Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, February 11, 1860, Image 2

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    $tjc QTn.toeekln Courier
v, •*
ML DWINBLL, Editor <fc Proprietor.
CEO. T. gTOVAE^^g^intqjtditor
Snturduy Morning, Feb. IT, 1800.
South Americans-‘Mr. McClernand.
We wecenot ^ aware that even the
• ahulary could furnish
Information Wanted.
Where was the “meeting of the Dem
ocratic party of Floyd county” held nt
which those five long resolutions were
passed? Was the meeting largo, and
enthusiastic?" Were there as many
persons present as the number of res
olutions passed, or the number of dele
gates appointed to the March conven
tion? Was it necessary to beat up re
cruits to fill tho committee of five to
Did the cliair-
Oottgress, for refusing to rota for a patiently at their posts until the next'
Sqaattet Sovereignty freo-soiler, merely, I day when the resolutions were passed ?
because he -was the nominee of the I Did it take that long to draw up tho
Democracy. Hereafter, Brownlow of I resolutions, or woro they all “cut and
the Knoxville Whig, had as well “keep I dried” before the meeting,'and thocom-
aolvll tongue in his head 1 ” for he is I mittee only waited for forms sake ? We
badly beaten at his own game. The | would like to know.
Southerntr seems to think the Democrats
by voting for Mr. Smith of H. C., con- Tub Right Spirit.—One of our citi-
forred a favor on 'the Southern Op* I xens w ^o * “character,” boards nt a
position ; members which ought; to 1 1Iotcl wliere for 8eTeral days they had
have been reciprocated. They simply exclusively Goshen Butter on tho table,
discharged their duty. But this, per- One morning at breakfast after sitting
haps, is such an extraordinary dovia* I down a few moments without eating a
tion from their usual course that they mouthful, he rose hastily and demand
oughttobeenoouraged by some com-1 0(1 hia bil1 - Upon being asked the cause
mendation of their conduct. We there-1 °f his dissatisfaction he said he “would
fore, testify before the world, that they,
in one instance? did right.
As to the refusal of South Americans
to vote for Mr. McClernand, we present
tho reason given by Mr. Joshua Hill, of
not board at any hotel where theydidn’
have Southern bu'ter on the table.”
For the Rome Courier.
Shade' Trees.'
Messrs; Editors :—Cun you inform
the citizens of Rome why the City
Council have neglected to set out shade
trees on Broad street? Is it because
they were elected on the “low tax sen
sation ?” Do they think tho lamp posts
will be a sufficient ornament to the city,
and that they will put forth loaves and
shade the streets? Or have they acted
upon tho principle of the man in the
“Arkansas Travellor,” that in the win
ter we don’t noed them, and if they
were set out in the summer they would
not grow? The best time for planting
trees has passed, and so far as we can
discover from any movement in that di
rection, the “pickaxe” will be stuck in
the ground to dig the graves of the
members of Council sooner than to dig
the holes for the trees.
Public Spirit.
Interesting Dcvclopemcnt.
We publish tho following from the N.
.... - . - . ... | Y. “Herald’s” Washington corrcspon-
G^rgia.andwe beheve it w.ll meet ^ for th(J bcHefitof thoao dovotcd
with the hearty approval of every South- „ trioU „ , vho |n theirzoa , lbrthe wel .
■emmim,-who does not hold partisan k of thft count denounco ftU
allegiance paramount to the rights and .. trnitor ., who will not 8Upport the
Honor-of his section: Democratic party with its corruption
JustM^f tlenrl Squatter Sovereignty freesoilism:
seated required him to say that Mr. “Tho Senate Printing Investigation
Smith was presented to the House by Committee met this morning. Mr. Wen-
tire Southern Americans, as their can- ,l ° 11 underwont an examination up-
tfidato in deference to the views of the wards of three hours. It appeared that
Democratic party. If it was the object a° mB sevcn or parties were inter-
of that side of the House to make nn I e8 ‘ (,d in ‘h° publio printing, namely,
eloctionfor the purpose of defeating
the Republican candidate, it would
have been at least wise to have consult
ed with the Southern Opposition as to
what member of the Democratic party
would best combine their support. So. . , .
far as he had been advised there was no sylvama principally, but ex
approach to that party fortheir counsel. | *?' New York,_ Maryland, (
Stcadsman, Banks, McLean, Walker,
Rioe, Stevens and Bowman. “He stat
ed that ho had paid out during the past
throe years ovor one hundred thousand
dollars for party support to newspapers
and in aid of election expenses in Penu-
extending, ov-
Oliio, &c.—
He disclaimed throwing any firebrand, I Considerable had boen paid by official
but justice required him to state here authority," and some of his own free
that the principles held by some of the will.” He also stated that by the action
Democrats on the important question of of ‘*>e Senate in electing Bowman, who
Slavery in the Territories wero quite
as obnoxious to him, as many of his pe
culiar views on Americanism were to
them. Without intending to interro
gate any gentleman, he distinctly an
nounced that he oould not cast his vote
had given tho work to Blair & Rives,
he had boon loft penniless, with the lar-
est establishment in the Union lying
llo. Bowman’s conduct towards Wen
dell was shown up in a very bad light-.
Bowman, it appears, has given part of
for Speaker for any one who entertains I ‘he work to Jewett, editor of tho Fill-
the doctrine of Popular Sovereignty as I woro organ nt Buffalo. A. D. Banks
applied to the Temtories of tho United and Jos. Severns wero also examined.
States. There were Democrats for They did not scorn to know much, ex-
whom he could vote. He could namo cept that they had received material aid
a number of them. He would say to I from Wendell. _
his American friends ho should vote for I «Wendell testified that out of the Post
the distinguished gentleman from Vir-1 Office blank printing he paid, in 1857,
ginia (Millson), although he knew that the sum of six thousand dollars to tho
gentleman did not so desire.” Pennsylvanian newspaper, of Philadel-
We most cordially endorse this posi- 1 a ? d . **■ Zoning Argus, of
.. 4 B r Philadelphia, the sum of five thousand
tion, and the course of those who re- dollnrs . ‘ Ho informed tho committee
fused to vote fora Douglas Freosoiler, I “that ho wont into donbtful Democrat-
with his “heresiesofSquatter Sovereign- ic districts in Pennsylvania, and spent
ty •» money freely for tho benefit of the sup-
Butwhat invective has tho Southerner P? rt6, ' s ° f r ‘ho policy of the administra-
tion.” Mr.Rice, of the Pennsylvanian
to hurl at Bonhak, Bovce, Keitt, Miles was a i so before the committee, and did
and McQueix of South Carolina, Clot- not discredit the testimony of Mr. Wcn-
tow, Curry, Moore and Puou, of dell. Thoro are many rich devel-
Alabama, all Democrats who refused to I °P. ements forthcoming before tho corn-
vote for the nominee of their own par
ty, Mr. McClernand of Illinois ? Was
it “treachery” in them t Is their con-
duct “disgraceful ?” Are they “knaves,"
Correspondence of tho Rouio Courier.
Boston, Mass., Feb. 2d, 1860,
Messrs. Editors:—The other day I
heard a Rev. J. C. Smith, deliver an
off-hand lecture, in a respectable ortho
dox Church, on African colonization.—
It was the minister’s boast that not a
drop of Japhcth's blood run in his viens.
He was proud to bo a full-blooded
Many of my Yankee friends wero far
more belabored under his two hours dis
course, than your correspondent. Of
course he opposed slavery, and it was
expected that he would tickle the abo
lition ear with sweet sentiments of
abuse against tho South, as the source
of all oppression to his race. But they
woro disappointed, for he drove the
blunt words of truth home to the abo
lition heart,
ing spring of the greater part of his
people’s hardships was in Massachu
setts, and that she inflicted more op
pression through her system of the al
most total social exclusion offl the free
colored people, than any ono of the
Southern States, brought upon the same
number of slaves. lie said tho con
dition of the negroes at the South
would ho infinitely better, were it not
for the hypocritical proceedings of such
states as Massachusetts.
This was the severe logic of his
appeal for means to transport some of
his colored brethren from the free states
to Africa, where they could eqjoy great
er freedom among the barbarians. lie
was himself onco a slave, and has been
free for forty years. His experience
during this period gave him notions
which in many rospects accorded with
my short observation.
I was amused at his attempt to de
monstrate the intellectual equality of
h is race with the whites from facts in
the history of this country, and at tho
incredulous turning up of noses in the
congregation at this stage of his lec
To the,Citizens of Floyd Comity.
Wo, the undersigned, respectfully re*
qucsHho citizens of ther county of Floyd,
to meet at the CiTr Hall, in Rome, on
Wednesday, the lOrir- inst., at 11
o'clock, A. M., to take into considera
tion the propriety of requesting our
Merchants and Mechanics to patronize
Southern Markets, Southern Merchants
and Direct Importations to Seutherq
Ports, to the exclusion of nil others.
Lot every man who feels ah interest
in the prosperity mid indcpQndonco of
the South encourage this movement by
his personal attendance at this Meet
Wade S. Cothran,
JonN II. Lumpkin,
J. It. Freeman,
J. M. Svcllock, s
W. A. Fort,
C. II. Smith,
J. B. Underwood,
F. C. Shropshire,
Altred Shorter,
Dr. J. Kino,
T. W. Alexander,
Dr. T. J. Word,
Tuos. G. Watters,.
J. II. McCluno.
W ARREN J. BARRETT, having resign
ed the position as an Alderman for
Middle Ward, and his resignation haviug
been aeeeut dbv tho Connell.
Therefore be ii Ordered, that an election be
held in the Coum-il Chamber, on Monday
the 2«tll tnsb, to fill the vacancy occasioned
bv said resignation.
febstrilt. Mayor City of Rome
Sudden Death.—Marion, a valuable
servant belonging to Col. James Uai-
donerof Augusta, came suddenly to his
death in this city on yesterday. Being
in the bar-room of theMilledgevillc 11< -
tel, and asking permission to look at a
gun in view, the same being handed to
him he incautiously look hold of it «t
the muzzle, (it being doublo barrelled
and enveloped in a cover and rather
heavy) and tho butt falling and striking
the counter, it went oft'discharging the
load through his head he died instantly.
—Sou. Jiff.
Parlor Pistols.—Those little fire-arm
are becoming dangerous in the hands of
He declared that the feed- hoys, who must regard them as mere
play things. We record another acci
dent from mere carelessness in their
use. Eugene, son of A. M. Speer, was
shot through the palm of the right hand
with the same pistol which left young
Brantly nearly minus a finger two days
ago.—-Macon Tel. Oth.
Exclusive Dealer in
Grl’’Ss"W are
Looking Glasses & Plated Ware,
Broad St., Borne, Ga.
A Large supply
of all kinds
of Crockery and .
Stono Ware, will jj
be constantly kept'
on hand including
Tan and Pinner:
Soils from Iho low
est priced cheap
Wares, to tho finest
China. Also Glass Ware, in all its
tries and qualities, for table and
A splendid assortment of Fine Mirrors
Also a good supply of Pla’ed Ware, ittelud
g Castors, Spoons, Sugar-Tongs, Cuke and
Butler Knives. Ac., Ac.
The subscriber will keep a Inrgsr stork of
Crockery and Glass Ware, than has hitherto
been kept by alt the Merchants of Rome—the
largest sloek in Cherokee Ga., nod by buying
in larger quantities, he will get them cheaper,
and be able to sell lower than the forme
The public are respectfully invited to call
at his store, first door above MaOlung's, and
x.inline Goofs and prices.
febll'OO.tril v. WM. T. NEWMAN.
In view of the mooting to be held in
.in this placo on next Wednesday we
and should they “be hung in effigy a. publish the resolutions which were in-
As. Ah.:. AL. tt„: »ul c ,
troduced in tho Senate of Mississippi,
traitor* to their section of the Union ?”
Will the Southerner inform us ? The
South ought to be informed from some
reliable authority who are the traitors
in her midst.
But even had all the Democrats voted
on the 27th ultimo, and unanimously
Resolved by the Legislature'qf the State of
Mississippi, That tho Slaveholding States
of this Union Bhould resort to tho most
Boarding House
In sight of tho Depot—snino side of the
Street, [feblltrily] S. G. WELLS, Tro.
coived from Paris, the Spring Fashions
for n mnets, and finding the size lmteh larger
and the style quite different, she feels it in
cum bent upon her to inform tho Ladies of
Rome and vicinity, of thej-e facts.
If any ono desires a Bonnet of the Spring
style before the return of Mrs. S., with her
Spring supplies, on the receipt of an order,
she will stnd by Express, at her own expense,
President Buchanan in his last annual | any kind that m ty be desired, and as she
has between twenty and thirty work women;
this can be done at very short notice.
for Mr. McClernand, and thereby ren- rigid system of commercial non-inter-
dered it possible for the Southern Op- course with all communities, cities and
p»iu.n mm*. *, i.™ hi™, gg* sssssa v*
we would not have condemned them, p Urp0 so we invito the Legislatures of
even then, if they hod refused to vote any Southern State to unite with us in
for him. The difference between a th& recommendation, and that in eve-
Squattor Sovereignty D.moomt and Mr.
Pennington, u so slight, and if any at purchase or use, as far as practicable any
all, in favor of the latter, wo believe we article whatsoever known to have
would not have countenanced the elec- 1,06,1 produced or manufactured in such
tion of either by voting for him. community, city or State, or to have
.. I been imported into the same for sale.
Fhe Constitutionalist in an editorial, i„ further aid of this object, we earnest
•rhiah we eommend to the serious study ly recommend to the Southern States
of our contemporary for its manly and I and their people that they encourage,
dignified tone, says; “Our reason for T? °1! m ? an8 m tl \ e,r P 0,ver - th T own
“ , . . . mechanics, merchants, manufactures
quarreling with the Americans is not so and institutions of loarning, and the
. atrong as what might be urged against employment of their own citizens only
some pretended Democrats, whose votes in their public institutions of any cltar-
• were as scattering as a shot gun.” The a ? tcr - ond wpeciaily discourage the eni- ,W, »„, -Tho Itopre- gjfSi? iZ!
tentative* from the South who voted for I munity, city or State,thus contributing
. Mr. Mcaernand oonsert ted to ignore the ‘he *ftfe‘y and prosperity, as well
■right# of the South, end thus made the “ develo P ement ,°f ‘»>e now uhe-
, . _ ’ , „ . , I quailed resources and independence of
■election of Speaker, so far as the rights t j le south.
of the South are concerned, an affair | Resolved, That a copy of these resolu-
of party ascendency''- The Southerner may
uot oo ns id or the Mercury very good
^ Democratic authority, but it will hardly
charge it with being “ a traitor to its
section.” _ I Pardon or Mitciiki..—Referring to the
' Henry Winter Davis. I pardon of Mitchel, who was condemned
Had not the Southerner implied that to be hanged for enticing away a Blare,
^ ^Ke would not'condemn Mr. Davis’ vote the Charleston Courier says:
for Mr. Pennincton. we would not have “The grounds of this clemency are
the youth of the prisoner, tho petition
signed by tho citizens of Charleston,
tionsbe transmitted t<i tho Governors oF
enc/t of tiie States of tho Union, and to
ourSenators mid Representatives in Con
for Mr. Pennington, we would not have
thought it necessary to do so seriously.
‘ We,'as Well as all truo Southern men ut-
1 terjy repudiate him as os abolition ren-
;^ade. We do not look upon him as a
rpember of the American party, and
oMtfldor him as fit only for a place in
th® Bepuhlican ranks wliere he has ta
ken his position.
message suggested tho extension of
protectorate over Mexico ; it may bo
further suggested ns a necessity which
the present shallows forth, that South
Carolina should ero long extond a pro
tectorate over Massachusetts to prevent
tho “extension’' of her adulterated pol
icy to tho extermination of the freo
colored peoplo on her soil. Wore it not
for the South tho African like tho In
dian race would perish from neglect.
I thought of giving a short account of
a fine oration by Henry F. Duvant,
Esq.—tho first lawyer in Boston since
Choate’s death—in Tremont Temple
last night. It was a tin filing comment
on tho life of James Otis ; and closed
with a touching appeal to “heaven and
to man” that tho Union which Otis
loved so well, might lie preserved forev
er. The response wont out from my
heart—amen. Edward Everett and
many other distinguished mon of Bos.
ton were present,
It may bo well to note that Dr. Hun
tingdon, of whoso- change from Unita-
rinnism to Trinitarianistn I have before
written, tendered his resignation to the
oversoers of Ilnrard college. They de
clined to accept it, and desire him to
continue in the Plummer Professorlhip.
Not many yenrs ago fifty thousand
dollars wero bequeathed to establish
this professorship for the inculcation of
Unitarian doctrines. Howevor this
may conflict with theological views, it
may not be lawful under such circum
stances to make a men’s will after ho is
dead. II.
SQy-Fov tho benefit of thoso who did
not soo tho groat comet last year we
will mention that it will appear again
during tho autumn of 2,147.
g£y~John B. llnskins has been road
out of tho Presbyterian Church at Yon
kers, for currying a pistol, and “other
conduct unworthy of a follower of the
Saviour.” This is the man who li t u
pistol fall out of his pocket on the floor
of Congress the other day.
Bay-It It* rumored that Tom Hyer the
celebrated pugilist, was shot in New
York, on tho night of tho 2d inst by
John Morrissey, tho prize fightar, in a
Orders may be left with MissSai.mb Wilk
unsos, at the Store in Rome, or rout direct
folilltritf. 51 East Brandway. X. Y
[Mouse formerly occupied by llobt. Battcy.]
W ORLD respectfully inform hi«
friands and customers, and
public generally, that he is
now opening a very largo and at-
tractive Stock of Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals,
Dyeslufii, Perfumery and Fancy Arti- lea.—
Also, Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Liquor for
Medical uses. Also Beads of all kinds, both
Field nud Garden, (Southern Raised).—
Glass, Putty, Glue, Brushes, nnd in fact, every
thing in his linear that is usually kept in a
First Class Drug Store,
Having had several yenrs oxperionco, and
by giving bis personal attention to tho busi
ness, be hopes to merit a share of public pa
tronage, and to bo able to furnish his cue
toniers reliable articles, at as
As any liouso this side of Augusta, On.. Re
member the location. The wants of the
country shall be supplied. febtl.'AO.
among whom are prominent members
of the bar, tho officers of the Court, tho
jurymen and owner of the stolen slavo,
anu the evidence that tho prisoner, be-1 A Btisv-uoDy.—One who generally lias
ing drunk, had been beguiled by the ! no business in this world beyond ma-
negro. Miohel is largely indebted for i king it his business to neglect his own
this act of mercy to the efforts of our business, in order to attend to the busi-
most eminent jurists. ness of others.
Kerosine Oil and Lamps
cheap by
fob! 1. TURNLEY. No. 3 Choice House
Pilre Train Oil.
5 BARRELS Just receive 1. and for rale
tobll. No. It Choice House.
White Lead and Linseed Oil
A No. 1 article, cheap, by
lcbll No. 3 Choice House,
Varnishes of all Kinds.
A LSO, TURPENTINE, for sole by
lcbll. No. 3 Choice Home.
For Sale.
H AVE a fiw Fine Horses for rnlo at rea
sonable priu-s. The Horses arc young,
good size and good qualities. They arc
Warranted as Represented.
Purchasers aro invited to call at their Sta
ble, in the rear of Jonos, Scott, Omberg &
CV« Store. Jnn28twiw2w
After this duto tho Coma Kiror Stcamb
atuamoro will leave forGUEEN.-
KPOUT,*u»d intermediate lauding*' a* fol-
low« :
Monday Morning at 8 o’clock
Thursday at 8 o’clock.
Giving pasasngor., by ihu mom mg trains, Li mo tor bi’o*kia.t, lor Iruight or
pus.agc. Apniy to
A full Assortment of
I NCLUDING Flour, Meal, Sugar ul all
kinds), Colleo, Butter, Eggo, Fifth of dif
ferent kinds. Dried Fruits, and Preserved
Fruit*. All kind* of Nut*, Candle*, Cigar*.
Tobacco, Fine Liquors, Ac., Ac.
We wiftli it Distinctly Understood that
We will Sell on| Credit to
e11 responsible men, who ere
in the habit of paying at the
time agreed upon.
We will duplicate upon timo to prompt
nyiug min, uny rash purchase made in
Give u* acnll and *ati*fy yourselves as to
Goods and price*.
W ILL sell at Auction on Commission,
Lund*, Negroes, Ilorscs, Groceries, Dry
Goods, Rooks, Furniture,or uny other articles
that may he consigned to them.
They are the only regular Li- cmcd*City
Auctioneers, and all Good* consigned tu thorn
will be duly cured for, and proper return*
made. [FcbUtritf.
Tho enterprising proprietor of
Chestnut Grove Whiskey,
(The Purest Medical Agent ever known,-)
ha* turni-hcd the community a Stimulant,
Pare. ILalthful nnd Invigorating, nt the
siinii’ time a mild dclirieu* beverage. Jt is
calculated to do away with the vile drugged
stuff that is ] aimed *olf on the community,
and whi di i* injurious*to body and mind. In
addition to the certificates beneath, he ha*
received a Diploma from the STATE AG HI-
CULTURAL SOCIETY, and additional testi
mony from DU. JACKSON, of Boston, un
der oath to its absolute purity.
Philadelphia, Sept. Oth, 1858.
Wo have carefully tested the sample of
Chcritnut (irovc Whiakey which von sent us,
nud find that it contain*none of the Poison
ous Buhtitance known as Fusil Oil, which i*
the characteristic and injurious ingredient of
the Whiskey* in general use.
Analytical Chemists,
yew York, Sept. lid, 1858’,
l have analyzed a sample of Chestnut
Grove Whidko.r. received fr un Mr. Charles
Whnrton, Jr., of Philadelphia, and having
carefully tested it. I am pleased to state that
it in entirely free from poisonous or deleterious
substance*. It is an unusually pure and fine
flavored quality of whisJtev.
Analytical Chemist.
Poston, March 7th, 1850.
I hovo mode a chemical analysis of eom-
[•icial sample* of Chestnut Grove Whiskey,
which prove* to be free from the heavy Kiicil
Oil*, and perfectly pure and unadulterated.
Tho line flavor of this Whiskey is derived
from tho Grain used in manufacturing it.
A. A. HAYES, M. ]j.. State. Assayevy
No. Ill, Bdyl.Uon Strutt.
For Sale bv
Van Wert Quarry.
T HE subscriber ha, on hnml about 500
squares of Roofing Slate, »!' nit sizes
anil best quality, and will continue to keep
enough to supply till demand* hereafter.—
Price, six dollar, per square at the Quarry,
cash, or will make liberal TIME arrange
ments with contractors, or will contract for
putting it on in the best style.
fobdtrily. Van Wert, On.
T HE Subscriherhas Four or Fivo likely
Negro Fallows and Three or Four Wo
men to hire by the mouth. If not pr.viouv
ly hired the Negroes will be brought to
Rome, and hired on First Tuesday in Feb
ruary. M. T. HAWKINS.
fb2wtf „
T HE firm or A. <;. & A. J. PITNER, has
this day been dissolved hy mutual con
sent. All persons indebted to the firm are
requested to inaku immediate payment, ns A.
J. Pitncr the junior partner, expects to leave
this place in a few months, and their bnsii-
ness must ho wound up bcibre ho leaves.
The business will bo conducted, in the name
anil style of A. 0. FITNKll, at the old stand,
where the not e and accounts of the firm will
he found for a short time,
Ossies Dalton A Gai»»db>» Raii.hoaii Co.
Dalton, Ga-, January 2t<A, IStiO. j
N OTICE is hereby given, that nn fnstnl
incut or Ten Dollars, on each share of
the cnpilal Stock subscribed, of the D.illon
A Gadsden Railroad Company, has been
culled by the Directors, payable at the olfioc
of the Company in Da'tun, on the first day
of April next. By order.
jan27w2m, EDWAItD WHITE, Sec.
Colognes, Hair Oils,
A ND FERFUMERY of all kinds, Scent
Bags, Card Cases, PufT Balls, Purtmon-
aies. Hair Hat Cloth, Tooth, Dusting and
Whito wash brushes, A great variety for
■tie by TURNLEY,
fabll. No. 3 Choice House.
Cigars, Tobacco, Snuffs,
T EAS, Yeast, Puudcrs Ess. Codec, Black
ing Cinumou Mace, Olive Oil, Vinegar,
for sale by TURNLEY,
febll No. 3 Choice Home.
SO at id H2 Chambers St. -V.
TS7"OULD notify the Trade that they are
TT Opening Weekly, in new ami beauti
ful patterns, the
A New Print, which oxoelsevery Prim in the
country for perfection of execution and de
sign in full Madder Colors, Onr Prints nru
cheaper than any in market, and meeting
with extensive sale. Orders promptly at
tended to, Feb2*d0,tnly,
C. WHARTON, Jr.. Sole ITiiuAgt.
fobOlri 1 in] No. 116 Walnut Bt., Phil.
f|3HE Partnership heeetnforo existing un-
X drr the firm name of SLOAN, ALLMAN
CO., was this day dissolved by mutual
nsont. All there. uidebtc4 wilt come for
ward ut once and tl»*r accounts, its it
is indispensably that we should
dose up tho old b. siness.
Rome, Ua. Jan. i, HSfitl.
On retiring- frms* tho connection heretofore
existing between. Messrs. Sloan, Hoopor and
myself, 1 eauunt forbvar expressing many
thunks to all who hare honored me
with tUvr oonttdeneo, and interested them
selves in ray welfare. My business relations
have boeit of a pleasant character, nnd with
many roc-rots I am from bad health compel
led to vyiit an association which has been a
pleasant ono to mo. Thu new firm that suc
ceeds, ii fully entitled to your eontidoneo, nnd
will .conduct the business with energy and:
ability. Hoping that you will o ntiuuc to
them a like put run ago ns it has been mv good
fortune to receive from you,
I am youra truly,
Copartnership. ‘
The undersigned havo formed a partnor-
shin under tho firm uamo and style o; Stoau.
* Hoopers. Ourolijeot is to soil Goods—our
intention to please, and our desire to suc
ceed. Tins can only he done by charaotor-
izuig. out business with energy, honestv and
inrtegrify. A. M. SLOAN,
. . T. F. HOOPER.
junJ—twiwlra JltO. W. HOOPER.
Dissolution Notice.
T HE firm of GEO. 1». BURNETT A CO.,
IS dissolved by tho retirement of Gee. P.
Burnett, nn-d hrs pinoo being lupplied bv
tieo, R. Ward. The Warehouse and Com
mission business, Will hereaftor be be con
ducted under thestvleof
jan.i—IttwA wltn
The Last Warning,
I WILL now once more request my old
ciistomui-s to pay up, as I am determined
to eullect my money tho shortest way known.
jvniOwAtrilm. a ]). eve.
The Homestead
Of the City of New Yorh.
This Company oontlnUei to insure ngninst
Loss or Damage by Fire,
On tho most favorable forms and Pays
Fully the Losses sustained,
And not pro rata Ac.
, , WM - <; HAU>fCEY, Pres’t.
Jxo. 1C. Oaklet, p, m . 0 i IlinD|
Sce'y, Vice Pras’t
B- F, JONES, Agent, Roms. novfj-jta