The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, October 30, 1873, Image 2

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ii f LAiAiS j)A:\'\Ll« W.Tr BEX X Hl’. ! (litor H 11. KcINTOSH, Ass iciato THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3a, 1873. THi YILLCW FrVEI IN BAIH -81l Q*. DEATH OF EX-SENATOR BRUTON AND OTHERS. The Disease is Hellrred to have As sumed a Contagious Form. BUSINESS St srENItED. a scouoh’-sritii he v <\rrr [SreciAi Teleoram to the Quitman Bans kb.] Baikbbwok, Ga., O' toFer 30, 187:’. Ex-Senator Bruton died yesterday. Mr. Frank Green and Mrs. George Pearc died last n*ght. Mr. Lewis Ehrlich is hopeless. There are now about twenty fire eases in the city. IVe ha 1 a heavy frost this morning, which we bop will cheek the fever, though at present there is no improve incut in the situation. Bus ness susp'n ’e and and the place al no it deserted, 8 u y vie are a stricken community. My dailv reports to the 8■ • atinah Newt are reliable. Too much pra se can not lie given to Mr. J. 11. Gray, telegraph operator here, for the heroic manner in which be keeps his post against remon strances of relatives ami friends. It is believed this morning the diseaei Las assumed a contagious form. -t - b. e. ir. ■- *' ! r)J> Georgia Fears At a fruit convention recently held in Boston, Mass , at which thirty-two States were represented, there being also nu merous delegates from foreign < ountfies, nod where were exhibited thousands of pears of various var.t es from Maine to California, the prize for the Lest pears shown was awarded to Mr. J. .1. Toon, of Atlanta. The fruit exhibit. dly him w. s raised in Atlanta by him and Mr. llieha,d Betels I'lcadlng “Infant ” A bopelui youtn m Savannah, who has a wife nnd is the father of two ehildieii, had his wages garnisheed l y an impatient oreditor the otlu i day, and win n the east came lip before a magistrate for livesti. gatiou, the defemlant moved to and so lss the suit upon the ground that he was an “infant," that is, only twenty veui.i of age. We have know n creditors to have dclmqu. ut do! tots to "p ay baby" on them before, but tlii- is the most eojorous “baby” we have ever known. The us tere magistrate in this ease veiy pi <pi r lv decided that the aforesaid “i. nt," husband and father■ was rat In i two vig orous to avoal the pay mi lit of a t Another Vive in Madison Florida vnuiml bil lUisuuy u.o nU; i' 1 111 st., alld desl toyed nil entire Ido. k oi buildings. Mad .on bus eeita.uly sus tained cXtiVliic loss fiom fire Slue the war this being the thud i oullagrnt .on within the past u years, and it is esti mated that in all, alout Shi O,Out> woith of property has bn II destioyevl. It is thought that those whose built).ngs Were consumed last week will not attempt to rebuild at any eaily day, ii' ever again. yellow Ferer in Haiuhridye. This Ureadiul seouigo has, beyond a doubt, become the source of much alarm in Billudiridge, and so prevalent as to cause many to desert their homes in dread of the threatening danger of tin* disease. Business has been almost entirely sus pended, and tue little Oak City is said to l« in a deplorable state . inactivity, save the commotion created by the scourge. Up to the last account we have seen, Hwenty-five cases were under treatment <unl a. number of deaths had already oc curred. It. is hoped that the iceeiit change in the weather will be of gn at advantage to these plague-smitten peo ple, and that the physicians will soon be able to stop its progress and restore many of the sufferers to health. We can ouyex t' ml our sympathy to the nlUu ted eiti scus of Baiiibndg.*, and hope and pi ay foi a favorable change and their speedy recovery. Jlhite fey's Sun. This Radical g* nius attempts to ridi cule a paragraph in cur mws column of last week, in reference to Bainbridge merchants giving tle ir aid to this social equality organ by advertising in its col umns. \Y hitch yei pys oin in tide and n his comment upon it -ays they (the ntet eh.nits advertising in lbs paper,) aia- "*ii tibU Democrats,” and then go. s on tosay something about the rights and privi leges of free American eitisens to disre gard 1«>1 rival opinous, &<■., u tb' ir so < iai laid business turns actions, and in ti ll Ate- that uv are very nim h in mod of ti ls patriotic (f) feeling. Yes, we eon s. st that we are entirely void of any such feeling as will prompt us to aid in the support of a Radical paper in Georgia, sad we ho]*' we never will become such a policy Democrat as to directly encourage these bonded enemies and insatiable vam pires of our country, either in a to ial, business or political measure, by giving them id ouiagemeutvto proceed with the oppression of our air. idy burdened and y.'.m b red pr> pie. •I. Clarke Swayze Again. I Below we publish a letter addressed to j us by Mr. J. Clarke Sways'*, in order j that he may set himself right if we have done him any injustice. YVc think, how - I ever, he must have misread our article, j certainly does not charge him with j ever having advocated “the idea that the negro had special rights -or more rights than he had.” On the contrary, wc ] never saw a carpet-bagger in our life that was disposed to abate any of his rights i for a negro or » white man either They iw. re much more inclined to use the ne. g-o for their own promotion than to yield their rights to advance Sambo to position. Nor did wc say that Swayze claimed special rights for the negro over any white man. Possibly he did not. But Swavz • seems, in his Georgia ex perience, to have gotten a clear insight j into the management of “shystejing pul | iticlans,” and “Republicans," who by j pampering the negro i ontrohd his vote, j And they "outwent" Sways** so far on the negro question that he (Swayze) “could not have been elected bailiff in Georgia.” Well, we don't ldamc him for becoming disgusted at such conduct amongst his own kith, and retiring to the distant regions of Kansas. 3 here is a little redeeming feature in that. It shows there was still lift in him a small streak of sensibility and that be could not stand everything. Swayze says that wc “cannot produce iinytuing of which be is author that <om rn.ts hin to any other position.” That is so, and In- might s.fey have gun" fur ther and challenged us to p oduee any Iking of whioli ho was author (without any limitation) while he lived in Georgia, for if there is one line of his Georgia edi torials in our possession, custody or con trol, we do not know it. We believe that he was generally considered a Simon pure Radical mid supposed he run a schedule consistent, with the programme generally adopted by that ilk. lint with out further comment we give Ins letter. Wt* would nut intentionally misrepresent even a Radical in far off Kansas, and our readers can seofor themselves what he has to say : Tomka, Kansas, Oct. 17, 1873. Editors Quitman Banner: In your issue of the 9th inst. you ex tract 1 rum an article of mine arid make comments. A reply through try paper would not reach your readers, and as you do me gross injustice, 1 write you t his to toll you so. The position 1 occupied in Georgia on the n* vio quest on, 1 occupy here. It is a matter of pnn pie w.tii me. 1 fought hard for tin rights of the negto as gu tianleed to him by the laws i el tlie country, but hav*-always iepe led the idea Mint tile negro had spec a r,:b Is oi looi" rights tii.m I had, lut which) .den was iir. p* eKK'sl upon them by ahy-i --b i ng pid.t , mis w ho w anti and the i roles. 1 could nevei have been elected bailiff in til oi. 'A, bet It use 1 Iclu.-ed to p .11 pel tile negro, as li. l seemed to exper t R puHL. ■ alls to do, uho offeit'd their votes ill tiie qu* -,’ on -i oi the day. You r,' pH ii" any i .‘eng which I tun author of, ii it eouim is me 10 my other posit on. Vi u have . pok- n wileut Inowi tig's, j and i th' iclo t yi uto those who | • ' ' Vpo • 1.1 Hit e.i el'll !y. 1 ii.l. no j , ut . n tii the gu mid ol i ley peiit val reio.djlut Ido l.ot wan. to I he lllii.fl pies* utl'll, even alnollg a p't pe | who hatetho sound ol n.y linne, and 1 j tiust that thore is hoiioi inough anon;: ; members of tlie pirns of Giorgia to tit me simple justice, suny I nuniot u:,*lei- ; take to offer t hem battle at this and stmiee, as was my want, in former days. Kespettfuliy yours, J. t'I.AKKn iSwaYZB. Democratic Victory In a recent election in the great State of Ohio the Democrats elected the ii can didate foi Governor, and a majority in the Legislature, rvhieh insures a Demo cratic United State's Smut or jrotn that State for the next six years. Pretty good for a defunct (according to Radical theo ry) party. Mtturr S. lb Spencer, formerly of Thouiasville, has been nominated for Mayor of Atlanta, over Judge Collier, by a, majority of twenty-four votes. LOUISIANA. Kin otitl lit-sens \V.tito.\ Tun I’nopi n. The Picayune last evening received in formation that, the steamboat Ozark which was lust year purchased by the Kellogg ; Government, would Sunday mot ring leave j the city fully armed and pi ovis.ou tl for 1 a x weeks, for some portion of the State, j supposed to be the Giant Parish and K.ip- i ides n the Red River. The exped ti n, it stated, would lay at the mouth of Red River, say Point.* Coupee parish, and be ing all mounted, would ] n.sL foiw.utl, arvompauletl by the steamboat, to Rap*- dt*s and Giant, where all the geutlt iiu n charged with being concerned :n the bat tle of Colfax, n April last, and n sup porting the MfEi.fiy Goveiuuunt n these parishes tv er siutv, wou dbc brought to this city. Orders have been issm and from head quarters commanding Capts. b’uow au.l ; Taylor, of the mounted police, with thir ty u;cn well inounud, and Capt. Or. y, with lifteen otlieeis of the Third Pm net, and a cannon, also mounted, to boh! themselves in read ness for marching or ders. Fifty patrolmen, armed with Win chester rifles, nnd one euunon, will be , kepton board the steamboat, ready io co-operate with the others on land. These will be under the command ot Capts. Lawler and Joseph. The boat s to l>e under command of YV. F. Loan, by the grace of Kellogg, Harlan Master, ami Commodore. W. J. DeKlvn**, a Deputy; United States Marshal, will also be ptes . eat as Colonel of Lou'siann State Militia, and all will lie under command of A. S. i Badger, Chief of Police.—A. 0. I.cay- 1 urn, 18 th. Reduction in all Hinds of Dry Goods Those sly little railioadspei illations of the bankers didn’t come to grief for nothing. And muh good has been de rived from the romantic, gu.iifu! pecca dilloes of government officials and et-eeter- , a. Ou oiali this. onfuiion, toll-blood, ed robbery and woefulness, there crops out here and there benefi' ial effects to some portion of poor, imposed-upoc hu manity. As yet the money panic has not '•aused our merchant* to “close up shop.” But. the Wall street commotion has sent, all dry goods down to zero. Our leading merchants have imported largely, their stores are full of fashionable goods and moiiey is scarce. The majo i*y of mer chants are weaithy, and do business upon a linn basis, in u s.rictlv legitimate man lier. Their large suip'tu capital enables them to meit all emergencies arising from mng iny in the money-market. Goods are leiiik • i down at remarkably low fig ures, oi some iiistanim far below tie oi igiial tost. Thisbappy movement as sists to r store confid' n • • in trad", puts money m circulat on, i ml gives the pub lic an opportunity to makeixtroordinary bargains in all kinds of wearing apparel. N. Commercial A&eerUur.’&Zrd. for (If cell \ ears I Mlfl'irul tl" 111 ili-ii tleieo I,iter; Ii i since ! ii.-ctt one cai'Kiiei* "f -immon ' l.ivni: fMH i cron Ol iliin Cut, ttlecii i. now >• v cnil x ears I hale tiee A Collljei 111! let> •» -oiill'l 1114(1 JiiJ.A.f. >V' nff.LEY <«u. sot rl I (it fflttilA EiiiiiY, rußisCiu \m;o\ REPuei.o Y, ui /.V, - (nil. A- ajt'itf for :iI «'f »li<* Iti'/t* f m in*.Cue •iir*r« <*l f Uirytt'H. < n i !»;•»*». mu I\\ iig'iis at »}«•* V.nlli I IIMI • IHil* It* l»f til A fi- < l Sj»i !» »n*i 1 liH* I uni |»« • i *-«! ( !«• t'uiniitlt hs*rii H’itli a«iY kl<ul t»l Yvl.ifl** 'ha ilifY llliY Wili» lllt'l i*t juitv-t llut vvill lIUIKf II j it* iii »t» It'i; mid. Httvintf vt-.TiM** . iri ifit* hn-i j in *. in ihiu .«*(•!, ii id ti t* country i bink i J•»I % timifl hllllrtl llt(* YYHDIs 4-f *»•»■ JC'f i'\ .111*1 * t't.Y I..JT H tIiMV; Pl.t, k «>< Vrli'Cl'f H Jtil •I If *« ‘H 1 I- * I (•*»iilitU*i»l nl (i:liu*f uiit 'M'J.r-* m'i - jut*. •" i! y ”**|»i»* M*|M»t*l lot V IM i« *t* llul •»* llf ft t-viiif. (si Itolll (lie '.wc (litti i* i- n«*itM*r tin* cutti» AH'« j iiig liioir* K t'lrcml tHfih’i***. hi- c.ih .**!»• |» (11*111 j f r I*-**- nfvA liicli (lit* |>urcliii"*»' K*‘(- i*h< but* ft.. () 111* r<t«»ck H**ol ;»M tli** 8 : vl»“- \ noYV in hk«* *.ih* uml tw*. o .u** «»|» or i.«» .«>j j I’.xiciiH. h lop * t*rru»Hh. lM' 111 *• * *t le*»•*»- | (’o:ieor*l Ac i \V(Mil(| full • i*p»cial i4tt**n*i"»» l» 'ii 1 IMui.'a tisiii Hnjpn- lloy tmy a b**nv> io <1 l.*-i ! loi.Kci *ii«) him hlm) 1 dim* o ti's j •-u 111 1 )i<tn iiny o li«*r yvuro-m it ini >* •! 1 u( ob«*»i.' : Io- p 1 ico ol 'ld •> (1 nn y vy .k om. To lit* n> t io i»k* In-in Him* m*- it * all Im'}< io Iriyinj? N- l«i j riiloa inj/ All YVulk y% »• r ih*»**l u> »*.• »• tvpi*--* I’Oll W. ’ll SMITH. P. s. « * 111 < • \U‘ ii ll r • V ■ o*l.l t ul A.- f *.t. 0 Bio! I MO. I '* 00 *■ ini' oil- II I* Y 11 Os . *•. i 1. • ,;n •>::{ .'-in THE I- Y . V. • ! OF IIE Son;li (iuorg'ia i { 'V-Y I ' a. ii .IS, . d-. L . « tr . To ho ii-!<l it TllO i.Y VI Ui, 1 I A Ytrain ci :Ui I- Y Oc* 6 1 IGW. and t;> of.i M!i 5 1 y ut tli.* I'Allv GliCUin)3 .f lie Association. TANARUS! t* Kan (iiomi K** ar** «*n tin* Ka.-t i ol Tboma-v illo. nbon litilC a miU* fioui In* i hi.sin >s por ion ol'do* l.*\v. . Tin* pn niimits an* libotal arid (lit* ir.riiis at<* itlttpli- ft*r ilto * x!nbiiioli ol ailu.lrs. | lai tl i|u* oisp':r. of nirtt lilut iy in actual oju-rn (i* n. (’< tnloruibb* > al!s for sun k pro\ idui IT ft* «*l e! uifp'. Sj ccial a tt*ntinn is c tllul to (In* lollowiiti*. pc-iniuiiiw oi boT «h*il in tin* i’lctnium S PEC IA L VllllMlVMS. The follow lit ts special P «in *ms ait* oll»-i«‘«l by (In* .“(*iiili (»a. A. A M Assot ii lon and by an over sijiln won* U*fi on; of* lit* I'rcini-un list : l'or ll» la! 4.0 st and b< •>( and splay of aniclos ot j all k Tub. t mb. iced in la-par in * ut l>. das- j Ist lo• y\ t: I'lt-st-i \ cs. pick «•>. j -ilics cal- | sup-*. cc . matic by my oin- lady tin* arii- j c'*t*> to bo ail rnumilactnri and by iln* t-xliibi- | t.>r s*»» | Tv* tin* gcntb-inau pitying (In* largest amount ol entry lees To he lady pay »ng the largest amount of en try V* s. S2‘> I.Y COL. P. McGLASHAN. Foi :la* bes: b y ri*lei. under 1G years **( nge. A *ph i ibd Spanish .“addle A’ a* n. tin- follokY'it tr piv- dnuis : I or he lai-uys! c op of c It t) prvi lueed np on one tr- ol upland wiili -la em*-nt of tl e n «>«!«• ol cu iiYjitivoi jin* amount and k u*l *>l man ir.*- ns*d. th.* penod *>t pinning the n uiber •>! times ploYvetl and hoevl. the kind of -eed used *ith uost of protbic*i*'t*. lan I to b<- m ieiir* <1 ai.*l c*»t t»*n " • ight-il by f -vo oi mot r dis in «-i t*s{» and parties, and ceil li.ates tm -11M.e.1. s•*»> For the largest crop of cot ion grown on ft*** aei«*- v | land in one b *dy same re q'drv'n.eiiis us üb.*v.-. For iln* hug* si . ivp .1 corn town on one acre of «pallid sain • r- tjniteiueuis as ulooe. -j'O foi ihe '.ar.e*t ero*» efcorn grown < n five acres ol land in one body, same ic quiiv inents. §.'o i For iim* hug* .-*1 crop ol oats raised on 5 acres j.‘> For tin- luge-*! ciopot -Yveol po ;«tv*es raised oil »me acre. \ *»f an acr- to be dug aud m« asured as above nquind. For bes* .j bah> >*t *.p ami cotton. F*»r ihe best bale o? Upland CoilON. lira* *1 Tourminent lor 51*3 In g*dd on F- * day Novtinber 7i;.. lirarvi Haii riiday night. A. i\ WTUGHT, Pres. uias. i . Sec y. 43-2 t .''avfmnah Advertisements M VSTC Cl VEX A WA F. box c. nil* *c g’veSU cent* wonli *1 .Viii-ic. With eveiy piec** oJ Music or ieied yy «- give away another ot s uni* price. Send y out orders to It. L.SCHXFINKU. book A Music L'ealer, .Savaiumh, Ga. M. J. DOYLE, dkai.ku r.\ Family Groceries, LIQUORS, FRUITS, VEGFTAni.ES, <fe., j Sole Ag« nt for John T»\| ;ie Son C lehra'evl brand tir'BATY Lht. 31A UK KT SO f A liE- -EA S J Sll> J \ g v/w*; ti aa. t idei“ limit »h<- c * .niF p onq lly at emi-d •**i.t«‘* : It. !’>9 dm n\ Mil! iim; ri'.taii. I)E »ia:i;> in BUSTS i.Y I) KHOES, 119 (0 GRE33 STREET Savannah, Ga. ep ember .3187 J tim F. Harmmerle, l>. VI. LI BOOT & f'U K r ' 3 \c. JO *»i S r ft, EMTARffAS, OA. ——o—— ClitlMiUUlv Cl t::inrl, :i fi• ‘X- Hint tv.'ll K icelett Steclt nt i*'enrh .icniiiin :e"l Am<'tit'iiu «Z Z.XX n jß.r- SWSEHEv. tl "A JWvSo, j Morocco, Oak A TTeni'ock Sole T,cat her, ; Lasts, Findings, Ac., at Wholesale and j i Retail. 41-3 m M.PERST*& CO, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Ml Yl< , ’i Ort.Yi CO. r.J .VJ; S li’A*, El T€\, S. H . « B, Ml IJ:MHt:rsa»TS., UAVANNAII, GllOßfil \ M.M.SULLIVAH, "HAD. FRrSH/ ND ,' - ,4TE ,GI ‘ »!.'» i'irli, " "Ja* ViV" ilitc- v i . rnA Oiticr f*icil'ice " Ml "i■( ■■ i inn 'lr (",(..) -I (i. Ten. ‘ ' S !v' hili’ ( a D. Y. AT-s OY. (Lite of Ch’skoliii it Dancy,) 95 RAY GTRKET, SAVANNAH, GA.. err*! FA Tift j \M> ' n :tJ C mm’s io EltTchan . me - .f or MX \VM F. Ul| iiS A " I • t • , Ac I 3 If Lt *, r'n■it a- iktq js. fo;ik\ Cotton Factors AND gsietl ii rarß GO St., Sacfumah, Oa, iU*lV*v u* pecifnlly t-o J. W. f.YTiiiHU’ A fn. j *» tsov A Cordon \ I! \ri>i:k's S->\ A * , .*.J 11. MayihY Cos. Mii.oll rr'.i, I’s*? F - : av bank A Trn-t Cos ilgc:*ts frr Utith's Soluble Fausphcte. 37 Sm D. J. ~RYAN t S koi re ii raw tv PlFlipijiii c iiii ! Ft i rolypr Stock Depot, Savannah, Ga. First-Class Stock \ F Nmlheru I’riees saving l me, fieighl. Ir.- snia ee. d.i*- j age. Ac. i.“y .*)!«! lor I’rict—Li-1. Sep*ember 23 1873. 3ft tTn U. 11. (MH i;-«»\. (i YV VOKKSON. J.YV AMI RSON. joi!\ u. mm n mi CottdH FacliM-s yM> GISMi EOffl IUVT. Alii.NT- fuff Gu’lett’; Improved Saw Gin -* A N l> SI Cs I'un v (5 M ai *v (i Cor. Fryan nrd Drnytos S:rr»“ts, SAVAXXAU, GA. Fr-mpt nrtenti. i: g.veii l». all hn>iness in r.i-’.d !0 1*« m. l.ibe. ;»d\all ma.te . ■ •..w-iiT .*m*nis ..| e-»-«.. .*•)*! nlher pn.d we be.fjjiug And Ties a! • ays on hand ai »>***»:■ uiarkei price MILLER & CO. >.i: cr-Mir- to Sun ers, (.anitvir. X jua i xs . -a. aa - H . '<£s aat fuss - ANL) - Ceinniission Me chant.-. BAY ST., SAVANNAH, GA. Ag ents for Chessapsaka Caano. 37 if QUITMAW &i ■y 5! ott T‘+ ’ o. f jlt 1^0.<4/V 5 UVoIIIUoi £ • Three Grand Performances at 10 a m. & 2 &■ 7 p m Doors Open On; Hour Previous to Each Performance. hov,i:rp:g ch.\t ivcxc in mim. THE CRSA 3 * 2L£2 C TEftT AND i $l(MhOOO CM ALLKN * E SM O vV. ; . % T ' v ~ vC. Iw - ' 2.' •' • ~ '. \{'iA -o' . V 118 : ... ' . T 4>vii; • : --T ; i.a \ , /- . .’Ti'U ■<L. V- * A- , yr- * ■frlilv'vT RATKIO MX \(Jh i IK. M«scurat, Aviary, Circus,, Roman {l'ppoclrnm© AND i f?EV’p r ‘ i i r. t? r r r- ■'v? tiLJ W3 jli lElj *s2 il* I-. . i -is *tl- - A.. -5 k J 5... V • jl, ‘♦•,l 4 M •, eli Mi- * •!>. o, tl .• ,|. , 11. . , ~| .i| tlS \I • !,*• n «v. t. ! I ■«» u,:>]..* Ml* U- 11l —I ' 1 J.t'llt I- niij; i';t UeltilK. * i-i .1) im ... |. it ;i 1 : •I :» ml.-■!!.*• T.'.'i' ■ I P.,'. il Ml C.. 11l ~ . 11l lIMT 1„". ! f „l|.,| , 1,,-, ...n, i:■ .1 p.l-v.v i r.n,nil'll! n> t |.« hii v . n.-il. n-... Imug- . ,il 1!..,- . !>< i I, „■ S .. M n- . . r i;m;. ,r|r.«-, ! il-'s BVL t err cu • i %:i nro.rrx JiAJCIS-'} IT A Grand Combinatim I'T-ro ban TquiltoTw 'v '2i W3 in On ! | To tratWMior! 11l - <». li t •>! di-.ivv Ltd <• !«, IS , < ■:g v < h dJo»• *• ar.- Ii ,i•_*i*t ! into leqwi-iti* n. ad ts-e »»»t\ ice* of «»v* r iimsi nd liot*e> m•• r . - ’ t*. ; - , < • ct hi unprecedented onterjnisi*. \'V. \vj. ' ~/*■ ;' }. . '' i *x v.,. •• . ' i ■ ' . ’ ' ' .--J NT ' ?-■: , * . •<.- - *“ "*'>■ ’'s>v '■ ' ' hVi ■it'; v'^ s viV A oriaxaci Ms iagcrie, In 4 vppp.iyti* •••r.ts co !■ : .1 ,sh : ('■ > wsruiu.;. in' TTopiial li r«is t and caravan I ol lilt*}•hunts. Cant is, Drom *hu i •- ih-.s 1> :h. ■ ♦ , «* e..«*tc. |GItAKI) IX)l Jil ( HUTS PERFOit AnCE In the largest ir'j.;octrome Teut in the World. EVE HY ACT DOUBLE In 2 Rings at. tin- . me hour, unl. r one Grand Pavitlion! A Lculsle Grand A:trss Two Studs of Ping Horses, Dual Corps of I’riennvs. Male Riders, Acrobat*, (jjniuaas. (.’ . wns, ct GREATEST ACIITEViIM UN i IN AKi.NI ANNAL PV;i:: Wi'i NK -ED! KVBSX BAV AT 8 O'CLOCK. A. St.. AN UXiwnELSI.KD Fageant and Procession Over *2 Allies Hong! > i:lt »•*»«• .1.1 uriinva Hi and *; *1 uk 'lt .cn.i~ n: 1C »m! Ba > jr-mnl i’i do. utid a full | V .ititt \i:xut\ u< in tic l d.iji sol7f ; ll* it! C Mi.c .aui t •>* ltniHhe«l If-,r ho ! ■no tilled .»:t ;f. I:<i\\c<l l»\ tl;«* llivaload** wi It lu-it tl u*, b »•• ?i»u> art-1 jrtt .i hern a. ivimtnt<H| i <U a»id i. dli'tsw, .n nrigiiia! c .-t'ltjo*.'. with Li\i»; . n>, Lion.-. raniluMS. und Jaguars loose ; iu the 'trc«*ts. jaCT ca'-’i .Cb*tlnn a grand IS ill* cv A-eension will be g ; von.^ '/AH u :-FT' / • -i.. * > • ; >v>. ' ' . • • • - ' . C- . S3 3*.vfi'«, 30r. A Ticket Wagon v.ill he open on the St:.vt ftosu ?. a. st.. to 12, M, whoa tickets can lie procured, tans avoiding the rush on the grounds. 11. 1 Agent. Thin iwbbcrlisir.Tiits. nmmcEß's OLD LOKi OH CO K GIM, Fsmc ally lor t'.ie use • I the Medi nil I J ioftxsl>n and the thirdly. |to-*ses^ing ihose intrinsic in ••bemiil properties wli cit belt>ug to an old and Pure Gin. Imb'pei.filde to F< ruab* . Grn-d f.»r Kidney Oompluhns. Ad: licious tonic, r'ut up in ca '< ' i uir one d"/.eti but’.les each, and sold *»v all drugsists. grocers. Ac. A. M. Bininger A* Cos. c.~! iblii*be(l 177.5. .No. 15 Bt-aver »St!eet f New York x Ti T TANARUS) TT if .MUOUr/S IUJBAL [4 \\ Ey* Y MFV YOBKK!', ti« “ J '-'-a a a* i(} ~; l| I'lost raied Ar !**c'h 1 •! and l uio Uct-klv is the Standard AiiLhori v upon Pt. ciical Subject and a liigta j 1 oned l.i iTtuy Jwimiul. Only a \ear li'-ss to (Jren i’t emium** r ‘ nsb Commit 'i°ns Jo Ag rits. Ilrrt*en number** (Oct. to hind On ii i 11, r r Only Fil y t rnu*! IVeadurn ■hist , Ac, .-cii f.«• to a! i t iu! Sub cribert. . . OR i ' •. ' . : .. y r-yc^T Ige-iIM Wunted. SKXI. I'. I: . ..TAI.IIIH K • .3CBH'. SiiTdd BUBHE to., I. w Tsrfc. !>*: ..{ pn Jf '.»• >|"..l Im A r»*nt., Vi ijij i\ i! ..ii:,: i\ m -1111.,:. . .... ...I. . 1. 1 h.-roi ■ Xisii S•• .« : !.|. I !.:•• Mil ! () 11 I ill In-: . |.„u " „t 111. 1 1.. .IT VI-11 1.: •■!.;> , I .•_!•:!| ■lll tn i ’ . .1- jut: ii. :h \n r .uv mi A.-y-i I’hi -l- l|.ii 1 !• . THE BES F FAPSE, i' •.: v rr: ■ 2 Ii ■ Sii. nCfic Uv. 1 Iran i* the tda ape.-* aid best i 1 ;U- 11 at fit w. k;y I taper iHblSned Kvetf ; < !«».•.- C b<*:» .11 to I.* ; elgrav • . lien , *1 i-.v.-sjtn US J.ndf. - •' A ■ *ec re Imp. »>\ ed ii a. UO e.t l n •V,\II -w d;**c-*v.-ty ia .'ii,- AVi I ** ' Olb« i> Cull Hill puge* -i M-vi't 1! o.i it.-vd -'• A ‘ •»!..;:> ill u.-ands \ 1 1 titci* a-e pt ved i.» biodinir tn-. tefer- Ii ohm. i.— ip .* . e h, 11 worth !<-a Ibv mail .'-{ = •■.mV. h J..i, ti e .»\beJ ad of j Sea .*• ]A - i.N - oil l.e | b s' riii> Models..: lien i V. o'i ui- U»d sketch - \ tut* . *1 and * vice free. Ail p.» «*i.t- a e ; .*;»•• l-ll and i ■ Sw I.M 100 AvUD IL'aN li.e neek i*x«. 8 ;.o pumptilC! i|d jeur. C ft [ i iaiug IH*' nd lul. diiecii- i* 1* r ob*.ai:.*n|r I -tenth vd* >- lot ti.e ta, • 01 n, .mi g • : ciii • M( \\ A O 37 u k Ht.w N ’t !■ • an. ii < til vu. n*r F .in-, 7th .Ms . *\\ a h;ng t-u 1» ‘ S HES, B •\ r g •: ■. ;• s, •. . “•••i nv .v. . £j» ;. :. ...... *» I m .1. I- V I'.. I .1. ■ 8 ..i.kii.b. 1.1..1 .. it. i.i .. .. A,.:i i ■ .. mu l'u-». Cir • (i.i: . M .lit. .'. • I ,nlalnf ami u.i nu. Hi. ling tin - Sin ii i giiie Mi I »ud ii :■ .n .. tJuiij... I m .liv.A and iMM.. K .:! I- !.i .ii.i i•.:HI, mn! min j -I ■' -n . im ! r ~1 ,ii,.l lrmi nn i Ho..d inn , i,i |..,.|_\ ili-mt jtiii.ii. >,*nd •: ein.'ii m \V.»>lil.Mrr.’iN IUU.N n U KS. V- 8 ' 1 . . :; ■ .. ~ I* A* !' a i tt I ii * •• , !>. C . C L ' 3 . VV i»l ILLS. i.)'.' I Ii . U E' r A.. A , j .. o. ... i c ion l oi on Prots *' ... .) B|| Ml'." ... .' A-. 1 !.. ... 1.... . w 'U* .'1 ..1 ■ ill ■! •• A . !'• Im •. ... ... AH .. (..•■•.! . ... i. t—. I \ ; I.'V 1.1 !:••?« * t . i 1 i.A i I.I. A.. 1 --I i i'i . i*'" \ •; *.:"V .;>■> !o §2O , . v ! »’*• ' 5 ' k *•“ -“» 1 r "•'» - ■ •*■ .V 1 ii- t;i; :• rli iii »• :in\ t:.-• > r-» ol* tit 1 it- - ee .1 1.1 esN u STINSON A t/0.. Fortlund Maine. of ; tide. ! V ■‘B_ T .a-v 3 >r*-.« GHNFUAH sm-:!!INTKNI»KNr- OFFICK. ) Art.writ t.\!> llli.v Hut,noun V s IV iill '(:• !l. Oct. 11. |t>73 ( / AN AND AFT-hl >! Ni).\ i Oct. Illlli. Train* \ / on this Hoad w 11 run us follovvc ; EXPRESS PASSENGER. ve Suvunmi!i daily .t 4 *) p.m vt . ivc i lave Oak daily at 3 .V» n m *• Qndtnan daiiv u .. . .. 3-Yiata Th'iin t'V ille " Uiht m “ B iinbt itl-c at *.15 a tm Ad»anv a U lii .« in Leave AHkm.v d'dS.v ut 3.V0 p »r. UiM.bridtr-daily at 4 3n p.i» brave i'li' ittusv ille 7 35 p.m VT'itm «n d.iilv at 9 Oo p m " Live ();,k «! ii’\ at St.os pin Vrrlvc at Savannah .iaiiv at H.iid a.m Conn- e* hi Liv e »ak w;h train* on J P ftnd and U 8.. for and from Jacksonville, YaHaliai****^ No change of ears between .Savannah and, Jci‘ • tanv Ci'-e ci n ♦*efit»n *t A’bauv witli t’aijj* oik •tmthwes ern Huilnntil. ACCOMMODA T/OX TPAJX.. Wkstkun Dtvt.-toN : •w-Liw S «nd is ex-*p ed, 7.25 a m ■V- u: HMiiman. ‘ W 54 a m A ive ;»i i ! > Hii i-v ille, * •. Ji)|. m A ' i e ar xlb t .y * «,V. » !kl ' a m a-- Hioma-viHe •• 4to | m 1 " H' l ■ ,! * ll . ‘ 4.J.’» o.rn tbda.p in > 'ii-■ w • «»-y w it!• om South • hihruad bnvM-e .4 b:un S ndav.Tues *’ ‘ 1 1 * 1 1 *rt L» a’ Albany •-ay Wedn •da ui.l Fri »■. : ti! S'eatuer U -»ves lb. tl rnl.e fur ApalacUi a every a? S.cui %, m. H. S UAISES. n i Supt. eS h W. .NMK of Iftt* *Vr?BJ 0 lia- lu*e » four>d *e .la be d;>c » eier is a (• !i > sieian «»f ‘ ' i nee. »*x eo-ivt* ■ > and pro ri! j dguu-tit im! bis <li' K;v- pr»>ten <X a tdevdiig to wmma dlkt ii is already 'e-wn 'hi oughont vhe ctu»rr«tv a* • •Woman"'* e-i h *ie' and. v ’A it!» remarkable and * >iMj ji cures all itises . f supprvs'iMl men • na ion ncsre or cbr«u»ic. :w»d restores heal*h : eVt-ry tasjatnee I'r. J. Bru ifi-Ui s henialc .emulator sopp ies a remedy long ne«*«lrd in the «fine-t «T Hset «*s pec>il iir to woman. Thi* ie Vedict! Faeulfv kn »ws and admits, while •, I !.y o! our he-T jthvsici *n.« an* using it in daiiy ■ ice. Ihe in‘okdiie ptejMmi with great are bv L. IL b.a<ltield r D uirgisl. Atlanta Ga., inn soiJ atsl.s‘.) per bouie bj respectable L’rugg : ti« everywhere. ian24 If