Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, February 04, 1860, Image 1
®l)c Svi-tbcekh Courier PUBLISHKD ElflWlT ICP.3D.VT, THURSDAY ft SATURDAY MORN’OS By M. DWIXELL, At four dollars a yeah, Invariably in ndvnncc. ‘Terms of Advertising in Tri-Weekly, sign Ann of tbs lixk*. One insertion...... Two insortions Each additional instrtion Ono Month *1.00 1.50 0.25 4.00 Two Month* Three Month*, M0 7.50 Sir Month*, TwalvA Mnnlhn 15.00 A liberal discount will be m*le to those 'who advertise larger amount*. Obituaries of than fire tho same as aduertiaeniout*. linos cliargid Cosiness Cni'ds. FORT & HARGROVE, OFFER FOR SALE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Groceries & Staple Goods, adaptod to Planter's use— For Cash, Consisting of Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Molasses, Nails, Negro Kerseys, Blankets, Linseys, Negro Shoes, Stripes Shirtings, Osuntmrgs, muyt. Q -1y. Factory Thread, kc„ Ac. Notice* of hfarrian** and Deaths. not ex ceeding Five Line* in length, »*o published gratuitously in the CoiHor. The friends of tho partios aro reiueated to send in these no tices arfeompanied with sv rosp m-dble name am l they will be publisha4 with pleasure. professional CqirDfi. R. D. 1! HCOTT. HARVEY & SCOTT, attorneys at law. ROME <>X - A DVANCES nf minor nan usually 1.0 had upon good claims loft for collection. Homo, Jirae l.—lv. — /Ti*. ii akurovis, ATTORNEY A T L A W. ROMS, CA - OrricR—Or.r Fort A Hargrove’* new store feUIO—lv DENTISTRY. Dr. J. T. Duane, I i now permanently located in llnme.und has tulccn rooms over Fort A Hargrove's store, whore he will be pleased to receive the culls of thus * who may requiro Ilia professional Ho would also stale that ho is prepared to insert artificial teeth, on vulcanized rubber, which is fust supereeeding nil other styles of work, now made, combining as it docs, I.IUll’IWKSS, and A Pleasant Decree of Elasticity, WIT IT Cleanliness and Durability. All work performed at New York priced, may 4—1y FOR NEW YORK. FARE REDUCED. Freights and Passage ns Low ns by any other Steamer. CABIN PASSAGE, $15 oo. Bv the Splendid and Commodious SIDE WHEEL STEAMERS Al:ci L’rta, 1,500 ton*, Cupt. M. S. Woodluill. Fi.oiiipa, 1.200 “ “ Isaac Cl .''roll, Ar.ARAMA, 1,300 “ “ O. R. Sellerck. These steamships belonging to the old e»- tablislied and fnvorito line, known ns tho “New York and Savannah Steam Naviga tion Company,” and in comfort, aecomnioda- tions and Fare, cannot he oxeelled. Tliey aro commanded by experienced, skillful and polite officers. JOHN R. WILDER .V GALLIE, Agents Savannah. RAM’L L. MITCHELL A SON. jul20—tf Agents, New York. JOHN F. COOPER, attorney AT Ii AW, ROME, - - - . GA. Wii.l practice in the Courts of North West- »m Georgia. Ciller ting promptly attended to. Omen—In City Hall Building, up stairs. apr7-ly GEO. T. STOVALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ROME. <* A - Wi.t. practice in the cmritie. of Charokoe n,. O ti is over N. .1. Onbo-Vs Clothing store —TJn lerwoel ,t Smith. Rome Oa. T. R. R- Cobb, Esq.. Athens. Ga. jan27 __ THUS. .1. VKROERY, attorney at law. CEDAR TOWN. riA - Wn.i. nraatico in the coniti«< of Floyd. Velk. Paulding. Carroll. Haraldsen and Cass, diriet attention paid to collecting. jaii2i*-l,v HENRY A. GARTRKI.L, attorney at law. ROME . . OA. Stiu it attention given to col’ecting and j curing dainis in Upper Georgia. febl-ly 3. w. n. VMDKRwnon n. smith. UNDERWOOD & SMITH, attorneys at la w. ROME • 0A ’ PaicTirn in tipper Georgia: also in the Federal District Court of Marietta. . jan20’59-ly C. II. SMITH, notary public. Commi**ionar of Deeds for Alabama and Tennessee. T. W. ALEXANDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RCME 0A ’ febl0’57 GA. W. B. TERIIUNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ROME •■•••••■ OrrtcK—In Citv Hail Building. • aprR-ly. ' ‘ j. B. >V. NOWLIN, M. D. OFFERS his Professional nervines to the citizens of Rome and vicinity. When not professionally engaged, may always be found at the office formerly occupied by Dr. R"bt. Bxttv. or at tho Drug Storo of Now man k Nowlin. novit ’ 1 y- Dr. E. A. WARE, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Ton mile* west of oct5’59—1y ROME. GA. WM. FARELL, M. D., ROME GA - Ovpicb—In tho old Post Office. aprl’57 H. II. PENNY, GENERAL COLLECTING AGENT, C.4 VS STRING, OA. Sopt. 7, ’50.-nl5-ly. 4T. C. REESE, M. D. SILVER CREEK. - - FLOYD, Co. G A Office at J. A Whiteheads' R. J. JOHNSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Romo, Ga. Will givo strict attention to Iho b SELLING OF COTTON. And all kinds ef Produce, and ricary Goode, that may bo consigned to him. VOlfteo at the Post Olllee corner. [ang.21 DAVID G. LOVE, NOTARY PUBLIC, PENMAN, . Collector and General Agent. Romo, May IS, ’50- MUTUAL 1 INSURANCE COMPANY. ROME, GA. OmcB—At Rome Railroad Depot. U W. 8. COTHRAN, Pren’t. C. II. STILLWELL, Bec’y.. July28. with a lino In ROOTS A.\» SIIOISS MAXUFACTPRKn UT I\ A. O MB ERG, NOME GA. Tho Subscriber if supplied xtrn FRENCH CALF. FA TENT LEATHER, and nil nth or material for Gciitlcitioirn Dross Roots A Shoes, Ho employ* tho bed of Workmen and keep; posh’d on tho latest fashions. Genteel Fits and TFooA* warranted. Thankful for past favor* lie hopes to ro reive a continuation of patronage in this branch of herno industry. aug2.j—1y * P. A. OMBERO. business COTHRAN, JEFFERS & CO,. —SUCCESSORS TO— JEFFERS & COTRRAN, Factors & Commitsion Merchants, CENTRAL WHARF, CITARIjESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. WADE S. OOTUAN, Romo, Ga. WM. II..JEFFERS. 1 _. . . «, „ HENRY L. JEFFERS, j Clmrle ton ’ 8 ’ C ’ September 7,—1y. ETOWAH HOUSE, ROME GA. L. P. THOMAS, Pro’r. (Lute of Eutnnton Hotel.) Tup. Stage Offices are kept at this House, and it is nearest tho Depot. jan5 s. j. runnv, ::::::: a. w. r. i.amkin. PERRY & LAMKIN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, No. 4 Choice Hotel, W ILT* koen constantly on bund, a well selected assortment of (Sroeerie*. Al so. Provisions, pucIi ns, Bacon. Lard. Flour. Meal' «te., Ac., which we will sell low for Hash, or country produce, nt cash prices. We feel grateful for iwiat favors, and hope by prompt attention to business, and fair deal ing, to receive a liberal share of patronage.— Our motto will be quick sails and short pro fits. (livens a call before buying elscwhcrv, Home, Aug. 31, ' J. B. MURPHY RESIDENT DENTIST, R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and the public generally, that ho continues the practice of D.EKT1STR I" in all itsbraneh- s, and has fitted up an office, over the store f McGuire A Pinson, where ho is prepared to execute all operations appertaining to Den tistry, in flic most approved manner. lie would also call tho particular attention of those In want of Artificial Work, to his su perior style of tooth, set on gold plate; for beauty, strength and life-like nppeaoanco, they are not surpassed. As an impression lias been made that my prices for dental opera tions are higher than tho usual run of Den tists, I beg leave to say that they are thesnmo as charged by Dentists nt Augusta, Macon and Savannah. For Artificial Work my char ges are ns follows: Kntiro Sets Upper and Lower from$100 to $25t Half Sets, Upper or Lower, from 50 to 150 Temporary Sets, Upper and Lower, 25 each. Partial Sots in proportion to tho ubovo. As I nm well posted in all the late improve ments of the day, I feel confident that I can meet the wants of all who may need tho ser vices of a Dentist, and if references aro want ed; as to their utility in answering the purpo ses of nature, I can give them in abundance, from those who have tested my skill, for the last fourteen years, in this, uud adjoining States. J. B. MUJIPIIY. Home, Sept. 14, 1859.-tf. LUMBER OF ALL KINDS, AT Wragg’s Steam Saw Mill! HIE vnliFCribcr, tlenirnu* of keeping up ‘ y, hi T with the want* of tho community, have recently increased their facilities for furnish ing Lumber of all tho various kinds requir ed for building and other ordinary purposes. The Lumbor is inferior to none and is fur nished on as reasonable terms as can bo had anywhere iu this section. All the Labor about tho Mill is performed by white m*n.— the timber used and machinery i* not excell ed, and all bills for lumber will be PROMPT LY and ACCURATELY filled. Three Teams aro regularly employed to haul lumber to Romo and other place*, and contracts cau bo made for lumbor delivered. Terms for Hauling, CASH, but reasonable credit will bo given on til, lumber itself. Wo aro thankful for tho liberal patronage heretofore bestowed and respectfully solicit a continuance of tho same. L. R. A S. D. WltAGG. Fi.ovt> Covxrr, Fob2—tf Prof. C. W. LANGWORTHY WILL OPEN IIIS CLASS OF VOCAL MUSIC ON MONDAY NIGHT, 8th AUGUST, ’JO. AT IIOOMS, 2d Floor of Fort A Freeman's Block. Session, five month*—Term*, $10 per |ang3-r ejrSc cnolnr. wa. McxAuattT, | J tho*. ttcnuTcum, JAS. ORIIOXD, I ) JXO. MORRISON. McNAUGIIT, ORMOND &. Co., Commission Merchants, And Dealers in General Merchandize. Keystone Buildings, Whitehall St. ATLANTA, OA. W-It E F K RENCES—Messrs. Bmi th k Patrick: Smallwood, Karl A Co.; Allen, Mc Lean k Bulkley, New York ; Win. M. Law- ton k Co., Naylor A Smith, Charleston ; J. K. Teft, Cttsh'r., Duncan A Johnston, Savannah; Post A Mel, Now Orlcnns: Walsh, Smith A Co.. Mobile: Crittowlan A Co., Louisville; M. J. Wicks, Pres. Memphis; D. A. January A Co., St. Louis. nov23.1y. Iciness Gi)i'c)s- A. J. BEARDEN, AMBROTYPIST, ROMS, a A. jan31,IS60; [Trily. JOHN T. SMITH, WITH Geo. W. &CJehial Read, Manufacturer* and Wheletale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, and Straw Goods, Paris style Bonnets, Flowers UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS. Ao., 129 Chambers and 50 Warren Street*., NEW YORK, 4th and 5th Streot* above the Aster Houso. jnti2G—trfira w. n. wttiTK. II. L. CARTER. W, H. WHITE & C0-, MANUFACTURERS OF A DEALERS IN Saddles,"Bridles And Harness. BROAD ST., ROME, GA. K EEP constantly on hand a largo and Well Selected Stock of Carriage, Harness and Saddle TRIMMINGS. Also a heavy stook of BOOT AND SHOE FINDINGS, such as Solo and Upper Leath er, Calf Skins, Ac. ' All of which we offer VERY CHEAP for CASH or to Prompt Paying Customers. We can bo found at the old stand of W. H. White, 2 doors bolow Turnloy A Baker’s Drug Store. jan!2 Clothing Manufactured On Commission. P ARTIES purchasing their goods i.i the piece, can have them matlo up in any style, and of any mixortment of sizes, at a ch.irgeof ten per cent, on the nett cost, The subscriber having many years experi ence in the business, witli^jinusual facilitios, for the manufacture of extra fine and medium clothing, can ofler great inducements to those who prefer ordering their iroods to buying them ready-made. J. B. 5UIOTWELL, References: Rahway, New Jersey. Messrs. J. II. DitnM k Co.. Columbtig, Ga. “ W.G. k A. R. Andrews, Montgom ery. Ain. Mr. A. C. Vail, Miiledgeville, Ua. dcc21—1 in Gas Lights! Gas Lights 1! Gas made from Common ri.\H WOOD ! W. II. MAOILL & CO., Builders of Gas Apparatus for making Gas from. Wood. rplIE subscribers aro now prepared to build JL ami furnish Gass Apparatus for eittes, villages,towns, public and private buildings, on short notice. Gas made from common pine wood is cheap er and better than any other light known from another source. Versons wishing to seo tho Wood Gas Works in opperatiem, can seo them nt Grady, Nicholson Co’s., Col, Hammond’s or Dr. Ware's in Athens, Ga. '&0-AI1 kinds of ons nud Steam fitting done to order. '^HSUAU kinds of Gn* and Steam fittings constantly on hand, tor lighting and heating purposes. Orders sent through tho Post Office, or oth erwise, will be punctually attended to. Rome. Oa. W. II. MAOILL & CO. J. E. R05S, WM. H. MAOILL. nov30-1y. SHORT CREDIT For Drugs and Medicines. IXTE, lh« miricri-igned Druggiat*of Rome respectfully inform our friend* and patrons that «o have adopted tho six months rule. All our bills in future wilt be due July 1st and Januaty 1st. FARELL A YKI8ER, NEWMAN A NOWLIN, P. I-. TURNLY, J. C. BAKER. j«n3—twiwlm LOUIS VALENTINO, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA GEORGIA. W OTLD respectfully invito the citizens of Atlanta end vicinity to call and ex amine his extensive anil well sclocted stock of Confectionaries, Cigars. &c. COUNTRV MERCHANTS are particular ly invited to givo him a cull, for he will sell to them at a low price, for cash. Ho has. also, on lunula largo stock ofCON- FECTIONA.RY of his own manufacture, su perior to any in the city. nov23-ly. WISDOM’S SALE & LIVERY STABLE. P ERSONS wish ing good Sud-j dlo Horses, good _ _ Buggies, Hacks and Wagons, two or four horse Coaches or Omnibus, with good drivors, eau be accominodatcdjatmy Stable. Transcient Horses, well fed and curried for. 75 yard* from Rome Railroad Depot. J. H. W1I8DOM. Pcoprietor. P. S.—Horses. Buggies onil Wagons for «aie Oul9.tri.lf.] J. II. W. REMOVAL! M’GUIRE"&~ PINSON, H AVE Removed to their now building first door bulow tho Drug Store of Tnrnley A Baker, where they will take pleasure in waiting on their old customers ami the public generally. janS-trii Awtf GRAHAM HOTEL, CAVE SPRING, OA. J. A. GRAHAM, Proprietor. THE REGULAR STAGE OFFICE. There is a Liv«ry Stable kept in connection with this Hotel, where Horses and Vehicles are kept for hire. jnnlltwtf Misses Noble & Stoeckel, ARE SELLING OFF THEIR Fall and Winter Stock, AT REDUCED PRICES. Tho Ladios will do well to give them a call if they wish article* in their line Cheap, declt HENRY A. SMITH, Bookseller & Stationer ROME, GA. jrfgrgtm just received fi'r'r largo and rxten-^SS&SV QBEJB^P sivoStock of School,aUlw Classical and Miscellaneous Books. Also, a large variety of Stationary, Wall Papering, Engravings, Paintings and Fnnoy Artieies, suitable for tho Holidays. Merchants and School Teachers, supplied with Books and Stationary at Augusta prices. The attention of purchasers respectfully solicited. Terms OasL. jan3—twly C. W. LANGWORTHY, wgfty--T PROFESSOR Of SWPPIANO, ORGAN Guitar and Vocal Music, ROME, GA, Schedule. “ | Georgia Manufacture*—Georgia'* Strength THOS- P. STOVALL & CO., of Augusta, Geo. W OULD respoctfully invito the attention of Merchant* to their heavy Stock of 4-4 SHEETINGS, 7-8 SHIRTINGS, Cotton Yarns, &c., As manufactured by ttie MONTOUR COM PANY. These Goods will compare favofahly with any made in tho South, and we will sell ut such VERY LOW rate*, a* to under sell Northern bought domestic*. THOS. P. STOVALL A CO. Gcnrrul Commission Merchant*, Augusta Gu. jau31. tri.lui. ' • Rome and Kingston. O N and after Thursday, December 1st, the first traiu will leave daily, at HI o'clock, A. M., returning to Rome 41 P. M., excepting Sundays, when it will return at tl P. M. Second train will loave Rome at 7 o’clock, P. M., daily, (excepting Sundays) returning to Rome next day lit 8, A. M. This second trnin makes complete eonneo dug t A A. Railroad, at Kingston. Office Romo Railroad, Rome, Nov. 29, '59. dcc7 W. S. COTHRAN. Oen'l Sup’t, FIRST CLASa BOARDING HOUSE. H AVING purchaaedtbe house now occu pied by Mrs. Mary P. Whitaker, it will bo most THOROUGHLY RENOVATED and Newly Furbished, and will bo opened for tho accommodation of boarders by tho sub scriber, on the First of January, 1880. Rate* of board will be, per single meat, 30 “ day, tl 00 “ week, 5 50 Without Room, will be, “ mionth; 12 50 With “ « “ 15 0* Wood, Lights and Washing, will be furn ished at rosonable rates. C. W. LANG WORTH Y.rruprletor. A- A. SjBAWj Supt. U^cU—Jf, The Tarantula and ita Deadly Ferae- enter. The following account of a deadly combat between a tarantula and a per secuting wasp, is taken from the Mari posa (Cal.) Democrat of 5th of Novem ber : Some of our readers may have heard of tho tenacity with which the ve nomous tarantula is pursued by his in veterate enemy, in tne form of a huge wasp—invariably resulting in the defeat and death of the former. We were an eye witness to one of these conflicts last week, while on a ramble among the ad jacent hills. This is the season when the poisonous tarantula leaves his well- fashioned abode to perambuate the dusty roads, and the smooth paths so often trod by the industrious miners, and about their haunt s a dozen or so may be soon any day of this hideous enlarge ment of the spider race within a circuit of a few yards, leisurely wending their way along the roads and bywayB. Often hare we marked with attentive curiosi ty his awkward gait while lifting his long, unwieldly legs above the short blades of gross, and wondered for what uses and purposes this ugly little mon ster wus placed upon thU beautiful globe. While attentively watching the mo tions of one of these insects during our walk, we were much surprised to see tho object of our attention suddenly stop short in its wanderings and raise itself up to its full height, as though watching tlio coming of some unwel come visitor. We at first supposed that it just espied us and was expecting dan ger from our hands; but upon our re treating a step he quickly crouched be hind a tuft of dry grass, and remaining very quiet, seemed to make himself as small as possible. A slight buzzing was heard in the air, and in a moment a wasp passed quickly near, hovering on tho wing over liis trembling victim, the much dreaded tarantula. Like some bird of prey, the wasp remained poised a moment, and then, quick as thought, darted down upon his enemy and stung him many times with great rapidity.- The tarantula, smarting under the pain began a retreat with all the Bpced of which he was capable ; but the wasp hung over him with revengeful tenacity and again and again struck him wit! his venomous sting. Gradually the flight of the tarantula became slower and more irregular, and at length, under the repented thrusts of his conquerer, he died, biting the gross with his terri ble fangs. Tho wasp now seized bis enemy and commenced dragging him away, with wliat intent we could not, as business called us thence, at that time discover. The wasp; whoso attaoks upon the tarantula are so fatal, has a long, slim, glossy blnck body,-yellow wings, and is urtned with a very sharp, long thorn-like sting, which i$ay be seen protruding os it flies. It foars not the presence of man or beast when in pursuit of his ene my. The Northern Mode. The Northern papers are full of lauda tions of Mr, Grow, of Pennsylvania, for refusing to accept a challenge from Mr. Branch, of North Carolina. We entirely agree with our distinguish ed contemporary of the Memphis “En quirer,’’ that- his mode of obtaining a reputation for moral courage is so easy, and so safe, that we do not wonder at the favor into which it is rapidly grow ing. We are barbarian enough to sus pect a man of being a despicable cow ard whose moral and religious scruples prevent him from fighting, but do not prevent him from offering an insult which he knows will produce a chal lenge. And this suspicion rises into conviction when, ns in the case of Mr. Grow, the challenged party accompanies his refusal to fight on fair terms, with weapons of his own selection, by an intimation that he is prepared to de fend himself against a personal assault which he knows will not be made. There is in our opinion no viler pol troon than he who says, I will not fight you until you place me in a position where if I kill you I shall be justified by the law of self-defence, but if you kill me you will be hung for murder, or if yon only wound me, yon will be sent to the Penitentiary for an assault with intont to kill. A brave man would nev er invite an attaok upon terms bo un equal. If he was really restrained by conscientious scruples from engaging in a duel be would say so, and stop there. Toaocompany it with a declaration that he will defend himself if assailed, is to seek a cowardly advantage, which none but a desperate man would give him, and is proof conclusive that his ob jection to a brawl is graduated by the amount of personal danger it involves. Mr. Grow might have said, “I will not fight,” and yet have lost no character, but when he said, “I will fight if you place me in a position of groat advant age,” he proved himself a dastard, and '■.’ed . ... ■ » Dm ihflrles Mnfckiiy. This English song Writer; frho visited the United States not lohg ago,And Was hospitably received in the 8outh, : has a long article 111 his paper the ‘Illustrated London News," on Old John Browe in which hefiayii uoJjmn “It Is exceedingly unfortunate to the State of Virginia, and for the #hoIei df the slaveholaing South, that meads, dt escape from the disagreeable tlpctSssity of hanging this mad were dot discover ed; that some properiy instructed jaB lor did not accidentally leave abolt thl- fastened, or that some sympathizing friend was not admitted into nis dun geon to change clothes withhim, or'by some other mode to facilitate his escape. To execute him was the rery worst pos sible denouement for the slave owners that could have happened, and especi ally under circumstances whioh betray ed an amount of terror on the part o< the authorities but too suggestiva t a thO'Utter rottenness of Southern sqpie- ty Dr. Mackay also favors the wdridvtoth that the General Assembly would not order the .execu- aaaSSW this sagacious personage'hot ‘by this time disooyerea that he is not a prophet. —StfV. Nffot..< swcharfa RayAn land for n Irishman went to live m Soot- a short time, and didn’t like tho country. “I Was sick’all the time I was there/' says he; and if I had lived there till this time I’d been dead a year ago.” . : • , »i •« Tnt Responsibility ' Anliittapi-^pie Washington correspondent of that’, lea ding Virginia democratic paper "the Richmond Enquirer writes'tne follow ing: • r r.--If Ito vn.-’fld 9111 “I think I am warranted - in eajdng that the South need have no foam .for the fidelity and patriotism of her sons, of every shade ofpblitftail opimotiihnd that under no circumstances, or in-Any contingency whatever, will, they -give “aid and comfort to Black .Republicans. Nay, I can go further even ft(an’ ’3ii*, and say that the “Southern Opposition” will not hesitate; if it should Mcomt th Democrats, and not with theft, lies tb responsibility of keeping the Bbus without on organisation-” : ,ia -Lui/1 I now 05k,will our I)pmocrotioffieud« not make an effort to uiute on some ons whether Looomptotior anti-Lecorfipton, so as to secure the “Southern an end to the evils that now gross and the country f ‘ ” y ■ — ■ i > ».|- iff Ladies who array themselves in pat ent hoops should jting as they dress, “Still go. gently o’er mo MseJw,?’ *@““What 1 turo for? acow.”. i.v.if'ci iMi: t.t-huti “Certainly; and I;ora fenoingmyoows out.” • *. dell ninam Tho Western papers say th.ofc tbe ,’Illi nois River has lowered afoot. Whpn it lowers the other we suppose it will cease to run. J©- 1 ‘That’s aflameof miiie." at' 'tho bellows said to tho fir#. 1 • ,J / “j©-“Got any ioe atyohr end of'the tablVBill.” " No, but I’ve got the next thing to it.” . riot “Wbat’s that.” ... “A severe pold.” BoTA sailor lookingserii el in Boston, Was asked by ‘ Not! tlon* with the Tnlladoga stages; al*o can- is entitled to nothing but the scOm of ncots with the two morning trains oa tho IV. (honorable men.—Rich. Whig. jgy-Tho New Orleans "Crescent” in forms us that Jones bad been toacham- pagne party, and returned home, at a late, or rather early hour. He had hard] ly got into the house when the clock struck four. “ One—one—ono—tme1’ hiccupped, joften. “I say, Mrs. Jones, this neie dock is out of order, it struck One four times.” g&-Tlio Charleston "Courier” , eug- gests that Mr. Secretary Cass will oblige many American citizens, North and South, by expiaiuiftg hoW that impudert- specimen of sable, "Sarah L. Reirio'nd,” received the passport which shc.oxhibit ted in London. 'hat are you tenoing that-pos- Forty acres of it would starve a‘cent, 1 * 1 ■ II sir he felt any change f Jack. g^“Pat, if Mr. Jones 'comb* before my return, tell him that I wiB ntaeOhins at two o’clock.” . n-jlt Aye, sir, but what shall I. tell him L he don’t come.” t j@“A Western paper speaks ofa man who “died without the aid of a 'fihy- sician.” 3uch instances of death Me ve ry rare. • ; ,;ts ted to playing whist with a lady in he saidf, she hod such a "winning way" about her. ^ The ‘‘first business’* tJf liynh, is, the manufacture of shoes. That;’ however, is intimately eonneCted- with 1 the “liuit” business. ■ ■ AA _ > were talking over their travels, when Tom asked his efrumt “Were youever'in' GfreetJe’!” -** “No," replied Joe; “but I once fdtt into a thundering tiub OfsOAp.”, VSfSiim nomtiiU 1 hdh5*ptSWte K , df M steam engine is found by. tM : .English Admiralty rule, ,by multiply in e. ; the square of the cylinder’s dlarr” “ *- inches, by the veloci^ ‘dt thU in feet, per minute, and product by 6,000. •ti* t b*:&ni%h6 m