Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, January 17, 1860, Image 1
i .... . . .,, "^CESDAY, THURSDAY£ ’GS :>v ■ ■■■ • At .po.xi ; r potC3%« Invariably Itj^udV. , -Tdrmi o: PMSv .Prffl in3ett3ojJ,^^»nTU:.'^.^>r..ri..v>?},TO ;» ’ Two bMoctilitry. Rn...... a 3kb£®. *■ T o^E^' 01 ' il1 ;’ Tw(j YlniiHii.;..... ........ ... ; .,,.',:‘.',tj',(D- - ; Si* !kpS^jgpQHssu^i<M^ra»b s > ! ;- • .. ' Twelve Months .;.... A liberal iHJs;o,ooVwiJl die wyyb'.t»..;Jh<M(jk; who advertise’fjttgpr.amovmU. . 3 -. '^.'4 ntuarie* of inuro thair/iVB lijV^eiiati|o3f 2'K - . 40 Vi Uio same as ftflycrtlgtsiiionts.- 1 ■ ' SeUre-rofi Afirritigcn a'nrf DfilAe-. not-Sx-, casting Five Linos in: length,ipni,p)d>Uslu'<l gratuitously ih Hu; Conrter. TbsTrioml.-* of the parties an- ro ineste l to seml-in those-rto^ tlooj aOooTnpanird with a re.*pnmibb; name anil.they will, be piibli ’.bod with plaasuro. - fedfc'ss’tviq! A ii. o. hah*1«.yoS«> ...:'. buhm* scott. .TI^tevjRr & SCOTT, >: 't|Sp#^'K V 3 AT LA W, hom b; .•$£ w ! $£* T>;T10>j :W of mon\v eon usually be bad 'pee .pjod claims loft for collection. House. Aits 1.—1 v. Z. H. HARGROVE, A T T 0 It X E Y A T L A W, "' s V HOM K. --------- GA. O rr:c:: ._Ov,'r Furt X Hargrove’s now store, tv i> i y —-1 v •'_• . 'Sal.B A, ■ - jpAHisB" AssokiPiiiEisrirp n&% %* ceries &. Staple Qfopds, ' id^pledAo Planter's use--,'.a,'P-V i qP For 'Ca*lv * V &:■& -V' RAitE-nEbijcSD. ‘ :'£J£ ftfeigWs nnd Vas^gerttK.tow' ar^ anyotlier ljlteRinCrw ''' ^ 'SV: “tri Jwnifb« > r. t. carter,' WHITE;; (SjABtH. 1 M AB UF A GT 0IU1 It E) OF A DEALEUS IJ r ■£?$S r ® T *j:, Sb.iOO-lone,-Cap)...‘eM:tS; WOmllinll. Ei ( OBi»Ar -i,lf00-i“,.; r«f I • Imao. CiTwbll, . PaUAsAVA, i,.m “ « ' r< TTw-Tfoyle, : And’.“fiATatinah'. Steanr.-'jTaiUgar. .tfiMiV^brtipSny.’.'-ajuj’in.'Joriiforli.’-noopu’iniiwtt-; $?&« wfrFase;: be'.excelled. -'...They; are-fqiiiftiniiawt tsjr exporfen£o«> skil(fiil and £‘%Tj Witt1 ; ' '■"'At.-,. .'Acefflts Savft’fluali. -i 1 feSAM$ Is. MITCHELL:* SOE; , ' -JWS^Utf ' f 'W: • • A^iits; LW York. ijOME^*At: isa I'ZIEEI* constanttylbir j4rK'A»^it li^'iVell Soloctod'.StqeU oT, - ■» ' i ;,i. ' ... i’nerln erirl lln ■..mus Miwf '. Oniltln TRtmmbn.: 0 ■: —:, - ■ : a - J AlsO v Alicivvy «tock of BPPf AirP ’-SHOE;-. nl y. jJiaHDmas, stK-h M S0leiand'.ppip5r;i^8fuy.’: AttrOalf Pliios, *e. . iifAIHf.wWeh wo. oflfcr. Vj;By‘ CirEAPTo^ f .OASITorAo E4’ortpt J’i«iiig;0uliCoiAtir».'','IW<Pf oKn b« found at. tlui olA .of!w. Hi .White, two “S 5 ** bolow Turhtey * JJajf9r;s Br^SjUiroi' ; jttuI2 ovor Jbites A seutt«, wbero ho is isiotay etilrt. •-7. ~7~ ~ ... ■ . . . ••.-.-. ■ .. ..- JOHN F. COOPKR, A T TUltlfK-I A T L AW, "BOME. .-.--- - - .,'OA. Wii.i. practice in the Courts'Of XnrtliWest- «ru Georgia. Collecting proinptiy attended to. tln'ici;—In City Jlall:‘Building, up stairs. a])r7-ly BE&TISTRY. t T5r, l T. D uaite, I «* nov.- }'<''*tnai:* 4 nt]v located ] in iMr.iv, at i.p i taken roonifi over Fort v } I if grove's, stnVe’, where h> w : )\ 1 • nj,nased to-^Oeeive the calls, of 'th»v wl. . ^avAo^iilre his professional, serv»?. • ■ . )!•: w * V .^0 that he is prepared tp in?*> • J -• l!i, on vulcanized ritbber, whic': r •eicoedilrg nil otlicr«stylea of work,. • ./rombfhing as it does, ■; -3«iiTivijjSS, : " - ' ' Axi> ^ -i A PlcasiuiteDesrrce of Elastictty, ■"€*:. vrrfir . \*: •>> Gleanliness andv Durability. All work performed at New York prices. " „ii»kv4—ly . .. . •„ t. s roy.lLi« -.-.• A T it. O It N;E V'-; A T. L A W, V ’ ' HOME,. - - ■ 5?A*!' WU. pr.i^lliedii Pm^opiintieS of CUordke.o . Gx on It over’s. J. Oin'ljcrg’aCl’othing store-.- rt^vV/tKvet?—Underwood A Bmith, ItomCe-. Cia. ; r. R. It. Cobs. KV-|., Apieirf, Cq. jaii27- • THi>8. J. VkHUKHV, ; * A T T »*B ISf .p-jTV^irT -T'A W,.. ■ ••"" r r. PAR TOWX, : r> -"''OA. . Wii.i. pra-tico 111 Ibe eoUnties'.aF-lHiivd. r.ilk. 1’ mi ding, Oiri’oll,’ab.lsJii and Cans: liirist attention paid to eollpeting. ia.b.2b-ly IIMSUtY A. GAUTtlMLfl, A T T O H BEY A T ’. L A W, '■*% HOME. . . . #rni-T nttentl. ■ ..... . ■earing lairns in Upper Oetirgm; ■•>'■" H-bl -ly ,oa.; ; glvtjij;-to bbUec^ins and se- j. \x. ii. i xnknwoon. . ^cZjtMjgWll. PKRWOOp *- SMITIJi ’ A T T 0.R N.E'ATBL A T.S&»#>. HOME, •I’litCTien iii'iiriper Oeorgla.S *1*0 wAhm IFeleral District Court of MaripttftV - v jan20’5'.l-ly ' , ^ C. Ill SMITH, .-V"- •K OT A HA' RVAt LIC. . . ’ c.mvpissiouor ofDseds'.for Aihbauia">nd Tellll MfC.<. .“ ' v nug3, \ T. >V. ALKXANI)I?R, .'- S 13 Y AT II A-y. Rome. • -if • • febiO’i: w. a. TKitirrrXE, ATT OR BEY AT LA.YY, b .> HOME. •••’;•;•.'• •- t .. TTnil rtn ililittrr. professioniilly oiigawn. * at the o.m-ie formerly occupied, bv Or. R»ht. ltattv. or *t the Drug Store pf- Newuinu A Xoivlin. noviMy. & l)r. H.'.A. WARE," \T' ,' / •r it a o Tin s d piiPt’S i;p : i'ax Ten miles -Woet. ™"a , gas-ao-iy .y ROME, ga. ; w m. i aukiiTj,; m. »., •ROM-b; w . • • • V v» • V > • ■. OrFiei:—IiI Ybo old iMst- uprfjj7_ . .■■ V- .■•* . h. N'W v v a g en’era-t; - • va vfrstrKi?f§yQ&m Bept. r, ’.W.-ni:-ly. jyefXEwi jfi C. REESE, SILVER CRY.KK. -- rjA oniec nV •' •A-VMtbb 'CU%R%^ iUy' ‘ BOOTS .>-AN» SHOWS " ' mavokaOti reh nv V. A. OH.BE HC, r;. ROME Cl A.; .Tke.Pubscriber is mpjdlod with a.fmo lotbf extra-FREBGH /’ALP. FA- TEXT LEATHER, and all otber' iimterials for CiuitltMiicn’s Dross Hoots A.- Shoes. Ho.employs the best of Workmen and keeps posted on dbo latest fashions. :* . Qrntfd Jiilk.aiul FVork wnrranlcd* ' . Thau!.fu 1 for past favors lie lnipes to-re ceive .a contiuiiiition • of - patrotiago in this brinielVof -liome.iiglustcy. . nitgJJ—ly ■ ’. ;W qy,-A.:oMBERC.. . ■SUCCESSOHS TO—- JEFFERS & COTRRAN, Factors & Conimitsion Merchants, CENTRAL M’H A RE, on a nil Jim ton] south varolika. WALK S. OPTRAB, Rome. Ga. WM. II. JEFFERS, ) ,,, , , „ „ 1IENHY L. JEFFERS, j Glmrleston, h. C. September 7,—ly. wn.noiAuu’HT, 3 - j fitos. scnrrcriix, jas. onnb.snj' • j , | .iso. smiiiuso.v, AtcNAUGHT, ORYIDNO & Co., , Commission Merchants, A !Kl r - ■Vyiitrn ’ in General' \ Merchandize. ■ Kielstottp Huildings, IVhiteluiH St. ,, Y-,.v.;;.. ;, -v''r'‘iTi4yT‘A,’6A. • .- ^BRja^^iij^Mesiii*.- ,Smith! -■&' Fetiiekj'tiabaitif<iod,;ErtrtA-,Cb..p\AlhMi, Aft-' Lttn a'liiDkley.'i^w York i-Win.Jit. Lutv- ton .* Co.. Baytor'A Sinltlr.-.(Hidr!eiitotsJ. K. Teft, Cii.b'r..'OU!ieun jEM'dinstop, Savannah; Post * .Mot, B#. Orleufis;; ,Walsh.-SaVithv*. Co.. Mobile; Crittenden A Co., Louisville; M.‘ J. Wicks, l’rus. JfemplilSp D. A. January A Co:, fit. Louis/ - REMOVAW’ 7 „. . . T H AVE Unmoved to thoiiSriusij; .Bttildik'gt 1 lirpt door, bolow. the ■ Pryg-Store of Turuley A’ Baker, where thev will tabS pleasure in w aiting on tlicii 1 old customers ami Ibe public generally. . JanH-tHlAwtr.'". GRAHAM HOTEL, . , . •• CAVE SPRIBJGj.GA. .: .VtfM 3. A. GRAHAM, Proprietor. ., : ETOWAH HOUSE, ROME; -..- - - - . GA. L. P. .THOMAS, Prp’r; ■ (LatndifiEafpiilon Uo^Lf... y*, ,, Tuii iSlagu QfIJens'nro kopt .at.’^j: Jlmtsc;’, .Yiiil lFis jieaffUtrrtiif'Dcpbt. -b Tl|os. .1. s-Chuv. ; : s-: : ; ; n. w. c. t.AMsie.- RETAIL GROCERS, Bo. d dltoko ltde}, 'rtiL k'eepj'onstmitl.v .in; linnd^. 0 well ' snlceted assortment of-GvoceneR. Al so', i’roVisiims. ^m<’H «»•-Piteoii. Lwth Flour,' .Ifcapitn., Ac., which we'will sell lew for,; Cp*li, oI country produce, at eavli prices. Vfc- IfeoX'-Riiwfiil• for nasi favors, end hope Sjiv lii-bnipt wtfcntldil-do.'u'ishiessA.Biidbifaif. deal BARRETT & TODD, ,-jfcAMlhs IN Choice Family Groceries !! ROME; ------- geo. PtlfNliliUSfi. ■ 1 AfV Tla^s of i’rinto Rio CollVe, I V f\J j o Bugs O’ government Jam Coffee f» Bags'Tjnguira « *» lFiirs Mocfiji Uolleo,'' lO JIitfU. W. I. Moluaso9. 25 Bales Bttggjiigv^ •*. mo Coils Ma«lii()c Sjittn-Rope, 25 Bhls. Stv'wn^A. & 0. Sugar, -v, . . 100 K-rsof *- ‘ . W ,JM) IlavHU,ii;vAuii.Oernuni' i SSgfi*|i,j'r;i;-,V- 7ft.Poxe-s"Ca^l)lT. ' ' ‘ V Oh'liand and t.i aVriv-e, foraftlelOIirfor'Caslt 't'lhisf iCo^ectionaidesV Cigars; ' - : CdUNTRV MEUQIIAflT&iro particUlftrf ly Tnyfted fo giro l\hn acitU/ for Ue will floll Ujdheih-at a low prlco, for ensh. v lie has. also, on hand a large stock of CON- FKOTIONAH Y of his own niutittFtictnro, su perior to any in'the city. nov23-'ly. d<B.jii1efAug.iy ? j;iOA(\y RESIDENT DENTIST, ■ffj K.SPEPTFBLLYintVu-ma his friend^, iuhJ ^tYUie .WhpSgohdrallT', -that hxs eon"huk(es mVg$uifalit&£X'i’1.8T/t 1 'til all ltsbiailolir. e.s.nnd KaoliUeit.mtonMiflipe,- uver the etorg of McGuire A I > infun, '#^or«iJ&Jhl 'prepnred E D DLEJIAN A BANKS, -\yitplesalc and Rejail Peo'lers in and Manu- facturorspf Boots, Shoes,"Leather, Lasts, . fc r.‘. PEGS, CAI,F, LiXIXGS, ABD BINDING SKINS! viqfSHOEni^IiERS’ TOOLS, Ac., oVivbicb thoyl keep n constant supply nt the Jpvyest eash prfos. Also—Agents for the only Mnold’riu Hint Sews with a ‘ .. . “ WAXsTlIREAP. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Geo. Would invito the'attention of Country Mer chants to our priewb. [iioy2.'J-2m. they are norKiirpiiflseiL'yAA&i itU[ifeteibnka|S been inlule that inv prices ioi''clenliil’ jipeYa- lion's are higher thnn Ibe nnugb jr.OiwaTTh.-Or; lists, I beg leave to say Hint they itfqyllu’saute os charged by Dentists at Aiigiistii.-f’Jfhe.oh’ and Savannah. For Artlllbiol Work tnynhar gOs Orq-tttf follows: ' Entire^iit, Upper and Lower fcnin$l,oNir$28t- Half Setsfltiipur ('.Ulipyml TMupure ry SVtl. Uppi Dlfs -. Rspr. •pcrutyl , tl.anl.s bn].’ .‘tfe'-f ( wiui-- fm- tlicif lihfriit by mmnptti' dion U. bujtnce*, disetmvgcc: ityftgw^^- fuyors. Jerf#TiS6t.of 4 '.. streets-e :^.3pr ^ litvinie,. Gr. .. : d all kindito; t.owrr. fnini hu to, l.tu. . per mill Lower, . 25 qgeKc Piirl-ial Sct,» in'firop'irti.ou jo the aboyo.'^ -'r ' “A'3 I uni•wcTL'piiite’S'in.tilai»to improve' 1neiitsiot!thO’d'ay3lfufjfllWh<ld#d >hSt I. run nifct the \vant-- nfnll ’iMidi&jMfYicij.dJ." vice:- |J a ajafttfe).' and jf.jfsHBjji ■ nsK'Umr-tfKll.Ijln answcrit.g tlnSporpo.. ,;of,iiaUiri*.'r<', ilu ab'etlirnv Ill nbjltiatoe, •those'<vU(EMvu.losted-m? »tJk®S?W. ilUttdomye.'' tli|s,‘ antt.-iflajetn, 1 ; THE REGIIL-.VIi .ST.4G.E OFFICE. There is a Li very .s’lnblo kept-in eonneetlon -with this Hotel; where Hoi'S,s -and-Veilieb-s are kept for hire, * Y . janldtwtf J MissesSoblefiir Stoeckel, - ..;-.vsraff AR ,J' | -Fali atid jointer .Stock, AT.'.. REDUCED PRICES. _ ... r ^-Tlio Lailies will ilo well tl$uT a HftH- -Tf they wish articles in theirlhiO Chcarh ; disc 14 . v •. I-,. ,;V ^ Prof. C. W. LANGWORTBiY . .WILL OI’EN ins . CLASS OF VOCAL MUSIC pBMQBJAAYIflGaiT, StU AUGUST, ’49. ' "■ "A--'.- AT TtObsifey. ; i?d Floor of Port At; PrcefttdJCt’^^JtoRa jpirSessiijn, five iiidnihSi-T«iilD»]sSlifl scholar, , -.,,{*ug3.-r^2fa/y, LOUIS VALENiftlfte •'■t^'YVHlrEllAiifc'STUfiieT,' 7 ;-''''- •ATL4Bm.:> “- -• - •— GRORGLAs ^draSSiyS^oetftdlY- Intite Nte eiui^yi? " LA! Ailauta and vioinlty to: JiSHlYiW^ie: amino l]ls axtensivo and welt selected pipe* a tMiddUe/""lt -^Wunfc,,., ^ __—,,~ T r — --- - t ; Mt ehtj; (fRa hud no'light .\vQr,k before him. Th&rd waa^hot, ih ilds ertse, the sliglitesta^- pefivanee of hpy influence gamed,gov* 1 -' tllO I ' 1 i _ “ disii ^. atievs defeat tteS t>flt>rt, ftnd began’Iashitig^ and : reaitiiig hgain.; J?h^ Aiin!ee: tlirew'jlnhjself down, aud niQslcjesfr Hinury ivere th.d oourag& : aiid'efi311.) which >tri?Jlaroy 'elicit tithe; pxtnqi ■iijmselfdrhm the roll, of the hqwe,'._^... WM'TiterfilIJ'hv|he saddle again 1 ' Udftrft? thc'nhi'mnl,.nimble as ho ivas,.had- timo tot, be on. -hie- legs.-. The sumo contest then bjjgttH ■ again andhipted, rott- a cons, sidcrabie timyrbut fefpiinnted Mth MiV .dlfc'ev-'iiYlctory—atloiista nelif approach ey'irYlotory—atlohstanehi ta,.viotoiy,' l M he rode WrO drthtep'times round '*$*■&<&* wiytoihfcdKijtlrer- * exkl' Bftibn r isf:vvioleJtce ^R the hart of the fiOctie,-. tjliaVeoVnpddure, skill and eour- 'ogeV-ffere‘■oltogetheiv.ii most imposing sight. The Jioreomansliip was wonder ful, ar^d drew-forth much sympathy and applause, esp'SciaUjL the ifistaptonebus occupation- of .the-.kaddid•’fttid- f pom- meacoment of the struggle egaj^.-after - the ; successive fhlls. JtyWs, hoirtyefi- » triuthpU^of homhipauspSp. Timet, Clothing Manufactured On Commission. :|3 puinlipNiiig thoir-jjuufl^ m the • X piece, r;ln Ruvo them mad<r iji any sly 1.9,, and of uny uss irlmtnt of tfiies, at a f Jon por. eent. on the nett cost, fb*efiher liavinsrumny years cixpori- ^hohusinejjs, with unusual faeiktios, K ifipul^Uturea line and n;eilium hCpto offer grca^^duecti^tAt^ those; ifet .ordering their gOodV (o ^luiyincr . tlioi4>jMdV : tlunl,.r; , J. R. SIIO’ny.EpL; -Ref<iirDtteo«.fi3>»vi^^iHM Nptg^crsoy. lt..DAntid A;C6.iCul|l;ihbn», tla;. A.A/lt. 'AttdJtcw*,-'Moutgom- 4dn. Al^jfeFViifllpmB^tfjtygaA Uu ’ . •Has Lights .JUteltrw s % *. J.K6. ' Yxitlc <sopr«8pQYide*>t of 11 ’ie following yllcrald;\&>, i- 'rhqTteraldjhas^otno vevy.exiiflprdi- rty7itteh''eri^ged'upbo,jtU" i T!hfe;: ; t>fihci;. is the,eetebf 58|ps'wUb i« thc.rejbttailtpjMv , hr tlto iffbrald office,, 'frpju, ’ facts ' *fid- siatemeuts that htiYO''been attested by Mr; lien nett} Iielper’pihy hBve-.essiiit- od tho Doctor. Aq a prtjOf of AlU# lot us call your attention to tho fact;; that nothing of any cbtisequdhdo was'--.Said about the book until a fow-.daye before, the meeting of Congrees; then,die Xiejt> aid opoiied upon it,- ropublisbing' ex tracts and airusing if editonally. Uay af ter duv, until meinlrers of Congress on- gagod'iiv the-discussioa, gHd thetfortun.e of Dr. Jones, IIelper and Benedick the publisher is secured. -Benhett ie a.vcry shrewd man, cunning as a to if anddeep as one of his own Scotch, glongo lf.any devUtncAs to be concocted, lfe'cat}, do itaAdpeiit Satan tehv.poih'ts'-.itf ' tho gaihe, ’ ‘4“ ftO'^ rs f^atar . ... r Werelyti i^b'Iftldylii a thou ’.koej^warm;; lsW, tot a fAslddwdilb. lady? »2500tor^di#«WleBiti'«J •^thSpiO-BbAststhathej ceht oh every article Of . htufT.cos’ts him J?100 heS«IK it'rfor "1 am obliged'to do it>tb make,-np, mxijiv losses by moth#In .. . says John. Oh what dsjfAn keeper draws from theS^u^Mfalr8Bc^N. v ’;«Eai 500 hales of cotton.are^bqrffflied'vmAhttt.-.' • one store for laoes,ihraiqdj^Bfjtfajjtl*is> I know one j Upland in a shawl at Oenin/fl, that at- this moment 1A probably aiJmil’od' UAhpY'h^grbes at a plantatleh bri ’OoA^^^'1 lerTtiver't' •*• • •; • %■ - DnEair At r Oi vs ty of fresh air, Lwnwmndnewguv unwn wgw ' it sends the'i^^'tfiwdm’.lll' W^fckhoinftYL'" ' j^fuUy<^tlmit;«n»gl«;>.-A^^ withal, that every'i^h' ^ access'to' -it, . Horncelf»^ T »9nBnl|m^ -! ;. ■ "iri r^ii ifly■; i n'Tlf . ce'of yyat^r' Binco 1 God.- has ’* .-poilirefVbut-tih'Ittmosphere-Of fiftymflet : deep, iti is enough to make a miser wepp , to scobur children stinted in breath,*’ The Homestead FIRE INSURANCE CO., Of the City of Now Yorh. This Company continues to Insuro against Loss or Damage by Fire, On tho most favoralilo terms ami Pays Fully the Losses sustained, Ami not j.rir rata Ac7 T . '7-. ._ WM, CHAUNCEY, Prcs’t. Jr*o. K. Oaki.kv, Pitit.o Ilcchfe!"'. Reo’y, 15- F, JOB KB. Agent. Rome. „ov2iS3tn ~ ii ENR Y SMITH, >• Bookseller & Stationer ROME, GA? I: 'Him.' jusmECEiyED a lurge . uint eXt»h» ^ Bfte Stuck of Sohooh^flydttiiy •; ClivsM'ful'.tind: Mi^cclluneons Books. AIso. a ] fcttimT lookhiir verv »mokd-l)G A Pertinent Question.—The London Herald condemns the hanging of John - Brown. The Pllilodidpbia - Ledger ask*, if .the British Government^ donot in- . .... tepiLtohang Nona Sahib.’in India, if' •they‘catch lntn. ’T<S which wc may tidd,' was hanging John Brown, after a fair ; ■ ’trial; Worse than blokrog. score* AC.'• > Sepoy*a,-day from tho mouth of cannon, without'any trial at all ?, If it was worse we will try to improve on it the nextr-- time, by adopting'towarda future John-' c' BrownS the British mode of punishing. , jnsursootionUte.-—Jtichmend (la.,) 'pitr x -'-<: patcK Jgn, 4. ' ' V. ' ' ' ’ ” p A Die Turned ur.—While a gentle- man of this city wa* playing ^baokgeja- JortN Bt-nr. and Brohiibr Jowjrrpai.-# hwivwijih;his son, someday* yitice, phe ' 'dfthgdice fell pp the., floor, .anay^ 2,1 '' An interesting Article in BlackWpiUd.-ISif the fight at Poiho; bos tho fblipwiiJg; Sferchtffits and a>vvd iwith -assuincd sevorityj’ ;ii kjibiv-wii are hijufrals ? .'.. Whathayj vqu, boon doing V” “Bog pardOTt,”.salt the gallant fellow*, looking ycfjt- .-bash-' Tul, “they >verc very shorl-halfdcdvr* the baut-ghii, ’ slf, and ip wj‘, gfv 1 them a help, for re.llowslMp...*ake,’ , ;^httr- had bocu hiu-dftt it fog.aft 'liour.' Thtl- qmrt -American’s! you and your Admiral **; W' i-’br Dr. U|Bctie. reports - the doath ; d | P Pjdmcr, of tlint.piAy; " eepfbd taiiccs led to v tho belief that ^|ei;r#i«tfy conHiiwjty \yitl?| ; otol BrowiiVr Jrtve;/rhAtoh H|^Biibli*hed all myi’ tho 1 ‘tb^havo bogi ’ho was interested- in : -Tgatl HSbf. Ah e: dyAyand L.icorrect,- ;tbe dcvelopc- ...l revoal one of the,, ippttiy-ac-v lhad’ knd dceit-latd. sehemcs of Mllhlny everporpettafed. : f ‘,.. .:rr"| over Seed. SS, Orrhani-’Orne*.- Cloverflci'd—a V«h» hFY* vtmiui irunii nuurunii.*. »*”vy a laTgo’jduiVhur of nick, hut; having' no filth In Yankee maniifacfui'er» v go|!‘ ft "soiontifle man to invent a patteroi- xtf tho axes required, and to En to have this same made-' In due > two thousand five hpndt'fcd akcB wore sent to Canada, buthotonoaf tho whole •number had*, holo In, U to receiyq, hamUel. ,,- ' -. .... 1 op tho,. floor, . and iffiw -A . •$< *|gai v lieri.' That hen wah lm^ ;.v suri afterward*,- ah® the • Y SS . With.’ it*..-r IVondition'fpi.:^ - Oharletton Orvner% u '4ffiz ■ .-V.V.- tjuIr , :i , .■ ; to the Charleston Cijitr- PMHmr from Austin,r-Texaurv ■MarAa-e' •hesa eirclg I • Avelhknow ieidi hf ’ ’ awJb.’