The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, October 09, 1873, Image 4

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_ . the Cuitniim Gamier. PUBUW’P KVEIIY tttIUHDAY EVESWC TWO DOLLA IIS A YKA li WBKX PAII> IN’ ADVANCE. ADVERTISING. Om* ■‘q inrv, (UMinv*. «r 10t,.) firsi Imertki * ‘.'111: mhcli fnlloW|n?tn»»*rllon. *I.OC. " lion a lr.Mtlwiueno fii-t* noiitlmu and foron*- m .mti fir Inngpi the charge will he hb follov-i* : 1 Month. 2 Mnths. .! Mouths 4 Months. 5 Months. <1 Mmlhs. 7 Months, 8 Months. 9 Months. 17 Months. *|*‘.n't| *«! 8iO! SI >| 111 I'll -11! 171 !8| 20 sw ;J 'i ii n s' r: ! ss •1112.001 I*l 241 »0| Ht;| 401 4;’| Ail tni .V! *|l'.<>•>! 2.1 33* SC,j 4lf ts. 4H 60 r,r ih l li 10 (Ml H't I’l 43 60' 66 6fi| 57' 58 li.i f!fSo.<ll)| 0| fi-.l 7't| 7-| Ko| 851 901100 Ito HlV'Ill! 05; 751 K- 85] 90| 100 110 120 150 21 li t.lO 75 80| 901 100 Ho 120*120 110 200 gr— - Lrilci* from Moultrie. Moui.Tii.i K, Oa., St* jit 27t.i1, 1873. Editors lUhnkb : You'must surely congratulate us of Colquitt. We are looking up » little, and hope that “there is a better day a coming” for us as w 11 ns for some of our neighbors. *" Our little village is on the “rmjirotw .-” we can now boast of 1 .vo sUircs instead *,f one, ami both are as well supplied and have as good an assortment of “things and tricks” adopted (o the trade, as any village stores in South Georgia, or anywhere olre, as to that matter. We also a m to surprise you when you visit, us at. tlii' next, spring court,, (we be lieve that “court time" is t he only time we have* the pleasure of entertaining you gentlemen.) but to prevent you from be ing too badly surprised, and consequent ly somewhat bewildered, we will give you a little hint of what, we me about to do. The Court Hons,c is to be repaired and pointed. The job of lepairing islet, out, Mr. J. J. Norman taking it, at seventy dollars. The Ordinary has employed ! Mr. John Jackson to do the painting, (and, by the way, lie is a splendid paint er, too, we learn,) at a cost of sixty dollars. The materials for the same has ] 1 ecu oulo'cd, and are now on hand, cost | itig, J learn, some little the rise of one li untied dollars mating sum total for repairs of l he Oou*t House about, two hundred and thirty dollars. The repabs are being made mnie too soon, for the Court House, as you ace well aware, was fast going to ruin. V* o supposeyou have heard < f “storm,” ‘‘storm” until you are sick of storm news, and we will simply statu it was vety severe hc-e, but we have cause »(o lie thankful that, we fared no worse. Cotton is being gathered and shoved off to mar ket, now as fast as possible. The cut ter pi liars earno late, but, done a great dial of damage. We boarded them as long as possible, and him; parted friendly, and hope that through the good w ill they left us, they will not come nnotheryeur. The com crop of Colquitt is bettor than it lms been for years. There is enough corn made in Colquitt this year for a year’s support for the first, t ime in a number of years. Full is now in and winter is coming apace, and at its near approach we notice the young people are “lulling and cooing” around at a tremen dous rate; but as this letter is already long enough, we will tell you something more of this in our next. Ramiu.inu Jack. This Financial Stantunu of this A. A G. 11aii.KOAii in New York. The following letter, which was received from a commission house in New York bv the editor of the Journal of Commerce is pretty good evidence of the financial standing of the Atlantic and iosd in that city : New York. September 2-t. 18/d. F.nrvou ok tub Jock, m, ok Oom- MKKCK: Wilt you please have the kind ness to inform the undersigned through your paper: When the AtluiitieamlGulf ra it road of Georgia made the last pay ment of coupons r Winn payable? \\ hat is <lied- market value ami who are tin agents here? A prompt reply will {? eiitlv oblige yoiKobedieuts servant sand subscribers. G. A M. l’cply. The Atlaniie and Gulf Rail road Company have paid their interest regularly ill January and July. The largest payment was July Ist, l>v Messrs. M. lv.Jesup & Cos. We suppose the; writer means to inquire after the mark-j ei indue of the bonds and not of the mu- | pons. The litter are worth par when j due; but the bonds, lit e many ot her se- ; curit'es, have no precise market value to day. The last Silos was made at sixty, but there are uo buyers at this p ice at present. A •o-efossor of phvwoh;, v, in explain ing >o a Cass of feme a* xium-uis tin tho rny according to wldcli the body is ;<■- nowed eve> v seven years said. “Thus. Miss 8., in seven years, you will, hi real ity, be no lomvr Miss It.” "I lealiv hope 1 shan't," deinmvly iv speuded the young lady, lasthig down bon yes. A grocer be ag sol cited to contribute to the bn- ,1 ug of a church, promptly subscribed his name to the pa jier in the ; following eccentric manner: “John Jones, (the only place in town where you can get eleven pounds of sugar for a dol lar) twenty-live ■■» nts.” If persons about to wash new calico, especially black, will lirst soak it in salt water, it wiil p event (he color from fad ing* A little 1 e.y being asked, “What is the chief end of mail r" replied, “The end that's got the head on.” Scene in a court loom: Judge- Have you anything to offer to the court before sentence is pas*, and upon you r Prison* ; No. Judge; 1 Lad teu doPavs but. n>v law yer took lira Quitman. I>. YV. PRICE, MEIMISIVI'TAILOE QUITMAN, (lUORHIA, \\ r OHJI ine rin ./iL '» "i'*oh>-'V"i r>a *4*"’» £&'/&! 1 V in ml ns mnr i ry. V dint in* iii jn*i up enwl a KIK- T v fS Merchant W-$\ Wa. TA 11 AMI 1 4 KATAi: 1J SIIM ENT in Qnilnmii. and has on Imml a fine lut id. Cloths and (Uu si mures, suitable for milking Drew* nnd lie me.-* suit*, lie has also on hand a Select stock of READY Al k\)Yj Cl OTIiINO. f leaning and Repairing done on short noi ice Hrices. moderate. April JO. 187*5. 15 Jv OUITMAN m. STORE. IcCAII& GROOVES, DffiAbKUH IN Uniirs, Mdiciiii ! s.<A^^ UniufN. Oils, W'- / VARNISHES, lh,e Stuff,, HR US HNS, Re,fume '*’?/, 7 rnirt Arl telex &(:. ' Notify the public ilmf .limy will keep on land 0' replete and fre.-di - lochs and .-ell the Haim* at » r«‘asonable profit. American I'rail Crest rr int/ Poivder. W«* are ms for fills valuable (li.-coven which will < lie. tnally ami ol»* apl: preserve I-i ni’ and Vegetables for years. Ii jvreven m ietne n tation s and kcejm the fruit. Ac., in ale .«' 11>> condition. I'nt up in l» \> s uiehox ol which will preserve til pounds of fruit, We respoeifnlty soliett. (lie patronage of ilc public. Quitman. July 17. D’Tf*. 1 11. .VI. U, WiI.KI».ON. |»K \. I). r.MI i 11. L/ICE in G HCH. & mim KKIaP on hand a <Jinn|ilete Stock of Friuli mid I’iire /)'. • rgp V-a MEDICINES * "i Jpv Ss‘ i..L au •*- ----- Also, White Lead. Vainblie.-., 1 a'nl -and Oils, Soaps. Tobacco. .* e-rars 'foiiet ArtieU'S, Ac. All of which w ill b( l wold on reasonable tortus. Prescription* carefully com pounded. K Wtosirai: Oil, will hereafter he HfihUat Forty centr per yaUvu. Qiiilmtm, (hi.. Jan. 31, 1873. 5 Jy mm . John 35. Bozeman, QUITMAN, GEORGIA, fIAAKES this method of iidbiining tlie public I tha' his MILL biieim ss does not iir.erlerc with his business as a HOC It: CAIIPENTHU; and he ts fully prepared to do nil work desired, oti us I ’n v 4H iil l<‘ 'Terms as possible, and to the satbraetion of nil parties inimesten. He will also contract to FURNISH LUMBER MATERIAL, and build Dwelling Houses, Stove limises, etc., in pursnnn • * with spet ifuauions lutuisliod. (rive him a trial. Miv 15, 187 H. 20-tt SBSt'U'.il.RCs: TIE undersigned, who Ibis an evpeiio! many years bi h. n oniif.-ie-ure o‘ S !\ (11.1 S. nollfles the public that h> keeps • n hand, and will make (o ordec, any number of shiim’- desired, and deliver them on favt rable aTiip. 7. (M.lers 101 l nt ('apt. brooks'store, Qui 1 man, vvill be promptly attended R T. <; :I.\'(L 11 rooks count v, June 13, 187 J. 21 ts IlFGlher JoisatSnsi. • if fjt*usf(' I'tnniua a Is 'Published If cel: It/ at $ 1 Year It has been enlarged to ;»2 long colon,ns. and b now the chennest paper of the kind in the werld 7V * IhiVars in urtambn' k'' given to one out of each fifty tievv subscribers. Specimen cop ies sent free ('nr Hook Catalogue sent free. Send cash eiders to Brcthe* Jonathan Pub’i hi»ifr Cos ;tft dm] IN li. ckman SI.. N \ NI.W MUSIC. J L PETERs' 599 Broad Y. Mailed, post-paid, on receipt of iuirked price. VOCAL, Above and Lebnv Peered >'ong by Juoll. SO." Lack ti» the Old Home; song and cltota s, . 80 Heautiful form of my Dreams Steaurt. ... ;0 Hariiujj weep no more; song and chorus. ... H.' Homo weep so, sist rdatling; sorg 80 Don’t forget to v\ ti e me; song ami ehorn-... 85 Fold we our hands; same or duel; DoiUUeu. . 80 (buie lo tin* lieu \ 4‘tdv (iaiatent song . ... B', If you were!, wajnid you? '-ong 80 Kiss no . darliug. ere we p 11 . Li’lie Dl'i.d Nell; song and t horns 8-> Little I ' in . song and chants 40 Lord, forever nt thv side . ...... 25 Meet no , lJessie in'the l VI! 8;* Meet me. dourest, with a kiss ;»■» My bov u eros< the sea ' ‘ ' ;*.5 Oh! (Jive me a licine in the South 40 Oh Sum! song and chorus . ..... 55 Only for Von ! Da Fad B‘i Oar Little i At; song and churns . .. 4 * i’upa. stay in me: Temperance song 4 Sa\e one blight t'town fo> me.. 40 We pray you sing tliu song; duet 85 Will then weep when lam Lav t ... ISMSTRUtViENTAL, Fol k vs. >iinbeam, by Kiitkie ns; Leib* ol Suratogo. by Victor, Jk» els ; May Flowers, bv Simon. 85 cts. Maeiukxs Awakening of the Hirds. 50 cts: Happy Thoughts, by Walker. 80 cts : Laughing Wax .-, by V\ i.soii. 50 c s.; Scnbenm. bv Dachcr, 40 cts. G.\u.ors.~-Charlie’s and Freddie's, bv Kin kle. each 85 cts Sll •TTISCTIKS- Fa*a| Glance, bv Young. 20 ct> : May M-mning. b\ Schmidt. 50* cts : sun beam by Hampel, 85 cts ; and Willie's. b\ Kinkrd. 85 cts M.vKcms. DeDe ot -Sarutogji. bv Baumbach 40 c’s.: MolHe’s. by Kinkcl. 85 cts* Any of the above mailed, postpaid, oa receipt of price. Address J L PETERS. * : Urea 'wav. New York. May !st, IST2 * lfe-if M iscellaneous. ... ... - f.' ' ■’ c f | MMONSJ *B^-- KregulatorJ Hmmt. This um ivaile . . ! e,u Gemeuy warranted not to contain a single particle of .Mercury, oi iny injurious ininort»l substance, but in rLULLY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Jloots and Herbs, w hich an all w ise Providence has placed in coun tries where Liver Diseases most prevail, ll wiii cure ait dikeascH caused by derangnient ot the Liver. Tup. Svmi ro\ts of Liver Complaint are n hitler or bud JaMe in the mouth: Pain in tin* Back, Siden or JointH, often mistaken Itheunntiism; Sout Stomach; Los- ofAt»p«*;i'e; Bowes alter mitely costive and lux; Headache: Lo sos inein ory, w idi a painful BetiKUtioti of having failed to do something which ught to have been done; Debilit v, Lost Spirits, a thick yellow appettranc | of the Skin and Eyes,- a dry* ougbofn u mis aken ■ for .mption. S.nn" imes ■•many of these ■ ympditc* a tend the dia« ase, ttl otheiH very lew; but the Liver, the largest oigan in f!;e body, is generally the seat of 111• * fii-ease, and it m-L reg ulated iii* time, great su/ie,ing, wretebednehs and DEATH will ensue. I hiM iJnat 1 itfaliiiHS HPKCII l< vi ill ikm h l«»titt«l (lie Liast l npSeitutitt. For Dyspepsia. Oouwtipa ion, Jaundice, Bill ions attacks, Sick lieuoaei.e. (5-lic l)epreshion of Spirits, No n- Sioinu-c‘h. Heart Burn, «V< SiininoiiH* Liver Regulator, or Medicine, Ih the Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medi cine in the World! MAMTAim UKl> OXI.V HV •I. 11. /LIMA S. ( O, MAHON. G Y . rut PIIJLAI/LLI li IA. Price SI 00. Sold by all Druggist*. GlF’’ 'VfiEBPSSE Theouh lli-lmblt*Gift. Difh-ibuti'iri in li e(-oaulry '575,(100.00 In Valuable Gifts! TO UK DISTIJim i K!> !\ '%% and . si nr z s' 1 (14;h U.-Kular Mnnlhly GIFT ENTERPRISE, To be drawn Monday Nov. 2*»fh, 1878. One Grand Capital Prize, 000 in Gold! One Cash Prizess,ooo in Silver ! Two prizes of's 1.000. Six prizes of 8500, and Ten prizes of SIOO each in Greenbacks. 1000 Gold and Silver Lev. ,- Hunting Watches*, (in all.! worth from S2O to >BOO each. (V>n Silver Vest (TmitiH. Solid and Double plated sil vi r ware, dewe'rv. e'e Whole number of G ft 8, 10,000. Ticket* limit ed to 75,000. Ace. .lccotH wanted to Hell tickets, to whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets SI : Six ickGs. *5 ; Twelve tickets. S!0; Twenty-live ticket*. *2O. riieubns containin'' a full L ‘ of prizes, a ties e rim inn ol (he manner *>f dran ing. and other in formation in reference r*» th<‘ Di.-ttiliutio.’i. will bo sent, to any one ordering them. .11! leltei - inmst be addressed to Main (Tt-tri:. L I> SINE. lh>x .«(*, lolW. ifthSt. {O-51) rineinnati, O j C 4. r--:p,:A;. mVr&j c i ni:ii ai. su'kuin n-:.\i)KNT ••' oi-1- m:. i AII.ANTIC *M> (tIT.K U.*ll.l!ovl*. | Saviunmh. J *m* ill, lsT.'l 1 OX AXl> AFTia; >1 Xll.W, June 22.1, Trains on IhL Roaii will mil as lollmv-: EXPRESS PASSENGER.^ Leave Savannah daily at 4.80 p.m \rrivea; Live Oak -.daily at 1 in a.m •* (Quitman dailv at 4.00 a m '1 hoimtNville. 5.80 a.m “ Bain bridge at 8.15 a m ‘ 4 Albany at . 0.45 a m Leave Alimov dailv at 8.15 p n. Ilaiiibi-i.l/c ilailv ill I :iu Leave Thmnasvilb- . 7.80 p.m *• Quitman daily at 000 p in ** Live Otk. daily at 8.50 p.m Arrive at. Savatiiiuk daily at 8.20 a.m Connect at lave Oak with trains on .1 . P. and M B. IF, for and from Jacksonville. Tallahassee. Ye. No change of cars between Savannah and Al bany. Close connection nt Albany with trains on Southwestern Bailroad. Close connection at Lawton tor and from Flo »ida. with Western Division Passenger trains. Sleeping ear runs through toThonuisville. ACCOMMODA TION TRA IS. Ivvstkrn Division. | Leave Sivar.nah, Monday, Wednesday | and Friday at .G I5 a.m j Arrive at Jesup. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, fit \ p’.:h) p.m ; Arrive at Law on. Morulas, Wc(iiK‘sday j and Friday, at * 7.40 p.m Leave Lawson, i no day, Thursday and Saturday at ...... * (5.00 a.m ' Leave Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday at 12.25 p in i A live at savannah Ttte>day. Thursday j and Saturday at .*.5*45 p.m Wkstkkx Division j Leave Lawton. Tuesday, Thursday and S i*m day at . ‘ 7.00 a.m | Arrive at Quitman. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 10.34 a in Arrive at Tin masviUe. Tuesday. Thurs day and Saturday at . 11.45 a m Arrive at Albany Tuesday, Thursday, and S aurdav at ..! 7.00 p.m I Leave Albany Mommy. Wed esdav and I and Friday, at . 8.10 a.m j Leave Thomasville. Monday. Wednesdav . and Friday at GCOO p.m i Leave Quitman. Monday. \V«lre dav and and Friday at .. . .5.05 p.m Arrive at Lawton. Monday, Wednesday and Friday *... ’. 8.30 p m Connect at Albany with night trains on South western Railroad, leaving Albany Monday. Tues day. Thursday and Friday, and arriving at Al bany Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Satur day . Mail Steamer leaves Bainl ridge for Apalachi cola evorv Thursday at s.OO a. tn. li. S. HAINES. [26 2w if] Geu‘l Supt. Miscellaneous. CHARLES A. DANA. Editor. tfhe galiuv U’crldy j&m. A \ew»i»npero! the Present Tlmein. Intended for People Now on Earth. Inclad i g Farmc 8, Mceha itci. Merchants, Pro fessional Men, Woikcrs. Tainkers, and a 1 Wan- ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEA It ! ON £ IIUNDII; CO PI E 8 FOU 5.50, Or Je«« than One Cent a C Let there baa 8.70 Citt i ai 0 7 iry Post Office. HE.III-WEEKLY 8-CN, s'2 A YEAH, of the same iiss a.:l general character as THE WEEHLr, b it with a srrcatei variety of intftccllaaeoiu reading, a id farnbMug tnc n n wa to its BUo»cribet3 with c- e ifer freatmesa. beeau. o It cornea twice a woc2 ia.teal of oace only. THE 1>.4?1.V SI N, sa A VC.SH. neident, aid fearlc-s in uoUflef. A i t. he news WLSSYSISffi-. “ w; h 7 TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY 8I \. Fire copies, one your, dnj«“d. Ton copies one year, senate’-.- addressed (a.4'i uu extra copy to Use gettor uj .*f ctuo). Eight Dollars, One brnfJrcfl co' les, one year, to one ad>lre«» *(-wl the Dally for one year to 'ter.i of cmb;. Fitly Dollars. "B®6g*SSK»Z^ aS THE Bim.WEEKLY (SUN. Ftve copies, one year, aeporatetv a*-iflj**‘-*e4t. Eight Deliarn* Sixteen Dollars. SEND YOUR MONEY to Poet Office or4eri. r .-oka. or diafts on New r/vvi. :-r (nervous debility* YITITTT it-4 gloomy attendants, loiv W fcplrlta, (lq»n'M«lun, involuntary torrliou, lon of xiowtr, tiitiy head, loi*« of ini iiioi’ 1 , L,t thmdentil Im poU'iKr, nail itnliH tllty, ii 1 a »*over ritfift <«re in 111 UI IIIU VS’ IIOUI - OPATIIIO SPK inr, A«». TO 1 M’l r. riD.i m»v> iiKio.N itr.MLLY »<»»•* tip Uu* KySUin, aiTWt* tho and im part* vi or an l enri-gy, life u -1 vitality to tho eii’iJU in.ill. They lmv .* cured* of CH.-W;*. i'rice, Y-> i«-r p.u-kok** 7»f live b,\ «an*t a buy.- f2 vial, wlacn w v.-iy iinpor ant in ot-.-t-ma < or old 1 <*as*t, or *1 per »uo: * - box. Hohl by ALL I>rug j R m-u- lw limit on receipt of j.ih-v. Addr-.iff j ID Mini HI, V V hPWHFIO iitiMFOpATHDJ | m J .DH J N t;« (>., r»U-4 Hiio*dwa y, 5 . V . A &6LEL HcWoPaPER. Till: SAVANNAH DAII.Y NCWS The Savannah Daly News is so* know If* Iged hs llm jir.-.s ~nd peeplv b» he i. | best da L. papet Ah of !.<'>* - V,. :i! ;d * New O.r ,in. . « **ir v. i h a the predj *F a , I ! <-l :r.:v. it f- ii :ho ii•« *- and vis-t i i i.f V ‘" th Ml ti- ■ i■ a * he-er id t! | tlm biles and |U> ■ H* W- tv- ■ oni-!md i ol 11 1* P ill < . During ti e year i 7:: ; *. - <4- n** i bor. and nmney w I • j • to i- , :!w- ’! \- INO Nkws ui.tM'l of -11 .•-*-•! - in th •*• : journaliwi, stml to dem i v>- H vt*-; n-,. . , ond umi» teoitpcd upon it irom n;i . 11; m htia, ns yet, been n • t r >’>u e.» '*■ m .- \al the ‘ }>«•: ill 11 ** * - li.! ' i ; i, i • > r’.. a - Romo \ ears -a Gan and the r --:., •<j i*- * e i-. that the reader in h ‘- ! * H ; Uu iade-t mad' always looks to the im; Ni. as. Tie- tele graphic ttnangeiu •-* • the la;■ ;me such that ari* promptly ami r•; J|\ ; a tby i • pvcial correspondents. I The Morning News has lately huun enlarged ;to a tl’.ii ty-iv e and . . j;• r and : - b- *«i j seope of type um'<. ic daily, every HS: .g «•! in* j teres! that ir&n'sp •- in H.*■ -lougi n «and Literatui e. | Aft. Science. Pol 'i -v !‘- i ; :(•>?{ ae-i G< o. rtil 1* j telHgence: giviu 10 th • rea-;er mote ;:m 1 i*e!!ei : i digest m itter th . .1 . •»< !»«-r paper in the tire. | I It is. perhaps eedb>s to speak of the politirs j jof the Mo.RM.vo IVw n. a- .*. dy* e-- in- | | deed, since its - ihii -* merit it L lu-mt a t«* j preventative S aluan paper. :c-.d Item that! | time to the pro eti .in ail e« • ’ .n- . 1. has i { eormistentls aid prtwteuHy nuunt duud f>< m<> I er uii: State' Bights principles, a»1 I.ll> » < t |. u i-!i j ! an anlot and devadien that kn«iu no ah.-a iren j | t<< promote and preserve the-Interests and honor j oi lhe Sout h. j The special matures! of the M* rn :: < : Nt- wa wiii j be retained and i uproved upon dm log the ensu -1 Ins? vear, and several new attractions wiii be added j The Georgia Nows item*, with their qnain* and pleasant Iminor. and the epitome of Ih rid a 1 affairs, will he continued during the year. She j local depart meat will be. as it has been for the ! past Year, the limH eomphoe ;o and rtdia bit* Pi !k* i found In an v Sa- t uv.ih paper, aad the corn me r- I tiul column* wiii be full and aeon rare The price of the Daily is sJOUt) per annum; $5.00 for six monlhs; «*Lou for cue month. TIIKTIH-WLLKT.Y NLAVS. This edition ol tiu* Mohm.mj Mk»vs is especial 1 y recommended to those w!o> Inn e not die I’m il ities of a daily mail. Lverything that has been said it regard to the daily edition may be re ; pealed <d' the Triweekly. His made up wiih i great eaie. and ei nnaii > t!»e lua-t des| a’eh*.-> j in'll 111a k»*t reports. The price of this edita n | is $6.00 per auanm. $3.00 lor six months, and !■ $ 1.50 lor three mouths. T. IK WIv'.KL Y NLWS.- 1 The Wkkki.v Mokninc partieclar'v »ee ! those who live oil'the line of railroad. Il is me | if the best tumily pap« r< in thi country. ;o.d is j cheapness h mg> it within 1 it*reach <-t all. li j contains Thirty-six solid cnlumns of rcadim.: m it , ter. and is mailed so as to r- aeh s its p,,- - j with the ntß‘,l . t prompt*.a -s. Dis a *• r oh . ] and laboriously edited coniuemtin:!i of ire ra w’s | of the week, and eon! iins. in additiu. an i; H j<- i ite v ariety o| oihet ehom - reading m ..Her lad j torials on all topics, slooches of no n. manneis I and tashio!».«, tales, poen y . Id* ,r ra .\- ■* I paragraphs and condensed ten grams V <er into I its make-up. It contains the latest lelegraplac ! «!i'patches and market icports up to the hour ol j going to pre-s and is. in ail respects, un indis i pensible adjunct to every home, i Ft ice One year. s2.od; si months, SI.OO. j three months, it) cents. j Snbs'criplion for‘’ithev edition < f the Ad iiNiNf: j News may he sen! by expre--- she 1 isk and ex i peuse ol th.e proplieUir. *!r>s J. IL IST ILL. Savannah, Ga. U itv W n.t. \ j is the inevitable result ot contiuned suspension of the menstrual flow. It is a condition which should not be fritted. In all cases of suppres : sion. suspeusitm »>r other irregularity of the I **c. tirses,’* Dr. J. BradfieUFs Female Begn at<n ! l** only sure remedy. It acts by giving tone | to the nervous centres, improving the blood and | determining directly to the organs of men rn ution. It-is a legitimate prescription, and the ; most intelligent Docttus use it. Preparedbv j J.H. llradfieid, druggist, Atlanta. Ga. 53.5 U j per bottle, and sold by respectable druggists ev i cry where. jun24-if New I‘vtknt ('hi kn '! 1m» atte:::ion of t e ! public is invited to anew *.ml won erful Ch- -n ; invented by the mule reigned. {: exed-anything j ever presented to the public. < all and see it. 22-ts bTBEETYVv AVKETT. Miscellaneous. FURNITURE HOUSE, QUITMA -N, (»A. JOHN M. WITT, : Cabinet Maker aTiulcrlaki r, lias now on band a fine lot of I r R E A U X, BEDSTEADS. SAFE VVA DROBES, ASH-STANDS. Windsor CIIAIIiS, 15-ros ROCKERS and is prepared to pat up to order— SEC 1 1 ET \\l IES, SID EBO A K DS. *n<l everything needed in the Furniture line, nrd in any stvle required An experience of many years, justifies him in e nirin'r the public that bfswork will give saLft- Uetion in every respect; and prices will c«»i - .are favorably with those of Savannah or els. - where with tlii* important, advantage totbe pn - 'riser : every pi. < e i*f Furniture leaving his c« !abli«httu*nt will he warranted. ■ u Hojutirinuf done with neatne;a and dispatch Coffin* promptly forwarded to any Nta iou on the Atlantic anaGnit Railroad JOHN m. WITT. Quitman. Ga.. eh 23. 1872. 8-ts 2S4S* 955*35 Mefalic Burial (vases, A > U- X Burial Caskets ! Tbt* un<).-r»ijiiifil iHiliSr.t lilt i-. t.ilc lb,U lw u. n«w Ciimiik-u-il fill urranjst'm**iits tor Lin- *!<(' •py-!' . .-..»il.i<->im ol .!»' i'ii'l. i-iakeri* bn-i ■>- ning i.•'! iln’ tor tlu* hol** ol ill* ■. 0.1 hi li'.-.M 1 .ic lltii ia.l Cn r- uml »’ • * .•t- un.l th.o-«oi.' will b. ...lit ill i.'-'.tUi f. liMiiil ill-., k'vp on liaml *itv*r p!.V>>.| hi, nn<) ni mn'.in"* wind. cun !>■■ w.h*i|-iit«i 111., rat* dll.. !.i fie. : n ulf .v min fialib..linif i.miw can boni illf.i .iromplly Willi in)' Uf-triptii.n <‘i eii.'t il* ir.-l Turin*. CASH "it .1.-llv.-ry JO I! M VV 1 Agfi!' ijnitninii. July 14. 1.-Te. _,-* ly IS' I ETY &AV i-Ti r a •» .xr, acaxpj. fVnl.i’£ ns] Par’d]* Slow. J J|| . H i 1 M f&*• * M ■ n*\>Ki.?*>ca y J *• jSSB^ TIN AND HARDWARE, ii ii M ,\ A , t . A • n• • fi•;- itnd Gutfei iu-,r done in ihe l»*vt • % l«*. A. ■J} mhvp> h! or below Savannah priced. We esp. ctmuy 111 the people of lircks am ... » iulh* I i>7 ‘ ly Ties' i»\f*r. ■> r.- 1. h V <; run. .-*« true put itier of the human bhiil. Ii thorough l i neutralizes and eradicate from the system ih | specific virus, and even kind .-f humor and bid | aim which causes such a long list of hunra | -ufiVrii g and Impnr s perfect lualtb an<l puri to the , mire c»msti.uii«,n !u bum . I scrofu-tuus. mercurial and Mhiliue blood com ! pbi : n;u ir *.«!» w'.ili n? e*mp* ei rapidly cm | ing lAckk* rr«rr}.i>. (‘ him ' < ks. mu.!) x | >Ai.r Kmm m. and the s> varieties < i skin j If* . 1 tions his a poMiiive cureiive for scrofu 1 ehivinicuml ir.aafnm. ..(\ hemnat -m. and th id adly titeuiy .1 mercury, lead and arseni. j quieklv « > .".!ui:ia dug ihem fi«m the svsjein Th | ueiion'of rid-* icirjeil v h hjserl non‘he truths i | inspiration, the iuw \ii nature, aud the ktion l I ed-e id chemistry. Te Ki.iMi Kv i; er <- igr y, ns D; i Kfirr. pvepaved hv Ir.J. >. IVir.: .* j on has mad •tie ui .si wimdertul ui l as onh-h inu cures Jis ur: \in|r. viv ifjiny nnd Ion ; pr* pel ties ex rc-is ■ the i dertnl tdlec's m resioviujt healih. It is hartnh' | o the iio-st (h lieate. and ian e ver be us J amiss. !' is he tiue In auiitter « t the conipb v j beautiful com,.'exion. use he om:h*cxi» Kxr.t \C; OF Bth.u.oii.i • r giKi.Ns Dm.ujht. bead o*. j )realise on diseases of the blood. The g-ued-.. has the si a; atari . 1 the jnvjuiotor on each lab. j take no <> her. i F*»r sab- by all Prnarsrists. Si Oh a bottle. | Hi;. J. S. I’IAiIiEUTON A GO.. l»r e »i. o-rs. A ! jam \. (,* .. Ilrxr TvANkiv Gamas, Whulesu'e A- n* e V )• Ga. May :‘:b \>7\ 21 Hm_ Notice. I HAVE tb> day puret..sed, U.t- to WMSSENANT HTCRPILLER DESTROYER, | For tl.e County of Brooks. ■ lh'ir.g saiisSed that it will do ail that it claims j to do. we 'Ter this grea* relict to the farmers o' ibis county All parties interested in this won derful discovery will do web to call upon us in ; t : n»e to prepare as to prevent the | great, ravage ol the c 4lon by the caterpillar this > seas n. !>o not defer making your a-rranaremenr<: intil it i> too late. It is guaranteed to do ail it j claims. : HIGHS. JKLKS & F’O ; Quitman. March 7. IK";?. Cm .il/fi tVOISK l fatly and expeditiously' execuivd at vhe IN Leaner cilice. HOTELS. IKAiidnALii ii - olloilo i 1 *" vrv-w,.. ss!sPp!ii M 3 ‘ • ; --- ‘ ' f;; ajSs-5 - - ' A. a. XiMOB Proprietor. Savannah, Ga. Board per Day, §3 00. j October 2f>, 1872. 3ia PRIVATE BOAR&ING HOUSE, COR. riIES!! ENT & AURRCORN^SI., SjivaGiii h, Transclent and rertnaaeut Boarders Received. DR. D. COX Would inform bis old friends that he is now in his N'*w Quartern, located as Above, and w ill strive to give --td-faction togu;-.-rs. Thar e per Day. -- $2.00 July IA. 1 8711. THE Mild;2 HOUSE, Ql I I VX, IlA.' >J R. i dnu ikLoii, Frop’r. I No jniins Will be spared by the present pro j piietoi. to retain the w.-U earned rcpuistibmain.i * pa i ouuge of this pi.piilai ieui«e« i eu:e» tu nu»en k i. 'I he tables will b • supplied with the v*«ry l»e>t he inaiket can fur: i-h; tl.e chatnbei* will be kept Item and iMtiifOi :abb ; and all«*i»Uv e wait eta will be in nueudante upon guesis. The patronage of the public h respectfully j solicited. e. < SiiiiXfM C cr.isouuble. -xoa ; ,t|iiil l>. JS7J. I'.-ll if.!?.;■' aT.3 &?■ wa» So 8B« » « { i l n AI A \ . <. A . n. r .!/. ,v; . /‘.-/-■ —*; Hotel i■■ now rpun ror toei'iti'.i'laiußii.iii a of till' p.iblin. 1 'rilii.i 1 ' i:l nml Irain*i..n II ititem will bi- rfCtiiv. J and carnl for on r.-a ■*■ n iblo lot m. I be hoiiM- i. |.,(i..itd! in lb<* .-'oclion .r;ln- town nuil *•-.i. 11 ■i. -I In., yi-iir by Mi . Hi.. fioni' will 'ilk.* ..v-tv ju' .' t m.'ib :i. '-A?! A-.7-*,.A,!' ! ■ Ii \Y 0. i ;! 1• I. if fly t’pp site Viv’tr Cost Ai At < » X , t i A . Ifotmt y r Cay. ... Basil an! Blinds, Moru sixes, hhackkt?. fix tiirt.f. I’.jiMi’!- ' l-'nrnifU|.n Hartlnan*. •win Hpc. Fluor TUim. Wire Himrd*. Terra fin Wan-. V'.ti bi -a .1 fn M-i.-iilo I’iivof. ii.dow (ibs ;i M HITE MX". U'MilE!: FUlt SALE. I"n■: n u .mil I' Ia ‘ I. .1- . * I.' In.’ .1 p jn a'l .a.t.v l‘. !'. TOAT.K, ») Hivn«. •.! and J !'ii>"k!i..y.«.» . ' , \ A I‘aprr for the Masses! Worth its Weight in Gold!! Nothing like it in the World!! * Saves every reader in* money ten to fifty tirm*s e* Oust. ' ‘ Every intelligent rjiizen, professional or nnn-prrfes swnal,_i«et'hanic or lain-rer in rhe v hot#country, Flu nld BfOwcribe fw tit* A prison. Wherever shown or *eei> it is sure to t ike a tivuj hold cii the community a-- its intrinsic value as a ‘ ’ Business and Family Paper Imx made. »i-d is nmhirnr. for it a cisoiilatif.i, and recti* tatiuii unparalleled \u tin- hfetory of Journalism. It 13 a Beavi tret 16-paqb, 64-cotvmv, Illustbateb Wli kiy. It gives j. u all YOUR LEGAL ADVICE FREE. Oiginal fir Cot tapes. DwelKngo, Kni.mhatl Ar<l <• iHrtry R, d.leu, «-. n ; ,i a , H st fund . t inf : mutton ini tiwMvi, "i Bfte-.-isl and general interest, tviuid in no other Journal in thecouuinn A Hip :' >3l sS.t* Dll ctr T CE LOST CIBE. Fize 13x16, mountttei i eady to frame, is presented to every yi-arSy ibe< NuliseriiaMn S3.CO per year, ia advance. Eiugie c«-} les ten cents. PERMANENT AGENTS WANTED For minccupied let v in the United States and Ca- LAii.i. By I ! \tw Plan -m tall } ;: , TP a tiuuons annual im.n.e. with fur iittle labor. Or.r agent* are uuUang from #3 t- $lO per day. Wti:e ut once, stating u-n jtory tie fired. Addrese ali letters to Crcft A Pejutps, Puldishers, Pittsburgh, Pa. February 7. 1873. n-tim Wrniot r a Pakai.i.kl.—The dem tnd for Dr. J. BraefiehFs Ft-m tie Uegitlater is beyond pre | cedent in he annals of popular Tejnedies. Or j tiers come in so thick arel fast that the jvoprietnr I has. heretofore, been enable t«» fill ilietaJUl. H i is happy I** state shat arrangements are n h | complete by which be is prepared lo man Taetun i Female llecnlalor > n a scale • qtri! to the »-nier 1 gency. and th" public may fe 1 .tssuretl that the-? ■ wants m v now m* -uprei-d Phy- 4 ' high repute are using this great r-med in dad . j nraedee. all over Georgia. H- for an \x man n**ed snff-r from o»prtv-.-.| ■ -;.*<! ? . regular m n a*b>n T| . - p vim- is prepared by 1.. II !'m !ii,;d ■ 1 Atlanta Ga and sold at. * ;.. ■ • : b. | lespectable d'- oggi.-.s tLi» ugh -c.t America For sale by McCall A Groover. [4-tf] m t 1 . p . ■.•*»* « n.. fiA fAwv vi / SaiaaMai Brit W W ilWl / a C. &S. LEDLIE. DEALERS IX W* (TOL. HIWS. Beeswax and Skins. Tallow, V ? etc , etc.. INI) Bay street, loot of Barnard. | Consigtimeuts;ed. l(i-ly LAWRENCE &. WESGHSELBAUM, lIOLFSALE DRVGGISTS. IK) and 178 f ? ( ongress street and Market Square Or j dors solicited. iG-ly CEO. APPLE, DEALER IX C (LOTRING. Hals. Caps, Gents’ Furnishing G> .i «!s. fioyx Clothing. Trunks, Valises, ! Boots and >!-■< . No. 1 :* liryiu street, Market • uu.iiO. under Biesnan’a Hotel. IG-ly K. PLATSMEK. Helail Dealer in Milline \\ i v ,ta -s Trimmings and Fancy Goods, i '»! Broi:;-h;ou - 'reet. 16-ly WILL3AIVT HONE, J y.'i't dn i-.".,’ i■ ; f Vv holt's.tie Dealer in Wines, I ! ;' a l *! *_ i- and sole Agent for Coori:’.! and i ! ri ' . „f A Co's Celebra »**i B > 'i \ r bur: els and half barrels. ! •’:. >! •’a:-i.ui and lf>4 C‘« st. lti-ly SGLCM3H BROTHERS, Gbo- eiH;S and Commission vsi Mt'irl. 173 Bay suvet Sole Agents l {or he .I;ichor Line of Ocean Steamers. Mr. V\ \ oil. of Quitman is the Travel I it g agent of ti.i- liui m*. ltt-ly BOLBKAW & SILVA tai*oUT».t> AND DKAI.KKB IX / GMH'ki.liM. China. GI as.-ware. Kerosene v : -i Oil. ( ii;l iy. lb itunnia and l’la -i and k A ui r, in- I ii -use i'urni hiug Go* ds g neral i ••••. i-’». .-ud 13 j > . Jnlian and ll'Jand 151 Bry- Hi ly L. B. KNAPP, I \ : ; , -addi. s J alb-. H irees, Ri b 1 / C.-r i-;• iL* .:1..a lad ng ami Lacking. Calf i > ■' ; I. i P . Va’n-f . Trunk-. Saddlery ,a a op- . 1.0. ... .poll e. lti-ly i l A\T & CO., V ■ ■ ■- ■■ .'.'O.n j . V I. .-i p j.iii.i f«r IliilWi. I , : i . - P *ol\am' - H ade oli eon ] Mg mum?*. iii-ly - "*<* * "<>"<■*.» ■» *»te -• UUU FOR! ii uwu, 'irll ■! P. I. i: iiIL : ail Leal, r.v in Hard » % v, .r v p,.; i, ulmrai Implements, '■ - ■ * (.* 'ds 152 Congress and 71 St. Julian si reels. Hi ly _ JOHN M. COiPjS&C?., ;i nab. < - si WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOCKS i\D .STATIONARY. Keep constantly on hand a large ass or t tneiit of Ulv ELLANEOI S, STANDAUD AND • f* s to:-: col oks. ♦ [ ■’•■j K-! ■■! 7. 'rit* fvrnithed <m the j'“ .rllhthf Mext ami-l bn-i English Publications. 818 L IdS, S’itmil, =in«i I’iilplt, AV fiItKAT I'.I P.IETY rn o ;a • : aj’nis, sen ve KOOKS, f.i . 1’ . Ht’nl b) in.lil on receipt of piice JJ-Jm F. I>. .lOHDO3T, JU.AI.KH IN ; V ■ % ;t f| s m 3 'vddt 'vCubl JEWCLRY, IL! EB. AXr PLATED WARE. &c &c &c h* Ago its in Savannah (or Celebrated Diamond Spectacles •*•' Congi ss St.. Opposite Pulaski House. Sava alt, Ga. - 'YATi'H'-:- il : VELKV Repaired O . lit 1 ! i >7_ ly THE A■B « t 5 FAMILY N WSPAPER,,- i It.- I.• ' e 'll A" . ■:) \. f al'tLe low )NE DOLLAR A YEAR: Address, IN D iuTEN hEN’T, V O Box Sfi.% Savannah, Ga.