Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, February 07, 1860, Image 1
|,St 7M ,! i Wi. ;i,i/|pi^ , n ' >H J ...» ... II UlU Ssssafa VOJL. l, 5i •; u W 5S- ROME, GEO., TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, i860. -'C-rarl. :: r~ the CKionas it to: If hi eaWi, fceop it-in good spuitS- imr .vib «• klnmprpoet;tiea#aw y ei MjUwfciieeW In Mood etfj rojUBmeeting n£:tfce>,£ta» i )W<M* IflMlf * ‘ ,i. (([.fon Vinoo* «Ja-i»tnHE»l>-- icMtameatfog u»faoW" oTT Ir^f ®ljc AEriAUfckl} dourer n:r~';iv ;v.» . mm t > ) -'-r~l.t i'uuusiikd Evuur JCE3D.VT, WMJWMT 4 SAiyilD\T JlORS’pS , ,By ^ DWIJU2LL 4 . ' DOBTfVRS A YEAH. ,i '*Aw»Hhtl!y *iiaflvrtne«i' Terms of Atlfertislns •* ©ri-Wcckly. rua squaub or tf.R i.ixits.' T ’ One tnsortion- » Two in.o'tion. - Each additional' Insertion. Tlireo Month. Twelvo Mon.hs . A liberal disoonnt will bo nnlo tc those who advertise largnt- amonnU.. ; , I OiiUtriet o' nvve tl«*a fire linos charged tho rv>Y> M a IrertL-iin mU. HoHee* of- ifnrriio.. c>J D-fh*. not ox- eiodlng Five bines in length. in tha Coil '.or. I ho Iristnd. or the p u-tlos am ro .uo.'od to .son l in thosa no- ,io‘* aeoniniunie l with a resi.tiislblo name £i’ofi5?sioOi|l Gti'h-J ' Stfsifless* m p/fBR FOR SALE' A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ’ otfijitod fo RlanTfir^j (Ike— *' :V 7 /. Ffcr Cash, MV. ;!n (lonailtedr ». 11 a Su^ar, -Coffey Sal 17 , Molasses, NMlsfNcgVo Kctsqys, Blankets, Linsoy s„NegraSio:ff, Stripes Slii.tingM, OVnarburgs, ma./lS-ly.' ‘ffiirton/ Tl.rcad, hr.. do. u. o.i v-Uit itcoT?. HARVEY tc SCOTT, attorneys at l-Avr. ROME '* • ,‘' A ' i DA'.VNCK,A of mot, >y oat usually bo had \ m|j m g..o‘i- claim- ' Kona. Jins 11—1 v. i tu left for colleatlou. "** Z. E. II VRUltOV Ei’ attorney at law,- 1 ' ROMS. 4 ttA ' ®irnc<— 1 Over Fort A Hargrove's new storo.*—Jv T JIHIX F. COOPER, ATTORNEY ’AT' I. aw. ROME. - - - - OA. Will practice in the Courts of North Wo<t- irgia. C'Hcrtio7 ,vom-Uv attended ta O -nen-ta City rr ill R up st»lr*J -It DENTISTRY. Dr, J, T. Duane, 1 ^ now i^nniHveiVtlv locatorl In Komc.uivi Uuh L tken roojjis over Fort A Itar«srnvo*N store, whoro lie will l>o pleaaeil to rcrcivo tlic calls of tlios*^ who limy ro:iu!ro his ‘ professional Uo w.on,bl a'so slnfi tnat 1 if? is propar»''l In insert nrthlfrhtl toclli, on vnlnaulxeil rubber, wblcli rtk AeftHft^tercecdin.c; nil other styles of work, now made, combining as it does, LIGHTNESS, A.VP \ Fearaar Degree of Elasticity, WITH Cleanliness; and Durability. All w'oiH. porfonnod at NetvYei’k prices, may I—Iv Susiticsa Cqhfo Siisiiicss 6qi , ^s- FOR NEW YORK. i '• r^Hu.KEiiuos^-'i •, Freights nod Pftssngc.tth, I.otv rs by | I 'W^^pirniliil.'oni Coiiimocliou.“SIDE WlIEEt STEAMERS ' K ' .AuftOsT-l'; 1 1,500 tons, CaVit. M. 8:’Woodhall. Fi onmai T.'ooo “ •• i* nn c Co. well. Ai.aa.tUA, 1,300 “ !•«*.»- ». R. Seller ck, i These steamships belonging to the old M< tablislied and favorite line, known as tho “New York and Suvanmih Steam Naviga tion Company,” and in comfort, accommoda tions and Fare, cannot lie excelled. They are commanded by experienced, skillful anil polite officers! JOHN R. WILDER t OALUE, Agents Savannah. . B.YM’L L. MITCHELL A SON, julJO—tf Agonts,. New York. COTHRAN, JEFFERS (SyDO,. —SUCCESSORS TO— JEFFERS & C3TR&&N, Factors & Comniltsion merchants, CENTRAL WHARF, * CJTARTjESTOX, sovth ca UOLIXA. WADE S. COTRAN, Romo, Ga. JEFFERS. ) HENRY L. JEFFERS, ] cl >arlo«lon, S.C. September 7,—Ir. a,pri BOOTS MD SHOBiS MANcrAcTcnyii nv V. A. OJIltERG, ROME GA. The PnW»"Hbci»is supplied with a fine lot of extra FRENCH CALF. PA TENT LEATHER, ami all other material- for tSnntlcnipti’s Hri-ss Roots A- Shoes. He employs the host of Workmen ami keeps posted on tlie latest fashions. Ilrntrrl FltA iunl IforA* inirvanfed. * Thankful' for post favors lie hopes to re ceive » con 11 nun t ion of patronage in t h 1 « - branch of iiama industry.' ’ aiig-’i—Iv ' P. A. OMRF.RG. GEI), T. Sl’tlfAiili, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ROME. ftA ' Winrntin in th, eviutiei of Charo teo «s. O/M nr ir N f. O n'.n-f'. ™ R.en ii)vt-'Ittarw.' 1 •* s 1 * #•,». T: It. R CnhS. E»l.. Athons. Ga. ian27 TIIDS. J. VI'.ttDKIlY, ATTORNEY A T Ii a w. CEDAR TJWN. - - / of Floyd, Wtf.fa in tHn cou Folk. P,ul ling. Otrrdl. II traldaan and . ^irict attention pi d to ooU*-»nn |an2tt-1y ISRVUY A. fi.YUTRF.l'Ti, ATTdp'YBT AT I. AW. BO MB. . . • • t ' A ' 8-ai ,r atlenl'.-n given to -d'octlng. jaring daims in Uppor Goor na. fchl-ly- j. w. it. "• *'' ITn ' IISDERWOOD A SMITH, A T'TO'R'H' e y h at law. ROME • , f;A - Paicrice. in Pnser Georgia: also in tho Jfedural District Ceurt of Marietta- j»n2fl - 50-ly 1 * ETQWAH HOUSE, ROME GA. L. P. Tiro MAS, I*r.»-r. (Lateof Katonton Hotel.) This Stags OflTu*cs nro kept at thii House, an*l it is nenresffhe Hepot. janj tiioh. .i. ruunr. T r s i : ;: : »i. nv. k. i.amkin. PERRY & LAMKIN, AVIIOLESALE AND RETjfetl L GROCERS, No. 4 ClToirt* Hotel, a well Al- isloui, auch.n?, Ha on. hard. Flour. Meal’ A*!.,. which we will sc’l b>w f»>r Fash, or’Toiiutry protl H*e. at cash ]»ri«*os. iVcl grateful for imat floors, and liape by proni|»t attention to business, and fair deal ing, to reeetv • a ttberal share «»f patronage.— Our motto will be «niick »*aU» and fcbqrt pro fils. Hlivou* a ••ii 11 before buying elsewher* U iijuvAug. .11, ’ W I IjTj keen constantly on band, selected assortment of Or c. n. s>nn^ N O T A. It Y PUBLIC Ofvn’TiMUinor of Djo*1i for Al.iba'na. •T;* tin •«(*!*< ntigG. T. W. \LKXANDRir, ATTORNEY AT T: v W, fiA ' f*ibl«'57 W H. TF.Rirt NF,, ATTORNEY AT, hA w. ROME •••••••• • Orrics-lu City Hail Duilliu.g. nprS-iv j. B. *v. NOWLIN. M. I» OFFER* hi, Prcfcl-iiM service to the citissns of Rime and vicinilv. Whan nut pr"f.mim,Uv miganvl. |‘My alw"y,b= b'"n'> !,t tho nffi-s f',rmerly »''at(lod'hv Dr._n.d0L Rxtt.v. or at tho Drug 8torc of Newman JB Npifllni WU.’dttT, J. ( TIIOS. SCRl'Tcni.S, »as. otinusi). ) ] jxa. Honmsox. McNAUGUT, ORMOND &. Co., Commission , Merchants, Ami l)tal$r : i,.. in .General. Merchandize. Keystone II nil clings, Whitehall Si. ATLANTA, GA. iPJuUEFERENOKS—^ossr.i. Smith A Patrick: Smallwood, Earl.A Co.: Allen, Mc Lean A Bull*Ivy, Ns* York :. Win. M. Law- to:j. A Co., Naylor & Smith, Charleston ; J. K, Ten, Cas'b'r.. Hum an A.Iobnston, Savannah: Post A Mel, New Orleans: Walsh. Smith A Co . Mobile: Crittenden A Co., Louisville: M. .T. Wicks, Pres. Memphis; D. A. January A Co.. SI. Loui«. nov23.1y. A. J. BEARDEN, AM;B 1 R,0 r TXPlST 4 ... b<uh dwAQWl 04- ; oi W J«tit3W8MJ I ..::,-." '! idiilKiaru , , JOm«..T. SMITH, Geo. \V. &"JeIiial Road, ‘ . Mauulnetnrers and Whole,aln Drnlora in .. 1IATS, CAPS, and Straw Geoto) Paris style Bonnets, Flowers UMBRELLAS, FARASOL8, Ac., 120 Chambers and 50 AVarron Streets., NEW YORK, dlh and 5th S',roots ahov, tho Aster lloueo. jau20—trOm . W. II. WIIITKt H. t,. CAHTEX, W. Ii WHITE & 00, MANUFACTURERS OF A DEALERS IN Saddles,t%idles And Harness. 1 BROAD ST., ROME, GA. K EEP constantly on hand u large and Well Solected Sloch of < arrfaso, Harness and Saddle TRIMMINGS. Also a heavy stock of BOOT AND SHOE FINDINGS, such as Sole and Uppor Leath er, Calf Skins, Ac. All of which we oiler VERY CHEAP fur CASH or to Prnippt Paying Customers. We found at'the old standorW. H. White, 2 dbors bclbWTlirtrlcr A Bitted 'bVhv'Morc. ianl2 ' J"■ nn«tUK - i Wad •• < Speaker Pennington. The Washington correspondent of tho Cliarlosioli Mercury, thus writes about : Qoy.Pcnningtoir: V ‘'Mr.-Vcnnlngton iaf'rf.fihBoldJersey; gontleman,V'Wlttf'IkMo Coydrhor uf-.that' .State-front ISB7 AoJB4S, duriu^. wjiiplr titno'Congressrefused to roMirCiAepiw* sontdtivea contestingaeats, 4o tvhonvl)*' had given certificates bearing.the,“bro«di saal 1 ' of'tlie.-StAtc.iwhich.tnii n^party.- ’ford in tha Harrison caiYipaign. dJs, reaitlea ht Neivm k. iwhero.l'itnoy vebiitlflt and'ci-ab<apple chnmpagne.; With other “notions,” are innnuJEaottircd» iftv iargei quantities for aSouttiern markets and is fir from Being entitlod to a place among tho blgotted'Republicans., indeed; it is no secret that, though true lilack Re publican, hobos somethingof Conning's disdain of uroi'essed-philanthropists of the Wendell Phillipsi«fcoWy‘omf does not “lovo overy [knife-grinder] ns much as if he were his brother.”. Ijis somc- whet florid countenance anfl jovial man ner show that hois neither troublea'bjt' dyspepsia or jaundice, nnd ho Is nroba- bly at little objectionable at anj-of those who have voted for Sherintm/’;..., j, c Clothing Manufhctured' On Commission, P \TITIK*S purolm.«ing their poodfl i.i the piece. <•»«n ban> tliviu nmda np in any •lylc. and of any assortment of hums, at a ehart'oof ten per cent.on thnnettcont, TUcsub-'c.ribcr bavin lumpy years e^peri,- Mice in the business, with unusual facilities, •ortho manufacture**f extra fine ami medium •dothincf. ciin titter unatt inducements to tliosc who pivfjr **rd«*rin*? their pofitls to buying •hem re.idy-mndo. J. R. SHOTWELL. ». JUU*Vity.,Nft»r. Jarscy- M.-ssrs. .r II. Dmii-l ,t C!o., C ilnmlmK, Gaf SALE & LIVERY STABLE. P ERSONS wish ing good 8ml- riln Ifurscs, • Buggies, Hacks anil Wagnus, two or four horse Coitbhts ui-OInnibus, with good drivers, caif bo arc my Stable, Hrattscicnt Horses, well fed and curried' fur. 75 yards from Romo Railroad Depot. J. If. WISDOM. Pcoprlctor. P. 8.—Horses. Biggins and Wagons for sale [] J. II. W. try. Abi dcidUralin W G. A A R. Andrews, Montgom- . Mr. A'. C. Vail, Millodgsvillc, Ga. nortbly.* Br. K. A. WARE, P'R A 0 T'.f C t N’G P If VS't C I A N, Toil miles west of oc.t5'59*-ly- RUiMFw GA-. AVM. FARK1.I5,. BK in, r.OME, Omen—In tho old Post Office. oprl’57 J, 13. MURPHY RESIDENT DENTIST, K ESFEi'TFELTiV inforiiH bin friends, and. •the public ttenerullyj Hint lib <J<*:fliHu>» the praciicc*>f />^Vy7>V4^iiIT in all its branch es, and baa lilted up an ullitjy. over the. store ttfMtCiuiro A Pitmui. who pit he is prepared to execute rtlloperatinnvjipjmrlai.niigj; to Den- t is try, in tlm most approved manner. Jle wamld alio cnjl tho particular attention of thosp in want of Artificial Work, to his su perior style of teeth, set on j»r»M plate;,for beauty, 'strength and life-like nppeuounee. they arc wot surpassed. As an impression liar bean made that my prices f«»r*lental opera tions art* higher than the irsu-vl run »*f Den tist*, I bee leave to thnt’tliey are the same ns ehuvgC*i>by; J/BntitHs nt August a. Macon and Savanntili. For Artificial Work my clmr ges nro as follows: Entire Sots Epperaud Lower from SI HO to Hivlf Sl>ts» Upper or LtiVtrer! from 60 to 160 Temporary 6^tr, tippv-r and Lower. 25-each. PartiUl Si‘ts ill proportion! tbdlift above. As I ant-wit posted in all tltohife improve- nients ofthe diiy. T feel confident thht I Hhi meet the wants of all wil'd may need the ser- R/l>i*ntlHt. and if r.fereneepnre want ed; as teMhi^lt utility in answering the purfwv ses of nhthre; Fcumgi Ae tlicin inialtundhm e. from who Humo t«*sfed my skill, for the last fmirl^etVyealv,-hi this; and adjoining States* , • "• ‘ 1 J. 11. MimPHT. iiomh, sfipr. ri, i859.-tn’ _ GAS. II. II. PENNY, QJ^EJUL COLLECTINO AGENT, c.d i'ir srnixn, oa. SapL7A ,i9 --» l5 - , Y- A C. REESE, ?I. IK f»I LV E R C R.F, BK. - - FLOYI). Cb. G A Office nt J. A Whiteheads; augDdy- ' R. J. JOHNSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Rome, Gn,. Will give strict attmtimi tn.llin 8 SELLING OF COTTON. And all kinds of Produce, and neary Goods, •^.O^Vuhv'Cofficc’^ner. [ang.2. ~ DAVID G. LOVE, notary public, vEintt'-AN^ , ^>ll6Cip>r and General Agent. MUTUAL 1 insurance COMPANY. ROME, G - v - Avrirv — Vt Romo Uailroail DapoL Orrica At > w 8 c0XIIAA ‘ Ni Pees't, C. U. STILLWELL, Soc'y.. july28 !Gas Lights l Hus Lights s ,U, j a .:-. Gas made from Common PI.VI3 WOOD! w- II;-StAOihhHb^:; Builders of (Jos Apparatus for mafcihy Grr^ from Won't. T HE snb.s«'riherfrar*'now prepaft'4 todniild >An!l IBrflisli 3 i J Ap-iimtos l'4r elttes, village^,towns, public and private buildings, on short notice. tins nude fr mu common pine w*vxl ischeap- er upd |> dlpi; itim'd ajiy^ other light kpo^ti from'atfother mNm*. *' Persons wishing ,-p> see tho Wood Works in oppftraiUm can h«u> them at Gradv, Nicholson A (’o’s.. C*d. Hammond’s or Ljr, Ware’s in Athens. Ga. Alifkin*Is of oas and Steam filtiug •lone t*» order. *^Q.AU kinds of Gas and Steam fittings eonstajitly ou hand; ton* lighting and heating purposes. Orderpsout thro«*rh tlm Post Ofificfe, Qr oth erwise,.will bo n^n^tnallv attended to. Kotafcfljk II. MAG ILL A 00, j. r.. itoK.f, ' wu, it. MAGii.i.. * novfiO-lks ' ’ ‘' * REMOVAL? M’GinKET’ PINSON, H AVE Remivcd tu their now building first l'Clniv tha I>fiig’ 8loro of Turn ley A Biker, whoro they will take pleasure in waiting on tlioir obi customers and th. public geiiorally; jiuiti-trilAwtf TnE Late Lord—Ldlrtl Ma caulay was to have boon buried in West minister Abbey. Tito sexton of the I)cun and Clinpter was busy, ojt tb. 3rd instant, opening a gravo for the great historian, not with kings and knights of the gart r no! even with Stephen son or Telford, but in I’oot'ij-yq.rner or the south truu.sept of the Abbey.' tto will lie u; the foot of Addison's statue, and close to the gravo of Isaac Barrow; one of the groat Trinity of Cambridge men, Mjtcauluy’s Tho his torian tyill not lie- ft*- atl' C^mdoi)—al- nibk the' father of Kiiglish history—not far front Avlint remains of Maj\ fltb his- torianof the Long Parliament, find near to tlie remains of Johnson,. Gar rick, Sheridan, and Gilford, the Ton- editor of the Quarterly Review, fie will lie facing tlie statue of the poet of “The Pleasures of Hone,” at whose funeral the iioble historian' helped (with Wise selection) to bear the nail. The'9th ,inst.-, was tins day tjxcd, for the funeral.. GRAHAM HOTEL, <5AWE. SPUIITG; OA- J. A. GRAHAM, Proprietor. THE REGULAR STAGE OFFlUE. Them is it Livery Stable kept in conlieet'on with this Ilpteli whprui Ilprocs ami Velii-lcs’ are kept for hire. janj Itwtf Misses Noble & Stoeckel, ARE SELLING OFF THEIR Fall and Winter Stock, REDUCED PRICES; Tho Ladias will do well lo give them a call if tiiay wish articles iu line Cheap. lUclt aSy-When Mr. Webster was in Eng land, u small party of gentlemen in high position planned a visit, out of curiosity or for an official purpose, to tho tomb of tho executed king, and in vited the American to accompany thorn. They made tho visit to-the mUrblo tomb, and in opening the royal coffin, tlfe at tending su^geop'ptocceifcd to examine tho ctuflalmcd body, and i$. sqparatln£' the bead from tho trunk, it'was observ ed that a black liquid was found cling ing to tho spinal column. 1 This ■Aud- stancc, Mr. \Vubfft!i''WBS invited to ] rest with his handkerchief, andati analysufof it. to T>« tho blood of tiro-king mordtlinn two hundred yotrsago, stain- in j the hands of Daniel Webster I A stolid DutcUmanjWas standing at g .certain precinct',,ou„blsstion day. rer centiy, iojquji'jDg for ^'d«: i/egjar domo- gratic ilickot,” when a shrewd fellow in stantly stepped im,nud supplied hint vVith the! gentihie tViiig- * ‘ ‘ " “Veil, now.” said'lluiiA. “tat vilf I do . . ArlatyiAffMM jephOf fly -» > . 'A'„; *AspiL,:* They are no doubt a “wlshy*’ party, but. gt* ^.-^-.•■’1 nn-'-'r^ SuocKtxd ''EiiWicis xtr Stottlilw.'-Qf I' y6ung lady ; who 1 tndnlged fn m efletU noony exoroiloonr.-akafes, on ■ kmkm Pood during ’ tiJjjte^d^WtriTh’r of thiblood m the feet'fee*)* tic kles. The cona*qu,etjce was, lhaf iht phj^fcians'to restore tliem tOtT ItbruEfc Htate, one of them .waa ao . baldly frtxt-i bitten as to render amputafion ni^ea- fsouit ^4'dHL SkaoMi mWw of ago, and hae misfortune la fait vary- keonlyby lipr^ir {henjls.— f 1 '?- ! ">- : i'»i»4uliliigq>d< Jhuptna Tiir DRrnJ'i*?.—‘A juv*6nllb snee]) waa ; omnloycd-tooleahsethe ohimnayofth#: budding in :aobjo| our bl9flka(t ffld> Mu ana found 1 liiirtielf in the offlee'oF 1 * Wilt known attbrn«yi Both <)^irtiearwerehg the utmoat storm;. the boy trembling, fjfomfear of chasttaetnent, and tJwAwf.T yet-from terror pf the sooty apparation. [At length tiro former spoko in titiJ earthly tone: “My 1*I^>n wi» directly.”' This wattoomuch for: tins attorney; he did not await another, suck visitor but sprung to the door, cleared • flight of s’taM, arid took 'rofage ; ih ri noighbomag rSStoUlttnt.^-lVi/. -- uili ’ J«rA goodii/rtprjr is. told iff. E , who, when once visiting a pens; institution^ inspected thAtrM^lft&S the restj' find beihg practical^ diSporft* the learned- judgio philanthropically. trusted himself upon the treads, Ml* ‘ %32S&2&&n&k his lordship Lagan 1 to lift hlsfaet.' 1 * fhl t teto ihinute*; htohsvtotr toatdtotbomiiti* I enough ot if,s»d\<»sdsd , ff>;teJWl>MWl» but thtoaw.pot 1 ,i^O; Ms|,; ‘‘PfMakjnx lord, said the man, “you can t get off,— It’s sit for twenty minutes; thil’i tbtf slnortest tlme wecah-naaktoit go/'- 8m tho.Judgo.was in, duranoa, Ukar Biecabocca in thq sfbojt^ I wus .obliged to keep''moving, Iu “terfo ixpiwa.” na ( w sate >t!o* Veil, ndvr,”said'llans; “tat vill' 1 do mit ’ini?” • »»« ,yasi: ! “ Put it iu, tltft l»PA,’ , :ppin,tiug, to, the :ballot-hox;.suid owe and another^ p The cunning ’“cuss” ivlto Jiad^accom- LTXMHER OF ALL KINDS, Wragg-’fc, Steam? Saw Mill! T IIR , a nl». J orili?r, Joyiroun of - ktotpitia* up •with tho wants of tho community, have recently increased tlioir facilities tor furnish ing fjHtnbnrhf all tlu> vnriouH kimitv roquir- e*l for Ifulhlin;* and ntlicr ortlhmry jmrnoscs. The Lwrnher is.inferior to.none- an«l is fur nished on 041-renfCrnfihle torrus as can bo had any whoro in this'sootihn.- All tho Labor almiit the Mill is prrfunneil by white men.— the timber-used and macliiurry is not excell ed, and nil bills for lumber will be IillOMiPTr LY aud ACCURATELY flllod. Three Teams nro regularly employed to bant lumbar to Rome mid other places, and emilraets can be made for lumber delivered. Terms for-Hauling, GASH,, but reasonable credit -will bo given ou tlm lumber Itself. We arc thankful for tho libera!' pnlronngo heretofore bestowed nndirospectfully solicit a continuance of tllo-same. _ D.-R; A S. D. WRAGG. FLorn CowNTVi F«b2—tf ' BHORT CBEDTP? , • For Drugs and Medicines;, W E. Hie undersigned Driigg'st.of Ro-Uo respeetfully iu^U-m- our 1 friends and patrons llmt wn hard? adoptedith* six months rule. All our bill^in future will be dkc Jut* LI and .lauunty 1st.- , • KAREL’!, A YIHSER,' NEWMAN * NOWLIN, 1*. I,. TUIINLY, J. C. BARER. jant—twavrlm LOUIS VALENTINO, wiii l EIIALL STIUiET, ATLANTA, - - - - 4. . GEORGIA. W OTliD respectfully inrite tlia.cltfsens of Atlantn and vicinity to call and ox- aminelsij extenalvo aild well selected stock of Caiifection&ries, Cigars,. &c. COUimlVrMBnCHANTS are pirti.'ulnr- ly invited tO'giro him a call, for bo will’sail' do them nt a low price, for cash. Ho has. also, oa baiida largo stock of 00N- FECTlONARY'of bis own manufacture, »u' : |>eriqr to any in the eify. nov23-Jy, HENRY A. SMITIi, Bookseller & Statio&e* ROME, GA., aXCOfiaSr Kive Stock of B hool,glM»Ey. Classjeoiand Miseellai,eous dlooks.. Also. % put it in your pocket; it s your own; ana don’t lot thom cheut you out of your v itep and so lie did, rapiraing his tick et away down to tlie bottom of a deep .pockot in liia coat, and walking off as ' nuukus- oould bo at tlio rogues who 'watitcdUo-oHoatillini out of Uis vote by putting it in the ballot-box. suitable Fir tho -nolitlflya. Jlerchunts’ and Sehftol 1 ICnehers, supplied \»lth- D*oks» Ind Stationary M'AVignVEa prices.' The attention Of purchasers respectfully solicited. Terms Oasb. jan3—twljr C. W. LANGWORTHY,. ’ fnoVnsson dr ru-NO.. odeiiAS Giiitar atwi Vocal M*ubIc, llOME, GA, Schedule.. AYljeelcr,' forptdriy. 0,8. Ministcrto] aragua, hqs presonted k memorial to tl Legislature indarntf tho loaBiof 'threeywwiq wb*lbh-t« Btftlen from;him,by,*,. &. n W 1 Wto,h‘„p? F J Wliojlcr, wot on hi* way tbier’ dolphia. Tho memoriiu hat to tlie PtusmoretWilliamson cpse, wl)ich. caused so much axcitomenjt ip PennsyV vania a few yearn ago, - .r„' mo i: '! :t-- < • non iKciFii&t Aaflsv.—Ma, got do Prof. C. W. LANG WORTHY WILL OPEN HIS t . CLASS OF VOCAL MUSIC ON MONDAY NIGHT, 8th AUGUST, ’59. AT IIOOMS, v 2d Floor of Fort & Freeman’s Block. 'BtT-S.uion, five months—Terror, $10 per scholar. [augS—2m Georijin iCanujactunt— Georgia.'* strength TH30S .P. STOVALL & C0?„ or .Mngusta, Geo. "YJfT’OULD respectfully invite the attention MW of Mrrehunta to their heavy Stock of 4-4 SHEETINGS, 7-8 SHIRTINGS, Cotton Yarns, &o„ An mnnufnotured by the MONTOUR COM PANY. These Goods will compare favorably with any made in the South, and we wiil sell at such VERY LOW rate., as to uuder soil Northern bought itomcstle., TIIOS. P. STOVALL A CO. General Commission Merchant., AujuttaGa. jan51.tri.lm. Rpme aud Kingston. ; O N and after Thursday; December 1st, the first train wall,leave daily, at 11] o'clock, A. M., returning to Ilbme 4] P. M., excepting Suuduys, when it will retuni ot 6 P. M. Second train will leave Rome at 7 o'clock, P. M;, daily, (excepting Sundays) returning to Rome nuxt day lit 0) A. M. This second train makes complete connec tions with tho Talladega stages; also con nects with the two morning trains on tho W. A A. Kingston. Office Rome Railroad. Rome, Nuv. 29, '59, dee7 W. 8. COTIIRAN, Gon'l Siip’t, FIRST CI.AlS» BOARDING? BOUSE. H AVING purchased Hie house now- occu pied by Mrs. Mary P. Whitaker, it will bo most THOROUGHLY' RENOVATED and Newly Futmiahad, and will b. oponedt for Uierntteommodnliontof boarder, by the- sub. soriber, on the First uf January, 1600. Rates of board will be, per single liioal, 30 duy, $1 00 “ week, 5 50 Without Room, will bo, « month, 12 50 With “ « <• « 15 00 Wood, Lights and Washing, will bo furn- iahed at reaonable rates. C. W, LANG WORTHY, Proprietor. A. A'. Shaw, Supt. docU—tf. Railroad Damaoes.—A railroad acci dent took place awhfle ago in New‘York State, upon' which ocearion.tke attorney of the road; Visited tho scondof disaster |to satisfy the clalniia Of t(te injjifdd par- dies.' After ijqyihg foe Ifldek dyes,blpody hoSos, and Craokod crowns .all rdtthd,1tUtlioahetitisal of the Iryured, he Supposed hiS b'usiiicvss oVer. y+heii lie wax salUted by a'tall Y'ftpkoo, V^th!' toet like *now-»boes, d, bell-crowned .Jiat, land* n blue-over-coat OH his arid with— “Well Squire, whdt ard you going . to allow inft-T?" •‘Ybuff” sciftrtho attorney, “where are youdiurt-?”' “Oh, notyliere to speak Of, 8qpire, but then. Ltoll you, I was most terribly, scari,. and If think that’s Worth 'about adollhf, th* tt»y you've beon'payin’ on ’dW’ 1 ' ' | . ' , Thb “dollar” camo,' of course'. ‘ ■'' ' • 0 jJ@rTlie free negroes 1 who' hkY* rd- eently left Arkansas to avoid beinjfsOld into slavery, Have published' dn Appeal to tlie Christian world 1 to protect them. They say Indiana shuU'hertfdbrs upop them; 1 llinois denies praise hordes to them; Oregon will not reeeivn-them, and debating- whetherv or not she'shaUktdhtH them. They obtm plain-of being forced into s^cold.olimste suddenly from a warm one,-.and'present a sad picture of the dixb-ess; that they sufferrfrom,a hasty legitlMionY lonyou% han/Js and kooos a pleaso.-. • <- : t-*;»p Mother—Why, Wltofroni earthshallt fl »that for, pet? Artist—’Cause I want to draw au ai* pliant?'!•'-*_» a -!!i* K- .w.’i! ,ux -■M-^4. i.iU- Ii i.i mi; im.d i JymoEKixDLV.—Alice- Garyhaa writ* tenjfofry 81 Beau,tifHI lines aK -cari :; «tr' And judge JtTUf hrot A"servant belonging to R. S. Hopkins, Ksq., of Rappahannock, Essex county; V,a„ while at work on.hto maston'e form, atfew daVs since, saw an,old hare rnmin to a hollow stump, and im putting his hand in to nulUouMlio anitnnl, it oarne in contact witna purse containingaKoutsix- tj- dollars in hard cosli- when COffdo ad journed tine (fie?unU k-Tt tho hare to ~his reflections. The New York Vaiti^ Fak-. M^ im nominating the Mtosoori Ptatmmit tm President, the Republicans artt mt ly hanging out Bates to catoto. votes. HbatoMi captured try arrived S rp, rijice, ... ngtb,;twanty weighs fr~ .■I-.’- ■ l HHff"'!'.. l U.! Dutch;always kill .fish the. moment they, are taken Out of the water; and t heyi nsmainplunip and of betted n- voe. thom those which aits allowed to> ex pire im their agony. This bint toWDDtkgr of th* attention of our fisbermaiu , sw.* •" ' 1 • Eight persons were drakari Rhinebcck, N. J. on Tuesday f party, of twenty or twen^yfflve' _ were crossing ohithe-ioeih, a large ored sleigh'drawni by. four hones, when the ice gave Way and the sleigh wirit down, oa nting With it oight of tl epaidh engors; who were dh>v did.; ‘ • ~ ' f *dt ELscTORApCobutoa or I860.—The tA- talhumboftf/VOU*-cast by the next Of this ^ number th* Nort^CHf States have lMt Thor© ar© a great many beams in tho th© Seat horn 3Ut©K, : ISfti^fTuflibof ;’6f eyes of the ladies, but thov are all tun- [ votet-netlcssary lo dltkil’a' President to beams. ' ‘ 1