and those purchasing his goods will always get - pure and wholesome articles. Read his: i advertisement, and when you get hungry go to him and he can satiate the most ' -oprbid appetite. . Gainesville, and the Chickens and Eyys Thereof. We have received a private letter from a friend who is sojourning for a short while at Gainesville, Hall, Cos., Ga. We take the liberty of making an extract that our readers may have some idea'of the abundance of that region in fowl produc tions. He says : “During three months last year they shipped from this place’ forty-five thousand worth of chickens, and during the year, four mil lion dozen eggs.” We are afraid some of those up-eonntry boys have found out our friend was from the wire-grass, and have been greening him. When we told a friend of the statement, he commenced right away to make a calculation. Let’s see: §45,000 worth, at eight to the dollar, would he 360,000 chickens in three months; 120,000 in one month and about 4000 each day more chickensin Gaines ville in one day than we have seen in Quitman lo ! these several years. Then we went at the egg question : Four million dozen would be 48,000,000 eggs, at a cent a piece would he 8480,- 000 —money enough, a friend suggests, to buy the whole of Hall county —min eral Springs, chickens and eggs with the old roosters thrown in. And then this firiend says a man can’t count more than a million a month, if he does nothing else, so it would take one man four years to have counted those eggs; or if they i were counted in one year, it would require four men to do il -(wonder if our friend saw those four men at the Depot contiu ! ually counting eggs.) And then, how | many hens did it take to lay these eggs! hut the calculation grows tedious. We know our friend is a man of veracity, and j after all, we may he the parties “gulled," I and not he. But it is a hard tale to toll |to a Brooks county; man. Well, when j our friend returns, which we hope will he in a week or two, it he will fly up on | the Court House, flop his wings and j crow, we may conclude there is some : thing in his story. Honor to whom Honor is Due. While our name appears as principal editor of the Banner, it must not he for gotten that Mr. 11. M. Mclntosh is as sociate editor, and although on account of his lx-ing so much engaged in the printing department of the paper, the editorials devolve chiefly upon us, yet be finds time to furnish one or more pieces for almost every issue. Some of his edi torials are highly creditable, hut we no tice that our brethren of the press, as well as our friends at home, when spieak ; ing of them, invariably ascribe them to | us. Now, in some respects, it suits us ' admirably to have two editors, for if some | fierce fellow should accidentally take ! offence at something we had written, and i conclude to give us a thrashing, it would i be so easy to say that “Henry” is respon j sihle for that article, and you must settle I with him, and thus save our carcass, i (You see we are senior in command, and I therefore have aright to appoint him to I the fighting department.) But while we ; are willing to saddle all blame upon him, ; we are not disposed to appropriate all 1 lln- laurels he may he entitled to. IVr ; Imps it might do to sign our initials to our respective articles,but then thefight ing fellow might come along, and itmight not be. so easy to persuade him that B. stands for Mclntosh. We don’t know how to fix it, hut. remember there are two editors, and either of us are willing to say something smart [whenever the op portunity offers. " Si’. B. B. Removal. The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement of Messrs. Streoty & Averett, who have removed their Hard ware and Tinware store to a more conve nient. and spacious building, with a view to enlarging their business, and keeping a more extensive stock (if stoves and oth er goods in their line on hand, ihey have leased the store formerly occupied j hy Mr. M. C. Wade, and under the Ma sonic Hall, where they will he glad to see their friends. An Unmittiyated Scoundrel. i q u . fay ' ' - >m< hold thief, hv placing a ladder agairnt tie window of the stove room, of Dr. D' > s resi dence, succeeded in for ::, n * ntry and making away with some flour that he j found in convenient reach of him. He j doubtless intended to make a more ex tensive haul, but was frightened away by j one of the inmates of the house leaking J up on account of the noise, and going to see what was the matter. The vidian that would steal from such a man as Dr. Baker, ought to be severely punished, and that “without benefit of the clergy.” Alteration in Hoad, Haw. Office County Court, ) Quitman, Ga., August 29, 1873. j Mr. Editor : —ln publishing some few extracts from Irwin’s Revised Code, Laws of Georgia, upon the’ sub ject of the Road law, I omitted to notice theshange that the Act of 23d Augmst, 1872, made in the Par. 675 of the Code upon the subject of Railroad hands working the county roads, changing the amount to be paid per diem, from 32.50 to 81.00 p>er diem. Act of October 18, 1871, has also changed Par. 639 of the Code, and requires new roads to be Laid out 20 feet wide instead of 30 feet. Edward R. Harden, 36-lt J. C. C. B. C. Crt LABSWARE of all kinds at r I’AINE k HALL’ lalitor of the * Blackshear Georgian on Quitman. Below we give an extract from the Blackshear Georgian. If Col. Baker does not stop criticising the architecture of our flourishing town, we will get Ham, of the Eastman Times, to tell again how he asked permission of a young lady to gal lant her to church. This request, as set fort h hy Ham, exhibits a rare specimen of rhetorical architecture : QUITMAN. Quitman is strengthening her cords, extending her stakes and advancing on ward on a solid foundation in a prosper ous career. The court house is a massive but not a beautiful structure. The por ticoes are too lofty and do not harmo nize with the architecture of the main building. The defect might be remedied to some extent, hy putting a flat roof on the porticoes, with a baulstrade around. This arrangement would at least insure the roof and ceiling of the building against, damage from rain. The court house square is a pleasing park of four acres she:!.-1 with flourishing oaks. Un der the energetic and efficient manage ment of Judge Edward Harden, the able Judge of the county court, that, park will be an ornament to the town of Quitman. The factory building near the depot, is a | large three story edifice; well built, sur mounted with a graceful dome and ready under the able direction of Dr. H. Briggs, the President. The President courteous ly conducted ns through the different rooms and showed us the various process making the fabrics. The operatives seemed cheerful, and the complexions give evidence of good health Let more capital he added to the in vestment, and the return of profits would be more remunerative. In a small in vestment the ineideetal cost absorbs | much of the profits, hut make the capital j ample, and the rate of remuneration in creases in a, large ratio, for the cost is hut slightly increased hy the extension. Suf ficiency of capital is requisite to develop the manufacturing capacity of a factory, and make it pay a large per cent. The Augusta factory pays 200 per cent, and j why should not the Quitman factory pay JSO per cent ? Quitman has a fine loea- I t lon and its march is onward ; has two newspapers, the Banner, edited hy Col. \V. 1!. Bennett, and the Independent, hy Major Gallaher. The people apptear to give both papers generous aid, which speaks well for their enterprise and liber al spirit. It has two good hotels, the City Hotel and Mclntosh House. I think STMMONS’ LIVER REGU LATOR, one of the best medicines ever made for the liver. I have seen it used hy my wife and hy many others who were sick and afflicted, with wonderful ef fect. It seems to always cure. E. 11. SPARKS, Albany, Ga. l\ lMioiv Oi.ass.-Hreif .1- I- ,- . i mnv d«- erveilly paid In I lie Ui" i- • i Ceil ' cam used in du elliujrs. stores and A. I lies o! American and I ; - . V- ind--u . Ficlnre. Fhefecnii'h, Out, Ground - .- -m.- I .■ and and Holer i-d (11. i-- wholesale and r.-lan hum Mr F. F. Tuttle. No 7n Heine street., Charleston. 9. C. Send ter price card. The sill WeMiKlt nt (lie IVoni n lias been tumid !in Georgia The discoverer is u physician nt 1 uuir ex peril-nee, expulsive observation and pro found judgment, and ids discovery iris proven j -noli a blessing to wanton, that il is already I known thrnueinmt the country as ‘-Woman's j F.est Friend.” With remarkable quickness and certainty it cures nil rases of suppressed men situation, acute or clitouie. and respires licubli in every instance. Pr. .i. ttradfield's Female Regulator supplies a remedy long needed in the treatment of diseases peculiar to woman. This tint Medical Faculty known and admits, while many ot our best physicians are usin'! il in daily peso ice. The medicine is prepared with ({real (are In 1,, il ilradlleld. Hrutryi-I Atlanta (in. and sold at $1.7,0 per bottle by respectable Druggists everywhere jaa -1 ts 60 _ Removal. \I7 E HAVE ibis day our HARD VV WAKE STORK AND TIN SHOP from ~ r old nil next door 10 tin* Bannkk Office into the ck building under the Masonic Hull and ' rl '. ccupied by Mr. M. t . \\ ado, in ,id< rtn : • j*i h m for si more extensive stock. \V ' and the entire lower story of the I'11 : 1 r: : <r ;ipul .• i! 1 soon have in store a large anti well assorted >:oek ot Moves. Jin unit If irdwaic. iind will be pleased to see onr old customers and the public generally. G in e t v & \ vij irrr. Quitman, Ga., Sept. Ist, 1873. H E. IVES, Agt., lO\FEfflllM i» BAKER AND DEALER IN < andies, Cakes, Fruits, Preserves, Pickles, Canned Goods, Family Supplies, tie., , QU i.MVa, <» A. [ have also on hand, and will keep constantly supplied with a complete stock o! TOYS and notions, which I will sell fit cap lof sash. I manufacture my own Candies, Cakes, Bread?, etc., and ca> guarantee them pure and una dulterated. My.old customers and the public generally are invited to call and examine my new stock. E IVEW. Asst Quitman, Ga., Sept. Ist, 1873. 4rn QUITMAN HIGH SCHOCL. Male and Female. A. J. SFAItKS, Priuc’l. rr*HE Fall Session of this school will begin on I MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Bth. 1873, and continue fourteen weeks. RATES Os HTON . Primary Department.. . SB V 4<) Intermediate Departure . 12.60 Advanced DHpertmen* JG.BO ptf No Con tingmt Fees. No student received lor leas t.i. e than the term. Students entering within one month of the be ginning of the term, will be charged for the full term. No deduction made for loss of time, ex cept in cases of protracted sickness. August 1 1, 1873. ts COMMERCIAL. QUITMAY It El AIL PUKES CVRRESI. COItItKCTKI) KVKRY WKKK. [The quotations are based entirely on cash trans action".] Bacon Iftlb... 12® 14 Butler —Goshen ft th. .. 40 0 5" Country . |ft 1b... 25 0 30 Candles I*ft lb. .. 20 0 2«> Cheese . . 114 lb. .. -0 ® 25 Coffee--Kio 2 2® 30 Corn if* bush 75 ® Crackers hd, lb.. 12A ® 20 Kggs jjri, dor. .» (<t) 15 I’Tour Nuperline pt !>l>l . 850 ® 1) 00 Family . 'j4, bbl . ® 12 00 Ginger r* 1b... (4 10 Lard <*»>... 'j3(4 H Oysters ft can . 15(h) 25 Peaches (4 can. ($ 25 Pickles W jar 25(4 4<* Potatoes--Irish f* bush 2 00 (and), Jsweot *jr* bush (<t) 75 Powder *|4ib... 40(a) 00 Potash 'jr> lb. . . 20 0, 25 Bice *rt 1b... 10 0 12 Raisins fY lb. . 0 25 Salt '(0, sack, 2 25 0 2 50 Soap ft 1b... 0 0 15 Sugar >Hh... 10 0 15 Syrup ft gal.. 0 50 Soda .. ft ft).. 12 0 15 Shot ft 1b... 0 15 Starch ft lb.. 12 0 15 Tobacco good article.. ft 1b... 60 0 1 00 Vinegar ft gal 0 50 Special notices. Au! § EO. Mu wilt give men and women Business that will Pay It oin $4 to $k per day. can be pursued hi your own neighborhood; ii is a rate chance for those out of employment, or having leisure time; gills and boys frequently do as well as men. Partic ulars free. Aildress .1 LATHAM A CO., 292 Washington St. Boston. Mass. STRKKTY & AVBETT keep all tylesof Cook ing Stoves at Savannah prices. TIIIMJITM \ N ACADEMY. The cxercisc.s of’die Quitman Academy swill In* resumed on the Firs’ of September, under the direction of Miss 11. L. ST EVENS. Rates of tuition, 5, sand 11 Dollars, accord ing to ml vanc.emenC Quitman . Ga*. August, 19, 1873. 2t VI .L kinds of Toilet. Soap and Perfumerv at PAINE A HALL’S STATE OF GEORGIA, Brooks Cor mu . Whereas. 11. S., Vdmlnistrator ts the Estate of Mrs. M. .1 Nkwto\, deceased. Inn ing made application to the Court of Ordinary for-Letters of Dismissal from said administration: hose are. therefore, to cite and admoiush all parlies interested to tile their objections, if au\ there are, within the time prescribed by law. otherwise said Letters of Dismission will be granted and issued to 'he applicant. Given under my official signature, this June 2.1873. ‘ J. M. riMEAKKß. s Ordimiry June 5. 1873. 23-3 m mOBAUCO at 50 cents per pound, at I PAINE A HALL’S Miscellaneous. Time Tusts the Merits of All Things. 1840; Over Thirty Years [1872 ,S'inee the Introduction of PERRY DAVIS’ JE=> Itiller HAS tested in every variety of cbnia'e, . and by almost every nation known to Americans ft is the cons'ant companion and inestimable friend of the missionary and he trav eler. on sea or land and no one should travel on our Lakts or Rivers without it. Since the PAIN KILLER xasfirst introduced, and met with such extensive'sale, many Lini ments, Reliefs. Panaceas, ami other remedies have been offered lo the public but, not one of them has ever attained the truly enviable stand ing of the PAIN KILLLIL why is this so? If is because DAVIS’ PAIN-KILLER is what i claims to be a Reliever of pain. Its Merits are ITiihiii imf»< <l. It you are suffering from INTERNAL PAIN, Twenty t<> 'thirty Drops in a tittle Water will cure you alim st instantly. There is nothing to equal it for C iicM ra in psy Bpa sin sJI ca it -bti ni * * iarliaea DyscnlMi) Elux Wiutl ’in tin* HowrF. Sou a Stomucli, l)VK|> Sick 11 <■:»<!,tclie. In sections of the country where Fever and Ague. prevails, there is no remedy held in greater es teem. Persons traveling should keep it by them. A few drops, in water, will prevent sickness or bowel troubles frmn change of water. From foreign countries the calls for PAIN KILLER are great. It is found to fur#* (holrra when all other Remedies Ft.ll. When used externally as a Liniment, nothing gives quicker ease in Burns, Bruises Cuts, Sprains. Stings from Insects, and Scalds. It re moves the file and the wound heals likeordina ry sores. Those suffering from UUEVMA -7 ISM, (/OUT or SEVRA LGJA. if not it posi tive cure. they find the PAIN-KILLER gives them relief when no other remedy will. It : ives instant relief from aching teeth. Ev ery housekeeper should keep it at hand, and ap ply it on the first attack of any pain. ft will ■j iv * * sai-factory relic*!, and save hours of suffer ing Mt not trifle with yourselves hy testing un tried remedies. Be sure; to call for and get the genuine PAIN KILLER, as many worthless nos trums are attempted to be sold oil the great rep urn ion of th s valuable medicine. Direction? accompanying each bottle. Price 25 cts 9 cfs , and $1 per Bottle . / # ENT,S’ Fine .Sewed Boots, for 80.50, at \% PAINE A HAL!.' mmmx - Virginia. Opens October 1; continues through nine montbs. It is organized in schools on the elective sys tem, with full courses; in Classics, Litera'ure, Science (with practice in Chemical arid Physical Laboratories,) in Law. Medicine. Engineering, Teaching and Agriculture. Apply for Cata logues to JAMES F. HARRISON Chairman. P. O. I niversity of Virginia, Albemarle. ( 0.. \ a. Road Notice. Offick County Court, ) Quitman, Ga., July 27. 1*73 f «THEREAS, P. G. Siriquefield. 0. C. Arnett ▼ T and Isaiah Ward were, on the 4th day of February. 1873, appointed to mark out and establish anew road leading Horn the Albritton old Mill, byway of O. C. Arnett’s, Curtis Car roll’s, P G. Sinquefield’s and Lewis Ward’s, and intersecting the Tbomasville road at tln most practicable point between Bryant Kemp’s and Daniel Horn’s, aed to intersect tb« Quitman and Grooverville road from sJd Mill, at the most convenient point: and Whereas, said Commissioners have lepoited to me. under oath, that said contemplated road will be of great public utility, and that the same was laid out and marked conformably to law. It is therefore ordered, that all persons con cerned are hereby notified that on the first day of September m-xt. an order establishing the above road will b- finally granted, if no good cause is shown to the contrary. EDWARD R. HARDEN, J. C. C. B. 0. July 26th. 1873.. 31 30d HEYi fEM ME iISIIIITI, Staunton, J a. Tin* 24th annual session lupins Sept. 25, 1875. One of tin* (list School# for Young Ladies in tin* South Twenty three teachers and officers. Scenery grand; buildings elegant; heulth unsur passed: feeble constitutions In re restored; pupils from all the States font Maryland to Texas. Hoard and College Tuition for scholastic year sv to. For catalogue of 54 pages address Rev. \V. A. HARRIS, l'tesident, Staunton, Va. Kenmore University High School Amli. rs« e. 11., Va. Preparatory to the University of Va. IF A. strode (Ma'th. Medallis U. Va..) Principal and Instructor in Mathematics. 11. C Block. It. 1 it. I . Va. (recently A*s’t Prof. Latin. U. Va.,) In structor in Greek, Latin, French, German and Botany. This is one of the leading high schools of Virginia, and presents many advantages in comparable with those of others. Students also received for the Summer. New session begins Sept, loth, 1873. For Catalogue, address the Principal. ATmTTWI 0,1,0 permanently. Iff sI II 111 c^ert P* < l u,r *'- without suffering SJ k. JL U J,l£ .ji- inconvenience. Describe EATERS your case. Address S. G. Alt MSTRONG.\I. D.. Berrien Springs, Michigan. db'fc dbdfl P°r day! Agent* wan* %>'' ted! All classes of work ing people, ol either sex. young or old, make more money at work for us in their spare mo ments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G STINSON A CO., Portland Maine. A I (HtTi)N E. How : By 7pc( nlaiing in stocks and gold.’ Capital. *lO to $100; will pav SH)O to SI,OOO a month. Full explanations sent free W. F . HUBBKLL A CO . Bankers and Brokers, 3!) Wall St . New York. Box 2282. ill. SIS. I'lllY i lEITLEY'S a uio vt FAMILY MEDICINES j Their success attest their merits. The iiltlct j ed who have tried them say that DR. GREENK’P FIT OCRE will stop at once all kinds of Fits. Spasms and Convulsions. Epilepsy. Cholera and | Nervous Wakefulness are rotnj .letelv under its control. That Comp. Ext est ALTERNATIVE and BLOOD PURIFIER known. That Medicated Honey has no equal as a remedy in Bronchitis. Asthma and Coughs. That. Neuralgia Specific is just; what its name implies. They ate lor sale, by till druggists j Prepared only bv Bra. GREENE, LINLLFY A i;i vi i,i:v. ciiiiriutte, n. c. ACE.VTS WASTE!) FOIt THE NEW BOOK, min h iin wm with the newest and best treatment for all cases. The only thorough work ol the kind in llm world. Fabraees Small Pox, Yellow Fever, Cholera and all analogous di eases. No family safe without, it, and all buy it. Has '2l chromatic illusPa lions. The biggest chance of the season tor a gent . Address 11. S. G<HLDSPEED & C(>.. 37 Park Row, N -w York. IVnto for n Trice List to J. If. JOIINSTODT, 179 Bniithfleld Bt., rittßburub, Breech ! IdeShot Guns. $S to $l5O Single Guns $3 tt j ; S2O. IMF's, $8 to $75. Revolvers. $5 to $25. ! Pistols $1 to ss. Gun Material. I* inking Tackle, j 'Ac. Large discounts to dealers or clubs. Ar | I my Guns, Revolvers, etc . bought or Haded lor. j j Goods sent l>\ express C. O. D. to be examined boOrepHidOr. j hVliili C'ltnriua! ill Six Miuutm! rg HIE UNDERSIGNED ate now prepared to ft furnish the public with their new patent Si.r •Tftmr/e i faisris. Tli,. yI'Ii:KEST AM) HIST lmtliod lor churning milk ever invcnlcii Call ill. our store am! ii. STHEETY .!■ A VItETT. Quilmnn. Cn.. July 17. IS7J. Uni Notice s . Oi Istors ml t r. «iilui-s. mtatk or cEoiici hiiooko corxi v - !$ M)Tin; is hereby civen lo nil |ier-on.- hav ing (lemumls nguiirti AMl'I-.1. STEV HNS, hue of *ithl county ileccuftHtl, to |>riw!it them to me, propel ly iimile out, witliin the lime pre seriijee hy I’.IV All persons imleh eil to saiil ileeeiue.l uro hereby leipiiml lo make nnmetli ale pavmmit. W. 11. I!OI i XTHIvB. Ex’f olSiimM Sicvens. N hW M USt C. irm.isur.o nv J L PETERS 599 Broadw.ayN Y, Mailed, posi-paid, on reci-ipt of m irked price. VOCAL.. j \bove and Below Socrod .Song, by Juch. $0 30 ; Back to the Old Home; song and e,horns, 30 Beautiful form of my Dreams Stewart, . 30 I Darling weep no more: song and chorus.... 35 i j Do not weep sii. fist' r darling; song. .. 30 j Don't forget to write me; song and chorus.. . 35 Fold we our hands; song or duet; Boildieu. . 30 | Gone to the Heavenly Garden; song 35 j If you were* I would you? song 30 Kiss me. darling, ere we part 5 ( ’ I Lillie Blind Nell; song and chorus 30 f.ittle Dan , song and chorus to i Lord, forever at. thy side 25 ( Meet me. Bessie, in the Dell 30 J Meet, mo, dearest, with a kiss 30 M y boy across the sea 35 Oji! (Five me a home in the South 10 Oh. Sam ! song and chorus 35 Only for You! Ballad •».> j Our Little Pet; song and chorus to j Papa, slay home; Temperance song 40 , Save one bl ight Crown for me 10 We prnv you sing that song; duet 35 . Wilt thou* v.-ei;.. When f sun low V 25 INSTRUMENTAL. poi. has. Minbeam, by Kinkle. 3:> cis; Belle ol Saratov o, hy Victor, 35 cts ; May Flowers, by Simon. 35 cts. Mazurkas. - Awakening of the Birds. 50 cts; H ippy Thoughts, hy WalKer. 50 cts.: Laughing i Wave, by Wilson. 50 cts.; Sunbeam, by Packer. 1 40 cts. Gallops. Charlie’s and Freddie’s, l>y Kin kle. each 35 cts. SIP >TTISCHfv ; Fatal Glance, by Young, 20 cts.: May Morning, by Schmidt. 50 cts.; Sun beam by llampel, 35 cts ; and Willie’s, by Kinkel 35 cts Makchks. Belle of .Saratoga, by Baurabach, 40c's.; Mollie’s, by Kinkel, 35cts. An v of the above mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price. Address J L PETERS, I 509 Broadway. New York. May Ist 1872 18-ts Tax Notice. A •' soon as the county tax is assessed for the year, it shall be done by order of such justices, ! and entered on their minutes, which must speci fy the ner cent,, levied for each specific purpose, j lnnn's Itenised ('uric I sues Georgia, par. 550. | The Clerk of the Superior Court must adver- I tise immediately a cony of such order for 30 i days, at the door of the Court house, and in a j public gazette, if one is published within tfe \ limits of their respective counties, and furnish the Tax Collector with another copy; arid if he fails to do so shall be fined by such justices not leas than fifty dollars.— lrwin's Revised Code Laws Georgia, par. 551. (Official.) <br n: County Count, j Quitman, July 3d, 1873. \ ORDERED, that he Tax Collector of Brooks county assess, on the Nr ate tax of 1873. for ty five (45) percent, for general county pur poses. and five (5) per cent for a special pauper fund. EDWARD R. HARDEN, J. C. C. B. C Quitman Advertisements. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT F TO THE CITIZENS OE BROOKS COUNTY. MYHM EIMI, proprietor of tiie CHEAP CASH STORE! IN THE TOWN OF QUITMAN, GEORGIA, j r I\AKES PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING TO THE CITIZEN OF .SAID 1 County, that ho has instore an immense stock of !3Q§0§&&aaB008 E338003E0Q1183 | Os the very best quality, au<l which he is determined to sell Very for Octssli, TIB goods were all purchased the present Spring from first class house**, and cannot he »X- Celled in quality, and embrace almost everything demanded by the popple of ihis section, such m- Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints. Sheetings, Shirtings, Oznabtirgs, Cassirnercs, Jeans, Notions, • Clothing, Boots, Flux s, Ilats, &c., Acv Ho calls Special attention i.o his Stock of NEAT READY MADE CLOTHING, And parties in need of a supply are assured that they can procure them o i very lawiable tern s. He has also on hand a good stock of FAMILY 610011118, Such as FLOUR. SUOAR. COFFEE, TEAS, RICE, BACON, SODA BISCUIT,. CANDLES, MATCH i's. SOAP, PEPPER, SPICE. SALT, PICKLES. CANNED i >•'. .Ci PEACHES, Jellies, Nuts, Raisins, Ac. Also, ii lmsm stock of FI MU BRANDIES, \U\ES, WHISKEYS. GIN, RII, &F.. And Large Quantises of the various brands of TOBACCO, And the I’hoicest lot of n , , BEGA Ever brought to this place, aiul offered very low. In conclusion, my stock is large, fresh, and embraces almost every article the people cm possi bly require. It you wish lo invest your money to the best advantage. •<* sure and give me a trial. Thcs** goods are for sale, and all that is desired is an examination. Fair and honorable dealing is guaranteed. n s o<* I will also take* pleasure in exchanging Goods for Country Produce, such an* POULTRY, EGGS, BUTTER, Ac., and always allow the highest market price. fe’T REMFjMHER, my place Ot hnswem is nearly the Court House, and' vest door, east, of Dus. Wilkinson A- Sm ith’s Drug Store. May 9. 1873. 22-ts CARRIAGE, BUGGY TW B £> Depot fertile Repsrrof Old Vehicles. B. W. XilllHlff, j j FRFBY notifies tho public that he hits now on hand a f OMPLETB ASSORTMENT matbriallP^W Necessary for the tborugh and proper conduction of a first-class Carriage, Buggy and Wagon Manufactory. lie has also supplied himself with Faithful and Compel on t Workmen, and is now prepared to re eeive orders for work, and do the same in a manner that cannot he excelled. North or .South, on reasonable terms, and as expeditiously as possioh*. lie is likewise prepared to Repair and liavi/ Painted and, Trimmed Old Carriages and Buggies and turn them out almost as good as new. lie Ins now on hand an assortment of new Buggies and Wagons, of his own manufacture, which for workmanship and finish cannot he excelled. His Blacksmith .Shop is well stocked with Tools and Material, and h<* is prepared to do ever character of Wagon work, and to make and repair agricultural impliments. Having had many years experience in the business, he flatters himself fie can do work as well. m. as good terms and give as complete satisfaction, as any man South. 3he patronage of the publ . is solicited. All work warranted. B. W. LEVKRLTT. May Bth. 1873. 10-ts Savannah I dvertisements. Spring nm\ Slimmer Dry foods! DeWitt, Morgan & 00. No. 139 Ffmgress sticet, Savannah, Ga. Otter great induce meats to Cash Buyers In New Styles of Dress Goods ; jEnglish and French Jaconets and Cambrics ; Black and Colored Dress Nilks; Japanese .Silks and Poplins; Full Line of Mourning Goods; Bargains in Black A1 paeons; Cloths. Cassimores and Tweeds, for Cents’ and Beytr near; White and Colored Linen Drills; Table Damask and Hnek Towels; Embroideries and L. C. Handkerchiefs; Ladle' 7 . GenfU and Children’s Hosiery; Neu Styles ParasoF and Cuunaco Umbrellas; •"""Full Lines of DOMESTICS, at the Lowest Prices (fey OPENING NEW (;OOI)~ DAILY AT K?#i, j DeWITT, MORGAN & CO.