The Rome tri-weekly commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 1868-18??, January 17, 1869, Image 3

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THE ROME COMMERCIAL. SUNDAY, JAN. 17 lIOME^EORGIA: LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST, MONET NADE IS MONET SAVED. The undersigned has a Steam Saw Mill in operation near Route—has employed a Lumber of competent House Carpenters, and is prepared to contract for building Rouses and fences of any description, and furdish all the materials, upon the most reasonable terms. AH the material for Wilding will be prepered at the mill— {bus saving the ete.ilage and other annoy ances, which parties are subject to, when lumber ie piled upon the lot to remain until it can be worked up. Terms liberal, aid all work will bo executed with fidelity and dispatch. P. L. .1 MAY Rome, Ga., January 14; 1860—3 ms. Oltl Carioliua Bitters. We advertise, to-day, the old Carolina Bitters, soli by Goodrich, Wineman & Cos., wholesale and retail Druggists, Charleston, South Carolina. Our exchanges, everywhere, recommend these Bitters as a superior article. The Atlarlti Constitution ; whose editor has tried them, pronounces them the best now in the market. Call at Dr. Mitchell’s Drug Store and try a liattld. Miltonian Tableaux, Monday an 1 Tues day nights. Elected Alderman* We are highly pleased to know that Hon. C. 11. Smith was elected Council' man, in place of Judge Pemberton, re signed, on Friday last, Mr. S.tilth served our city faithfully, as Mayor, during the last year, and will, ro doubt, do the same in his present po sition. M.r McCraw’s School. Mr. Me raw's School, as per Adver tisement, opens on the first Monday in February. Mr. MeCraw has been teaching in Rome for the past yt ar, and has given satisfaction. There is no mistake as to bis attainments, cr ex perieuce, he having taught a number of years before (joining to Rome. We should like to hear of Mr. MeCraw having a good School during his com ing session. Read his card and send your boys. Sfer. Tax Notice from the Governor of Georgia . W. Nowlin & Cos. These g Mitlomea are in the field, again to-day. They advertise a splendid lot of articles tor family use. The veritable Casper W. Nowlin- the youngest of tie name, ex e ing a few, is the man hero spoken of. lie was never known to d> thing- bv !l dve . When a Drugg'-t lie sold the best ot Ur ig , and now tliat be ir a Ur a-c ry man tic sells nothing but that which ii ban rue on mood. On- country people, in welt a< nor citherns, will find C, W, Now i.i.v & Go's a cupiial place to at. Now read the advertisement and do not forgot the place. Nearly opposite tlm Bank. Miltonian Tableaux, Monday and Tuesday nights. Newspaper Courtesy. When the editors of the CoMMin- Cr.VL take the pains to sccx such in formation as will benefit our people, that is but performing their duty. When a careful business man. like 11 S. Norton, puts himself to the trouble to select, figure up, an l hand td the Commercial an important statement of Cotton Manufactoil sat the North, gentlemanly oourtesy demands that thanks be extended him; but when another newspaper man inserts the saute without credit, newspaper courte ay demands that we don't think liim for any thing of the kind. But if Forney can edit, two papers, both dailies, any ordinary man Certain ly ought to ho ably to edit two Tri- Weeklies, Wo are willing to assume the task. MILTONIAN TABLEAUX. The Mii.toniaiJ Tahleaux of Par adise Lost' opened at the City Hall Friday night, and attracted a large audience. As Milton’s immortal poem is ono of tho finost things in the English lan guage,- so is this painting, whioh is in tended to illtrxtrate “Paradise Lost,” one of the finest panoramas ever pain-, ted. Both tho poem and the painting ftro works of genius, and no one who has read the fo.iner, should miss seeing ing the latter. Asa work of at, it stands tfnrival ed in the whole list of scehic paint ings. From the opening scene in heaven, through the battles between the fol lowers of Lucifer and the Almighty, in the infernal regions and the Garden of Eden, the same evidences of a mas ter baud are to bo eeen. Ary one of the above piotures is alone worth the price of admission. The Exhibition remains here Mon day Mid Tuesday nights. We hope that alt of our peopX will avail them selves if this opportunity to witness ~ one of the finest specimens of art in the world. A Great Discovery. Dr. G. B. T. Maddox advertises, elsewhere, his grand discovery in Med. icine,and rte exhort the afil cted,every where, to read and give bis Medicines a trial. Dr. Maddox is well known in these parts. What he promises may be relied on. We desire that our people should give the Docter a fair trial aid our word for it there will be noth* ing lost on your part. Head carefully the Advertisement. Cotton—Active—27 J. Geo. P. Rowell A Cos. On our fourth page, noxt to “House Farm and]|Garden,” will, be found a col umn of advertisements from the above Agency. Read them. There is something there for everybody. Much money may be saved by following instructions given in these advertisements. Funds for tlie State. Col. IIuLBUETj Supt. of the W. & A. R. R.j has paid |25000 into the treasury for December. Good. To Vermonters. The Vermont Record & Farmer. We have perused a copy of this paper, and should consider it invaluable to any per son in any way interested in Vermont news and history. The copy before us contains n=Ws ffoui every county in Ver mont, without an exception, togerh r with a variety of Vermont Historical, Biograph ical and Obituary sketches. We think no \ eruionter who has once perused the pa p r, ar and who takes any interest whatever in ‘ the nows frflm hoide,’* would ever af terward he without it. Miltcnian Tableaux to-morrow night. TELEGRAPH. Washington, Jan. 15.—1 t has been raiuing all morning. Senate—Stewart, from tho Judi ciary Com nittec, reported favorably on tho resolution for a constitutional amendment. ,It provides for the right of all citizens to vote ahd hold office. This shall not be abridged ar. account of race cr Oder, Congress is erujowered to enforce thoaloro. House—Tho House is considering private bills. Trenton, N. J., Jan.l s.—The New Jersey Democratic caucus nominated John P. Stockton for Senator. Madrid, Jan. 15—The Liberals and Carlists were tumultuous at Toriosa yesterday but arc now cjuiet. ihe journals urge government to send Dulce ten thousand troo; s to reu det Cuba secure. Paris, Jan. 15. Another confer ence, and i!:c Greek reprcscrita'ives again absent. The press generally urges a cchtihuauee of .he conlVrecce. Greece is jiftj.arLrg a diplomatic cir cular to foreign porter's oh the ((uesiion at issue Havas t. -1 an td.—The polite bis enptuted arm.- ?< creted its ibis ri'y (n the contest a policeman and soldier vi ce !■; lied, rrni two otli rs wounded sh : person who led the attack o:i the j o ieo, was arrested. Governor advices represent Valmase d», after several victories, had formed a junction with Col Louis, united their forces and was moving on Bu gunra. These reports arc ilrtly contradicted by insurgent advices, which assort Valinaseda was defeated with loss of many men and part of his Artillery and hag.‘age train. New York, J n. 15.—Cotton in fair demand ;it29i.i3o}. Gold 1 361. London —t oon—Jan. 15.—Consols 92}. Ronds 9 by. Liverpool— noon—Jan. 15.—Cot ton active sales 20,060 bales; sales of the week 165,000 bales; on Land 300,- 000 bales, of which 73,000 bales are American. Wheat and corn easier but not higher. Other articles unchanged. Havre, Jan. 15. Cottton closed buoyant last uight; low middlings afloat 1 35 }■ Paris, Jan, 15.—Decrease of bu! lion in the Rank of France Liverpool—afternoon—Jau. 15. Cotton firmer but not higher; stock afloat 320,000 bales, of which 131,000 bales are American. Lard dull. Tal low 36s Od. H. C. PENDLETON, BROAD STREET, ROME GEORGIA. Second Door from the Banking House Os W. S Cothran, Son & Cos. I WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL the attention of the Public to my Stock of FAMILY GRO6ERIES And other articles for Household use- I pro pose to sell just such Goods as I can recom mend, and at the lowest cash prices. The public icspeotfally invited to call. janß—3sijly. CITY PROPERTY For Sale Or Bent. TH AT desirable Residence in the City o Rome, known as the property of Rev. D. B. Hamilton, situate near the residence of Maj. C. H. Smith. The improvements are new and in good taste- This property consists of several acres, and trill be sold al together. or in part, to suit purchasers. Pos session immediate. Apply to SMITH & BRANHAM Agt*. J. R. Towers & Son, DEALERS IN GIIML MERCHANDISE And COUNTY PRODUCE, ARF. new receiving a well selected r took of Goods from New York, which they will sell Low tor Cash, or exchange for coun try produce. We are also rumrng Cohen’s celebrated SPRING CREEK KILLS, and will keep on hand the best Family Flour —also the lower grades of Flour. Shorts and Bran for the city and country trade, and will fill orders for Flour at Short notice. Always on hand, a fine assortment of STAPLE DRY GOODS, IIATP, BOOTS, SHOES, kc., kc. Bring in your Wheat or Corn and exchange it for GOODS OR GREENBACKS, At our New s*ore, one door above Wads worth’s Hardware Store lower end of Broad Street. . R. TOWERS & SON. july23 O " REMOVAL; WE would respectfully inform the public that we have Removed to the Store in Verandah Block, nearly opposite our for mer stand, third door below the Bank, where we will keep constnatly on hand our uVual stock o’s MILLINERY. Bonnets and Hats, of all styles. Artificial Flowers. Ribbons. Diamond Elusion for making Bonnets Straw Bdrinets, LACES, Chip Bonnets, Fancy Bonnets. Old Ladies Bonne's & Caps, Worsted Braids Vails, &e., &c - Grover & Baker's Sew. ing Machine. One kept in operation at *ur stole and may be seen at any time. ’ALL KINDS OF Millinery Work Done to order, and at short notice. Patronage respectful’y Solicited. Mrs. MIL ATTAWaY. Miss SAi.LIE WILKINSON. janS—ly HARDWARE AND MILTIAUIPLim AYER & HILLS, ROME, GA., NEW STOCK, REDUCED PRICES. | IRON, ANF.S, TRACES, CUTLERY, GUVS, HOLLOW-WAKE, i HUDS AND STOKES. GRINDSTONES, Farmers Tools. Housekeepers fools. Carpenters fools, Blacksmiths Tools. Bricklaye r Tools Coopers Tours, Tanners Tools. Shoemakers Tools We still continue to do business at the old Stand. With greatly imprtfvod facilities and an inti mate acquaintance with the wants of the people, we are now preuared to sup ply both the Wholesale and Re tail trade on better terms than ever. Our new Stock has been carefully selec ted and pur chased for CASH direct from the Manulac lurers. Thelilrer.itpat ronage of the past has b-"n fully appreciated, and r o effort will be spared to keep up with tht I times in new styles of goods and low rices, in AGRICOLTURVL IMPLE- M ■’.NTS, we can challenge competition, as we 'arc the agents here for the best and most val uable machines in use. We have given spec ial attention to this department arid can guar antee satialaclion, offering as good a rariety and on better terms than can be found else where in this city. Full stocks of HARDWARE and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Will be kept constantly on hand, to which we invite the attention oi purchasers. S. PINKUS, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, boots; shoes, Hats, Sec., &c., Griffin Block, near Tennessee House, 13road Street, ROME, GEORGIA, IVhere ht tikes pleasure in invit ng both his old and new friends and the community in general, to call and see him and examine his STOCK And Prices before Purchas ing Elsewhere. jsn fl 3mo. BRACK BOODISS! It® Itfi t , the fop, the toys! THE ROCKETS, THE EIRE WORKS! The Curiosities! THE FEN M THINGS FOR HOLIDAY THESE N'T-#, AT Veal’s Jewelry Store. The public are invited to call and see them. Santa Claus’ Head Quarters! FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS AT H. A. SMITH’S‘BOOK STORE. A now arrival of Photograph Albums, Pocket and Family Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books, Mahogany, Rosewood and Papier Mac-he Writing Desks, Port Folio’s, Morocco Satchels, Parian Marble Vases and Figures, Port Monaies, Cabas Toilet Setts, Photographs, Chro mos, Engravings, Lithographs, Stcrescopes and Sterescopic Views. Veedle Cases, Gift Books and Standard Poets in handsome binding's,Toy and Juvenile Books in great variety, Toys, Fire works, Vt ax and China Dolls, China and Britama Tea Setts, and many other ar ticles too tedious to enumerate. Christmas Notions. SANTA fLiIS WIE. All £oits of FRENCH CANDIES, BON SONS, Cream Dates, CREAM FIGS, And a full supply of Currants, Dates. Figs Raisins,, Prunes, snd all articles used in bak ng CHRISTMAS GO &DIIiS With a splendid assortment of Toys, Fire Works, and Fancy Baskets—iust received by RgUNSAVJLLK A Cos. dec IS Tb.leugman7 Dealer la STAPLE $■ FJ.VCY Dry Goods, Clothing. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Furnishing Goods , CHEAP FOR CASH; At Jlfoffot's oM Stand, two doors from Post Olive. Broad Street, Rome, Ga. dec.Siwtf. 2BBLS celebrated White Wine Vinegar. One Bid. pure Apple Vinegar, Also. SpruuU Sr Stillwell's Extra Refined Syrup For sale by DsJOURNETT A SON*. dec. IS '6B. COFFINS^ MIME k JIERIDETiI Keep constantly on hand, Black Wslnu snd Pine Coffins—the latter eoveredl or p!ai —es all tires piy2i COLCLOUGH, HARKINS & GLOVER j ARE CONSTANTLY RECEIVING ADDITIONAL | SDFPLIIS IF F3ISI MM TO THEIR ALREADY LARGE STOCK OF DRY GOODS*, | CLOTHING, i BOOTS, SHOES. HATS, Ac., to. t Which «.11 l e offered to the trade et a vary ' sir I ad> as'ce on first cost. I Would tall especial attention to a fresh lot of Custom-Made Boot* and Shoes, ' From Miles & Son of Philadelphia, for Men, Women and Children- Also a few i c-n Gents Fa-b>>w!,t'f Drew irate, E. n. COLCLOFCH. JOHN HARKINS, dec. 9. CAIN GLOVEK. GEORGIA Floyd County: CT r HFRF AS John W M,<F»U has ap ' ' plied for exemption of personal*y and retting apart and valuation es hoist .t- ad. and I will pass upon the same at my olive at 12 ■ o'clock V, on the first Monday in February nex'. By the Ordinary. JESSE LAMBFRTM. , J0n.13. Clerk C. O. F. <J. GEORGIA 2* loyd Courtly; dI'HEREAS James A. Isom has applied ( «« for exemption of personalty and setting , uparl and valuation or homesteai. anl I will 1 pass upon the tame at 13 o'clock M . on the liiSfc .Monday in February next. ISG3. at my j office, Rome. Georgia, this '.Tit /an. 1303. By the Urdinarv. JESSE LAMBERT!!, ) jhn 13 Cl-rk C. 0. F. C. ROME R K. STOCK i A R hares of this valuable stock for salebv \V. ?. COTHRAN, SON A CO. i dart 5. ; BOARDING HOUSE BY Mrs. J. C< Wood 4 . Having routed the BUENA VISTA HOTEL, I I am prepared to receive Day and Renters Bcafiders.* as cheap as any regu’ar boarding house in the city. ; Families ern be provided with good room* 1 furnished, or, if they prefer it, use their em 1 furniture. nov.29twtt. Rome, Gj.,D ec. 11, 1868. I consent that my wife, Mrs. Ellen A. Yei ser, become a public or fra# trader. J. G Taisaa de:.C4.w!ra COLEMAN & MOREFIELO, Wholesale at Retail Beaters in all Kinds of LIQUORS, Xenr tho Market House, Broad Street, ROSIE, GEORGIA. "We have Just Opened a NEW T3A.TL AND WHOLESALE LIOt’OR EXTIBLISRffIT, At th“ above stani and will keep constahtl? n hand all kinds of Ors tilled and Rectiftt j i quors. 'Whisicies, Brandies, Wines, Rum Gin, &c., &o. ' The public are invited (w call--Dealert i aapocially. i COLEMAN $ MOREFIELD. 1 jan #,’6B