Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, January 31, 1860, Image 1

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VOL 1. ROME, GEO., TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 3i, i860. •nit •iiO ;Tc<l ot ~q* Bit ®l)c €rt-tO;ckb Courier PUBLISHED EVERV tl'GSD.VT, THUtWD.lY & $1TURD1Y MORM'OS Bj M. DWIXELL. AT FOUR DOLLARS A YEAR, Invariably in ndvancc. ‘Terras of Advertising in Tri-Weekly. PER SQUARE OF TBK LIVES* One insertion *!*?!! Two insertions ..... Each additional insertion, "•"J One Month Two Months Three Months LSO Pi* Months Twelve Mpnihi....... >5.0° A liberal discount will be mala to those who advertise larger amounts. . O’jituaric* of more than fire lines oharg-d the same aa advertisements. Notice* of if trriaqe* and Deniho. not ex ceeding Five Linos in length, aie published gratuitously in the Courier. The friends of the parties are requested to send in thess no tices accompanied with a responsible name and they will be published with pleasure. Business fyi^s. FORT & HARGROVE, ' dFFER FOR PALE A ' ' I.tIKiE ASSORTMENT OF Groceries & Staple Goods, adapted to Planter'* use— .uboc For Cash, Consisting of tj . , Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Molasses; Nails, Negro Kerseys, Blankets, Linseys, Negro Shoss, Stripes Shirtings, Oetiabnrgs, wurylS-ly. Factory 7'hrcad, &c. t &c. Brofessionni C^lrds. R. 0« UAUVF.r, DUNLAP SCOTT. HARVEY A SCOTT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ROME UA ' A DVANCES ol inon iy oan usually lie had apiu good claims loft for collection. Rome, Juae 1.—ly. •/.. b. ii.vnunovE, *• ATTORNEY AT LAW. ROMS. « A ' Ornci;—Over Fort 4 HargroTe * new store. f«bi9-ly A. J. BEARDEN, r.; AMBROTYI’ISTV If you -want a good picture come to ,: ■ BEARDEN’S GALLERY, over Jones A Scott's, wlieru he is neatly fit ted up for the business, and will tulco a better one than ever [lunrSj.—,y. FOR NEW YORK. FARE REDUCED. Freight* and Passage as Low as by ,«ny other Steamer, CABIN PASSAGE, $1500. By the Splendid and Commodious SIDE WHEEL STEAMERS Ai'ovhta, 1,500 tons, Cnpt. M. S. Woodhall. Florida, 1,200 “ Isnne Ci.'wcll, Alabama, 1,200 « " O. R. Sellerek, These steamships belonging to the old es tablished and favorite line, known os the “Now York and Savannah Steam Naviga tion Company,” and in comfort, accommoda tions and Fare, cannot be excelled. They are commanded by experienced, skillful and polite officers. JOHN R. WILDER 4 GALLIB. ■ Agents Savannah. 8AM'L L. MITCHELL A SON,' ! ' < jul20—tf Agents, New York. JOHN F. COOPER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ROME, - GK - Will practice in the Courts of North West ern Geor'ia. Collectin') promptly attended to. Orrics—In City Hall Building, up stairs. apr*-ly , . * GEO. T. STOVALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ROME. ® A - yf 1,1, nraitico in tbs eouutlas of Chorokee Gi. OTi't over N. T. O nbe-r't CtofcVn R I'anxia —'Tn l*rtv v>l G*. T. R. R- Csbb. E<q. DENTISTRY. Dr. J. T. Duane, 1 4 now penimnentlv located in Home,and has taken rooms over Fort k Hargrove’s store, whero he will he pleased to receive the calls of thos** who may require his professional services. He would also state that he is prepared to insert artificial teeth, on vulcanised -ruhher, which is fast supcrccedihg all other styles of work, now made, combining as it does, LIGHTNESS A ND Pleasant Degree of Elasticity, WITH Cleanliness and Durability. All work performed at New York prices, muy t—ly tVn r >toro S uHh. Il-vne \then*. Ga. jan27 TUOS. J. VERDEHY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CEDAR TOWN. 0A - • Will practice in the counties of Floyd. V»lk. PiuMing. Carroll. Herald sen and Cass. Siriet attention paid to collecting, ino-e-l v HENRY A. G.1RTRELL, A T T 0 R’N E T AT LA W. ROME • • Stbi it at.tonti*o given to collecting and |i e- xring laims in Upper Georgia. fehl-ly o. n. *Mitn. . w. n. i xnKRWoon. . UNDERWOOD & SMITH, A T T O R N F. Y S AT LAW, ROME, OA. PniCTtre. in Unper Oeorgia ; also in the Fedora! District C.urt of Marietta. jsn20'59-ly C. II. SIIITII, NOTARY PUBLIC. Con»*ni4*lonor of Deeds for Alabama and TsnnMsee. nn*r.1. T. >Y. ALEXANDER, ATTORNBY AT LAW, ns me GA - tobtO'57 W. B. TBRIIUNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ROME • . . ■ • « A - Oencs—In City Hail Building. aprS-ly J. B. W. NOWLIN, M. D. OFFERS hi* Professional services to the citizen* of Rome and vicinitv. When not professionally engaged, may always bo found at the offics formerly occupied by Dr. Root. Batty, or at the Drag Store of Nevrman 4 Nowlin. Dr. P.. A. WARE, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Ten miles west of octi'59—ly ROME, GA. WM. FAREI.L, M. D., ROME GA - OrncR—In the old Post Office. aprl’57 H. H. PENNY, GENERAL collecting agent, CAVE SPRING, GA. Sept. 7, ’59.-nt5-ly. J. C. REESE, M. ». SILVER CREEK. - - FLOYD, Ce.GA Offieo at J. A Whiteheads', R. J. JOHNSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Rome, Ga. Will give strict attention to the SELLING OF COTTON. And all kinds of Produce, and Heavy Goods, that may bo consigned to him. *,*Offieo at the Post Office corner, [ang.24 DAVID G. LOVE, NOTARY PUBLIC, PENMAN, Collector and General Agent Roms, Miy 18, ’59. MUTUAL 1 INSURANCE COMPANY. ROME. ------ GA. Orriue—At Rome R iilroad Depot. W. fl. COTHRAN, Fres'i. c. II. STILLWELL, Ser’y. julj .M BOOTS AMI SHOES MAKiTAcTvnr.n nv P. A. OM B E JRG ROME GA. • The Subscriber i« supplied with a fine lotof extra FRENCH CALF. PA TENT LEATHER, and all other materials for Gentlemen’* Dres* Boot* At Shoe*. He employs the best of Workmen aud keeps posted on the latest fashions. Genteel Fit* and Work warranted. Thankful for past favors he hopes to re- ecivc a eontiuuation of patronage in . tills brunch of borne industry. aug!5—ly P. A. OMRERG. ETOWAH HOUSE, ROME, GA. L. P. TIIOMAS, Pro’r. (Lateof Eatoutou Hotel.1 Tint Stsgo Offices nre kept at this House, and it is nearest the Depot. . Jana Titos, j. emtitv. ::::::: o.-w.-r. i.ahkin PERRY & LAMKIN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS No. 4 Choice Hotel, well . . selected assortment of Groceries. Al o, Provisions, such as, Bacon. Lnrd, Flour, Meal’ 4c., 4c., which we will sell low for Cash, or country produce, at each prices. We feel grateful for past favors, and hope by roinpt attention to business, and fair deal ing. to receive a liberal share of pntromige.— Our motto will be quiok sails and short pro fits. (live us a call before buying elsewhers, Rome, Aug. SI, ' W ILL keep constantly on hand, selected a Business CqlrSs. COTHRAN, JEFFERS & CO,. —SUCCESSORS TO— JEFFERS & COTRRAN, Factors k Coramitsion Merchants, CENTRAL WHARF, CIIAKLESTON, SOVTJf CAROLTXA. WADE fl. OOTRAN, Rome, Ga. WM. IT. JdFFEItS. ) s n HENRY L. JEFFERS, J Uharlesten, S. C. September 7,—ly. §\19U)£8£ £t)lr<&' * : . .-1—J W, H. WHITB. R. L.. CAHTPR. w. H. WHITE & CO., MANUFACTURERS. OF & DEALERS IN Saddles, Bridles And Hirness.^P^^ BROAD ST., ROME, GA. K EEP constantly on hand a large and Well Selected Stock of Carriage, Harness and Saddle TRIMMINGS. • 1 : ' Also a heavy stock of BOOT AND SHOE FINDINGS, such as Sole and Upper Leath er, Calf Skin*. Ac. ' ■ All of which we ofler VERY CHEAP for CASH or to Prompt Puying Customer*. We can be,found at the old stand of W. H. White, 2 door* below Turnley 4 Baker'* Drue Store. janl2 REMOVAL! m-guireIT PINSON, H AVE Removed to their new building first dour below tlia Drug Store of Turnley 4 Baker, where they will take pleasure in waitihg on their old customers and the public generally. ' janS-trilAwtf WM. MCNApnitT, I ( TI10S. SCUPTCpitl, JAS. ORMOND, ( ( JXO. UORRtSON. McNAUGHT, ORMOND & Co., Commission Merchants, And Deal ere in General Merchandize. Keystone Buildings, Whitehall tit. ATLANTA, GA. '*S-11KFERENCHR—Messrs. Smith 4 Patrick; fltnallwnnfi. Earl 4 Co.; Alien, Mo- Lenn 4 Bulkloy. New York : Wmt. M. Law- ton 4 Co., Naylor 4 Smith. Charleston; J. K. TetV. Cnsh'r., Duneah A Johnston, Savannah; Post * Mel, New Orleans; Wslsb, Smith * Co.. Mobile; Crittenden 4 Co,, Liuisvillo; M. J. Wicks. Pres. Memphis; D. A. January 4 Co., St. Louis. There 1* With this are kept for hire, BARRETT & TODD, DEAI.EIIS IN Choice Family Groceries!! ROME, --- - GEO. SUNDRIES. ; •J AH Bugs of Prime Rio Cofice, A UU )0 Ting.O' - Government Jam Cofice 5 Bags Laguira Coffee, 5 Bags Mocha Coffee.— * 1 '" 10 Hilda. W. I. Molasses. 25 Buies Bagging. 100 Coils Machine Spun Rope, 25 BUs. Stewart's A. A C. Sugar, 100 Keg* of Nails, i\ 50 Boxes Virginia Toliaceo, 75.000 Havannn and Gcrninii Sogsrs,' 75 paxes Cundles, On band and to'srrivc, for sale low for Cash or to prompt paving customers, bv 00tl2.3m. BAURETT'4 TODD. J. B. MURPITY RESIDENT DENTIST, R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and tbc public generally, that he continues the practice of DENTISTRY in all its branch es, and has fitted tip on office, over the store of McGuire 4 Piuson, whero he is prepared to execute alloperationiuppertaioing to Den tistry, in the most approved manner. Hu would also call the particular attention of those in want of Artificial Work, to his su perior style of teeth,- set on gold plate ; fur beauty, strength end life-like nppeaeanee, they are not surpussed. As an impression has been made that my prices for dental opera tions nre higher than the usual run of Den tists, I beg leave to say thatthey are the same as charged by Dentists at Augusta, Macon and Savannah. For Artificial Work mychar gos are as follows: Entire Sets Upper and Lower from $100 to $2M Half Sots, Upper or Lower, from 5(1 to 150 Temporary Sets, Upper and Lower, 25 each. Purtial Sots in proportion to the above. Aa I atu well posted in all the late improve ments of the day, I fuel confident that I can meet tho wants of all who may need the ser vices ofa Dentist, and if references are want ed; aa to their utility in answering the purpo ses of naturo, I can give them in abundance, from those wiio have tested my skill, for the Inst fourteen years, in this, and adjoining States. J. B. MURPHY. Rome, Sept. 14,«!S5#..tC. EDDLEMAN At BANKS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in and Manu facturers of Boots, Shoes, Leather, Lasts, PEGS. CALF, LININGS. AND fj BINDING SKINS f, SHOEMAKERS’ TOOLS, &c., Of which they keep a constant supply at the lowest cashi price*. Als ►—Agon's for th* only Mnchinn (but Sows with a WAX THREAD. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Geo, „ Would invite tho attention of Country Mer chants to our prices. [nov23-2ra. GRAHAM HOTEL, CAVE 8PRINO, GA. J. A. GRAHAM, Proprietor. THE REGULAR STAGE OFFICE. < a Livery Stable kept in connection Hotel, where Horses and Vehicles 1 " janlttwtf, Misses Noble & Stoeckel, ARE SELLING OFF THEIR Fall and Winter Stoek, AT REDUCED PRICES, The Ladies will do well to give them a sail tf th«y wish article* in their line Cheap, deeii A Blamed Long Table— 1 “Don’t Ton : ' -Obaervet” • 1 - ; '• Jamos P-o-m, or • as he is familiarly known among his bosh of friends,' Jim, is . more over-generous, -noble-hearlcd, and possessed of more genuine courage than Usually falls to the lot of than.— The following i* his relation bJP’» bight?! adventure: ••„. One morning ,we met him in the street, looking rather melancholy, when he sgid: esterday I felt' a little bad, and mark you, I went and. took ;-a small Matrimonial Price torrent—Brown’. tight; In the Evening I-went into th$ country with'ia friend,.mark you, and thiukingl oft, I took several more drinks, when I got there, don’t you observe; yet, strange to say, 1 the more 1'drank the tighter I got, until-1 went to bed. During the night I awdke, heaid the clock strike two in some part of the house, mark you. I became very anxious to learn my whereabouts, don’t you observe, and for that purpose arose from my bed, mark you, and after stumbling over about a dozen chairs, don’t you observe. I came to a table.— Now, mark you, I reflected that, the generality of apartments are a perfect or an oblong square, don’t you observe, and, moreover, that the generality of tables are square, and I-deduced from this, mark you, that by feeling all along the table until I came lo a corner, I Prof. C. W. LANGWORTHY WILL OPEN niS CLASS OF VOCAL1NUSIC ON MONDAY NIGHT, 8tU AUGUST, '59. AT ROOMS, 3d Floor of Fort Ac Freeman’s Block. iVSeuioa, fiv* months—Term*, $10 per holar. [aug3—2m LOUIS VALENTINO, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, - GEORGIA. YX/’OTLD respectfully invito the citisen* of VV Atlanta and viuinity to call aud ex amine hi* extensive aud well selected stock of Confectionaries, Cigars. &c, COUNTRY MERCHANTS are particular ly invltca-to giro him a call, far he will sell to them at a low prico, for cash. He has, also, on hand a large stock of CON FECTIONARY of his own manufacture, su perior to any in the city. nov23-ly. Clothing Manufactured On Commission. P ARTIES purchasing their gnuds In the piece, nan have them made up in pny style, and of any assortment of sizes, nt a charge of ten per cent, on the nett cost, The subscriber having many years experi ence in the business, with unusual facilities, for tho inunufuctiireofoxtrafiue and medium clothing, can offer great inducements to those who prefer ordering their goods to buying them ready-made. J. R. SIIOTWELL, References: Hallway, Nov Jersey. Messrs. J. 11. Daniel 4 Co., Columbus, On. “ W. G. 4 A. R. Andrews, Montgom ery. Ala. Mr. A. C. Vail, Millcdgoville, Ga. dco21—lm HENRY A. SMITH, Bookseller & Stationer ROME, GA. film JUST RECEIVED JgfMIStm n large aud exten-jfwgfcwKV’ sive Stock of School,gHaSy Classical and Miscellaneous : Books. Also, a large variety of Stationary, Wall Paperiug, Engravings, Paintiugs aud Fancy Articles, Suitable for the Holidays. Merchants and School Teachers, supplied with Book* and Stationary at Augusta prices. Th* attention *>f purchasers respeotfully -solicited. Terms Oasli. janS—twly LUMBER OF ALL KINDS, Wragg’s Steam Saw Mill! T HE subscriber, desirous of keeping up with tho wants of tho community, liuve recently increased their facilities for furnish ing Lumber of all the various kinds requir ed for building and other ordinary purposes. The Lumber is inferior to none and (s fur nished on as reasonable terms as can be bkd anywhere in this section. All the Labor about the Mill is performed by white men,— the timber used and machinery is not excell ed, and all bills for lumber will be PROMPT LY and ACCURATELY filled. Three Teams are regularly employed to haul lumber to Rome and other places, and contracts can b* mado for lumber delivored. Terms for Hauling, CASH, but reasonable credit will be given on tha lumber itself. We are thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed and respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. . , . T>. R. 4 &. D. WRAGG. Ft.orn Cesjtrr, Feb2—tf Gas Lights! Gas Lights!! Gas made from Common PINE WOOD! W. H. MAGILL * CO., Buildtrt of One Apparatus for making Gas from Wood. T HE subseTlbors are now prepared to build and furnish Gass Apparatus for cities, villages,towns, public and private buildings, on short notice. Gas mado from common pin* wood is cheap er and better than any other light known from another source. Persons wishing to see the Wood Gas Works in opperatinu, can seo them at Grady, Nicholson 4 Co’s.. Col. lUmuoud's or Dr. Ware’s in Athons, Ga. &4LA11 kinds of tins and Steam fitting done to order. * SO-All kinds of Gas and Steam fittings constantly on hand, tor lighting and heating purposes. Orders sont through the Post Office, or oth erwise, will be punctually attended to. Rome, Go. W. H. MAGILL 4 CO. J. E. ROSS, WM. H. MAGILL, nov30-ly. The Homestead FIRE INSURANCE CO., Of the City of New York. This Company continues to iniure against Loss or Damage by Fire, On the most favorable terms and Pays Fully the Losses sustained, And not pro rata 4c. WM. CHAUNCEY, Prei't Jko. K. Oaklet, Pbilo Hcnn, Sce'y, Vice Pros'!. B- F, JONES, Ageht, Rome. nov23-3m SHORT CREDIT For Drugs and Medicines. YTCTE, tho underlined Druggist* of Rome VT respectfully inlorm our IHends and patron* that we hare adopted the aix month* rule. All our bills in future will be due July lttoand Januaty IsL FARELL 4 YEI8ER, NEWMAN A NOWLIN, r. L. TURNLY, .1. C. BAKER. JanS—twxwlm you observe. Following out this idea, mark you,I began carefully to feel alon; the edge of the aforesaid table, and £ nally gaining Confidence, 1 went a little faster; the idea struck me that it was a blamed long table, that I could not ‘ et to a corner, don’t you observe; yet persevered, and finally day broke, and when sufficient light penetrated the Apartment I saw, mark you; that I had been following a blamed round table all night, looking for a corner, don’t you (observe.”' - ' , '' i 8 T The Camel on the Plains.—In a re cent letter to the War Department, Lieut. Beale writes: I have lately tried effectually tho Com parative value of mules and camels pock animals. Tho experiment leaves the palm with the camels. Both trains receiving the order to start at tho same time in the morning, the camels invari ably arrive at camp (in a distance of twenty-fivo miles) an hour and some times an hour and .twenty minutes ahead of, the mule train ; the mules car rying a burden of two hundred pounds, tho camels packed with four hundred, besides a rider, armed with his rifle, re volver and ammunition, and his bed ding thrown over the pack to sit on.— Tho young are great pets in camp, but very mischievous—poking their noses into every bag, pot and pan about the camp fires. Their great aim in life qt present seems to bo to ape the manners and habits of their sires—kneeling down anti growling and complaining precise ly like the old ones do whenever the train is packed. Wo iiave entirely dis continued tho cumbersome Oriental ap paratus used ns a saddle, and have in its place one of light, useful and simple construction. A Withering Reuuke.—James Gor don Bennett’s skin is tolerably thick— doubtless from the-many castigations he is received, both morally and physi cally; -but wo think he must have ‘gquir- m td” when he read what Mr. Pryor of Virginia said about him in Congress. In making a personal explanation in the House on Friday last, Mr. Pryor said *, “Bennett had violated all the rights and virtuous instincts of humanity—-a wretch who bears on his back the soars of many merited chastisements, and in whose heart is the taint of every con ceivable contamination—a man consen ting to the dishonor of his own family —a foul and loathesome creature whose name needs only to J>e mentioned to be execrated, and from, whose contact truth .and virtue shrink—^ fiend denied the courtesies of the social circle.” A Fresh Supply of v-i--- .... iBa 'ollo- jtte, ired J. G. YEI8ER. M RS. WINSLOW’S Soothing kcr’s Iufallible Totter Ointment, way ■ Pills and Ointment, India Clioli Young American Linament. Jmt ~ by, [JulI3.] C. w; LANGWORTHY, PROFESSOR OF JPIAN0, ORGAN Guitar and Voeal Music, ROME, GA, aug.S.Iy -youn„ beautiful miaiespwho will be out' 'short ly. They have been bred especielly a tli a view to the English market,-and 11, undo'ubtlV,. command a high figure^ They will not bis ^ut ’iri' view, howevoP, -untH after .'the'.'advent'of a lcargO'df .Engliahjn<)blomen, who are expectodjo —ivphere in JAnjWf- ThS Washington ‘Market Will' Open nedihtely - after- -the' election of’ A Speaker. Several holders of fancy bred itic corps/shc •of that body pTOte> available,” “ English Elder Sons are buoyant,";; i . “ There is quite a /air demand for Southern Planters.”' ' - Bought “ A spall lot of sixteen .year old Bru nettes went off last week to city buyers, at moderate prices, but^^as the trouseaus were limited; and no settlements were made, the transaction U hardly worth mentioning." ...... it . •,; The' IlA«PEii’8'.F***y tx vsjrriOAtiONl^- Acoording to the New. York Herald's Washington correspondent, the testi- pon of t Peaif, on Saturday, was ns fol- : ™tL.d “lie testified that Senator Wuson Wrote a letter to Dr. Howe, in 1887 or 1858, stating that lie learned from Mr. Forbes that Brown was about- to make a raid in some qf .the Southern States for the purpose o/.liberatiqg*slaves, and that he would use money furnished him by parties in Massachusetts for his Kftri- ‘sas work, to aid bhn'in>his new project; and that in his (W-Uson’s) opinion it was thing, nnJ 1 that be' (Howo) mtist '.with draw all moans ffifnlsbedy or intetidfed to be misapplied in the utamier indica- ted by Forbes, .. . , • « Bealf testifies that Howe, sent a. pop/ of Wilson’s letter to Brown mfprming the latter that the arms and money which lind beeh furniflhed him for-the of -Kansas, [uence pf by FOrbes through Wilson; that BrOwti became enraged plait for a .while, .but some time subsequently pursued some pro-slavery mop into Missouri, and canied back with him several slaves. ' t'... ; ■ f -.^ Jf. 1 * “ Abolitionism Abroad.—The tWain^i- brings us reports of sundty proceedings in Scotland concernihg’slavery in Amer ica. Abolition emissaries from this side of the water are appealing for Sympathy and material aid to thejpeopleof Great Britain, Fred. Douglass is vindicating tho memory i * — ing him up audiences us stantially the same grounds as are taken by Phillips and his colaborers liete.-i-- At Edinburg a publio meeting hasbeen into ci held tiff take fnto consideration t>r, Cheever’s case, and to devise ways and means for enabling him to continue to “bear testimony against slavery"' in the Puritan Church of New York citjr.^-iV. Y. limes, q . - -• i TairiadiunB us votes in the late election in that State,.against 121,000 foe the Douglas ticket—W revolted against the pro? o ladings or the. tote Convention wfiiob appointed Douglas, delegates to Char* lsston, and' has Chosen another dolegai - Its *»*!! OJ .J !tUUW>U —tv. Tub Citt oi, Jxpdo,—Ad American officer on the steamship “Powhatan,’.' Schedule. Rome and Kingston. O N and after Thursday, Decumber tat, the first train will leave daily, at II) o’clock, A. M., returning to Rome 4) P. M., excepting Sunday*, when it will return at 0 P. M. Second train will leare Rome at 7 o’clock, P. M., doily, (excepting Sunday*) returning to Rome next day hi •) A. M. This second train make* complete connec tion* with tho Tatlndogn stages; also con nect* with tho two morning trains on the W. 4 A. Railroad, at Kingston. Office Rome Railroad. Rome, Nov. 29, ’59. dec7 W. 8. COTHRAN, Gon’l Sup’t, Grass end Clover Seed* H ERD Grass, Blue Grass, Orchard Gras*, Timothy and Red Clover Seed—a fresh t« iu»t received and tor t«i* hx •*r« TURNL1 Y A Railroad at SHERirr’s Sale.—We sea by tho Upson Pilot of Saturday, that by consent of parties, tho Thomas- ton and Barnesvilfo Railroad is to be offered at Sheriff’s Sale in Tbomaston on the first Tuesday in April next, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to meet a judgment against the company for 822,440 loaned it during the con struction of the road by the then acting directors, together with interest there on from the date oi the loan.—Afacon Telegraph. A New Yeae’s Sentiment.—We find the following as a waif in one of our exchanges; When the summer of youth is slow ly wasting away into the- nightfall of age, and the shadowsof past years grow deeper and deeper, as if life were on its close, it is pleasant to look book through the vista of time upon the sor rows and felicities of earlier years. If we have a home to shelter and hearts to rqjoice with us, and friends have been gathered by our fireside, then the rough places of our wayfaring will have been worn and smoothed away In the twi light of life, while the sunny spots we have passed through will glow brighter and more beautiful. Happy indeed are those whose intercourse with the world bos not changed the holier fooling broken the musical chords of the heart whose vibrations are so melodious touching in the evening of ago. writing to the Boston Ciurier, from , do, Japan, under the date of the 8th October, 1859. gives an interesting , ac count of that remarkable oil/, which, according to his statement, exceeds in siseand population any city nowin ex istence or that has existed. It stretch- essome twenty mile* on thebeaih of the bay ox gulf of Joddo, and extends v in~ ward some twelve and a half mi) The population is estimated, at 1 millions. The correspondent thin! that it is under estimated, an& thst ■ in toot it is nearly twice as populous.—1WI. Jour. “Are you a Christian indian!” said, a parson ofa Bed Jacket,’at the oettibmeni near Gattiraugu*. - ■ " “No,” said the sturdy savage,, “f wfito- key Indian.” Low Estimate ov Congress.;—In; a de bate in the Virginia House of Delegates on the questioirmf -arming the State, Mr. Cowan vindicated the patriotism or ’filch elicited R oad SOfre rcssed it, and warned the* House’ that ' it were repeated) the Legislature of Virginia would “sink to the lcv*4 fit the Congress of the United States." Ladt Franklin.—Jt is stated' that Lady Franklin will pay a visit to this xsountry wlfchlb a ftw Weeks, and that •he will be thegueetof a leading citizen of New York, distingulsliod for hi* S hilanthropio exertions in- prosecuting He search for 81r John Franklin. larDiekene, in speaking of a friend, says he waa so long in tha legs- that.' lie looked like the afternoon shadow of somebody else.