Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, January 19, 1860, Image 3
2l)c in-toccifii) tfjiuiev 'Fhursduy Morning, Jua. 'll), 1BU0. * R. pif Jokbph Walkkr is Agent for thin river in Charleston. 8. C.. ami is authorized to make contracts for Advertising, receive noney and give receipts. Koine Market. •Tan. 19.—Cotton same as last week from 8 (3) 10 ets. '“Dog tail" and sandy cotton 5 @ 0 cts, Wheat in demand, Red at $1,20 @ 1,30.. White at $1,30 (d) 1,35. Com by the load at 80 @ 85 cts. Pork 0 (3} 0} cts. Specimen Copies. Wo have been sending specimen cop ies of the Tri-Weekly Courier, to several persons who are not subscribers. Our terms for the Tri-Weokly are atricl/y cash in advance. This is far better for both publisher and subscriber and wo sincere ly hope that all who wish to take the paper, will at onco eneloso four dollar*, to our address, and a recipt will be sent them by return of Mail. If any are receiving the Tri-Weekly who do not wish to subscribe, they will pleaso write their name and Post Office distinctly on the paper, and return one copj to us. Erratum.—In our issue of the 17th, the extracts giving the views of lion. J. J. Jones, upon the election of Speaker, was Accredited to the Washington. News. It should have been Waynesboro News. tftay*Let the citizens all attend the meeting at the City Hall to-morrow night. It seotns to us that the comple tion of the Gas Works will be a very suitable oee ision for a “joist of reason and flow of soul.” LATER FROM EUROPE. Arrival of the Steamship Europa. Halifax, N. S., Jan. 10.—The steam ship Europa has arrived at this port with Liverpool adv’ccs to 31st December. Commericnl News. Liverpool Cotto.v Market.—The Broker’s Circular reports the sales for five days at 40.000 bales, (this was Christ inas weak) of which speculators took 5,000 and exporters 4,000 halos. Owing to the holidays the market was some what irregular. Prices were easier but quotations,unchanged and tlio market closed with firmness. On Friday tlio sales were 8,000 bales. Holders offered freely but evinced no disposition to press sales. The authorized quotations were : Completion of the Gas Works. We learn from the enterprising con tractors, Messrs. M igill & Co., that tlio works are in a rapid state of coinple tion, and they will be ready for lighfnj up in some eight or ten days. It has been suggested by some of our citizens —and wo believe it to bo a good idia- tliat we liavo a jubilee to celebrate the completion of the Gas Works in Romo. The introduction of Gas into our city will form nu epoch in her history and it is proper that it should be marked with some demonstration of public rej’oicill There will be a meeting at tlio City Hall to-morrow (Pridiy) night for the Latest News. Speciqi Woticcg. Fair Orleans "j Mobiles, 7jj Uplands, 7.4 Mid. Orleans, CJ “ Mobiles, 6} NoquotutioiiH rce’d The stock of Cotton on hand was 442, 000 bales, of which 301,400 wero Ameri can. Congressional. »Vasiiin«ton, Jan. 17.—In the Senate to-day, Mr. Bowman was elected prin ter. In tho House the business was unim portant. Slavery in Nebraska. Chicago, Jan. 17.—Tho Governor, Win. A. Richardson, has vetoed the bill abolishing slavery in Nebraska, Republican Triumph in lowu. Chicago, .Jan. 17.—James Harlan, Black Republican, bos been re-elected United States Senator from Iowa, by a majority of twenty over bis Democratic competitor, Mr. Dodge. The Great Lottery Suit. Maco.v, Ga., J in. 10. The lottery case, tho State vs. Swan & Co., lias boon decided by the Supreme Court of the State in favor of Swan & Co. Alabama Democratic Convention. Mo.vtoomerv, Ala., Jan. 15.—The Democratic Convention last night nom inated JobnT. Morgan, of Dallas coun ty, and David Hubbard, of Laurens county, as Electors for tlio State at large. The Convention adjourned last even- ing about midnight, sire die. Congressional Washington, Jan. 1G.—In the Senate to-day Mr. Aiglor introduced n bill to prevent the invasion of one Stale by the citizens of another. Tlio hill was purpose of taking this matter into con- referred to tho Harpers Ferry Commit- sideration, and, if thought best, to ap point a Committee of Arrangements. Mr. Clingman made an able defence jof the lights of tlio South. , In the House Mr. Underwood made a Daily Locomotive. I lie first number, lengthy speech in support of Southern ot this new daily published in Atlanta , r : flits, in tlio eourseof which, lie eon c ime to hand u day or two .-ince. It is deinned the Americans anil anti-Le- , , ' , , , I conint imtes for not co-operating with a handsome paper and to those, who ,,, e , ty un r d ek . 0 fe = u have read tho Literary Gazette,’ edited Speaker of the House, by Jno. II. Seals, wo need not say th-it j Minister to France, the J.nenmotice will be interesting and . Washington, Jan. 16.—The Hon. C. iibly edited. Mr. Seals has associated J -Faulkner was confirmed by the Sen with him Mr. A ii. Seals. To.uh*5,<>0 Bte t0 tU *' ns Minister t0 ill advance. £©“Tho Superior Court of this coun- t Is now in session. Judge 1). F. II im- , loud, presiding. There Lave been i o cis-s of peculiar public interest. Sev eral cases have been post] otied on re count of tho absi n o of Col. Under wood. Court will probably adjourn on or before Saturday next. Murder in Jacksonville, Ala.—We learn that a cold blooded murder was committed in Jacksonville, on the night of Friday, tho 13th hist. A man by name of Tlios. Gault, killed a young in in by tlio name of Buicrs. Gault had had boon drinking. lie was arrested and is now in jnil. Another.—A gentleman just from there, informs us that a man by the name of Baker, killed another by the namo of Worthy, near Gaylesville, Cherokee county, Ala., on lost Saturday eve. Baker made his escape. Fhoitive Slaves in Canada.—It is sta ted that there are now in Canada forty- five thousand lunaway negroes from tho South. Valuing these ut an equal average of one thousand dollars eaoli they all amount to forty-live million dollars. 8©*Tho lossos by fire in New York ci ty during tho past year have reached tlio sum of $17,000,000. There were two hundred ond eight fires. Peddlers.—A bill Tins passed tho House of Representatives oT Miss., for bidding peddling in tiiat State except by citizens of that Stato. JK2,“The cheapest gas in the United States is sold in Pittsburgh, at $1,50per thousand feet. « Markets. Charleston, Jan. 17—Cotton—The demand to-day is rather quiet, but pri ces are linn. Sulos 1200 bu'e-. Moiiilf, ,Inn. 16—Sales of Cotton to il ly 0 00J bales. The E.iropa’s news caused greater firmness. Middlings lof con ts. Nrw Orleans, Jan. 16.—The Cotton market was quiet to-day. Sight Ex change on Now York |(d.j per cent discount. Other articles unchanged. Springfield, Ill., Jitn. 11.—The State Democratic Convention met hero to-day, and elected delegates to the Charleston Convention. Resolutions wero passed declaring t ie Democratic doctrine to be that neither Congress nor tho Territo rial Legislature hast lie power to exclude slavory from tho Territories, but that the people, when forming State Govern ments, have tho right to permit or ex clude it: that the principle of squatter sovereignty is calculated to pi'omotodis order, disunion, treason, and murder, as practically illustrated ut Harper’s Ferry; and expressing full confidence in tho National Administration, including its policy on the slavery question. Mexican Mustnug Liniment. From rich ami poor, bond and free, all colors, grades and conditions of life, we hear the same meed of praiso awarded this wonder ful articlo. Sores nro healed, pains relieved lives saved, vuluablo animals made useful, and uatold ills assuaged by this great medi- ciue, which is suprising to the judgement of muu. What family does not require a stand ard Liniment. Whoever heard of the same effects produced by any other article ? For Cufs,,Druisos, Sprains, It lieu mutism, Swellings Struiuod Horses, Ac. It has no epunl. Be ware of imitation. Tho genuine Mustang Liniment ts sold by all rcspcctnble Druggists and Livery Men in every town, parish and hamlet throughout North and South America, Europe, and the Islands of tho Ocean. Buy at once. BARNES A PARK. JanSO.wl m. Proprietors, New Y»rk, P. K. Indian Cheek, Mo.. .Inly 3d, 1857. Messrs. PEnnv Davis A Son:—Dear Sirs— Having used your Paia Killer for two years, 1 find it to bo the best medicine for what it is recommended for that I have ever used. I feel thankful for the bonofit I have received from it. 1 have been troubled with dvspepsia for toll years, and tried • * * o' to no benefit. But as soon as I got to using your Puin Killer I found relief, and by tho use of it I am entirely cured. For chills and fever nr rongostive chills, it is the best medicine I I have ever used. I have used it for a great many different complaints and it has novor yet tailed in giving immediate relief. CHAS. L. GANGII. Sold by nil the principal medicine deal ers. janlS.2t. iiipni Town Prope/ty for Stile. Rare ChanceTo buy Low, CONSOLIDATED $ Win. be sold at Tublic Oul- fcl cry, on the j3p First Tuesday in Feb’y THE PECULIARITIES of tho female constitution and the various trials to which the sex is subjected, demand an occasional reeourso to stimulauts. It is important, how ever. that these Bhnllbc of a harmless nature and at the same time accomplish tho desired end. Hostetler’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters is the very article. Its effects in all cases of debility are almost magical. It restores tho tone of the digestive organs, infuses fr-sli vitality into the whole system, and gives that cheerfulness to tho temperament, which is tho most valuable of the feminine attrac tions. Tho proprietors feel flattered from tho fact manyjof the most prominent medical gentlemen in the Union nave bestowed en- I'oniuins upon the Bitters, the virtues of which they have frequently tested and acknowledg ed. There are numerous counterfeits offered for sale, all of which aro destitute of merit, and positively injurious to the system. junlU.Iui-tr. IIarrisdcro, Fa., Jnn. 13.—Resolu tions Approving tho course of the Penn sylvania Representatives in Congress, opposing tho Administration in the con test for Speakership, and declaring Pennsylvania true to the Constitution and tlio Union, passed tho Senate to day, nnd to their second reading in tho House. gQyA statute to President Madison is proposed by a bill now before tlio Vir ginia Legislature. It is to cost $10,000, to be executed by Barbco, the gifted young Virginian artist, and to occupy one of the pedestals of tho Washington monument at Richmond. Slavery in Maryland.—Tho nggre- orato value of assessed property in the State of Maryland is stated at $201,143- 000, of whioh only $14,243,597 is in slaves. g©*A petition has boon presentod to the Legislature of New York, praying the passage of a law to compol its citi zens to vote. ggy»A resolution has been introduced into tho Virginia Uouse of Delegates, inquiring into tho propriety of taxing bachelors, post thirty years of ago, $10 per annum for the education of poor children. fl6f“Willium Byrd, a citizen of Ran dolph county, Alabama, was killed by his son, John Byrd, on tho evening of the 25tli ult. Both father and son wore under tho influence of liquor at the time of tho occurrence. CatiiolicOrgan.—Archbishop Hughes has formally discarded tlio established Catholic papers of Now York, nnd lias proclaimed a new shoot culled the Metropolitan Jlccord ns his orgnn, which ho promises shall not be in tlio interest of any political party, hut devoted to religion alone. Schedule. Rome nud Kingston. O N ami after Thursdny, December 1st, tho first train will leave dally, at 111 o’clock, A. SI., returning to Rome 4J’P. M., excepting Sundays, whoa it will return at 6 I*. SI. Second train will Icavo Romo at 7 o’clock, !>. M., dally, (excepting Sundays) returning to Romo next day ht BJ A. SI. This second train makes cninplolt connec tions i^ith the Talladega stages; also con nects with the two morning Gains on the W, A A. Railroad, at Kingston. Office Rome Railroad, Romo, Nov. 29, ’59. dco7 W. S. COTH RAN, Oeu’I Sup’l, TO THE MERCHANTS OF THE SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST. W E. the undersigned, importers and Job bers in the city of Charleston in view of the present excited state of tlio country doom it proper to bring to the notice of the interior Merchants the claims wo have to tlioir patronage aud custom. The majority of us have been long established in business, and from our experience are well acquain ted with the wants of this section of country All of'us hold sentiments in eotnmon on the agitating question of the day—slavery; aud all of us desire, as fur as practicable, to bc- eommoreiully independent of tlio North.— have no desire to underrate the energy and enterprise of tho Merchants of Northern cities, hut we claim to be able to supply goods in our respective lines, ou as favorable terms both a> to price and credit, as the merchants of any city in the Union. Wo have facilities far obtaining goods from Europe, not sur passed by any. and our importations from abroad are very large, notwithstanding the reports to th. contrary, circulated by those who have no knowledge of what they affirm or whose interests prompt them to mislead. American goods we obtain from tho manu factures ou as favorable terms as any Job bing Merchants of tho Northern cities. Why then should we not be able to sell on as fa vorable terms as otiicrs ? We are able and determined to do so, and all we ask of you is. to try this market, lay aside the prejudice—for it is only prejudice —that your customers prefer goods from New York for those from Charleston, and build up nnd encourage your own Seaports and your own Merchants. If wo cannot do wliat we profess, you will bo subjected to a very littlo inconvenience, for opportunities of leaving by railway or steamer are oflered every twelve hours. Our Stocks will bn complete by let Febru ary next, and it remains to bo soon how many of those who have heretofore pur chased all their goods in northern cities will givo Charleston a trial this spring. Charleston, S. C., Dec. 12th, 1859. DRY GOODS. Gillilands, IIowoll A Co.,- Hyatt, McBurncy A Co.. Johnston, (trows A Co., Crane, Boyl- stun A Co.; John G. Milnor A Co.: lvarrlson A landing; Chamberlain, Milor A Co.; J. S, A L. UowioJA Co.; Robert Adger A Co.; Naylor, Smith A Co.; Cadow, McKenzie A Co. DIRECT IMPORTERS OF PLANTATION GOODS. Andrew MeDowall; Kavcuel, Huger A Milliken. HARDWARE. Courtney A Tennent; Hyde, Gregg A Day; Gravely A" Pringle; Wilmnns A Price; H. F. •Strohsi-ker; J. K. Adger A Co. SHOES. E. B. Stoddard A Co., Force A Mitchell; Hasrltiue A Walton; D. F. Fleming A Co., Dunham, Taft A Co.; K. A. Pringle A Co. CLOTHING. Waldron, Egleston a Co., Edwin Bates t Co.; Cohen, Willis alCo.; Matthiessen,0'Uarra a Cut; Pierson, Smith k Co. GROCERIES. S. S. Farrar, Bros, k Co.; Lanneatt k Wliil- den; J. A. Burckinyor; George W. Williams k Co., T. J. k C. II. Moisc; Farnum k Dettor- CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Browa a Palma; Webb k Sago. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Ilaviland, Stevenson k Co.; John Ashburst; SILKS AND FANCY GOODS. Bowen, Foster A Co.; Thayer, Dewing k Co. Albert Lcngnick; Marshall k Burgs; J. a W. Knox. HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS. Horsey, Austen k Co.; D. R. Williams a Co. F. D. Fanning. SADDLES AND SADDLERY HARDWARE Jennings, Thomlinson a Co.; Hastio, Cal houn a Co. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. McCarter a Dawson; A. Carter; S. B. Jones, Agent Methodist Book Concern. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW CURTAINS. Lamberts A Howell; Jas. G. Bailie. PACER COMMISSION DEALER. Joseph Walker. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, SKGARS. TOBACCO. Ae. HC'hafee, St. Amend A CrolL tjanl Ito'ebl. Next, unless previously disposed of at pri rate sale, the HOUSE AND LOT on Broad Street, opposite the old Buona Vista Hotel, and commonly knoi]f n as the Bradbury House. I have fitted it up in first rate style, and added new fences to tho lot. There aro EIGHT EXCELLENT ROOMS, Well finished, and a commodious basement, which could he much enlarged at a trifling expenses. The rooms are amply supplied with fire placed On the lot is unquestion ably one of the BEST WELLS IN ROME. There ts also another building, near the dwelling, suitable fur a small family, which could be easily rented by any purchaser who did not choose to occupy it fur himself. Suf ficient ground is attached for a fine vegetable garden. I w:ll also offer my Lots on Etowah River. Including the one where my residence was not long ago burned. The lot is a hand some loratiun for a dwelling. A flower gar den, containing a very large varioty of flow ers—roses, pinks, ami numerous kinds which I purchased in Augusta and elsewhere. The flower-plot has been tastofolly laid off by a a professional gardener. There ore also a number of young fruit trees, cnrotolly se lected nnd planted by myself. A good well is on the lot nnd Severn) oiit-buildings. It is one of Qio best garden spots in the city, as I have had largo quantities of manure hauled on it. To any person desirous of building this location presents many inducements.— Tho foundation of the burnt dwelling, and two good chimneys are standing, und would much lessen the expense of putting up a new house. A good feme surrounds tho lot.— There nro several parcels of ground adjacent with mure nr less lmprovcnts upon them. ALL BEING RICH GARDEN SPOTS. Also, at the samo time, will he Bold a Negro Woman and her child. Together with a great many arti les too te dious to mention. The above pieces of pro perty are olfcred at a bargain. Persons aro requestod to examine for themselves. For information as to prices, terms, Ac., apply either to A. W. IIAR8IIAW, or D. S. PRINTUP. janl2-tw3tiwSt KEEP INSURED. HOMESTEAD FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, Office, Whitlock Building, [Corner of Nassau and Bcekraan Street.] CAPITAL, $150,000. With Surplus all Securely Invested. Insures all kinds of Personal Pr.porty against Loss or damage by Fire, at the very lowest rates charged by re sponsible Companies. Planters. Merchants, and others desiring to effect Insurance upon their property, are re spectfully solicited to give a portion of their patronage to (his Company. Applications for Insurance, made in parson er by mail, will receive immediate attention. Possessing personal information hi regard to locations and other details of Insurable prop erty in the Southern and Western States, this Company is enabled (beyond many others) to give advantages iu rates of premiums, Ae. The direction of the Company embraces some of the first business men of tho City of Now Yerk, extensively engaged in the South ern trade, and closely identified with its in terest. Any information connected with Insurance will be cheerfully given, and all business connected with this Company will bs trans acted with liberality and promptness. DIRECTORS. Wm. Chauncoy, Wm. Chauncey A Co., 10 Old Slip, Moses Taylor. Pres. City Bank, Wall street Paul SpoiTord, Spofi’erd, Tiloston A Co., 29 Broadway P. C. Van Schaick, Van Schaick, Edwards A Co., 65 Front street. V. Barsnlou, Importer, #2 Water street. Jas. B. Wilson, formerly Wilson A Cobb, fi2 Front street E. D. Sprague, Dayton, Sprague A Co„ 107 Front street Bern. H. Lillie, B. H. Lillie A Co., 114 Pcsrl street John G. Holbrooke, International Life Ins. Co., 71 Wall street Philo Hurd, 130 Nassau street T. J. Coleman, J. C. Coleman A Co., 83 Wall street A. Mataran, 21 Beekman street Win. K. Strong, 50 Pine street Edward Haight, Pres. Bank of tho Common wealth, Nassau street Wm. A. Whooler, " #3 William street C. Mclntta, C. Melatta A Co., 53 Beaver street N. C Platt, President Artiseus* Bunk, Nassau street John T. Wilson, 73 Fulton street B. M. Whitlock, B. M. A E. A. Whitlock A Co., 12 Beekman street Nathaniel W. Burtis, N. W. Burtis A Co., 50 Vesev street Wm. L. McDonald, Carrlsges, 412 Broadway John G. Lightbody, 34 Beekman street Paoli Lathrop, Lathrop A Wilkinson, 15 Murray street W. M. Newell, Newells, Harman A McDon ald, 13 Murray etroet Frederick A. Fishor, Wolfe, Daih A Fisher, 38 Warren street Ninnrd II. Fowlsr, 13# Nassau street Geo. W. Read, Geo. W. A Jehial Read, 120 Chambers street Robt. B. Currier, Melius, Currier A Sherwood, 42 Warren street John B. Corlies, City Hall John B. Snook, Architect, 12 Cbamb-is street George Carroll, Carroll, Herrick A Mead, 49 Chambers street •W. II. Buikley, Allen, McLean A Bulkier, 49 Chambers street D. M. Iloldredgo, N. Y, 8. Heating Co., • • '442 Broadway Francis Miller. M. D., 106 Forsyth etreet Wm. C1IAUNCEY, Pres’t. PHILO HURD, Vice Pres’t. Jonx K., Soc’ry. B. F. JONES, Agent, Rome, Georgia. jau3-3m-tw. TERM© CASH, GEN’L DRY GOODS, AND Merchant Tailoring Establishment, "““ ES ' G. - B. MOORE?’ } ROME, GA. W. SCOTT, The Undersigned will be IN FULL BLAST, On Monday, 9th. inst., and will bo glad to show thoir friends IN SEARCH OF BARGAINS Their Stock, which they pledge mu mmm favnmlt, WITH ANY HOUSE IN GEORGIA. OUR TERMS WILL BE EXCLUSIVELY CASH, And Prices exceedingly Low. I . 'a •... . We hope to reoelvo the enconrsgoment of the eltissni generally in this enterprise end expoct to compensate them in return By Saving them Money, IN MAKING TUEIR PURCHASES. Prices plainly . marked in Figures. For further particulars apply at the Store. jan2—tf JONES, SCOTT, OMBERG A OO. Bell, Face, Lavender & Co., IMPORTERS St JOBBERS OF ^ Staple and Faaey 89 CHAMBERS A 71 READS STS., NEW YORK, M OST respectfully Invite the attention of SOUTHERN MERCHANTS to their large and varied stock of Goods, which will be complete by the 1st of February. H. S. HUGHS will be pleased to see his friends when they visit New York. janl2~tw2m NEW ESTABLISHMENT. Musical ency. GUITARS, VIOLINS, Tint attention of the public is respectful!; •dieted by tho Subscriber, who Is pro] to fill orders for itrully pared Pianos, Guitars, Violins, Flutes, or other Instruments, at tho Shortest Notice, from any Manufactory of note In ths United Stalos, on terms; for Cash or approved paper, lower than the Lowest ever known in the South. He will also keep on hand several of Messrs. Wm. Hall A Son's beautiful Hall and Parlor Pianos, as well as Hall A Son’s Rosewood Guitars, unrivalled in Beauty, Strength of Tone, Fin ish and Durability. Also the FRENCH IIARMONIAN, used for Parlor or Church.— Also 8HEET MUSIC, and the very best Italian Violin and Guitar Strings. All! or ders will be attended to with Promptness and Dispatch, and in no instance will (be money be required until the Instrument Is delivered. SECOND-HAND PIANOS Taken in exnhange for new ones en liberal terms. PIANOS RENTED, and the Rent deducted if the purchase is made dur ing tho time of renting. Orders respectfully solicited. ssb. All Instruments warranted to stand any change of climate, or any reasonable test. Address, (giving Poet Office, County A State,) C. W: LANG WORTHY, Agent, .Rom*. Floyd cs„ Ga' DR. COGOBWELLS NEW MEDICAL SALT, For Injlamitory Diseases Only 11 NEW MEDICAL SALT. IT IS NOT A CUBE ALL, For Inflamatory Diseases Only 11 S R. COGGSWELL'B New Medical Salt, Instead of being a remedy for all illA contrail over but one ill, has but one aim, and accomplishes but one thing,to wit: Sub dues Inflamatory Disoeses—whatever be its form or locality, whether iu the head, throat, abdomen, extremeties or skin. The peculiar excellence of the New Medi cal Salt is, that without the useless loss ot blood and strength, it effectually cures‘In- flamntory Diseases (no others) by producing an equilibrium of all the fluids in the body, the want of whioh is the sole CAUSE of h>« flamation. ‘ INVALIDS, TAKE NOTICE.'.'—The fol lowing forms which the unbalanced fluids as sume and many' not here mentioned, that have more or less fever or pain, are easily sub dued by tho NEW MEDICAL SALT as fire is extinguished by water, to wit: Brain Fe ver, Headache, Rush of Blood to the Head aud Heart, Fits, Inflamed Eyes, Earcs and Noso, Canker, Neuralgia, Spinal Affections, Erysipelas, Bronchitis, Piourisy, Asthma, In flamed Lungs and Diver, Heartburn, Coughs, Dyspepsia, Venerial Diseases, Rheumatism, Gout, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and nil lu lling and other cutaneous eruptions. Dr, Coggswell’s Now Medical Salt exerts, like the vaccine matter; an extraordinary in fluence over tho veins and’nrtories, resulting in a gradual dccUnibg of inflamation as in dicated by the pulse, Whioh soon returns 44 its natural state, as the hsat, pain and" lever disappear. Dr. Coggswell’s New Medical Salt does just what it claims to do—no more no less—equal ises the fluids by removing from the system sM arterial and vouous obstructions. Descrip tive Gureuiare- may be obtained from a»y Druggist who kesps this valuable nudioine for sale. WM, B. TAYLOR A CO., • 0 .ji5ss5. 8 ies«"»a / aiu. gia, Florida, Alabama* Mfssissippi^Louisi- mil ao A Texas. Dr. Coggswell’s Antiphlbgistio Salt-Acute packages $l, Chiwnicpacks«e>$2 50. Invalids with Chronic or'long-stending ea ses, should always-order Chronic Packages. Agents wanted in every City, Town and Village in the above States. 7 **r Bold by Druggists every where, marl#, 5#,—lJS AGENTS WANTED! TO HELL CARY’S PATENT CAP AND Breast Lantern. T O THOSE furnishing s-,llsfwctory refer cnees, a liberal salary and oxpenses will be paid. The articlo is needed by every far mer and mechanic in the country, atld will meet with ready sate. For particulars ad dress J. C. CARY, Patentee, jauStt tw SI street. THE BLANCEVLILE SLATE (tUARRY. VAN WERT, POLK CO., OA. r PHE subsoriber now has his Slate Quarry A fully opentd and is provided with a suffi cient number of workmen to HU orders in any art of tho South. Ths quality of tbs slats ias been filly Tested, and its beauty snd ex. eellenee seen by an examination df esveral buildings in Boms oovered with slats from this Quarry. The anbsoriber proposes to rurnish the stats at any point in Getrgfo, Alabama or Tennessee and lay it on .the roof at an expense not exceeding tho Tin roofing. . _ i , Contracts ean bo made wl'h John B. .Free man Agent of Rome or S. W. Blanco general Agent at Van Wert Polk Co., Go. Grass s nd Clover Seed lue Grass, Orchard Grass. Red Clover-Seed—a fresh, to just received ond for sal. bt TURNLFY H ERD Grass, , Tiinntliy ad FIRST CLANs BOARD IRS HOQS0. I r AVlNd pnrehased the house bow- occu- ,l~l: pled by Mrs. Mary P. Whitaker, It will boniest THOROUGHLY RENOVATED atid Newly Furnished, and wlU bo opened for the abcommodation of boarders by the sub scriber, bn the First of January, 18(0. Ratos of board-wiil be, per single mesl, 30 “ day, $1 00 « Weak, 5-5# Without Room, will be, “ month, 12 60 •WIIIS “ « . 15*00 Wood, Lights and Washing, wiil her furn ished at resonable. rates. . -0. W. LANG WORTHY, Proprietor. A'. A!. Shaw, Supt.- dcclt—1£ NOTICE. OFFICE DALTON. A GADSDEN R. R. Oc .. Damox, Ga., Sept nth, 1859. ■VTOTrCB to hereby given, that an Insl: JLN ment St ted dollars on each share the capital stock subscribed, ot the Dslt •A Oadsdcrf Bail Ro&d Company, has be called tar the Directors, payable at the ofl of the Company in Daltpn, on the drat of December next. By order. ’ sept,28.101. EDWARD WHITE, Sec t