Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, January 17, 1860, Image 4
M O f 0<f Xi i V7* Latest StyIef|iiljLfTHj^rlali|nJ which will ho sold »t ths LOWEST CASH PRICES. VTo have on band a large assortment of 'V i: ; - ■ • <i . READY-MADE J\ r CliOTHIxSG A • ' AN1» GENT'S , FURNISHING GOODS, a good assortment of '(*?{ [Oj/ (l? Boots 'Olid Shoos, > r , v : : * if'j. HATS 8u CAPS, TmJHTKLS, ttoc. Pleaso O') A GIVE” THEM A CALL, and examine tlicif stook, Wo liopo you will Old it suitable, as to (Bate and moderate prices u: e * f ) l 10 - ! Our motto is “Money Saved is Money Made.’ P. COHEN &.CO. Jbr Me cure of Dytptptla, Indigestion, Xavtea, JTatuitvcj/, ^WHoue In view of the fact that ovciy member of the tnrnmn family is more or less subjected to tome of the above complaints, besides in* —u. .it .i:a' i:r„ „l!.l able other conditions in life, which, r assistance of a’, little knowlecl may be able let, and with „ , a good tonic, secure per manent health. In brdcr to acCorapHan'thm desired object, the tmo course to pursue is, vnUnr^dqoe a natural has mtAduSsd*u!'thiK iihintr^ a*: tion called HOSTETTJSR’S STOMACH BITTERS, which at this day is n» » new medicine, but one that has beau tried for years, giving satisfaction to all who have used it. The Bitters operate powerfully.upon the atbihachtobowels nnd liver, lejjtoripg them' to a healthy and vigorous notion, and thus by the simple process of strengthening nature, enable the system to triumph over disease. Diarrhoea, dysentery br.flux, so generally contracted by new settlers, and caused principally by the change of water and diet, will bo speedily regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably moro prevalent (when taken in; all its various forms, than jmy othw; tho cause Of which may always the attributed to derangements of tits digos-' 'tivo organs, can be cured without foil by using HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BIT TERS as per directions on the bottle. For this disease every physician will recom mend Bitters of some kind, then why not use an article known to be infallible) Eyerr country have their Bitters as a pre ventive of disease, and strengthening of the system ingenerat, and among them all there is not to be found a more healthy people than the Gerpiaus, fro.n whom this preparation emanated, based upon scientific experiments which has attended to advance the destiny of this great preparation in ths medical scale of science. FEVER AND AGUE. This bring sad provoking dtauo, which fixe* lb relentless grasp on ths body of nan, reducing him to • mere shadow In a short specs of Urns, and rendering him physically and menially amices, can be defeated and driven from tho body hj the use of IIOSTETTKK’S RENOWNED BITTBRI. farther, any of the above Stated diseases can not be consractod whan axpesed la any ordinary conditions prod using them, If ths Biltcra are used as per directions. And as ft neither creates nausea nor offends the palate, and rendering unnecee- saiy any change of diet or InterrupUon to usual par entis, bat promotes sound ileep end healthy digestion, (ha Complaint Is thus removed as speedily as la con sistent with ths production of a thorough and perma nent cure. For Persons in advanced years Who are suffering front an enfeebled constitution and infirm body, these Bitters are Invaluable as a restora tive of strength and vigor, and needs only to be tried la ha appreciated. And to a mother while nursing, Mass Bitters are Indispensable, especially where the mother’s nourishment le Inadequate to the demands of ths child, consequently her strength must yield, and here it Is where a good tonic, such as Hostetter’i Stomach Bitters Is needed to Impart temporary strength and vigor to the system. Ladles should by all means try this remedy for all cases of debility, and before so 'doing, ask your physician, who, It bs it acquainted with the virtues of the Bitters, will recommend their use In all eases of weakness. CAUTION,—We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or coun terfeits, but ask for Hostrtir’s Cxledkatki) Stomach Bittuis, and sec that each bottle boa the words "Dr. J. Hostettcr’s Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of tho bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the oct2G - Rti DR. BAAKEE -i — Treats all Diseases. SPECIAL attention given to all chronic diseases—Coughs, Croup, Consumption, In fluenza, Asthma, Bronchitis, all diseases of the Nose, Mouth, Throat, and Lungs, 1 ail Skin Diseases of overv description sucecss fully treated:—Lumbago, Lumbar, Abscegseg, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Pa ralysis, Epilopsy, or Convulsions, Dyspepsia, Dysentery, Diarrhoea. Tho vory worst case's of Biles curod in a short tlrno; also of the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels. There are manv diseases incidental to women and dhil- 4ren which, are treated with distinguished euecess. All .particulars will be given by letter, a Dr. Baakee can product one thous and certificates of hts perfect suacess In eur- CANCERS, OLD BORES,, or ULCERS, ] DISEASES, VISTULA of every diseri . tion, SCALD HEAD, WENS, POLYPUS of tho NOSE, Or In. any other part bf the body, _ n- ' VUMORS, and SWELLINGS ^rof overy description, and without the use of W thekhlfe.or any surgical instruments. These last/named diseases cannot he cured by cor- reswmdences’thereforo all such patients must place themselves undor the Doctor’s perso nal supervision. D'r. Baakee boa tnado a now discovery of a "Fluid,” that will produce absorption of tho “Cataract,” and restore permanent via- ion to tho Eye, Without resort to tho knife. AH BYES and EARS are successfully trea ted without the use of the >nife or noodle.— Dr. Baakee has constantly on hand at his office a very extensive assortment of beauti ful ARTIFICIAL EVE and TYMPANUMS, or£AR DRUMS, which are suitable for eith er tax and age*—insertod in five minutes.— Ear Trumpets pf every description; also ov ery variety of artificial aVtieles known In the world—a largo assortment of beautiful and durable ARTIFICIAL HANDS, with the Arm and Elbow Attachment; ARTIFICIAL FB8T, with the Ankle, Leg, and Knoe-Jomt attached. ... . , , These article! are perfectly natural, and adapted fer either sex. and can bo sent by express to any part of the world. All kinds or Trusses fer Hernia or Rupture of every description. «>r either sex, and Trussos par • • * r adapted for females In a weak eon - > tor those with Prolapsus Uteri. »Is one of tho most celebrated ’tthysieiahs and surgeons now tome Is known personally in ticuL. dition, „ contain ten cent* to pew pof***' dental expenses. All Chronic DU b* treated by correspondence, except mentioned, whieh will akee must ge and inci- Iseases can „, —sept those —, _ „ require We pmteonal •Thorne. »onre, firam^A. M. A tot P. M. HMce, 784 Broadway, a few Doors above street, New York City. jL ^ janS—trfim a wSm stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signa ture is on the label. D* Prepared and gold by HOSTETTER fc SMITH, PitUbnigk, Pa,, and gold by all Druggists, grocers, add dealers generally throughout the United States, Panada, Sooth imerlea and Germany, SCO VIL to MEAD, HEW ORLEANS, LA,; Wholesale Agents m Opposite Harper’s fi’dw’e Stare, BROAD 8T., ROME; GA. UDIDIIY, H AS ALWAYS on hand a large and choice ns frtmeut of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. &c„ and will 'manufacture to order, any article i u his lino. Attention of BuyeVa Solicited Rome, Juno 1st. . ...... NONPAREIL WILLS Home, Ga,, Aug. ISth, 1859. W E now announce!, the above ^Ii(l, in regular daily operation. Wo will, un til lurtlior notice, grind good clean dry grain, iu good order for toll, especially, good sued lots. And in no case, levs than 12 bushels of Wheat, or 2 bushels of Corn. We much pre fer larger lots than theso limits— and ;ve do not agree, to coutinuo grinding for toll, un less it proves. upon trial, to bo practicable afid profitable. Wc will furnish sacks for flour, with our Mill Brand on thorn, when desired;' provided, th« wheat ground, b« of prime quality. Wc will exchange Hour and meal for good wheat and corn. Having to pay Qiah for grain, we will sell all products of tho Mill, for Cash onlu. ' TOWERS A GRAVES. • woJ ^% E 1860, REQUIRE CASH HETTLEMENTS, . . n • *. -A The/First Days of July and January. tye expect' 1 to sell ftr MUCH SHORTER PROFITS than heretofore, and shall expect prompt pay, FOR OjQjeiOC We pledge ourselves to sell as ,4ow as any house in Roms !? R. S. \JRT0.\ & S0\. Geat Artistic Attraction! 1 ti # 5 4 i i HOME, GA., Dec. 21, 1859.—Sm / BLACK, BLOUNT & CAMERON, leave to rcturiUhiink.H to fhpir frion<Iri nn>i cusfomorfl, fur t/ie kind and liberal |>n- tranage h«retofur*» motived at their liand^ au«l to inform thorn that their PALL AND RIMER STOCK fS NOW COMPLKTK, and will he found equal in extent hii«1 variety, (if not in novelty,) lo any in Home, and notwithstanding wo keep constantly on hand A LARGE STOCK OF FAMILY GROCERIES* OUR STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY GOO 33 JSS IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY IN CHEROKEE GKO. LADIES SILK DRESS GOODS, OF VARIOUS QUALITIES, AND THE LATEST STYLES. OUR STOCK OF Two Splendid Plates. Imperial Court of France. KOVAL FAMILY OF ENGLAND. The Eclectic Magazine FOR JANUARY,,IMill. Will ho Embellished with TWO Splendid l‘la:e«. . 1 The Empress Eugenio and the bight Im.iies uf Her Court. U Beautiful Pori rails of II Beautiful Ladies. ■j Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, nnd thu Children oi the Royal Fn.-.,ily. Tho sriistie enili<dli>d>mcii!s and the literary aitraelioiis of the number are intended to he matchless. Other brilliant gems of art will follow. 1! is intended to plouse the artistic oyc and grati fy the taste of all lovers of choice rending. ' READY FOR DELIVERY DEC. lbTlI. FOR FEBRUARY, 1SI10. Two Splendid Plates ARE IN PREPARATION. ME3JN0, DELAINE, 3ASHME3E WORSTED DRESS GOODS, Wc invito the iitteulinn of all the lovers of choice reading lo The Eclectic, its rich nnd varied contents, and its beautiful embellish- Trio Eclectic ns a Monthly Magazine, ol 111 pagi s or more, double columns, bus no superior in literary merit or artistic umbel ti.-liinont. 2. Its letterpress is made up of the choicest arlieles, selected from 7 British Quiutoriee and « British Monthlies. It aims to give the urea in of nil. . The Eclectic, in one year, equals m prin ted matter tiny three entire British Qlmrte rics. The prlco uf them is S7. Tho price ol The Eclectic for the sunic is only $.i, while the prints in The Eclectic are wortli alone in more. 4. Tho variety, richness, nnd nlllnonce id The Eclectic articles in all the department, of li tern lure and pupuiar science, Lot 1. in Wtmotive und entertaining* stamp it us (lit best Magazine published. So the Press am. eminent moiisav, in nil parts ol tho land. 5. -Every number ol Tl»e Eelectie w spJcn dicily embellished with one or more portraits- or prints. IS line Steel Plates, and IU0 Por* trails and Faces in 185U—worth more alotu than the price of the work. 0. The Eclectic has acquired an establish ed character us a rtundardwork among litora rv men. It finds a place in many libraries * From Hon. Edward Everett.—Boston. Sept ,10th, 1*50.—“leoneur in the highly fuvora hie opinions of The Eclectic Magazine which have been expressed by many eminent per sons and in several ieudingjournals. I huvi read it for three years, and tinil its content.* judiciously selected, so as to present a great variety of instructive and interesting innttci and utlbrd a fair specimen of the current lit eratureof the day.—“Edward Everett. * . From Noble Butler, LoiuhviII. Ivy.—“Ib CAXXOT BE EXCELLED BY AXY HOUSE THIS SIDE OF A VG VST A. ALSO IIA VE A Handsome lot of Dress Trimmings. Our Stock of Ladies' and Misses, Men and Boys, and Childrens BOOTS, SHOES AXD GAITERS, ivill he found moro extenslvo in STYLE and VARIETY than any in tho city. We are not on fined to any one Manufacturer, “ The whole boundless universe is ours,” from which to elect our Stock. Ladies and Misses Velvet, Silk, and Cloth MANTILLAS and CLOAKS, of tho latest PARIS STYLE—From $5 00 to $100. Gentlemen’s, Boy’s and Youth’s CLOTHING, QUALITIES; ALL OF THE CIIAEPEST AXD LEST STELES AND WHICH WE WILL SELL •VX3 YL'S' OEC33 A.P To the trade from a distance, and (squally Cheap to our neighbors and friends. nept‘28tf.] GEO. S. BLACK, JNO. M. BLOUNT, JNO. S. CAMERON. NEW FIRM. Mills & Sumter, HAVING ASSOCIATED THEMSELVES TOGETHER FOR MANUFACTURING AN1) IMPORTING ALL KINDS AND STYLE OP CABINET FURNITURE, HIE iqnnufnrturiiig of all siren hiiM nlylen of 8AS1Innd BLINDS, PANEL DOOItS, . &c., ami also 111,.business of UNDEltTAKERS. Having an Extensive Shop and Machinery WITH FIRST QUALITY OF MATERIAL, WE ARE READY TO MANUFACTURE LARGELY, All articles in nuf'linc, nnfi to fill all orclnrs at the shortest notice. MU. SUMTER, hns bcoin long known in this community, as a first cln.s MECHANIC, therefore, warrant nil articles made by us. Wu shall bo able (o Jonx R. Towkrh, l 2 Jons II. Gbavks, > C. T. CesNixunAM j »«gn, Consumption hnil Asthma Cured. Dr. II. JAMES discovered while in tho East Indies, a certain euro for Coiinuuip- / Ki l tio ■ on ■ w< LiUy - ulv I !.— / .lid/ IS East indies, a eortain cure tor Ooiniuuip- tiou, Asthma, Broiichits, Coughs, Colds, and General Debility. The remedy was discovered by him when his only child, a daughter, wus given up to dio.— His child was cured and is now alive and well. Desirous of benefitting Ills fellow mortals, lie will send to those who wish' it, tho recipe containing full direntioas for making and successfully using this remedy, free, on receipt of their names with stamp fur return iiostuge. Address O. J*. J1UOWN A CO„ 32 A 34 John Street, doe21—fit] New Y'ork City. Paints and Oil. W HITE Lead in Oil, Zinc, While, Lin seed, Machinery, Train, Tuuuers und Paint Oils, For sale hv julUl. J. 0. YEI8ER. Supply the surrounding Country with Sash, Blinds, anil Furniture, at very reasonable prices. We cordially invite all tho citizens of Ihe country lo our Ware Room, Furniture Store ami Manufactory, both on Broad St., Rome, Ga. FINE Ill'KIAL CASES always on hand, and overy quality of COFFINS mado as soon as required. CHARLES W, MILLS. ju1y27,ly. JAMES M. SUMTER W. N DUCKER, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in CABINET FURNITURE, TT pliolstery, M A TRESSES. COTTAGE CHAIRS On Broad Street, Rome, Georgia. JNVrTESthc Public, and tho Ladies particularly, to visit hi, Wuro Rooms, where he has * Rosewood, Parlor and Chamber Furniture, Mahogany, Walnut, and Imitation Furniture, From the best Spring Seat Sofa, to lire commonest article in uso. Also an n.-sortuient of Mntresses, Tucker’s Pntcut Spring lied,Couches, Lounges, Sideboards,Snfes, AH kinds of Furniture with dispatch, and tieatlv repaired. Thankful for the very liboral patron»g» heretofore extended to him. he hones, bv elo,o at tontion and good work, to merit a continuance of the same. 1 J CABINET SHOP on Howard St., near the Etowah Home, where Far- nitnre is manufactured and repaired. Work warranted to give ratUfcetions r matt Bills of over 40 Dollars Retailed at wholesale prices—and great bargain for CASH, «, Julv27-ry. Eclectic Magazine is one of the boat guc;si» hut can lie invited into the iumily. Ii« in tiuviwo must be good on every member. I would * Celebrated American Worm Specific, VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. T HE countenance is pale and 'eadcn- colorcd, with occasional flushes, or a ciY- cumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the' eyes become dull; the pupils dilate; «n azure semicircle runs along the ldwcr eye lid; the qosc is irritated, swells, and some-' times bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the cars; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath ;• very foul, particularly in the morning; ap petite variable, sometimes voracious, with a knawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; occasional nausea and vomiting; violent pains throughout the abdomen; bowels ir regular, at times costive; stools slimy; not., unfrequcntly tinged with blood; belly swol len and hard; urine turbid; respiration oc- • cusionally difficult, and accompanied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convub.. sive; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with' grinding of the teeth; temper variable, but generally irritable, See. Whenever the above symptoms are- found to exist, DR. M’LANE’S VERMIFUGE Will certainly effect a cure. The universal success which has at tended the administration of this prepar- ation has been such as to warrant us in pledging ourselves to the- public to RETURN THE MONEY in every instance where it should prove inef fectual .- "providing the symptoms attending the sickness of the child or adult should warrant the supposition of worms being the cause.” In all cases the Medicine to be given IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE DIRECTIONS. Wc pledge ourselves to the public, that Dr. M’Lane’s Vermifuge id really more useful than would ho tho *evi British*Quarterlies, and the nine inunthlie.- tlie ‘cream’ of which it given. It is the satin thing as if we took the whole of these |>eri xlicalfi, and cinp'oycd a gentleman of last* :o read them all over, and select the Lest f»i >ur own liorsual." From the Hon. Judge Lumpkin, Athens la.—“I have been a coiwtunt readorof The Eclectic, for many years. Whether ins!rue lion or entertainment he the object, the sclee lions of its articles, in my humble judgment are ttncqualed. The engravings alone an worth the price of subscription/' From Ihe lion. Judge Lnngstroct. l»resi lent of South C»«r«>Una College.—“I have long boon a reader of The Helvetic Magazine, and regard it as unsurpassed by any work ol the kind in out country for valuable reading The commendations of the Press are many and generous. All lovers of choice reading and beautiful art-portraits and engravings are invited t* semi their orders for the coining year. Each new subscriber to the work, or any person who sends n new name with the pay in i»d ranee, will he entitled to u choice of chhyt of two beautiful premium prints, worth $2 5i each. No intelligent faintly, *» yoimngladj or yoiwf' gentleman, should he without the gems of'art and the treasures of literature to he found in The Eclectic. TERMS.—The Eclectic is issued on the fir.*t of every month. Each number contains Ut large octavo pages, on fine paper, neatly stitched in green covers, with portraits by Sartaiii. The twelve numbers comprise ttiroi volumes of 600 pagoseach, with titles, index es, and embellishments. Price $f». The pm# tageis only tljrce cents a number, prepaid a! the oilier of delivery. The January tiumbet for 50 cents, any other for 12 cents, sent in DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form; and that it is an' innocent \ preparation, not capable of tlofi ff the slightest injury to the most tender infant. , j Address all orders to 575 W. II. BIDWELL. No. 5Beckman street, N. Y. jail A—t-w 5t ESTABLISHED 1700. PETER LORILLARD, Snuff & Tobacco Manufacturer, 18 A 18 CHAMBERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New York,) Would rail Ihe esjieeiul attention of Gro- enrs nnd Drils.s-iats to his removal, and also tho articles of his inuniifunlure, viz : BROWN SNUFF. Macahoy, Demlgros, Fine Rappee, Pure Virginia, Course ltappsa. Nm-hitoeltos,. American Gentleman, Copeuliagou. YULLOW SNUFF, Scotch, Frosh Scotch, High Toast Scotch, Irish High Toast, Frosh Honey Dew Scotch, or Lundvfoot TOBACCO. SMOKING. PINK CUT ClIRWINd. No. l, l’.A. L„ or plain, No. 2, Cavendish, or sweet, Nos. 1 A 2 mix’d, Sweet Scented Ornuono; Litefoot, -Tin Foil Cavendish, SMOKING. St-Ja ? °. Spanish, # . . Pure Turkish. A Circular of Prices will bo nont on appli cation. N. B.—Note the new Article of Fresh 8cotch Smith which will be found a nuperior article for dipping purposes. IjanjJin-tw Filter CLANs BOARDING HOUSE. H A\ ING jnirehnsed the house now nceu- '."rn . Mr8 ’ v - Whitaker, it will no most TIlOltOUGIILY HENOVATKD nnd Newly r uriilKliod, and will ho opened for thei accommodation of haurdere hv the sub- serjber, on the First of January, 1880. Ratos ol board w ill bo, per single meal, 30 “ clay, SI oil , „ " week, t 40 Without Room, will bo, " month, 12 50 With *< S 4 44 Qjj Wood, Lights and Washing, will be furu- mind at rest,naldc rates. C. W. LANG WORTHY, Proprietor. A. A. Siuw, Bupt. dee 14—tf. TS PREPARED BY - tott. VtoW. BLISS, .L formerly of Grilllb. GaT Prol. \V. W. Sharpe, aluNotiiers lu this vi- ibarpe, lj»eau attest lo iUMpucs F«- sale in Rome, by jalyfi.lftl « YEISER. FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. P, 8. Dealers and Phyulclun* ordering from other* tl . . . FlemtnK Bros., will do well to write their order* distinctly, Zv-r and CaXe none but Dr. JfZaiie’r, prtnaml by Fltmiun Bros., Pittsburgh, /b. To tio»«» within? to give them i% \ . trial, wo will forward |>er mail, poet paitl. to & ihe United Statea, ono box or Pille for twelve throeceut pottage Btatnpfl, or ono vial of IV • liftiuo for tiairfe throo-ceut ituuipa. Alt ordern fro. Jumulu nm-t be ac companied by twenty cent* extra. JOGT For sale by Druggists and Country Vy K» c|iers Kouerally, Prospectus CHARLESTON MURCURY, A POLITICAL, CUMMEUEIAL AM) LITEUAKY rKWSrABKU. Published Daily <t> Tri- Weekly. * t THE Mure toy givoi daily reports t»f the Martlets uact Mamie Intelligence in C'iiurl- eeton and of the Commerce iu the hading h»h- pw»tH of the wor.d. Toe Weekly Price Cur rent i< m.idy up with much care, and from tliOj most reliable riourcis. In connection with tho •Associated l'r.sri" iiiruiva the latest intdlji • i«nco uy To.ograph and the earliest *newri by oicAiuers lr«)io huiope. li has an itblc and dwcomplishoit C<j|-ie^|>tnidciit. in.(a gentleman -on..eclcd witii ttie e.uuorial stair ol the J.oti- t<m Times.) an I regular Cot respondents iu New York, Washington, Key West and Ha- 4HIIUH. Thu Monthly 2scw York Faahiou Lit ers and wte.vly letters. Life iu Washiug- .oa uro additienrij attractions in favor of hs indy readers. Its literary noticen, from thu pun of u ge..t‘emau who occupies, perhap Iie liigho-i jHi.sition among the literary nun utl,, nnd discriminating and compre- Attcutiou is- paid lo all matters of. if the general concern, especially those iu rchreuco to the Blaming mid Agricultural interests, and** to the eiimm m ubol the day. lirout c.tro istakun that nothing shall appear in iia col- uii:jxi which should be excluded front the funi- ily t ireje. The political creed of the Mercury comtisift in. tin* principies of the Democratic party, as laid down in the Virginia and Kentucky ltess olutiona of liDtf and 179U—tho Sovereignty oi States; ttiStrict Construction of tho Fede ral ('oi)htiiuiioi) by the General UoveMiment;* ' the Agent of the Slates; Free Trade, andun Et-onmical A<lmii Diratiou of the General Government. Its policy in tho union of the Southern States in maataining their rights. TKRMH—1‘AYAltLK IN AU.VANUK. * s Daily, per annum Tri-Weekly $10 00 00 CLUBS WILL UK FURNISHED AS FOLLOWS*. Five Copies of the liaily tor $40 00 Five Copies of the Tri-Weekly 20 00 The name of no person out of Charleston will be en feted on our hooks, tin less Hie paynnSht of the subscription be made in advnnco. Nor will orders from without the city to piiblisU- Advertisement, Marriage Notices or Obitua ries, be attended to, unless the cash, or an tho aoevptablo city relcrcncu, accompany t order. Money may always be ferwaracd our riak in regiaterid let tern. pii~ l’ostmaalcrg arq authorized to act as our Agent* in obtaining subscribera and for warding the money; and by sending us ilvo Daily etibacribers, with $40 enclosed—or ilvo Tri-Weokly Hiibheribers,, with $25 enclosod, will lie entitled to an extra.copy; or if p r (,- lurred, tliey may retain twenty percent, of the pre-eaymcnle, for their trouble and in lien of tire oxtry paper. Out ol .South Carolina, Ho person whatever is authorued to collect debts already duo to tho Morcury. lu Charleston, Mr. Juincs D. Rudds, . nected with tho oilier, is our regular ail rized eoilcetor, who has lull power to receipt * for smney now duo the paper, and to con- "■ ' / trad tor future husiuess'. J to us, nro "~^SC dues by U so doing, ' • j/fi „ vent, and to a principle portion of H. B. RHETT, JlL ... M t ‘t, Charleston, S. O. Subsoribers and others, in debt urgeutly requested to send iu our tnuil ut the easliest period, By so they will savo us twenty per cent, amount equivalent' ... the profits. No. 4 Broad Street, Charleston, House and lot for Sale. THE Ilmisonnd Lot known Mh *» Hie .Methodist Parson- URPj is tillered for Sale. An. ;ply soon to . — ■ / C- II- SMITH.