The Rome tri-weekly commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 1868-18??, January 17, 1869, Image 2
BE ROME tOMEEWi: SUNDAY - JAN. 17. ROME. GEORGIA: ron 7 ON. F. M. B. YOTJKG. LEGISLATURE. SECOND DAY, The Senate met at 12 m. on Friday, quorum beinj< present, tits Gover' r's Mossigc was read. On tnoiion of r. Wooten, three hundred copies were dered printeJ, and that portion ’ the Message relating to Georgia itf* irs referred to a Committee of tliTt resolution by Mr. Nunnally passed > call on the Governor far information mosrning disorders referred to in his Message. S.nate adjourned to Salur ay, 10 a. m. HoCSE. The House opened at 12 m, on Fri ay, and after preliminaries and seating new member, the Governor’s Message rag read. That portion of the message n Georgia affairs was referred to a com mittee of ten, and 500 copies of roes age ordered printed. Mr. Bryaut and thers made speeches, as usual. A resolution passed to allow only lerks for Finance and Judieary ccni nittees. By resolution the House will assetu' ile at and adjourn at 1 p. m. A resolution on tho death cl Mr. Butts passed, and House adjourned to 10 o’clock Saturday. THE MESSAGE OF ' Governor Rufus B. Bullock TO THE GEORGIA LEG IST AT ERE. EXECUTIVE Pr.FAKTMEN’I, I Atlanta, Ga., January 13th, 1869. j Jo the Senate and _ ffintse of Representatives: Upon the assembling of Congress on the 7th of December last, being the earliest opportunity afforded for the pur pose, the following communication was presented to that body : Here follows tho Memorial of the lovernorto Congress, praying that body o place Georgia under, or recognize her. mly as a provisional government, which vas published in our paper reeently. The Governor then proceeds to ar. :u» the non-fulfillment of the laws of Jongress by the Legislature— thirks .lint tho 14th nmondxetit could not have been adopted without the negro v )te, an 1 since th ;y ware declared in eligible was not adopted at ail, and that Georgia is, or should be still a provis ional government —seems to think that there are members in the Legislature at present excluded iy the laws of Uoa gross—gives the order of Gon. Meide of April the 15th, touching the eligibility of members, and the opinion of Gen. Jrant to Gan. Pope on the same ques ion —argues from these that the test >ath should havo Leea required, unle.s disabilities were removed by Congress —3aj3 that there is not adequate pro action to life and property in Georgia, vud hopes it is not necessary to give the acts to substantiate this opinion 'links the negroes i hould be put heck, the disloyal members excluded, and the 14th amendment re-adopted—thinks that Congress will, if we <ourselves and , not, re reconstruct Georgia, and hopes womiy.sec the advantage of damning ourselves, and thereby deprive Congress of that pleasure —doesn't want treason punished, but loyalty respected—ven omously compliments the "arrogant se cessionists”—and concludes this portion of tbs message with an opinion before the Reconstruction Committee, that ne groes and loyal men alone should rule Georgia, and hopes that if his sugges tion) do not “find favor with your Hon orable body, it is mist respectfully sug gested that suolt action upou this sub ject be promp'-ly takeu as you may deem wise and proper; and that you may then adjourn until some convenient time ; n midsummer, leaving the whole matter with Congress, where, if not sajislacto rily adjusted by ourselves, the question must finally be disposed of.” The Message concluded as follows ; It is fortunate for us, that added to. the b'cssing of good crops, the salea ble value of our siaple is sufficient to m. ko its production very profitable; and this being the session when pre parations are essential for its success ful culture, let us abstain from legisla tion that is not in tbe direction of a final settlement us our political differ ences, and give full attention to this preparation and to the production of sufficient provi-ioo crops to meet tbe horap demand. With tbe increased quantity of tbo staple which may be expected from our improved agriculture, wo shall be able to develop our internal rosourees, build railroads, maintain our educatier « a! institutions and take rapid strides along tbe path of Peace and Plenty. The clear and comprehensive report of tbe Treasurer, herewith transmitted, will afford a'l the information new at tbe eommand of that officer as to the financial condition of the State. The debt of the State has not been increased, except in tbe case of tempo rtrj loans, which are provided sot by •previous legls&’ion. The interest on the public dcl/t has been promptly paid sihoo thcfinaugu ration of the pre sent officers. Attention is particulaily invited to the full and ab'e report us the Comp (roller Gan. rai. I-lis wise reeimroen j dations are specially commanded as b«- ; iogentiil.d to careful e o - deration. ■ If ♦he._Gt-R.era! Ajse.ihb)s recogt.iz. a j the Cinstitutional Convention. which ] assembled under the Acts, as the proper representative of | the people of the State. It would seem eminently' wise that it tho .Id adopt, nt the proper time, recommenda tion of the Comptroller General, that the unpaid expenses of that body he paid out of the Treasury, and the re ceipts from tho Convention tax, when collected, placed to the credit of the general:und in the Treasury. The amounts appropriated and due to the various public institutions have been paid and their condition will be I quite satisfactory, when the changes j rgcammeiided by your several Oont [ mittres shall have been effected. The management of tha Western | and Atlantic Railroad lias been devo ted exclusi. cly to the development of its resources, and ba 3 resulted in satis sactory remuneration to the Treasury, and afforded accommodations accepta ble to the public and to its several rai'road connections, The satisfactory manner in which the energetic and abie contractors — Messrs. Kimball—have executed their contract with the city of Atlanta can not fail to receive your approval, j You now have Legislative Halls, Committee Rooms, and public officers, superior to any found in the Southern States, and equaled by few us those in the North. The removal and estab lishment at comparatively tiding cost to the State. The old buildiug at Milledgeville can bo made useful fur public purposes in accordance with the recommenda tions from your committee, and are particularly described in the report of •he Superintendent of Pul lie Build ings, to which your attention is invi ted, together with the report of the Principal Keeper of the Penitentiary. The reports from the Superinten dents of the Insana and other Asy j luui*. have not yet reached me. j Rufus B Bct.i.ocic, Governor. Congress—Cotton. ; 4 We hare th ing it for ee'ehil days tha! , we would outer our pr .test'aga'ns lira e >?. ; tui bill, introduce! by one of the Seu i ! tors from Alabama. While this hid may ' appear feasible on its face and aa tering to the Southern cotton grower, yet it is ’ liideou 3 , unvrat-arited, and 1-ads to l-gi-lu j thin that will ultimately give to C'-.Pgros ! the control of the agricultural interests of ; tho country . It may appear that a stipulated juice of j twenty cents per pound, free of tnx, .> u 1 fair,price.lhr cotton, ami that tho tv.nth j would soon grew rub under if. and w j have no doubt it world, but who is: L eulata the steal ;go, wastage and price fr. cotton Burem, we cm see mooing but eer-' tain ruin to the. government, an i ultimate ruin to’the people. Congress hid as well control the price of tobacco and, hugs us ; tliai of cotton, and if th# cotton is taken j possession of by the government, so will j tobacco, rice and sugar, a< thev are oracles | of commerce, arid will ai l in fastening the j 'peculators upon tile treasury, and hoild- I tr>g up party ittflliencs hi the govornmaot. i Our space being bruited we will recur ; to this subject again. Frr.rh Pomeroy's Democrat.] Plainly Answered. A enrrespondin', writing Colnae* but, Ohio, ask - ; * * And now a few of us would like 05 have yow opinion as to the cause which led to our defea*, and would like to see the saroi! in print if you have no objection to thus giving it. To our friends wo make this reply, be lieving it to bo correct in fact nod position : First, we had tbe strongest man in the country to contend against in Grant, and another strong cne in Colfax,against whom the only tiling to be eat I was that he bad been a Know Nothing. But as Blair had been a Know Nothing an t a Republican, the opposition bad us avoir in that. Grant was strong. Ho Had succeeded in leading an army to victory. To be sure his victory was almost, frightful cost but ti.e people of America have not yet learned the true dif ference between a geniw and a butcher, who hod hut to load up tnon and see them shot down till the enemy gave no from exhaus t'nn. Bosides this, Grant had been indorsed and named tor the oliue by many Demo crats, including ti.e chairman of the Demo cratic National Corn mince and his private m null-piece. He was audits in sympathy with the bondholders, and tbc*« people take care of the r «wn. The Democratic campaign was badly managed— the Republican campaign whs Managed admirably. They nut-brained us. The Democrats, as a general thing, btUevcd oue tiling, wished for one thing,and talked another. They defended rather than at tacked. The only gains made by eur peo ple were where they attacked boldly and persistently. Tire holding of the convention in New York was suicidal. Scores of delegates come here with hardly money enough to last two days. The allurements of the city wore too strong. They ran oat of money. This is an expensive oily to stay in—that Is, if you would 89" all of i f . The succeesfu ] managers of that convention wtuied gold interest on bond more than Democratic vic tories, and they invested accordingly. The *"tinn of tbe Southern delegate* hurt tha Democratic cause greatly. They com plimented Johnson till they boat Pendleton, a strong man, identified with the West whose present and future interests are with i tho South against New England steatite | grn-pin guess. They played smart till they | beat themse’v-i*. And their loading men, with pardons aud credentials s ndwitched, | talked too much. They were better war than politicians. They should have | ernne up from the South like men of digni ! ty—held their pence— helped their best | fiend-, the Western men—voted with their ! friend* from natural interests, and then I gone home and ivorke 1 for the victory with ■ in reach. i Is was by the Republicans made to np | pear to the people tllat the South was do j ing all the managing, no matter what were | (he real facts of the ease. The Repitbli | can- bad more papers, route political pulpit j ora'orF, more persistent, outrageous liars i than we ha and the majority of w itnesses, swearing even to a known falsehood, gen | ” . . ' erally evi- . The remit would have be n i different-bad the convention been -held in j the Weal, out of the -ra.ich of bondholders’ i money—it there had been less talk and | more work—if the entire Democratic party i had not been given ower to the %ol7(ihold ! ore, and to m#n who originally wanted I Grant, ar.d who intend to go to him yet, I If the delegates had acted solely for the j peopl", for the State?, for tho Constitution j —if they had not, to so great an extent, been willing to sell ontto the very interests they liai beet; sent to fight—if bravo, bold, de termined, earnest Democrat?, wh-, from the first. had been in favor of equal taxa tion titl'd equality ol States—if the manage ment of the grand plan of the campaign had not been given so much to those who bo often had sold and betrayed the Democ racy— f tho 'fight had been from ll ink to flank, from-right to left, by brigades, but tiUions and companies, one stcaiy, conlin, linos, ag.gveo>ive attacking of a cunning unscrupulous, and vulnerable opposition, | iva sh ml 1 have won the day. • But for nil this, wo made a good fight ; | and, by 1872, will have learned wisdom suf ! flclent to win theligh', restore the Demon j racy to power, and save the country. lieu* guU*nlisemnttsL SEIoECT SC 1101)1 u FOR BOYS. ! >j|w MR. McfRAW'S Select C’las- snd English School for Buys will be resumed on J-fry MONDAY, Feb. Ist. I The number of pupils is limited toTVen- I ty. and thorough inetructi m will bo igiven, I jut lGlwtd. C. W. Nowlin & Cos. GROCERS i AMO pmism D^LEiTS^ T? road £®»ti*oet, ! ROAIJE, . . GEORGIA, NF.'.RI.V I'PPOStTR Tli K BASK VVK K b El* CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Choic e Lot of ■GaGGEftiES m PROVISIONS, !»)U FAMILY ESE. |\V hic'i *g-!!as cl oap its any Ucti ein 1 6m?. CLA/Lts ON TJ« , 11 In: •> Going Elsewhere to Trade. i Wo arc <’ci<-rutiled to tdea.-e the P lie, it 1 GOOD GOODd AND CHEAP GOODS : will fid tho hill, ! iSnl7*6£fc—ly. A GREAT DISCOVERY FOR DISEASES si o. s. f. unit i. s. A NATIVE Georgian by birth end F.dnca ti >n. having been in the practice r f iled icire for thirty years, and after reading a great number of various authors upon the subject of medicine, he found them differing both about the cause and treatment of the diseases of *he Head. Breast, Back. Side ami Hips : nisi, Neuralgia Khcnmatism and par t's! Paralysis. He'now offers you a remedy that vrirl mre all these diseases. He has reduced pounds to grains in the treatment of all the diseases mentioned. Or. G. B. T. Jffaddox’ celebrated Pills me < uaranteed, not only to relieve, but cure nil the above diseas es; arid his Tar Excellent Diuretic, is guar anteed 't<» relieve, ns Well as cure, alt diseases cf life Urinary organs. Vmi can find the above meJicircs a! Dr. R V. Mitrhell’s Diug Store. Rome, Ga.. at wholesale and retail. All. wishing to be cur ed of these diseases; will remit $7.00 far a box orl'otftec (theretail price), to Dr. Mitch ell aud -receive tire medicine by axprers or Du- K. V. MITCHELL, janl7 ’f 9 ■ Rome, Ga , Genera! Agent. THE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS THL CrREAT SOUTHERN TONIC k iMdEverywhere CHARLESTON,S.C. Sold by Dr. It. V. Mitchell, Rome, Ga. v :v j\sL"is 03’T<JIF, Executive Df-PARTMETiT. 1 Allan.a. Ga., January 12,1809.) Pursuant to Section Ist of the Tax act, ap proved sth ot October, 18GS, which author!, zee the Governor, with the assistance of the Comptroller-General, to assess and levy such a per eentage on the taxable property *s will produce, in the estimation of the Governor, the sum of five hundred thousand dollars, ex elusive of sperilic taxes, and after app -oxidat ing a« nearly as practicable, the amount in value of ail tarable property in the State as exhibited in the digests: it is ordered that fohr-tenths of one per cent, be assessed and collected upon the amount of the value of property returned by each tax payer, subject to taxa tiou ad talar urn RUFUS B. BUr.f OCK, Governor. Madjsox Bell, Comptroller General lanir—-30d FOR SALE. THE Dmlersigned offers for sale his prop erty at Forrestvllle, consisting of one IV E W Dwelling House, FOUR ROOMS TWO CHIMNETS The House is neatly painted, and is s fine well of water on the premises On the same lot is a neat building—now occupied as a Grocery Store. Terms cash. Apply to H. M. GUNN. Or at the ‘ Commercial Office.” jin 1 ■)— tf. "REMOVAL. DeJournette & Son HAVE RE3IOVED To Corner Broad & Bridge Sts, Formerly Occupied by GLOVER & BALE. tan 15 CIT? HALL, ton, Open on Friday, Saturday, Monday & Tuesday Nights, Jan, lath, 16th, 18th and 19th 180 Nights at St. James Hall London. The Most Sublime atnl Imposing Spectacle of Modern Times! The Original and Only LraJoi liitoaian TaMeam OF r»vYl{.YJ>lSl£: LOST —'THE- Great Moral Exhibition OF THE AGE! I I.LUSTR ATIN’G the grandest subject in the JL world—defies the power of imagination— Baffles a'l description. The Manager would most respectfully state that this is the original end enly London Mil tonian Tableaux —the same which visited Georgia three years ago—and which has at tracted so much attention in all the large cities of the South. Avery low price of admission has been adopted to suit the times, thus placing within the reach of all an opportunity of witnessing tl is immense work. Prr e of Admission, tc all parlsof the housr, ;"C >nU: Children. S-I Cents. Poors open at G :-1 -~> ;Gommence at 7 :30- jnn. 13—'3t. ■» ’ LIGHT ! LIGHT!" MOSS-EXPLOSIVE LIGHT ! NEW INVENTION. The tJndrrsjxnf<l ha3 refßoVctl to Store - -neaily opp»vsjtt; Not tons, where lit in' ites the puMie to (\mie ami try tiie fiTIUU lUHIIHS SIL 1 his is tlie (jChcspest, Safest. Clearest snd Most Brillirnt (dominating Oil in the world, With tne SAFETY LAMP Which the subscriber has for sale, it is safe as a Tallow Candle or I.ight-wood Knot, aud five times cheaper than either. This Oil will prove itself. I ONLY ASK A TRIAL. All of the above I'acts are guaranteed, ar.d, in rase of failure, all expenses of trial will be paid Retail Price, 50cts. Per Gallon. 1 also keep the best article of KEROSENE OIE For sale, and will be glad to furnish all who prefer it to the Estrella. A large iot of OIL CANS, LAMPS, Ac. on band and for sale at wholesale and retail LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS. Remember the place, nearly opposite Nor tons corndi. I have the exclusive right to Manufacture and sell this Oil in this country. may I. A. THOMAS. BURNS & ROSS, Cherokee Ga, Land AGENCY ROME, GA Sell City Property, Plantations AND VACANT OiLWiLD LANDS, Special attention given to looking after and to the sale of Vacant or Wild Lands. JOHN T. BURNS, Late Comptroller Gen’l. A. E. ROSS. Clerk Snpeiior Court. dec.Qtvvwtf. anWnaumkin Have Just Recieved and in Store, 100 Poxes Tobacco and Cigar*, 50 ease* Plantation Bitters, and 12 Casts Agua de Magnolia, which they offer to the trade at New York prices, 30 oaves Teas—lmperial, Gunpowder, Y Ilyson and F.ngli-b Breakfast, 35 bage Coffee, Uh>, Java, Laguyra and Mocha, 50 boxes Candy—assorted, French and Crystalized. 20 kegs Bi-Carbonate Seda. 50 b axes Soaps—Honey, (Ilycenne, Bay - in, Palm and Resin, 40 Lula* Sugar— Refined, English Island, and Port Rico, 20 bhla.Syrups and Molasses. Together wi h u Jorge assortment f good* in' our line, all of which we offer very low. ANDERSON* LAMKIN. DR.J. BRADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR. WOMAN’S BEST FRIEND. THIS valuable Medicine is prepared for Woman exclusively, and to be used by women only. It is adapted especially to those cases where the womb is disordered, and will cure any irregularity iri the except in such cases as require a surg ea! ope ration. As these last are very rare, the Fe male Regulator is of almost universal appli cation. In a sudden check of the 1 manthly courses” from cold, trouble of mind or like cause, it acts like a charm, by restoring the fits'harge in evert instance, thus relieving the fever, headache, pain in the sm all of the back aid “lower stomach,” flushes of heat about the face, chilly sensations, burning of (he eyelids and general restlessness. Taken in time, all these symptoms pass away imme diately, without injury to the constitution Frequently, however, the proper remedy is not applied in time, the disease becomes chronic, and the foundation laid, tor number less evils to the constitution of the woman. The' next “turn” comes around and there is no “show,'’ or perhaps “whites” will appear. There will lie some uneasiness about # the womb, but very little or none of the natural fluid escaping. The complexion becomes sal low, bowels swollen, a sort of greenish ciste about the face, constant dull aching pains in the head Weight in the lower stomach and bark, with or without whites, palpitation ol the heart, pallor, exhaustion, indigestion, wea riness, langour, aching across the loins, loss of appetite, pain in the breast, tightness across the chest, cough and giddiness. If still al lowed to go on, “green sickness” will he ful ly developed—the headache becomes severe, with loss of memory, diminished sensibility, sick s io.’.iach, dyspepsia, no relish for food, loss of flesh, increased fluttering of the heart, swelling of the feet, legs and bode and oc casional spitting of blood. The slightest ef fort causes iiurkikp breathing, almost to .suf focation. The skin is Ihbby and has a “dongby led.” This is a sad picture, but it Is the condit’ori of thousands of women be tween the ages of 15 and t > who are broach! ti the verge of the grave by ignoiaitce or i cglect to fake the proper remedy. T i all who arc afflicted with-aay of the symptoms above inenfinned, in cnrmecli n with art ir r girlari'vot lire “monthly :ici,ness,” we ear nestly say TAKF. Dr. J. BRAUFIKLDV FB.MALK HEGULAtOII. A lew ounces taken, you Will at once experience its oeit>- ; and with a little patience you will j, e res hired to fceultii. This remedy has been extensively used for upward; of 20 years by many of the trust ex perienced aud successful Physicians in Geor gia, We repeat, that Pr. J BRADFIF.LD’S FF..MALK HF.GULATOR is prepared for Women, and to be used by Women only. A trial is all we ask. Prepared and sold in any L, 11, BRADFIELD,- Wholesale Druggist, Atlanta, On. Atlanta. Ga.,Dec.29th, 18CS. Dr. .1. BiiADriKLD —Dear Sir -f fake pleas ure in stating that some time previous to the late war, I used, with the utmost success, on a servant girt, yoiir Female Regulator, pre pared then at Bradrield’s Drug Stove, ]Wgst Point, Ga. She had been suffeirng severely from suppressed menstruation', and this Medi cine soon restored her to health. She is, to day, Jiving in Aflcnfa sound and well. I will state, further, that I know of its be ing used, with equal success, on a servant girl of my brother-in-law, Prolessor Ruther ford of Atlanta, Ga. This woman had, I think, been diseased for six years. She was a house gen-ant, and seemed cured, up to the time of “freedom.” Ido not hesitate to in dorse your pieparation for the purposes for which coil recommend it. Yours truly, JOHN C. VVIUTNER. STATE OF GEORGIA, Troup County. This is to certify that I have examined the l'eeeipe of Dr. Joseph Bradfield of this county, and, as a medical man pronounce it to be a combination of Medicines ot great merit in the treatment of all females for which he re commend- it. VVM. P. BEASLEY, M. D. This December 21st, 1869. Mountvili.e, 1868. Dr. .1. BRADrti.LT>, —Dear Sir — l have much pleasure in saying I have witnessed the nio-t decided and happy effects of your Female Regulator in this neighborhood- WM. H- FIN CHEN. Mountville, 1868. Dr. J. Bradfield, —Dear Sir,—l have re peatedly used in my family your Female Regulator, and have in every case, met with complele success. G.L. DAVIS. Mountvilt/e, 1868. Dr. J. BradMkLd, —Dear Sir, —Having, for many years, been acquainted with your Fe male Regulator, and used it in my family, I take pleasure in stating to those thus afflicted that I have never known it fail. J. N. CARLTON. I also prepare, and have for sale, a YEAST POWDER, equal to the best, and for much less price I also prepare a LIQUID BLUING, now in use by many of the best house keepers in the city, end pionounced by them to be very su perior. L. H. BRADFIELD, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by Dr. J. T. Hamilton, Roms. Ga, and by Druggists generally. yen. 13—ly. HARDIN & JOHNSON Are (ecieving their Fall and Wrote GOODS Ci "stating of <» full litt- LADiES CldESk GOODS Trimmings, Cloaks, Sliawls, Casimersu Jeans, JPrinta Os all grades. Brown and Bleached Mania#, READY MADE CLOTHE, BOOTS and SHOES, Wool and Hemp Carpeting, Oil and Table Coths, Straw .Matting and Window Shade* tit Paper and Muslin with Patent Fixtures. They invite the trade to examine their stock and prices, and on their part, promise to mase it to the interest of cash buyers to givS them a trial before purchasing elsewher*. irovC tw-wly. HOOFER. Hi & FORCE. In addition to our la St >:k >/ DRY GO DS, FUKNISIIIXJx GOODS, Cloths, Cassimers* BOOTS & SHOES, C A It F E TING , OIL CIaOTHS, W i are Agents for th# sale of Geo-gia made STRIPES, Os- 1 naburgs, Macon Sheeting, Fac tory Thread, and Me Lester’s celebrated GEORGIA t!lad# ; WOOL HATS. ?,IAT r riNG.- These G&cfii \< e oTcr to the fends at far lory prices. 6Y at letail. T i-.e Mh'O’i Sb A f*?hig is known to he tbe 1 best T/id te in iht* .‘.rul two inches wbW than any other in tFte market, and at came prices. HOOPER, HOUCtt & FORCE. Courier copy. cfeot IW WASTED! CORN In Ear, ehuek or shelled. Alee Hay, IFocldLev, Clover, Oats, Sh.uc&s* In bale or loose. nov29-lm WM. DxJOUKNETT. MS. T. MOORE, DEALER IN GROCERIES , FAMILY SUPPLIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, FRUITS Confectionaries, &c. CQMMERWii BUILDING; CITY HALL BtCCK. nr HE firm of Stewart & Moore was d'ft solved on the lath Nov. by mutual consent. The undorsigned lias opened anew stock at the above place, and would bo pleased to son his friends and customers .• Call and see me. JAS. T. MOORE. dec.t3’Gß, V. A.. STEWART, DEALER IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, City Hall 13 all ding, ROME. GA., Would announce to the citizens of Rome aad Floyd County, that he has opened a GROCERY AND Provision Store, Where he would he pleased to tee those who are in want of Goode in hi* line. dec93-ly KAYION’SOIL OF LlFE—Cure. Pei** n Back, the Breast, Side*, Shoulder* II ATS & CAPS,