Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, January 17, 1860, Image 3
5l)c ftrLtoeeklu Courier Tuesday Moraine, Jan. 17, 1880. Joicrir Walker ii Agent for thU ?apor in Charleston, S. a, and is authorized to make contracts for Advertising, receivo mey and give receipts. Borne Market. •Tan. 17.—Cotton same as last week, 8 ® 10 cts. “Dog tail” and sandy cotton 5 @ 6 cts, Wheat in demand, Red at $1,20® 1,30. White at $1,30 @ 1,35. Corn by the load at 80 @ 85 cts. Fork 6 @ 6J cts. ~ Rome Looking Everyday furnishes some new evi dence of the prosperity and rapidly in creasing business of our city. One of the surest proofs of the thrift of a place is to see general merchandizing separa ted out into distinct branches. For in stance it is not many years since there was not an exclusive grocery store in .Rome. Now there are ten,five of which are wholesale. Six years since the first hardware store was opened; now there ore two, each doing a splendid busi ness. And now, Judge Wm. J. Newman late of Polk county, is opening an ex clusive Crockery and.Gloss ware store. Nearly all the merchants have pledged themsolves to give up this branch of trade and he will soon be provided witli a splendid stock embracing a full assort ment of crockery and glass ware. Mr, N. is a complete gentleman, true heart- od and kind, and our citizens will find him to bo a clever tradesman. His store - is the first door above J. If. McClungs. Ware House and Commission Business —The firm of Geo. P. Burnett & Co., lias been changed by the withdrawal of Mr. Burnett, and bis place being sup plied by Ole,-j. 1?. Ward. The business of the old firm ii now done under the name of (ieo ii. Ww .t & 'do. LATER FROM EUROPE. Arrival of the Steamship Hungarian. Halifax, N. S., Jon. 14.—The stearn- ehip Hungarian hns arrived, bringing the. same dates as thoso by the steam ship New Yorki and also one day later, Thursday Dec. 29th. fram Liverpool to Queenstown by telegraph. Commercial. Livxrfool General Market.—Flour was firm. Wheat advancing. Corn steady. Coffee steady ; and luce quiet. Latest—Liverpool, Thursday, Dee, 29 fA. —Soles of Cotton to-day 6,000 bales, of which speculators and exporters took 1,000 bales.' The market was slightly firmer. Breadstuffs quoted steady. London Money Market.—Consols quoted at 95}®95f foraccountj General News. The Bishop of Orleans, France, has written a violent reply to the pamphlet, S ir About, eutitled “The Roman Ques- on.” Mr. ants in sons i Chcro' be sui tion. Latest News. Sftecigl police?. P. K. Indian Creek, Mo., July 3d, 1857. Messrs. Perrt Davis A 8or:—Dear Bin— Having used your Pain Killer for two years, I find it to be the beat medicine for what it is recommended for that I have ever used. I feel thankful for the benefit I have received from it. 1 have been troubled with dyspepsia for ten yean, and tried • • • • to no benefit. Butae sooaaa I got to using your Pain Killer I found relief and by the use of it I am entirely eured. For chills and fever or congestive chills, it ii the best medicine I I have ever used. I have used it fer a great many different complaints and it has never yet failed in giving Immediate relief. CKAS. L. (MNGII. Sold by all the principal medicine deal ers. . Markets. Savannaii, Jan. 14.—Sales ol cotton to-day 330 bales. The market closed steady. Charleston, Jon. 14, 1P. M—Cotton —The market still continues quiet.— Sales this morning about 700 bales at prices somewhat irregular. New Orleans, Jan. 13.—Sales of Cot ton to-day 8,500 bales, at oasier prices, but without change in quotations—Mid dlings 10|@105 cents. Mobile, Jan. 13.—Sales of Cotton to day 5,000 bales—Middlings 10J@10J cents. Augusta,Saturday,2 P. M.—Cotton— The market to-day is quiet—prices un changed. Chattanooga. Jan. 12.—Wheat is bringing from $1.25 to $1.30, and active —demand far ahead of supplies. Flour demand lar ahead or supplies, flour Q f usliave been long established In business, —stocks very light—-quotable at $3.59 and from our ox pent nP.rfifiP.If llV InCi/mnntitif 1‘V.nn per sack by t.hequantity. Corn, in ac tive demaud .tut! orders remaining un- i tonooi til s best account ed ion of country, and per- g business with the Steamer ; at their,Ware House, may prompt nncl accurate atten- filled. W grain upon extra Hi-.c 70o. o sales of tho naked arfatC5c. One lot of lean white, brought Marriage Notices.—Wo publish theso notices with pleasure where thay are accompanied with a responsible name—but in no case, otherwise. The reasons are obvious. This accounts lor the non-appoarence of a Marriage No- sont from Cedar town last week. JQ^The following is a list of tho Grand Juror;, summoned and sworn to serve during tho first week of tho Janu ary Term of Floyd Superior Court: JOHN P. HOLT, Foreman—I. M. Lester, M. W. Johnson, Tiios. H. Phelps, W.J. T. Hughes, Wallis Warren, Riley J. Johnson, L. D. Wooten, Noah Cor- nutt, S. G. Wells, ,T. C. Pemberton, Fleming Rice, J. F. Hoskiuson, Jno. R. Freeman, Jno. II. Harrison, Harrison Camp, E. P. Treadaway, Eikanah Eve rett, W. R. Webster, P. R. Lyle, W. A. Culberson. W. ? • ’rEMs.—Jnn.9.—TheNn tional - : . .xecutivo Committee met here la.—Senator Crittenden in tho Cn . Some progress was made ill enlarging tho committee by tho elec tion of members from different States, and in tire arrrangement fora thorough organization throughout tho whole coun try. Tho committee have received what they conceive to be a cheering evidence of the ripening of the people for this new party. A circular was ordered to bo issued by the Secretary, and an ad dress is in course of preparation. The IIooCrop.—The Cincinnati Price Current of tho 4th, makes up a tabular statement qf the hog crop for the last and the estimate for this year. Accord ing to tho advices received, the whole number packed last year, was 1,019,255; estimated this year 1,562,379; decrease from last year 56,876. Cincinnati is put down for 425,000, as absolutely cer tain; Louisville, 250,000; Chicago, 150,- 000. The St. Louis Democrat says 70,- 000 hogs were packed in that city up to Thursday, which will probably cover the whole number that will be packed there this season. Interesting nnd Important Correspoml- , .cnce. We publish in another column a let ter from the Managers of a Lottery es tablishment in Baltimore, to C. H. Smith, Esq., of this place, and his re ply. Wo have no doubt it will “ create an excitement in this locality,” but wo do doubt whether it will 'tend to increase their business.’ Those who havobeen the dupes of such swindling concerns may learn from the letter of the Lottory Managers, their mode of operating up on the unsuspecting. Their object may be to permit some of those to whom they have written, to draw prizes, and thereby incrcoso their business by selling a great number of tickets—or it- may bo, nnd wo are in clined to think it is tiieir intention to have a grand breaking up swindle. They have, doubtless, sent letters similar to three received here, over tho whole country, and when in return thousands of silly persons, bolieving that the prop osition it made “in good faith,” send on $20 each, the Managers will probably abscond and leave their victims with their money out of their pockets and their fingers in their mouths. We hope tho timely publication of this- letter will prevent those who have received others from being misled. The public owe Mr. Smith a debt of grati tude for exposingthis iniquitous scheme. - ■ » —■ — \ Exodus of Pupils fkok Bethlehem.— Tho Allentown, (Pa.) papers state that \rithin a week the greater portion of the Southern pupils of the Bethlehem Fe male Institute -have been withdrawn from tho school. Five young ladies 'from Mississippi weio withdrawn in one day. THE PECULIARITIES of the female constitution and the various trials to which the sex is subjected, demand an occasional recourse to stimulants. It is important, how ever. that these shall be of a harmless nature and at tho same time accomplish the desired end. Hostettcr’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters is the very article. Its effects in all cases of debility ore almost magical. It restores the tono of tho digestive organs, inftisra fresh vitality into the whole system, and gives tbatcheerfulness to the temperament, which is the most valuable of the fumintne attrac tions. Tho proprietors feel flattered from the factmanyfor the most prominent medical gentlemen in the Union have bestowed en- coniums upon the Bitters, the virtues of which they have frequently tested and acknowledg ed. There are numeroni counterfeit! offered for sale, all of whioh are destitute of merit, and positively injurious to the system. JanlO.lm-tr. TO THE MERCHANTS OF THE SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST. Benedicts on a Lark—How TnEV “Fooled the Women.”—One dny lost weok a party of married gentlemen numbering some sixteen persons ranged to havo a sleigh-ride, a supper and a “good time" generally. Thesup- per was to be at Waldron’s', about five miles from Mount Pleasant, Ohio, the parties being all residents of that place. They managed, as they supgosoa, to keep their wives ignorant of their plans, but the women were not ns ignorant of their movements as they had supposed. Accordingly, when the “stag party” wore nearly ready, with keen appetites sharpened by tho ride, to sit down to to the sumptuous supper provided, the ladies, who had managed to arrive just in time, walked in and seatod them selves at the table, utterly refusing to recognize their “smart husbands,” and treating them as entire strangers. In tliis way they appropriated to them solves everything upon the* table. Af ter supper, the ladies, who had brought music with them, danced for a while, and then returned home, without once speaking so their husbands, and treat ing ail advances on their part with cold ness. '•V. —The Ru th* So.nth of Tuesday theSo * 1 Western Rail- Progress S ,ula Bpirit o ,ys tho <Wi’h rood ii'.r« hit. mg nearly to Pataula,and .to wi v-i r,w-:.lve miles of that place— the vork'on theroad i* rapidly progres sing • ,.,. , terfii -ho historical collection at the Palace of Berlin thore aro two cannon balls, eaeh with one side flattened, said to have been fired by opposite parties at the soige of Magdeburg, and to have plot together in tho air. W E, tho undersigned, importers nnd Job bers in the city of Charleston in view of the present excited state of the country deem it proper to bring to tho notico of the interior Merchants tho claims we have to their patronage and custom. The majority have been ' and from our experience are well acquain ted with tho wants of this section of country All of us hold sentiments in common on the agitating question of the day—slavery; and all of us desire, as far as practicublo, to be commercially independent of tho North.— have no desire to underrate the energy and enterprise of tho Morchants of Northern cities, but we claim to be able to supply goods iu our 'respective lines, on os favorablo terms both as to price and credit, as the merchants of any city in the Union. We have facilities for obtaining goods from Europe, not ear- passed by any, and our importations from abroad are very large, notwithstanding the reports to the contrary, circulated by those who have no knowledge of what they aOrm or whoso interests prompt them to mislead. American goods wo obtain from the manu factures on as favorable terms as any Job bing Merchants of tho Northern cities. Why then should we not be able to sell on as fa vorable terms as others l We are able and determined to do so, and all we ask of you is, to try this market, lay aside the prejudice—for ft is only prejudice —that your customers prefer goods from New York for thoso from Charleston, and build up and encourage your own Seaports and your own Merchants. If wo cannot do what we profess, you will be subjected to a very little incouvoni-nce, for opportunities of leaving by railway or steamer ore offered every twelve hours. ^ Our Stocks will bo complete by 1st Febru ary next, and it remains to be seen how many of those who have heretofore pur chased all thair goods in northern cities will give Charleston a trial this spring. Charleston, S. C., Dec. 12th, 185V. DRY GOODS. Gillilands, Howell A Co.; Hyatt, MoBurney A Co., Johnston, Crews A Co., Crane, Boyf- ston A Co.; John O. Milnor A Co.; Kerrison A Leiding; Chamberlain, Miler A Co.; J. S. A L. BowiefA Co.; Robert Adger A Co.; Nayler, Smith A Co.; Cadow, McKentio A Co. DIRECT IMPORTERS OF PLANTATION GOODB. Andrew MeDowall; Kavenel, Huger A Mil liken. HARDWARE. Courtney A Tenuent; Hyde, Gregg A Day; Gravely A Pringle; Wilmans A Price; H. F. Stroheeker; J. E. Adgsr A Co. SHOES. E. B. Stoddard A Co., Force A Mitchell; Haseltine A Walton; D. F. Fleming A Co. Dunham, Taft A Co.; R. A. Pringle A Co. CLOTHING. Waldron, Egleston a Co., Edwin Bates . Co.; Cohen, Willis a Co.; Matthiessen,0*Harra a Co.; Pierson, Smith a Ce. GROCERIES. S. 8. Farrar, Bros, a Co.; Lannean a Whil- den; J. A. Burckmycr; George W. Williams a Co., T. J. a C. H. Moise; Farnum a Dettor- Town Property for Sale. Rare Chance to buy Low. Will bo sold at Pnbllc Out cry,on the First Tuesday la Feb’y Next," unless previously disposed of at pri vate^ sale, the HOUSE AND LOT on Broad Btroet, opposite the old Buena Vista Hotel, and commonly known as the Bradbury House. I have fitted it np In first rate style, and added new fences to the lot. There are. EIGHT EXCELLENT ROOMS, well finished, and a commodious basement, whlchrbuld .be much enlurged at a trilling expenses. THts foe fits are amply supplied with fire places. OH the lot Is unquestion ably ono of the BEST WELLS IN ROME. -There ia also another buildirig. near the dwelling, suitable for a small family, which eould be eaally rented by any purchaser who did not choose to occupy it for himself. Suf ficient ground Is attached for a fine vegetable garden. I will also offer my Lots on Etowah River. Including the one where my residence was not long ago burned. The lot le a hand some location for a dwelling. A flower gar- ; a very largo variety of flow ers—roses, pinks, and numerous kinds which I purchased in Augusta and elsewhere. The flower-plot has been tasteftilly laid off by a a professional gardener. There are also a number of young fruit trees, eureftilly Se lected and planted by myseir. A good well is on the lot and several out-buildings. It is one of the best garden spot* in the city, as 1 have hod Urge quantities of manure hauled on it. To any person desirous of building this location presenU many Inducements.— Tho foundation of the burnt dwelling, and two good ebimneya are standing, and would much lesson the expense of putting up a new house. A good fonce surrounds the lot— There are several pareols of ground adjacent with more or less fmprovents upon them. ALL BEING RICH GARDEN SPOT8. Also, at the tame time, will be sold a Negro Woman and her child Together with a great many artl les too te dious to mention. The above pieces of pro perty ore ofl'ered at a bargain. Persons aro requested to examine for themselves. For information as to prices, terms, Ac., apply either to A. W. HARSHAW, or D. 8. PRINTUP. jan!2-tw8Uw3t It isn’t that kind of a Cat.—A gen tlemandoing business in town, several day since was presented with a beauti ful kitten. A couplo of young ladies, one of them named Lizzie, happened into the store, nnd of courso kitty, as kittens and babies always do, came-in for any quantity of- endearments and carresses. “Oh my,” said Lizzie, “what n sweet, darling lit tio kitty ! What is its name?” “It has not lieen christen ed yet,” replied the gentleman. "Oh, the dear thing, do call it Lizzie—won't you?’ “Ishouid be very happy to do so,” said our gallant friend, “but h it not that kind of a eat!" Kitty was deposited on the floor very suddenly, and the two young ladies were seen looking for some good place to faint. How truly tl'.-.l Sliakspeare say, "I am nevor merry when I hear sweet music.” How ofr-?”. Ii is \ golden sunset or a sil ver v.-yr i adness to the soul— asa - ■ ain; or the lapse of soar-' v thestrainsof some swc.' eyes with tears that hadf sorrow. gar'L m Joseph Sparks and Os car Flint, ero assailed in tho suburbs of Baltimore, a few nights ago by a gang of shoulder-hitters. Flint was knock ed down, but his companion escaped by flight. When tho scoundrels hit Flint, Sparks flew. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Brown a Palma; Webb a Sage. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, navil&ud, Stevenson a Co.; John Ashburst; SILKS AND FANCY GOODS. Bowen, Foster A Co.; Thayer, Dowing a Co. Albert Longnick; Marshall a Burgs; J. a W. Knox. HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS, norscy, Austen a Co.; D. R. Williams a Co. P. D. Fanning. SADDLES AND SADDLERY HARDWARE Jennings, Thomlinson a Co.; Hastio, Cal houn a Co. ROOKS AND STATIONERY. McCarter a Dawson; A. Carter; S. B. Jones, Agent Methodist Book Concern. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW v CURTAINS. Lamberts A Howell; Jas. G. Bailie. PAPER COMMISSION DEALER. Joseph Walker. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, SKGARS, TOBACCO. Ae. Chafe?, St Amend A Croft, [janl Itofebl. GENT DRY GOODS, Merefeut TtlUriae EsteMkkUSat B. F. JONES, W. SfcOTT, N. J. OMBRRG, G. B. MOORE. Rome* art. The Undersigned will be IN FULL BLAST, On Monday, Otli lust.* and will be glad to show their friends. IN SEARCH BARGAINS Their Stock, which they pledge SEEP INSURED. HOMESTEAD FIRE INSURANCE C0„ OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, Office, Whitlock Building, [Corner of Nassau and Beekman Street] CAPITAL, $150,000. With Surplus all Securely Invested, Insures all kiads or Psrsonal Property against Loss or damage by Fire, at the very lowest rates charged by re sponsible Companies. Planters, Merchants, and oihers desiring to effect Insurance upon their property, are re spectfully solicited to give a portion ef their patronage to this Company. ' Applications for Insurance, made in person er by mail, will receive immediate attention. Possessing personal information iu regard to locations and other details of Insurable prop erty in the Southern and Western States, jlfis Company is enabled (beyond many others) to give advantages iu rates of premiums, Ac. The direction of the Company embraces some of the first business men or the City of Now York, extensively engaged in the South ern trade, and closely identified with its in- forest. Any information conneoted with insurance will be eheerftilly given, and all business connected with this Company will be trans acted with liberality, and promptness. DIRECTORS. Wm. Cbauneey, Wm. Chsnncoy A Co., 10 Old Slip. Moses Taylor. Pres. City Bank, Wall street Paul Bpofford, Spofferd, Tilesbm A Co., 39 Broadway P. C. Van Schaick, Viu Bohaick, Edwards A Co., 85 Front street. V. Barsalou, Importer, 82 Water street. Jas. B. Wilson, formerly Wilson A Cobb, 82 Front street E. D. Sprague, Dayton, Sprague A Co., 107 Front street Beqj. H. Lillie, B. H. Lillie A Co., 141 Pearl street John G. Holbrooke, International Life Ini. Co,, 71 Wall street Philo Hurd, 188 Nassau street T. J. Coleman, J. C. Coleman A w WITH ANY HOUSE IN. GEORGIA. OUR TERMS WILL BB EXCLUSIVELY And Prices exceedingly Low. We hope to roeeivo the encouragement of the citizen* generally In this anterp'riie and expoet to compensate them in return " ' , By Saying them Money, IN RAKING THEIR PURCHASES. FIRST CLASs BOARDING HOUSE. J rAVING purchased the honse now occu- L pied by Mrs. Mary P. Whitaker, it will most THOROUGHLY RENOVATED and Newly Furnished, and will be opened for the acoommodetion of boarders by the sub scriber, on the First of January, 1888. Rates of board will bo, per single meal, -30 << day, 81 00 “ week, 5 60 Without Room, will be, “ month, 12 50 With •• “ « “ 15 00 Wood, Lights and Washing, will be furn ished at reronnble rates, C. W. LANG WORTHY, Proprietor. A. A. Siiaiv, Supt deoil—tf. A. Mataran, Wm. K. Strong. Edward Haight, Pro*. Bank of the Common wealth, Nassau street Wm. A. Wheeler, 88 William street G. Melatta, C. Molatta A Ce., 58 Beaver street N. C Platt, President Artlseos’ Bank, Ni*ini] street John T. Wilson, 78 Fatten street B. M. Whitlock, B. M. A E. A. Whitlock A Go., 12 Beekman street Nathaniel W. Burtls, N. W. Burtis A Co., 60 Vcwy street Wm. L. McDonald, Carriages, 412 Broadway John G. Ltghtbody, 84 Beekman street Paoli Lathrop, Lathrop A Wilkinson, 16 Morraystreet W. M. Newell, Newells, Harman A McDon ald, 18 Murray street Frederick A. Fisher, Wolfe, Dash A Fisher, 38 Wamn street Ninard H. Fowler, 138 Nassau street Geo. W. Read, Geo. W. A Jehial Read, 120 Chambers street Robt B. Currier, Melius,Currier A Sherwood, 42 Warren street John B. Corllee, City Hall John B. Snook, Architect, 12 Chambers street George Camll, Carroll, Uorriek A Mead, 4 V Chamber* street W, H. Bulkley, Allan, McLean A Bulkier, . 4V Chambers street D. M. Holdredge, N. Y, 8. Heating Co., 442 Broadway Franc's Miller. M. D., 100 Forsyth street Wm. CHAUNCEY, Vres’t PHILO HURD, Vies Pres'L Jons K. Oaxlhv, Soo’ry. B. F. JONES, Agent, Rome, Georgia. janS-3m-tw. Prices plainly marked in Figui&s, ■■ For farther particulars apply at the Store. JONES, SCOTT, OMBBRG *C0. Bell, Pace, Lavender & Co., IMPORTERS Ac JOBBERS OF Staple and Fancy 88 CHAMBERS-A 71 BEADE STB, NEW YORK, M OST respectfully Invite the attention of SOUTHERN MERCHANTS to their and varied stock of Goods, which will be complete by the let of February. II. 8. IIUG1I8 will be pleased to see his friend* when they vUU New York, janll-twlin NEW ESTABLISHMENT. MusicaltfKHAgency. PIANOS, ^r GUITARS, VIOLINS, 6th AauualAxuoancement. CONTINUED SUCCESS OR THE Cosmopolitan ART ASSOCIATION, T7I ROM all seetion* of the country snbscrU JC bars to this pppular Art Institution, (now in its sixth year) are being received in a ra tio unparalleled with that of any previous ^ Any ptrson eaa become a member by '*flb- . scribing $3, which will entitle him to 1st—The beautiful steel Engraving, “flhak- speare and his Friends.'* mid—A Copy of the elegantly illustrated Art; Journal, one year. 3d—A Free Season Admission to the Gal-. . lories, 548 Broadway, New York. In addition to which several hundred val uable Works of Art are given to sabierlbere as premiums, comprising choice Painting*, Sculptures, Outline*, Ac., by the first Ameri can and Foreign Artist*. The Superb Engraving, which every reb- •criber will receive immediately en receipt of subscription, entitled . . .. Shakspeare and Hi* Friends, I* of a character to give unqualified satisfac tion. No work of equal value wa» ever plac ed within reach of the people at suh a price. 63 Wall (trest Tax attention of the public if respectfully 21 Beekman street eolicted by the Subscriber, who is prepared 60 Pine street to fill qgden for Notice, from any Manufactory of note in the United States, on terms, for Cash or approved paper, iosccr than tk‘. Lowest ever known in Vie South. He will also keep on hand several of Messrs. Wm. Hall A Son’s beautiful Hall and Parlor Pianos, bility, HABMONIAN, used for Parlor or Church.— Alto SHEET MUSIC, and the vary best Italian Violin and Guitar Strings, All or ders will be attended to with Promptness and Dispatch, and In no lastanoe will the monev be required until the Instrument Is delivered. SECOND-HAND PIANOS Taken in exehange for new ones en liberal terms. PIANOS RENTED, and the Rent deducted if the purchase is Vnade dur ing the time of renting. Orders respectfully solicited. All Instruments warranted to stand any change of climate, or any reasonable test. - Address, (giving Poet Office, County A Stale,) C. W. LANG WORTHY, Agent, Home, Floyd ce., Ga’ AGENTS WANTED! TO SELL CART’S PATENT CAP AND * Breast Lantern T O THOSE furnishing satisfactory refer- cnees, a liberal salary sad expenses will i>e paid. The artiele la needed by every far mer and mechanic in the country, and will meet with ready sale. For partleulare ad dress i, C. CARY, Patentee, jan3lt-tw 81 Nassau street. The Engraving I* of very largo sis sr, 30 by site, being UUlVVt It CAD bo Bent to any part of tht country by mail, with safety, being packed in a Think of itl “Such a work, deliverd free of charge, and tha Art Journal, one year for SUBSOBITOIONS will be received eatil tha evening of Tuesday the 31st of January, 1880, at wUch time the books will close and tha Premiums be given to subscribers. No person is restricted to a single subscrip tion. Those remitting $16 are entitled to six' membership*. Snbeeript ions from California, the Canada* and all Foreign Provinces, must b* $3 50 la- stead ef $3, In order to defray extra post ages, Ae. . * Persons wishing to form clubs will apply' * r a eireular of terms, Ae. The beaatifrilly Illustrated Art Jttretl, giving frill particulars, will be sent on re ceipt of 18 cent*, in stamps or coin. Address C. L. DERBY, Actuary, C. A. A., 348 and 548 Broadway, New York. Subscriptions also received by H. A. SMITH, for Rom* and vicinity. Jan4.trw4t. Jlllson’s Patent ANIMAL TRAP. XT'NOW all men by these presents that we IV DRESSER A JILLBON, Manufacturer* and Patentee* of Jillson’s Patent Animal Trap, have for valuable consideration trans ferred to Mess. R, W. Inman A Co„ the privi lege of supplying the said Animal Traps to all the Southern Btates—hereby binding our selves to furnish none of those traps to any parties in the Southern States, oxeept those who are appointed agents by tha said R. W. Inman A Co. Given under our hand and seal, this 18th day June, 1858. DRKS8ER.A JILLSON. By the authority invested in ua we have appointed MeMVa. PERRY A LAMKIN, Merchant* in Rome, onr sole Agents for the following oounties, vis: Floyd, Chattooga, Cut, Polk, Gordon. Walker, Dade, Whitfield, State of Goorcia—who will alwayi have a good stock of Traps of all slaea on band, to furnish customers at manufacturers prjorf. norS.-Om. It, W, INMAN A CO. NOTICE. OFFICE DALTON A GADSDEN R. R. Co V Dalton, Ga., Bapt. 20th, 1858. y J XOTICE is hereby given, that an Inslsll 1 V mentaf ten dollars on each of a capital stoek subscribed, of the' DMtofc' A Gadsden Rail Road Company; has bee# called by the Directors, payable at’ tUV office' of the Company in Dalton, on thb'fiiM <fcy ' of December next By order, sept,28,18L EDWARD WHlTE..Hec , tj'-' j Qjefh AND'X'Sf, fiFMEN- <pUUni paid. An agent .is wanted in' every town and Sts'ev, ta engage in a respeotublo and easy busings by which the above’ ptoMaBtoy be rtrtsibiy realised. For, J. Henry Warper, eerrwr (2(h‘ Sir.'et »nd Broadway, New York C»(y,- ebelosidk one Postage Stamp. . n^viro-Sm TU KENT! TifE lions*'and Lot late the itekiderroe Of the Subwriber, to'an *pi>toT«d Tennant i be refiteil for one or for or particulars enquire of i the subscriber at Calhou F.