Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, January 21, 1860, Image 1
PUBLISHED BY EllV tl'p3D.VT; THURSDAY & SATURDAY MORN'OS by M. DWIXELL. At four dollars a year, • Invariably In advance. ....*1.00 1.50 0.25 ......4.00 0.00 7.50 ....10.00 ....15,00 Terms of Advertises in Tri-Weekly rsa sqiunr. ovtes user One insertion Two insertions Koch additional insertion Ono Month......'. Two Months ••• Three Months....... 7*ix Months .- Twelve Months, \Vihsrnl discount vvill be male to those who advertise larger amount*. OWunrit* of more than livo lines chargsd tlie samo as advortiseinentr. Notices of Marriott* «•> 1 •'Dcotks, ceding Five Lines in length, ate published giatuitonslr in the Conner. The Wends or the parties are re,nested to send in these no- tieet aecomotnied with a respondhle name ad thev will he published with pleasure ' FORT & HARGROVE, OFFER FOR SAKE A I.AUfJE ASSORTMENT OF Groceries & Staple Goods, adapted to Planter’s use— For Casli, Constating of Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Molasses, Nails,: Negro Kerseys, Blankets, Linseys, Negro Shoes, Stripes Shirtings, Osnabtirgs, moytS-ljk Factory Thread, dr., Ac. FARE REDUCED. Freights and Pnssugc as I.otv as by any other Stcumcr. CABIN PASSAGE, $15 00. By tiie Splendid snd Commodious SIDE Will; I, ^j’ofcssioiiql Cfit'Ds. hcott. IIARVBY & SCOTT, ATTORNEYS AT law. G V. ROME, . , , . A DVVNCF.d of money aan muallr ho huh up,a goo 1 claims loti for collection. Home, June A. J. BEARDEN, Xmbrotytist. * Tir^ou ^ant |i*good^ictur(i come ti , » BEARDEN’S GALLERY, ' nver denee A Sjott'a, where lie is neatly fit ted up forth* business, nnd will laku a hotter — >j *. [in aril.— |y. ipl EEL STEAMERS Auoi.sta, 1,500 tone, Capt. M. S. Wnoilhall. Fmiriiia, 1,200 <* “ Isaac Ci.'woll, Alabama, 1,300 “ “ G. R. SelifcV'ek, These eteninships belonging to tho old os- tablished and fnvorito line, known ns tlie “New York and Savannah Steam Naviga tion Company,!* and in comfort, accommoda tions and Faro, cannot be excelled. They arc cimimitnded by experienced, skillful and polite officers. JOHN R. WILDER A GALLIE. Agents Savannah. SAM'L It. MITCHELL & RON. ju!20—tf Agents, New York. one than ever DENTISTRY.. Dr, J, T, Duane, tlv located taken r—-n- IQTyji jfe I * how |)ormanciitlv located in Rolite.uml lias taken room* over Fort & ITargrovo** atore, lie*i*o lm will In* pleased to rceeiv Z. B. IIAUUROVE, attorney, at law, RUMS. - - - 'J* - - - • UA ’ Orrics—Over Fert A Hargrove's now »loro. f*19-lr JOHN F. COOPER, ATTORNEY AT I* AVf, ROME, - - tlio calls of thus** who may requiro lita professional ncrvloef*.* Ho would atau state that lio is prepared to insert artificial teeth, on vulcanized nthlicr. wliieli is fast snpereeedin" nil other styles of work, now made, comhiuin^ ns it does,, ~ AND A Pleasant Decree of Elastlclly, with Cleanliness and Durability All work performed at New York prices. mav4—lv VFii.l nrantiro i» the Courts of * 0! * . .J,;., promptly atU UUy UsV Building, up Courts of North West- ndod to. up jtairs. T. S PO V ALL, attorney at iaw,^ GV OTi ’«*>v V- '• 0^«, c ^ • Uo)|l , * .piiqg. J, VEUOEUY, ATT9RXKV AT LAW. C?.D\.R TOWN. - - - - OA of Fbivd. ant.ion n*id to nollo.tin?. Siri it attention p*id 1 HENRY A. WARlTlhl'b, COTHRAN, JEFFERS & CO,. t —SUCCESSORS TO— JEFFERS & C0TRRAN, Factors & Commitsion Mcrchauts, W. It. W1IITK. B. L. W. H. WHITE & CO- MANUFACTURERS OF A DEALERS IN Saddles, Bridles And Harness. . BROAD ST., ROME, GA. K EEP ronstatitiy on hand a largo and Well Selected Stock of Carriage, Harness and Saddle trimmings. Also a heavy stock of BOOT AND SHOE FINDINGS, siioh as Solo and Upper Lontli- or, CalfSkins; .Ac. All uf which wo oiler VERY CHEAP for CASH or to Prompt Paying Customers. Wb ein bo found at the old stand uf W. II, White, 2 doors beloW Turnlov A Baker's Drug Store. jan!2 Alabama in the Lead. The action taken by tho Democratic State Convention^ Alabama, of which there arc accounts in our telegraph ia column this morning, is an omen of good cheer to all those who havo tho. rights and security of the Southern poo- plo at heart, and are not itnmorscd in tlie debasing scramble of lifting men to the Presidency throughidparty trickery and time-serving compromises of prin ciple. ‘'She takes high ground bn the vital question of Southern expansion, and sends a noble delegation to Char leston to insist upon tho repudiation of tho Douglas .construction of tho Drod Scott” decision anti the Cincinnati plat form. This is u sine tjxia non to. .the Ob' tairiiucnt of her support for, the ,-nomi nees of the Convention.' Her delegates: are instructed to withdraw if this, re tirement is rofused. Tho Stqte,. ; bf. REMOVAL! M’GUIRE & PINSON, TTAVE Removed to tiieir new buildmjr .JLjL Unit door below tho Drug Rtorti of TurnJey R.tlrtr, where thtv will* take X)ld CENTRAL WHARF, CirAliLESrOX SOVTlf CAJtOLIXA. WADK S. TOTHAN, Rome, Ga. WM. II. JRFFKRft. 1 HENRY L. JEFFERS, J Sopteiubor 7,—ly. > Cliurlestcn, S. C. ROOTS AIVD SHOES MANL'PARTrilKn I»Y V. A. O Mil Kite:, ROME OA. The ,Subierita*r ta supplied with a lino lot of extra FRENCH CALF. PA TENT LEATHER, nnd oil other materials for CsCUtlciiicii’M Dtchh Hoots Shoes, lie employs the btpd of Workmen nnd keeps ported bti the latent fu*bion^, (inilcr.l Vits Hud )Vork warranted. ■* Tim 11kfill for.past favors lie hopes to ro- rnive a eontinuat.inu of patronage in this brunch of homo iuJustly. - • nug25r—fy P. A. OMRFRG. WM. Ml.KAfOIIT, ) JAM. OltMO.VII, j McNAIIGIIT, ORMOND & Co., Commission Merchants, A ml Dealers in General Merchandize. Keystone Buildings, Whitehall St. ATLANTA. GA. 'C0-B EF KREXOBS—Messrs. Smith A Patrick: Rinaliwund. Karl A Ou.i Allen. Mc- l.rai A Ihilklcy. Now York : Win. M. Law- toll A f!o„ Naylor A Smith, Charleston ; J. K. Tufi, Cu.h'r.. Diinraii A JohimloU, Savannah, Post A Mel. New Orleans; Walsh. Smith A Mobile: Crittenden A On.. Louisville; M. J. Wicks. Pres. Memphis, D. A. January A Co., St. Louis. nnv23.1y. AT LAW. ,\TT O R N K Y () ^ WI.ME. • • •••■'' ,, rolloctltig and *« Si rat it atten . t «'' *. . frll | r caring daiituia Upp-r Genr.m. ft, n. SMITH, VsOERWOOO & SMITH, xT torneys at nvr, ; ROME. • Oenr'is: also in the FwleraLDlVtH Osurt .f Marietta. jan29*5fl-iy ’ c. n. smtTii, j, OT V R Y M* W Bh I <■. f! ., m .;,l»loner of Daed. for AUham^nd Toun**ie^. —r— ETOWAH HORSE, ROME, - ■ UA. L. 1*. THOMAS, Pr.T. (Lateof Eutontou Hotel.) Thk Stage Odife..* are kept at tbta IToiipc. and it ii nearont tho Depot. jan5 G. W. F. I.AMKIN. Tims. j. PKtlltV PERRY & I.AMKIN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL grocers, No. 4 Choice Hotel, W ILL keep constantly on hand, n well seleeted a.sorlment «f Groeeries. Al so. Provisions, am-lt as, Baeoit. Lard. Flour, Meal’ Act, Ae„ wliielt we will sell low for Gash, or country produce, at rash prices. We feel grateful for 'past favors, anrfjiope Ity rrompt nttentlon to liusine: - - GEO. BARRETT & TODD, IIKAt.KIIS tx Choice Family Groceries!.! ROME, - avNimim. -| fill Rags of Prime Rio Coffee, 1 \}\) 111 HugsO:. (.iureritmont Jars Codec 5 Rags Ltgitira Coilee, 5 Uses Moehit Cofti-e. in Idols. W. I. Molasses. ■ — 25 Bales Bagging. 100 Coils Mueliine Spun Rope, 25 Bids. Stewart's A. A C. Sugar, 1110 K-gs of Nulls. 50 Boxes. Virginia Tobacco. 75.000 llavahltn still German Segars, 75 Boxes Candies. On hand and to arrive, for sale low for Cash or to prompt paving enatomers, l.v out 12.3m. ' ' BARRETT A TODD. pleasure in waiting on their old customers und the public generally. jan3-tri1 Avrtf GRAHAM HOTEL, CAVE SPRING, GA. J. A. GRAHAM, Proprietor. TIIE REGULAR STAGE OFFICE, There is a Livery Stable kept in connection with this Hotel, whore Horses and Vehicles are kept for hire. jimlttwtf Mouth Carolina will unhesitatingly deny her idtpport'to'n ny ono wliostniidii'equi vocally on this grant issue,' and will hoartily co-operitto iwltli Alabama. ' If tho “National” Democratic party can-' not stand this test;' tfnd the Northern Democracy-is devoted to freesoil nnd and tho prohibition of eltiVery frim tho 01101 common territories, then to this section rus with its civilisation and safety, it is in imical and a party worse than valueless. On this great test, it must, survive or go to pieces. Tho South cannot sup port a party wedded to anti-slavery, whether in one form orauotlicr. “Hos tile legislation” is as bad os “tho AVil- mot Proviso,” while more aggravating nnd deceptive.—Charleston Mercury. Misses Noble & Stoeckel, AUK SELLING OFF THEllt Full and Winter Stock, AT REDUCED PRICES, Tho Ladies will do well to givo thorn a call if they wish articles iu their lino Cheap, dealt Prof. C. W. LANGWORTHY WILL OPEN 1119 CLASS OF VOCAL MUSIC ON MONDAY NIGHT, Stii AUGUST, *59. AT BOOKS, 2d Floor of Fort & Freeman’s Block. jSW-Session, fivo months—Terms, SI0 per scholar. ' fang.'t—2nt atyo MMR. v-d fflMII'57 — '— yi. b. TBBUUNK, A*rTO R N E Y AT L A W. G?ncK-In bit; Hail' Buiiditis. aprS-1v J.B. W. NOWLIN. M. U. OFFERS hi* Vrnfesviemd^fb^ vtltiaenanf Rome an l h- f<«md prnfes-innallT enga. • . , p) r . ,loht. ■at t .0 office formerly oeeupiod liv » ’ - Drag Store of Newman « ■ ,r at tlie 'Not. in. and fair deal ing. to receive n liberal sharenf pntrmmgo.— Oar motto will ho i|iiiid< sails ami short pro fits. Ilive'ns a call bofore buying ol.-fe.whcri,' Rome, Aug. 31, ’ J. li. MURPHY " RESIDENT DENTIST, T> KSPECTFULLY informs bis friends, i KDDI.F.MAN «z BANKS, Wliotesnlu and Retail Dealers in and Manu facturers of Boots, Shoes, Leather, Lasts, PEGS, CALF. LININGS. AND BINDING SKINS! SHOEMAKERS’ TOOLS, &c., Of which they keep a constant supply at tho lowest cash pri.-cs, . AJ sp-jAgei^XRit tha_ ohtv BTmdmio tlmt Sows with a ' WAX Til RE AD. W hitehall Street, Atliinin, Geo. Would invite the attoutioq of Country Jfer- hnnts to our firiers. [iinv23-2m. R tho pUldie genoriilly. t lint he continues tlie pructleeof /)Tf-V77STil 1' in till its qranch- es. aiiiT 1 iuv* lilted iip an ufiiee. over tho store nf McGuire A Pinson, where lie is prepared to execute all operation* appertaining to Den tistry. in the most approved manner. II"; woitTd also call tho nartlimiar attention |gf those in want of Artificial Work, le '■ ;j Br. E. A. WAKE, TRACTICINO PHYfllCIAN, Ton miles wost of ROME. oet5*59—lv ’ WM. FARF.I.L, M. D. ROME. GA. GA. iRprtoi!—In tho old Post Office. •a|)rF67 II. II. 1* E N N Y , general collecting agent, ca rm spring, a a. Sept. 7, *59.-n45-ly. J. C. REESE, M, u fl ., SILVER CREEK. •- - FLOYD. Co.GA Ofiico at J. A Whiteheads' his .jorior style of loelli, set fin gold plate ; lor beauty, 'strength nnd life-like nppenonnec. they arc not surpassed. As an impression lias been made tlmt my prices for dental opera tions are higher than tlie usual run of Den tists, I beg leave to say tlmt they nro thesnme as charged bv Dentists at Augusta, Macon and 8arannah. For Artificial Work ntyohar ges nro (is follows: Ent ire Sets Upper and Lower froin$l00 to *251 Half Sets, Upper or Lower, from 59 to toO Temporary Sets. Upper and Lower. 2.> each. Partial Sets in proportion to tlie above, As I am well posted in ail the lute improve ments of tlie day. I feel confident that I can meet tho wants of all who may neod the ser vices of a Dentist, and if references nro want ed; us to their utility in answering the purpo ses ofs«*«ive. I ran give them in almiidiim e, from those who have tested my "kill, for tho Iniit fourteen years, iu this, aud adjoining States. _ , j B MURP1IY Uomc, 8opt. 14. U. J. JOHNSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Rome, Gti. Will fflvs strict attention to the Will gtvs MilM6 OF COTTON. And all kinds «f Produce, and IIoaTy Gooils, *!., ,nav lie consignee to him. . '■ * ^ ™>lfie« althe PostGlfieO corner, [sng.24 LUMBER OF ALL KINDS, Wragg’s Steam Saw Mill!, ‘ ^ DA.Y10 G. LOVE, notary public, rENMAN, Collector and General Agent. Rom>, May 1*. ’*»• _ LOUIS VALENTINO, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. W OTLD respectfully invito tho citir.ens of Atlanta and vicinity to call, and ex amine his extensive and well sehaitod stock of Confectionaries, Cigars. &o. COUNTRV MERCHANTS are particular ly invited to givo him a call, for ho will soli to them at a low prioc, for cash. He has, also, on hand a largo stock of CON FECTIONARY of Ills own manufacture, su perior to any in the city. nov23-ly. Tho Alabama Resolutions. “ A UNITED SOUTU.” Below wo copy tho resolutions adop ted by a largo majority, bv the Demo cratic Convention of Alabama. Wo liavo no hesitation in expressing the opinion that if Alabama triumphs the Charleston Convention, by the adoption of a platform distinctly affirm ing these principles and tlie selection of candidates known to bo honestly com mitted to them, tho idea of “a united South” ought to be realized by all tics among us sustaining tlie policy and candidates thus presented. But, at tho same time, we liavo not tho least hope either that Alabama will secure sucli a triumph, ortlinthcr delegates in a body will with draw from the Conven tion, whatever course Mr. Yancey and two or three others may pursue; and therefore we exhort our -Opposition friends to maintain and perfect their organization, with a view to ft National conflict this year with tlie advocates of Squatter Sovereignty and Bluck Re publicanism.—Col. Enrjuircr. ■ o soin, at o o ciocK in tne morn ing, «wh % tetter from tho Spanish ’ camp, four,.companies ofr.the regiment t of the Madrid Chasseurs- inarched to ward Ste ■»- v * Stiddenl; wore seen werofollowc together^ they amounted tqJTour^ tiiou- amotig the eriom but seeing that they wore • coining with great alacrity, Eohague ordered an * Moora Xviaed' 16 tfe P elvcs’^i*o t h * * bodies, one' to resist the charge of tho Spanish infantry',' ttt i«tilbp | w , |tlMr thp,redf>ubt.4hat had boen biult a^few's toward the ffiolintafais.' - ; -VH0iMiibi a uMy impetuous 6hwgo 4)f • thq ’'MoolApGtBeP 11 soidiorft. ,of the,, swore; ^retiijW. XBtes diOd'impotuously .against the' which Opening itself on a sudd closodi a battery; More thnittii di'cd Mpoi'snerished. : /'pcoictai off flgUt’Woameii hotrfbte i ^tohe^;''^h2 iU Moors tlirew away their J muskets -si fought Tvith their peculiar loud called ‘‘guipig8.’’. ,yhe Spanish found themselves quite at horn sortof-struggle. They Eli# tli- , their rffteB and settod Aheir'P’hits Nothing qould-excel; the’f ' combat; Ints. MlPmAjt impossible to form an odqquab this fight. Oho S'paniah^sold.u. . three Moors with his khifO,* and yet he nt had pis face dreadfully out by/ the'-‘ “gumias." Mwy,fo4 ; ,ftjir. erttrflluq then to bo heard'. Spanish artillerymen, chasseurs, end even officers were , fight. < nearly a thousand fearfully* Wo*‘ pT'r'ttmirmai Tlie Spanish lost wa ;;;) (n« !* Coi.cMiius.x-Cbltimbus -ranks 'hs the ■ third city ip Goorgiain point bf Wealth. Tins tact is- gat: troller-Geheral'i the taxable r p each city. Sav ond, Columbus rt and Macon fifth.. *&t<v fourths: a “A statement tliat Loigli Hunt tyas cHgJj Clothing Manufactured On Commission. P ARTIES puieha.ilig their goods in iha pieev. van have them inndo np in liny style, anil of any assortment of sizes, at a charge of ten per cent, on the nett cost, r . The subscriber, having many years experi ence in tho business, with unusual facilities, for tho manufacture of extra lino mill medium clothing, can offer great inducements to those who prefer ordering their goods to buying them ready-made. J. R. SHOT WELL, References: ltahway, New Jersey, Messrs. .1. R. Daniel A Co., Columbus, Ga. “ W. G. A A. It. Andrews, Montgom ery. Ala. Mr. A. C. Vail, Milledgerillo, Ga. ’dec21—lin The Homestead FIRE INSURANCE C0„ Of the City of New York. Tlita Company continues to insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, On tho most favorable terms and Pays Fully the Losses sustained, And not pro i*atn Ac. WM. CIIAUNCEY, Pros’t Jno. K. Oiklkt, Pinup Hurd, Sec’y, Vice l’rost. B- F, JONES, Agent, Rome. uov23-3m the oriymal of Iliirold^Skltnpole tn “Bleak House,” whlckPoriglnatcd in tliis country and lias since booh copied quito extensively into the English presf, is denied by Mr. Dickens in All the Year Round. Ho acknowledges that for the pleasure it afforded hitn to think of tho delightful manner of Hunt re producing itself under his hand, he yielded to tho temptation of too often making h:s character speak like his old friend. But even in tho mere occasion al manner he meant'to be so cautious and conscientious, that he privately re ferred the proof-sheets of the first num ber of that, book to two intimate literary friends of Loigli Hunt (both still living) nnd altered tho whole of that part of Gas Lights! Gas Lights;! Gas made from Common PINE WOOD ! MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. HOME ..*••• OA. Ovvier—At Roma Railroad Demit. Crru* w 8 . COTHRAN, l’res't. C. II- STILLWELL, Sec y. julySS T IIE mibroriher./'desirous of keeping with the want" of tlie eominniiity, h: recently inorensed tiieir faellitio" for furnish- iug I,umber of all tlie various kinds vcquir ed lor building and other ordinary purposes- The Lumber is Inferior to none and is fur- ntahert on ns reasonable torius oa can bo had anywhere in this sootlon. All the Labor aliout the Mill is performed by white men.— tlie timber used and machinery is not excell ed. and all bills for lurnlior will ho PROMPT LY and ACCURATELY filled. Three Teams are regularly employed to haul lumber to Rome and other places, and contracts can bo made for lumlwr delivered. Terms for Hauling, GASH, hut reasonable orodit will be given ou th« lumbgr itself. We arc thankful for Ihe liberal patronage heretofore bestowed and respectfully solicit a continuance of the WaTiie. L. R. A S. D. WRAGG. Fi.oyp Covntv, Feld—If W. H. MAG ILL & CO., Builders aj Gas Apparatus for making Gal from' Wood. T HE subscribers arc now prepared to build nnd furnish Gass Apparatus, for cities, villager, (owi)_s,^ul)l'e aiiU.private buildings, on short nhtiev. ; ... , fit! > - - - Gas inode from common pine wood is cheap er and better than .any other light known from ntio0ior>O»rce. ■ ...... Perrons wishing to see the Wood Gas Works in opperatien, can see them at Grady, Nicholson A Co'*., Col. Hammond's or Dr. Ware’* in Athens, Gn. . SiO-All kinds of <;ns and Steam fitting done tn order. 2S&.A11 kinds of (las ond Steam fittings constantly on baud, lor lighting mid heating purposes. •* 'Order#sent through the Post Office, or oth- erwise, will ho punetnnlW attended to. Rome, (la. W. II. MAGILL A CO. j. >;. boss, WJt. 11. HAOII.I.. nov.30-ly. HENRY A. SMITH, Bookseller St Stationer ROME, GA. mt 'test* i.fliiarjr JUST RECEIVED a large and exten- _____ sive Stock of School, Classical and Miscellaneous Books. Also, a largo variety of Stationary, Wall Papering, Engravings, Paintings and Fancy Artiolos, suitable for tho Holidays. Merchants and School Teachers, supplied witli Books and Stationary at Augusta prices. The attention of purchasers respectfully solicited. Terms Oasta. jan3—twly A Fresh Supply of -RS. WINSLOWS Soothing Syrup. Ba M RS. WINSLOWS Soolhing Syrun. kor,*H Infallible Tottor Ohitroont, Iloilo way’# Pilla and Ointment, India Chologo^cuo, Young American Linnmcnt. Ju«t Rccoivcd by, [julRL] J. G. YEISKR. C. W. LANGWORTHY, PROFKSROR OP ■ • - - _ pnofB.SRoa of fff^PIANO, ORGAN tern city, Altiany. Whicli i.’ n under the magic wand’ of 'tin soventh on Uto catalbgae:’ * ~ show of. wealth in, Coli other cities of lik^ siz. our citizen* do'iiot'put tyin houses and Outside 1 but ore satisfied to livw icomf pretty residences, b*5fr& the J exquisite taste and fine work- witliwell improved's''’ handsome gardens.—1 4,;iru ,u*iM 9 tho text on their discovering too strong a resemblance to “his way.” I'mciiTFUL Death.—Tho New York’ Post, oflast evening, says: Between 4 ond 5 o’clock this morning, as offiser Elder, of the Sixth Precinct, was passing through Duano street, he discovered tho body of a man impalodon tho iron picket railing fronting No. 74. The man was alive and moaning but unablo to speak. So deeply had the sharp pointed piokets penetrated his body, that tho officer found it imposai* ble to extricate him from his horrible position. Calling officers Maguro and Osborne to his assistance, the throe, af ter a good deal of difficulty, succeded in removing him. His removal caused s profuse flow of blood from his wounds, nnd ho died in a few soconds after be ing placed on tlie pavoment. ■ Tho body was immediately conveyed to the sta tion-house, and inquiry atonco. institu ted to ascertain who tne deceased was, and how ho came,to meet with suoh a horrible death. . . f. . iS’il W<11 Subsequent investigation led to the general belief that tho man had jump ed from a window, while laboring under delirium tremens. .. . Cottox Manbfactdbrd ATtniSocT®. 1 —Out of four, millions of. bales of ,Rpfc) ton raised last year,. only about ope hundred thousand bales nro estimated’ to have been manufactured'' into tffotH ’’ in all of the sla7ehold -Stat«^-nSu<ih:i an ' t insignificant proportion a* hardly - worth mentioning, Of (he ‘quantity of , cotton manufactured 1h 'the slavehold ing States the folloiwiiig. statement -Will shonf h9,W u is divided:’! -i iitndr In vwftMWSfigniiiiJiup *:d> Ba 1858, Carolina 1 8. Carolltla*' isssar Georgia, '20,500 26,090-23,00924, Alabama, 5,600 fi,50fi, 5,U00 -8, Taunessee, 4,(too 7,000 9,000 JO.uuu , J9lThe following. Sforjr.rdaXtold^dt 11 Washington, of the: Hon. fThaddeas " Stevens of Pennsylvania:'^ j:-vq "«’*«** ’ 1 “ At tiie time: wheb Several' *of tfi'O Anti-Tiecompton men vo(edfoi Mr.'GiL- - i mer of North Carolina, one'of the prom inent Southern Guitar and Vocal Music, ' ROME, GA, aug.' Schedule. SHORT CREDIT For Drugs and Medicines. yj^E, the undertigned Druggist"of Roino > r«»l>octfiilly Inform our friends nnd natrons that wo liavo adopted the six months rule. All onr bills in flit arc will be due July 1st and Januaty 1st. FARKLL A YEISER, NEWMAN A NOWLIN, P. L. Ti'llNLY, .1. C. BAKER. janl—twiwlm Home and Kingston QX and after Thursday, December 1st, the first train will leave daily, at Hi o’clock, A. M., returning to Rome 4J P. M., excepting Sunday*, when it will .return nt 5 P. M. Second train will leave Rome at 7 o'clock, P. M., daily, (oxconting Sunday*) returning to Rome next day lit 0} A. M. This second train make* complete connec tion* witli the Talladega stages; also con nect* with tlm two morning train* on tho IV. A A. Railroad, at King*ton. Olfieo Rome Railroad. Romo, Nov. 29, ’59. dm-7 IV. 8. OOTIIRAN, Gon’l Sup't, Mvstebioi's Affair.—'The Vicksburg Whig says: On last Saturday, Mr. Whiteman, who lives fifteen miles from this city, discovered a trading boat about ground ing, ond seeing no ono aboard he at tempted to go aboard, but was kept off by a large dog. On Tuesday, the boat being in a kinking condition, Mr. W. nnd other geutlemen auoeodcd in get ting on board, and found it uninhabited and were stricken with horror on find- ieg the floor covered with blood, imliea ting that a murder had boon commit ted on tho boat, and the body thrown into the river. Tho boat is loaded with dry goods—is painted rod, and has George M. Kidd, No. 27, painted on tlie side. It is not known whether Kidd is tho murdered man or not, l he boat, letters, *c., are in the the posses- sion of Mr. Whiteman. Grass end Clover Seed* H ERD (Ira**, Blue Grass, Orchard (Ira**, Timothy and Red Clover Seed—a frerh tu just received and Tor *nle l,v TURN LEY Philadelphia, .Tan. 12.-The Hunting don Co. Convention havo elected dele- gales to tho State Convention, instruct- oil them to support Ho«. J, C, Brook- oached Mr. Stevens, saying hi w& Vety^teSSu ' ' astonished dhgt these men should'vote ’ > for Mr. Gilmer, who owned nearly,, , t “hundred head of nigger* Ppea he’” , !., said kfr. S., “then I think f f s»M tfotb for him myself, for it is your littte : drift 1 ''' ’ headed nigger mep,wboitnflke.-dil the -' of the’Time«'«iys ! : r The Official report of Capt'. tfmntzpl-^ t mnnn has beeri received 'by Secretary Floyd. It gives titedeUileoIHUm: hhts J.’- 1 tie of the 27th jult., wit^,C(9rt)n«,,, jTSh*v -- ri latter, with 000 men,, waa-ewepc' one mile abOsre' Rio Gr- aLM ' H. attacked him with 1 180Micr rangers. Cortina and a running firq was. kept up I miles, when tho, outlaws djsps Cortinas with' 20 mon swimming tliej Grande. All or 'Coriitxas’ r" supplies were oapturec). -f after town 1 ed to burn it, and Capt/ Stone’* comp.. pany of cavalry wda dentte occupy it,, , Capt. H. beus that ntrir troopSroay ho ' sent him, and urge* the positive necesi^. •' ty for thempn thaljfronttaf. - j -•vl *v« «9*We see-H-'eteted’ Contractors invMfoasputMfitlriraMrtyi* M try continue to throw iy>their oontraote it . l finding it impossihlo to oontinua the service owing to tho failure of- the Congress to mak* the uecc**ary appro priations. - • wj " vWvtssnp^jg ridge for the rrcslpsuo)*. ptllivw, »»nna ww*. • appeared before i BttoeU hnriail ' > i higher up,the river, nnd.thtcatefir m A A fellow whero the oh. sorihea himu condition diir-ir