The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, September 04, 1873, Image 4

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IT hr (Quitman banner PUIILISHLI) KVKIIV EVENING. r V. If m » : TWO I )OLI jA ICS \ YlUlt VVHKN PAID IN* ADVANCE. rr advertising. i>*m f |.»nr to*m.) flr«t iowflci s'. I each I'lllo'\ r iuif insertion. 1.00. ad ViM'tlseJiKMl f> iff#* entltillUed for Oft* j m • *• l» »*• the eVirgo will he us follow* : l Mouth | ’ i Months. ; . I M«mt is. j . 4 Months. | . 5 Months, j • r> **«»»*>*• ; : 7 Months, i 8 Mouths. ; : 9 Months. : 12 Month* I,', .fin, # «| - J | -si I Ml !"j Ifil 171 Ml 70 *1 x.i’i! 1 I I'll |x| 71| 71 .'II 7X| Hit) lliiiii'i :V 20! 2’ii so :;r (i! .w i > 10 lll'.OOl I VI -.MI :t'| :ti:| I'll II HI l«| M »|t ,11 2:. S3 30 111 ll.| IV sill f>2 1 Oil «in mi :;i' 4■) C> io. rr, he.' .171 IBj «i l2| i l.(Mi| .Ml o,| 7 1 vi| K.II 0") 100*170 Mlnmii rr.| 7'| si vi| im 100 i;■> 120 mo 2(is,i.mi 7:, m; no' oi im i m roi'iio ?oo OKOIHHA ST A’l K (JKANGJ:. Tb>* following aldr<>sn, iisti.-.l mi'lor ♦ho oi-sp ccs c,f the •‘ late Grange? of the Patrons es Uusliiiii'lov. explains itself, awl we give it to our readers without comment: Okokoja State Oiunof, ) C"l,ai-aucii:.i:. Oa., August 18, 1878. j To Mi rchaiih, VnnuftU'hn; m, and In Winiiiinoerrr it May Cmirmi: iiy authority of the State Grange "1 Georgia, the iollow’ng eireuhir is issued, end to it vour special ut.t cut ion isrespe* t fully invited . There is, in th • State of Georgia, an asso'ii’t am of jdant. us. styled “Patrons of Husbandry.” My co-op -rativeono"'- ati an they seek, through any and all legitimate and honorable agencies, mutu al protection and mutual benefit,. They aim not. to ant agon/, tli ■ rights of any class of our fellow-c'tiz ns; nor will they permit themselves to wage exuding ami tyrannic eiusade in tlieir own interests, it’ll, to, however, w have eomirutted the man;, o-mt nt of mU'di of our business interests t,, <■#-.■ 1,,. ■, and cesof our fellow linn. i " ,!ns, vv- ,J, g the eommission r-ee : vc<l dinp: ’port•;1:11 e to the servieo leii.huvd. The in ■■ sos the times deni >.u I rig : and ]■• c 1 in tlu> varied deta'l of f:;'m hie t bouse and abroad. Otln’rwisi tiie ,iuiii form of bankruptcy end dissoluliua will stalk in every rurul I ,t lrv.l v , ' ' I ' V jiillg woe upon every tiresi,lc, and lehaboh be written upon tin v alls of our once peaceful and prosper ou < homes. You concede to ngrieultnret.he position of pre-OHiinenep, the substructure under lying every material int.i'vi'st. You tell us you seek and rejoee in her prosperity. VV e are before you to-day to most re spectfully ask of you to verify your as sertion, and share with us your commis sions, thus making the benefits resulting from the products of our daily toil and eure, in summer sunshine and winter snow, mutual. For this, we think you have a “■quid pro quo” in the influence mid cash pat ronage of associated numb rs. I’c ns- i sured we are no mendicants at your doors, j pleading for gratuitous charities; for were it the will of our Divine Master that ! we even die of poverty, we would still ex- ; pect to “die game 1” We ask your mu-| tua! aid in rendering prosperous that in terest upon which you say the prosp< r ity of yours depends. Should you deem it advisable thus to j deal with us, address, (granting us the . light to reject any and every offer) giv ing terms to either. L. F. Livinuston, Covington, On. J. S. I,A vCNOrit. Darnesville, Ga. • 1 , C. ,M. Davis, Morgan, Ga. Executive Committee. Or E. Tayi.or, Feeretary. A i:k You Ready to Due?- Traveling; in his buggy alone, not long ago, in go ing to one of his appointments, one of our good brethren in the Presbytery of Memphis overtook a tramp with a carpet ing in his hand. The roads were muddy, and he was just at the time about enter ing a nury bottom. VV th the politeness for which lie is noted, he asked the pe destrian (an entire stranger) if he would n and take a seat, n the buggv until, at least, they had crossed the mud and mire. The invitation was readily accepted, and the conversat ion for a t ime was free and easy, about tilings ordinary and general. Present'y. however, the good brother with a view to make the conversation profitable, asked the stranger if he was ready to die. Not knowing the charac ter of the person who had invited him to a seat with bun, and misapprehending bis meaning and expecting foul play, lie waited not lo reply, but sprang from the buggy immediately, and ran for life through slush and water. The clerical brother wishing to assure the stranger that he meant no barm, called to lrm at the top of his voice to stop. But this ou’v hastened liis - piel, and lil easc r and bn; e, fe ir.n ni til Bill'd hinting and sb It. In hsla,t vtl i lit lie 1- ft Ins ear pi t-sink, which our brother now basin lrs possession, being the richer for bis fa'tl fu’uess l.y the addition of a coa’se si irt., a pair of thieadbau' trousers and a little “backer." Memjikig Vresbylerian. Tin ms" < niiiKiN. Give me the B y or t and who smile- as soon as the 1, st u;v i t the morning sun glance in tint ugli the v i.di w gay. happy and l,i”d. Swb aB y will befit to make up into a i- .it i’-as’. when contrasted \. : t! ” . i o'v.,i', crabbed fellow, vlu-mi i • ai;d . Is i ke nil untamed 1 x- m ,i. in tb« moimnt be . pi ns his an g • . - ■ 'ii b, j a , oiifri nted by lis I . 1 ! m Finh a girl, other things be ing favi able, w :l! bo good material to aid ii gim'.di n’r.g s< me comfortable home, or to refine, civilize, lame and humanize a rude 1 m tin r, making' him gentle, aifee t i nat« raid lovable. It is a b ast to even b ok at sin b a j« y ins]’irimr girl—such a vouch, it. am; s«. the smile flowing, se to spi rt. from the parted lips display ing ant if clean. well brushed teeth, lot lng vi’t't the jK'rseiiitieatiou of B cuti aid ’loom s--: singing, and as meiry ,» tk» 1 ink- t lie wide-awake birds, that ct u.n.i l ied their morning concert h ug-B toil the levy Bvs dreamed that the sun was approach lig. and about tc ]. w’ aw! ’afe e and < f light and waruith li'crthe earth. Sin. h a girl is like a 4el tie !>»■«• rto tie ) arched earth, be i'i.w ng k nd words, sweet smilesand acts if n’ at ' o all uit uini lar—the joy and ;‘c. :Lc 1-’ Ouitinnn. ;b>. w. i’kici:, HKRIIIIAM’ TAILCSI QUITMAN, UIiOUGIA, - mrcllallt i# Jffejl Till OIIIMi K ?\ ' f f -lIMKN'T in Qtiitimtii. hi.U im~ ••n ;i fin** lot if Cloths and Cassimcrex , ■* lilablt* f rnDikirijf lan-I 15 i«moss li*- ! um alrtti on h.iiiU a SfloGt Mtock of lIfKADY M \I>K CI.OTIHNO. iti*/. <*!M»nini' ;infl R*»puiriapf clone on h*»»i nolici*. i'rict'H uioclrrato. April ID 187:5. If» Jv QUITMAN CHILi STORE, fficCAIM GROOVES, I>K 11.K11H IN Urugs, Mdicinus ci^: Piiiuis. OiJs. W" va HNtsHcs, i> r stuff* m&A ' ll ll i;<Il CS t /V. hi>nr Notify the* public tints. ih»*y will kt** , |) on lmn«l ui|ilt'it* mid IV.-hli .stocks, ami well tb«* name al » reaHotiablt* profit:. American I'ruif Vnucvvintf Votnler. Wo ar«* M t*iiik lor this vaiuafile dif-euvorv hiHi a IU ' fft'GJmilly ninl c;lx*aply picHfi vo Krill' to ill) Idk for > 11 proven x |V*i m«*i» tj; T kcepH ihc : tit. Ac., in b ln’iiltli.s (ni lH i I’ni tip in It x«-s om-box of wl»I* I will | ifi' '»■ (ii pi iimls of IViiit Wo K'Mjmyifiil.y i-ola. it lit" pat! oßajre of I! • • i I*l ir Quit mu and ,fnly 17. 1*715. Cm i-It. M. (!. vv ll u.v o v )>i n t: la; ce and ig sign. mwmm k siiin f^ r i:ivi‘ on hand a rg ßfiTo M - n .I'i , (C o M D I CIN f. S -r --\u<l inanv of fin* Im.-t w i > 3 ’em y tilt 111 . (,\\ri *< * 1 1*0 - lbt* \l>o, White Lead. Varnibhos, Point* and Oil*, So pt«. Tolmutu. Vein s Tnilio Ai licU'H. Ac. All of which will sol.l on HMw miblf tfiniH. Presto iplions oan’fully coinpoiindcd. Kiikorknr On. win hereafter he sold at \ Forty ends per gallon .2 Quitman. (la., .bin. fi-lr LOOK HERE! Good Calico al l 2'Cents. J,.a cob Baum, PbU.r.l! IN Dry Goods, Notions, Hard ware, Crockery, &c. ({uit inui! (aforgin. pb‘a u »nD in D"'if\ 'n r hi-s trionds and I the public pent'rally that ho haw rei eivcd hi* SPRING /KD SIMMER STOCK FOH INTB. which will he Hold on fair and honorable terms Tiles.-i/oitiN were pmeh:i-I'-l on very fivovnblf terms, and I am confident can and will be soi l ts cheap as anv house in low n. Mv sfot-k embraces almost, every tiling kept in j a retail store in the interior Dry (hunts Dress Goods. Domestic. Goods.; licud,/ Mod (Jathin<i,\ Uosor, L No/iod.v, Boots,, shoe si Hots. tie. tf’c The Ctnlies an* specta'h invited to pay me a H‘. a•« ! have many things that w ill meet favor in their **v.>s ed to irive me a call, as 1 am determined to sell as low a* any one. Thankful torp vst favors a continuance of eus tomis solicited. J ACO II B\l;M. March 21. 18 73. ly CttPEKTER’S W:RK. John D. Bozeman, QUITMAN, GEORGIA, r|AA KPS Mrs method <*f infCrmint*: the public I iha h V 11,1, bu'im ss does not in.eib ie ! with his lot si ness as a [IIOUS.U CARPENTER; and he is fully prepared t») do all work desired, j ,m a* !'nvor<il»lo Therms • Dtt<«il)le. and ti* do* s.itisfaction of all parties . ested. lie wi also contract to FURNISH LUMBER MATERIAL, j and heibl fHxellir'.- Houses. Store l ouses etc., in pu-s -o-c * with sp. Cifivations I'eiuid ed. Give him n trial. V:o '■ i*7:c 20-ti FRESH BEEF. rei 1 CNi i ; ksm;v!c .!.•> «, .. »mif\ i e .1 -i /> - t-fQui;n un and-• rtoun.'imrconDt* \. ii<»t he wiP keep eeustantlv «ii lai ‘l, ; stand in tr. i* . t his sb v, .Ivt t: v\ \n - •'. j in ciuanti'icH »o Puit p reha-ers. choiee and \«*utly Hutcli(‘i’( (1 H('(‘l', | Mutton, ami oiher flesh men’s, at r*; -enable ; prices, and r» sjeotf Uy solicits the paireimue of the public gem-i ally. ! Cull ear vin the H oming and be snpp ,! od. I* lI.b.WDV, Qultmar, July 17. 1871 k ts seii umlersicned, who has an experience of R many yeais ti i! • u anutac’ore of SHIN ; GI.I S, no ifies the piihlic that he keeps ej> hand, attil will make to order, any number of shingles desiied, and deliver them on far.-ruble terms. y» Order s left at Cun*. Ibooks* store. Quit man, will he promptly attended so. S. 1. GOING. Brooks conn'v. June 12, 1573. 24-ts L 1 Ul>hJß, Irvm *..0 m » DO t» : bad O PAI.Nt aV HALI- 8 i iscei la i ie< ms. ■LPv^i This unrivnlied Southern Remedy is warranted not to contain a sinfrie particle of Mercury, or any injurious rninei al substance but la PUBKLY VKGKTABIaB, containinfr tin *i' .Southern Hoots and Herb , which an all wise Providence has placed in cou tries where IJver Pi-ea-a-s most prevail. It v. ill cure all diseases caused by derangment of 'ln- Liver. Tiik Svm’.’T'-mh of,Liver Complaint are a bitter or bad taste in the mouth; Pain in the Back, -ides or Joints, often mistaken Hheumu'ism: Sour Hoini ch; Lons of Appetite; Bowes alter nately costive and lax; Headache; Ln.-s of mem ory, with a painful sensation of having; failed t< do something: which ought to have been done; Hebilitv, Low BpiriM, a thick yellow appearance <»f the S\ir» and lOye**, » dry fungi) often mis’aken for ‘.'ons mption. ftomedmes many of these symptoms a'tend the dist-ase, ai others very few t»ut tin* Liver, tin* largest in the bndv, i> generally the >eat of 'he disease, and if not regr u In fed in time, great suffciing, w re chcdnesH and HEATH will ensue. Flibh (in-at l)tifaiiink r SI'U'IPP win Bid? I» found the Feast l iiph-a-ant. For Dyspepsia, CoiiHtipa ion, Jauvdlcp. Bill ions attacks, Sick Ileadaelte Colic Depregan n of spirit. Sour Stom eh. Heart Burn, A ~ Simmona* Liver Regulator, or Me<lieine, Is (he Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medi cine in the World! A! A XL’ PACTI* It KD OXJ.V RY .1 11. ZLILI.N < O , MACON. GA.. and PIIILABELPIIIA. Price 51 00. S Id by all Drugrtristti. ( :f!sE I riivoiils iieliidile(.'ill Distribution in tfie country $50,000. «0 In Valuable Gifts! TO UK lUHTIiIBPTKI) IM & D . SIMS’S r.’iKl BH.\:l-ANNrAI. GIFT ENTERPRISE, To be drawn Monday Oct. Hith. IS7J. One Grand Cnpital Prize,§l.o,ooo in Gold! One Prize§s,ooo in Silver! Five ori/e.-* id' si 000. Five pri/.es of $“00, and Ten prizes of SIOO each in Greenbacks. Two Family Carriages and Matched ll u- e-. with -(diver mounted Harness, worth $i Add each. Two BugL-ies Horses A<- worth SfittO em h. 2 fine toned Hnsewood Piano- worth > ; f»n(>ench. Ten 1- amily Few ing Maehines. ... $ ion each ! lAOfi Gold ami Fiber Lever Hunting Watches, worth from to F.'s-MI each. Gold Chains. Fil ler ware. Jewelry, e'c. W hole number of G f.«, 10.000. Tixdvets limit ed to 50 000. /iirerits wanted to sell tickets, to whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets * > : Six ickets. $lO ; Twelve tickets. S2O; Twenty IP e liekets, F 10. Cireulais u full list of pi : /es :n|es criniion of the manner es draw in#, and oth'-r in l u mat e.n in i efennuM* to the Distribution, will be sent to any one ordering tli* in. All letters in st in- addressed to . Main omcr. T. D SINE. Box 80, lot \V. Ft. (<.-r»t> Cineitmuti. O F&a sfo'c <d‘ GF'.NKi: AI. Sn-KKINTEXOKXT’S OKI- IOK.) An antic indGu.k Uailroad, Savannah. June 20. 187 J i OX AND AFT i:UFI .SHAY. June 22d. Trains on this Hoad will run us ltd lows : EXPR ESS PASSE NG ER. ficavi* Savannah daily nt 4.J0 p.m Aniu- at Live Oak ul.dly at -t.P» am “ Quitman daily at . 4.00 “ Thomasville f».JO a m “ 14 Albany at H» Leave Albany daily at Ohio p.n Bainbrid;re daily at 4 JO p.m | Leave Thomasville 7.J0 p.m Quitman daily at 9.00 p.m “ 1 /tve t)ak. daily at S.nO p.m Vrrive at Savannah tiaily at 8.20 a.m (humect at Live Oak w ith trains on J . P and M U H . for and from Jacksonville, Tallahassee, j ,Ve j No change of cars between Savannah and Al - bany. Close connection at Albany with trains on Southwestern Hail road. Close connection at Law ton for and from Flo »tda with Western Division Passenger trains. J Slcupinji; car tuns through toT imiuasviUe. A ('COMMO I), I 770A* TRA IS. Fvsthix Division. Leave S ,va -h, Monday, Wednesday and Frida at.... .'..0.4.*) a.m Vrriv*-* at Jesun-, Mom'ay. Wednesday aud Friday, at 12.30 p.m Arnvi* at Law-nn, Momlav, Wednesday and Ft id »%. at....! “ 7.40 p.m Leave 1 a c-ii. 1 ue and v. Thu; sriav and S’ i <l.i vat 00 a.m ! Leave Jo- : , Tm>sday, Thursday ■*< and Sat in day ai 12.25 p.m i A i ai Sav i-nah Tuesda>. Thursday j and .'atm day at * *.5.45 p.m Wkmkkn Division : j ! .ea\ o’ l aw tv . Tuesd «y, Thursday and SB’ 1 day :n .. 7.00 a.m j Arrive at Quitman. Tuesday, Thuis<lay j and >atuiday at 10.34 am t V- • Ii• i" i'V die. i ut-Miay. '1 h.irs day anti Saturday at 11.45 a.m j Arrive a» Albany Tuesday, Thursday. | and Satnrdav at 7.00 p.m j Leave Albany Moimuv, Wed esday and and Friday, at * ! ... FlO a.m j Leave lii rn isvide, Monday, Wednesday, j and Friday at 3.00 p.m | Leave Quitman. Monday. Wednesday and and Friday ;n .5.05 p.m At rivi at Lawton. Meuday, Wednesday and Friday 8.30 p m Connect at Albany \>iih n’urht trains on South western Kail road, leaving Albany Monday. Tues day. Thursday and Friday, aud arriving at Al Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Satur day. Mail Steamer leaves Bainl ridge for Apalachi cola vvci > "i lay at 8.00 ~ m. JL S. HAINES. flVliscell aneous. Xtt CHAIILES A. DANA. Editor. ?:hc IMtov rtlYchly f u«. A Newspaper ol the Present Times. Intended lor Pooplo Now ou Larch. Including Fame 3. Mocbo tC3. Mcrrhnnts, Pro tesß.onal Men, tv*, i iters. Tain leers, naJ a 1 Man ner of Honest Fo.i;*. aui tUnWive , So.i«. and of all sueb. ONLY ONE A YEAH ! ONE BUN I) ILEX) COPIES FOR !?.50, Or le«a t.'ian On* Cent a Copy. Let there be a 850 Club at cvjrv Post Ofllce. HEM I-WEEKLY SUN, S2 A YEAH, or t!ii s.mio t'.z'. ant general eiaracier as Tilt; WEEKLY, b it with a grcatci variety of misceraaeoas reaimz, and f-irnijhin'; tbo n'-ws to its »ut)»crlbe.B with Rioater frbstinens. t>ea.iu-e it comes twice n week tar.teal of ouco only. THE DAII.Y SI X, 30 A YEAR. A preeminently mad b’o newspaper, wita t*ie lir/e# cirouiaffan m the world. l*r»e. hnle neadent, and ! arle s In po'ltlcs. A 1 the news f-> n everywhere. Jw > cenra a copy ;by luall, 50 coats a mouth, or 80 a year. TERM3 TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY HUN. Five copies, one year, separately af drc*tß"(l. Four Dollar*. Ten copies, ono rear. Ken-vrotei. addressed (ami un sxira copy to the getter u? of duo). Elulit Dollnm. Twenty copies, one year, separate!v addressed (a -d au oxs-ra capy tae getter up of cinb). Fifteen Dollars. Fifty copies one Year, to one a !dri*'« »nnd the bemt-vveek y one yea- to getter no of club), Thirty-three Dollars. Fifty copies, one rear, "eparr.ucv a 'drca?cd (and Bcxnl-Weemy one year *o treirer u- of club), Thirty-five Dollars. One hundred conies, one year, to ene addrets (and the for onu year to the in ner no or club). Filly Dollars, one hundred cooms. one yefir. nd dre-sed <su'! the Dally lor one year to -nc irH'cr up of club), t'ixty Dollars. THE HE.HI-WEEKLY SUN. Flvo copies, one year, separately #ddie*‘ed. Kisbl Dolinrw. Ten conies, one reer separaielv addressed (and on extra copy to getter up of club), Sixteen Deliara. SEND YOUR MONEY In Post Off)r o order*, chocks, nr diaft* on Near York, sgterever c mveolent If <<4, tnen register tne letters oontaiuing utoncy. Address I. W. ENGLAND, Pcbd.her. Ban office. New York €By. PRWpWTCi XITITII Its gloomy ntlcntlnnt*, low \V spirits. <ii pii Niion, iovoluntHrjr tiniit<«haix, loss of semeii, uperma torrhoa, loss of flower, illny load, loss of iiM-mor' , nuti tlirrHtcurd l*»»- imlriKi', mid Imlx-etllty. find a novrr ilg.s core wi 111 All'll 161.VS* lIoUE- OpATHIU KI'H IFU , No. TWINTY- I H.IfT . TUI.SH). iilildliN nl .MhBY ton.s up ti,.- system, bitdih U»o dischinx*d. and im part-* vigor and ewtyy, life «'>d vitality to the en ire man. 'i tiey im\c cuied thousands of c:i.-» •*. 1 nee, fd per j. ~ kagoof live txixcs utul n latv* f.' vi and, wi uis veiy impor ant iuobMinate or old «r Jl | :• Bjugie I vox. 8»d<l by Al.l, Ihug- I t»«l win by mail on receipt of pr ir. . Ad<lrr.<d 111 MPiiLI.YS' M i ' ll K) f 1051LOI*ATHIJj MJiUti LNE « <)., fi«*A lixoADWAT. N. Y. AMiDEL NEWSPAPER. tub savannah daily nkws Th«* Favanmih Doily Moknivu L o knowlntl;.n ib\ tin* r - ami p‘" I'b* b» bt* beat «!ai!y papor s. ;ith nf lamisv i!!n aid i imt Now 111 bains. Gaining tin- pt *• t L-** :t inliabiltty of'age, ii lias .ill the vigor and \ i'aH of youth, and it- omUm jn isn a> a ga Inn er of i iln-lutes' nn-i tn-sbosf now* lits adoiiisf-Otj i (aititemj'o oiios and met tint warm nppr< ban of ihc public. During t • \ car IS7» no expense of Him* ’ bor. and money wiii be spent to keep tin' M< l\ii Nkws ahead <d all C"inpetil< ' in G. gi jtniinulism. and t*< deserve «lie fl.vfering ere- in Mils be.iped upon It from all tj arters Tin l ” Isa-, ns vet, boon no serious aHempf nude to >i < al ibt’ special telegrams which die Nrws in.-e •'united "•.oiuo Jems ago. and Lie consetpioneo i-. that the leader in mm rob ot the in e-i in‘<*l’o-»* always looks to the Moum u Nov . Tim f - arrangements of the pa, or at * '-!> tb.* the omissions made by the general i iir«* pr> m fitly and r*’ iably Hiipliod by , onnespondcaff. The Mo km xo Nkws 1 a ’ •t ■ •?> • to a thiity fix column ap« r .id L;: scope ot i\pe embrao * and iby e\ ,- - terest that trull-pire-, in t!,< dnma nos Literati: Vrt Scienc* F li'i , t and H’'goner: giving to t reader mote anti »•, tv d't 'i matter than any • her j an. ,n the to- . ! j i- perhai s ion dl<*s< to •■peak of .he p.'li it j of tin' MoiiMmj News. For years and yenia in j d*»«*d. since it e> uhii ( luent ii Im- been a m p resen tali vi* Son here paper, and ft out tin time to the pve: en .in ail conjunctures if ha cnusisie tlv :*’persisti'uti* maintained Dim critic State- Rights principles, and lobm ed, will an ardor aud devfMn 'hat know no almo-men tn promote a id preserve the interests and honot of the South. 'I h»* special features of the M<>rxtvo Ni w- will i ho retained a id i tiproved upon dining the enso i Ing vear, and eovmal new attractions will be added The Georgia News items, with their quaint and pleasant humor, and the epitome of Florida affairs, will be continued during the year. The local department will he, as it has been for the past year, tie* most complete and fehablo tv* b< found in any S r annuli paper, and the commer cial col-imm* "ill be full mid accurate. The price of the Daily is $lO 00 per annum; $5.00 for six months; 1.00 for one me.nth. THE TRI M BLKI.Y NEWS. This edition ot tin* Moumno Mkivs is especial ly ia comm*‘nded to those whn Ic-’.ve not tin* facil ities of a dailv mail. Everything that has been said ii regard to the and ifly edition may be re pealed of the Tri-weeklv. [t is made up with grea- can*, and contains the latest despatch.> and m i ket reports. The price of this edite « is sfi 00 per anntipi. " J.OO for six months, am! $1.50 for three months. T.IE WET.KLY NEWS. The Wkkki.y Mokmnu Nkws particularly rec ■ nmiendsitM* f to the farmer ami planter, and to those who live otV the line nf railroad. It is one of the best family papers in the country, and is cheapness brings it within Me reach of all. It contains > hir y—ix solid columns of reading mat ter, and is mailed so as to reach suts iiVe s with the utmost promptness. It is a carefully and laboriously edited com ’cndium of the news nt she week and cunt iins in nddition. an infin ite variety of other choice reading matter Fdi toriuls on all topics, sk- tches of men. manners and fashions, talcs, poetry, biography, pungent paragraphs and condensed telegrams enter into j its make-up It contains the latest telegraphic j dispatches and market icports up to the hour of j going to press, and is in all respects, au iodis ! pensible adjunct to every lionu*. j Brice—One year. S2JK); six months, SI.OO. j three months, 50 cents. | Subscription for *»iih<T edition of the Mokmnc • News may lx* sent by express at the i isk aud ex peuse of the proprien r. Addess J 11. LSTiLL. Savannah. Ga. I Why \Vu.i. 1»ik? -Death, or what is worse. i>; ia* iuevi'able result of continued suspension j of the menstrua* How. It is a condition which -b aid not be trifled. In all cases nf suppres | >i»*n. suspension or other irregularity ot the i’ Courses." Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regu ator j is ‘he only sure nanedv. It acts by giving tone to the nervvms centres, improving the b’ood and | determining directly to the organs of menst-rn j ati*»u. It is a legitimate prescription, and the most in’elligent Doctors use it. Prepared by jJ. H. BradfieUL dinggist, Atlanta. Ga. $j .Vn ; per bottle, and sold by respectable druggists ev | erywhere. jan24-tf Nkw Fatknt Chirv. The aifenti.*n of <\ ]v ptihlie is invited to anew and wondertnl t.’hurn ! invented by the undesigned. It excel* anything j * ver presented to 'he pub ho. tV snd *;*e it. Tti &TRKETY % »a AVKETT. Miscellaneous. FURNITURE HOUSE, QUITMAN, GA. JOHIsr M. WITT, Caliiiii‘l MwaT’iiilci'takir, h FI i- nr,'.', on ban:! o fine lot of ;r !: \ ! X, HE!) ri; A OS, SAFES’, '.V\l:i:l;Or.ES, M ASH-STANDS, tVix,llAlif.S, Bouton KOCKEKjS on] j.< prepared to pot up to order— SKCIiBTUMKS, SIDEBOAKDS, mil everything needed in the h urmture line, nr<! ti any sty le required. An experience of many year«. justifies him in assuring the public that his work will give -at s faction in every respect ; and prices w ill c«*i •are favorably* with those ot Savannah or els j >vhere. with this important advantage to the pu - j chaser : every piece of Furniture leaving his < b j '.ablwbment will be warranted. *i<* 1 ><ii***done with neatness j tnd dispatch. ft if’ * olfins promptly forwarded to any stu- j oil on the Ulauic amlGnl! Railroad. JOHN I VI. WITT. Q dtrnan, Ga.. eb -5. 1*72. 8-ts B 5 - "* ES r*tS f*%S Met;:!:* < ‘ Burial Caskets ! s iio undersigned notifies the pub ic tlmt he now completed all arrangements lor the sue •essf il conduedon of the 1 .’ml* rtaker s bii.-t es.- iv lug received dm ,\g*-i cy tor the sale of tl elebrated Fisk’s Melalic iiurial (.uses and Cas •ts. and the same will be Hold at regulat l i •' taker’s rate/*. lie will also keep on hand silver plated ha • and m-Mintin**-* which can be snl.sii u'i u the metalic handles, etc., in a few minute* S.-ts*,.Citizen* of i.eighboi uig towns can be sup died promptly with any description of case de Tc ms, CABII on delivery. ■l< 'll M WITT, Agent. Quitman. July 14, 1872. 28-ly T. J. STimrTV. CHO. W. AVHKIT. 8 FIC ETY & AY RETT. r .m" h re. r il m±z ats. ANi> DEALERS r\ V ! ipi and Parlor Stevie <' V H-iims :'tv li'H ami H. z es, t**a r^rr-i vro mT l &P* : TIN AND HARDWARE, Q; j i y* v v t x, t .V> -eh i.oes a .If I<l ■ r ivan:tab prices W• • e«•"»>< ei'ully e-k Go pe.q s !e el fitOoks uue l him * o\e ievriO V; «: r ,m. iuci. ic i> true purifier of the human bi«*od. Ii thorough!\ neutralizes and eradicates fr. in the system th specific virus, and every kind of humor and ba taint, which causes such a long Ist of hunm sufiering and impar’s perfect health and pmi» Ito the entire constitution In every form < I j scrofulous, mercuiial and syhilitic blood com j | plaints it Hands without c'-mpeer rapidly cn i ing Ulceus rrsn u.-. t ’ vnm nci.ks. Scald Ufa ; >ait Ilmu M, and the s8 varieties of skin nff«*« | tiers. Ii i- a positive caret ive for scrofu ; chronic a»*d inflammatory iheumalism, aid th j deadly enemy of mercury, lead and arsenic. I pilt-;.!y eliminating them from the system Th j i r.on « f this remedy i.» bi>ed upon the truths ot j .fispirulion, the law of nature, and the kno* l ! rdge of chemistry. Tie* Fu in Extract ot Qn fa’B Dt-muiT. prepared by Dr J. >. I’em) • » ion has made the me-si wonderful and as one! j ing cutes. Its untying, vivifying and ton* j properties exercise the quickest and most wo? | derful effects in restoring health. It is hurmles' j to the su .st delicate, and ran never be u-ed j amiss. It is he true beautifier of the complex ion. It von want rich bh>od. clear skin and j beautiful complexion, use j he v’oueouxi) Extract or Bri;.t.lM;r.\ t*r Qukkvs I>h,iu!lT. Re al our irealise on diseases of the* blood. The genuine ; has the signature * f the proprietor ou each label j —lake no oilier. I For sale by a!! Druggists. SI.OO a bottle. : 1)k. J. B. FEMBi-RTUN A t.’O.. Proprietors. A ti-wta. Ga. Hi nt. Rankin A Lamar, Wholesale Agents, Macon. Ga. May 22. 1873. 21 -3m 17 -- Aiiiiri:. -.-77 j HAVE this day purchased the Right to WHiSSNANT fJTERPILLER DESTROYER, | For the County of Brooks. j Being satisfievi that it will do all that it claims I to do. we offer this great relief to the farmers of this county. Ali patties interested in this won* | derful discovery will do welt to call upon ns in j time to prepare themselves, so as to prevent the i great ravage ot the c *tt.on by the eaterpiller this season. I>»‘ not defer making your arrangements j until it is too late, li is guaranteed to do ail it ! claims. BRIGGS, JELKS & 00. ! Quitman, March 7. l>7d. fan —Jon n'dizit ft >- expedi-: > ly executed at the banner office. HOTELS. ESAMMiL SMI. ii. E. 2.UCH.. Eicprietor. Savannah, Ga. Board per Bay, $3 00. October 25, 1872. 3m PRIVATE BOAREING HOUSE, COi:. I'RKSIDF.NT & AUKRCOUN ST., Trauseient and Permanent Boarders Received. dr. o.eox Would Inform his old friends that lie is now in his New Quarters.located as above, and will strive to give satisfaction to guests. Charge per Day, - - $2.00 July to. IMti. HOUSE, QI'ITMAN, GA. 3. li. Edmondson, Prop’r. No pains w ill be spared by the present pro prietor, to retain the wHi earned \ eputation anu patronage of this poj.- ihii In>*».*.< entcrlutituieii The tables will b • supplied with the very best tlie market can ftm,i.*h: the chamber w ill be kept neat and comfortable; attd attentive waiters will be in attendance upon guests. The patronage of the public i» respectfully solicited. {far riuirsTH iteasoimblc. <t»a ![>ril 12, 1872. 15-1 f »sß' H 3 Sf > • B 3 '‘mm, || nf• » • « ."■* ITMAIN, A, />. r. McXi:iL, Pi',j>neiot\ 'SYIiIB Hotel i* now ( pen tor the entertainment 9 of tin* public. Permanent and Transient Boarders, w ill be received and cared for on rea* tollable terms. The house is located in the Southeast Sectim if the town and was occupied last year by M> Ten kins. The Proprietor will take every pains ui k r ts Corn or table and hippy. H ■H i- ihe pati oaage of the public. iu 'i.i* \ o 1*72 * fit! ; . v c. ib ti i. tU- pp rdie Pai-'-'cngcr Hep at A 4 V( - > > , (« A. Board, > prr Day. •1 muH:. I?7:L 1 ly M iscellam ous. I*: w Mm emt w . .* m Sash and Blinds, I »riJ*INGs. BRACKETS. STAIR FIX t | Hire*. Builders' Furnishing Ilardwa; ruin Pipe. Floor Tiles. Wire tjuards. Ten otta Ware, Marble and Shite Mantle Pieces. .Viiiduw Glass a Spidaily. WHITE PINE LUMBER FOR SALE. Circulars and Pt » <* 1 i ts sent Iro* on t appli a Cion, by P. P. TU»ALE, 2<> Ilayneand 33 Piueknev sts., Chari* st* n C. T.V r .: --r --i Al I’aprr for (hr Musa «•*/ Worth its Weight in Gold*l Nothing like it in the World!!! fiavw PTcry reader in moxkt tkn to nrrr time* its Every Intellijent citisten. profwionut or non-profe*- Bional, mechanic or laborer in the whole country, should aubecribe f r the Advisor Wherever *b<.wn or seen it in sme t<> fnke a firai hold on the community, a* its intrinsic value as a Business ami Family Paper ha- made, and i« raxkinjr, f'r it a circulatiiHi and repo* t;*ti.-n on paralleled iu the liietory of Journalism. It is a BsAC’truL IG-paoe, W-c- i.vmn, Illustratsd WiEKLT. It give* u,u all YOUR LEGAL ADVICE FREE. o’*inr»l Pesijftis f.>r Cot tapes. Pwel’inga, Pnhnrhan and Country He*idencei>. ami n \ tnt dos iiif.-rmation matters special and peiunal inteiest, fbuud in no other Journal in tha country. i lip&Btss.#oaCtea»,lHE LOST BABB, S /f 13x15. mounted ready to frame, is preeeuted to every yearly subscriber. Sulwciiptlon price, $3.00 per Tear, in advance Single Copies ten cents. PERMANENT AGENTS WANTED F> r unoccupied territory in the United States and Co rada. By our New Plan agents can hare a con tinuous annual incense, with but little labor. Our agents are making f;.:m s'> to $lO per day Writ* at once, stating territory desired. Audresa all letters to Ckorr 4 PniLUFS. Tnl hshera, Pittsburgh, Pa. February 7,1573. W ithout a—The demand for Dr. .T. Brac*f’.eM'.s Female Regulator beyond pre cedent in the annals of popular icmedies. f»r deva come in so thick and fast that the proprietor has. heretofore, been unable to fill them all. He is happy to state that arrangements are n<»w complete by which he is prepared to manufacture Female Regulator on a scale equal to the enier geecy. and the public may feel assured that their wants may now be supplied. Physicians ot hi Ah repute are using this great remedy, in daily : act ice. all «»ver Georgia. Hereafter no wo ri i ' -ed suffer from snppresst»d. suspended or or ii ir menstruation. This valuable medi :<repared by H Bra»lfi.*ld Druggist. \ in . t Ga . and sold at $1 50 per bottle by i es;u*ctable druggists throughout Am *rica. For sale by McCall A Groover. [4-tf] 0k • Mk 1 . M«i / Miaanrtii Va> W and / f C. 6l 8. LEDLIE. DEALERS IX UrOOL. HIDES. Beeswax and Skins. Tallow, etc., etc.. 180 Buy street, foot of Barnard. Consignments sol cited. IC-ly LAWRENCE & WEICHSELBAUM, nr HOLES ALE DRUGGISTS. 17<> and 178 Congress stre -t aud Market Square Or ders solicited. 10-ly CEO. APPLE, DEALER IN /CLOTHING. Hats. Caps, Gents’ Furnisl ing \J Goods. Boys Clothing. Trunks. Valises, Boots and Shoes. No. Hi 2 Bryan street, Market square, under Biesnan's Hotel. lti-ly K. PLATSHEK. \\7 HOLESALE and Retail Dealer in Milline » \ ry. Dress Trimmings and Fancy Goods, j 154 Broughton street. 16-1/ WILLIAM HOME, I MPORTER and Wholesale Dealer in Wines, Liquors and Sugars and sole Agent lor Georgia and Florida of English & Co’s Celebra ted Baltimore Ale, in barrels and hall barrels. 73 St. Julian and 154 Congress st. 16-ly SOLOMON BROTHERS, 11’ HOLESALE GROCERY and Commission V? Merchants. 173 Buy street Sole Agent* lor the Anchor Line of Ocean Steamers. Mr. W A McNeil, of Quitman, is the 7 ravel ing agent of this house. 16- ly BOLSHAW & SSLVA IMPORTER* AND DEALERS IN / iROCKERY. China. Glassware, K«*rosene i V / I,amps and Oil, Cutlery. Britannia and Pla ! ed Ware, and House Furni-hing Goods g neral- I ly. 152 and 154 SL Julian and 111)and 151 Bry m streets. 16-ly* N. B. KWAPP, f \ ILI.R in Saddles, in • < 1:« - Hap**?.*-*. Rub .lJ ler »nd L« iihei lh Mig ai.d Packing (,'ulf j 'its. Sole Leather, Valises, trunks, Saddlery ue, etc., Market square. 16-ly iii:u, vmimivr & id., \ Id ION and Commission M: ' i v:in n«i.. liixtwfl c,l.|, ~ , ... . f. i Hide*, I. Vic. Liberal Cashaui ,m i ;ad „ on {(IU! FOR J \ Mill LL, \\ y iP i ! ALi ,1 Retail Death r.v Hi * ' » • i r-v .. Ag icitltural Inn h-ments, '• -*oh- ;iu*i S";>• ■ mg *». -,ds. 152 (>ir,gress and 71 St. .1 iian streets. 16 Iy First Premium for Best Sugar Machinery --.nil Iron Castings at South Georgia Agricultural and Mechanical Association Fair, 1872, « and also at Savannah Agricul tural Association, 1872- JOILN m’i. XOUOH, T.IUI I.A TVMi \lcD.)R()i!lf!i v\: Rllldi VHP, * ' 1 eon au<l ItraMN IV ounder I®, MAC JUN ISIS AND JP .fttfvn dlff/,7»'.f, C raar East Broi l and Liberty streets. av .nnah, : : Georgia. Sugir Mill- and Boilers. f»in Gear and Horn® °w * etc furnished with promptness and or* favorable terms. A 71, IRON FRONTS for Stores and Dwell ing* Verandahs and Corneterv Railings, of new 'i*rns >«n 1 patterns, which we will furnish as Low AS CAN BE PuBCHASED NORTH. June 5, 1873. 16-1? F. D. JoKl>o\, DEALER IX JEWELRY, SILVER Pi) PLATED WIRE. &C &C &C-, J-ole Agents in Savannah for the Celebrated Diamond Spectacles 135 Congress St.. # ( opposite Pulaski House, Savannah, Ga. WATCHES and JEWELRY Repaired. October *25. 1872. ly THE 0k m ■ i n A!IA«M«a HtkkWMAAWI a*i«W Ji ■ FAMILY NEWSPAPER, / Established on the Cheap Cash plan, at the loiA rate of only OXE DOLLAR A YEAR. I Address, INDEPENDENT, „ - F O Box p 65, Savannah. J