The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, September 25, 1873, Image 4

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(The (Quitman banner. PUBLISHED EVERY THURHDAY EVEKING. trk « « : TWO I>OfJ.A HS A YEAH WIIRN PAW IS ADVANCE. ADVERTISING. Dip *q iare. (P* I p - or lewO find Insertiei. s!.*»; ic’> folio-vine’ insertion. SI.OO. *N }i»* . ilvortGement- are pon'iiiipd for one or longer, the charge wiP be is follov*» : * 1 Month. 2 Months. *. M©ith*. I :5 Month*. i\ Months. 7 Months. 8 Months. 9 Months. 12 Months. in' .mi .8 M ISI *| 111 161 HI 171 IHI 2(1 2 =. II! I I r.| Is] ?1j "l| 2(1 ?H 2.0 25 Til il I , vo! 2"» 2.0 :l(l 111 28 401 46 1112.(111 I I »(l .Til 2,i.| 4HI J.|| 111 Hi| 63 ill I (.0 it •> I 2 tilt 411 ll! 4ft SO 621 on i; If hi* 2 0 I | 46 60' 66' 66! 671 SR, (16 |•) :'). 1,11 'ill ir.l 701 7 | Sol 86 'lOllOO 120 i*6ll on! i. J 7 | so s-,| !io]iooh;n i2o 160 il «; ‘.ill 76 81l no! Kin IHi )2nlr OHO 200 n v is n.ixnriir. The D intnry News roan writes : »RSUU>FtfI, gt.ACUHTBB. “An r'tihl y-fiiur-V":vr-ol(l Dnbarian, who liv 'S in the snnurbii, whs sitiitlf? on his W-fc stoop lust Friday, taking an af ter.dinnor smoke, when ho detected a movement at tin- or the onion bed, : and saw sirrns that led him to believe (bat | a woodehttek was partakim? of a hasty* lunch of oiroti tops. Calling in a whis- | per for his pun, ;ml taking his grand child, who was playing on the stoop, be tween his knees to keep her still, be drew abend on the spot and poured a handful of slugs into it. Then he told hisdaugh ter to go out there and bring in the ani mal and on going there she found a large pie.plant, leaf (the waving of which had created the ‘signs,’) about a peek of : very sick looking onions, and an angle worm in the agonies of death.” Tlin WAV MB. I'AWMHO FIXED HIM. “While Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Pawling were riding through Wooster street. Fri day afternoon they were stopped by a stranger with a book under his arm, who ciroe-up (•> the wagon and said he had i alh and at. I heir house but did not find them at home, and took the liberty of addressing them now. He explained that he was canvassing for a neat, little book entitled‘Helps for the HomeCirele,’ being a eoJlfetion of thoughts of the best minds of the age, a work that was adapt ed to a wider circle of readers than any other extant,, aad one which must neces sarily improve the tone of domestic, life, and to the refinement and intelligence of society, and fill the, hearts of all with a longing for the purer things of just then Mr. Pawling’* horse stepped ahead, and dragged one wheel of the wagon right over the foot of the speaker. With a howl of agony the miserable man drop ped to the ground, and then immediately sprang up again, and taking the injured member up in both hands, and still howling dismally, hopped across the sidewalk. Mr. Pawling waited a reason able length of time, but seeing that the man Rhowed no intention of resuming the topic, ho drove on." FUNKY AND BUOOI.ES. “About 1116 Saturday night, two middle aged men stopped in front of a house on Essex street, and after shaking hands with an earnestness and solenmni ty that, was very affecting, one of them said, ‘good night, (higgles,’ to which the other responded, ‘good night, Punky.’ Then both of them stared lit each other with wonderful intensity, and finally grasped hands again. ‘You feel quite well V said Punky, with some anx ety. ‘Never better,’ Emily volunteered Bug gies, at the same time turning around on one leg, and throwing up one arm to anap bis tinge s, but changing his mind, and hastily clasping Punky around the neck instead. Then he straightened him self up, and looking solemnly at Punky, extended his hand, which that individual hastily grasped, and wrung w ith a fervor that was simply surprising, while both of them stared at each other in a manner that exhibited an extraordinary interest in the object. 'You are a firm friend of mil",' said Punky, with the tears gather ing in his eyes. -So you are mine,’ as seited Buggies in a broken voice. Then they shook hands again. 'Nobody never seemed to understand me as you do,’ said Punkv, trembling with suppressed emotion. ‘That's just wluit I’ve always said to you,' maintained Buggies with as lunch emphasis as his awakened feelings would permit. At this juncture the two were so thoroughly absorbed in contem plating each other's features as not to notice a night-rapped head peering out of an upper window, and were just pre paring to grasp hands once more in in creased fervor, when a slirillvoicc scream ed : ‘Come home drunk again, will ye V and was immediately followedbv a buck et of water unfortunately aimed. The man Punky immediately bolted over the fence and around to the back of the hi use. h aving Mr. Buggies to look around for his hat, which had been knocked offby the force of the shower, and to dispose of Himself afterwards as be might see proper.” Iloe- hi «1 Mmkes in (ieoigln. \\ e are informed, says th<*Macon Telo trrj'h : ml Messenger, that the increase ei snakes has lnvn so great in Georgia “s m e freedom" as scriouslv to embar-j rass planters. One of them told ns the other day that he wtudd net be able to i gather a luxuriant crop of field peas now ; maturing cu a piece of low land on ac count of the number of snakes there, ! which were a iroitill terror to the lie-; and for the same reason he was! oblig- and to decline cultivating some of the ; most fertile parts of his plantation. The I e> p'ru.itionof this superabundant growth ' < t atiak. s may be found in the fact that I very few Ik gs roam about the woods “Bitiee freedom,” or indeed, roam auv- i where else Whenever they attempt to' loam >n their wilds Sambo is ready with 5 is knife to rut their throats anil dares them for his private baking pot. “What are you catching my trout for?” cried an iva.-. ;hle old gentleman to a young nan whom he found fishing on h’s place, and who utterly silenced him by c*roily saying, “Who wants to catch your trout 1 i m trying to drown this worm!” Quitman. D. W. PRICE, Mlilt('l!A\T TAILOR QUITMAN, GEORGIA , T \ 11 .OH ING ** ENT \ DM-IIMENT in Quitman, arid ha* on hand 4 fine lot of Cloths nod Cassimeres , fMillnblf? for making Drew and H arness unit#, lit* ha* also on hand a Select stock of heady m ade ci.othjno. Cleaning and Repairing done on short notice Prices moderate. April 10 187 H. 15 ly QUITMAN B«3s STORE. McCALL&&ROOVEB, Dealers in Drills, Mnlicines^e^) Piiinf.x, Oils. VARNISHES, Dyo Hli'f*, jon:sri/:> /ww- Jm'y/ ry, 7 ouct Articles*, tin. Notify tbs public that ihev will keep on hand crrnplete nnd stocks, and soil the mune at u ro oonuble profit. Amrriran Fruit Prettervlni/ Powder. We ate ug« nin f>»r this valuable discovery. which will effectually and cheaply preserve Emit and Vegetable!* for years. It proven s If linen tatfon. and keeps tin* fruit. Ac., in a lienlthj condition. Put up in boxen—onebox of which will preserve til pounds of fruit. Wf rfHjifi',!fully Hoiicit the puti omigc of Ihc public. Qnilinan, July 17. 187;#. ;..i I 11. M. V. Wll.h 1 -M»\. I>if. A. p. h.MIHI. LARGE miG SIGN, WIIKENSbN~&~SMITH, KEEP on hand a Geinplele Sleek el l l estluml t’llie /‘{jL ' Mt't f* v DM COM « MEDICINES Alho, White Lend. V.-unislifH, Paints and Oils. Boa |»h. Tobacco, 'efrnrs. Toilet Articles, Ac. All of which will b<* sold on l oiiMomiblu terms Prescriptions carefully conipounded. Kkrobkns On. will hereof Ur be suldjii Forty cenfs per (jallon. Quitman, (in., Jim. 31, 187,‘h 6 1y mpimm work. John D. Bozeman, QUITMAN, GEORGIA, rpAKKS this method of informing the public I thjp his MI Id. but-im hs docs not Inierleie with his bi'siiirfHt ns a HOUSF CARPENTER; and ho is lullv prepared to do all work desired, ou us Fnvornble as possible, mid to ihe satisfaction of all parties interested, lie will also contract to FURNISH LU M I\E 1 1 M ATERIA To and build Dwelliiur Houses, Store houses, etc,, in pttrs'.ance with specifications furnished. (Jive him a trial. May Ifi. 1873. 20-tr FRESH BEEF. rjlHE■ rNDKWSKINEI) desires to notify the B eitizinsGfQuitman and surrounding country, that lie will keep eoiistantly on hand, at his **tand in front of his store, on (’ulpepper Street, in quantities to suit purchasers, choioe and INonfly BiifelieiM'd IDmM*, Mutton, and other fresh meat', at reasonable prices, and respectfully solicits the patronage of the public generally. Call early in the morning and be supplied. i«. n c;Aa\i)\ , Quitman, July 17. 1873. ts nii ia<n laics: rjTIIK undersigned, who has an experience of 0 many years in the h anutachm* ol SHIN (ill'S. notifies the public that lie keeps on hand, and will uiake to order, any number of shingles do*bed, and deliver them on favorable teuio. T-ef~ Orders left at Oapt. brooks’ store, Quit man, will be promptly atlemb'd to. S. T. GOING. It rooks count \ r , June 12, 1873, 24 ts N IC W M I SK . ll lIt.ISHKD !«Y J L PETEES 599 BroadwayN Y. Mailtni, post-paid, on receipt of in irked price. VOCAL. Above and llelow .Snored N4.11>; by Juch, $0.30 Hack to the Old Home; sum; ami chorus,..., 30 | Beautiful form of my Dreams Stewart, ... 30 Dul ling weep no more; song and chorus.... 33 Do not w eep so. Mst r darling: song. 30 Don’t forget to write me; song and chorus... 33 bold w o our hands; song or duet; Iloildieu.. 30 (lent* to the Heavenly Garden; song 33 It yon were I would you? song 30 Kiss me. darling, ere we part 3*’ l.itile blind Nell; S4>ng and chorus 3d Little Dan , song and chorus 40 Lord, forever at thy side. 23 t Meet me. bessie. in the Dell 30 j Meet me, dearest, with a kiss 30 | My boy across the sea 33 | j Oh! Give me alnme in the Boutli .. ... 4w I Oh, Sam ! song and chorus 33 | i July for ou ! ballad 35 j Our Lillie Let; song and chorus 40 I Papa, stay hi me: Temperance song to i >av< one blight Ciowu for toe 40 | \\ v pray you sing that song; duet 35 I Witt tin»n weep when lam b>w ? 25 IISiSTRUhrtENTAL. j Pout as.-->iinOeam. t*y Kmkle. 3.* cis; belle ot I Sara logo, by \ ictor, 35 ets • May Flowers, l>\ 1 Simon, 35 cts. M \rt hk vs.— Awakening of the birds, 50 cts; j Happy Thoughts, by Walker. 30 cts.; Laughing i Wave, by V\ iison. s*o cts.; Sunbeam, by Paehor. ! 40 CtS. (i vU-oiN.—Charlie’s and Freddie’s, by Kin- I k!e. each 35 cts. Ml TTISCIIFS Fatal Glance, by Young. 20 els.: May Morning, by Schmidt. 50 cts.; Sun beam, by Hampel, 35 cts.; and Willie’s, by Kinkel. 35 cts. MAKCHKs.--b»'lle of Saratoga, by • Baumbach, 40 cts.; Mollie’s, bv Kmkel, 35 cts. Any ot the above mailed, post-paid, on receipt ol price. Address {J. L. PETERS, 3hP Broadway New York. M vjst, I>7_\ 18-U Miscellaneous. This unrivalled ."on them Remedy is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any injurious mineral substance, but in PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Roots ams Herbs, which an all-wise Providence has placed in coun tries where Liver Diwea e* moat prevail. It will cure all caiiMcd by derangmeot ol‘.he Liver. Tiik SvMrroMH of Liver Complaint are a bitter or taste in the mouth: Pain in the Back, 'idea or Joints, often mistaken Rheumatism; Sour Stcmach; Loss of Appetite; Boweln alter nately costive and lax; Headache; Lo«a of mem ory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do Hoiru’thing w hich ought to have been done: Debility, Low Spirits, a thick yellow appearance of the Skin and Eyes, h dry Cough often mistaken for ‘Joiiauroption. Someiirnea many of these symptoms attend the disease, at otkera very few; but the Liver, the largest organ ill the body, is generally the Beat of the disease, and if not reg ulated in time, great suffering, wretchedness and DEATH will ensue, j Tliia Great Unfailing SPECIFIC u ill not !>e found flic Least liiplea-ant. For Dyspepsia, Constipa’lon, Jauntier, Bill* ions attacks, Sick lleaduche. Golie, Depression of .Spirit l , Sour Stomach, Heart Burn, Ac., j Simmona’ Liver Regulator, or Medicine, Is the Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medi cine in the Worldl MAMFA(TIKEI) OXI.Y BY .1 11. ZESLIN i O, MACON, GA . ami PHILADELPHIA. Price SI.OO. H Id by all Druggists. X'- rfer ... .> 'I ■ §tk. Gl?^‘lrllP!!?!SE The only Reliable Gift Distribution in the country $50,000.00 In Valuable Gifts! TO UK tUSTItIIU TKf> IX 13.1 smEVS’ 42ml SEMI-ANNUAL One Grand Capital Prize,«?lo,ooo One Prize#f»,ooo in Silver ! Five prizes of $ LOOO, five prizes of ssoo.*and Ten prizes of SIOO eacli ill Greenbacks. Two Family (’urriages and Matched IIors« ,B , with silver mounted Harness, worth $1,500 each. Two Bitfigies Horses Ac . worth SOOO each. 2 flue toned Rosewood Pianos worth SSOO cacti. Ten Family Sewing Machines. . . SIOO each ! 1500 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches, worth from S2U to S3OO each. Gold Chains, Sil ver ware. Jewelry, e e Whole number of G ft B, 10,000. Ticket* limit ed to 50,000. %‘i'i, .-Igents wanted to sell tickets, to whom Liberal Premiums will Im* paid. Single Tickets $2 ; Six 'ickets. $lO ; Twelve tickets. S2O; Twentydiva* tickets. $ to. Circulars •■entainiii'' a full list of prizes, a des cription ol the manner of draw ing, and other in formation in reference to the Distribution, will be sent to any one ordering them. ytll letters im st be addressed to Main t >fkk:k. L D SINE. Box 80, 10l W. rifth St. (0-st) Cim'innati. 0 I of Nchediilc. J. 4 M jgjcaiatafflggK CKNERAL SITKItINTIIMtKVT’S ((I'l- ICK, | Ati antic \\n Gt i.F Raii.iioau, > Savannah. June 20, 1873. ) ON AND AFTKU SUNDAY. June 22d. Trains on this Road will run as follows:. EX PR ESS PASSENGER. Leave Savannah daily at 4.30 p.m Arrive at Live Oak.niaily at 4.10 am 44 Quitman daily at ,4.00 a m “ Thomnsville 5.30 “ llainbridge at 8.15 am 44 Albany at 0.45 ;i m Leave Albany daily :it 3.15 p,u. •• BainbviUge daily at .4 30 p.m Leave Th«>masville 7.30 p.m “ Quitman iluily at 0.00 p.ui “ Live Oi.k. daily at 8.50 Arrive at Savannah daily at 8.20 a.m j Connect at Liv»* Oak with trains on J.. P. and j M R. IL, lor and from Jacksonville, Tallahassee. Ac. | No change of cars between Savannah and Al - bany. Close connection »t Albany with trains on Southwestern Railroad. Olom* connection at Lawton tor and from Flo tilla. with Western Division Passenger trains. I Sleeping car runs through toThotunsville. A ('CO MV OP A TIOX Tit AIX. Eastern Division. Leave Sivannah, Monday. Wednesday ami Friday at 0.15 Arrive at Jesup, Monday. Wednesday and Friday, at 12.30 p.m Arrive at Law en, Monday. Wedne>duv and Friday, at 7.40 p.m Leave Lawton, *1 uesday, Thutsday and S itnrda v at 0.00 a.m Leave Je<np. Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday at 12-25 p.m ! Arrive at Savannah Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at p.m • Wkstkkn Division : Leave Lawton. Tuesday, Thursday and S iturday at 7.00 a.m ! At rive at Quitman. Tue>day, Thursday j and Saturday at 10.31 am; A: live at Th<!iuasvilh*.Tuesday , Thurs day and Situiday at 11.45 a.m ; j Arrive at Albany Tuesday, Thursday. and Stturdav at 7.00 p.m t i Leave Albany Mommy, Wed esday and j and Friday, at . . 8.10 a.m | 1 laavve Thotn.»ville. Monday, Wednesday. j ami Friday at 3.00 p.m : ! Leave Quitman, Monday, Wednesday and j and Friday a .5.05 n.m : Arrive ai Lawton, Monday, Wednesday ami Friday 8.30 p m | Connect at Albany with night trains on South ; western Railroad, leaving Albany Monday, Tues- Iday, Thursday and Frhlay, ami arriving at Al bany Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Satur day . Mail Steamer b* -ves Bainlridge for Apalachi “ol» every Thursday at B.tH) a. m. It. >. HAINES. [2*-2wtQ fienTSupt. Miscellaneous. CfIABLEi A. DANA. Editor. (the Bollur 'Weekly A Newspaper of the Present Time*. liiteudcd for People Now on Earth. Including Farrnert. Mechanic*. Merchant*, Pro- Men, Weaker*, Thinkers, and a t Man ner of Honest Polk*, aad tlio Wive*, Sou*, and Daughter* of all such. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAH I ONE HUNDRED COPIES FOR 850, Or le-** than One Cent a Copy. Let there be a 850 Club at cv ry I’oat Office. HKHI-WELKLY SUN, *2 A YEAR, of the lame siso aud general character a* THE WEEKLY, b it with a greater variety of iniecollaueotui reading, and furnishing the n«w» to it* *uo3':iUxj(S with in eater froalnea*. becau o j It comes twice a woolc Instead of ouco only. THE DAfl.<Y SUN, 8(5 A YEAR. A preemincnttv readable newspaper, witn t*i« larir-tsi circulation in the world. I rec. inde pendent, and learlC’H In politic*. AH the new* from everywhere. Two cent* a copy ;by mall, 30 cent* a nontb, or SO » year. TERM3 TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY HUN. Five copies, one year, separately andrewM. Four Dollur*. Ten copte?, one v«nr, sen «rnteiy addressed (and an extra copy to the getter up of clou). Eitflit Dollars. Twenty copfo*. one year, repnratclv addressed (a id ua extra c.jpy *u the potter np of cmb). Fifteen Doiturn. Fifty copf'*. one jear, to one address (and too Beral-Weekly ono year to getter up of club), Tlilrty-thrco Dollars. Fifty copie*. one year, separately ondressed (and tne Semi-Weekly one year to getter u«> or club), . Thirty-0 vo Dollars*. One hundred cot log, one year, to one address (and the Dally for one year to the getter no of clnb;. Fifty Dollar**, one hundred cooie*. one year, * n parately ad dre««ed < ant! the Dully lor one year to Ihe iret? er u(»ofclab), hixty Doilura. THE HE3II-WEEKLY BUN. Five copies, one year, separately addicted. Eight Dollar-. Ten conic*, one veer, separainlv addressed (and un extra copy to getter up of c im»), Hixtei u Dollars. SEND YOUR MONEY In Post office order*, cheeks, or draft* on New York, vgterever convenient Ji not, then regbier tne letter 4 contaiulns money. Address I. W. ENGLAND, Pubib.her, Bun ofllce. New York City. i- - » m, •NERVOUS DIBIUTY.- AtriTll It* gloomy sttendnnts, low >V spirits, depression. Involuntary cm Ihn Luts, loss of ftdiifii, sperms lorrhun, loss of power, dlxxy lirad. Joss of nirinor) , and threatened lin potence, him! imbecility, find :i sover— Ilgn cure m 111 JI»'HUi:VN» lIOWE OPATIIIU SPIT IHf, Wo. TU I NTV LKiiIIT. THIS BOV EH KIG N It EM ICDY lorn* up th** systein, orrots the diwliiirxfi. and im pute vigor ami •m-rgy, life mid vitality to the cntiiu m in. They have cured thousand* of caws. 1 l'i ice?, s!> i»er pHckagtt of five boxes and a large |*2 vial, which im very nnp»r>unt In obstinate or old J * cnscs, or $1 jx r single box. Sold by ALL Drug gisiJt, aul wig by mail on receipt of j»ric<\ Addr*'(.s II t M I*ll HE Yh‘ MI.-. IKK! HDM EOFATUKJ AU.DHTN K t’O., r>«JJ Huoapwav. A MODEL NEWSPAPER. THE SAVANNAH DAILY NEWS. Tlu* Savannah Duly Mukninu News in ae- | knowlmlgc'd by tim pi< t»s and people to iu? tin j bowl daily paper south of Louisville and oast of New Oi loans. Gaming with It Hm prestige* and reliability of ag<*, it hAs all the vigor and vita iiy of youth, and its (*nnu pi iso av a gatherer ot Ha the latest and trosliosj nnvs lias ustoni“h<‘d its ; con temporaries and m t the warm upprobatioh j I ol the public. During th** year 1873 no expense of time, la ! bor, ami money will bo spout to keep llo* Morn j ixn Nkws ahead of nil eoinpelitoift in Georgia ! jtuirnalisiu. and to do-. t vo «ho fiadering encorni- I !11 ms lumped 11 poll it I rum all qnurlore. Then.* j ; lun, as \ot, boc*n no c erious attompt made to ri- j | vul the special telegrams which the Nkus innn- i I g urn ted hoiuis Nears a <». and *h« consequence is, j I that the reader in : ear l» of the latest inieliigenc** j always looks to tlio Mohmnu Nkws. The tele-j graphic arrangements of the paper are such that j the omissions made by the general press reports j are promptly and reliably suplied by its special j correspondents. The Morning Nkws has lately been onlanred j to a thirty-six column pa tr and this broad; scope, of type embraces, and d!y, everything of In j torest thaQtronwpireh in th *doma not Literatuie, j Art, Science. Lolitas, Re'igion and General In*! telllgence: giving to the reaijer more and better : | digest matter than any other paper in the tale, j [ It is. perhaps needless to speak of the politics j of the Morning News. For yens and years— ill- { deed, since its esiabiisemeni— it has te en a ie ; presentative Son*hem paper, and fiotn that time to the present, in all conjunctures, it has j consistently and pevsisteuily maintained Demo j critic States Rights principles, ami labond. with i an ardor and devotion that know no abatement, j to promote and preserve the interests and honor j of the South. The special features of the Moumxci Nmvs w ill j be retained and i uproved upon dining the ensn- i ing year, and sevei al new attractions will be j added The Georgia News items, with their quaint and pleasant humor, and the epitome of Florida 1 affairs, w ill be continued during the year. . The j local department will be. as it has been for the 1 past year, the most complete and reliable t«> be i found in any S;i’aumth paper, and the commer cial columns will he full and accurate The price o! the Daily is SIO.OO per annum: j $5.00 for six months; $1 00 for one month. THE TRI-WEEKLY NEW.*. This edition of the Morning Mkws is especi tl- ' ly recommended to those w ho have not. the faoil- j iiies of a daily mail. Everything that has been said ii. regard to the daily edition may be re- ; peated of the Tri-weekly. It is made up with ! great care, and contains the latest despatches and tun ket reports. The price of this edition j is $6.00 per annum, $3.00 tor six months, and! $1.50 fur three months. fTITE WEEKLY NEWS. The Wk.kki.y Morning Ni:ws particularly rec ommends itse.f to he tanner and planter, and to ! those who live off the line of railroad. It is one of the best family papers in the country, and iis cheapness brings it within tie reach ot all. It contains Thirty-nix solid c< lomns of reading mat ter, and is mailed so as to reach subscribers with the utmost promptness. It is a carefully and laboriously edited com endium of the news ot the week, and centiins in addition, an infin ite variety of oilier choice reading matter. Edi toriuls on all topics, sketches ot men. manners and tashions, tales, poetry, biography, pungent paragraphs and condensed telegrams enter into its make-up. It contains the latest telegraphic j dispatches and maiket re orts i;p to the hour of j iioing to press, and is in all respects, an ipdis j pensdde adjunct to every home, i Pike -One year, S2.OJ; sox, months, SI.OO, ! three months, 50 cents. Subscription for either edition of the Morning j News may be sent by express at the risk and ex j pense oMhe proprietor. Addess J.ll. ESTILL. Savannah. Ga. j Why Will Ye IMk. -Death, or what is worse, is the inevitable result of continued suspension j of the menstrua 1 ttew . It is a condition which should not be trifled. In all cases of sup pres- ‘ siou, suspension or other irregularity ot the i “Courses.” Dr. J. Bradb Id's Female Regu ator j is the only sure remedy. It acts by giving tone to the nervous centres, improving the blood and 1 determining direcity to the organs of menstru ation. It is a legitimate prescription, and the most intelligent Doctors use it. Prepared by J. IL Bradfiebl, druggist, Atlanta, Ga. $3.50 per bottle, and sold by respectable druggists ev erywhere. jan24-tf New Patent Chikw—The atieution of the I public is invited to anew and wonderful Churn, 1 invented by the undersigned. It excels any thing vor 1 resented to ;h» public. Call and see i*. 22-11 ijTREET Y'A AY RETT. Miscellaneous. FDSNITURE HOUSE, QUITMAN, (;A. JOHN M. WITT, Cabinet Maker aTJiidertakir, fc llftß now on hand a fine lot of I! UR E A U X. BEDSTEADS, SAFES', j WARDROBES. \\ ASH-STANDS, Windsor CHAIRS, Boston ROCKERS and Is prepared to put up to order— SECRETARIES, SIDEBOARDS, and everything needed in the Furniture line, and j in any stylo required. An experience of many years, justifies him in j assuring (he public that his work will give sal's- j faction in every respect ; and prices will cm- -i pare favorably with those of Savannah or els* - ‘j where, with this important advantage to the pu - ! chaser : every piece of Furniture leaving his es j trtblisbment will be warranted. Repairing done with neatne;s and dispatch. pbr Coffins promptly forwarded to any .S’ta- ! lion on the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. JOHN M. WIST. Quitman, Ga., Feb 23, 1872. 8-ts Metalic Burial Cases, ■ ~ia> - ~ Burial Caskets ! The undersigned notifies the public that he : lias now completed all arrangements for the sue cesafiil conduction of the Und< rtaker’* business, { having received tin* Agency for the sale of the! celebrated Fisk's Metalic Burial Cases and Cae i kets. and the same will be sold at regular Uu ! dertAker’s rates He will al-o keep on hand silver plated ban ; He* and moe.ntino’H. which can be substituted j for the metalic handles, etc., in a few minutes j i. ftJ'itizenH of i.eighborlng towns can be sup I plied promptly with, tiny description of case de . sired. Terms, CASH on delivery JOHN M. WITT, Agent, j Quitman. July 1 1 18,72, 2- -1 y T. J. STHKKTV. (JKO. W. AVKKIT. j STREETY & AYR Err - S ' b m. - -a. a<:Ds AXI> DEALEKS IN Cooking iilid Parlor Stoves I Os Various Styles and TIN AND HARDWARE, I qui l man. g a. Reefing and Guttering dmm in (he best style, j Aesel! Stoves HI or below >avun Ri prices. | We respectfully a>k the people of Brooks and i idjoining count lee to give us a trial. Novembei 1. 1872. ly This Co.NCKNTfc.vTi t> \ kuktaulk ; n oine is » . (rue purifier of the human blood. If thorough! v neutralizes and eradicates IV. ru the system the specific virus, and every kind of burner and bad taint, which causes such a long list of human suffering and imparts perfect health and purity j to the entire constitution la «‘\eiv form td j scrofulous, mercurial and syhtlitic blood com plaints it stands without compeer rapidly cur ing I’isiri is. C aim \ci.ks. Scald Bead Sai t Uhki m, and the s> varieties of skin affec tions. It is a positive euretive for scrofula chronic, and Infhunniiitorv t henmati.-in. and the deadly enemy of mercury, lead and arsenic, quickly eliminating them from the sy>:em. The action of this remedy is based upon the truths td inspiration, the law of nature, and the knowl edge of chemistry. The Emu Extract w Qrtsxs Bruour. prepared by Hr. J. >. Pember ion. has made them<*st wonderful ami as:crush ing cures, lis , uriiying. vivifying and tonic properties exercise the quickest and most won ! tierful est eels in restoring health. It is harmless to the most delicate, and can never be u«ed amiss. It is the true beauttfier of the complex ion. If you want rich blood, clear skin and beautiful complexion, use theCoMi’oexn Extract of Svn.uxtJiA or Qi Kr:\s l>M :«;ur. Read our • realise on diseu-es «-f the blued. The genuim has the signature of the proprietor on each label -lake no other. For sale by all Druggists. SI 03 a bottle. Dk. J. 8. PEMBERTON & CO.. Proprietors. An. ant v. Ga . Jlr XT, Rankin A Lamar. Wholesale Agents, Macon, Ga. May 22. 1873. _l-3ni Notice. ‘MMT’E HAVE this dav purchased the Right to ?f the WHISENANT UTERPILI.EIt DESTROYER, For the Gouuty of Brooks. | Being satisfied that it will do all that it claims I to do. we offer thi* great reliet to the farmers of ' this county. All parties interested in this won derful discovery will do well to cull upon us in time to prepare themselves, so as to prevent the great ravage ol the c «tton by the caterpiller this season. Do not defer making your arrangements until it is too laie. It is guaranteed to do all it claims. F RIGGS, JERKS A CO. Quitman. March 7. 1873. 6m JO IS WOitK "V''FATLY and exj -I r-A * . \ tr .; a* the Banner office. HOTELS. mms m»ss. T.ij. Lucr r.cpnctoi. Savannah, Ga. Board per Day, .§3 00. October 25, JB7 2. 3m PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, COII. PRESIDENT & AMRCOIiN ST., iSuumnnh, Gc. Transcient and Permanent Boarders Received. DP. D. COX Would Inform his old friends that he is now in bis New Quarters, located as above, and will strive to give satisfaction to guests. Charge per Day, - - 82.00 July 15. 1870. THE MCINTOSH HOUSE, QUITM A N, (i A.» J. R. Edmondson, Prop’r. No pains will be spared by the present pro prietor, to retain the well earned reputation and patronage of this popular house of entertuiniuen The tables will b - supplied with the very best the market can furnish; the cbambei* will be kept neat and comfortable; and attentive waiters will be in attendance tipou guest*. The patronage of the public U respectfully solicited. tkir Charges Reasonable. -©a .Ipril 12, 1872, 15-ls SO' f||i (i " >■ *2 1/ * I£' “ *"SS a ss'a y esi *• * 8Sk»o. ITMAN.GA. D V .HOT/,, Preprint* ' f BT 118 Hotel is now ( pen tor tne entertainment m of the public. Permanent and Transien Boarders, w ill be received and cared for on rea aouable terms. The house is located in the Southeast Section of the town, and was occupied ,I.o*l year by Mr. Jen kins. The PrdprHor will take every pains to make guests comfortable and happy. lb- solicits the patronage y>f tluPpublic. February it. 1872. G-tl SPOTSWt ()[; HOTEL, l-l rly Cpp site Passenger Pepat >1 A< !ON, (J A. 11. H.ViIKkS I’K.u-nn,ro Hom'd, -A v ; r Day. January 3. 1573. 1 ly MisoHtanoou*. 1 IB Sxa toto to to** S^»» Sash and Blinds, BRACKETS. STAIR FIX lures. Builders’ Fnrni-hing Hardware Drain Pipe, Floor Tiles. Wire Guards. Terra Gotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantle Pieces. Window Class a Sp dally. WHITE PINE LUMBER FOR SALE. Circulars and Price Lists rent free on 4 appli ! cation, by P. P. ToAT.E, 20 Ilayne and S3 Pinckney sts , oe*4-Iy Charleston. S C. .4 J'apt-r for the Masses.’ Worth its Weight in Gold!! Nothing like it in the World!!! Fatm every rcAtler in money ten to riFTt times its Every intelligent eiiiren, pmlewionnl or nnn-prrrfpn. •iotcir. iiiechaiiic or l«»t«'rer in the m bale country,should nutweiil«e forth* Advhob Whorover shewn or seen it is sure to a firm hold on tbo community, as its iuU iueic value as a Ru»inriß and Family Paper li.v* made, and i-» makinp, far it a circulation *nd repu tation unparalleled in the history of Journalism. It m a Bjutmnrt IC-paoe. 64-c iamn, Illlsteated Wbeelt. It gives \. u all YOUR LEGAL ADVICE FREE. Original for Cottage*. Dwelling*. Suburban ■ nd Country Ket-idences, and a vast fund of Jnfoimaticn | on rwatters of sy-ecial ami genaral iutei est, found in uo j other Journal m the country. A Imiktti §m Oil drvso. THE LOST BABE, Size 13x15, mounted ready to frame, is presented to every yearly snl’scriber. S'.d'NC.’iptioti price, $3.00 per year, in advance Single copies teu ceuts. PERMANENT AGENTS WANTED Tor unoccupied territory iu the United States and Ca r.adu. By our Srw Plan agents can hare a con tinuous annual income, with Int little labor. Our agents are makiug from 0.1 r SIQ per day. Writ# at once, stating territory availed. Address all letters to Croft & Phillips, Pul.hehers, Pittsburgh, Pa. February 7,1873. fi*6m ! Without a Parallel.—The demand for Dr. J. Brae field’s Female Regulator is beyond pre cedent in the annals of popular lemedie?. Or ’ ders come in so thick ands tst that the proprietor has. heretofore, been t.nable to fill them all. He is happy to state that arrangements are now complete by which he is prepared to manufacture Female Regulator on a scale equal to the enter gency, and the public may fee! assured that their wants may now be supplied. "Phystflians ol I high repute are using this great remedy, in daily i practice, alt over Georgia. Hereafter no wo man need suffer from suppressed, suspended or irregular mens‘r> adon This valuable modi ! cine is prepared by L. H Bradfirdd, Druggist Atlanta. Ga.. and sold at $1 st» per bottle by respectable druggists throusrhout America. For Side by McCall & Groover. [l-tfj H L W I Mil II »1.l W * 11 C. 6IS. LEDLIeT” DEALER* IN I\rOOL. IITDF.-S. Beeswax and Skins. Tallow, Y T etc., etc., 180 Bay street, foot of Barnard. ! Consignment* sol.cited. lti-ly LAWRENCE & WEICHSELBAUM, XXrHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. 176 and 178 “t street and Market Square Qr dt:ra solicited. 16-ly CEO. APPLE, DEALER D.* Hats, Caps, Gents’ Furnislirfg V_y' Goods. Boys (Totbing, Trunks, Valisei. I Boot* and Shoe-. No. l‘»2 Bryan street, Market | square, under Bietnan’s Hotel. lti-ly K. PLATSKEK, WT HOLES ALE and Retail Dealer in Milline-' \ \ ry. Dre.-s Trimmings and Fancy G<fod«, 154 Broughton street. lh-ly WILLIAM HONE, IMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer in Wines, Liquors and Segars and sole Agent for ■ Georgia nod Florida of English A Go’s Celebra ; ied P.altimore Ale in barrel* and barrels. : < 3 ?7t. Julian and 154 Congress st. 10-ly SOLOMON BROTHERS, UIU ID LES ALL GROCERS and Commission V Y Merchants. 173 Bay street. Sole Agent* lor the .Anchor Lino of Ocean Steamers. Mr. W A McNeil, o! Quitman, is the Travel ing agent of this house. 10-ly BOLSHAW& SILVA IMPORTER* AND DKAIJvR* IX / IROCKERY. China. Gla-.-ware. Kerosene \ I.unaps and Oil. Cutlery. Britannia and Pla -1 l Ware, and House Furnishing Goods general !} 152 and 154 St. Julian and 149 and 151 Bry an streets. 10-ly N. B. KNAPP, DK.4LER in Saddles. Bridles, Harness, Rub io-i titd L' athci Belling and Packing Calf Kins, Sob- Leather, Valises. Trunks, Saddlery ware, etc., Mark* 1 square. ifi-ly NTIUTiI 1M & 10., VI OTION arid aiiimi'.-!Met chants. Suvan J : Hides, Ao’d. •■to. Libia I 'al * a>li advances made on con - ; sigmnent*. li>- Iy fimi FORD and LOVELL, 1 VLK and Retail Dealt is in Hard* \ ▼ ware. Tinware. Ag icuitutu! Implements, Gu i' - -.n 1 Sporting Goods 152 Cong res* and 71 St. Julian street*. ]t» Jy^ First Premium for Best Sugar Machinery and Iron Basting* at South Georgia Agricultural and Mechanical Association Fair, 1872, also at nah Agricul- I ural Association, 1872- JOMN M’n.iNOrofl, T. BALLAXTTM ilcDanongli & Balliintyiie, iron ;jml Kras* 3Y" omnder S, MACHIMSTS AND / Pattern .tinkers, Corner East Broad and Liberty streets, Savannah, : : Georgia. Su ar Mill- and Boiler*. Gin" Ginir and Hors# ! Power*, etc., furnished with promptness aud oa j favorable terms. Also, IRON FRONTS for Stores and Dwell ing. Verandahs and CemeterV Railings, of new designs and patterns, which we will furnish as Low as can be Purchased North. • June 5, 1873. 1 1»- 1 y F. !>. JORDON, DEALER IN JEWELRY. SILVER EMI PLATE# MIRE. &C &C &C, \ .its iu m annah for the Celebrated .JB Diamond Spectacled* 135 Congiess.St.,.Opposite Pulaski House, \ Savannah, Ga. ; WATCHES and JEWELRY ■ October 25, 1872. ly ■ THE ’ m ft 1 ■ ■ 1 I «im*n ■■ >MW W ■ FAMILY NcWSPAPEL Established on the Cheap Cash plan, a: the low rate of only ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Address, INDEPENDENT. P. O Box eBS, Savannah- Ga.