The Rome tri-weekly commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 1868-18??, January 17, 1869, Image 1
THE ROME TRFWEEKLY COMMERCIAL VOLUME I THE SOME COMMERCIAL. TmThoab. M. A. NEVIN. HOOD & NEVIN, KDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. Rates of Subscription. TRI-WEEKLY, On« Tear, - * S3 00 Six Months. - - -3 30 1 hree Months, - * 1 23 WEEKLY. One vest ... .... 3 00 Six months I 50 Three months ....... lOd ADVERTISING RATES* One square, ten lines or lers, first insertion One Dollar and Fifty Cents. F.ach subsequent insertion, One Dollar. Liberal deductions made on contracts for advertisements running three mer.ths or long er. fait itoait (guide. imiLinnH Change of Schedule. ON and after Thursday 19th, trains ori the Rome Railroad will run as follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Rome daily, »- 930 p. m. Arrive at Kingston* 10 45 p.m. Leave Kingston, 11 30 p. m- Arrive it Rome, I*2 45 a* in. Accomodation train. Leave Rome, 8 15 a. m. Arrive at Kingstou. 9 45 a. ip. Leave Kingston, . .. 12 15 p. m. Arrive at Rome, 1 45 p. m. Connecting with double daily trains at each terminus. At Kingston with Western & At lantic Railroad. and at Rome with Selma Rome & Dalton Railroad. 0. M. PENNINGTON. novlStf Eng. & Supt. Selma, Rome & Dalton Railroad. Change of Schedule. ON anil after Thursday. November 13th. 186S. trains vVill run as follows. Mail Train will leave Selma at 9 a. m Mail Train will arrive at Selma, 1 p. m. Accomodation Train leave Selma at 4p. in. Accomodation Train arrive Selma 12:20 p. m. Through Freight will leave Selina at 3:40 a, m. “ '■ arrive at Salma 7:35 p. ru. Mail Trains will run daily. Sunday included. Connecting closely with trains on Western h Atlantic Kai road at Kingstou for all points North, South ar.d East. The Accomodalion Tram will run daily. Sundays excepted. The Tl.i. agl. Ti.irß -. ill nn t-i v.- •. leaving Selma Mundavs Wednnwlavs and Fri days. arrivu g Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat- Uidays. Freight to Charleston goes through without break id bulk. '1 hrough tickets to all Important points. For itiiurmxtiou respecting through f right nr passage app’y to KDGAR \LI I l .l', Gener al Freight unit i ivket Agent. K. O. BARNEY. G’cn. Snp’t. and Agent M. STANTON. nov2o Asa't Supt. HSTEII Si ATIAITIC UIUU> ON aiiJ after JANUARY 27, JSO7, t’assen grr Trains will i tin as follow s : GOING SOUTH. Leaving Atlanta 0.50 A. M. Oaii.y (except Sundays) Great Northern Mail.— Arrive at I'al ton at 2.40, P. M., connecting with K. I . and Ga. R. R trains lor Knoxville, Lynchburg, Washington, Baltimore. Phil adelphia and New York. Arrive at Chattanosoa 5.25, P. M., connecting with trains of Nashville t Chattanoo ga Railrond for Nashville, Louisvihe, and the West, and trains ot Memphis & Char’eston R. K. for Memphis, New Orleans, &c. P. M. Daily (except Scsdays) Dalton Accommodation. —Arrive at Marietta 4.40, Gartersville 6.43, Kings ton 8, Dalton at 11.45. 7.00 P. M. Daily Express Passenger arrive at Dalton at 115, A. M. connect ng with E. T. & Ga. H R. trains for Knox ville, Lynchburg, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, arrive at Chattanooga 4 A. M., connecting wit tra'.ns of Nashville A Chattanooga Rail road far Nashville, Louisville, and the West, and trains of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad for Memphis, New Orleans. &c. COMING SOUTH. Ar rive at Atlanta. 1.35 A. M. Daily Great Southern Mail. —Leaving Chattanooga 4 30 P M, connecting with trains of Nashville & Chattanooga and Memphis & Charles ton Railroads and Dalton at 7 50 P. M , connecting with trains of E. T. & Ga Railroads. 0.50 A. M. T)aihj ( except Sunday*) Dalton Accommodation. —Leave Dal ton at 1.25, A. M., Kingston 4.30, Car tersville 515. Marietta 8. 1.15 P. M. Daily (Except Sundays) Express Passengers.- —Leave Chattanooga at 4.50 A. M., making close connections with trains of Nnshvihe & Chattanooga, and Memphis and Charleston Railroads, and Dalton at 7 40, A. M . connecting with trains of East Tennessee & Geo.gia Railroad. * PULLMAN’S PATENT SLEPiNG COACHES On all Night Trains. E. li. WALKER. (j pr ,l4 Master Transportation. Georgia Kail road. DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Augusta Leave Atlanta, *• " Arrive at Augusta, 3 30 P >1 Arrive at Atlanta, 61 ? I NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augusta, 3A5 P M Leave Atlanta, Arrive at Augusta, 5 3° A Arrive at Atlanta. f 00 A - 1 Passengers for Mayfield. Washington, and Athens, Ga„must take Day Passenger Train from Augusta and Atlanta. Passengers for West Point, Montgomery Selma, Mobile ami New Orleans, must leave Augusta on Night Passenger Train, at 8 00 p. in, to make close connections Passengers for Nashville, Corinth, Grand Junction, Memphis, Louisville, and St. Louis can take eithsr Train and make close connec ons. THROUt H TICKETS and Baggage Checked Through to the above places. Pullman’s Palacs SLEEPING CARS on all Night PiMSengsr Traina. f w General Superintendent At'ot?sta,G.v, June 7.1757: gussitutfs* Cwtte. A rthur HE oo cl Attorney at Law, CUTUBERT, GA. mayl7 ts PrintupA T^ouclie Attorneys at Law, ROME, GA. Attends to the COLLECTION OF CLAIMS Buying and Selling of REAL ESTATE. AND THE PROCURING OF PARDONS DecSl. ly a usual us a. Weight. c- n. feat hers ion WRIGHT & FEATHERSTON ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ROME, G A. SUCCESSORS to' Wright & Broyles, the latter firm being dissolved by the removal rs Col. E. N. Broyles to Atlanta. mav2l ly- C. H. SMtfH. 1. beaNHam.jß SMITH & BRANHAM Attorneys at Law, HOME, GA. apr 18 ’f DP. J. B. UNDERWOOD HAVING returned, to this place, offers his professional services to the citizens of Rome and vicinity. * OFFICE—Up stairs, “Commercial” Office Building. Feb. 6,1868-6 m. jowl iB in umf, Apothecaries anti Dealers in Pure Drugs And all articles usually connected With, the D K U Q T R A I) E. BROAD St. - - ROME, GA. apll 61 y DR. L. M. HALL, lm; n r is» i . OFFICE ('VE VtSAI/.S JF.wm.RY STORE. ROML, GKOKOIA, r pKKTH inserted on the j.-sHy celebrated I Vulcanite Base. Also on Plate and Pivot. Teeth extracted without Pain. Teeth title) v’. illtimt Pain, by means of the Niirculic Spiay. n. vr". tXmminaL to - ■ “ pf Etowah and Undine, Will leave Rome for Gadsden. Every Tuesday, ai. Y, A. M. and return every Thursday. ' J. M. ELLIOTT, Oct7-tf General Agent. 1868. 1868. iIeIhTT D 0 T E L, ALABAMA bT.. ATLANTA, GA. Nearest House to tho Passenger Depot. WHITE & WHITLOCK, PROP’S., W. D. WIIjEY, Clerk. HAVING re-leased and renovated (he above Hotel we are prepared to enter tain gu -sts in a most satis factory maimer Cl arges fair and moderate. Our efforts will be ti. please. Baggage carried to,and from toe depot free of charge. anr24. BOOTS and SHOES. TO ALL INTERESTED. GLEASON has opened a first class BOOT and SHOE SHOP, over Walter's Auction House. City Hall building, and is prepared to do all kinds of Fine Work in his line. Par ticular attention given to Ladies Work. He 8 also prepared to put STEEL SEANKS all fine work* Orders respectfully solid ted work warranted. sep2twiy. lO". CUTTER, TAILOR. ALL WORK WARRANTED. SHOP over the Dry Goods Emporium of Cololough, Harkins A Gl iver, Shorter s Block. Cutting, Fitting and Making at tho Shortest Notice. SINGER SEWING MACHINES FOU SALE. nov6 'f- JKTo. C. BRANSON' THOS. W. HOOP*® 21st. Ga Reg. BBANSON It HOOPER ATTORNEYS AT LATV, KINGSON, BARTOW CO-, GA. WILL practice iu the several counties of the Cherokee Circuit. Al»u in the counties of Floyd. Polk and Haralson, of the Tallapoosa Circuit. Prompt attention given to all busmen. dec2 ItOJIEIt K. STOCK. A few shares olthis valuablo stock for anle by W. S.COTHRAN, SON ICO. decls. ROME, GA., SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 1869. J. W. H. U.xderwood. G - RowiLi,. UNDERWOOD & ROWELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Shorter’s Block, BROAD STREET, - * - ROME, GA. Practice in the Tallapoosa and Cherokee Circuits, the SuprCtnS Court of the State, and District Cciirt i>f the United States at Atlanta and Savannah, and anywhere in the State by special employment. Particular attention paid to cases in Bankruptcy and collection of cairns. All kinds of Conveyances, Wills, Deeds, Powers of Attorney and Contracts will be at tended to, as well as examining of Lard Titles. Will also act as agents for the purchase or sale of real estate when desired. sep‘.'7tf HILLS&REESE ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE IN CITY HALL BUILDING. Will give especial attention to settingapart Homesteads and to the adjustment of Claims tinder the Relief Law. octl6-Jy. bootllSm G. M. STEWART, BROAD ST. . - ROME, GA. Up stairs, entrance betwee i the Bank and McClung’s building. All Work Warranted. Steel shanks put in boots and shoes when re quired. Ladies work meets with prompt at tention. Sept. 30.—tw-lv. _ J. F. LYON, WHOLESALE and RETAIL 6BOC E.R, Northeast corner Commerce and Bt. Michael Sts., MOBILE, ALA. D3P” Prompt personal atteiition given to all orilers. nov2v?-3rti. TK \ NESS i; R 1101 SR. J. A. STANS BURY, Proprietor. ROME, GA. Near the Rail rove end Steambnat Landing THE STAGE QJgiUtiUi-., Os the Rr lilt anu Blue Mountain Line is kept rcl3-ly- H.&E. M. Eastman, DRA LERS 1* IMPORTED & DOMESTIC LIQUORS, BRANDIES, GIN AND IU M, No i Lumpkin Block, Broad St., Home, Ga. whiskies. wines. Bourbon, Burgundy, Port, Mortonghahela, Valletta, Sherry, Old Kve, Madeira, Malaga, Robeitson County. Sparkling and Still, Catawba. In packages to suit the trade. ALSO, TOBACCO AND CIGARS nov!2 “Home Again!” J. C. RAWLINS At His Own House Again. choicFhotel BROAD ST., ROME, GA. Passengers taken to and from Depot Free of Charge. Oct 31 ts. ' noticeT Lumber for Sale. AT RAILROAD DEPOT may2B-tf J- W. STILLWELL STEAM TO GIoASCOW AND LONDONDERRY. TIIB ANCHOR LINE. Favorite Clyde built passenger steamers are intended to sail every Saturday. Leaving pier 20 North river, at 12 o'clock n»oD COLUMBIA, HIBERNIA, CALEDONIA, KUUOPA, BRITANNIA, IOWA. Rates of passage, payable in currency.— Cabins to L ve.pool, Qiaigow or Derry. S7O and $75 v Excursion tickets, good lor twelve months, $l6O. Steerage to Giascovr or Derry S3O; inter mediate $3 . Prepaid certificates from these ports, $37. Passengers booked to and from Hamburg, Havre, Rotterdam. Antwerp Ac., at very low rates. Drafts issued, payable at any bank in Great Britain and Ireland. For farther information apply to HENDERSON * BROTHER'?, No. 6 Bowling Green N. Y., or THOMAS J. PERRY, novttw-wfm. Ajeut, Rome, Go. gMSiaeisss Carite. ROME STEAM SASI.BLIIS. Ml rum Dll FACTORY, AND PLANING MILL V\T E are prepared to receive orders for V a s ojt; jpg in our line. Orders firoin Abroad strletly attended to and promptly filled. CONTRACTS or Buildings, of any style, taken an the work done at short notice- In addition to the above, we will make BEDSTEADS of alt kinds. Wardrobes, Extension Tables, and anything in the FURNITURE LINE that may be ordered, c o F FINS made at shortest notice LOpei cent less than anybody. | else for some styles of wotk DAILY, REESE & CO. epll4 FITSIUI.H’S PmiKb. TR Y T H EM! TU Y TIIE M And von will knot* theirt by bein» tried With tfct-m, etery iran erfn be his own doctor One ot each article will save teift limes the ; bilN and wilt'net cost unv. more tkin the medicine the physichm **oaM wive, and it you don't have Lhe sickness the)' will keep good and reliable for years. Lac Si one is not good for every thing. U*i we will j btake our r putat.ou that it will do what we | say it w*ll. CIIILL MASTER, \IMEiI Oil Wil always keep the paroxysm off, and ii fallowed With Chill Master, No- 2, it will never relapse. FITZHUGH S CHILL MASTER, NO. 2 Will always keep the paroxysm off and pre vent the case from relapsing. FITZHL’GH'SDIARRHfEA AND DYSEN TEF.Y CORDIAL. It is a certain cure for all kinds of affections of the bowels, all families should have it on hand. FITZHICH'SIEBALI utters. A sure and speedy cure for deranged men struation Females are cautioned about using it in certain conditions. FITZHUGH’S VETO, FOR NEURALGIA, A quick relief for the most distressing of diseases. A certain cure also for colic, cramp. Headache and its kindred FITZIIUGU’S VALLEY, OR ANTZ-BILLIOUS PILL. The finest of purgatives ; it stirs all the se cretions and gives all the relief that ran be bail from purgatives. It is splendid to regu late the bowels, at the same time it is small and convenient. FiTZHUSH'S RELIEF It is unequalled for painful menstruation or any other distress about the uterine oigans- FiTZiiuairs ELIMAI UIIHITiII. The surest and quickest relief known tot rheumatism, toothache, headache, neuralgia, sprains, bruises, cuts, sting of insects, risings in the ea:, bone lelons ami any or all pains, aches, hurls, &e. All of the above articles at wholesale or retail by 1L V. Mitchell, Corner Drug Store Pome, Ga. The trade Will b« supplied at the manulacturers price. aug!3-tf K- V. MITCHELL. Great Through npisiH iipsgjr FREIGHT LINE, FROM NEW YORK TO GADSDEN, ALA. VIA VA. AND TENN. AIR LINE, • CHARLESTON, S. 0-, “ SAVANNAH, GA. Ist*, • • - - $3 3$ 2nd * »8 3rd * 1«7 4th « m 3th « DIRECTIONS—Mark alt Good* Plain, G.-.dsdan, Ala., cars of J. At- Elliott t Cos., Rome, Ga. All through Freighta payable atGaJadon. . M. ELLIOTT & CO , OctT-tf General Age uts. Romo, Go. Poetry. - THE BRIDGE OF BLANKS. Spanning tbs streamlet’s grassy banks, Above the shallow brook. Stands the old-fashioned bridge of planks, In a cold, shady nook. An alder and an aged thorn Over the waters meet, And the wooden path is thin and worn With the tread of many feet. For from the hamlet on the hill That ancient footway leads. Over the narrow brawling rill; Into the woods end stead.; THf sturdy laborer, bale and strop", Crosse* wi h heavy tread, While the lark trills out its morning to ng High o’tr his dewy bed. The run-hurned children, girl* and bov*, “In wild and merry rout, Tu the full prime of childhood's joys, Pass over with a sllotft. The gray-haired patriarch lores the place; He sees it from bis cot, And totters down, with feeble pace, Tu linger near the spot. And there, on summer even, I ween, True lovers breathe their tows, te What time the pale moon’s trembling sheen Fails on the hawthorn boughs. Thro’ Summer’s heat and Winter’s co’d, Spanning the grassy banks, It stands, the friend of young and old. The tfUsty bridge of planks. Literary Department. A HEROIC GIRL. EXPERIENCE Os A DETECTIVE. In 1848; a circumstance occured in the city, said Mr. F., which at the time created an excitement which affected the entire population. An old roer. chant, highly connect'd, wealthy and of distinguished social position, one night mysterously disappeared. His family were in inSuite distress, and his business in consequent disorder. lie left his store at a lute hour, ostensibly to go home ; but before going, contrsry to the usual practice, he put in his pocket a large sum of money. His way led along Peters street, on the bank ol the river, far down in the Third district of tire city. His life uia’y have been sa'ritleed ami his body thro*n into the flood that roiled at his tcct. Police regulations, at this time* w re ha 1, and crimes of this deerip* tion were uot unfii que itly perpetrated, A little way back from the street was a ruinous building, half tumbling to de. c.iy, and inhabited by a number of people,moo and women, inn ured to vice, and living bv robbery. Among the notes Mr. Goulaj was known to po‘6e. ; s was one for 8500, with the word “Cana!” written on the buck. The rest wore of various de nominations and without peculiar identity. Mr, I and myself visited the re sidence ot the missing man, at the re quest of h is’g wife,- aud by her Were charged with the duty of tracing out and bringing tc justice bis supposed murderers She was a tall, elegant looking lady, of commanding presence and great culture. The wealth of her rieh beauty and fine mind were inherit ted by her daughter, a young gitl, scarcely twenty. The terrible, bete&re tuent had paralyzed the sense es the mother, but bad aroused energy and fire of the young giri’s nature. — More like a beautiful Nemesis that an ordinary woman she appeared to us.—i- As we entered the room, aha was iu the act of consoling her mother. The long black hair had e caped from its confinement, and almost envo'eped her person iu ebon tresses. Tho great, l.imiuous eyes were tearful; but £sil« ing and full of fire. The face was dark with the Hood of her Spanish race, but the figure was queenly, slen der aud faultless as a model. The glorious beauty of this young girl feci natrd while it bewildered you. Rare in its exquisite loveliness, the eye de lighted to rest on the willowy outline and graceful symmetry. Starting up as we entered the room, she iuquired has*ily and almo. t fiorcely, l though:: ‘Are you the detectives?” “\Ye are,” and we mentioned our natnet. “I must speak to you in private,’* ale said, axd led the way to on adjoin ing apartment. ‘‘What Jo you think of the waiter?” «he asked when out of hearing of her molher. “As yet an opinion would bo mere guess work,” l replied. “Nevertheless I have oomc to one. I have no doubt he has been murdered, and that the deed was committed somewhere near the old ruinous build* ing near the river. “Some such idea has arose oil in; NUMBER 65. mind, but there is no trace ai fSt ffhich can lead to proof of it.” “We will find it, rest assured,” she said, “and to this end yon mnit oo*op erate with me; and now listen to what I have to say: To-night, at 12 o’clock precisely, do you two visit the old building. I will be thore. Ask for the yonng woman who applied at night* fall to them for shelter. Let your ob ject be, appeareutlj, to arrest her. “Bat I do not understand.” “But yon will. lam going there at dusk, disguised as a begger girl. By | the time y«u came my information wilt have been collected.” She rose to her ieaf as be spoke, and now indeed she wore the appearance of the Nemesis t bad likened here to at first. Beantifttly bat rigid as fate, looked now that set, determined face. The beautiful had lost their softened latter, and shone now with a passionate light ai* most crnel. The lips were pale, bat rigid as iron, and the beantifu! aostiilt dilated with an eipression of heart con suming vengeance. “I will read tbe guilty secret,” she said, “if the crimi nal is there : however deep in his heart ht may bury it.” Strange as it may appear, I made no | attempt to dissuade her from her pur j pose. I could not. I felt as if the 1 beautiful creature exercised over tne S 1 magnetic control. And with this un< derstanding we took oar leave, to pre*‘ pare for the night visit to the old Lease . and its dangerous inhabitants. Those acquainted with tbs City at that period can from some idea of the danger of the plot we have formed. To i us it was a matter of daily occurrence. ; But for a yonng girl, inexperienced end tenderly nurtured, to thrust herself into the very hoHse of the unscrupu lous and desperate wretches who were suspected of thi* crime was simply appalling. It would not do,however, to go to the place before the hoar ap : pointed for car coming, Rr that wonld j defeat the object in view. It was* j therefore, with many a misgiving, and l*n uneasiness but poorly concealed, we bided onr time. Bat we determined to be there at the very moment, and the clock was on the stroke of aid* night when we knocked at the door.— The outside of the house gave no signs of life within. The shutters were se* oureiy fastened, and no ray of light penetrated the darkness ; bat the muf fled touud of voiees reached our ears, until our knock hashed them to a whis per. There was a momentary hesita tion, as if of counseling together, and the door was opened wide. It was a long, low room,- dusty and brown frem age. About a down per sons were seated around ; but every eye was turned to the door. Two men had risen to their feet, and stood in an attitude which might mean defense, before the fireplace; but the object that attracted onr attention most was a yonng girt sitting is tbe center of the apartment. Her face was dark as a gip«j’s and the long kair hong loose on her shoulders—her dress was of poof material, ragged and unclean. Patches and rents hud almost changed its hue and disguised its texturo. She seem ed too thinly clad for that cold night, and her slender frame shivered, as if from cold, 33 the chill air from the open door swept in. “What do you want?” was the stern question addressed to us by one of the men at the fire. Before I had time to reply tbe git! sprung to her feet and spoke instead : “Arrest these men !” Her voice was low, but the faec, flashing in the light ot the Gre, was that of the Nemesis I had seen that day. There was a short, fierce struggle, and the men were in onr power. The girl then walked to a place in the floor* and, touching a concealed spring, lifted a trap-door. She bid Mr. I. left the box that lay iu the hiding place. The lid was renched off, and in it were tbe old merchant’s money, paper and pock et book. With tbe »ioney was found the bill, and the world “Canal - ’writ- ten across it. It was Dot long before the men con fessed their ©rime. The (Id man had been murdered and his body thrown in the river. The daughter accomplish her mis sion. She had oarried our ber dssign and traced to their hiding-place tbe proofs of the murderers' crime. It is useless to relate what followed. Long years have fled since then, and the young Nemesis ia jet among the living. Beautiful still, there are many hearts to grow glad at her smila and share with her tbe joye of thu borne aba charms. But thia strange incident in her life will never be effaced from her mind, or fado from tbe memory of . hose who taw ber then,