Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, January 26, 1860, Image 1
®l)c Sti-tecklh Courier I’UDMSllKI) EVERY tDESDAT, THUI13DAT & SATURDAY MOItN'OS By M. DWIXELL. •AT FOUR DOLLARS A YEAR, Invariably in advance. Terms of Advertising in Tri-Weekly, run sqiiaiik ovtex i.ik«s. One insertion Si.00 Two insertions LOO .Eneli additional insertion, 0,25 One Month, +>00 Two Months 0.00 Three Months 7.50 Six Months 10,00 Twolve Months 15.00 A liboral discount will bn tua le to those who advertise largor amounts. Obituaries of mv-o than five linos charged tko same as advertisements. Notices of Marriages and Death*, not ex ceeding Fivo Linos in longth. am published gratuitously in tho Courier. The friends, of the parties am reouested to send in these no tices accompanied with a responsible name and they will bo published with pleasure. ^rofessioiwl CjiItOs. D UNI. A I' SCOTT. R. U. HAItVHT, . . . IIARVEY Sc SCOTT, ATTORNEY3 AT LAW, ROME °-Y A DVANCE* o( money osn usually lie had itpin good claims loft for collection. Klimt. June 1.—!y. Z. II. HARGROVE, A T T O K N E Y AT LAW, ROMS, eA - Orrica—Ovor Fort A Hargrovo's uew storo. febl'J—ly FORT & HARGROVE, OFFER FOR SALE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Groceries & Staple Goods, • adapted to Planter’s use— For Gash, Consisting, of Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Molasses, acousta, 1,500 tons, c*pt. m. a. woodhaii. Nails, Negro Kerseyswlllankets, Linseys, Negro Shoals, Stripes Shirtings, Osnaburgs, ma yl 8-1 y. Factory Thread, Ac*, Ac. A. J. BEARDEN, AMBUOTYFIST. If you want a good picture couie to BEARDEN’S GALLERY, over Jones A Scott*#. whuro he is neatly fit ted up for the business, and will tnko a better one than erer [marO.— iy» DENTISTRY. Dr. J. T. Duane, Js now permnnentlv located JOHN F. COOPER, ATTORNEY AT L AW, ROME. GA - Will practice in the Courts of North West ern Georgia. Collecting promptly attended to. Orriox—In City Hall Ruilding, up stairs. aprT-ly • GEO. T. STOVALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ROME, OK. Wi.t prvtino in the cou-itiev of Cherokee lai Oft:* ovor N. J. O-n’ie-fs Clothing store RsrautvcFi —Unicrwoot A Smith. Rome Cta. T. R. R. Cobb. E«q.. Ath«n«. f*n. ian27 THUS. J. VERDERY, A T T ® R N E Y A T L A W, CEDAR TOWN. OK. Win pra.tioe in the counties of Fiord, l’elk. Paulding. Carroll. Uaraldaon and Cass. Strist attention paid tocolleotiivr. iau”<*-lv HENRY A. GARI’RELL, ATTORNEY at law. ROME • • Strut attentisn given to collecting and sh earing elaimi in Upper Georgia. fcbi-lr 0. H. SMITH. j. w. 11. CNticnwnoe. . UNOERWOOII Sc SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OA. in Home,and has taken rooms over Fort A Ilurtrrove’* store, where ho will ho pleased to receive the calls of thus*-who limy require his professional services. lie would also state that ho is prepared to insert artificial teeth, on vulcanized rubber, which is fast superceoding nil other styles of work, now made, combining as it does, LIGHTNESS, AND A Pleasant Degree of Elasticity, WITH Cleanliness and Durability. All work performed at New York prices. muy4—ly BOOTS AND SHOES NANCFACTFnKP 1IT P. A. O MIS ERG, ROME 0.1. The Subscriber is supplied with a fine lot of extra FRENCH CALF. PA TENT LEATHER, and all other materials for Gentleman’s Dress Roots A Shoes! He employs the host of Workmen and keeps posted on tho latest fashions. Genteel Fits and Work warranted. Thankful for past furors ho hopes to r® reive a continuation of patronago in this branch of homo industry. aug!?5—ly * P. A. OMBEItG. ETOWAH HOUSE, ROME L. P. THOMAS, I’re’r. (Lateof Eutonton Hotel.) Tur. Stage OflWii are kept at this House, and it is nearest tho Depot jan5 , w. v, 1. AM KIM, FOR NEW YORE. FAKE REDUCED, Freights and Passage as Low as by any other Steamer. CABIN PASSAGE, $15 00. By tlio Splendid and Commodious BIDE HEEL STEAMERS Floiiida, 1,200 " “* I.ane Ciowell, Ai.adaha, 1,000 “ « G. R. Soberck, These steamships belonging to tho old es-. tablished and favorite lino, known as the “New York and Savannah Steam Naviga tion Company,” and in comfort, accommoda tions and Faro, cannot he excelled. They are commanded by experienced, skillful and polite officers. JOHN R. WILDER A GALLIE, Agents Savannah. BAWL L. MITCHELL A SON, jti!20—tf Agents, New York. COTHRAN, JEFFERS & CO,. —SUCCESSORS TO— JEFFERS & GOTRRAN, Factors & Commitslon Merchants, CENTRAL WHARF, CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. WADE S. OUTRAN, Rome, Ga. WM.II.JEFFERS. . * HENRY I,. JEFFERS, September 7,—ly. ► Charleston, S. C. WM. MCXAUGHT, ) J AH. O It MUNI), j McNAUGHT, ORMOND & Co., Commission Merchants, And Dealero in General Merchandize. Keystone Buildings, Whitehall St. ATLANTA, GA. ttuREFEUENCF.S—Messrs. Smith A Pa,trick; Smailwcod. Enrl A Co.: Allen, Mc Lean A llnlklcy, New York i Win. M. Law- ton t Oo., Naylor A Smith, Charleston; J. K. Tcfi, Cash’r., Dtincnn A Johnston, Savannah; Post A Mel, New Orleans; Walsh, Smith A Co.. Mobile: Crittenden A Co., Louisvillo; M. J. Wicks, Prcv Memphis; D. A. January A Co., St. Louis. nov23.1y. ROME, Practice in Upyer Georgia: alio in tho Federal District C.urt of Marietta. jan29’59-ly C. II. SMITH, NOTARY PUBLIC. Commissioner of Doeds for Alabama and Tennessee. nngll. tiios. i. ckiirv. : : : : PERRY & LAMKIN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, No. 4 Choice Hotel, W ILL keep constantly on hand, a well selected assortment of Groceries. Al so, Provisions, such ns, Bacon. Lard. Flour. Meal’ Ac., Ac., which we will sell low for Cosh, or country produce, at eush prices. We feel grateful. for oast favors, and hope by prompt attention to business, and fair deal ing. to receive a liberal slmreof patronage.— Our motto will be quick sails and short pro fits. Give us a nail before buying elsewhere, Rome, Aug. 31, ’ BARRETT A TODD, UKAI.EtlS IX Choice Family Groceries!! ROME, - - - - GKO. EUNDUIRS. 1 OO Bag* of l’rimo Rio Coffoe. 1 vJyJ 10 BagsOW Gororurocnt Jura Coffoe 5 Bag* Lnguiru Coflee, 5 Bags Mocha Coffee, 10 Hhds. W. I. Molnaaes. 25 BaIos Bagging, 100 Coil* Mttahiun Spun Rope, 25 Bbla. St«* wart’s A. A 0. Sugar, 100 K(*g® of Nail*. 50 Boxus Virginia Tohnoco, 75.000 Uavanna and German Sogars, * 75 Boxes On miles. * On hand and to arriv*. for sale low for Cash yr. ii, wniTK. it. l. cARTun. . : Wj Hr WHITE ' CO., MANUFACTURERS OF * Dll^LiSjlB IN Saddles, Bridles And Harness. 1 BROAD 8T r , ROME, GA. K EEP constantly on hand it largo and .V’pll, Selected Stock of Carriage, Harness and Saddle TRIMMINGS. Also n heavy stoek of BOOT AND SHOE FINDINGS, sueh as Solo and Upper Leath er, Calf Skins, Ac. All of which we offer VERY CHEAP fqr CASH or to Prompt Paying Customers. Wo esn bo found at the old standof W. II. Whlto, | doers below Turnley A Baker’s Drug Storo. janI2 National Democracy, An described’ b/ the Charleston Hor- wys,.;'.r f . U,...' T There are Consolidation-Dotooofata, who affirm, with the old John Adams Federalists of .'98 and '99; that the 8u-, ireme Court of -the'United States ia the mol arbiter of the measures of Congress; and that the -States have no power to ; ^e,same i^mo^ptof space could not be batter filled thanjwith the following beautiful extract r'fMf’./.IfeiJ hi REMOVAL J M’GUIRE & PINSON, H AVE Removed to their new building first door below tho Drug Storo of Turnley A Baker, whero they will take pleasure in waiting on their old customers and the public generally. jan3-tril Awtf GRAHAM HOTEL, CAVE SPRING, GA. J. A. GRAHAM, Proprietor. TliE REGULAR STAGE OFFICE. There is n Livery Stable kept in connection with this Hotel, whore Horses and Vehicle* are kept for hire. jnnUtwtf Misses Noble & Stoeckel, ARK SELLING OFF THEIR Fall and Winter Stoek, AT REDUCED PRICES. The Ladiei will do well to give them a call if they wish articles in their line Cheap. do«l4 or to prompt puring customers, hv octl2.3m. ' BARRETT'* TODD. T. W. ALEXANDER, ATTORN H Y AT LAW, ROME OK. febl0’57 W. B. TERHUNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ItOME • • • OrrtcR-—In City Hail Building. apr8-1y HA. J. B. W. NOWLIN, M. D. OFFERS his Professional sorricos to the •citizens of Romo and vicinitv. When not profossionelly engaged, may'alwaysb» round -at the office formerly ocoupiod hr Dr. Robt. Batty, or at the Drug Store of Newman A Nowlin. Dr. E. A. WARE, PRACTICING PIIY8ICIAN, Ten miles west of oct5'59—ly ROME, GA. WM. FAREI.L, 1*. D., ROME Ok. Orrica—In the old Post Office. aprl’57 II. II. PENNY, GENERAL COLLECTING AGENT, CA VE SPRING, GA. Sept. 7, ’5fl.-n45-Iy. J. B. MURPHY J. C. REESE, M. D. SILVER CREEK, - - FLOYD. Ce. GA Office at J. A Whiteheads* RESIDENT DENTIST, R KSPECTFULLY informs Itis friends, and the public generally, that lie continues tiie practice of DENTISTRY in all its branch es, and has fitted up an office, over the store of McGuire * Pinson, where ho is prepared to execute all operations appertaining to Den tistry, in the most approved manner. lie would also call tho particular attention of those in want of Artificial Work, to his su perior stylo of teeth, set on gold plutc : for beauty, strength and life-like appoacance, they are not surpassed. As 011 impression lias been made that my prices for dental opera tions are higher than the usual run of Den tists, I bog leave to say that they ore the same as charged by Dentists et Augusta, Macon and Savannah. For Artificial Work my char ges arc as follows: Entire Sets Uppornud Lower from$10D toS25t Half Seta, Upper or Lower, from 50 to 159 Temporary Sets, Upper and Lower, 25 each. Partial Sots iu proportion to tho nbovo. As I uin well posted in all (lie late improve ments of the day. I feel confidout that I can mcot tho wants of all who may neod tho ser vices of a Dentist, and if references nro want ed; ns to their utility in answering tho purpo ses of nature, I can give them In abundance, from those who have tested my skill, for the last fourteen years, in this, and adjoining States. J. B. MURPHY. Romr, Sept. 14, 1859.-If. EDDLEMAN Sc BANKS, Wholesale and llntnll Dealers in and Manu facturers of Boots, Shoes, Leather, Lasts, PEGS, CALF, LININGS, AND BINDING SKINS! SHOEMAKERS’ TOOLS, &c., Of which they keep a constant supply at .the lowest cash prices. Also—Agents for the only Machine that Sews with a WAX THREAD. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Geo. Would invite the attention of Country Mer- cliauts to our prices. [nov23-2m. Prof. C. W.i LANGWORTHY WILL OPEN HIS GLASS OF VOCAL MUSIC ON MONDAY NIGHT, 8th AUGUST, ’59. AT ROOMS, 2d Floor of Fort Sc Freeman’s Block. AS'Seaiion, five months—Terms, $10 per scholar. - • - - • [aug3—2m LOUIS VALENTINO, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, ... - - GEORGIA, W OTLD respectfully invite the eititemof Atlanta and vicinity to call and ex amine his extensive and well selected etoek of Confectionaries, Cigars, &c. COUNTRY MERCHANTS are particular ly invited to give him a call, fer he will sell to them at alow price, for cash. He havalso, on hnnda large stock of CON FEOTIONARY of his own manufacture, su perior to any in the city. nov23-ly< HENRY A. SMITH, Bookseller & Stationer HOME, GA. JUST RECEIVED a large and exten sivo Stock of School, Classical and Miscellaneous Books. 'Also, a Jarge variety of Stationary, Wall Papering, Engravings, Paintings and Fancy Articles, bloom fad upon the youn, Improvement the United States, to oorry out tSeir most unjust policy. There are Protect ive Tariff Democrats, who will prey upon the agricultural and commercial, to promote the manufaeturinaintersits.— There are Anti-Slavery, or WilmotTro- viso Democrats, who hare denied the equality of the Southern States with the Northern States in our Territories, or who now seek, although admitting our equality, to dsprive us practically of any benefit resulting from it, through the partial administration of the Gener al Government. During General Jaokson’s Adminis tration the Republican party ohanged its name to Democratic party; and now. a portion of the Democratic party have taken up the cast off rags of the old Federal Consolidation party to adorn and uniform their adherents, and call themselves National Democrats- The assumption of nationality did not help the old Federal party. Theysoonfouftd it expedient to drop it, arid assume the name of Whigs. It will as little aid the new adherents of nationality in the Democratic party. Following the old Federal Consolidation party in assuming their name, what ean they mean but to assume their principles T Let us spread aoloak over our sores, wide enough to smother the stench of all our rottenness. Let us oall ourselves National Democrats. You are “high" on the sovereignty of the General Gov ernment; that is intensely “national," and the cloak will suit you. You are “odorous" on Internal Improvements; it is national, and the cloak will cover you. You are “running" on the Tariff; the cloak will cover you. You are swel ling blue agaiqst slavery extension, and defeat it by Squatter . Sovereignty in California or in Kansas, and the cloak will cover iyou. , The South- seems doomed most pa tiently, to run round the circle of lifting the Democratic party to power, support ing it, and being betrayed—betrayed on the Tariff in 1828—betrayed in the re peal of the 21st Rule in '44—betrayed in her preclusion from California in' ’$2 —betrayed in Internal Improvements in 'oT—-ahd lastly, betrayed now in Kan sas, and to be driven out of Kansas; un less her brave sons in that Territory, in defiance of the Administration, can maintain their rights and, save Kansas to the South. of Paradise. I gaied world, radfotsti.mUk-- •ose upon ihe pinions »f 4hfl4riCbBHr%Mad caught the sweet wilderness, I ; £ rivers, flashing ii the b* upon their Bosoms, up their anthems in these lolit none was here to listento’the melody but U-.The-fawV»»>bdtondpdtifrer the newtbom.; kills,q agd rfrtvanlQjitdhn limpid streams, ng< raised to ft\juro dr 1 Pof thousand* of yean the 1 rose in beauty upon’ thetd I shores, and its,twin.,,sister of i Ixcixdiaby Ncwsparsts.—The follow ing paragraph is from a private letter from Washington; Positive evidence is how on record here, that incendiary abolition articles and documents, which the Tribune, from its party position, dare not pub- Hi R.J. JOHNSON, . COMMISSION MERCHANT. Rome, Ga. LUMBER OF ALL HINDS, AT Wragg’s Steam Saw Mill! Will cive strict attention to tho 8 SELLING of cotton. And alt kinds of Produce, and Heavy Goode, that may be coneijtnoa to him. 1 Poet ~“ M^eoitee atthe Poet Offieo eorner. t»ng * 4 DAVID G. LOVE, HOTARY POBLIC, PENMA Nf Collector and General Agent Rome, May 19, ’*9. MUTUAL 1 " INSURANCE COMPANY. ROME, * - - - - - OK. Orncs—At Heme Railroad Depot. W. B. COTHRAN, Pree’t. C. H. STILLWELL, See’j. july*8 T HE subscriber, desirous of keeping up witli tho wants of tho community, n Clothing Manufactured On Commission. P ARTIES purchasing their goods in the piece, can hare them mado up in any style, and of any assortment of sizes, at a charged' ten per cent.on the ncttcost, The subscriber having many years experi ence in tho business, with unusual facilities, for the manufacture of extra fine and medium clothing, cun offer grent inducements to those' who prefer ordering thoir goods to buying them ready-made. J. It. 8HOTWELL, ltcfercnecs: Rahway. New Jersoy. Messrs. J. R. Daniel * Co., Columbus, Ga. “ W. Q. A A. R. Andrews, Montgom ery. Ala. Mr. A. C. Vail. Millodgeville, Ga. doe21—tin jDiigrsviiigH, rHiuuiiua uuu fuuv/ .uhuicb, miitable for the Holidays. Merchants and School Teachers, supplied with Books and Stationary at Augusta prioes. The attention of purohasers respectfully solicited. Terms Oaali. jan3—twly Gas Lights! Gas Lights!! Gas made from Common PINE WOOD ! — ty, recently increased their facilities for furnish ing Lumber of nil the various kinds requir ed for building and other ordinary purposes. Tho Lumber is inferior to uone and' ts fur nished on as reasonable terms as can be had anywhere in this section. All the Labor about the Mill is performed by white mei,— the timber used and machinery is not excell ed, and all bills for lumber will be PROMPT LY and ACCURATELY filled. Three Teams are regularly employed to haul lumber to Rome and other places, and contracts can be mado for lumber delivered. Terms for Hauling, CASH, but reasonable credit will be given on the lumber itself. We are thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed and respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. L. R. * 8. ». WRAGG. Flotd Cosxtt, Feb2—tf * W. H. MAGILL & CO., Builders of Gao Apparatus for making Gat from Wood. T HE subscribers aro now prepared to build and furnish Gnss Apparatus for cittee, villages,towns, public and private buildings, on short notice. Gas made from common pine wood is cheap er and better than any other light knpwn from another source. Persons wishing to see the Wood Gas Works in opperation, can see them at Grady, Nicholson A Co’s., Col. Hammond's or Dr. Ware's in Athens, Ga. '&4)„AU kinds of uas and Steam fittiug done to order. 'StQ.AU kinds nf Gas and Steam fillings constantly on hand, tor lighting and heating purposes. Orders sent through tho Post Office, or oth erwise, will be punctually attended to. Rome, Ga. W. H. MAGILL * CO. 1. X. ROSS, WM. II. MAOILL. nov30-ly. SHORT CREDIT For Drugs and Medicines. W E, the undersigned Druggists of Rome respectfully inform our friends and patrons that we have adopted the six months rule. AU our bills in future will be due July 1st and Januaty 1st. FARELL * YKI8EK, NEWMAN A NOWLIN, P, L. TURNLY, J. C. BAKER. JOBS—twewlm The Homestead FIRE INSURANCE CO., Of the City of New York. This Company continues to insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, On the most favorable terms and Pays Fully the Losses sustained, And not pro rata Ac. WM. CHAUNCEY, Pres’t. Jko. K. Oaklet, P1111.0 Hirnn, Sec’y, Vic* Pres’t. B- F, JONES, Agent, Rome. nov23-Sm A Fresh Supply of M RS. WINSLOW’S Soothing Syrup, Ba kor’s Infallible Tetter Ointment, Iloilo' way's Pills and Ointment, India Chologogne Young American Linamont. Just Received by, [jull3.] J. G. YEISER. C. W. LANGWORTHY, PROFESSOR OF ]PIAN0, ORGAN Guitar and Vocal Music, ROME, GA, ang3.1y lish, are regularly sent over to the Her ald with a request for publication, and that these requests are never refined.— ; Upon thiB subject you will hear more when the Senate re-asaemblea, and it ii alio very likely' that certain of the Southern Legislatures, now in session, will take measures to have the Horald excluded from mail facilities within their respective jurisdictions. This is positive, and fVom authority, though the source from whence the information conies cannot be mode public until the action pointed out has been adopted. TI —' lA t^xouldAK Old! call you me7 Aye! when the AWrfgtity spoke iyealion into hlrth. I was there. Then was I born'amid, tho 1 rttog aneholy ruin mark. . existence; but When were laid ihtho earth. I waa tKirt-'lifid all the glory, tplbndbr ahd Widcedneak I was in their busy streets their magnificont piles a ous palaces to the earth; show a long aha fearful account against them. -1 control the fate of empires; I ;ive, theie pieriod of gloty tut I conceal in them th ay;'the/must gojlowh, ho dust, their ’proud ho down before the rising glories of youdg pations to whoa# prosperity..titwo „wiu also come a date and day of decline,..1 tiso my Wing Over tnp earth, and watch te course and deities of ita inhabitants. I call ut>on the viotota upoh the hills, and crumble tU ; grey ruins to the ttS spread silken tt-esses tifcn tlio : brbW of the young; and plant grey diairs oh” ttte bead, of the eged man<i: Dimple* ju&d th# brow of tho JttfwT wllb Wcii Old oall ye ihe! Aye, but wherfvtill tfty days be numbered 7 Witten will . time andetornity mgn wiU t M»p mence it revolution t- Ndt till Hb/ Wtfo first bidme bttgin my flight aa order* it. When his purpose, who called- mq. into hour t r Iahall>go«o4M)'pftb^M»B Uh living. 1 <«»n 1 -itibiq Ima laijtamnw.--? iBljilVf .f’Uiv 5raasjka.oOT.iki Driam:—A Ooires pondent in the Richmond Dispatch tells the followingin a letter from one.of the springs: , • n Do t -Mfruitin Jttd“ •Af» amusing incident, occurred oh th* ears of tiqe Virginia and Tennessee road, which must be preierVW lit print ,'£» the train entered the Big Tnanel, tiittA this, place in acoordanoewith itJM usual custom, a lamp was lit. , A servant - componying her mistress ‘ a profound slumber,*butj was lit she awoke, and naif'* gined herself in the inferntl rieglonK Van tie with fright she implored hbr Maker to have mercy,on.lrer, .remark ing at the sathe time, “tho devil has got too at last ?" < Her mistress sitting seatin front of tho fortified ne Schedule. Home and Kingston N and after Thursday, December 1st, the firxt train will leave daily, at UJ o'clock, A. M., returning to Romo 41 P. M-, excepting Sundays, when it will return at t P. M. Second train will leave Rome at 7 o'clock, P. M., daily, (excepting Sundays) retuyaing to Romo next day ht CJ A. M. This second train makes complete commo tions wtth the Talladega stages; also eon- neeta with the two morning trains on the VI A A. Railroad, at Kingston. Offioe Rome Railroad, Rome, Nov. 29, ’69, dec7 W. 6. COTHRAN, Gen’l Sup’t, Purity of Character. Over the beauty of a plum and the apricot there grows a bloom and beauty, more exquisite than the fruit itself—a soft, delicate flush that overspreads its blushing cheek. Now if you strike your hand over that,and it is once gone, it is gone forever; for it never grows but. once. The flower that bangs in the morning impearled with dow—arrayed as no queenly woman ever was arrayed with jewels—once shake it so that the beads roll off, and you may sprinkle water over it as you ploase, yet it con never be made again what it was vrhett the dew fell silently upon it from hea ven ! On a frosty morning you may see the panes of glass covered with land scapes—mountains, lakes,, and trees blended in a beautiful, fantastio picture. Now lay your hand upon the gloss, and by the scratch of your finger, or by .the warmth of your palm, all the delicate tracery will be obliterated. .So there is in youth a beauty and purity of. charac ter, which, when once touched, and do-, filed, can never be restored—a fringo more delicate than frostwork, And which,when torn and broken,will neve.r be re-embroidered, A man who has spotted and soiled his garments in youth, though he may seek to make them white again, can never wboljy do it, even were he to wash tltom with bis tears. When a young man leaves his father's house, with the blessing of his mother’s tears still Vret.ijpon his fore head, if he once loses that purity of character, it is- a loss that he can never make whole again. Such is the conse. quence of crime. Its effects cannot be eradicated; it can only be forgiven you; jest what ;l frtif houj wotl spec tod ^ fg always got fo.debad piaoejl woro tottered with so muCb^vfeheinonco that not a word was lost, and whole coach became convulsedlaughter.' 1 H iioJU' Grass &nd' Clover Seed. ERP Gran, Slue^OraM, Orchard Grass, Timothy ao4 Red Closer Seed—a fresh unt received a#d for sale by sept28.tC TURNLFY To Cut AV 'Karras.—The most simple and best way, is to rub the brick dust on them with half of a raw potato.— There appears to be dome virtue in tbs juice of the potato whioh aids in clean ing them. TAt Springfield,ill., corn is selling, delivered at the oars, for twenty cents ^ ‘ liar. per bushel, and wheat at. one dpil Mt*“CMuv dis ohn* gwfare«u%aih^ ington toply for offis ob dc gobern- 1 in w ,*L, • di ni ton in do Poefcoffis Apartment.'! 1«•' «' ‘-Sexton of PostApartwftal War. aaita time dey hab money jq 'em and dehi- Y rifle do corpse 1 You see, saht Yah! yah! yah!® \ ■ i'eee«, ft#.0 lad, “for dad and nitf'kehps Avl j era; he doeir the houaeWwl! fad” 1 the marketing-" need sad upituloeeq A “who behaved most intrepidly during the ountystt"; , The, unanimously giyeU' are mistaken," rcnl boldest fellow w»a twenty times during and he didjjqt cease, ty vary • to?totj^.; Whole time:"' ,, Ja , r gBsaaggiigaRst w of